
EriC^^morning all04:54
oerheksHello, i am so beautifull04:55
oerheksgood morning to you to, EriC^^04:55
* tsimonq2 waves04:57
lordievaderGood morning06:01
* tsimonq2 waves to lordievader 06:01
lordievaderHey  tsimonq206:04
ducassegood morning06:29
lordievaderHey ducasse06:45
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:45
ducassemorning lordievader - fine here thanks, how about you?06:46
lordievaderDoing okay here :)06:46
ducassegot your coffee and ready to go? :)06:52
lordievaderJup, drinking coffee right now 🎉07:21
lotuspsychjeone for me too lordievader08:06
* lordievader slides lotuspsychje a cup of coffee08:06
lotuspsychjetnx :p08:06
lotuspsychjelordievader: pic of the stairs done https://imgur.com/a/SHDTwkx08:07
lordievaderLooks good 👍08:09
lotuspsychjetnx, they did a good job and fast08:09
ducassegood to be finished with it08:13
lotuspsychjeyeah, went smoothly08:13
lotuspsychjenext on our list is a garden house :p08:14
lotuspsychjewe have a bunch of stuff that fits nowhere else, so we need more space08:14
guiverc_tais523, if on 14.04 (trusty), simply changing trusty to xenial in sources.list will cause it to...08:29
guiverc_tof course you'll need to apt-get update; before you can dist-upgrade...08:29
ais523I'm on artful (17.10), looking to upgrade to 18.0408:29
guiverc_tmeaning - what needs changing??? - (that one's easy; both are same length - 6 chars)08:30
ais523some of the searching I've been doing online says that using do-release-upgrade is recommended because there are sometimes other things that need adjusting between releases08:30
guiverc_tyep I'd agree - why i asked you to this room instead of replying in #ubuntu (main room).08:31
ais523right, it's important not to flood a large channel08:31
guiverc_tmy reason was more it was 'off-topic' because it wasn't the recommended way...08:32
guiverc_t(i chose this room because if i say anything stupid - others can come to your rescue...)08:32
ais523I guess I'll just compromise and run the start of do-release-upgrade and cancel it well in advance of it finishing the downloads08:33
ais523but I need to reboot before I can do that (pending upgrades of the regular kind), so see you in a bit, I guess08:33
guiverc_ti rarely use do-release-upgrade; would have to look at see if it has --download-only option, but I know you can do it (even cancel) using dist-upgrade... i upgraded my 17.10 box using dis-upgrade (to 18.04)08:33
ais523hmm, I'm getting "Could not determine the upgrade" trying to do things the official way08:41
ais523so maybe I'll have to do things manually after all; at least it's likely to give more informative error messages about what needs changing08:41
guiverc_tfor issues with do-release-upgrade better to ask in #ubuntu08:41
guiverc_ti suggested here only because I wanted to say something to you (but avoid #ubuntu; ie. artful->bionic sources.list...)08:42
guiverc_tais523,  besides I'm heading out to dinner in a few mins...08:42
EriC^^afternoon all09:01
BluesKajHey folks11:40
oerhekswb BluesKaj11:43
BluesKajHey oerheks, thanks11:44
JimBuntugm BluesKaj11:46
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu11:46
oerheksuh oh, winepak .. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/06/winepak-flatpak-for-wine-apps12:15
BluesKajheh, I'm watering the lawn and there are dark storm clouds forming in the west, very dark aamof :-)12:57
BluesKajbut I don't trust the weather forecasts since the so called rain they say is coming seldom appear shere12:57
oerhekshappens here too, near the coast <5 mile rain often goes by13:01
oerheksor.. rain clouds stick between rivers13:01
BluesKajlooks like it's gonna rain now, it's very dark everywhere13:22
BluesKajI'm  20km from one of the great lakes, but here's low mountain range which heats up and the thermals cuase a barrier to the systems movingin  from the south, unless ther very large13:25
BluesKajhere it comes13:28
BluesKajthere it goes :-)13:58
oerheksplease remove karma from my launchpad page, i don't want to come back on this planet :-D15:56
hggdhinterestingly, he was also in #kubuntu15:57
pragmaticenigmaI still stand by the teach to fish ideal... especially to enlighten someone to the fact that most of us are no smartter than our google/bing skillz16:03
oerheksi tried ...16:05
hggdhoerheks: and the way you did it was nice. But obviously, it all depends on the interest at the receiving end16:06
oerheksnow when #KDE people send people over..16:06
oerheksYes, hggdh often it works, a small hint16:07
hggdhwe can as much punt them to #kubuntu16:07
pauljwhi everyone16:37
lotuspsychjegood evening to all18:23
oerheksup stairs down stairs18:37
oerheksdoes it have a hidden secret space you want to talk about?18:38
lotuspsychjeoerheks: i would..but all our money gone now to pay the stairs18:39
lotuspsychjewanna change this bug to wishlist, how do i go about? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/177674218:47
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1776742 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[Wishlist] Add a GUI systemd service manager by default" [Undecided,New]18:47
leftyfbyou want a "services" tab like Windows?18:51
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: xenial had upstart services..18:52
lotuspsychjei mean services on startup18:52
oerheksbut there is more, see table 1 http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2017/199/Systemd-Graphical-Tools18:52
lotuspsychjeoerheks: tryed alot of those already oerheks many are worthless18:53
lotuspsychjeand some have ppa18:55
lotuspsychjecockpit more a server manager18:57
lotuspsychjei want something clean & easy in settings18:57
lordievaderSystemd's config files are clean and easy... It's usually the gui's that make them difficult.18:59
lotuspsychjelordievader: i know how to work with them, but enable/disable one by one...19:00
oerheksswitch to KDE.. https://www.linux-apps.com/content/show.php/Kcmsystemd?content=16187119:00
lotuspsychjeoerheks: i like to think universal systemd :p19:01
lordievaderI thought the `systemctl enable/disable` supported listing more than one service at a time.19:01
lordievader`systemctl status/start/stop` does anyhow.19:01
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
lotuspsychjeoh well..lets c what the bug does..19:05
hggdhlotuspsychje: done19:08
hggdh(meaning setting the bug to wishlist19:08
lotuspsychjehggdh: ah only devs can wishlist them?19:08
hggdhmember of bug-control and devs19:09
lotuspsychjehggdh: thank you very much mate19:09
lotuspsychjei owe you one19:09
hggdhnah, my pleasure19:09
lotuspsychje: )19:09
hggdhlotuspsychje: the importance field was historically (and hysterically) abused -- pretty much everybody that opened a bug set it as critical19:10
lotuspsychjeah i understand19:10
lotuspsychjewould have been a nice feature, the user itself could choose bug or wish?19:11
hggdhwell, yeah, but it would require a rather large change to LP... and it was considered unnecessary19:13
lotuspsychjehggdh: how does bug control members decide if its a wish currently then?19:13
hggdhmind you there *are* things I would change in LP relating to bug management :-)19:13
hggdhusually via a chat with the OP, or because BC (or a dev) understood the request to be a change in behaviour19:14
hggdhof course, all these changes can be, ah, changed again; and this is why we (strongly) suggest someone changing importance (or the restricted status options to explain *why* the change is being performed19:15
lotuspsychjei see tnx19:16
hggdhin your case, for example, it was easy: (1) you asked for it; (2) it *is*, by definition, a whish19:16
hggdhof course, "I wish this program would stop seg-faulting" is not really a candidate for wishlist19:17
lotuspsychjehggdh: perhaps in the future: ubuntu-wish systemd19:19
hggdhsystemd is a bag of mad cats wanting to be free19:19
lotuspsychjenow i got 2 bus on systemd running19:20
lotuspsychjeone for slowness and one to manage services19:20
lotuspsychjeso our unity lovers can trasition in comfort at .119:20
lotuspsychjefound a lot of bus & askbuntu's already on bionic slow systemd19:21
hggdhwell, my boot nowadays is significantly slower than it was with upstart19:22
lotuspsychjehggdh: on how much ram is that19:22
lotuspsychjehow can a boot be slow on 32gig ram lol19:23
hggdhcuz systemd services take longer to run19:23
lotuspsychjei got on 2gig ram and 850pro ssd19:23
lotuspsychjeimagine all those boxes on mechanical hd's19:24
lotuspsychjegonna be a nightmare19:24
hggdh(I mean, from ~5 seconds from start of boot to login pane, to ~10 seconds19:24
hggdhyeah, I am also off SSDs. Only my server still uses spinning disks19:24
lotuspsychjeStartup finished in 11.036s (kernel) + 6.448s (userspace) = 17.485s19:24
lotuspsychjegraphical.target reached after 6.041s in userspace19:24
lotuspsychjehggdh: did you see livepatch also slowing down on those /dev/loop ?19:25
hggdhI have not had a single livepatch applied so far, so no19:25
lotuspsychjehggdh: check this: https://hastebin.com/edujadeqef.go19:26
hggdhI have not had a single livepatch applied so far, so no19:27
lotuspsychjehggdh: yeah i understood, was to show times19:28
lotuspsychjeanyway ttyl tv time19:28
lotuspsychjetnx for wishlist hggdh19:28
hggdhhuh, I was *very* wrong: it is taking 40s to reach login19:28
hggdhStartup finished in 3.456s (firmware) + 8.437s (loader) + 4.998s (kernel) + 13.249s (userspace) = 30.142s19:29
hggdhgraphical.target reached after 12.938s in userspace19:29
hggdhI mean 3019:29
hggdhno this is it19:30
hggdhand I found fstrim running, IDK why19:30

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