
naccdaegontaven: you are trying to install to a usb driver from virtualbox?00:04
compdocdid sound that way00:05
naccseems roundabout00:05
lbracherHi there! I'm using a ubuntu server and I'm not able to download any file via https using wget or curl. What am I missing?00:11
pavloslbracher: do you have curl or wget installed?00:15
lbracherpavlos, yes, both00:16
Maxelhi all, I followed the instructions in this git page: https://github.com/Bisa/factorio-init and I have a server running. I messed around with it and am not sure what exactly the state it is in. The server is running after I previously killed it somehow00:17
lbracherpavlos, for instance, `wget https://www.facebook.com` gives me "ERROR: cannot verify www.facebook.com’s certificate, issued by “/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/OU=www.digicert.com/CN=DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA”:"00:17
Maxelbut I don't want to risk messing it up again. so I have a systemd service running, but it doesn't seem to be responding to any of my commands00:17
MaxelI'm not sure how to debug a systemd service00:18
pavloslbracher: you can use the -k flag for insecure connections, eg curl -k https://www.facebook.com00:18
lbracherpavlos, ok, thank you! But how can I fix it?00:19
lbracherwget is compiled with openssl support00:20
pavloslbracher: I dont get that error if I use wget00:22
suburbanTropicahowdy partner ;)00:24
pavloslbracher: try sudo update-ca-certificates00:26
compdocwkitty42, you there?00:26
=== Aaron is now known as Guest36401
sbombHi, anyone please could guide me with certificates? - The company added a self signed certificate and they send me the "cert.crt" file, I copied on my "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates", then ran: "update-ca-certificates". It shows fine on "etc/ssl/certs" as "cert.pem". But when I try wget or cURL I get: "unable to get local issuer certificate".  Could this be a problem with certificate? Shouldn't they send me the chain.crt too?00:44
samsonwhat the easiest way to rebind keys?00:44
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
Guest59978anyone there ?01:15
Peyamgo ahead. someone will answer01:23
deusexmachinaHow can I overclock an nvidia gpu on ubuntu?01:24
NizumzenI'm trying to install the package lib32ncurses5-dev and it fails to install with the following error message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: lib32ncurses5-dev : Depends: libncurses5-dev (=6.1-1ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.01:28
NizumzenI've run autoclean and autoremove which doesn't seem to fix the issue01:28
guivercNizumzen, 6.1 is available for bionic (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lib32ncurses5-dev&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all)  - what are you running ?01:30
Nizumzen18.04 with all updates installed01:31
guivercif you `apt-cache policy lib32ncurses5-dev` do you get a useful result (ie. place where it'll be downloaded from?  , you coul dpastebin result...)01:33
anxxhey can you guys help w/ something01:36
HeisenberggHello. My bluetooth just stopped working for no obvious reason. I didn't install or update anything. This is Ubuntu 18.04. Restarting via systemctl doesn't give me an error, but I cannot turn it on through the settings window.01:37
=== dfinity-develope is now known as enzo-hauss
ichigosalut ici01:58
ichigoj'aimerai avoir de l'aide sur comment personnaliser mes fenetres sur ubuntu 18 bionic01:59
ichigomes boutons de controles je voudrais qu'ils soient à c=gauche et non à droite02:00
ichigoquelqu'un pourrait-il me donner des astuces?02:00
guivercfrench/francais in #ubuntu-fr, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList for a list of non-english channels02:01
pennTellerHi guys does anyone know if it's possible to record audio using the microphone in a webcam from the terminal?02:05
fightthewalrushello, I'm having trouble connecting to wi-fi on Bionic using the Atheros AR9285 drivers02:08
fightthewalrusI'm currently tethering through android, and the drivers window tells me no additional drivers are necessary. However, a simple `ip addr` shows the wireless interface as down02:09
fightthewalrusquick search points to an answer from askubuntu suggesting to create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ containing  insnohwcrypt=1 as an option, but after reboot the problem still remains02:10
fightthewalrusdo I have to install missing firmware? Or blacklist some module?02:11
DaCorviteSalutations everyone! Kind of a noob, but not findong what im looking for. Trying to do a fresh install of 18.04 without media...have successfully done an upgrade from 16.04, but want to ditch all the old stuff and start from scratch.02:13
swift110sup dabukalam02:23
swift110sup DaCorvite02:23
DaCorviteNot much.02:24
DaCorviteMy google-fu is failing tonight.02:24
krytarikDaCorvite: See this one - https://askubuntu.com/questions/340156/install-ubuntu-from-iso-image-directly-from-hard-disk-of-a-system-running-linux02:24
HeisenberggHello. My bluetooth just stopped working for no obvious reason. I didn't install or update anything. This is Ubuntu 18.04. Restarting via systemctl doesn't give me an error, but I cannot turn it on through the settings window.02:27
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DaCorvitekrytarik: that looks promising...thx! I'll check back :)02:37
swift110DaCorvite: what are u up to02:47
explodesThere is this random file visible on my destkop, but ~/Desktop is empty02:49
explodes(The name of a vietnam-era ammo pouch)02:50
explodeslocate comes up null02:50
explodesfind / comes up null02:50
explodesI can't stat this file, read it, delete it,... what is this thing?02:50
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
=== Darkhero_ is now known as Darkhero
thelatinistAnyone have any idea why mailutils is saving  read mail to /home/user/mbox when I’ve got Maildir configured?03:47
thelatinistIt reads the mail fine, just moves it to /home/user/mbox instead of applying the read prefix.03:49
thelatinist(Or rather, it appends it to /home/user/mbox)03:50
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
bigMouthCommiejust fired up kubuntu for the first time in 10 years. i can't seem to connect to a hidden essid (running kubuntu v18.04). anyone know how to connect to my wifi network?04:05
bigMouthCommiei don't see any button that says "connect to hidden network" which is what i was getting in debian mate.04:05
Lost_Goathas anyone had any luck with installing the canonical-livepatch via snap ?04:10
=== fcastillo_ is now known as fcastillo
TheNH813How do you tell the livecd which partition the casper directory is on? Not folder, parition. I am adding a Ubuntu live DVD to my UEFI multiboot USB and need the right kernel parameter for that.04:43
TheNH813For example, on Arch it's archisolabel=, so what does Ubuntu have for that option?04:44
oerheksdepends how you made it, one can have a casper-rw file and unusual is partition04:48
oerheksstandard dvd does not have a casper thingy04:49
TheNH813Not a persistance file. I have the kernel and initrd on the EFI partition, but the casper folder containing the squashfs filesystem is on another partition of the USB drive. I did that because the EFI partition is too small to hold the entire extracted iso.04:49
TheNH813It's 16.04.04:49
TheNH813Which does have a casper folder in the installation files.04:49
TheNH813Would the UUID option here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man7/casper.7.html be how I specify the partition containing the live media?04:51
TheNH813Well, I guess it can't hurt to try that.04:53
TheNH813I'l be rebooting04:54
=== fcastillo_ is now known as fcastillo
TheNH813It worked.... kindof05:04
TheNH813Booted only into text mode but didn't complain of a missing filesystem.squashfs05:05
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=== success is now known as Guest81159
=== dbugger_ is now known as Dbugger
FuraiHey, is there a way to boost display brightness for built-in laptop screen? It is really dim comparing to my external monitor.06:28
=== anders is now known as Guest47675
zambahow do i change the ip address of a interface in ubuntu?07:07
zambachanging in /etc/network/interfaces and then doing systemctl restart networking doesn't work07:08
tomreynzamba: see http://netplan.io if you run 18.04. over and out (can't stay, sorry).07:16
=== adithy___ is now known as adithyasirigeri
=== coolchris is now known as Guest27835
kirHey guys. I have a tricky question. I'm running Linux subsystem for Windows 7, and try to execute a binary compiled for the same architecture, but under bare metal. It says: bash:./program cannot execute binary file: Exec format error.07:50
kirAt the same time the output of file is At the same time hex86_64-poky-linux-gcc: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /opt/poky/2.0.3/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.3207:50
kiruname -a is Linux ... 4.4.0-17134-Microsoft #1-Microsoft Tue Apr 10 18:04:00 PST 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:51
kirSo they have the same x86_64 arch, both machines are 64 bits07:52
kir*linux subsystem for Windows 10, of course07:52
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide07:53
ducassekir: try that channel, it's more a question for them07:54
guiverc_tkir, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32 is really old & reached EOL feb-2016.07:54
user03hi, if someone wonder why #ubuntu-il is empty. FOSS is sabotaged in israel07:54
kirguiverc_t, yes, but it runs under 4.1 on the bare metal07:54
ducasseuser03: offtopic here07:55
kirducasse, thanks07:55
kirGoing there now07:55
grumbelHave a font rendering issue here: subpixel order is set to 'None' (Xft.rgba: none), yet I still get the orange and blue color fringing. So this might be a library issue, not a config one. Can anybody confirm this issue (use 'xzoom' for looking at pixels)?07:56
guiverc_t:)  - but Ubuntu hasn't used it since 10.04  - i can't provide more.. except I'd look for a later ver, or re-compile kir07:56
kirguiverc_t I guess just file might be confused. I was building this particular executable with Yocto project scripts, so might be that it just puts some lowest requirements for the kernel in the header or whatever07:57
guiverc_tkir, could be (i think the 'file' confused makes sense).  try ubuwin as suggested07:58
geodb27People : hi ! Is there a way to install a package (here ldap-auth-client) without having prompts and screens, so that this can be scripted to fit my needs and silently installs ?07:58
dudejii have problem , every 30mints server load goes very high and i am not able to find why ,there is no cron job in server.08:00
baakowhy is termial case senesitivy?08:02
grumbelFound a different Ubuntu machine and subpixel:None works there, hm. What other places are there that could override the global subpixel setting?08:02
kirguiverc_t, thanks08:02
ducassebaako: what do you mean 'why'? it always has been that way08:04
grumbelFound the culprit: a Kubuntu package was overriding the subpixel setting: "kubuntu-settings-desktop: /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf"08:05
guiverc_tbaako, *nix has always been this way (unless you login with UPPER CASE ONLY; THEN IT ASSUMES YOUR TERMINAL ONLY KNOWS UPPER CASE...) - gnu/linux however knows very few of us have upper/lower case only...08:08
ais523is there a way to download all the files needed for a release upgrade, but to delay the upgrade itself? You can do it via closing the release upgrader just before it finishes the download, but I'd prefer a method that doesn't force me into an irreversible start of the upgrade if I'm too slow to click "cancel"08:20
ais523on the flip side of that, is there a way to tell the regular update manager to /not/ download files unless I give it permission? I've set it to display updates immediately but haven't told it to download them, it seems to download them in the background if I tell it to update later, though08:22
zambawhich package should i install to get a more recent linux kernel?08:22
ais523(both of these problems occur as I'm normally on a metered connection but get access to non-memtered connections occasionally)08:22
lotuspsychje!mainline | zamba08:23
ubottuzamba: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:23
FalcWhere can I find what a specific dpkg-reconfigure will actually do?08:23
guiverc_tais523, apt-get has a --download-only option.. not sure about do-release-upgrade; but I use dist-upgrade to bump upgrades anyway..08:24
ppfi'm afraid only by inspecting the package08:24
ppfit'll run it's configure step08:24
zambalotuspsychje: but there are linux-image-packages with different versions.. i don't want to lock myself to a specific version.. but for instance have 4.15.x kernels automatically updated08:24
lotuspsychjezamba: wich ubuntu version are you on?08:24
zambalotuspsychje: 16.04.408:25
ais523Falc: dpkg-reconfigure runs the configure script that the package maintainer specified; in theory that can do anything, but you can see what it does by unpackaging the package and looking at the script08:25
zambalotuspsychje: maybe go for 18.04?08:25
ducasse!hwe | zamba08:25
ubottuzamba: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack08:25
lotuspsychjezamba: that depends why do you need latest kernel?08:25
zambalotuspsychje: features that was only available in 4.1008:25
zambabut 18.04 is LTS now, right?08:25
lotuspsychjezamba: yes08:25
ais523guiverc_t: I know all the steps for upgrading a distro using dist-upgrade apart from the bit where you set the repositories; where should I look for information on how that works?08:26
zambalotuspsychje: what is the default kernel in 18.04?08:26
zambaah, 4.1508:26
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic bionic | zamba08:26
ubottuzamba: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB08:26
zambai DO know how to google, i just sometimes forget to :)08:26
lotuspsychjezamba: thats what #ubuntu is for, so you dont need to google08:28
guiverc_tais523, can you join #ubuntu-discuss please... (not sure my answer is appropriate here)08:28
Falcoho, those config and postinst scripts are even stored in the filesystem, no need to unpack08:37
=== gms is now known as Guest43709
HariSeldonHi, does the Ubuntu installer have a manual package selection?08:49
kirHariSeldon, you mean desktop or server?08:53
kirHariSeldon server should have08:53
kirHariSeldon, goedemorgen08:54
HariSeldonSorry I meant desktop. I'm new to this and I was looking at the "minimal iso".08:54
HariSeldongodmorgon :)08:54
HariSeldonI have an old laptop that I wanted to try to install a minimal Ubuntu on to save batterypower.08:55
kirHariSeldon, I fear desktop iso doesn't have one. If you want to minimize space, you may look at Lubuntu08:57
HariSeldonI was looking at that too. Lubuntu seems very nice. I also found something called WattOS that seems to be based on Ubuntu.08:57
kirHariSeldon, lubuntu would be preferred, it's closer to original ubuntu08:58
ais523another option would be to start with the server version and then install desktop packages on it, the only real difference between desktop and server is that the server version excludes desktop-specific functionality by default08:58
HariSeldon@kir, gotcha :)08:59
HariSeldon@ais524, that's an idea too... but I wonder if this doesn't do the same but smaller: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:59
kirHariSeldon, also agree with ais523. You can even first install MinimalCD and run apt from shell later09:00
ais523MinimalCD doesn't have a UEFI bootloader09:00
ais523that is a problem on many modern systems09:00
HariSeldonI saw that but apparently you just have to copy the EFI folder from the standard Ubuntu to the Minimal ISO... https://www.onetransistor.eu/2015/12/install-ubuntu-minimal-cd-uefi-enabled.html09:00
ais523in general I recommend matching the bootloader to the system's firmware bootloader, i.e. if the system's firmware bootloader is BIOS, install Ubuntu in BIOS mode, if the system's firmware bootloader is UEFI, install Ubuntu in UEFI mode09:01
kirais523, HariSeldon said he has an old laptop09:01
ais523oh, it might well actually be BIOS in that case09:01
HariSeldonIt supports both I believe. It's an old Thinkpad x23009:01
ais523if it supports both then it's best to use UEFI unless you're dual-booting with an OS that's installed in BIOS mode09:02
kirHariSeldon, it has UEFI and legacy support09:02
kirlegacy BIOS, I mean09:03
HariSeldonYes I saw that in BIOS... I have to admit I haver very little idea what the difference is between UEFI and BIOS :=09:03
kirHariSeldon, it's quite huge, to be honest09:04
EriC^^HariSeldon: mainly uefi uses a partition with files to boot whereas bios uses the bootloader on the disk's mbr09:04
EriC^^uefi is newer faster better with (sometimes) awful implementations09:04
yoggI use an ubuntu 16.04 machine as webserver with an drbd disk as storage. I have now changed the php-fpm systemd config file so the service starts after drbd. Now I have the problem that an "apt-get dist-upgrade" changed back the systemd config file09:04
yoggwhat is the intended way to do something like this?09:05
yoggis there a way to lock a single file, or is there an other way to overwrite the default systemd config file?09:05
kirHariSeldon, as far as I understand you want Ubuntu without dual boot, so for you it's not crucial indeed, whether use server or Minimal CD iso09:06
HariSeldonThanks @kir, @ais523, @EriC^^, @Ool, Iäm going to try to make a minimal iso uefi and see if I can get it running quickly :)09:06
HariSeldon@kir, honestly the laptop is so old that I will only use Ubuntu on it :)09:06
ais523the basic difference between UEFI and BIOS is that BIOS leaves more of the boot process for the OS to do, whereas UEFI does more in the firmware09:06
HariSeldonOne day if I have the time, I would love to study basic computer architecture and perephrials to understand this stuff better.  :)09:07
akdI was able to use accent with my "English (US Alternative Layout", I was able to write "é" when pressing (ALT-GR + ") + e , now I am writing "'e". I want to restore my ALT-GR . I dont remember where is the kebyoard configuration. I am on Linux Debian Stretch With a Cinnamon desktop. Any Help ?09:11
ais523if it's anything like Ubuntu's version of Cinnamon, try System Settings > Keyboard > Layouts09:12
ais523there's an "Options…" button on the Layouts tab you can use if the setting you need isn't on the main layouts page09:13
ais523for what it's worth, é on my layout is AltGr-; e or Shift-AltGr ' e09:13
ais523and I think that's a very common default09:13
ellyachtanyone know how to add a channel to favorites or autojoin while using androiDIRC09:14
KenMikazei entered a wrong room09:14
KenMikazesorry guys, I don't use ubuntu.09:14
KenMikazeam I still welcome here?09:15
ais523this is a support channel, it's best to not put large amounts of offtopic discussion here; and if you want support on something non-Ubuntu-related you'll likely get better results in a channel that's more appropriate for your question09:16
KenMikazeit's ok, I'm testing out Lubuntu on an Intel atom N225 netbook anyway.09:17
HariSeldonThat was rather simple. To get EFI install with the mini.iso minimal Ubuntu install you just had to copy the EFI folder over from the main Ubuntu ISO. :)09:25
kirHariSeldon, oh, good to know09:26
HariSeldonOh and that once you've copied it over, you don't use the startup disk creator... you just copy the whole thing to an USB formated as FAT32.09:27
ais523wouldn't you have to mark it as bootable FAT32 (it's non-bootable by default)? I don't know how to do that on a USB stick09:28
KenMikazei just installed lubuntu on a netbook, but I don't appreciate the gui, how do I install cinnamon there?09:28
HariSeldonThat's the super weird thing ais523. I didn't have to mark it. I just used Disks in Ubuntu to format it to FAT3209:28
KenMikazei know dnf doesn't work09:28
HariSeldon@KenMikaze, I'm not a 100% sure but I would assume it's installing with sudo apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment09:30
HariSeldonor similar09:30
ais523KenMikaze: if you want cinnamon with its default dependencies, "sudo apt install cinnamon" should be enough09:30
KenMikazeahh, ok, thanks09:30
KenMikazei'm so used in dnf and yum.09:30
ais523apt is pretty similar09:31
ais523at least from the end user's point of view09:31
KenMikazethanks ais523 and HariSeldon09:31
=== william__ is now known as william-profuse
HariSeldonThe minimal Ubuntu install has an awesome text menu to select packages. It seems you can practically install different flavors, server, and everything else you would like. Of course I installed nothing... minimal is awesome. :D09:41
hans_ubuntu 16.04 x64, was running "apt update;apt dist-upgrade;", got this error about snapd, should i be worried? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VJtvwNSjNr/09:57
EriC^^hans_: maybe run "journalctl -xe" and see what it says?09:58
hans_that was huge, but got Jun 13 11:55:14 miner1 snap[16147]: error: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps/system/conf?keys=seed.loaded: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused09:59
hans_(here's the full 1 https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/qYnPC575dkHWybilecvZ3A/raw?password=WtzVJTgmQUb_mccFKgEo )10:00
hans_"systemctl status snapd.seeded.service" says this, not sure what it means, https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/mxgPz4IV8c1G9C4aMXDnxg/raw?password=DpHp0sgeChH9ckOcICZQ10:01
vasanthI am on ubuntu 18.04. I've connected by usb to a usb-c port. Ubuntu will not auto-mount this drive. When I connect to regular usb port the drive is auto mounted. tips? help?10:03
EriC^^hans_: did you try rebooting?10:06
hans_EriC^^, yep, and seems snapd is working correctly now :)10:07
HariSeldon@vasanth, open Disks app and go to the USB device... click the cogwheel for settings and then see Mount Options10:08
EriC^^hans_: cool :)10:09
hans_i incorrectly thought that "echo powersave > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor" would make it run at lowest speed the cpu allows, and most of the time, seems it does exactly that, but the "stress" cpu-stresstest manage to make the cpu go up to its max speed (3.5Ghz),10:11
xqbHello, how can I install `gir1.2-gtk-3.0` via pip?10:11
DisruptiveNLHi all10:12
DisruptiveNLIf I want to access a samba share in Windows (10) I keep getting systemerror 53....10:12
DisruptiveNLfirewalls off10:14
DisruptiveNLI can connect with ssh10:14
pewds11hi I'm trying to fix my corrupted sd card on ubuntu. is this the right place to ask the questions?10:18
HariSeldonpewdsll: I'm not sure... but out of curiosity do you have an OS or is there only images, or what is on the card so to speak in general terms?10:20
pewds11HariSeldon: Few files and media.. not an OS10:23
hans_uhm, does a kernel upgrade risk overwriting the cpu scaling governor?10:27
HariSeldonpewds11: Well I know that SanDisk has a pretty nifty repair tool for media. Now there is a paid version and also a free one. It's called SanDisk memory card repair tool.10:27
hans_huh, no, apparently, reboots does10:28
blackflowhans_: "overwriting"?10:28
blackflowyou mean the setting on which governor to use?10:28
hans_yeah, i set it to "powersave", reboot, and its "performance"10:28
hans_it defaults to "performance" after each reboot. and it wasn't like this before i ran apt install cpupower linux-tools-generic linux-cloud-tools-generic10:29
hans_i guess "powersave" did something10:29
hans_err, cpupower*10:29
pewds11HariSeldon: Well, the sd card is showing up along with its media in FILES but when I try copying the content onto a local folder it's throwing errors.10:30
HariSeldonpewds11: What kind of errors?10:31
blackflowhans_: I don't know about cpupower, but you could use two things that I know of. cpufreq (which exists as a package and allows you to configure stuff), and intel pstate options via sysfs, made permanent I think with sysfsutils package and /etc/sysfs.conf where you make permanent changes to /sys10:32
pewds11HariSeldon : Splicing error input/output. I tried copying a file with many images on it & few of em got copied and then the system threw this error10:34
baakohi guys, i created a file with some script and i call it test101 i then did a sudo mv test101 /usr/local/bin when i try to run the script test101 i get an error saying -bash: /usr/local/bin/test101: Permission denied10:35
HariSeldonpewds11: How are you connecting the SD card? Do you have a SD slot? Or using some kind of USB device?10:36
geirhayou need to add the execute bit on it. chmod +x /usr/local/bin/test10110:36
pewds11HariSeldon : I have a card reader10:37
Rollyyo, I'm trying to recover my home folder, which is encrypted. I am using "sudo ecryptfs-recover-private -rw (pathname)"10:37
Rollybut I am getting this message10:37
Rollyfind: ‘/run/user/999/gvfs’: Permission denied10:37
Rollyfind: File system loop detected; ‘/sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl’ is part of the same file system loop as ‘/sys/kernel/debug’.10:37
baakogeirha: thaNKS10:38
hans_something keeps resetting the cpu govornor to "performance" after each reboot, "cpufreq-set -c 0 -g powersave; cpufreq-set -c 1 -g powersave;" is only valid until reboot... any suggestions?10:38
pewds11HariSeldon : the card also gets ejected after that error message is displayed10:40
HariSeldonpewds11: It has worked OK before?10:40
vasanthHariSeldon: Thank you. worked.10:40
pewds11HariSeldon: The card reader? umm yeah10:40
HariSeldonpewds11: Wondering if you have any other device you can test your card on?10:41
HariSeldonvasanth: very welcome10:41
pewds11HariSeldon: I have tried it on windows and it isn't even detecting the card10:41
HariSeldonpewds11: I would honestly try Photorec carefully10:48
HariSeldonpewds11: Just to recover your stuff. Then you can reformat the SD card in the device you're using it.10:48
HariSeldonpewds11: Or if you suspect the SD card is bad then replace it.10:49
HariSeldonpewds11: It's open source recovery.10:49
HariSeldonpewds11: https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec10:50
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pewds11HariSeldon : Okay . Thanks a ton! I guess prolly the sd card is bad.. any way I can check the health of my sd card?10:53
HariSeldonpewds11: On windows with chkdsk10:54
hans_haha, apt remove --purge powertools.*; apt autoremove --purge; reboot;  and now nothing is overwriting my cpu scaling governor :)10:54
HariSeldonpewds11: on linux with fsck10:54
pewds11HariSeldon : How do I use the fsck command on ubuntu?10:57
oerheksfind out first what filesystem is on that card10:58
oerhekswhich is impossible, as it does not mount10:58
HariSeldonpewds11: Is it FAT32?11:01
HariSeldonpewds11: https://askubuntu.com/questions/147228/how-to-repair-a-corrupted-fat32-file-system11:01
pewds11HariSeldon : Yes it is. Thanks for the link!11:03
HariSeldonpewds11: Welcome, just be careful if it's important media11:03
pewds11HariSeldon : Yes. I tried using fsck and it returned : Logical sector size is zero.11:08
HariSeldonpewds11: You could use testdisk to try to repair the broken partition, but again... it's scary stuff because you don't want to lose the media.11:10
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coconutanyone knows how to play "Stereoscopic 3D" movies? (i cannot get the big buck bunny movie played, i shows a double screen)11:20
yoggfound it "systemctl edit servicename"11:22
StucKmannot sure this is the right channel, but hopefully I'll be pointed in a good direction... I have a Dell Precision 5520 and hitting Control-Tap (not Tab, Tapping the touchpad) does not work. I use it a lot for opening links in new tabs in browsers. Control-Click works, tho. anny suggestions? I think the hardware is Synaptics...11:22
oerheks!info bino11:24
ubottubino (source: bino): 3D video player. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.6-1 (bionic), package size 588 kB, installed size 1728 kB11:24
JimBuntu!info xserver-xorg-input-synaptics11:24
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-synaptics (source: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics): Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 62 kB, installed size 176 kB11:24
JimBuntuStucKman, might want to sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics11:25
JimBuntuStucKman,  there is also a package called synaptic .  I have not had to install these in years, once upon a time they helped me though.11:26
StucKmanJimBuntu: I have it11:26
StucKman(the first one)11:26
HariSeldonSo I have to share with someone... I installed minimal Ubuntu ISO with no extra packages. Then installed Wayland/Weston and Sway and it looks beautiful and runs fast on an old laptop. It's like... having a really fresh doughnut.11:28
coconutty oerh11:32
oerhekscoconut, it works for most viewers/glasses, maybe not all media11:37
coconutyes, already were guessing i missed glasses here11:38
BluesKajHey folks11:40
baakohi guys after you have install an application NOT from the software centre, how do you open it without using the terminal? e,g, search for using "show Applications"12:01
Fuchsbaako: depends on how exactly you installed it and if it came along with a .desktop file12:02
Fuchsif not, you create one of these12:02
baakocreate what?12:03
Fuchsa .desktop file specifying the name of the application and what executable to start12:03
baakosorry i got disconnected12:06
baakowhat you i should connect to?12:06
oerhekscreate one with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles or extended howto https://developer.gnome.org/integration-guide/stable/desktop-files.html.en12:08
oerheksi am sure there has been someone before you with the same question, and solution12:08
guiverc_tbaako, i'm using xfce, so have a 'run program' (with box where I can enter command, or scroll thru prior commands), plus a 'edit menu' to add commands/programs my menu; but this applies to xubuntu/xfce..  each DEsktop varies somewhat..12:12
memphistoHariSeldon: you are into tilling managers. have you tried full DE? i'm interested in KDE and remote desktop. but i hear that dosn't work yet12:34
zetherooIs there a way to disable desktop effects in 18.04?12:36
donofrioanyone know how I can get around this issue - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TttTp62yC6/ ?12:36
guiverc_tdonofrio, the obvious things to try are `sudo apt-get install -f`; then a `sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade`...  (it may not do anything...)12:42
oerheksdonofrio, you avoid it by joining the ubuwindows channel, clearly a wsl bug https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/261512:44
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mircx1Hey question if i want remove that curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list what commands i write?13:20
oerheksremove that /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list  and revoke the key; sudo apt-key list # gives you that yarn key,  sudo apt-key del >id>13:26
oerheksbut we like to use ppa-purge too13:27
mircx1you can please give to me the full commands for that?13:27
oerheksopen softwaresources, and remove that ppa13:28
BaKKaRguys, can you tell me how to save my WINE files so i can just use them a backup instead of re-downloading everything again13:28
oerhekswine is stored in a hidden folder, ~/.wine ??13:28
BaKKaRoerheks: i though /.wine is confguration files .. not the DLLs and LIBs13:29
oerheksoh you want to save your wine debs?13:30
BaKKaRoerheks: yes, the debs and DLLs, like the VCRUn also the DIRECTX files , MONO lIBs .. the whole doanloaded content when you confgure wine from winetricks13:31
leftyfbBaKKaR: ~/.wine is everything13:31
oerheksoh boy, i think you need to look through dpkg log to see what wine installed..13:32
leftyfbwine doesn't install much. Regardless, reinstalling wine/winetricks will reinstall all the needed packages.13:33
BaKKaRleftyfb: i think you and oerheks are right .. it is 350+mb so i must contain the DLLs13:33
BaKKaRcan i ask one more question pls ...13:34
oerheksyou should find them in /var/cache/apt/archives13:34
BaKKaRwhats the dieffrent between wine and wine64 if i am on 64 arch already13:34
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oerhekswine64 runs 64 bit software only, wine ( 32) runs 16 and 32 bit13:36
BaKKaR`thank you oerheks13:36
BaKKaRthank you leftyfb13:36
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sa_How to override with depmod "search" config option?14:00
leftyfbsa_: context please14:05
fwefHi, I have recently installed 18.04 (clean install). I suspended the laptop and then woke it up again later and my login screen started refreshing about every second. I couldn14:06
fwef I couldn't type password fast enough and it refreshed again, then I did ctrl+alt+1, logged in and rebooted. now my laptop only boots to tty1, not GUI14:07
fwefanyone knows how to fix the problem?14:07
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sa_leftyfb: I want to configure modprobe to load modules from /home/user/bin directory rather than /lib/modules14:09
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leftyfbsa_: why?14:10
Guest49445the nvidia desktop configuration, the resolution, is not kept after rebooting. how can I fix this? I saved the config file too, but this doesnt work14:11
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neoncontrailsHowdy. I've been toying with ~/.Xmodmap and a utility called xcape for mapping "<Space> +anything" key chords to <Ctrl>+*. It works pretty well in my Xfce desktop, but it's really unpredictable in Gnome and sometimes breaks my terminal sessions.14:25
nicholasBPMI generate my html files with python and i am thinking about changing Apache configuration to index0.html instead of index.html is there any drawbacks by doing that? (sorry for my bad English)14:25
neoncontrailsI noticed some message in the syslog that I can't find right now, but IIRC said something to the effect of 'using Xmodmap to rebind keys is now deprecated' and to use... Gio? Glo?  What's the modern way to approach this old problem?14:27
Ridley5HI tomreyn :) , i come to thank you again about your help of yesterday, my dvb-t are working great, i was listening to my favorite radio channel, and traying to get some airplane frequency lol :)14:29
Lopeif I run dist-upgrade on 16.04 will it go to 18.04? I want to stay on 16.0414:34
leftyfbLope: it will not14:35
compdocwkitty42, you there?14:51
wkitty42compdoc, yes... i am now...14:51
wkitty42compdoc, what's up?14:52
compdocI had to wait till everyone left, but I applied the kvm upgrades to my 14.04 server, and all 32 bit guests started no problems:  QEMU emulator version 2.0.0 (Debian 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.43)14:53
compdocoops, I mean all 64bit guests14:53
LopeHow can I login to a root terminal of my ubuntu installation without an x-server running?14:53
Lopecan I ctrl+alt+f2 and then kill the x-server in a way that it doesn't auto-respawn?14:54
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mgedminyes, sudo service gdm stop14:54
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mgedmin(assuming you use gdm; older ubuntus used lightdm)14:54
Lopemgedmin: thanks. And if I want to get into a root terminal from boot without the X server?14:54
LopeIs there a way to hold shift and somehow stop gdm from starting?14:55
mgedminyou should be able to boot in recovery mode from the GRUB menu14:55
mgedminyou can get the GRUB menu by hitting esc at just the right time, or perhaps by holding shift?14:55
mgedminthe recovery mode boot gives you a text-mode menu, where one of the options is to launch a root shell14:56
mgedminlast I tried it was a bit buggy -- some systemd job in the background would time out and then the system would continue on booting the full GUI after a few minutes spent in the root shell :/14:56
wkitty42compdoc: that's weird... i did file my bug report yesterday and was asked for some more info via apport-collect but that seems to be broken on my system even after having to install a bunch of python stuff to support it...14:59
wkitty42compdoc: i'll post the link to the report later if anyone feels it necessary...14:59
compdocwkitty42, the diff might be I have the newer kernel with hardware enablement stack (HWE?)14:59
compdochope you get it sorted15:00
wkitty42compdoc: that is probably it... we're running 14.04 LTS all the way to the end (2019 i think) and will then be upgrading to 18.04... still working on the logistics for that monstrous move...15:01
leftyfbmgedmin: Lope: "recovery mode" is not normal boot without a GUI. It's single user mode. You don't want to use that for anything other than recovering from problems15:01
compdocthe 14.04 server is running for a customer. I need to upgrade them before long15:02
wkitty42compdoc: the downgrade worked a treat... i hope i can find what they need to fix the problem with the .43 stuff15:02
Lopeleftyfb: thanks15:10
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GunqqerFriithian#KDE told me to ask here. What is the latest version of KDE packaged to be able to run on 16.04.04?15:45
oerhekslaunchpad + kubuntu + kde + 16.04.0415:46
oerheksthey asked you to ask here, because they are too lazy to bing..15:47
GunqqerFriithian#KDE has told me to ask multiple questions here15:49
GunqqerFriithianit pisses me off15:49
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oerheks#kubuntu is our support channel15:49
oerhekstechnically they split desktop and distro15:50
GunqqerFriithianMake it more confusing for me, eh :P15:50
leftyfbGunqqerFriithian: why do you need to know the version?15:52
GunqqerFriithianwell because I have plasma 5.8, but 5.9 has a feature I want, and I would like  to know if I need to upgrade from 16.04 to something higher to get it or not15:52
leftyfbGunqqerFriithian: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-lts-release-anouncement/15:52
pragmaticenigmaGunqqerFriithian: What #KDE and some here are tring to do... is for you to do your own google search and find out...15:53
GunqqerFriithianTelling someone to "google something" is not making the community look nice15:53
pragmaticenigmaWe didn't explicately tell you to... but in the time you waited for a response... you probably could have found this page: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/kubuntu-desktop15:54
break3rhi everybody, i need a little bit help with a lte modem (fibocom l830-eb) in (k)ubuntu. i get asked for a sim pin when starting up and modem-manager-gui shows a generic mbim with correct sim provider. but i cannot find it in the tool which is used for connecting to networks. i googled already, but i didn't see anything helpful15:55
oerheksfind out where that plasma 5.9 must come from, and if that ppa has 16.04 packages15:55
GunqqerFriithianwell the thing is, I have no idea how to do that, hense why I am asking15:55
GunqqerFriithianseeing as you're all useless15:55
pragmaticenigmaGive a fish, they eat for a day; teach to fish, they eat for a lifetime15:56
break3ri cannot find any drivers15:56
n-iCeOk, something really annoying is happening to me, I always in my laptop use an external tv 32 monitor, usually I don't move the laptop or take it out of home, today I did, and after login display is black, I think ubuntu thinks my monitor is connected, what can I do, pls15:57
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donofriook, anyone have a description of this (at the end of this console paste https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RJrWyRrC68/) it says "W: APT had planned for dpkg to do more than it reported back (6146 vs 7207).   Affected packages: adium-theme-ubuntu:amd64 brltty:amd64 cups-bsd:amd64 . . . ." what does this mean and should I be concerned or just informational?15:57
oerheks              https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/network/modem-manager/docs/entering-sim-passwords15:57
oerheksa adium theme on WSL, donofrio ?15:58
oerheksserious, Affected packages: adium-theme-ubuntu  bla bla15:59
donofriooh....ok bad to see.... ;( effects like 50 packages I believe (just random guess as to how many....) how to work around these (I like xfce4 use it daily and would be sad if I broke it)16:00
wkitty42compdoc, leftyfb, tomreyn, memphisto: thanks to each of you for your assistance yesterday on my QEMU 64bit VMs kernel panicking with security upgrade .43... i've filed the bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/177657516:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1776575 in qemu (Ubuntu) "14.04.5 safe-upgrade from QEMU 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.42 to QEMU 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.43 kernel panics amd64 VM guests" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:00
sa_what is the process for resetting your freenode password when you have forgotten it?16:03
hggdhsa_: please check with the folks at #freenode16:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:05
vavkamilneed to record audio from microphone in ubuntu16:21
vavkamilis there anything in default repositories?16:21
mensvagavavkamil: audacity16:21
mensvagaand pavucontrol16:21
vavkamilthank you will try audacity16:23
nic_how to increase live system filesystem space like home folder or root folder at boot menu16:29
EriC^^nic_: at boot menu?16:30
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EriC^^what's that?16:30
nic_like ramsize16:30
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nic_allocated more ram space to home and root folder16:31
mensvaganic_: computers don't work that way16:31
mensvaganic_: run:     df -h16:32
EriC^^nic_: are you trying to add more space to your ubuntu from the hdd from windows perhaps? or you want a bigger swap is what you mean?16:32
nic_i mean i can use cheat code ramsize=95% in porteus to set more writable space from ram but how i can do it in ubuntu16:32
mensvagaThat will show you the free space on your system.  For what currently plugged in, that's typically a "fixed" value.16:32
naccmensvaga: they aren't talking about a hard drive16:32
naccnic_: your question is relatively nonsensical and maybe implies you don't know what the live system is doing16:33
oerheksnic_ that is not an normal usercase, have fun with that16:33
mensvaganacc: I hadn't considered they were on a "live" system16:33
naccmensvaga: it was the very first thing they said...16:33
mensvagaah.  I read, "Live system file system" as "live filesystem" and thought they might want to resize a volume with LVM16:34
nic_see this  /cow            1.5G  1.3G  193M  87% /16:34
EriC^^why is it nonsensical though?16:35
EriC^^does the live usb already use the ram as hdd?16:35
nic_how to increase this limit 1.5G ?16:35
EriC^^or "writing space"16:35
naccnic_: how much memory does your system have? are you doing this on a physical system or a VM?16:36
oerheksdownload more ram16:36
mensvagaoerheks: you wouldn't download a pizza16:36
nic_live usb booting to live in ram16:36
naccnic_: that's not what i asked16:36
nic_memory 3 gb16:37
naccnic_: what does the live USB environment report? (head /proc/meminfo)16:37
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nic_head /proc/meminfo MemTotal:        2999612 kB MemFree:           94988 kB MemAvailable:     624004 kB16:38
naccnic_: so the live usb sees 3G of RAM16:41
naccnic_: can you pastebin `cat /proc/cmdline` ?16:42
naccnic_: also what version of ubuntu is this?16:42
nic_ramsize=some_value%  ... Will let you set a custom size for the tmpfs partition which is used as the root (/) of your live filesystem when changes are not saved on a real filesystem   thats how i increase root size in porteus while booting it with cheat code ramsize=95%16:42
naccnic_: it's not a "cheat code".16:43
naccnic_: and porteus != ubuntu, so that's not necessrily relevant16:43
nic_cat /proc/cmdline file=/cdrom/preseed/xubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash --- xubuntu16:43
nic_ubuntu version bionic beaver 18.04 LTS16:44
nic_can use ramsize option with ubuntu ?16:46
naccnic_: afaik, no16:47
nic_so how to increase root tmpfs  ?16:48
oerheksadd more ram ? not sure what you want to do in that read-only live iso16:49
ErisianWhat is it that you need to do that needs more than 1.5GB in the tmpfs?16:51
naccnic_: tbh, i think you would need to create a custom ISO image with a modified configuration, but I'm not sure16:51
nic_so i need to remaster and remove office and what else i can delete to decrease size of live iso . Hmm i am experimenting different software in live environment which require more tmpfs16:52
ErisianWhat does the size of the liveISO have to do with anything?16:53
naccoh, i wonder if it's actually the default tmpfs limit (50% of memory)16:54
naccnic_: it's not the size of the iso16:54
Erisiantmpfs is set to 50% of total RAM by default, yes16:54
naccyou might be able to do a `sudo mount -o remount,size=75% ...` but i'm not sure if it will work16:55
naccalso that will put some pressure on your system and will likely OOM16:55
ErisianEspecially since everything is contained in a RAMDisk on a LiveISO AFAIK.16:59
nic_$ sudo mount -o remount,size=75% mount: bad usage16:59
naccnic_: you need to provide more parameters (hence ...)16:59
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nic_so how to change configuration file from 50% to 75%  ?17:01
nic_i had booted ubuntu studio 2.2 gb iso from ram. But i just installed wine and was going to install open jdk and its says full no space left to install17:02
lorunic_: within the ram?17:02
ErisianYeah... See, that's not really what a LiveISO is for.17:03
ErisianAlso, you probably want more than 3GB of available RAM if you're going to try and do that.17:03
nic_yea ubuntu studio from ram but ubuntu xfce 18.04 now have tmpfs 1.5 gb and i had installed wine staging in it and trying to install openjdk  after cleaning cache but its quoting no space17:04
ErisianBecause you only have 1.5GB to work with on a 3GB system.17:05
nic_porteus xfce 320 MB  vs ubuntu xfce 1.2 GB ? so it copy2ram more space in ubuntu  ? There is no mini iso for ubuntu  ?17:06
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 320 in General "xfdesktop randomly eats my menu items" [Minor,Resolved: fixed] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32017:06
ErisianWell, Ubuntu Studio is the giant LiveISO.17:07
ErisianYou can also boot from USB and create a persistent storage partition17:07
nic_yea there are many other17:07
nic_one must get 16 gigs of ram and octacore processor17:08
ErisianYou probably want to try https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop and a USB boot if you want more local storage available.17:08
nic_so no clue to increase tmpfs from default 50%17:09
ErisianNo, and that won't solve your problem if you only have 3GB of RAM total.17:09
nic_thank you17:13
nic_for all help17:13
nic_to all17:13
oerhekshave fun!17:14
linelevelHello. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on an AWS EC2 instance. I recently tried to `do-release-upgrade` and it failed, and the next time I rebooted the machine failed to boot. So I detached the volume, attached it to a recovery instance, and `chroot`ed into the attached volume from my recovery instance. I then tried to `dpkg --configure -a`, but it also failed with many errors.17:17
loruit failed to boot?17:18
lorucan you downgrade?17:18
linelevelloru: I'm not sure how since it won't boot? I can't SSH into the instance.17:18
loruI don't know how EC2 works but can you see the screen's output? is there a log,17:19
linelevelSure, I'll paste the log from my recovery instance.17:19
vavkamilhow can I detect my microphone?17:20
lorulinelevel: I think at this point you should backup your VM, extract the specific data you need (your files, like, the web server config & data related to it), reinstall the VM & import the files17:20
ErisianUSB or 1/8" jack?17:20
linelevelloru: https://dpaste.de/mpe617:21
vavkamilsrry it's jack actually17:21
ErisianThen that'll be in your sound driver settings17:21
linelevelloru: Yeah, well that is certainly my plan of last resort, but I am willing to try to troubleshoot this a bit longer in case it's possible for me to fix the problem using a recovery instance.17:22
blackflowlinelevel: you need to mount /proc, /sys and /dev in the chroot first17:22
vavkamilok there is no input in sound settings17:22
lorulinelevel: you need to mount the proc & dev before chrooting17:22
loruoops thx blackflow!17:22
ErisianNo input tab at all?17:23
vavkamilinput tab, but empty17:23
ErisianDo you have a separate Mic jack or is it a combo?17:23
blackflowlinelevel: mount -t proc proc /vol1/proc ; mount -R /sys /vol1/sys; mount -R /dev /vol1/dev; chroot /vol1 ; export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"17:23
linelevelblackflow: loru: Ah, thanks. It's been a while since I've done anything like this so I forgot about that step.17:23
linelevelblackflow: Thank you; that is helpful.17:24
vavkamilErisian, separate, it was working when I bought it17:24
ErisianWhat version?17:24
blackflowlinelevel: that last export step can't be done in single line with previous commands, you run that after chroot17:24
blackflow(and it's not needed, just a very convenient thing)17:24
ErisianVersion of Ubuntu.17:25
vavkamilohh it was half way unplugged, everything is fine now17:25
ErisianOh right, I forgot the first troubleshooting step. "Is it plugged in? All the way?"17:26
vavkamilnow I need to figure out which one is it in audacity17:26
loruErisian: haha17:27
ErisianUse your sound settings to see which input gets you a result when you talk.17:27
vavkamilseems like both "default front mic 0" and "default rear mic 0" are working17:27
ErisianSounds like they're just set on a Y splitter internally to the sound card.17:28
pocketmonhello how can i install gdb?17:30
vavkamilpocketmon, for android?17:30
pocketmonjust on ubuntu17:31
oerheks!info gdb17:32
ubottugdb (source: gdb): GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version 8.1-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 2992 kB, installed size 8228 kB17:32
oerhekssudo apt-get install <package>17:32
rick__im trying to install ubuntu but im on windows 10 and everytime i click the autorun.ico it says there is no app associated with it17:38
rick__i tried creating a bootable disc and a bootable usb and neither one works17:38
rick__i have the ubuntu iso file and i mounted it. still doesnt run17:38
ErisianThat's because it's an ICO file17:38
ErisianYou need to either burn a DVD, or create a bootable USB and make sure your computer is booting in UEFI mode and not legacy.17:39
leftyfbrick__: you don't install ubuntu from a CD/USB from within Windows17:39
ErisianYou'll also have to make sure that your machine is set to boot from USB, and that USB is an enabled option in the UEFI configuration.17:39
rick__that was the first thing i tried. i went into bios and set the boot order17:40
rick__then i restarted the computer17:40
ErisianYou create the media either with a disc burner, or with Rufus17:40
rick__i made sure that usb devices and cd devices came before hard drive17:40
leftyfbrick__: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-install-ubuntu-desktop17:40
rick__i used rufus17:40
loruleftyfb: wubi is gone?17:40
leftyfbloru: correct17:40
rick__leftyfb: thats the tutorial i followed17:40
ErisianAre you in Legacy or UEFI boot mode? That's the problem a lot of the time.17:40
rick__i think legacy mode is disabled pretty sure im in uefi but i can double check17:41
rick__coudl there be something else?17:41
linelevelloru: blackflow: Thank you. After setting up the `chroot` properly, a simple `apt-get upgrade -y` fixed the problem, and I can now boot into the original instance with that root volume properly upgraded.17:41
ErisianAlso, if you have the option to press a key to select boot device at boot time, use that to make sure your USB is listed.17:41
ErisianPersonally, I always use that option when booting to external media just to verify.17:41
rick__no options for that17:41
rick__alright im going to make sure its in uefi mode. brb17:41
=== linuxer is now known as Guest30836
probookwhy arch is so sexy ? :)17:52
blackflowlinelevel: yw17:53
=== Darkhero_ is now known as Darkhero
cgreenI have a problem with Thunderbird 1:52.8.0+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 is this the correct forum? It's freezing and leaving a process in a zombie state18:00
cgreenI have to restart the machine to get Thunderbird to open again.18:00
probookcgreen: use mailspring is better and faster than thunderbird18:02
Jontacgreen: Have you tried killing Thunderbird and then reopening?18:02
cgreenI can't kill azombie process. It will not die therefor I can not open another instance of thunderbird18:03
cgreenI have tried everything to kill the running process.18:03
cgreenOnly a restart kills it, which is BS18:04
oerhekshave you tried to remove your profile and setup again?18:04
cgreen<oerheks> yes, this is the 2nd time I have done this. All I have to do is reboot and it will start working again but if I was happy doing that I would run Winblows18:05
Jontacgreen: This addresses murdering a zombie: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16944886/how-to-kill-zombie-process18:05
reya276How can I get my XP-PEN Star06 to work?18:05
reya276Im' running ubuntu 17.1018:06
cgreenkill does not do anything18:07
lorulinelevel: :)18:07
cgreen<Jonta> kill and pkill do nothing.18:07
oerhekspkill thunderbird18:07
reya276its a graphics design tablet https://www.xp-pen.com/goods/show/id/194.html18:07
Jontacgreen: Same for the question asker in that thread. Need to go after the parent, it seems18:08
cgreenso firefox won't open either, strange18:08
cgreenand there is a process for firefox running also that won't die.18:09
cgreenthese used to be such stable apps18:09
cgreenWTF happened18:09
cgreenNeither process will die18:09
nicomachuscgreen: you may try irc.mozilla.org, since it seems like you're having trouble with a few different mozilla products18:10
leftyfbcgreen: I'm running 16.04 and run Thunderbird daily and firefox on occasions. No issues with either18:10
cgreenI have 3 defunct firefox processes that will no die now.18:11
JontaDid you try the answers from the SO-thread?18:11
Jontasanty: Hi18:12
cgreenJonta Thanks but this is not a normal process that dies with you use those commands. It's defunct or zombied meaning it will not die.18:13
=== santy is now known as Guest8725
JontaI'll take that as a no18:13
Guest8725can someone help me with iptables? I can pay18:13
Guest8725can someone help me with iptables? I can pay18:14
JontaGuest8725: You didn't say how much, and just go ahead and ask your question18:14
cgreen<Jonta> you would be wrong. I was not here asking for commands to run. I am here looking to see if anyone else has had this problem. Doesn't sound like it.18:14
leftyfbGuest8725: first, please register a nick with nickeserv. 2nd, don't repeat. 3rd, do not offer to pay. That's not what this is about. Ask your question, with details.18:15
Guest8725Well, at this moment I have a machine in a datacenter, and I suffer attacks ddos. the machine has a speed of 2GB, and they attack me with 1GB. I need a congiguracion to avoid that the machine falls down!18:15
JontaVery well. I did make that assumption, since it's the common case in this channel. I suggest adding that info next time. :)18:15
=== Guest8725 is now known as Santy8332
nacccgreen: i sugget maybe running thunerbird from the terminal, so you can get some logs/maybe see what causes it to crash18:15
leftyfbSanty8332: I'd suggest talking to your colo provider about DDoS mitigation. iptables isn't going to help you much.18:16
Jontacgreen: If you're looking for bug confirmation, I suggest checking with leftyfb If they're running the same versions of TB and FF18:16
cgreen<Jonta> Your correct I should have started with that. Thanks18:16
leftyfbcgreen: I'm running the same version of Thunderbird as you18:17
ErisianDDOS isn't going to be mitigated by iptables, the connections still happen.18:17
Santy8332Yes, I know but is there any way to optimize? They attack me with half the speed I have.18:18
leftyfbSanty8332: contact your colo provider18:18
Santy8332no, the datacenter where I am does not mitigate!18:18
JontaHm. Set up Cloudflare? They have ddos-protection18:19
leftyfbSanty8332: time to move18:19
leftyfbor ^18:19
Santy8332no, cloudflare does not help me because it's for games!18:19
cgreen<leftyfb> any troubles with freezing leaving defunct processes that won't die18:20
ErisianCloudflare is for everything18:20
leftyfbcgreen: no18:20
ErisianAny it isn't just for games18:20
JontaSanty8332: Plenty of sites use Cloudflare without being for games. Or is it your site that's for games?18:20
Santy8332I'm dedicated to hosting online games18:21
ErisianEven TPB uses cloudflare.18:21
oerheksyou might want to join #networking too18:22
Santy8332cloudflare does not work, games do not solve domains!18:22
leftyfbErisian: cloudflare is mainly for websites18:23
ErisianOh, right.18:23
=== charolastra is now known as vegetalista
ErisianIt's a server for games played on the workstation level. I was thinking flash or HTML5 games.18:23
leftyfbSanty8332: you need to mitigate DDoS's properly at your ISP/router. Not at your server.18:24
ErisianI don't know that there's a whole lot you can do against DDOS on dedicated game servers without the help of the Colo.18:24
Santy8332I mean, with iptables, I'm not going to achieve much, why is traffic less than the total?18:25
leftyfbegc: there's an unlimited amount of channels you can join/create to test your IRC client. This isn't one of them.18:25
lotuspsychjeSanty8332: try the #netfilter channel for firewall issues18:25
leftyfbSanty8332: DDoS's aren't always about traffic18:25
Santy8332Can you tell me, what device mitigates?18:30
leftyfbSanty8332: this isn't the place for that. Try #networking18:33
marzI want to install a package from an unofficial repo. After adding the repo, how do I make sure it doesn't install any updates once I do an apt-get update/upgrade?18:49
lotuspsychjemarz: we dont suggest and support adding external ppa's18:49
lotuspsychjemarz: they can scramble your system & dependecy, hence why we dont advice them18:49
DanielPowerNL_Hey guys, I think this may be the strangest (and also coolest) bug I've ever seen on Ubuntu. A member of my university's Computer Science Society just posted this image. He says it happened out of nowhere, he can't think of what he might have done to have triggered it. https://imgur.com/a/Ur3vYTe18:50
lotuspsychjemarz: did you look for your package on the official repos?18:50
marzlotuspsychje: but If i want to, how do I disable it after adding it? http://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/better-font-rendering-in-linux-with.html18:50
DanielPowerNL_The window border is surrounded by 4 Firefox logos, and a color matching border.18:50
leftyfbDanielPowerNL_: that's something they did custom18:52
JontaIsn't even aligned that well :(18:57
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | marz18:58
ubottumarz: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:58
marzlotuspsychje: how do I check if a package is on the official repos?19:01
lotuspsychjemarz: apt-cache search fontconfig19:01
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
genii!info fontconfig19:02
ubottufontconfig (source: fontconfig): generic font configuration library - support binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.6-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 164 kB, installed size 551 kB19:02
marzlotuspsychje: thanks19:02
Curlyears*argh*   I am going nutz trying to write to a BlueRay disc.19:02
JontaCurlyears: What've you tried so far?19:02
CurlyearsI think I need to format it first, because it doesn't show up in my detachable device liist when I put the disc in the drive.  But how to I format a BluRqy disc?  I have tried numerous search strings, nmone of which come up with anything that appears helpful  :(19:03
lotuspsychjegenii: it was an example as keyword, he needs fontconfig-inf something19:04
CurlyearsJonta:   nothing, actually.  I place a blank, new Bluebray disc in the drive, and it never shows up in my devices listing19:04
geniiCurlyears: How can it? There's no filesystem on it yet.19:04
JontaCurlyears: Formatting it sounds. Weird. I agree. This is a write-once-operation, right?19:04
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Curlyears(I did try Brasero yesterday.  it just sits there and does nothing for a while, then informs me that iut has enc9ountered a structure it deosn't recognize (without identifying it) and kicks me out19:05
JontaCurlyears: How about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning#Blu-Ray_Burning19:05
Jonta"Brasero and K3B can't burn Blu-ray out of the box. In order to do so you have to install the cdrecord package from this PPA "19:06
Curlyearsjonta   the disks are lableded as RD - RE19:06
Curlyearsyeah, I tried installing that.  You have to actually apt-get install TWEO packages, cerecord, and mkisofs.  apt-get keeps telling me there us nothign mto find for isofs19:08
Jonta"BD-RE" I assume. Seems that's rewritable19:08
JontaDid you add the PPA?19:09
Curlyearsthanks for the lin k, Jonta.  I'll go check it out.damn, I can't seem to find the actual downloadable for k3d on a reliable site19:21
CurlyearsI just googled "Ubuntu k3d" and got 121 hits.  19 were for various errorrs people are having,t he other two are uselss to me19:26
backnforthHi, is having a process with command `/usr/bin/lxcfs /var/lib/lxcfs` a problem on Ubuntu 18.04? I'm sure not where that came from. I only started reading the processes on my machine a while after I started running it.19:26
leftyfb!containers | backnforth19:28
leftyfb!lxd | backnforth19:28
leftyfbbacknforth: it has to do with lxd / containers19:28
backnforthis it suppose to naturally appear?19:29
backnforthor has someone installed it?19:29
backnforthI'm using a digital ocean droplet btw19:29
leftyfbbacknforth: I'm pretty sure it's installed by default19:36
backnforththanks leftyfb :)19:36
rvangHey Guys, I installed ubuntu 18.04 this week. Everything seems to be working fine.. except my bluetooth randomly "dissappears" (and my mouse stops working). In settings it tells me to connect plug in a bluetooth dongle. Any idea where I should be looking?19:47
oerheksuse magic : change battery19:50
oerheksrandomly is odd, after 5 minutes it could be explainable, install TLP and run it in terminal by sudo powertop # and seeTunables category19:53
MibixFoxI keep getting a start job is running for hold until boot process finishes up on shutdown ubuntu with some seconds when i try to shutdown19:53
MibixFoxisnt that supposed to happen on startup?19:53
rvangoerheks: I'll try it.. but as it's random (i havent seen a pattern yet) it'll be hard to see it at the right time. Yesterday I didnt have any issues. Today I had to reboot twice because of this.. :(19:55
glomazHello, is it safe to sleep a laptop with an external USB hard drive hooked up?20:05
akemHey, i just installed 18.04, and i can't use 'apt-get install', it tells me 'resource unavailable' another process might be using etc...20:05
akemI didn't launch anything its just fresh install and opened a terminal.20:06
loruakem: in tty or in a desktop environment?20:06
akemloru, desktop20:06
loruakem: if you start your computer you might have ubuntu fetching the updates automatically20:06
loruakem: and if you use a desktop environment it might update its repos in the background20:06
akemloru, Can i stop/delay it?20:07
sfdebughi, i have a PC with 2 monitors, but the second one isn't being recognized, i'm using ubuntu 14.04... any idea what i can do?20:07
Jontasfdebug: Why 14? Has this worked with other OSs? Are you sure the monitors work?20:08
sfdebugJonta, because i use 14.04 when 16.04 wasn't released...20:09
glomazDoes ubuntu automatically go to sleep when the power cord is disconnected from laptop? This just happened to me even though battery was full20:09
Guest86hi, i have installed a couple packages, but i want to redownload said packages without having to reinstall them. apt install --download-only does not work in this context20:09
Jontaglomaz: It shouldn't. Checked the sleep-settings?20:10
Guest86using apt of course. is there a way to use apt to redownload these packages in /var/cache/apt/archives?20:10
sfdebugJonta, it was working with my ubuntu, but it stopped working and just blinking the led light...20:10
Jontasfdebug: "16.04 wasn't released"?20:11
MibixFoxwow this channel is quite busy20:11
sfdebugJonta, that was in 2015 i installed.. so just the 14.04 was available...20:11
JontaAre you sure the monitor itself works?20:12
glomazJonta: it also happened when I had external USB drive hooked up. Would any files get damaged on it?20:13
akemloru, I waited a bit without doing anything and now apt works again. It's a shame if we can't disable/delay background updates because it makes manual apt useless...20:13
loruakem: well, not really, it's at boot I believe20:16
loruakem: you can turn off the automatic jobs tho, check out the graphical interface for the updates20:16
akemloru, I see, i'll have a look. Thanks.20:17
ytrezqHello, it seems debuild doesn?t works for cross compiling, May someone help me on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/1776717 (since qt4 is the only dev package without an archive for static linking)??20:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1776717 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Please provide static archives inside libtqt4-dev" [Undecided,New]20:30
akemAnyone got 18.04 on VirtualBox with addons running? just to know if Vbox addons compiles and works on 18.04.20:30
ytrezqakem: yes, 2 years ago. You need to dkms manually.20:31
akemytrezq, 2 years ago? i mean for this version, cause i also got it working once, on previous version, but since this one is pretty new...20:32
ytrezqdid you try manual dkms compile20:33
akemytrezq, Not sure, i used the VBox install script which build the modules automaticly.20:34
ytrezqwith manual building, you can see what fails20:35
akemytrezq, I see, but that's also why i'm asking if it works, cause i don't think i could fix it if it fails. :/20:36
ytrezqif it compiles well, did you try to insmod20:37
akemytrezq, Can't see/try atm. But i'll give it a try in a moment...could still get an older version up and running if it fails. Thanks anyway.20:38
ytrezqHello, it seems debuild doesn?t works for cross compiling, May someone help me on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/1776717 (since qt4 is the only dev package without an archive for static linking)??20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1776717 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Please provide static archives inside libtqt4-dev" [Undecided,New]20:42
guerowhat is this chat for20:51
yeats!topic | guero20:51
ubottuguero: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:51
guerocan someone tell me what this chat room is for  am new to ubuntu20:52
naccguero: see the faq from ubottu20:52
akemWhat is the good way to boot in text/console mode only, "init=/bin/sh" ?20:58
naccakem: iirc, just boot with 'text'21:08
naccakem: init=/bin/sh is slightly different, it will drop you into your initramfs shell21:08
akemnacc, Ok, thanks.21:09
Bashing-omakem: From grub ' systemd.unit=multi-user.target ' as a boot parameter mught also do what you want . But will have to manually enable the services that you also want to run .21:10
auvajshi, I upgraded from 12.04 via dist_upgrade but not X-windows don't even start.. I'm now on tty.. someone to help me? :D21:16
auvajs*now don't X-windows21:16
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest90700
auvajshi, anyone here to help me with failed dist upgrade?21:20
Bashing-omautra: At the login screen - key combo crl+alt+F2 to gain a console interface . Now we need to know the graphic's situation; pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ' .21:21
akemYay, Virtual box addons works fine on 18.04 with last VBox version. :)21:24
PazoozaWhy won't Vmware run on 18.04?21:25
auvajsBashing-om: did you address me?21:25
krytarikYou bet!21:25
auvajsBashing-om: if so, http://termbin.com/2puj21:26
auvajsI'm only on tty21:26
Bashing-omauvajs: Yes auvajs - sirry autra for the bad hilight .21:26
Bashing-omauvajs: Uh Huh .. no driver for the nvidia card . Make sure we have a firm foundation; run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' . no errors we proceed to see about getting the driver installed .21:28
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
naccBashing-om: i mean, a 12.04 upgrade (eol upgrade) ... might not be worth too much time debugging imo :)21:30
Bashing-omnacc: While totally true .. so much has changed from 12.04 .. worth a shot for a bit .21:32
auvajsBashing-om: apt full-upgrade doesn't help much.. http://termbin.com/abop21:32
Bashing-om!info python3-click xenial21:33
ubottupython3-click (source: python-click): Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities - Python 3.x. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.2-2ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 54 kB, installed size 258 kB21:33
auvajsBashing-om: http://termbin.com/n56321:35
auvajsBashing-om: that is the output of apt-get -f install21:36
naccBashing-om: i double you need click anymore21:36
naccBashing-om: i'd purge it off the system (which iirc, d-r-u did when it was still a supported upgrade)21:36
Bashing-omauvajs: Try ' sudo apt purge python3-click ; sudo apt install python3-click ' . See how that flys and then see about that next one .21:37
Bashing-omauvajs: See nacc's advise .. he *knows* .21:38
auvajswell it seems I can't even purge it.. lol.. get http://termbin.com/qm0a21:40
auvajsI can't purge it because I can't purge it.. lol21:41
Bashing-omnacc: Just for the experience I did release upgrade 12.04 to 18.04 - no issues .. But I did dot all the i's and cross all the t's when doing so .21:41
Bashing-omauvajs: try as ' sudo apt purge python3-apparmor-click ' .21:42
naccright, you'll need to purge the 'set'21:43
naccauvajs: what did you upgrade to?21:43
naccBashing-om: d-r-u though, right? and when they were still supported?21:43
naccauvajs: i think you want `sudo apt purge click click-apparmor python3-click python3-apparmor-click`21:44
auvajsBashing-om: yeah I tried.. I purged all dependencies, lol.. actually 821:44
Bashing-omnacc: Correct . I make the assumption too that with ESM 12.04's repo is still on line :(21:44
auvajsnacc: to 16.0421:44
auvajsnacc: yeah I did that.. and some others, 8 actually21:44
naccauvajs: urgh, you went through 14.04, then?21:45
naccauvajs: honestly, you're better off reinstalling21:45
naccBashing-om: yeah21:45
Bashing-omauvajs: How much do you want to fight this .. again I remind you that nacc knows his stuff .21:46
auvajsnacc: apparently not21:46
naccauvajs: yeah, so you went from an eol release up an unsupported path21:47
auvajsBashing-om: I'll probably try to back up my files and do a complete reinstall21:47
naccauvajs: really not a great situtation to be in and more hassle than it's worth to try and resolve, most likely21:47
naccauvajs: what happened when you tried the purge with the 8 extra packages?21:47
auvajsnacc: it stopped with an error21:48
auvajsnacc: when I tried purge click click-apparmor upstart-app-launch I got: http://termbin.com/f1n221:49
naccauvajs: yeah, you're in a bad state because you skipped steps21:49
naccauvajs: i don't think it's worth trying to fix it, tbh21:49
auvajsnacc: well I thought when I run dist_upgrade it will first upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04..21:50
ytrezqHello, it seems debuild doesn?t works for cross compiling, May someone help me on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/1776717?? This is not about a derivative since ubuntu maintains arm64 packages in it?s port tree21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1776717 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Please provide static archives inside libtqt4-dev" [Undecided,New]21:50
Bashing-om!dist-upgrade | auvajs21:51
ubottuauvajs: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.21:51
naccauvajs: dist-upgrade is not the official upgrade path21:52
auvajsnacc: hm :/21:52
naccauvajs: and dist-upgrade does not upgrade distributions21:53
naccauvajs: it just allows pacakges to be removed21:53
naccwhat ubottu said :)21:53
wildermindhow can I change the camera ID in my laptop ubuntu 16 ?21:53
auvajscan I somehow completely remove ubuntu? lol21:54
Bashing-omauvajs: If you go for a fresh clean install - I found 18.04 solid as a rock on my old hardware .21:55
auvajsBashing-om: I mean so I can hold my current data.. just get rid of the OS21:55
=== user` is now known as urangl
SnowFlake1i need help21:55
Bashing-omauvajs: Depends on your familiarity .. and use case .. "erase disk and install ubuntu"  will do nicely .21:56
Bashing-omauvajs: one copies what data they want off the currrent install .. one "should" always have a backup of important data anyway .21:57
auvajsBashing-om: I know I know I know.. lol21:58
Bashing-omauvajs: I install systems like I change my pants .. often ,, and I find a seperate /home a good thing .21:59
auvajsBashing-om: thanks for trying to help. I'm going to bed now. will think about it.21:59
auvajsnacc: thank you too21:59
Bashing-omauvajs: We are here to help in whatever you decide to do .22:01
naccauvajs: gl!22:04
naccauvajs: and keep your systems more up to date in teh future :)22:04
=== HexaSphere is now known as notChainsol
ytrezqHello, it seems debuild doesn?t works for cross compiling, May someone help me on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/1776717?? This is not about a derivative since ubuntu maintains arm64 packages in it?s port tree22:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1776717 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Please provide static archives inside libtqt4-dev" [Undecided,New]22:15
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
haihohi all23:38
SchnabeltierchenNo chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your group's chat_id!23:38
haihoim trying to install bionic using live usb..it says no more disk space..23:39
SchnabeltierchenNo chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your group's chat_id!23:39
=== beaver_SE is now known as charge_paro
dg_vrani "RainC0at!23"23:44
tomreyndg_vrani: you need a new password23:44
dg_vranilol yeah23:44

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