[00:23] Hey Everyone === carlitos is now known as cornjulio [08:11] hi all [08:36] can anyone tell me where program files are stored in ubuntu mate 18.04 need to find an ini file and edit it [11:55] Hi, I am fairly new to Linux and real new to chat. Thanks in advance for any help. [11:56] I have a dell pc and have bionic beaver installed and sometimes when I boot up the pc I do not have the internet. I reboot and it is available again... is there something I can do for this [11:57] Am I in the right place to ask this? [11:58] newguy-1, wifi/lan? [11:58] LAN [11:58] wired [11:59] how often does it happen? [12:00] I'd say an average of every other day. seems that once I have it when I shut down then get back on it's fine... usually at first boot in the morning [12:01] newguy-1, next time when it happens, try running in terminal: sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager [12:01] enter the password and hit enter [12:02] will try that. (copied the command) [12:02] ok [12:02] any idea what may cause it? [12:03] if that command will help to revive the internet, then it might be some configuration related, if the command doesn't help, then thre might be something on kernel level/driver related and so on.' [12:03] sorry, someone at the door got to go... THANKS!! === andrea is now known as Guest22765