[15:57] There is a troll bot in the main #ubuntu channel "Scumi". It messages people as soon as the log in and sends them political and racist stuff. [15:57] .:Scumi:. U bastard .:Echo6:. ? .:Scumi:. You baztard .:Echo6:. Do I know you? .:Scumi:. Why don't you take a swift dive into cunt Hillary .:Echo6:. I have no idea who you are. .:Scumi:. You nigger [15:57] There is a sample. [16:00] please kick Scumi from #ubuntu [16:00] s/kick/kickban/ [16:40] already left [16:41] jnewt: anything we can do for you here? [16:48] hggdh: thanks, nm === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy