
=== grumblr is now known as grumble
KingJIs there any sort of 'empty' charm? I want to deploy some subordinate charms to all machines (e.g. lldp, snmp) but don't have a common charm to relate them to. To work around that, I was thinking of deploying an 'empty' charm to all machines that I can use to relate subordinates? If there's a better way to acheive this though i'm open to it!12:28
BlackDexKingJ: just use the ubuntu charm :)12:53
BlackDexthat is as empty as you can get12:53
BlackDexthe only thing you can configure is an override for the hostname12:53
KingJBlackDex: Perfect! I'll give that a try. Is deploying an 'empty' charm like this then relating the subordinates to it the best way to go about doing this overall, or is there a better way?13:09
BlackDexnot that i know13:28
BlackDexi use it like this also13:28
BlackDexoke, trying to test something on aws with juju15:06
BlackDexhow do i get a bigger rootfs?15:06
BlackDexmy / is just ~7GB15:06
BlackDexi need more15:07
BlackDexpreferably using settings in a bundle file15:09
KingJIs there a way to see a changelog of charm versions?19:18
BlackDexoké, i Just need to use the right constraint. root-disk that is21:57
BlackDexKingJ: the only way i know if is checking the sourcecode21:58
BlackDexand compare between the different versions21:59
KingJBlackDex: I had a peek, but it's hard to see the relation between the source tree and a given version - not really seeing any tags or branches inthe repo that allign with the charm version22:54

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