
tych0oh, but i wonder how i pass that initially before the image spawns, so cloud init sees eth0 the first time it runs00:00
tych0hrm. my ifname is still called ens3?00:01
tych0i guess it's systemd renaming things?00:01
rbasakDid net.ifnames=0 get through? Check /proc/cmdline00:02
slangasekno, it's systemd /not/ renaming things00:02
slangasekens3 is the new-style kernel naming00:02
rbasakhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2015-May/038761.html is my usual reference for all of this00:03
rbasakMy understanding is that ens3 happens as a result of a udev rule00:04
tych0rbasak: yes, it did00:04
tych0BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-23-generic root=UUID=91bfde43-9e70-45e9-b215-ab15bfdf4c92 ro net.ifnames=0 console=tty1 console=ttyS000:04
rbasak"...you disable it by booting with00:04
tych0so i wonder if i can install a new kernel now and it won't screw thing sup00:04
rbasaknet.ifnames=0 or disabling 80-net-setup-link.rules"00:04
slangaseksorry, I was under the impression this was the in-kernel name nowadays00:05
tych0well, it seems hung with my new kernel and net.ifnames=0 :(00:06
rbasakHung on boot? Give it 60 seconds.00:07
rbasak(if you have console)00:07
Unit193(Isn't ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link  the more recommended method anyway?)00:08
tych0yeah, i have console00:08
tych0you can reproduce this by just uvt-kvm create a vm, and then install a stock 4.17 kernel build from upstream with bindeb-pkg00:08
tych0it just hangs forever00:08
tych0anyway, based on irc timestamps 60 ceonds have passed and no luck :(00:09
tych0oh, there we go00:09
tych0huh, weird00:09
tych0it's still named ens300:09
slangasekUnit193: well, I don't know what people who don't want ifnames recommend; I recommend not trying to outsmart ifnames00:10
tych0but it took like 3 minutes to get past something. what's the systemd command for showing what took what time in th eboot chain?00:10
rbasakWhat are you trying to achieve?00:10
slangasektych0: systemd-analyze00:10
tych0rbasak: i want to run a mainline kernel on a uvt-kvm created vm00:10
slangasekand systemd-analyze critical-chain00:10
rbasakIf you use a non-Ubuntu kernel with perhaps a different config, then things may not necessarily work.00:10
tych0slangasek: right, thanks00:10
rbasakYou might have better luck with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds00:10
tych0rbasak: naturally. but i've been using this setup for several years, 18.04 images brok eit :(00:11
Unit193https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ near the bottom.00:11
tych0rbasak: i don't really want a mainline kernel, i want a kernel with patches that i have applied. but my patches are unrelated to ifnames and such00:11
rbasakUnit193: I don't think those instructions take into account backwards compatibility with older Ubuntu that pitti took care of so carefully - see my link above.00:12
smosertych0: well, cloud-init should be configuring your networking once per instance.00:31
smoseron subsequent boots, cloud-init should not do anything in uvtool. pretty sure it should recognize its not a new instance and do nothing.00:31
smoserso... cloud-init *should* set the system up to always rename the nic that is there with the same name.  ie, it "pins" it to whatever it saw the first time for this instance.00:32
tych0smoser: but the contents of /etc/netplan/*cloud* mention that it will reconfigure it once per boot00:32
smosereasiest thing for you to do if you want to just get rid of cloud-init interaction with networking in boot is just: sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled00:33
smoserthen it wont even run on subsequent boots.00:33
smoserto be clear... http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p3m9SPpCHB/00:34
smoserthe behavior you're describing is definitely not intended. so feel free to file a bug.00:35
smoserbut i suspect your test kernel doesn't have some drivers or can't see the uvt-provided filesystem or somthing00:35
smoserso cloud-init tries to re-configure00:35
smoseror possibly its something else.00:35
smoseranyway, feel free to file a bug.00:35
smoserif you just want cloud-init out of the way, touch that file and be done.00:35
* smoser has to go afk00:35
tych0smoser: cool, thanks00:36
tych0i like it on first boot, but you're right that i'm probably missing some drivers that uvt kvm wants. the kernel is very small00:36
razwellesHey, I'm trying to understand the underpinnings of how linux puts a system on sleep. I've followed up to s2ram, and /sys/power/state, but I'm trying to find source code and I don't know where to go from there.05:21
cpaelzerLaney: hi, I have checked bug 1708008 - if I read that correctly you know the code that runs there10:03
ubottubug 1708008 in rabbitmq-server (Ubuntu) "rabbitmq-server 3.5.7-1ubuntu0.16.04.2 security update dumped durable queues for autopkgtest.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170800810:03
Laneyhey cpaelzer10:04
Laneydid you see my reply?10:04
cpaelzerLaney: do you know if we publish in persitent mode10:04
Laneyah yes, you replied again10:04
cpaelzerI only wrote mine and didn't refresh :-)10:04
Laneymaybe you didn't see comment #610:04
cpaelzerthe good things is we came to the same conclusion and the bug is no bug10:04
cpaelzerthanks Laney10:04
Laneycpaelzer: this is a more emegent issue for us https://bugs.launchpad.net/auto-package-testing/+bug/1772236 if you're interested in more rabbity things10:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1772236 in rabbitmq-server (Ubuntu) "rabbit died and everything else died" [Undecided,New]10:05
cpaelzerI'm not particularly interested, was just going along bug queues and found this one could need some love10:06
Laneyok then10:06
Laneyis there a procedure to get this on your team's queue somehow?10:06
cpaelzerrabbitmq is in for OpenStack which is why the team is also subscribed10:07
cpaelzeron the server team we mostly try to run away if we see it10:07
cpaelzerIt would usually be picke dup on bug triage which is a daily round robin task10:08
cpaelzerdon't ask me what happened to this one :-)10:08
cpaelzerthe procedure if the former doesn't work is in ping in #server about it10:08
cpaelzerbut you did now10:08
LaneyI guess really I should test that security regression theory by reverting erlang eh10:09
Laneythe update doesn't look that suspicious :/10:10
cpaelzerno it really doesn't10:12
cpaelzerso you want to downgrade/upgrade erlang to see if that was the trigger?10:12
cpaelzeror does it then also need time to reach the OOM that one can see in the bug10:12
cpaelzerI don't know what to do on rabbitmq on this bug for now, if anything consider making Restart=on-failure the default10:13
Laneythey've been about a week apart10:13
cpaelzerwhat is your experience with that setting so far?10:13
Laneyhasn't happened since then10:13
cpaelzerI'm subscribing the Team, but for now there is no clear action to take IMHO10:13
cpaelzerif you found something that should be changed let us know10:13
cpaelzerthe subscription ensures it isn't totally lost10:14
Laneyit's just suspicious to me that it started memleaking after all these years10:14
cpaelzerbut also has no guarantees on 24/7 attention10:14
Laneyso "feels" like something changed10:14
Laneybut yeah, no real evidence10:14
cpaelzeryeah one would have expected that since the system was deployed10:14
cpaelzerLaney: rabbitmqctl has some logs about memory consumption per queue10:14
cpaelzermaybe you could set up a cron job to log hourly to a file or so10:15
cpaelzerto have some idea which queue might be the leaker10:15
Laneygood idea, can you post a tip to the bug and I'll try to get to that later on10:16
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena
willdeberryhello all. i am running some own deb repos for work and wanted to get your inputs on best practice on moving packages between levels of repos (eg: proposed and stable). currently using reprepro and have all the different levels segmented via different URLs and we sync between them using rsync. Is relying on rsync and different URLs against the grain? Is it better to manage packages at the14:17
willdeberryindividual package level and use something like reprepro to move between levels?14:17
willdeberrynot sure why that split between lines :-/14:20
cjwatsonIt's usually much better to have a single pool and have something like reprepro add extra references to the relevant packages to different suites under dists/14:24
cjwatsonrsyncing things around is certainly possible but really painfully clunky14:24
cjwatsonYou can just use "reprepro copy" and friends14:25
willdeberrycopy will overwrite all contents if you move from proposed to stable for instance?14:53
cjwatsonwilldeberry: What do you mean?  Presumably you don't have the same version of the same package in both proposed and stable with different contents in each; that would be weird and confusing and probably something you'd want to avoid.  So I'm not sure what would be overwritten.15:15
psusiam I crazy or is grub-efi-amd64-signed supposed to be included in the pool on the install image, otherwise you can't install on a secure boot system without a network?15:27
psusiand it doesn't seem to be listed in any of the cd manifests15:27
cjwatson$ curl -s http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.list | grep grub-efi-amd64-signed15:29
psusiahh... right... the .manifest is what is in the squashfs15:30
psusiahh, ubuntustudio is missing /pool15:32
psusiat least in 16.04.415:35
willdeberrycjwatson: gotcha, by overwrite i should have said version bump. thanks or the direction and info15:52
cjwatsonwilldeberry: Oh, right.  I don't use reprepro very much but I think so.16:15
powersjanyone know if this page ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi was migrated anywhere before alioth was retired18:17
tsimonq2powersj: I don't think so.18:18
tsimonq2sil2100 (who needs to get a bouncer!) brought it up on some mailing list a week or two ago18:19
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
tsimonq2bdmurray: Forgive my bikeshedding :)20:59
bdmurraytsimonq2: It'd be more helpful if you'd add what you'd like.21:03
tsimonq2bdmurray: Perhaps s/can take/takes/ but I was uncertain on it.21:05
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena

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