
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else10:07
InHisNameHello, what's cookin' with everyone ?12:45
JonathanShey InHisName12:49
InHisNameHowdy, Jonathan.12:52
JonathanSHow's it going?12:56
InHisNameJust got my 43" 4K tv converted into a monitor.   Using a low res graphics card (500MB).  Still messing with my new build computer.12:58
InHisNameLocal company in Quakertown made the touch frame to fit the Sony Bravia.    Gave me a Rosewill Blackhawk Ultra gamer's case. 47 lbs empty!  8 fans with room for more.  Gobs of 5, 3.5, 2.5" slots.  Missing all the packed hardware looking to find it from U-touch if they still can find it.13:13
JonathanSI have a video card laying around that's probably better than that.13:24
InHisNameFor my old system only has PCI and 2 or 4X AGP ( I think).  It fills the screen but a bit fuzzy.  Definitely NOT 4K.  But it is usable while I build my (last ?) big upgrade system.   Old one is over 15 years old.  If new one lasts 15+ years, then it may be my last upgrade ever.  Or if blessed with excellent health, one more 15 year upgrade after this one.13:30
InHisNameOld system - 4 core 8 GB ram, 4-5 HD mostly holding 100+ virtual computers. Plus other boring stuff.13:44
InHisNameNew one - 16 cores, 32 threads, Up to 4 Ghz.  32 GB ram with room for 96 more when it gets cheaper.  3x 500 MB Samsung 970 SSD superfast storage. Raid format.  Plus 8 TB to hold 100+ VMs  plus room for more later. Graphics 1060 6 GB  - plenty for 4K tv work.  I wonder if the unused portion could be used for Bit coin data mining with messing with my use ?13:50
InHisNameGrass getting drier.  Time to mow.13:51
InHisNameEvening everyone23:27

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