
tsimonq2rbasak: In light of bug 1777205, it would be good if some progress could be made on the python-acme SRU, unless removal is a better option.00:23
ubottubug 1777205 in python-acme (Ubuntu) "python-acme to start crashing on June 19th" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177720500:23
Unit193https://github.com/certbot/certbot/commit/5940ee92ab5c9a9f05f7067974f6e15c9fa3205a is a really easy fix.00:39
tsimonq2Right, and I'd JFDI, except there's already a package in xenial-proposed.00:57
Unit193Bug says it only applies to Bionic.01:20
tsimonq2Unit193: When was it that you were going to apply for MOTU already? :P01:57
Unit193At least 4 weeks, though I think this is a core-dev thing. :)02:34
sarnoldwhen are you applying for that then? :)02:35
* sarnold runs02:35
Unit193Much longer?  Likely care more about universe though.  Hopefully DD isn't too far.02:39
sarnoldheh, funny, I thought you already had that one..02:39
Unit193I have DM.02:40
sarnoldah so i'm at least not way wrong :)02:40
Unit193(I need another sig to actually get DD, so that'll be hard to come by.)02:40
tsimonq2I'm in the same boar.04:04
tsimonq2I have two borderline three advocates for DD. I just need the sigs.04:04
tsimonq2(Although I am headed towards core-dev myself...)04:05
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