
eagles0513875hi hi 15:31
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: heyo15:31
ErichEickmeyereagles0513875: Nice! Welcome!15:31
eagles0513875:) ya so i dunno this cycle how good of a contributor i will be to be fair15:32
ErichEickmeyerDon't worry about your wedding, we wouldn't meet that week anyhow. Besides, even I'm away at a summer camp that week.15:32
eagles0513875at the rate im going with hyper-v on this windows gaming tower im going to run into issues getting ubuntu installed on a hyper-v vm that should be interesting 15:32
ErichEickmeyerThat's fine. I was just browsing the code on -welcome and realized I hadn't fixed the debian control file yet. heh.15:32
eagles0513875this is my gaming rig and im doing my mcsa so i am using hyper-v to learn on 15:33
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: i have loads to learn 15:33
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: do you really think a 6 month release with LTS support every 2 years is a good time frame to release a top notch product15:33
eagles0513875and 5 year LTS support15:33
eagles0513875compared to centos for example with 10 year support per release15:34
eagles0513875the only preoccupation and then i need to bounce to be fair is the release time lines every 6 months15:34
ErichEickmeyereagles0513875: Not really my call, that's 100% Canonical. There are no Canonical employees working on Studio.15:34
eagles0513875stupid question love me hate me then why not fork and rebrand it under a different name15:35
ErichEickmeyerBecause then we lose the server backend and sponsorship that Canonical provides.15:35
ErichEickmeyerAnd, we wouldn't be able to use the Ubuntu name, which is powerful.15:35
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: understood.15:36
eagles0513875anyway for now im going to bounce15:36
ErichEickmeyerAlright! Welcome aboard!15:36
eagles0513875OvenWerks: hey mate just reading your email now15:37
eagles0513875OvenWerks: so what you are saying i can install debian for example if im not mistaken even ubuntu is supported on the linux subsystem for windows and work wiht that even though its with out a ui?15:37
eagles0513875OvenWerks: feel free to copy and paste my comments on to the email and reply on the thread as i need to bounce15:38
OvenWerkseagles0513875: I think you would need the ui for that particular application (Welcome) as it would be hard to work on otherwise :)16:02
OvenWerksI do not know if it is possible to work on a ubuntu/debian application from the gnu framework within windows.16:14
ErichEickmeyerConsidering it's an app tied to the UI, it wouldn't be possible.16:14
OvenWerksBecause this is a SW installation program, it needs to know what is now installed where repos are etc.16:15
OvenWerksThere are certain ubuntu/debian utilities it would expect to be hanging around like apt for example.16:15
OvenWerks(maybe bash and other basic things too)16:19
ErichEickmeyerHey OvenWerks, do you have a moment to look at Bug 1633913? It was a critical bug in Lubuntu so I marked it as a critical bug for us.16:20
ubottubug 1633913 in ubuntustudio-meta "lubuntu and ubuntustudio are missing pool; can not install without internet connection" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163391316:21
OvenWerksI am not sure.16:26
OvenWerksI have as yet been unable to find where their fix was made, everything about the lubuntu package sends me to the ubuntu package :P16:27
OvenWerks I will look some more though. It is probably in their seeds package and the fix is a year old.16:27
ErichEickmeyertsimonq2: Do you have any insight on that bug?16:30
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: im back OvenWerks im back as well16:48
eagles0513875OvenWerks: your email got me thinking :) about something might be able to setup something on a provider i use need to confirm something16:48
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: and OvenWerks figured out what i can use for my dev environment16:49
eagles0513875have you guys heard of linode16:49
eagles0513875hey tsimonq2 been a while mate16:49
ErichEickmeyereagles0513875: wb! I'm about to head out the door to take the dog for a walk and then run some errands.16:49
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: hopefully we can chat this weekend or some time as i have some ideas i want to run by you from what we spoke about before16:50
ErichEickmeyereagles0513875: tsimonq2 is helping us get back on our feet after Studio had a near-death experience.16:50
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer, tsimonq2: and i know each other :)16:50
tsimonq2eagles0513875: OH HEY :)16:50
tsimonq2Long time no see!16:50
ErichEickmeyereagles0513875: Same! Makes me surprised we've never crossed paths!16:50
ErichEickmeyerOkay, g2g16:50
eagles0513875tsimonq2: joining the party and helping out here16:50
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: 16:50
eagles0513875really quick16:50
eagles0513875https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/using-the-linode-graphical-shell-glish/ and OvenWerks :D 16:51
eagles0513875linode ftw love those guys and host all my infra on them : )16:51
tsimonq2ErichEickmeyer: You'd be looking in the seed for that one.16:51
eagles0513875so might get a vm going with ubuntu server and install ubuntu studio16:51
ErichEickmeyereagles0513875: Nice! Not a bad way to work on stuff!16:51
eagles0513875exactly :)16:51
ErichEickmeyeranyhow, bbl16:51
eagles0513875heck they even have block storage so do all your work on the block storage and you can have your dev environment al lthere all your files source code etc16:53
OvenWerkstsimonq2: Ya, it looks like you were the one who fixed lubuntu :)17:24
tsimonq2OvenWerks: It's a seed issue.17:28
OvenWerksYa, I am looking at the git repo for lubuntu seeds17:28
OvenWerksI am not sure which commit fixed this issue though17:29
OvenWerkshttps://git.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/lubuntu/commit/?id=f39c7b82337754ecfb44731136cdd13a4b44f042 maybe?17:30
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: I looked at lubuntu's fix for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/1633913 and it does not look like the same fix would be aplicable to Studio from what I can tell. But I am not in any way good at seeds.17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1633913 in ubuntustudio-meta "lubuntu and ubuntustudio are missing pool; can not install without internet connection" [Critical,Confirmed]17:48
OvenWerksIn fact after looking at our seeds some more I am thinking that if we want more than one ISO produced, we don't create a second seed, but add file and entries to the one we have.17:49
OvenWerksbefore I mess around any more... I need to read some documentation17:50
eagles0513875ErichEickmeyer: im not going anywhere aparently17:58
eagles0513875guys got a stupid question is there a meta package for studio?18:04
tsimonq2eagles0513875: There is.18:17
eagles0513875excellent :)18:17
tsimonq2OvenWerks: I'd have to dig more.18:17
tsimonq2OvenWerks: Got a link to your seed?18:20
ErichEickmeyertsimonq2: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.xenial18:55
OvenWerksum maybe something more recent than that?20:27
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: The bug was filed against xenial.20:33
=== eagles0513876 is now known as eagles0513875
krytarikErichEickmeyer, OvenWerks: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.artful/revision/1508 , https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline/revision/1665 - haven't read the whole log on it today yet, but I guess if someone was so inclined, they could try and backport the fix to Xenial.22:10
OvenWerkskrytarik: quite honestly, if it is fixed now, I am happy.22:12
ErichEickmeyerIMO, we need to backport it to Xenial if we're still supporting it until April 2019.22:15
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: I am not against fixing this just not willing to spend my personal time on it.22:54
* ErichEickmeyer grumbles about how specific the changelog format is.23:22
OvenWerksuse dch23:22
OvenWerkswell that doesn't do everything just right either23:23
OvenWerksstarting after a release needs a tweak23:25
OvenWerksreleasing needs a tweak too as the tools are debian based not ubuntu based.23:25
OvenWerksbut everything in between is easy :)23:25
ErichEickmeyerYeah, I don't mind manually typing it, but dang! Miss one space and BAM! Fail.23:32
krytarikI see you guys keep on adding new changelog sections (with a release set) on top of unreleased ones.23:35
OvenWerksthas prolly me.23:37
OvenWerksWhen I started, the release didn't make it in there unless the package was actually uploaded23:37
OvenWerksthat doesn't seem to be happening23:37
tsimonq2Right, I was going to work on a packaging policy...23:40
OvenWerksnormally the package remains UNRELEASED untill someone with upload rights is about to actually upload something23:42
OvenWerksThen the UNRELEASED is replaced by the cycle name it is released to.23:43
* tsimonq2 nods23:44
OvenWerksso -menu needs to have the changelog fixed23:44
OvenWerks-icon-theme is ok so long as it really gets actually released :)23:45
OvenWerks-defaull-settings needs a fix too.23:46
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: I just fixed it.23:46
ErichEickmeyerEr, -menu23:46
ErichEickmeyerAm I screwing up the changelogs?!?23:46
ErichEickmeyerIf so, how?23:46
OvenWerksif the is a section that is UNRELEASED your changes go in that section.23:47
tsimonq2You're starting a new entry when there's already one as UNRELEASED.23:47
OvenWerkswhen the package is ready to be released the section on top with the UNRELEASED has the word UNRELEASED replaced with cosmic23:47
tsimonq2(via dch -r)23:47
OvenWerksright, but with cosmic as the relaese rather than whatever debian word is default23:48
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: take a look at the changelog for -look23:49
tsimonq2Not really; if you're on Ubuntu it should DTRT automatically.23:49
OvenWerkstsimonq2: it could be I remember from years gone by23:49
tsimonq2OvenWerks: Out of curiosity, how extensive is your packaging experience?23:49
OvenWerksvery small23:50
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Looking.23:50
tsimonq2Mind if I type up a small packaging guide with best practices?23:50
OvenWerksI have only done the meta/settings packages Studio ships.23:50
ErichEickmeyertsimonq2: Go for it.23:50
tsimonq2ErichEickmeyer: Cool.23:50
OvenWerksI would welocome that23:50
ErichEickmeyerOkay, so don't bump the version number with a minor change, such as an icon?23:51
OvenWerksonly bump the version if there is a real release with upload23:52
OvenWerksto fix what we have will probably require skipping a version.23:53
* ErichEickmeyer facepalms23:53
tsimonq2I doubt it.23:53
ErichEickmeyerOkay, sorry for screwing everything up.23:53
tsimonq2ErichEickmeyer: You're fine. :)23:53
OvenWerkstsimonq2: well it will if we want to keep our auto builds working right :)23:53
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: you haven't learned anything if you don't make mistakes.23:54
tsimonq2I wouldn't personally worry about that; just delete the packages in the PPA.23:54
OvenWerkstsimonq2: right, that makes sense too.23:54
tsimonq2Also, I haven't seen anyone do it yet, but whatever you do, NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER use epochs if you screw up the version number. :)23:54
tsimonq2Epochs Are Evil. :P23:54
tsimonq2If you put e.g. "1:" at the beginning of the version number, that's an epoch.23:55
tsimonq2It basically resets the version number.23:55
tsimonq2So if you do e.g. 0.103 as an upload, you can't go down. You'd have to do 1:0.123:56
tsimonq2But AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS. :)23:56
OvenWerkswhy not 1.0?23:56
OvenWerksone wants to keep a reasonable history23:56
ErichEickmeyerGotta go guys. Dinner with the fam.23:59

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