
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
dufluMorning seb12806:16
didrocksgood morning06:39
dufluHi didrocks06:40
didrockshey duflu06:43
seb128hey duflu didrocks (and bbiab, dropping kid for the day)06:45
jibelGood morning06:45
didrockssalut jibel06:46
dufluMorning jibel06:49
jibelduflu, about bug 1775743, ubuntu is the only OS on the machine ?06:55
ubot5bug 1775743 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[regression] Cosmic daily images 20180606-11 install but then never boot (stuck in grub)." [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177574306:55
duflujibel, yes I've tried 3 different laptops. All completely wiped each time06:55
jibelcould you attach the logs from /var/log/installer?06:56
duflujibel, next time :)06:56
dufluIt's a very time consuming bug06:56
jibelI know :)06:56
duflujibel, if you have older images handy I can probably bisect it down to an exact image by tomorrow06:57
sil2100duflu: hey! As mentioned on the bug, last week we did release a new grub2 package which potentially might have regressed something06:59
sil2100Since there were some architectural changes there06:59
sil2100duflu: but what worries me is that I cannot reproduce it on a VM06:59
sil2100jibel: when you tested this on a VM, did you install -desktop as well?06:59
dufluThat doesn't worry me. I wouldn't be able to do most of my job if I was confined to VMs. So many hardware issues07:00
sil2100It worries me since I don't have an easy way to reproduce it, and the fact that it works on my VM makes it even harder to explain07:00
sil2100Since the changes we did should either work for a setup or not07:01
jibelsil2100, I've no problem with cosmic on VMs07:01
jibeland yes I tried desktop, it's the only image I use07:01
sil2100hm, I suppose it might be a bit difficult to create a one-off image with all the grub2 bits reverted, especially since there's the signed bits07:04
sil2100Since most of the logic changes were in shim-signed and grub2-signed07:07
jibelduflu, is secure boot enabled?07:07
jibelsil2100, which version of grub introduced these changes?07:08
duflujibel, usually no. Because these machines I only use for Ubuntu. But sometimes yet07:08
seb128hey again desktopers :)07:11
jibelhey again seb12807:11
seb128lut jibel, how are you?07:11
jibelseb128, I'm fine, thanks.07:12
jibeland you?07:12
seb128I'm good thanks07:12
sil2100jibel: grub2-signed 1.96 and shim-signed 1.3607:12
jibelsil2100, 1.96 only affects efi systems?07:13
sil2100Potentially these changes should only affect UEFI installations, yes07:14
jibelokay, let me try in a vm with uefi then07:16
sil2100I only tried server on both BIOS and UEFI on a VM and they worked, so maybe you'll have more luck with desktop07:21
jibelsil2100, I confirm it's reproducible in a uefi vm07:26
sil2100Might not be grub indeed as per what duflu mentioned, looks like it got broken a bit earlier07:26
jibelsil2100, with latest cosmic desktop image07:26
sil2100jibel: thanks07:26
sil2100Strange I didn't have the issues with the subiquity server image, but maybe I need to re-test07:26
* sil2100 will do that now07:27
jibelsil2100, for you or foundations?07:27
jibelsil2100, subiquity uses a different method of installation afaik07:28
sil2100jibel: yeah, I'll try both subiquity and regular debian-installer based server now, maybe it's not related to grub but something touching the installer?07:28
sil2100I would really not want my first ever grub2 landing to cause big issues as such07:29
jibelsil2100, I bet you can reproduce with d-i07:30
* didrocks realizes we didn't talk about git at the team meeting and documentation07:37
didrocksI'll handle it I guess, finding one exemple like gnome-session, and writing docs on it, like how to update, how to apply a patch, udpate a patch…07:37
didrocksbasing on debian's doc and how to convert for us in launchpad07:38
seb128didrocks, right, I remembered after the meeting yesterday, we were already busy discussing some other aob with the theme and the gnome-shell update07:38
seb128thanks didrocks!07:38
didrocksyw seb128 ;)07:38
seb128Laney, ^ if you want to help him a bit07:39
didrockshey Nafallo07:43
seb128duflu, just as a fyi I'm still dealing with post-holidays catching up and performance reviews&co and don't have anything for the bluetooth meeting so I'm going to skip that one07:51
didrocksI have a question on bluetooth! but unrelated to your meeting :)07:51
dufluseb128, yes I was about to say that. I have been away 4 days, and koza is an "unknown" on the invite07:51
seb128duflu, let's skip07:51
didrocksis there a way to create a rule or so so that you rfcomm bind automatically when a particular device is connected?07:51
didrockslike, avoiding "sudo rfcomm bind …"07:52
didrockswhich requires root07:52
dufluseb128, on that note though I do have bluez 5.50 awaiting sponsorship some time07:52
didrocks(and then, there is the bug duflu triaged that /dev/rfcomm* doesn't have correct permissions)07:52
dufludidrocks, I don't know that command myself. What bug do you mean?07:53
didrocksduflu: bug #101499207:54
ubot5`bug 1014992 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Cannot use rfcomm as regular user. Permission denied." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101499207:54
didrocksand I would like to avoid "sudo" in rfcomm connect 1 <addrr>07:54
didrockstheir fix is to disable modemmanager, but doesn't cover the create a /dev/rfcomm part as non root07:55
duflujibel, it sounds like we are skipping the meeting07:57
dufluMorning willcooke. We ere about to skip the meeting unless you want it?07:58
willcookemorning, +107:58
* willcooke isnt really with it yet anyway07:58
seb128hey willcooke, how are you?07:59
seb128able to speak today? ;)07:59
willcookeBit better today, still a bit achey, but fine07:59
didrockshey willcooke08:00
willcookebut I slept funny and now my neck /.shoulder is playing uop08:00
willcookeit's an old injury and flares up every now and then08:00
willcookeDon't get old kids, it sucks08:00
willcookemorning Laney08:02
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:02
Laneyhi willcooke seb12808:02
didrockshey Laney08:03
Laneyalright thanks, been potting some new houseplants08:03
Laneyhey didrocks08:03
Laneywhat's up homies?08:03
didrocksnothing special, yourself?08:03
Laneynot a lot!08:05
sil2100jibel: as expected, I was able to install and boot with subiquity on UEFI no problem - but of course I could reproduce it with the d-i installer for server08:06
sil2100jibel: so yeah08:06
sil2100At least I know what was wrong with my testing08:06
dufludidrocks, I can't add any expertise to that bug other than if it needs progressing then upstream reports go in https://bugzilla.kernel.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Drivers&component=Bluetooth08:20
didrocksduflu: ok, thanks for looking!08:20
didrocksweird that we can't pair RFCOMM bluetooth device via g-c-c08:20
Laneydidrocks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/git I just added some basic thing about converting a repo for the first time08:22
Nafallomorning willcooke :-)08:23
Nafallomorning Laney08:23
Laneyhey Nafallo08:23
seb128duflu, oh, I just saw your mention of bluez waiting for sponsoring, I can have a look to that today08:23
didrocksok, I'll edit those as needed08:23
jibelsil2100, good, I'll let this bug with you then since you broke the image ;)08:24
seb128didrocks, talk to Bastien? :p08:24
dufluseb128, yeah it was in the status report I didn't send due to leave yesterday. No hurry so I didn't push the point08:24
didrocksseb128: yeah ;)08:24
* jibel notes the testing gap and to add uefi to automated installer tests08:24
dufludidrocks, and no bluez is not a kernel component. It only shares the kernel tracker08:25
sil2100jibel: I did not! As per duflu's comment it was broken before my upload! ;p08:25
* duflu shrugs08:25
* duflu shrugs at didrocks at least08:25
didrocksargh :p08:25
duflusil2100, over the coarse of my long weekend that actually wasn't the most annoying installation bug I found. There is also bug 1776578 :)08:27
ubot5`bug 1776578 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu installation stuck at "Installing the 'grub2' package..." every time. Kernel crash every time." [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177657808:27
duflu-coarse +course08:27
seb128k, changing location, bbiab08:34
willcookedidrocks, hey!  I just noticed that on my x270 I can enabled over-amplification, but the slider doesnt allow me to go > 100%.  If I plug headphones in, then I can.  Is that expected?09:08
willcookeLikely something funny in the drivers here, since dock audio is a bit funny anyway09:09
didrockswillcooke: it's only if the output allows to have over amplifications, some don't09:15
willcookedidrocks, so would you expect it to be greyed out if not supported (the on/off button that is)  - or -  it would be there, but do nothing?09:16
didrockswillcooke: the thing is that the option is global09:16
didrocksso, if you have multiple output devices, it will impact them all09:16
willcookegot it, thanks didrocks09:16
didrocksin the proposed set of patches, I tried to ahve it per device09:16
didrocksthat was nacked by upstream09:17
didrocks(it complexifies the logic a lot ofc, you ahve to track devices…)09:17
willcookekk, nw09:17
didrocksyeah, not the best UI :/09:17
didrocksLaney: is there any reason why we push upstream/latest to launchpad? Do you know if this is used to rebuild the tarball which is in pristine-tar or should we just keep it locally?09:44
Laneywell the upstream tags are made with reference to commits on this branch09:45
Laneyso the next person to do work needs to be working from the same place09:45
didrocksah right, for further cherry-picking09:47
didrocksso, it's more to get everything in one place09:47
Laneyit'll go onto the upstream branch, merge the git tag and then the delta from the tarball, and make an upstream/x.y.z tag out of that09:47
Laneyso you need it around to make that work09:48
didrocksyeah, that's what I meant by "help reconstructing the tarball"09:48
Laneybut I think that it probably actually uses the tags for that09:49
Laneynot that I've looked :-)09:49
didrocksok, sounds good09:49
didrockswe should try to pull and push from different locations automatically for that branches09:53
* didrocks looks if we can set that in config09:54
Laneyyou can do that somehow09:54
Laneyso that git push <branchname> works09:54
didrocksyeah, I saw a global config09:54
didrockstrying to find a local one or one we can add to the repository09:54
didrocksahah! branch.<name>.pushRemote sounds promising10:05
Laneyit's local config though I think10:06
didrocksI think it's in .git10:06
didrockslet me try10:06
LaneyI'm sort of OK with that - if you `git push -u' then it'll set it up for you10:06
didrocksas long as we don't have to manually git push for upstream/latest, I'm fine10:06
didrocksor we will never have it updated10:07
Laneywhy not?10:07
didrocksbecause people will pull from matest to update upstream/latest10:07
didrocksand will never think about updating the launchpad upstream/latest branch10:07
Laneygit push lp ubuntu/master upstream/latest pristine-tar ubuntu/<tag> upstream/<tag>10:07
Laneythat's my muscle memory10:07
didrocksmaybe yours, I doubt everyone will :) git push should just DTR I think10:08
seb128those syntaxs are chinese to me at least :p10:08
seb128well if there is no other way and that people have to learn long/complex commands that's the way it is10:09
seb128but if we can do simple things to just work that's better10:09
Laneymove away from asserting this is some insanely complex system10:10
Laneydidrocks: look into push.default in git-config10:10
Laneyprobably you want "matching"?10:10
didrocksLaney: nope, doesn't work as it's different remote10:10
didrocksnot different branch10:10
didrocksbut pushremote works10:10
Laneyhow does that make a no argument "git push" work?10:11
seb128Laney, I'm not saying that, just that a 2 arguments command is easier to remember than a 8 arguments one10:11
didrocksgit push origin -> push every tracking branch to origin repo10:11
didrocksso, you end up with:10:11
didrocks[branch "upstream/latest"]10:11
didrocks        remote = upstream10:11
didrocks        merge = refs/heads/master10:11
didrocks        pushremote = origin10:11
didrocksfor instance10:12
Laneyok, not no argument, I thought that's what you wanted10:12
didrockswell, you have to define the origin you push to10:12
didrocksbut at least, we'll have the upstream/latest and pristine-tar branches push with your changes10:13
didrockswithout being out of sync and so on10:13
LaneyWhen the command line does not specify where to push with the <repository> argument, branch.*.remote10:13
didrocks(and as it's a local config, people can opt-in or not)10:13
Laney       configuration for the current branch is consulted to determine where to push. If the configuration is10:13
Laney       missing, it defaults to origin.10:13
Laneymaybe this works already10:13
didrocksit does10:14
didrocksjust tried :)10:14
didrocksso, maybe we should add that as well10:14
didrockslet's see, anyway, I think people will try/review and we'll iterate on the workflow10:14
didrocks$ git branch -vv10:17
didrocks* upstream/latest 0bd90ca34 [upstream/master] region: Show scrollbars if needed10:17
didrocksdoesn't show the push remote, can be a first patch to git! :p10:17
Laneywhat is "git push" pushing with your configuration if there are changes on multiple branches?10:21
Laneyall of them or just the current one?10:21
didrocksall of them10:22
LaneyTrevinho: I just uploaded your gdm, do you want to handle the merge? (for practice)10:22
didrockswell, all of them which is tracking the default remote10:22
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, ok10:23
TrevinhoLaney: have you seen the nux thing too?10:23
didrocksI'll try with additional new untracked branches and so on to confirm10:23
seb128good morning Trevinho!10:25
LaneyTrevinho: the bug?10:26
Trevinhoseb128: hi10:27
didrocksyes, it doesn't add any untracked branch10:27
TrevinhoLaney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/176861010:27
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1768610 in nux (Ubuntu) "leftover conffile forces GNOME is software rendering" [High,In progress]10:27
LaneyTrevinho: yeah, that, is Andrea going to review or?10:28
TrevinhoLaney: I've also prepared sru branches and bileto tickets, but I will update them10:28
TrevinhoLaney: well, since it's 99% debian change I would go with you10:29
TrevinhoI wanted to ask him yesterday, but I thought it was more for you10:30
Laneyyou always add some random extra thing in :P10:30
TrevinhoLaney: of course... I don't like partial solutions10:32
Laneylike renaming the conffile10:33
TrevinhoLaney: removing and the renaming it10:33
TrevinhoThat's optional of course, but since it's not a conf file there's no point of treating it like that10:34
Laneyright, is that correct?10:34
Laneywhy not a mv_conffile?10:34
Laneyoh a symlink?10:34
LaneyI don't think you can hack the policy in that way really10:34
TrevinhoLaney: that's that guidelines say... Not me10:34
Laneymy laptop just froze long enough to type 1198 "i"s10:37
TrevinhoMh, I get freezes too, but I wasn't able to get anything from gdb10:38
Laneyand there's loads of Jun 13 11:35:21 nightingale org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3732]: Key repeat discarded, Wayland compositor doesn't seem to be processing events fast enough!10:39
LaneyTrevinho: ok, where's this policy reference? :-)10:40
TrevinhoDebian maintainer guide 5.310:41
TrevinhoI mentioned in the commit msg I thought, no?10:41
Laneydunno, I'm looking at the diff10:42
LaneyIf the program you're packaging requires every user to modify the configuration files in the /etc directory10:43
Laneyok that time it crashed completelyy10:55
LaneyJun 13 11:51:18 nightingale org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3732]: Key repeat discarded, Wayland compositor doesn't seem to be processing events fast enough!10:56
LaneyJun 13 11:51:18 nightingale org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3732]: (EE)10:56
LaneyJun 13 11:51:18 nightingale org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3732]: Fatal server error:10:56
LaneyJun 13 11:51:18 nightingale org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3732]: (EE) Error sending request: Resource temporarily unavailable10:56
LaneyJun 13 11:51:18 nightingale org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3732]: (EE)10:56
TrevinhoLaney: well it talks about editing that, but that's the way to make sure that an /etc file is not a conffile, as in this case should not be at all11:09
Laneywhy not?11:11
LaneyI mean I don't see why this one is different to any of the others in there11:12
TrevinhoLaney: in fact I think they're all wrong11:12
TrevinhoLaney: it's a distro-provided file not to be broken or changed by the user11:12
Laneythis isn't really a policy to fix randomly in one SRU11:13
Trevinhothose are scripts which are sourced, and while in some cases they might change settings, in this specific case it's not11:13
TrevinhoLaney: not "randomly", anyway if you prefer I can not SRU that bit, but it's a matter of principle to me11:15
Trevinhofor not being a conffile11:15
Laneywell fine, but I think you should take this up with the X maintainers then11:16
Trevinhomh, well, I see the point for having Xsession.d in etc, and both for historic reason this can't be changed, but... Also because it could be used for user configurations, so it's fine to be in /etc to me, what's is wrong is the distro to threating it wrongly11:17
Laneymaybe you want to ask for a way to put files in /usr11:20
Trevinhonope, since otherwise the order is compromised11:20
TrevinhoI mean, that's an option too.. but11:21
Laneynot necessarily, the order could be sorted by filename for example11:22
Laneyanyway this is not a debate for me to have11:22
Laneysorry :(11:23
TrevinhoI know it's nothing crucial, but I don't like the status quo and this is a clean way to fix it imho11:24
Trevinhoconsidering we can't really change the wold, but we can change a package11:24
Trevinhoworld* (x11)11:24
LaneyIt's a hack, it's against policy and it's changing just one package when the alleged issue applies to more11:25
Laneysoryr Marco11:25
LaneyIf you want to try to get someone else to approve it instead of me, you can feel free11:25
TrevinhoLaney: it's not against the policy... it is based on the policy. An hack is what they propose too (as no other tools are provided to do things in a cleaner way). And while they mention a different scenario is, it has to be interpreted and can totally applied to this scope.11:27
LaneyI don't really want to argue about this any more11:28
Trevinhobut as I said, doing a bzr uncommit won't be a problem, but I wanted to point out this to underline where the issue is, and that we can have it fixed also don't worry about this later (if might happen)11:28
Trevinhohey :), it's just talking eh,  but while I was aware and pretty expecting you didn't like :-D, I wanted to propose it anyway for some discussion, in a productive way. As to me this would be the way to go for all those files, and just starting from one (that is coincidentally  causing troubles)11:32
* Laney thinks that was supposed to be a PM :P11:37
* Laney hugs Trevinho 11:37
TrevinhoLaney: ahah, no, just to underline there's no drama :-D11:38
Trevinhoor maybe to make it for the interested audience11:38
Trevinhowe could actually start fighting for "real", as any reality tv show, just in order to get people watching it :-D11:39
Laneyjelly wrestling at the sun sprint11:40
Laneythat's already on my list11:40
TrevinhoLaney: in the mean time I've updated https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+git/gdm3/+merge/34781211:47
Laneylooks nice, thanks, /me test builds11:50
Trevinhodon't spoil me now, eh... i still believe that my crusade against the conffile was right :-D11:50
* Trevinho that's for the audience11:50
Laney:( trolled11:51
* Nafallo muches popcorn11:55
TrevinhoLaney: I also reverted the nux commit...12:23
Trevinhothe SRU test case would be complicated though...12:24
TrevinhoI don't know how people can test this upgrade at all12:24
Trevinhoremoving the file was quite easier to check :)12:24
seb128Trevinho, the SRU test case is easy12:43
seb128- install xenial12:43
seb128- upgrade to bionic12:43
seb128- sudo apt-get remove nux-tools12:43
seb128- log into your session12:43
seb128- check glxinfo (or other equivalent)12:43
Trevinhoseb128: eh, no... that's too generic12:44
seb128that's how the people who reported the bug got the issue12:44
Trevinhoah, wait... ok.12:44
seb128and a valid wait to test it12:44
seb128the test case doesn't need to be the most minimalistic way to test12:44
seb128just one way to confirm the problem is fixed12:44
Trevinhoyeah, that's fine... I was thinking to the case of unity+gnome installed12:44
Trevinhobut, that's just a consequence of the fix12:44
seb128the bug report is "GNOME session uses software rendering"12:45
seb128the fix purpose is to make sure that doesn't happen when not necessary12:45
Trevinhoyes. That could happen also in the case that unity has not been removed, but that tool fails12:45
Trevinhofor any reason, thus leading to the same situation12:45
seb128well you can add another testcase if you wish12:46
seb128like rm the binary :p12:46
Trevinhoso, I've also covered that case12:46
seb128or edit it in vim to corrupt it12:46
seb128or whatever12:46
seb128but that's not needed by the SRU process12:46
seb128what I described is good enough for the SRU12:46
Trevinhook, fine12:46
Trevinhoall bileto tickets are running12:46
* Trevinho is missing was missing it12:48
* Trevinho was missing to hit ctrl+backspace too12:48
LaneySRU team hates reviewing bileto SRUs btw12:51
LaneyTrevinho: do you have an idea for handling people that already removed it without purging?12:52
TrevinhoLaney: eh, as they don't have the tools, but I think fixed a bit12:53
TrevinhoLaney: the only thing I was thinking is doing a purge from another package that is going to be installed instead, but not that I like the solution...12:53
TrevinhoI mean the symlink thing was gold compared to this :)12:54
LaneyI don't think there is a good solution :(12:54
Laneyactually asked in #debian-devel about that earlier and nobody had a good idea12:54
Laneyrm_conffile from like mesa or something would be OK as long as the file is put back if they reinstall nux-tools later on12:54
TrevinhoLaney: that's why I also wanted to get rid of the conffile at all12:55
TrevinhoLaney: in this way there won't be such problem either12:55
Laneystop engaging me in this argument please12:56
Trevinhoahaha, that's just I'm saying the rationale behind it (https://wiki.debian.org/ConfigPackages this also mentions something)... And don't keep it hard.  It's just we're in a land of cases where clean solutions aren't always feasible, thus...12:58
TrevinhoLaney: anyway doing a purge from postinst of ubuntu-desktop (or any other choice) for example would work, but really I don't like it12:59
LaneyI don't think there *is* a good solution13:00
LaneyI only say mesa because that's the pkg that is going to have (most) problems with this13:00
Laneyi.e. you have a problem because you have this installed13:00
TrevinhoLaney: true, I was thinking higher level like ubuntu-desktop since it's something that as a desktop we want it to be fixed when ubuntu-desktop is there, while we don't care if the user has other broken config.13:09
TrevinhoLaney: anyway... thanks for approvals13:09
Trevinhobut, I moved the a, b branches to another one since they don't include the m4 change13:09
LaneyI just did the ones that were linked from the bug13:09
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, you did wel.... I didn't update it yet as I was waiting for bileto results13:10
TrevinhoLaney: I can self-approve btw as they're just the same - the m4 change13:10
Laneysure if you link to the one where I approved for reference13:11
Trevinhothat was the plan13:11
TrevinhoLaney: when you've a sec, feel free to publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/active?search=176861013:19
seb128Laney, Trevinho, that's what they did for upstart but they had an easier job that the package has been removed from the archive13:24
Laneyseb128: that being?13:25
seb128DOH, sorry :)13:25
Laneyyeah I think you have to like check if the thing is removed13:26
Laneybecause it's still around13:26
Laneybit more complex as you say13:26
andyrockmorning all13:26
Laneysame idea though13:26
Laneyhey andyrock, how's it going?13:26
seb128hey andyrock13:27
andyrockLaney: I'm good thanks you?13:27
Laneytop QUALITY!13:27
* Laney checks Trevinho's diffs carefully ;-)13:28
didrocksah, it wasn't me adding it as a conffiles13:30
* didrocks started to become crazy13:30
didrocksI added it for lightdm to check (but as a non file in /etc)13:30
didrocksthen, it's all Lukasz's fault adding it to Xsession.d :p13:31
didrocks(but TBH, not real other alternatives)13:31
didrocksand yeah, +1 on the issue for non real conffiles, but not something to change in a SRU ;)13:32
didrocks /end-arg ;)13:32
Laneyall published13:33
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
didrockspristine-tars is going to be interesting vs merging vs debian14:28
didrocksI wonder how much they will match the same hash, how we are going to document merging from debian (reimporting current debian pristine-tar branch)14:28
Laneygit will probably merge it ok14:29
didrocksyeah, needs experimenting14:31
Trevinhodidrocks: happy you agree on that, right not to SRU it, I was fine to do it for cosmic, since it was thee though, but not really relevant. :)14:38
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
didrocksLaney: something is probably fishy in my config15:50
didrocksLaney: gpb import-orig ../tarball created a commit in upstream/latest as well15:51
didrockswith a tag upstream/3.28.215:51
didrockswhich it then imported in the ubuntu/master branch15:51
didrocksso, up to latest commit15:51
didrocksit's like it couldn't match the upstream tag and import only what was required15:52
didrocksah, tag format for upstream is tag: GNOME_CONTROL_CENTER_3_28_115:53
didrocksI guess that's why the match didn't happen and it just took latest and went nuts15:53
didrocksI'm surprised that upstream/latest is | | | | Author: Michael Biebl15:54
didrocks| * |   commit 83b100dc96d318975a1db465ac955c49ba4bf22b (tag: upstream/3.28.1, debian/upstream/latest)15:54
didrocksupstream/latest isn't supposed to be pure upstream repo?15:54
didrocksand track upstream/master?15:54
didrocksit seems that it's always an additional commit, I guess it's linked to how pristine-tar is working15:55
Laneythat's the delta between the tag and the tarball15:56
Laneyupstream/* branches reflect the tarball's contents15:56
didrocksthe delta is not in pristine-tar?15:56
Laneyif you look you'll see merge commits15:56
didrocksI thought upstream/latest was upstream/master for instance15:57
Laneypristine-tar tells you how to get from a git object to a tarball15:57
Laneyno it's not15:57
didrocksand pristine-tar is the delta between upstream/latest and tarball15:57
Laneyit's the upstream release artifacts15:57
Laneyit *contains* all of the upstream commits15:57
Laneybut it is not identical to the branch upstream has15:57
Laneybecause tarballs often contain generated files and those are stored in there15:58
didrocksyeah, that's what I thought was in pristine-tar, but ok15:58
didrocksso basically, you merge upstream/master into upstream/latest?15:58
didrocksinstead of being in sync?15:58
LaneyI never touch upstream/ branches manually15:58
Laneygbp does that15:58
didrockshow can gbp knows upstream repo thus?15:59
didrocksit didn't invente those upstream commits15:59
Laneyit knows what format to look for tags in15:59
Laneybecause it knows what version it's trying to import15:59
Laneythis doesn't always work though, and in those cases you can pass --upstream-vcs-tag to tell it16:00
Laneyjbicha has been asking upstreams to use consistent tag naming to make this work automatically in more cases16:00
Laneywith some success16:00
didrocksbut on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+git/gnome-terminal/+ref/upstream/latest16:00
didrocksyou have like 47a9491... by Christian Persch <chpe@src.gnome.org> on 2018-05-0216:00
didrockswhich is an upstream commit16:01
didrocksI wonder how come it knows the upstream remote repo url16:01
didrocksand from what branch it's pulling from16:01
Laneyso you go gbp import-orig ../gnome-terminal-3.28.2.tar.xz16:02
Laneyor probably gbp import-orig --uscan16:02
Laneygbp can figure out the version from that16:02
Laneyand then it goes and looks at all the tags it has in the repository16:03
Laneyfinds the 3.28.2 one and uses that16:03
didrockshow can it find the 3.28.2, from where does he fetch from?16:03
Laneyyou did git fetch upstream before16:03
didrocksahhh, you mean, it's looking at the remote you added locally16:03
didrocksbut not in a local branch16:03
didrocksok, I got it16:03
didrocksthen, it's doing the magic on upstream/latest and pristine-tar16:03
Laneyright, you can have commits around but not on any local branch16:03
didrocks(upstream/latest is quite a misleading name)16:04
Laneyjust "known" to git16:04
Laneyok, well that's what dep14 specifies16:04
didrocksyeah, it's weird that's it's upstream/, and not something not really coming from upstream :)16:04
Laneyit makes more sense if you think of the tarballs16:05
didrocksyeah, I can see that, however, the goal is to easily cherry-pick as well :)16:05
didrocksbut ok, I think I got it16:05
Laneyyou can still do that16:05
didrocksI guess gbp import-orig fetch on all origins, before importing correct?16:06
Laneythat happens in the <distro>/ namespace though16:06
LaneyI don't think so16:06
didrocksok, so if you don't fetch16:06
didrocksor the tag is invalid16:06
didrocksand it doesn't find it16:06
didrocksit's taking silently latest commit16:06
Laneyfrom where?16:06
didrocksah no, it won't, it's just that my setup was skewed by tracking upstream/latest on usptream/master16:07
didrocksas it was my understanding at the time :)16:07
Laneynot actually sure what happens if it can't find the tag, hopefully gives an error16:07
didrocksI'll give it some tries16:08
didrocksbut ok, I need to change some of the repo layout I tried to explain :)16:08
didrocksbtw, dep14, does you have a link?16:08
didrockshttp://dep.debian.net/deps/dep14 is 40416:08
Laneylooks like it moved to https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14/16:10
didrocksthanks, google wasn't my friend16:11
didrocksok, more of that tomorrow I guess! :)16:11
didrockstime to sign off16:11
Laneythink this pages.debian.net stuff happened recently with the salsa move16:11
Laneysee you!16:11
didrocksyeah, I guess related to salsa move16:11
didrocksbye ;)16:11
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcooke_night all18:47
tsimonq2Hey, so I'm going through Qt 4 removal bugs and autopilot-qt came up. Is this something that's still used, needed, or wanted?19:18
tsimonq2It would be great if someone could comment on bug 1757600 either asking for its removal or clarifying the status of it going forward.19:19
ubot5`bug 1757600 in autopilot-qt (Ubuntu) "Please port your package away from Qt 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175760019:19

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