
didrocksgood morning06:00
dufluHi didrocks06:06
didrocksgood afternoon duflu06:08
jibelhi everyone06:48
dufluHi jibel06:50
jibelHello duflu06:50
didrocksre jibel06:56
seb128good morning desktopers07:03
dufluMorning seb12807:06
seb128hey duflu, happy friday! how are you!07:06
dufluPainful sinuses, but good in general. You seb128?07:06
seb128I'm good, it's friday, I slept well and I'm done writting performance reviews (just mine left to do)07:07
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jibelI'll do some SRU verification today, there is ubiquity with the telemetry fixes and gnome-initial-setup in bionic. Is there anything else you'd like to land?07:32
seb128http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html has quite a list07:38
seb128not a lot that needs testing though, maybe bolt if somebody has thunderbolt devices07:41
Nafalloubuntu-report needs more verification as well :-)07:42
jibelseb128, yeah, but I was just wondering if there was anything urgent in this list07:45
jibelI don't have any thunderbolt device07:45
seb128jibel, not that I know, but thanks for asking!07:45
seb128k, don't worry, oem has I'm going to nag them :) (they did the g-c-c panel testing, I forgot to ask about bolt at the same time)07:47
Nafalloseb128: what I love about their test is the hardware. that TB16 is what I'm planning to get long-term for my home office :-D07:49
Nafallomorning willcooke :-)07:50
dufluMorning willcooke07:51
didrockshey Nafallo, willcooke07:54
Nafallosalut didrocks :-)07:54
Nafalloit's a good morning when you find a way to get paid to make network cables ;-)07:54
dufluHuh. I just noticed there's a whole layer of texture being painted behind the Gnome wallpaper. Wonder if that's universal and hurting the fill rate08:00
didrocksahah ;)08:02
Laneymeh got that intel bug again and had to restart08:04
dufluHi Laney08:05
Nafallomorning Laney :-)08:05
Laneyhey duflu and Nafallo08:10
Laneywhat better way to start the day than you two?08:11
duflumost of the other ways?08:12
dufluIt's me, not you, Nafallo08:14
Laneythe fake news media again08:14
NafalloI've heard that enough to believe it, duflu ;-)08:14
seb128(back online)08:15
seb128good morning U.K (assuming those arrived while I was disconnected)08:16
seb128hey Laney, willcooke, happy friday!08:16
Laneyhey seb12808:17
Laneyhappy friday to you, are you good?08:18
seb128yes! it's friday, I slept well and I'm almost done with that reviews business08:18
didrocksmorning Laney08:18
didrocksLaney: so, it seems that if it can't find the tags, gbp just import as one commit without inserting upstream commits in upstream/latest. I'm searching if there is an option to abort in that case08:19
Laneymoin didrocks08:19
Laneydidrocks: that'd be good, something in debian/gbp.conf08:19
Laneyseb128: I'm alright, we went out for "craft beer week" last night and had some tasty stuff ;-)08:21
didrocksLaney: I look at its man, as well as the one for gbp-import-orig, but I don't see nothing08:21
Laneymaybe we should have a list of patches to work on somewhere08:22
didrocksbecause this is going to happen for sure (a mistake in that case)08:22
didrocksI wonder if that didn't happen already anyway ;)08:22
didrocks(at least, in debian)08:22
Laneyit's probably possible to fix it up by re-merging or something08:23
Laneybut still would be nice to enforce08:23
didrocksI wonder if as an interim solution, instead of commenting out upstream-vcs-tag, we can set it to something08:24
didrocksit won't find it08:24
didrocksand so, have to enforce manual --upstream-vcs-tag option08:24
didrocksneed to rollback current import test to give this a try08:24
Laneyif you make a list somewhere, let me know please because I want to put https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=888313 on it08:25
ubot5Debian bug 888313 in git-buildpackage "please allow git remote configuration (e.g. for upstream remote)" [Wishlist,Open]08:25
didrocksLaney: let me add a section at the end of the wiki page, easier08:27
didrocksI'm unsure about gbp push, I only see drawbacks compared to git push + tags autopushed08:28
didrocksbut at least, that one + yours08:28
didrocksit's a little bit a PITA to rollback an existing import, hum08:33
jibeldidrocks, how to you determine the physical screen size?08:58
jibelin ubuntu-report08:58
jibelI get 0mmx0mm08:58
didrocksLaney: ok, good news, tag is enforced if you have the option in gpb.conf08:58
didrocksjibel: xrandr line, corresponding to each monitors08:59
didrocksfor instance: HDMI-1-2 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 160mm x 90mm08:59
didrocks(it's giving thus 160mmx90mm)08:59
jibeldidrocks, okay, thanks. xrandr returns 0 in a vm so it's correct09:02
didrocksactually, that makes sense09:02
didrocksI could probably filter the data if you feel so to not be published09:03
Nafalloor use it for detecting VMs ;-)09:04
didrockswe have as well GPU info for that :)09:04
jibeldidrocks, it's fine. I was just checking if 0 was expected or an error09:05
didrockserrors or unfound content should just be ignored09:05
didrocks(as the rest) so not part of the final report09:05
didrocksLaney: I don't really like the history by default of latest/upstream, it's merging everything (so you end up with an earlier commit for 3.29.x and a more recent for 3.28.x for instance, depending on the order of your merge)09:52
Laneyif you're merging an earlier series, probably start using upstream/3.28.x09:52
didrocksI think a check "if more recent tag" would be good, otherwise, force a lastest/3.28.x branch for instance, wdyt?09:52
didrockssounds like we are in aggreement :)09:53
Laneythat's the dep14 recommendation anyway09:53
didrocksyeah, the thing is that it should be enforced to avoid mistakes IMHO09:54
Laneyhow would you do that?09:55
didrocksjust for the tags in latest/uptream09:55
didrocksif there is a later version in those tags than the version you try to import, error out09:55
didrocks(if your upstream-branch is still latest/upstream in that case ofc)09:55
Laneytalking about a patch to gbp import-orig?09:55
didrocksso that latest/<branch> never "goes back"09:56
Laneyworth a bug upstream on gbp probably to see what they think09:57
Laneyit's upstream/latest btw :P09:57
didrocksyeah, typing too fast ;)10:00
jibelsil2100, about bug 1775743, did you try to downgrade grub?10:09
ubot5bug 1775743 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Cosmic daily images 20180606-11 install but boots only to grub prompt on EFI systems" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177574310:09
sil2100jibel: no, not yet, since the image was broken before the grub-signed/shim-signed changes were released10:14
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LaneyXwayland stuff is working10:48
willcookehi robert_ancell!11:31
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seb128k, I'm done catching up with the backlog of IRC logs, meetings, emails, etc from the weeks while I was away and the reviews from the week fried me up so I don't feel like start on something else now15:25
Laneybeer time?15:25
didrocksyou should just enjoy your week-end :)15:26
seb128tdlr I'm going to call it a week and go for a walk, I keep IRC open and will read backlog/respond if there is anything for me before closing it15:26
seb128Laney, ice rather :)15:26
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers, let's relax and see what next weekl brings!15:27
didrocksbye seb! :)15:30
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willcookenight all, have a good weekend16:52
k_alamjbicha: Hi, Can you please take some time out and review sharing-panel merge ? I also completed libnm-port. The problem is libnm branch uses some helper files which are already included in sharing-panel branch (I didn't start the libnm port). So every time u-c-c updates I have to rebase everything which is not easy in bzr. Once the former gets merged it can be backported so LTS users do not get that error either.16:55
k_alamAtm, sharing-panel merge is blocking libnm and other merge requests.16:55
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