
=== success is now known as Guest32478
lordievaderGood morning06:11
cpaelzerhi lordievader06:14
lordievaderHey cpaelzer , how are you doing?06:15
cpaelzerFriday'ish :-)06:15
V7Hey all08:10
V7Could anyone help with one situation08:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:13
V7So, a probem:08:16
V7When trying to boot an installer from a CD on old machine it gives: "Loading bootlogo...; graphics initialization failed; Error setting up gfxboot; boot:;08:17
V7When typing "help" in "boot:" prompt it gives the same08:17
V7Screen: https://i.imgur.com/tQhsnzL.jpg08:18
V7This is Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 i38608:18
V7Checksums the same08:18
V7So any command I'm trying to run it tells the same as you can see on screen.08:20
V7So, screen: https://i.imgur.com/LUBCmrT.jpg08:24
V7Anyone ?08:29
ikoniaV7: it can't load the splash so is failing08:39
ikoniaV7: most likley your video card won't support the framebuffer08:39
ikoniasomething like that08:40
olivierbourdon38Hello everyone. Anybody having experience / has solved issues generating a working initramdisk using initramfs (as opposed to dracut which works) when disk is GPT table and LVM used for all partitions ? the boot process fails as it does not find the root partition. grub.cfg seems perfectly similar (only UUIDs have changed) so must be something missing in the ramdisk content09:32
olivierbourdon38ubuntu xenial09:32
olivierbourdon38very minimal set of packages (270 in all)  https://gist.github.com/obourdon/0647f84321aac7cbe8db6a65cf78e10009:36
tomreynolivierbourdon38: i think update-initramfs is the default, isnt it? i've got a xenail system which uses it and boots off a GPT disk. there's a mirror RAID, dmcrypt-LUKS, LVM on top, and no manual customizations to how the intramfs is compiled were needed.09:38
tomreyn/etc/kernel-img.conf has (the default of) do_initrd=yes09:40
olivierbourdon38tomreyn yes, indeed but I could never had it working as I am using DIB (https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder) to build the images. Only dracut seems to do the job for proper LVM booting so I am trying to figure out what to change in DIB to make it work09:40
tomreynwell you havbe a working (supposedly all needed modules contained), and a non working (supposedly missing modules) initramfs there. just compare what's in there and see what's missing in the initramfs one?09:42
tomreynyou usually want "MODULES=most" in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf unless you have special needs.09:45
tomreyn(this is also the default)09:45
tomreynolivierbourdon38: ^09:47
olivierbourdon38yes I did try to compare those and running update-initramfs -u -v shows that lvm plugin is called and embbed everything necessary in ramdisk but still no luck when booting09:48
olivierbourdon38I also changed the underlying volumes FS type from xfs to more "standard" ext4 3 and 2 without more success, LVM and labels seems to be the issue09:49
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tomreynbased on what?09:55
tomreynyou could also just try to enter commands manually on grub console and thus see what seems to be wrong / missing09:55
olivierbourdon38based on the fact that rootfs can not be found whereas the same mechanism without LVM works perfectly10:04
tomreyn!who ยป olivierbourdon3810:12
ubottutomreyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:12
tomreyn!who | olivierbourdon3810:12
ubottuolivierbourdon38: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:13
tomreynolivierbourdon38: so the lvm module is not included when you build with update-initrfamfs?10:13
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olivierbourdon38tomreyn lvm module seems to be there but boot process does not seem to be able to retrieve rootfs by label as far as I can tell10:42
tomreynhmm, without a lot more details anylzing this will not be possible. but i trust in you working it out. ;-)10:43
jamespagecoreycb: contining work on py3 migration for neutron/networking pkgs - going OK so far if a little fiddly10:54
olivierbourdon38tomreyn I understand but I was hoping that this kind of issue to have occured before and that I could grab some ideas on where to look at to try solve it10:56
jamespagecoreycb: I'm introducing quite a few -common pkgs for shared config files11:00
jamespagehope that's inline with your work so far11:00
tomreynolivierbourdon38: thanks for explaining your take on this. understandable. good luck in sorting it out.11:08
olivierbourdon38tomreyn I think I found a way to get better/easier comparison to solve this. I created a preseed file which partition the disk in the exact same way my DIB images are.11:12
tomreyngood, keep narrowing it down11:13
olivierbourdon38I was able to successfully boot over net and LVM were recongnized ;-), will now go on comparing this working pattern with my failing one. Thanks tomreyn because our discussion triggered this idea11:14
tomreynglad i could help, if indirectly ;)11:15
Palm_premium 12:16
tomreynPalm_premium: you just sent an empty line there, in case you wanted to send more?12:20
jamespagecoreycb: urgh missed that python3-ostestr still uses 'python' for the actual tests12:26
coreycbjamespage: oops, hopefully it does support py3.12:29
jamespagecoreycb: yeah but you have to set PYTHON=python3 in the env12:29
Nafalloheh. I don't think you're meant to deploy landscape server on ubuntu core, right? ending up with a bunch of missing dependencies I think ;-)12:30
Nafallostuff like ip and openssl12:30
coreycbjamespage: it looks like it's doing that in override_dh_auto_test12:31
jamespagecoreycb: yeah that's what I'm just working back through now12:31
Nafallos/ubuntu core/ubuntu base/12:33
jamespagecoreycb: well two fail with the switch12:53
coreycbjamespage: not bad i guess12:54
jamespagecoreycb: https://review.openstack.org/57573213:26
jamespageI have at least three neutron-*'s with the same patching13:26
coreycbjamespage: +113:30
jamespagecoreycb: I've also cherry picked a ssl recursion fix for eventlet - will see if that helps some of my failing tests shortly13:56
coreycbjamespage: ack13:57
coreycbjamespage: i think we're pretty good for b2. i'm going to switch gears back to py3 and will pick up any fringe b2 packages along with that.14:53
coreycbjamespage: poking at backports as well14:53
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