
IcemanV9lxc, docker & lxcd (and whatsnot) and its container bugged me for a while. you see, i've been searching via google for windows container on ubuntu (or linux) host past week. i've learned that it's not there (yet?). it had disappointed me greatly. i just want to throw every OS in a container on linux host. i guess i'm thinking too far ahead in the future ... needs to scale back to what we have today (or yesterday : P).02:31
IcemanV9*sigh* : (02:31
IcemanV9ah. my statement is missing the beginning ... here's it is ...02:33
IcemanV9lxc, docker & lxcd (and whatsnot) and its container bugged me for a while. you see, i've been searching via google ..02:33
naccIcemanV9: it's there (your whole statement)02:45
nacci'm not sure how a windows container on linux could ever work02:46
naccwindows executable is not a unix executable02:46
naccyou want a VM for someting like that anyway02:46
IcemanV9i've seen linux container on windows host everywhere, but not other way around. i'd like to move on to container away from VM.02:50
IcemanV9and i like the concept of a container more than VM. i guess i'm looking for "less is more" method  or smaller "footprint" on resources.02:53
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:09
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^05:19
EriC^ morning all05:40
lotuspsychjehey EriC^05:48
EriC^heya lotuspsychje05:48
lordievaderGood morning06:11
ducassegood morning06:14
lordievaderHey ducasse06:15
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:15
ducassehi lordievader - still struggling to wake up, how about you?06:16
lordievaderAbout the same.06:16
ducassetakes a little time to kick the system into gear06:17
lordievaderTime and coffee 😉06:24
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:27
lotuspsychjehow was supervising yesterday?07:28
lordievaderIt was allright.07:28
lordievaderMost questions people got was about a typo.07:28
lotuspsychjeanother soul sold to ubuntu07:51
AuroraAvenueHi its 9am here.07:57
AuroraAvenueI was just a bit curious to know peoples reaction to what I have seen on reddit, of late.07:57
AuroraAvenuesome would say that gnome 'has its drawbacks' and those drawbacks are too much to stomach for some ubuntu users ?07:58
lotuspsychjeAuroraAvenue: what drawbacks are you talking about?08:01
guiverc_dAuroraAvenue, i'd expect those that don't love gnome (or those who consider it has drawbacks) would just use another DE.  (applies to me; almost always in XFCE)08:17
guiverc_d(I think 11.04 was the last time I mostly used gnome[-classic])08:19
AuroraAvenuewell I guess I am not here to initiate an gnome versus other DE typa-debate, that's not me.08:22
AuroraAvenuebut just commenting if you have a look at the ubuntu subreddit.08:23
AuroraAvenueguiverc_d, right, but why cant you install afew of them at once ? #curious08:23
guiverc_di didn't think you were;  .. as for question - my 'ubuntu' has xfce & mate installed (neither of which were installed default...)08:24
AuroraAvenueHmm .. maybe 'this' is why ubuntu had such a 'personal' track in the design ? i.e. afew years ago I remember the meetings about ' ubuntu - personal ' being disclosed within ubuntu. I guess it comes down to those "extra" installs. Something that windows does without.08:27
AuroraAvenue a blu-ray edition of Ubuntu would've trounced all of the above - by offering all the apps, on something you could put in the post. But then again, these apps... there not exactly the bees-knees of some form of higher-computing. I guess I was hoping for my rocket-pack with 18.04 .... to much, yet again.08:31
* AuroraAvenue drifts off to the nap corner. Zzzzzzz08:33
guiverc_dsorry I don't understand your 'personal' track reference...08:33
guiverc_di think us gnu/linux users have tons of choice; we're spoiled by all the choice & power we have, as such we are 'noisy' & ....08:35
AuroraAvenueguiverc_d, oh that well apart that, you slightly missed my main point, which was www.ubuntu.blue (blu-ray ubuntu). Oh well anyway - Ubuntu-personal was in a blog-post posted after the dev's had a meeting in the 'Unity honeymoon period'. your right on choice. :)08:36
AuroraAvenuebut what do I know ?08:36
AuroraAvenueI'm not even a 'gamer' -08:37
AuroraAvenueI surrf & spotify08:37
AuroraAvenueanyway - without the money - these ideas are meaningless.08:38
AuroraAvenuewell, this is shit.08:58
=== CyberHacker_ is now known as CyberHacker
BluesKajHi folks10:06
LtWorf_hi BluesKaj10:31
BluesKajhey LtWorf_:10:33
LtWorf_haha bad irc client, mine puts the ":" only if the nickname is at the beginning of the line :P10:33
LtWorf_(konversation here)10:33
BluesKajI used knoversation for a long time, you can set the punctuation in the settings10:39
BluesKajusing quassel now because the socks5 proxy with my vpn assigned proxy url actually works, not so on konversation10:41
BluesKajI prefer konversation's layout, but quassel's security takes precedence for me10:43
LtWorf_i see, i never tried it10:44
BluesKajalmost got hacked, some russian stole my nick (don't ask me how) then tried to hack my wife's W7 ncomputer wiith a DOS attack10:47
BluesKajwe couldn't get back on the 'net for over 20 mins til i called my ISP and they blocked his IP somehow10:49
BluesKaj<---been a bit paranoid about IRC ever since10:50
tomreynEriC^^: did you spot my suggestions about using znc / CLI IRC clients on a system with a more stable internet connection in #uubntu?12:22
tomreynif you combine the latter with mosh you get a pretty good UX12:23
BluesKajheh, I joined #quassel chat and asked how to find the setting to show server lag and they booted me right off freenode :-)12:26
lordievadertomreyn: Or you can use Matrix. (You have to trust that the bridge operators have a more stable connection than you do though)12:28
lordievaderIf your client (or homeserver) falls away messages are stored on the bridge until you return.12:29
lordievaderMuch like an IRC bouncer.12:29
BluesKajlordievader:  what's matrix?12:37
lordievaderBluesKaj: https://matrix.org/blog/home/12:38
lordievaderNew chat protocol12:39
lordievaderWith the ability of bridging between different chat protocols.12:39
tomreynkind of like bitlbee did for years before that ;-)12:41
tomreynBluesKaj: you don't hack (in the sense of compromising a system, other than its / its connectivities' availability) someone with a DoS (denial of service) attack. Unless it was a DOS attack in the disk operating system sense. but then it'd be a *very* old windows version.12:45
tomreynwhat your ISP probably did was to reboot your CPE, causing it to get a new DHCP lease and a new public ip address assigned.12:47
BluesKajheh, just switched to quassel and learning my way around a "new client" to me. At least the socks5 proxy connection thru my vpn proved proxy url works12:48
BluesKajwas DOS attacked a while back as mentioned earlier, so I'm using the proxy now rather than put my whole internet connection thru the vpn12:51
BluesKajthe same setup aslo works well in qbittorrent13:02
hggdhmornings all13:14
oerheksda ist er wieder13:15
oerhekshi hggdh13:15
BluesKaj'Morning hggdh13:18
tomreynEriC^^ doesn't like talking to me, or just got disconnected again13:32
EriC^^i got disconnected13:33
tomreyn<tomreyn> EriC^^: did you spot my suggestions about using znc / CLI IRC clients on a system with a more stable internet connection in #uubntu?13:33
tomreyn<tomreyn> if you combine the latter with mosh you get a pretty good UX13:33
EriC^^yeah i'd get a more continuous experience i guess13:34
EriC^^i think my dc'ing is an ubuntu thing, on the windows laptop it doesnt seem to do the same13:35
EriC^^BCM43142 802.11b/g/n configuration: broadcast=yes driver=wl0 driverversion= (r587334) ip= latency=0 multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11abg13:37
EriC^^anything obviously wrong there, anyone?13:38
tomreynit starts with BCM, which stands for Broadcom, which stands for trouble.13:50
BluesKaj802.11abg seems different, mine is BCM as well, not the same chip/driver ,but wireless=802.11bgn13:54
BluesKajwhatever the difference theremeans , maybe an older wifi  protocol13:56
BluesKajmy lenovo laptop is 4yrs old13:57
BluesKajEriC^^:  which wifi channel are you using..doubt you would use the default ch6 since it's the default and crowded and subject to all kinds of intereference from your neighbours13:59
EriC^^BluesKaj: oh14:31
EriC^^it's on channel 1114:32
BluesKajok EriC^^ good14:33
BluesKajso that's probly not the peoblem14:33
BluesKajer problem14:36
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:47
EriC^^evening all17:13
=== Foxhoundz is now known as BenderRodriguez
=== NoCode_ is now known as NoCode
hggdhafternoon all18:42
Bashing-omhggdh: :) It's Friday support .18:44
lotuspsychjehey hggdh18:48
lotuspsychjewatching foot here18:48
hggdhsame here, with Portugal 2 to q Spain so far18:48
lotuspsychjefirst penalty crazy!18:49
hggdhhave to say that -- unsurprisingly -- I am for PT18:49
lotuspsychjeyeah they underdog18:49
hggdhit was... and then PT pretty much forgot it was in a game, and let Spain loose18:49
lotuspsychjehggdh: not sure if spain will let it go now18:51
lotuspsychjethey might go in block mode18:51
hggdhperhaps. But I think they will not accept PT winning, so I am afraid they will go violent18:52
leftyfbthe people in #bash are complete asshats18:52
hggdhOTOH Spain's goal was beautiful18:52
lotuspsychjewhats happening leftyfb18:52
leftyfbthe content for people asking questions is amazing18:53
lotuspsychjehggdh: that 'almost' goal from PT was crazy also18:53
leftyfbI've been hanging out there for a while now and every other question asked is met with sarcasm, snark or just plain abuse18:54
leftyfbincluding almost every time I've asked a question18:54
leftyfbi've been called an idiot several times18:54
lotuspsychjewho is this leftyfb?18:54
leftyfbwhich I'm not contesting, but is certainly uncalled for18:54
leftyfblotuspsychje: mainly greycat, but I've seen it from others18:54
leftyfbit's pretty bad18:55
lotuspsychjecrowdy support, omg18:55
lotuspsychjewhere is this rush comming from :p18:55
leftyfbfor instance, literally just now18:56
leftyfb<cousin_luigi> Can I get find to print results on the same line separated by spaces?18:56
leftyfb<greycat> http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/04018:56
leftyfb<greycat> cousin_luigi: GNU find can, with -printf.18:56
leftyfb<kerframil> cousin_luigi: for gnu, look into -printf18:56
leftyfb<greycat> of course this is an idiotic way to present filenames18:56
lotuspsychjehmm his nick doesnt ring a bell leftyfb18:56
leftyfbwhile it might be the wrong way, there's most constructive ways to construe that to the person asking for help18:56
leftyfb"<greycat> You're doing it so wrong that the other people who are doing it wrong looked at you and were like "Daaaamn.""18:57
lotuspsychjemaybe its bugzie in disquise18:58
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
leftyfbnah, this guy actually knows his stuff18:59
oerheksfriday .. trolls are coming19:00
leftyfboerheks: unfortunately, I think trolls run that channel19:00
lotuspsychjethose are the worst, volunteers with troll allures19:01
lotuspsychjeback to the game hggdh19:01
oerheksstill happy without ops :-D19:02
oerhekshappy with hggdh ofcourse19:02
oerheksreally, on PS4 the players run faster19:03
* oerheks climbs on the bar and starts to dance19:03
hggdhI have seen some trigger-happy ops (and some that would kick/ban *preemptively*)19:04
* leftyfb senses some comments directed his way :)19:07
Bashing-omsticks and stones may break some bones .,. but words - so long as it is not leftyfb, oerheks. lotuspsychje - can not hurt me :P19:11
hggdhand there comes Spain...19:13
naccEriC^^: not convinced they know where the data they want to backup even is19:50
EriC^^yes it's so odd19:50
EriC^^could he have mounted that second ext4 over "/" ?19:51
nacci guess it's possible, to have mounted in place19:51
EriC^^he was messing around earlier with mount commands and whatnot19:51
EriC^^i dont get why he won't clean upgrade though, keeps dodging those questions19:52
naccEriC^^: ah i see19:52
nacci mean a reinstall is the right answer here19:54
oerhekshe suffered a lot of hw issues too, curlyears19:55
lotuspsychje_hggdh: ronaldo did it again!20:01
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
naccoerheks: how much is self-inflicted, though?20:03
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
Bashing-omoerheks: I am think'n that BillGHero is receptive to learning how to fish.22:57
pauljwhi everyone23:35

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