
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
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IrcsomeBotclaydoh was added by: claydoh02:04
andrew09_I tried to install Ubuntu 18.04 and after connecting to the WiFi I face this message in the next page "Not available because there is no internet connection" even though it's working in the Live version and I can use the internet but can't in the installer.02:08
Canon_Anyone here02:27
RoeyI try to umount /backup and it tells me /backup: target is busy02:39
Roeyhow do I track down who is using this file?02:39
RoeyI forget the syntax for lsof02:39
Roeyand for fuser02:39
bkdoganJust want to say thanks to the Kubuntu team! You guys have done an amazing job with everything.02:52
lordievaderGood morning06:11
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BluesKajHi folks10:07
EvilRoeyhihi BluesKaj :)10:58
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: $ sudo umount /backup10:59
EvilRoeyumount: /backup: target is busy.10:59
EvilRoeyalright.. so, $ fuser -v /backup -> /backup:             root     kernel mount /backup10:59
EvilRoeyhow do I umount this device cleanly?10:59
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: ^10:59
BluesKajEvilRoey: doyou have/backup listed as an entry in /etc/fstab, assume it's a separate or external drive11:07
BluesKajor partition11:08
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: yes, as a separate device11:11
EvilRoeyin /etc/fstab11:11
BluesKajok , show me the device entry line, you can post it here11:12
EvilRoey# 20160512 Roey Katz11:18
EvilRoey/dev/sdb              /backup ext4  nofail,noatime,defaults      0    211:18
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: ^ there11:18
BluesKajEvilRoey:  whynot use UUID instead , you can find it's UUID with sudo blkid. Using the /dev/sdX isn't as reliable as UUID from what I've read.11:22
BluesKajand why noatime in the entry ?11:23
EvilRoeybecause I've found things faster with noatime11:23
BluesKajand nofail11:23
EvilRoeybecause sometimes it's not there when the sytem boots.  It's an external backup device.11:23
EvilRoeyand the reason I don't use the UUID is because I alternate between two backup devices.11:24
BluesKajthe simpler the better, with uuid you'll be better off than /dev/sdx11:24
BluesKajUUIDs are assigned to each device11:25
BluesKajdo you periodically disconnect your backup devices ?11:25
BluesKajif so , time to buy an ethernet switch11:26
BluesKajso they can remain connected at all times11:27
BluesKajor connect them to your router and use them as LAN devices11:28
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: I do periodically disconnect htem, yes.11:37
EvilRoeyi mean, point is, I have two devices with two separate UUIDs that both attach to the same directory path11:38
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: I have one for two weeks, then switch with the other11:38
EvilRoeyand so on.11:38
CalicoFlowsCan I run my system without compositor but still retain the functionality of my laptop brightness buttons?11:38
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: anyway, how can I umount this drive?11:38
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: (reboot first?)11:38
BluesKajuse it's uuid and it should give you access to unmount it11:39
BluesKajCalicoFlows:  which compositor, KDE/Plasma uses one by default in systemsettings>Hardware.Display and Monitor>Compositor11:43
EvilRoeyhey BluesKaj11:57
BluesKajhave to reboot ..bbiab11:57
EvilRoeySo I used "blkid" to get the UUID of the device, and then put it into /etc/fstab11:57
EvilRoeyumount still gives me the same error though (device is busy)11:57
CalicoFlowswhen I disable compositor - if I move my cursor to the very corner of the display over the Show desktop button, I don't click on tthe button but in some sort of empty space... I need to move my cursor back a millimeter so I can click on it.. which is quite frustrating as I use Show desktop all the time. Is there a way to move the entire panel a few pixels or another solution maybe?11:58
EvilRoeySo I used "blkid" to get the UUID of the device, and then put it into /etc/fstab12:21
EvilRoeyumount still gives me the same error though (device is busy)12:21
BluesKajEvilRoey:  make sure you didn't have any quotes around the uuid entry in fstab, sorry i forgot to mention that12:22
BluesKajand make sure you reboot as well12:23
EvilRoeyah ok hen.12:25
EvilRoeyreboot is the operative word12:25
EvilRoeyyeah I made sure to remove the quotes12:25
EvilRoeythanks.  I'll reboot in a bit12:26
viktorHey, when can we expect releasing plasma 5.13 in the backports repo13:02
BluesKajviktor:  maybe if you ask in #kubuntu-devel13:06
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AlgotRecent Kubuntu update fails with no details: flatpak ( xenial - any suggestions?14:28
acheronukAlgot: there is no flatpak in xenial14:37
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Algotacheronuk: That certainly explains the lack of details. Thanks.14:41
Algotacheronuk: I had apparently tried adding a PPA (which may not have worked). The Discover Software Center didn't let me delete it. Had to resort to the terminal APT command. Thanks again for setting me off in the right direction.15:05
acheronukmakes sense :)15:05
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mattfly1the klaunch app doesnt get triggerred when i hit meta key even tho its shortcut is set to alt+F122:59
mattfly1it stopped working22:59
mattfly1i restarted plasmashell and nothing...22:59
mattfly1any idea why22:59

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