
xubuntu68wis someone there?00:43
nomikeI've upgraded my (X)ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04 and now, I can't login to any Xfce4 or Xubuntu sessions. I get the Balou starter (the mouse) and after a couple of seconds it drops back to gdm. Any ideas of how to debug this?08:11
pmjdebru1jnpresumably you mean lightdm?08:12
nomikeor lightdm, whatever is uses nowadays.08:12
pmjdebru1jnnomike: if you create a new user, do you still have the issue?08:12
pmjdebru1jnas in, is it homedir related or not?08:12
nomikeyes, still have the same issue08:12
nomikei was expecting some ".Xsession-errors" or similar named file to show up.08:13
diogenes_nomike, you could try to edit: /usr/share/xsession/xubuntu.desktop and modify exec=xterm08:17
nomikeI managed to login this way. Will have a look at the console output of "startxfce4". It started up but there are lot's of errors. Some cache seems to be corrupt and stuff like that.08:24
nomikeThx for now, this was a great help.08:25
diogenes_nomike, you managed to login what way?08:25
nomikeI modified the session script to start xterm. And in xterm I executed "startxfce4 &".08:28
nomikeI have no clue yet why it worked like that, but I'm trying to find out.08:29
diogenes_the xterm should have given you a hint what the error might be08:29
nomikehttps://pastebin.com/T1RSphfd There are some errors about missing files in "/home/micpos/" resulting from temporarily renaming my user from "micpos" to "nomike" which could be ignored for now.08:32
FurretUberHow do I make the system aware a specific connection has limited data?14:01
FurretUberI'm connecting to internet using USB Tethering but I would not like the OS/applications downloading updates while using it (unattended-upgrades)14:03
dogonhello everyone can someone help me?15:50
ErichEickmeyerOh and...15:50
ErichEickmeyer!ask | dogon15:51
ubottudogon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:51
dogonare you a trouble?15:51
dogonplease anyone can help meee15:51
ErichEickmeyerNo, I'm an Ubuntu Studio developer, just trying to point you in the right direction. :)15:51
dogonyou had tel me atall then15:52
ErichEickmeyerThat said, I don't know everything.15:52
dogonyou sad me xubuntu channel for my search15:52
dogonhere i am15:52
dogonwho are you?15:52
ErichEickmeyerYes, but someone here might know your issue. I'm just trying to point you in the right direction.15:52
dogonwho are you?15:52
dogonwho are you?15:53
dogonubuntu studio'ya compiz kurdum ama yeniden başlattığımda devre dışı kalıyor. Bunu nasıl kalıcı yapabilirm?15:57
n-iCehi guys15:58
dogonhello can you help me n-iCe15:58
n-iCewould be the ligheweight the only option to move to xubuntu? talking about ubuntu of course.15:58
dogonare you talking about my iisuue?15:59
xulubuntuanyone having issues when trying to change the number of workspaces?15:59
diogenes_n-iCe, no, it's not the only reason16:00
n-iCewhat others16:00
dogoni just ask my issue16:00
dogonare you talking about my issue?16:00
diogenes_n-iCe, another reason it's the magic that xubuntu team put inside the distro and i'll tell you what i mean by this16:00
dogoni am xfce atall16:01
n-iCediogenes_: ok16:01
diogenes_n-iCe, i've had a brand new laptop to fix and to install an OS on it, brand new Asus16:01
dogoni am asking again16:02
diogenes_i've tried pretty much any distro available, ubuntu, mint, suse, solus, linux lite and many many many others and you know what? xubuntu was the only distro that booted and installed perfectly16:02
dogonplease help me16:02
diogenes_others didn't even boot16:02
n-iCediogenes_: isn't weird? xubuntu is ubuntu based16:03
dogoni am asking you about compiz and ubuntu studio16:03
dogonnot working16:03
n-iCeno boot changes should be affected16:03
dogonplease someone help me16:03
diogenes_n-iCe, weird but nevertheless if you got and xubuntu stick, you can to to the edge of the world and you know it will never let you down, it will  work on any pc16:04
ErichEickmeyerWe in the #ubuntustudio don't have the answer, so I'm hoping someone in here has an answer, so I pointed him here.16:04
dogonare you talking with me can you hit warm16:04
diogenes_go to*16:04
n-iCetried debian?16:04
n-iCepeople say is really stable16:04
ErichEickmeyer!patience | dogon16:04
ubottudogon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:04
diogenes_n-iCe, debian? for simple customers? hehe16:04
diogenes_not an option16:04
n-iCeI see16:04
n-iCeAre you actually using xubuntu right now?16:04
diogenes_of course16:05
n-iCeThen gonna try it my friend, downloading right now.16:05
dogonno i am using studio lightweight16:05
diogenes_definitely the best choice16:05
n-iCe18.04, Bionic Beaver right16:05
diogenes_yes, zero bugs, i'm looking to catch at least one :)16:05
diogenes_dogon, we still didn't see or heard or read any issues you're facing.16:06
n-iCedownloaded, gonna move it to my usb16:07
dogoncan you give me +16:07
dogonfor speak16:07
xulubuntuHi all I have a problem trying to change the number of workspaces in xfwm4. I just cannot modify the number with the keyboard and when I click to the arrows with the mouse it runs crazy and the number changes like randomly until I have to kill the process, can you help me?16:08
n-iCedogon: you are speaking, say your actually problem dude.16:08
dogonwhy dont you help me16:09
n-iCetroll detected16:09
dogoni am not troll your are wrong16:09
n-iCe!kick dogon16:09
dogoni have fresh installed ubuntustudio 18.0416:09
n-iCedogon: ok, and?16:09
ErichEickmeyern-iCe: He has an Xfce-compiz issue.16:09
dogoni have to solve sreentaaring16:10
n-iCewhat issue16:10
dogonand i installed compiz but16:10
n-iCedogon: did you reboot?16:10
n-iCeyou have any error messages?16:10
dogonafter rreboot compiz not working16:10
dogoni am not troll16:10
n-iCecheck logs, and pastebin errors16:10
diogenes_dogon, wait wait wait16:10
dogonnoot when bootin16:10
diogenes_compiz is what is use too16:10
n-iCewhere are you from?16:11
dogoni had installed about compiz all16:11
n-iCewhere are you from?16:11
diogenes_dogon, run in terminal: compiz --replace16:11
ErichEickmeyern-iCe: He asked the question in turkish, I already used !tr to redirect him.16:11
dogoni had tryed but after reboot16:11
dogonnot working16:11
diogenes_dogon, wait16:11
diogenes_don't go that far16:12
n-iCeintel? nvidia? give more details16:12
dogonohh yes finaly16:12
diogenes_let's take one step at a time16:12
dogonnvidia but opensource16:12
xulubuntuok, I don't want to be just in the middle of a discussion. I need help with this below, if anyone can help me please send me a private message ->16:12
xulubuntuHi all I have a problem trying to change the number of workspaces in xfwm4. I just cannot modify the number with the keyboard and when I click to the arrows with the mouse it runs crazy and the number changes like randomly until I have to kill the process, can you help me?16:12
dogonyou are paraoic16:12
diogenes_!patience | xulubuntu16:13
ubottuxulubuntu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:13
n-iCedogon: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237440516:14
n-iCeis that your issue?16:14
n-iCeok, xubuntu is in my usb, BRB wish me luck!16:14
dogoni am looking16:14
dogonon thisi is not16:15
dogonbecoz i am using opensource driver this for nvidia driver16:16
diogenes_dogon, does compiz work when you run: compiz --replace?16:16
dogoni just want to fix after reboot16:16
dogonbut i dont know how16:17
diogenes_ok now, how did you add compiz to run at startup?16:17
dogonmy settings gone after reboot16:17
diogenes_ok open the terminal16:17
dogoni couldnt16:17
dogongenerally it was automaticly16:17
dogonyes opened16:18
diogenes_did you open the terminal?16:18
diogenes_run: cat ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml | nc termbin.com 999916:18
diogenes_paste here the link you get in terminal16:18
dogoni pasted16:19
diogenes_dogon, what did you get in terminal?16:19
diogenes_after running the command?16:19
dogon_are you there?16:25
diogenes_dogon_, i asked you a question16:25
diogenes_you didn't reply16:25
dogon_terminal wasnt give me anything16:26
dogon_i had pasted everything16:26
dogon_ cat ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml | nc termbin.com 999916:26
dogon_there is all16:26
diogenes_you see. there is the link that i needed16:26
diogenes_this one ===> http://termbin.com/lwhp16:27
dogon_what doest is this mean?16:27
diogenes_ok now run: cp /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml16:28
diogenes_just tell me when done16:28
dogon_i think something missing16:28
dogon_is have to be " / "16:29
dogon_isnt it?16:29
diogenes_did you run the command?16:29
dogon_be coz it dont give me anything16:29
diogenes_that's fine16:29
diogenes_that means that command was executed with no errors16:29
diogenes_ok now run: cat ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml | nc termbin.com 999916:30
diogenes_and paste here the link16:30
dogon_cp /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml16:30
dogon_it gives me this error16:30
dogon_some missing16:30
diogenes_dogon_, run the command i have given you above16:31
diogenes_dogon_, i've got 10 minutes only, so if we don't manage to set the things up then gule gule16:37
dogon_i did16:38
n-iCediogenes_: I love you.16:38
diogenes_n-iCe, :D16:38
n-iCeReally, looks amazing, EVRYTHING is working.16:38
dogon_i did it but terminal gives me nothing i am not liing16:38
diogenes_n-iCe, toldya16:38
n-iCefirst time trying it16:39
diogenes_dogon_, paste here what you get in terminal16:39
n-iCeare you always around diogenes_ ?16:39
dogon_terminal nothing gives me16:39
dogon_cat ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml | nc termbin.com 999916:39
dogon_thats all16:39
diogenes_n-iCe, one hint in order to speed up the start and shutdown, disable cups from session and startup16:39
n-iCewell, I use ssd, don't even notice any lag16:40
n-iCebut sure will do, thanks diogenes_16:40
diogenes_dogon_, no that's not all16:40
dogon_i am trying again16:40
n-iCedon't see cups16:40
n-iCeI remember it is the print queue applet?16:40
diogenes_dogon_, after you run the command you gonna get a link16:40
dogon_cat ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml | nc termbin.com 999916:41
diogenes_n-iCe, yes print queue16:41
n-iCedone thanks16:41
diogenes_dogon_, did you press enter?16:41
dogon_this is link but what is this? i dont know16:41
dogon_i did16:41
diogenes_after you pressed enter copy and paste here everything what you have in terminal16:42
diogenes_starting with the first command to the last letter, sign16:42
dogon_oo i didnt know you didnt tell me about this16:42
dogon_<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>16:43
dogon_<channel name="xfce4-session" version="1.0">16:43
dogon_  <property name="general" type="empty">16:43
dogon_    <property name="FailsafeSessionName" type="string" value="Failsafe"/>16:43
dogon_  </property>16:43
dogon_  <property name="sessions" type="empty">16:43
diogenes_omg, it will be tough16:44
diogenes_dogon_, don't paste anything in here anymore\16:44
dogon_these are16:44
dogon_channel giving error16:44
dogon_"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>16:44
dogon_<channel name="xfce4-session" version="1.0">16:44
diogenes_instead find my nickname in the list, right click on it16:44
dogon_  <property name="general" type="empty">16:44
diogenes_find my nickname in the list, right click on it and start a private chat16:45
diogenes_write to me in private16:45
dogon_  <property name="splash" type="empty">16:45
dogon_    <property name="Engine" type="string" value=""/>16:45
dogon_  </property>16:45
dogon_i stopped what should i do?16:46
n-iCehe just flooded the channel16:46
diogenes_yeah that's tough16:47
xulubuntuPlease, can you help me with this? I have a problem trying to change the number of workspaces in xfwm4. I just cannot modify the number with the keyboard and when I click to the arrows with the mouse it runs crazy and the number changes randomly until I have to kill the process. I've search on the forums and I don't find any answer.16:48
dogon_i am not a developer you have tu understand16:48
dogon_at last16:48
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
=== havenstance1 is now known as havenstance
moregotwhat is the best x enviorment for ubuntu_21:12
knomelet's think... which channel you are asking?21:15
moregotoh ok.. sorry about that im jsut asking here if im right?21:15
moregotor best for server hostiong21:15
knomeif you ask xubuntu, the channel for ubuntu with the xfce desktop, then the answer is very likely xfce...21:16
xanguaWhat's the best panel for xfce? :-P21:17
moregotok is that the X desktop that have slightly orange look?21:21
knomemoregot, you seem a bit lost... what are you looking from your desktop environment? lightness? lots of features? wallpaper color?21:21
moregotthe theme of the envgiroment that looks good, i guess its xfce but with cool stuff light kde?21:23
moregotnefver mind21:24
=== ZongvaX is now known as Zongva
canaryi've got a stuck installer, looking for advice on what to do23:48
canarycan anyone help?23:49
well_laid_lawncanary:  how is it stuck ?23:57
well_laid_lawnwhat's happening ?23:57

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