
donofrioGot a workaround I had to install inxi before I did the first apt-get dist upgrade - https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/2615#issuecomment-397737124 for anyone that is wsl and ubuntu 18.04 I'm lurking as always....00:04
klemaxafter suspending, when the laptop comes back, there is a white error screen.00:05
klemaxi checked the kern log, and saw ati driver errors.00:05
klemaxwhere should i report it to?00:05
donofrioartu1, ask your question00:23
Euph0riaHi all.  I have a process somewhere that is maxing out my network upload all the time.  How can I find which process is maxing out my upload?00:26
artu1is enybody who is kwowing why from u8 platform wont throw google show pictures and leters00:31
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GoopCan running a command using screen make an application slower?00:42
bazhangwhat command did you have in mind Goop00:43
GoopI wanted to run a Minecraft modded server (FTB comes with a bash script that runs a Java command)00:44
bazhangdont see why it would, why not run a test00:45
bazhangthat's also heavily dependent on the script and whatever hw you have, I would imagine00:46
GoopI have, but using it is so confusing. My goal is to be able to SSH into a Debian server, run the server command and be able to get out of the Minecraft server console and disconnect SSH without interrupting the server.00:46
bazhangso more of a general linux type question, not solely ubuntu00:47
bazhangperhaps try in ##linux Goop00:48
WoCGoop, use screen00:54
compdocthats what he was asking about00:55
WoCoops [;00:55
Euph0riaClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz (805MHz) • Memory: Physical: 15.2 GiB Total (14.4 GiB Free) Swap: 7.8 GiB Total (7.8 GiB Free) • Storage: 41.8 GB / 2.2 TB (2.2 TB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM Contr00:55
Euph0riaoller • Uptime: 2h 33m 46s00:55
WoCdang, i got the same crappy gfx :P00:56
GoopAlso, do I need to do anything with background/disown, so I can disconnect SSH and still keep the screen going?00:57
WoCjust ^a d00:57
compdocWhen I need a command to run in terminal so that i can disconnect and get back to it later, I install a desktop that I can easily remote into. open a term window, leave it running and disconnect. I like Mate, but theres many others00:57
WoCand screen -r to re-attach00:58
sakhdSound in browser doesn't start playing instantly, only after approximately second. Once upon a time, I have found the solution for this problem. It's time to find it again :)00:58
sakhdubuntu 18.04 (previous too)00:59
BillGHeroI have a problem where x cannot access /dev/dri/card0 during boot01:00
sakhdIt is somehow related to sound card energy saving. Is it possible to disable it through ubuntu settings?01:00
compdocsakhd, do you allow the system to sleep?01:01
Goopcompdoc, that is a horrible idea. A WASTE of system resources.01:07
compdocGoop, gosh no. been doing it in poduction servers for years. takes up a few megs of disk space, and after you disconnect the only real cpu time is that of your process. even when youre connected there is very little impact01:10
compdocmodern computers and a well done desktop gui are not quite you you imagine01:11
compdocI do a minimal install. no need for bluetooth services, etc01:16
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bazhangubuntu support issue Guest92474 ?01:41
Guest92474is this for tech support ?01:41
guivercif you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it (ideally in a single line, and a ~unique nickname would help) & please be patient waiting for a reply01:41
bazhangfor ubuntu OS yes guest901:42
bazhangoh left01:42
guiverci scared off another :(  [or should that be :) ]01:42
swift110hey bazhang how are you man?01:51
ANANDtomreyn: Found a driver for my adapter - https://static.tp-link.com/2018/201805/20180514/TP-Link_Driver_Linux_series8_beta.zip01:53
ANANDLooks like it was uploaded very recently too01:53
atareisanyone here ?01:56
cxc99is there a way to disable network checking and only install from the iso for ubuntu?01:57
compdoconly blkadder is here. and cxc9901:57
compdoc, sure01:57
cxc99i uncheck the checkbox during install, and i still see it "downloading" stuff01:58
atareiswhat is the best linux os ?02:00
cxc99the one that you like :)02:00
atareisim using mint and im very love it02:00
ANANDtomreyn: Looks like the driver's made for 4.13.. kernel (16.04)02:02
ANANDIs there a way to make it work with kernel version 4.15?02:02
swift110sup atareis I am using Mint right now02:02
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lbdesignI'm impressed with ubuntu LTS. But I need the cpufreq extension to tame ht egnome-shell beast eating all my cpu and making my laptop too hot.02:03
atareisswift110 congratulations02:03
tomreynANAND: you already have a driver, which is loaded, and works, just you said the performance wasn't good enough, yet. the driver you are currently using is probably rtl8xxxu ("lsmod | grep rtl" would tell)02:11
tomreynif that's the one you have now then look into "modinfo rtl8xxxu | grep ^parm" to see any available configuration parameters which you can experiment with.02:12
tomreynthis said, you can also try the driver you found now. which they apparently tested on ubuntu 16.04, and linux miint 18, and kali - weird choices.02:14
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tomreynyou'll need to build it yourself, following the instructions included with it.02:14
* tomreyn afk02:14
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
Guest5210Hello guys! Anyone cares to share some info regarding  the Ubuntu World02:18
guivercGuest5210, this is a support room, your question to me is better suited to #ubuntu-discuss02:20
Guest5210Great! I am interested... What do you guys usually support?02:21
striveGuest5210: Do you have an issue?02:24
striveIf so, just ask away :)02:24
Guest5210Well, I think that I am mainly having a few with the package manager displaying every now and then a few errors when attempting to install some packages02:25
guivercGuest5210, for us to help it'd help if you were specific, ie. exact error message ... if you have multi-line pastes etc, we can tell you how to use ubuntu.pastebin (or use whatever you know)02:28
Guest5210I see but I dont think that I need to specifiy anything as I already mentioned to you the the issue is with the package manager and installation02:30
guiverci don't know what installation you're running (ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu..) let alone your version (14.04, 16.04...) nor what package manager you're using (they vary by flavor) - but the error messages are specific & elude to clue (eg. unsupported release so pointing in wrong place etc..)02:32
Guest5210Anyone experiencing issues with the package manager displaying errors with packages installation02:42
Guest5210specifically on ubuntu 14.0402:43
JoeyTheHakerooHi can anyone explain Ubuntu?02:44
JoeyTheHakeroowhy does it not provide easy access?02:44
bazhangJoeyTheHakeroo, easy for the disabled?02:45
JoeyTheHakerooHow do you install the thing? Is it really made by Africans?02:45
bazhangno it's not02:45
bazhang!manual | JoeyTheHakeroo02:46
ubottuJoeyTheHakeroo: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:46
bazhanghave a read of that JoeyTheHakeroo02:46
JoeyTheHakerooBut why is it called Ubuntu?  Is this thing from Africa?02:47
tittimcyeah sure02:47
guivercGuest5210, i just booted my 14.04 desktop; it's updating now (okay on my used mirror anyway) - do you download from main site?, country mirror? or isp mirror?  what package?  (ie. is it from a repo you don't have enabled? i can check if I know what package..)02:47
tittimcright guys02:47
JoeyTheHakerooI dont really understand the manual. Nor the installation practices. I am trying to escape Windows but Linux platforms are insane.02:48
JoeyTheHakerooIs this really made by some African peoples?02:48
bazhangJoeyTheHakeroo, that's more of an offtopic dis cussion02:48
bazhangJoeyTheHakeroo, no it's not , please stop asking that02:49
JoeyTheHakeroowhat is offtopic? I came here bc I was told I can get help about get started on Ubuntu02:49
bazhangJoeyTheHakeroo, we gave you a link to read02:49
JoeyTheHakerooWho makes this stuff? Why did they called it Ubuntu.02:49
Guest5210Lol, why do you need to know if ubuntu is made by Africans, do you have a problem with that?02:49
tittimci think he is racist lolol02:49
bazhangJoeyTheHakeroo, a free downloadalbe manual to introduce you02:50
JoeyTheHakerooBC I don't understand any of it and it is weird02:50
guivercJoeyTheHakeroo, fyi: the main guy who is behind Ubuntu is from South Africa02:50
tittimcthey have computers there JoeyTheHakeroo02:50
JoeyTheHakerooNot sure if it was like that project some indians did for my company and the thing was impossible to comprehend.02:50
JoeyTheHakerooWe never again hired Indians to do the work02:50
BLZbubbahello, what is the best way to get optimus working on 18.04?02:51
bazhangJoeyTheHakeroo, please take this to an offtopic chat channel02:51
JoeyTheHakerooSouth Africa? So it is made in Africa?02:51
FlannelJoeyTheHakeroo: Again, this is a place for technical questions.  Any question of a non-technical nature should be taken elsewhere, thanks.02:51
tittimcis this guy serious02:51
JoeyTheHakerooHow can i physically have ubuntu installed on 34 computers and have it run properly?02:51
guivercJoeyTheHakeroo, coders are world-wide.. and this is off-topic on this channel (it's for Ubuntu support only)02:51
JoeyTheHakerooHave an office and we are done with W1002:51
JoeyTheHakerooBut I don't want African Software or Indian stuff that collapse in weeks or so. We cannot afford that.02:52
tittimcyo JoeyTheHakeroo take ur hatespeech out of this chat02:52
tittimcnot cool bro02:52
Flannel!automate | JoeyTheHakeroo02:52
ubottuJoeyTheHakeroo: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/apb.html - See also !cloning02:52
Guest5210Joey, what is up with your spirit tonight? You sound a bit too harsh02:52
JoeyTheHakerooHate? Not really we had so many issues with the Indian programmers it was hell.02:53
FlannelJoeyTheHakeroo: And again, keep the non-technical questions and statements out of this channel.02:53
JoeyTheHakerooubottu we are trying to install (proper) 34 pc's with Ubuntu. But it ihas been hell. So we are now looking at why we can't do it.02:53
ubottuJoeyTheHakeroo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:53
FlannelJoeyTheHakeroo: Read that link, it'll show you how.02:54
JoeyTheHakerooThe OS loads then it fails to go on. Like none of the changes are made. We cannot retrieve data and we loose all of it over and over.02:54
FlannelJoeyTheHakeroo: Read that link, it'll show you how.02:54
Guest5210I see.. well I dont think you will have one with me... I am simply trying to get some help from you in regards to my ubuntu laptop issues with package manager  displaying errors with installation02:55
JoeyTheHakerooGuest5210 your Ubuntu failing you as well.02:55
tittimcJoeyTheHakeroo : so why u hate indians and africans so much bro.02:56
Flanneltittimc: just drop it.02:56
tittimcyeah. but cmon bro. that hatespeech was not called for man.02:56
tittimci get sensitive about this stuff02:56
tittimcbrb guys02:57
JoeyTheHakerooI don't hate INDIANS sir we just need MADE IN USA stuff that works. I am 56 years old and the wizzkids have not yet figure out how to make things simple and concised.02:57
Tin__mandon't hurry on our account02:57
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Flanneltittimc: He's just a troll. It happens. Now he's not here.02:57
hggdhJonta: enough. Please stop. Go to another chat channel02:58
Flannelhggdh: wrong person02:58
tittimcFlannel: hey thanks02:58
hggdhJonta: sorry, wrong nick02:59
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Guest18245Hey guys! I know that is off topic but has any of you ever taken a trip to the carribean?03:02
tittimcnah too many blacks, according to JoeyTheHackeroo03:03
tittimcu missed out on a real racist Guest1824503:03
* el facepalms03:04
elwe'd rather the conversation not be relived thanks03:04
tittimcel: thats cuz ur a faggit03:04
tittimcu defend nazis now03:05
tittimcim out fags my tendies r cold peace03:05
Guest18245How am I missing out? I was not making a statement about race , I simply asked if some of you have visited the Carribean? Good food, nice people, beautiful beaches, real exposure to nature03:06
elkick tittimc not appropriate behaviour03:06
guiverctry & stay on topic please folks..03:06
lbdesignirc never changes.03:16
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ANANDHello again, I'd like to know if it's possible to modify the code of a kernel module (Wifi driver) for 4.13 to work in 4.15.05:14
ANANDI get a couple of errors which are most probably due to the fact that this driver was not made for my current version05:15
guivercANAND, possible yes. doable if you're very high skilled. I'd not want to try; you'd have find the bit in the 4.13 that works for you, work out why it was removed or isn't there in 4.15 & try to make it do what you want (& test to ensure you've not inserted new issues fixed by what you removed...)05:18
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varshitbhatHey,I have installed Ubuntu 18.4 in offline pc.i cannot get internet connection.but I've to install gnome-tweak-tool ,vlc media player,and dosbox emulator all offline.please help05:32
osp2varshitbhat, you can put the apps on the offline box from a separate usb or something maybe?05:35
varshitbhatPlease explain05:35
varshitbhatI downloaded packages from pkgs.org05:36
varshitbhatAnd how to install05:36
osp2not sure myself to be honest05:37
varshitbhatVlc media player is only 500kb05:37
varshitbhatosp2: oh sorry05:37
varshitbhatOthers, please help me05:37
osp2varshitbhat, this might help:05:38
osp2or even this05:40
osp2I'm assuming you downloaded the .deb files from pkgs.org? varshitbhat05:40
osp2yeah then you should just need to follow those instructions05:40
varshitbhatI also downloaded via Ubuntu packages05:40
osp2sudo dpkg -i DEB_PACKAGE05:40
varshitbhatOh, thanks05:41
guivercvarshitbhat, where apt & apt-get will download dependencies (ie. needed to run), `dpkg -i` will error if they aren't already in your system, so include them in the same `dpkg -i` command, or install dep's first...05:43
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ANANDguiverc: Here are the actual errors. They look trivial to me - only the names of the methods have probably changed05:50
guivercANAND, yes a few are -dev deps which should be easily fixed (without touching the source code)05:52
ANANDAh, good to know :)05:53
ANANDWould you be able to help me resolve the issues? I'm not very familiar with the Linux kernel05:53
ANANDor any kernel for that matter :)05:54
guivercANAND, install them and you'll likely not need to patch anything.  Compiling a driver isn't at all what I was thinking (I assumed you were after something different)05:54
ANANDum.. install what, exactly?05:54
guivercfor the first I saw - https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libelf-dev shows its available for all supported Ubuntu's ... fix those (ie. apt install) and you'll likely nothing left (others will disappear))05:55
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ANANDguiverc: So I'll have to install libelf-dev using apt and try compiling the driver again?06:00
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guivercANAND, look at line 2 of what you posted for me - it provided a number of missing -dev libs; you need to install them all (then try recompiling/make..) - i only looked at first listed06:02
ANANDOh ok06:02
niko1990I have a question: I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 and I have a network share that I connect to (fstab: cifs). Everything was working perfect till around a week ago - acceptable speeds. Since then I this speeds (140MB file) in TERMINAL: upload (to terminal) 30 MiB/s & download 90,8 MiB/s. But in NAUTILUS: Upload 4,1 MB/s & Download (most likely around 60 - 80 MB/s.) But it takes exactly 30 seconds where the download is stand06:04
niko1990e left: 600h. even with a small image file (63 kB) it takes again exactly 30 seconds standing still till it actually starts copying... Anyone an idea, or the same problems?06:04
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guivercANAND, just a fyi: those -dev (development) packages are only needed to compile/make - they won't be needed to 'use/run' the result (when done)06:16
pressure679How do I use a bluetooth keyboard?06:17
pressure679It worked with Fedora, so I wonder why not with Ubuntu06:19
pressure679Well, it was a lossy connection with Ubuntu 16.04.06:20
pressure679Now it does not detect at all.06:20
ANANDguiverc: line 2 says to install either one of them06:20
ANANDI've installed libelf-dev06:20
ANANDBut apt can't locate the other two06:20
guivercANAND, i misread (actually only read part of line.. my bad sorry!)  -dev is possibly called -devel in another non-debian distro...06:24
ANANDHaha, no issues :)06:25
guiverconce you've installed what you can, you can re-try make06:25
ANANDI've installed libelf-dev, but I get the exact same error(s) when I retry make06:26
GoopI'm trying to connect a Remmina client (using VNC) to a tightvncserver. I can't seem to get the screen to resize when I increase the window width on remmina.06:30
GoopHow do I get it to auto-resize?06:30
lotuspsychjeGoop: be carefull with vnc, alot of security risk using it..06:36
guivercANAND, can you provide the link where you grabbed the source - I think i'm missing something, hoping for clues... :)06:36
guivercokay - what you said initially (https://github.com/evgeni/tp_smapi/issues/31)  init_timer() interface removed... my first answer makes sense now :(06:37
sera_denoirWas running 17.10.1 and used the upgrade script to move to 18.04, which upgraded php from 7.0/1 (can't remember now) to 7.2, which broke some of my php apps on my webserver.  Is there some way that I can use the CLI to force Apache's PHP configurating back to 'out of the box' without breaking the whole LAMP server?06:39
guivercthe patch is tiny; ~4 lines; I'd be tempted to just add to a file & try compiling... but I don't know enough to know consequences...  (http://users.sec.t-labs.tu-berlin.de/~jan/0001-Adapt-HDAPS-driver-to-use-the-new-timer_setup-interf.patch)06:40
guivercANAND, i'm not skilled enough to do anything but 'try-hack'; you need better skilled than me sorry06:45
ANANDah that's sad... :/06:48
ANANDThank you for all the help though, guiverc :)06:48
guivercsorry I couldn't help more ANAND06:49
Flannelsera_denoir: you can, but it's probably easier (and you'll feel more comfortable doing it manually).  You can download the deb file here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libapache2-mod-php7.2  that's got the stock php7.2.conf file06:49
Flannelsera_denoir: You can open a deb file with an archive tool to open it like a tgz/zip/archive06:50
sera_denoirFlannel: so i'm looking for a change in the php7.2.conf file as opposed to the php.ini file?06:51
Flannelsera_denoir: php7.2.conf is apache's config file for php.  If you're thinking it's a php-wide thing, then that'd be in https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/php7.2-common06:52
Flannelsera_denoir: (you can see the files in each package by a link there, prior to downloading)06:52
sera_denoirFlannel: Thanks ... i'll try poking around a bit more.  I was focused on the ini files, but I did do a lot of changes in conf files for security, just it was back in december so i don't remember everything i did06:54
Flannelsera_denoir: Also, sometimes people have directives in your site that'll affet things.  So that's another place to look.  (apache/sites-available)06:55
Flannelsera_denoir: And, just in case you end up wanting to nuke everything, `apt-get install --reinstall [packages]` is how to put those files back.  But you still need to know which package had that file.  You can figure that out with `dpkg -S \path\to\arbitrary\file`06:58
GoopHow would I go about rebuilding an image from a Ubuntu image? I'm using Google Cloud, and I hate the crap they put together for their Ubuntu OS.07:00
sera_denoirThanks Flannel ... I was lost on even where to look, so you gave me a lot to work with07:01
EriC^^morning all07:27
GoopEriC^^, Good morning07:29
sera_denoirFlannel: I finally fixed it ... I had to go a bit crazy and do 'apt-get purge php7.1*' ... after that and an apache restart I think I'm back in business07:31
BillGHeroI have a recent Ubuntu 18.04 desktop installation that suddenly will not bring up the GUI gdm3 anymore. Was working fine for 2 weeks. I think it has stopped using the driver. Any idea how to pinpoint the cause of the problem?07:37
BillGHeroCan anyone advise how to pinpoint cause of not getting into GUI login screen at boot?07:52
guivercBillGHero, check you can login via terminal (ie. ctrl+alt+f4 or whatever tty you prefer), then `df -h` (check you have free space in /home ($USER) - gui login will fail if no space; and you'll end up in login loop if it doesn't have working space07:54
syb0rgBillGHero, have you looked at journalctl, or in /var/log to see if there are errors?07:55
BillGHeroguiverc: Already did. Set up ssh server so I can cut/paste on another machine. PLenty of room on my root/home drive.07:56
guivercactually the login loop assumes gdm3 (or your dm) was working; if you have graphic issues I'm not equipped to help sorry07:56
syb0rgand why do you think it is a driver issue? Is that just a guess or did you see some message or something that indicates it?07:58
syb0rgand what happens if you run startx manually?07:58
BillGHerosyb0rg: I have a consistent error in Xorg.0.log: https://pastebin.com/0ADkMaGL07:58
syb0rg"reverting to software rendering" yeah that does seem like it could be a driver issue07:59
syb0rgBillGHero, do you use an nvidia card with nouveau drivers?08:01
syb0rgIf so, this could be relevant https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/TroubleShooting/#index1h308:01
BillGHerosyb0rg: yes I have an nVidia card, I will read that article. Strange thing is, this is a clean install of 18.04 and was working fine for at least 2 weeks, even playing high-demand games like KSP and Rocket League.08:03
syb0rgyeah that is a bit odd, ubuntu rarely breaks out of the blue like that in my experience08:03
syb0rgon the other hand, 18.04 is still pretty new08:03
syb0rgbtw, I linked you to the relevant section in that article, you probably don't need to read the whole thing.08:04
BillGHerosyb0rg: I am trying to get the nVidia driver back to working again. I am not sure if troubleshooting nouveau will help me. It's a 770 card, and it is not fully supported by nouveau yet...08:05
syb0rgwell I did ask if you were using nouveau or not =P08:05
lord734hi how can i know that i have installed a 64 bit ubuntu or a 32 bit ? uname -m says x86_6408:05
syb0rgwhat is the output of lsmod | grep nvidia ?08:05
syb0rglord734, that is your answer08:06
syb0rgthe _64 part means 64 bit08:06
lord734whats that  x86 ?08:06
syb0rghere ya go https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X8608:07
BillGHerocyb0rg: https://pastebin.com/t3rLQx5n08:07
syb0rghey that's syb0rg with an s =P08:07
lord734ok so this OS is 64 bit ?08:07
syb0rgcorrect, lord73408:07
lord734ok thanks08:08
syb0rgso it looks like you have the nvidia drivers loaded, including the drm module08:08
syb0rghave you tried purging and reinstalling the nvidia drivers?08:08
BillGHerosyb0rg: Right? I thought that was weird to see given the situation.08:09
BillGHerosyb0rg: Yes, I had a bit of a hard time too. There were some broken packages/depndencies that made it harder. Finally got it all off.08:09
BillGHerosyb0rg: Tried both nvidia-driver-390 and 396 as well.08:10
syb0rgdo you know what kernel paramaters you are using? if you are using nomodeset somehow that might be the issue08:10
syb0rgsysctl -a08:12
syb0rgoops that wasn't a terminal =P08:12
syb0rgBillGHero, what do you get from cat /proc/cmdline08:15
BillGHerosyb0rg: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.15.0-23-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro recovery nomodeset08:16
namixwith 18.04 when I execute with sudo or su with other username a X Program, i get No protocol specfied, a symlink from .Xauthoritiy isnt working, whats to do?08:16
syb0rgthat is probably the issue08:16
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BillGHerosyb0rg: Is that in GRUB ?08:17
syb0rgmost likely BillGHero08:17
syb0rgnamix, this might help https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/108784/running-gui-application-as-another-non-root-user08:20
BillGHerosyb0rg: just looked up how to do that. There is no mention of nomodeset in my /etc/default/grub file08:21
BillGHerosyb0rg: Could Ubuntu devs accidentally made it a default in recent patch?08:21
syb0rgthat seems unlikely to me08:22
namixsyb0rg: thx08:22
syb0rgnp namix08:22
syb0rgBillGHero, is there something like modeset=0 ?08:22
BillGHerosyb0rg: https://pastebin.com/1QshRWiP08:23
syb0rgBillGHero, yeah doesn't look like the issue is there08:24
syb0rgBillGHero, check the files in /etc/modprobe.d08:25
syb0rgtry cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | grep modeset08:26
BillGHerosyborg: Only 1 line - options nvidia_drm modeset=108:27
syb0rgHuh, that's interesting08:28
syb0rgso the only explicit reference we have found so far to modesetting has it enabled08:28
syb0rgyet it is disabled in your kernel parameters08:28
syb0rgmight as well try running sudo update-grub and restarting, though I doubt that will fix it08:28
syb0rgthat might help if nomodeset was enabled in grub, then disabled but update-grub not run08:29
syb0rgthere has to be somewhere else it can be set...08:30
BillGHerosyb0rd: Right? But I updated grub and will restart it just in case that was it.08:30
syb0rgyeah it is unlikely but easy to try, might as well08:30
syb0rgand this is assuming nomodeset is even the issue...08:35
syb0rgWell BillGHero I am going to call it a night, hopefully you make progress on this08:35
BillGHerosyb0rg: Goodnite. thanks for the help.08:35
mqtHow to make clicking to address bar select in Firefox?08:36
mqtselect all08:36
cornjuliocan anyone tell me where ubuntu stores program files i need to find and edit an ini file that a program uses08:37
mqtI found solution to my problem: about:config and browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll to true08:39
BillGHerocornjulio: Which program are you looking to configure?08:39
BillGHerocornjulio: have you tried checking for a .mame directory in your home folder?08:41
cornjuliohow to check for hiddden files terminal hav forgotten08:42
BillGHeroin terminal? ls -ah08:42
cornjulionothing there under that name08:43
cornjulioscratch that08:44
cornjuliowrong computer lmao08:44
BillGHerocornjulio: did you find mame.ini?08:51
inflexHave a newly installed from fresh 18.04 machine that's now just filling the boot screen with ^@^@^@^@^@^@^ characters08:58
inflexTried googling but not sure if google is ignoring that sequence or it just doesn't happen08:58
guiverccornjulio, a `apt-file show mame` tells me /etc/mame/mame.ini (& other files) - i'm not sure what you're after but is that it?08:59
cornjuliothats it-thanks for your help-juggling mame setup an my baby girl lols09:00
cornjulioi was on my laptop and mame is on the desktop both run 18.04 mate n i got mixed up09:01
guivercinflex, i don't know, but did you verify the download was okay? (md5sum etc)  and 'try ubuntu' awhile to verify things looked okay (esp. write to usb-thumb-drive..)09:01
seven-elevenhow do i install gnome in ubuntu??09:02
guivercseven-eleven, what version of ubuntu are you running?09:03
seven-elevenguiverc, DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04 LTS"09:03
guivercubuntu-desktop will install gnome & all apps used by 18.04 ubuntu [gnome] - are you running a flavor of ubuntu (xubuntu, kubuntu... as 18.04 has gnome as its default DE)09:04
seven-elevenguiverc, kubuntu09:05
seven-eleveni just install ubuntu-gnome-desktop but when i login i dont see gnome as option in SDDM09:05
nightwarrior-xxxhi there,Can anyone help me with advanced bash tutorials09:06
guiverci don't know sddm (haven't used kubuntu in years sorry), but https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/ubuntu-gnome-desktop looks like it pulls in gnome-session & ubuntu-desktop to me..  i'd have expected that to work seven-eleven09:07
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guivercyou could try making gdm3 your dm (dpkg-reconfigure) & try that; but i'm guessing here.. (using dpkg-reconfigure to put back sddm back to your default later) -- guess only09:10
seven-elevenguiverc, does gdm3 support kde too?09:19
seven-eleveni want to choose upon login whether to login to kde or gnome09:19
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seven-elevenguideline, gdm3 logs into gnome but doesnt show kde :\09:28
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guivercseven-eleven, (sorry away) i realize what you want to do; like i choose gnome/xfce/mate... but I don't know sddm, i'm hoping it'd do what you want, but didn't know..  a dpkg-reconfigure should let you return it to sddm - but I have no other ideas..09:30
guivercyou could ask again later, when hopefully there are people around how know better than i do...09:32
seven-elevenok cheers \o/09:33
qwebirc20807who can edit wiki.ubuntu.com? I have suggestion to add webchat links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:36
guivercqwebirc20807, what do you want changed (it really should be done by an IRC team member, not just someone who can edit wikis)09:38
qwebirc20807links are in form of https://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=%23<channel name> with random nick09:38
guivercqwebirc20807, i won't -- i don't understand enough & thus won't touch it.. i suspect it should be someone in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc  (ubuntu irc members/team)09:43
guivercokay qwebirc20807 i followed link & now think its a useful idea..  were you thinking of an extra column (with links into the rooms?) or selected channels in link section??09:48
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
qwebirc20807I created all links https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2jjG2SbJQn/09:58
qwebirc20807I don't know what kind of function current link column has. For instance I cannot open current links10:01
guivercqwebirc20807, current link column?  most have channel (xdg-open to channel), description & contact person are what I see..10:05
qwebirc20807Yes. But is xdg-open configured by default?10:06
guivercyep - works on my box too (I tested it)10:06
qwebirc20807Ok. Then I suggest web irc column10:07
qwebirc20807top of the table could be instructions which link to choose10:09
GorraHi, does anyone know a good tutorial for containerization (Docker, LXC)?10:10
guivercqwebirc20807, support done, but untidy :(  (need to hide long link)10:19
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guivercqwebirc20807, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList/Support  (a number of subpages make up complete list or main page)10:21
qwebirc20807Yes. Good job! I suggest add some explanation what web irc column is10:21
eldaskhey guys, I have this very old macbook pro dual core, it's junk, but it's always nice to have an extra box.  I've installed 16.04 on it, but it keeps overheating whenever any processing occurs.  I've installed TLP and thermald to no avail.  Anything else I could do to help resolve this?10:22
qwebirc20807alternatively just name it quick access10:23
guivercqwebirc20807, are you able to joined #ubuntu-discuss please10:23
EriC^^eldask: anything using the cpu excessively? try "top" in a terminal, have you cleaned the fans btw?10:27
eldaskEriC^^, well, not when I'm not doing any processing.  Right now top of the list is htop at .7%.  As far as the fans, it's worth noting that the machine doesn't overheat under osx, only under ubuntu.  I would think it's a driver issue but sensors returns max rpm for the fan, I'm at a loss10:29
AmeisenTrying to figure out when trying to build gcc in Ubuntu, it keeps trying to test for size_t with sizeof ((size_t)) instead of sizeof (size_t)10:29
Ameisenthe configure script specifies both10:29
eldaskEriC^^, I'll try to see how I can open this abomination of a computer to clear out the heatsink/fans, just typing out the previous sentence, fan shouldn't be struggling to maintain temperature at idle.  But that wouldn't explain why it doesn't overheat under osx10:32
EriC^^eldask: possibly some misconfiguration or acpi settings or something10:38
EriC^^eldask: under osx what's the actual temperature it's running at?10:40
eldaskhigh 50's, hang on, screwdriver'ing this thing10:41
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eldaskEriC^^, well, there was quite a bit of dust in there.  Running it after the cleanup and with the case opened seems to "solve" the problem lol11:08
EriC^^eldask: hmm, i wouldn't leave the case opened11:18
EriC^^perhaps it works not with it closed too?11:18
eldaskEriC^^, maybe, but honestly, this thing is from like 2004, I'm just going to leave it in a corner and sandbox things on it until it dies11:19
eldaskEriC^^, and thanks for the help!11:20
EriC^^eldask: ok, problem11:20
EriC^^*no problem11:20
eldasklol, it is now an es node11:24
system16hi. i cant right click11:36
system16Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz (502MHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (6.4 GiB Free) Swap: 337.9 MiB Total (337.9 MiB Free) • Storage: 6.4 GB / 22.3 GB (15.9 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520 @ Intel Corporation Skylake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers • Uptime: 52m 57s11:37
system16btw ubuntu wont recognize my nvidia 940 m11:37
system16i installed ubuntu on a usb drive.11:37
system16...on an 8 GB usb 3.0 drive11:39
system16my gpu problem isnt really important but my right click problem is.11:41
GorraHi, does anyone know a good tutorial for containerization (Docker, LXC)?11:41
CalicoFlowsI need to expand my partition. I have a USD drive and Gparted installed. However there are confusing aspects to as to how to get GParted on a bootable USB11:52
CalicoFlowsPlus, I see some people having issues ( 011:52
CalicoFlowsdown vote11:52
CalicoFlowsI can't seem to get the latest Gparted to boot on my UEFI laptops)11:52
BluesKajhiyas all11:52
CalicoFlowsOoops. Anyway, anything in particular that I need to do in order to ensure that I am not gonna lose all my data by using weird setup...11:53
* CalicoFlows slaps BluesKaj with a large trout 11:54
system16CalicoFlows, do you know why i cant right click11:55
system16this is a laptop btw11:55
* BluesKaj cooks the trout 11:56
BluesKajhey CalicoFlows11:56
CalicoFlowsAlright... Found UNetbootin. Installed it, selected the gparted .iso but unetbootin does not see my usb drive even though I see it in the file browser??12:00
CalicoFlowsDo I need to preformat it or something...12:01
system16i fixes it MYSELF.12:03
vavkamilI have 16.04 with unity and I wan't to hide title bar of specific window12:14
EriC^^vavkamil: try compizconfig-settings-manager or devilspie can do that12:15
vavkamilI'm looking on google right now, it's possible to hide for all programs12:15
vavkamilI would love to have keyboard shortcut to hide/show it in specific window12:16
EriC^^vavkamil: you can do that for a specific window based on its titlebar for instance12:16
EriC^^give it a more unique title than other instances of the program and use that as a reference12:17
EriC^^use some script that adds removes that etc with the keyboard shortcut12:17
vavkamilit's for a guvcview web cam software12:17
EriC^^i think devilspie would be easier12:18
vavkamilgoal is to have a webcam output on screen without titlebar12:18
Mibixwhat is the offtopic channel12:18
cfhowlett!ot | Mibix12:18
ubottuMibix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:18
EriC^^vavkamil: sudo apt-get install devilspie and read about its usage, it can do that12:19
CalicoFlowsMoving a partition might cause your operating system to fail to boot https://i.imgur.com/om09Yvb.jpg12:27
CalicoFlowsDoesn't sound good...12:28
cfhowlettwhy are you moving parts?12:30
lbdesigncfhowlett: Moving or resizing an partition can take a long time. If you could backup and reinstall that would be much easier.12:31
CalicoFlowsbecause I am running out of space and I have unallocated space before my sys partition12:31
cfhowlettCalicoFlows, see the above from lbdesign12:31
Mibixwhat are there no live imaging tools for ubuntu live acronis12:31
Mibix*like acronis12:31
lbdesignand it's advicable to put system partition at the start of the disk.12:31
Mibixdoes everyone just use cron jobs to restore12:31
Mibixonly imaging tools ive found are done out of the OS12:32
EriC^^CalicoFlows: are you doing this from a live usb?12:32
CalicoFlowsI don't mind waiting. Is it safe though, is this just a blanket warning or is it going to break my system12:32
CalicoFlowsEriC^^, yes12:32
EriC^^CalicoFlows: it should not present any problems after the move i guess12:34
EriC^^if it does, you can always chroot into the install from the live usb and reinstall grub12:34
EriC^^i think grub's core image looks for (disk,partition)/boot/grub and doesn't care about the actual sector location12:35
CalicoFlowsEriC^^, whew, I don't know what that is but OK, wish me luck, I will pull the trigger...12:35
lbdesignif the UUID doesn't change I don't think it would be an issue.12:35
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qwebirc82177Hello guys, i have a small question about dual booting ubuntu, anyone could help me?12:51
cfhowlett!ask | qwebirc8217712:51
ubottuqwebirc82177: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:51
system16why there is an ? mark in wifi icon ?12:52
qwebirc82177haha okay sorry. Yesterday i installed ubuntu alongside windows, and i am not sure what i did, but now when i turn on my computer, it goes directly to windows without asking if i want to boot ubuntu or windows (via gnu). if i want to access ubuntu i have to press F11 and choose it. I didn't do this intentionally but i like how it is. I am trying to do the same on my other laptop, but i don't know why the other laptop gives me t12:54
CalicoFlowsHow do I change the permissions on my NTFS windows partiotion so I could write.... confusing google results...12:59
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X_CrackRATsearch tools d-tect buat nyari ip tiktok web nya www.amemv.com terus ddos kalau mau13:04
tomreynCalicoFlows: see mount(8), "Mount options for ntfs": uid, gid, umask13:05
tomreyn"mount(8)" is a man page, which becomes available via the "man 8 mount" command when you have the "man-db" package installed13:06
* X_CrackRAT 13:17
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artur_Are /etc/apt/source.list and package cache the same?13:54
lotuspsychje!sources | artur_13:55
ubottuartur_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.13:55
sonicwindartur: no, they are not13:56
sonicwindpackage cache is /var/cache/apt/archives13:57
sonicwind /etc/apt/sources.list is which things such as universe, main, etc, you are subscribed to13:57
artur_Are packages in ubuntu and Debian quite different?13:58
artur_I mean .deb extension is the same13:59
sonicwind.debs from your installed packages end up in /var/cache/apt/archives13:59
artur_What cost windows user pay for not using any packet manager system?14:04
cfhowlettpretty much off=topic here, yes?14:04
artur_cfhowlett: all others irc channels are dead. Getting answer is like winning a lottery.14:06
V7Hey all14:07
lotuspsychjeartur_: there is #ubuntu-offtopic not really dead14:07
V7When exeuting startx it shows wm, but after shows blank screen14:07
lotuspsychjeV7: startx is not the way to launch anymore14:08
V7After changing tty from tty1 to tty2 and back it shows wm properly14:08
V7lotuspsychje: Yup, but why it shows black screen ?14:08
lotuspsychjeV7: start from the beginning, ubuntu version, DE? WM?14:09
lotuspsychjewhat are you trying to do...14:09
V7ubuntu 12.04, no de, i3-wm14:09
lotuspsychjeV7: first of all 12.04 is end of life14:09
V7I've downloaded ubuntu12.04 core without anything14:09
oerheksLoLz good joke V714:09
V7So after installed xorg and used default configurations14:09
V7Other ubuntu it won't hand;e14:10
V7handle *14:10
V7What could this be ?14:10
lotuspsychjeV7: install a supported ubuntu version from the topic, then come back please14:10
V7lotuspsychje: 18.04 it won't handle14:11
V7This is Celeron M14:11
lotuspsychjeV7: we have happy i3 users on 18.04...14:11
V7Without PAE flag14:11
V7lotuspsychje: This is about CPU instructions14:11
V718.04 needs cx8, pae flags on CPU14:11
cfhowlettceleron m?  old tech.  xubuntu and lubuntu are optimized for old tech.  might be worth trying14:13
oerheksso get a legal copy of 14.04, ... " the boot option forcepae must be used twice to work with Celeron M and Pentium M processors. " -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions/before--after14:16
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oerheks12.04 is dead14:16
Jonta"legal copy"?14:16
oerheks.. 32 bit is dead, but that is an other issue14:16
xanguaAccording to this, 18.04 should also have a force pae option https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE14:17
lotuspsychjeJonta: there are malicious iso's on the web too you know..14:17
lotuspsychjeJonta: legal, the ubuntu official way14:17
oerheksJonta, not a nock-off like mint or something :-P14:18
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pineapplelover_hello I am using kubuntu with a dark theme...is there a way to keep DraftSight with for instance the ubuntu human theme?14:30
pineapplelover_because the program is really uncomfortable with the system theme14:31
BahablastIs arch linux for 32 bit still on?14:31
BahablastI would like to install arch linux on my 32 bit machine14:31
blackflowBahablast: what is arch linux?14:31
BahablastYou know14:32
oerheksBahablast, search for the #arch channel, we are not the yellow pages14:32
=== eric__ is now known as imeric
imerichello, I am trying to use mozc with, I think fcitx, on kubuntu 18.0414:38
imericI had it working before but I have no clue how14:38
imericthen I reinstalled, so I can't get it to work. I installed fcitx fcitx-mozc, and then when that didnt work, I removed ibus and ibus-mozc14:38
imeric(when I said I reinstalled, I meant I reinstalled kubuntu, fresh)14:39
oerheksfcitx fcitx-mozc for japanese language support?14:39
imericoerheks, yes14:39
oerhekslooking at this xubuntu page, it takes a few steps https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234655914:40
oerheksnot sure how kubuntu is different, maybe you want to reask in #kubuntu too14:40
imericits strange that when you change a setting, you can have two or three icons that appear to be serving input methods14:43
imericen, us, and one that looks like a keyboard14:44
imericbefore I had just the one that looks like a keyboard. and when I clicked on it, it switched to the orange mozc icon for hiragana14:44
oerheksthe one that looks like a keyboard = onscreen keyboard?14:44
ZPQBahablast: you can check it on https://distrowatch.com/14:45
imericoerheks, when you click the keyboard, a menu shows that lets you switch from english typing to mozc japanese typing, hiragana, katakana, half width etc. it also included an on screen keyboard too14:46
oerheksoh oke, that would be the keyboard selector ?14:47
imericoerheks, yeah14:47
imericwoah, it works suddenly14:47
imericnot sure what I did14:48
oerheksimeric, good, now run updaes, there might be fresh packages waiting14:48
imerici see, it seems to only work in some windows14:50
imericand not others14:50
solidfoxoerheks, hi. I was formerly imeric15:06
solidfoxoerheks, so. I had to run im-config -n fcitx15:07
solidfoxoerheks, im-config has a gui but it wasn't giving me the option to select fcitx, since the window never appeared after choosing "yes" on the warning15:07
solidfoxin case anyone else ever has the same issue, that is what I did15:07
solidfoxnow it works in all windows and starts on login15:08
oerhekssolidfox, oke, good to know, we don't get japanese input issues that often15:09
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
_ixFriends, I'm buying a dell xps 9360 off of craigstlist w/ 16.04 installed. I've used debian and rhel distributions in the past, but I'm less familiar with ubuntu... anyone care to give me a quick rundown of commands/operations I ought to run in the brief few minutes I have to check the system out before making the purchase?15:22
refracta_noob_ix: lshw | less15:24
gigirock_ix, lol very difficult to have a becnhmark in one command, so you can inxi command to get the whole configuration and then top to know how stressed are the ram and cpu's15:24
oerheksor just read https://www.cnet.com/products/dell-xps-13-9360-13-3-core-i5-7200u-8-gb-ram-256-gb-ssd-english/specs/15:25
refracta_nooblshw will tell you how much ram is installed, among other things, in case that's what you're unsure of15:25
oerheksafter buying, before install, check for bios updates15:26
gigirocki5 7th gen is 2 core only ?15:26
oerhekseasy to find such info ... https://ark.intel.com/products/95443/Intel-Core-i5-7200U-Processor-3M-Cache-up-to-3_10-GHz15:27
ZPQ_ix: commands in ubuntu is more or less the same as in debian15:31
lbdesign_ix: inxi will give you a quick overview of the hardware. It's in the repos15:36
_ixThanks very much, folks.15:43
brenster21hey so I need to transfer a ton of files off of a drive with I/O problems15:44
EriC^^brenster21: use gddrescue15:45
brenster21drive still works just throws i/o errors once in a while15:45
brenster21(talking about externals15:46
apb1963I just bought a shiny new VPS and set it up with 16.04.  Oddly, it has a 2.6 kernel.  Why does it not upgrade to the latest kernel automagically with apt-get dist-upgrade?  How to do it correctly?  This VPS will be a web server - is there any reason I would not want a low latency kernel instead?  See it yourself: https://pastebin.com/qZL083Zp15:46
apb1963brenster21, any reason rsync wouldn't work?15:46
EriC^^apb1963: depends on how the vps hosting is set up, sounds like it's using the host's kernel, you'd have to change that from some control panel or speak with the vps hosts if possible to change it15:47
brenster21apb1963 no idea never heard of it15:47
brenster21basically just wanted a command that i could run to transfer the files, and skip any file with i/o error and write the name in a file. unless you know a better way15:48
oerheksapb1963,  sounds like a vps with vagrant :-D15:49
apb1963brenster21, google it and then get help in #rsync after you've attempted it ... there's probably a way to get the results you want.15:49
Neohey everyone ubuntu installer's udev is choking on a bare-metal server ipmi not sure whats going on15:49
apb1963oerheks, I don't know vagrant15:49
oerheksvagrant is a vm based on that stock old kernel, with patches..15:50
brenster21will do15:50
Neohere's the syslog if anyone can help me diagnose what's going on http://termbin.com/d8kn15:50
oerheksnot ubuntu, just a hashicorp thingy15:50
Neoubuntu installer is hung at "configuring network interfaces, 33%"15:50
apb1963oerheks, so does that mean it's not upgradeable or...  I'm not sure what to do with that info.15:50
oerheksapb1963, jups, not upgradable15:51
brenster21apb1963 is isnt rysnc for moving folders across not networks?15:51
oerheksthere is #vagrant here on #freenode too15:51
apb1963well... is there any good reason I shouldn't use it anyway as-is then?15:51
Neothe ironic bit is that the interfaces are getting configured, but something else is preventing the installer from progressing forward15:52
apb1963brenster21, files, folders.. it's all the same.  Folders are a special type of file.15:52
jmaderohi all - is there a new way to set login manager in Ubuntu 18.04, installed mdm and ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdm, no errors but it didn't change from gdm15:54
brenster21apd1963 i will read up on it15:55
apb1963oerheks, thanks for that, I'll ask there if it's alive :)15:58
yusimpleis there any one16:00
=== amirpro_ is now known as amirpro
CalicoFlowsI installed Kubuntu on my Thinpad t430 a few months back. It was great up until a week ago or so. Since then the laptop idles at 55 degrees, it's quite warm to the touch, programs such as Skype, Viber, Discord are laggy and freeze for some seconds... I really would appreciate if someone can help me fix this, quite disappointing, I feel like going back to Windows again16:09
JontaCalicoFlows: Checked the internals for dust buildup?16:17
CalicoFlowsI seriously doubt it as I got the laptop a few months ago, got cleaned and this temp rise happened rather suddenly16:20
CalicoFlowsI used to think that probably it was the fact that my system partition was cluttered16:21
CalicoFlowsbut today I expanded it FINALLY and there's no change16:22
CalicoFlowsjust ran BleachBit ... :)_16:23
CalicoFlowsif there are applications opened such as viber or discord, sooner or later it would start freezing randomly for a few seconds16:24
JontaDo any of them use an inordinate amount of CPU/RAM/IO while "idle"?16:25
CalicoFlowsI really don't know as Ksysguard was not working up until today either16:26
CalicoFlowsBrave browser also has that issue btw esp. if it's playing video16:26
Curlyearsheigh hough16:35
Curlyearsnacc, are you present?16:35
CurlyearsI dunno, it is me, or is it just me?16:35
sonicwindCalicoFlows - how do you like the t430 other than that?  Currently have a t430 being sent to me by a friend who doesn't need it.16:41
Curlyearsproblem:   I just installed 18.04 fresh.   B ut when I try to boot, I get nothiing.  I have done a :ive Session in which I ounted all three of myy hdds, and inspected them.  They are all there amd have all the data they should have.  When I try to boot, it takes a VERY long time to do anything, then brings up a CLI screen with dozens of error messa16:42
Curlyearsges I don't understand, at the end of which there are 5 or 6 things it says i t n eeds to :start" does them with an OK response, then just sits there forever16:42
Curlyearssahould I do another fresh install, maye?16:42
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CurlyearsI suppose I probably shouldn't represent wqhat's happening as "nothing," sorry16:44
CalicoFlowssonicwind, previously I had no complaints, I have ran more than 50 youtube tabs playing HD at the same time and I could instantly switch to any of them and would rarely think for more than a split second before it showed the video16:44
CalicoFlowsI removed the battery, the battery was also warm, I think it's better now let's see16:44
sonicwindit'll be my first i516:44
CalicoFlowssonicwind, on different browsers too, opera, ff, chromium16:45
CalicoFlowsat the same time (not 50 tabs on one browser)16:45
wired19khey ayoub16:46
Jontawired19k: Ask away about #ubuntu :)16:48
wired19khow do i locate chatrooms?16:49
SporkWitch!alis | wired19k16:49
ubottuwired19k: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"16:49
CurlyearsJonta:  did you see my problem descripyion?16:49
JontaCurlyears: Yes. Why do you ask?16:49
CurlyearsI was hoping you might be able to assist?16:50
CurlyearsI am very anxious, and my patience isn'/t what it should be, sorry16:50
SporkWitchCurlyears: can't do much without those error logs; can you get them onto a connected machine to pastebin?16:51
JontaSame thought here. Photograph your screen if necessary16:51
Curlyearssporkwich :  I don't know how to pastebin data from a boot-time operation...once it screws up, there's no way to peruse files, etc.16:52
CurlyearsI suppose I could send a copy of the next to the latest dmesg16:52
solsTiCeSporkWitch: Alis. Is that a freenode service ?16:53
lbdesignjournalctl -b -1  will give you the log from the last boot session16:53
Curlyears(I probably should have thought of perusing that myself  *DOH*)16:53
CurlyearsJonta:   nop digital camera16:54
JontasolsTiCe: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/findingchannels /msg alis LIST searchterm16:54
Curlyearsthanks lbdesign16:54
JontaCurlyears: You have no digital camera?16:54
lbdesignsory. journalctl -b -0  is the last boot               -1 is the one before that.16:54
lbdesignno worries16:55
Curlyearsjonta:  nope.;  I am a destitue 66 year old, lukcky to have a computer at all.  The $65 I pay for "triple threeat" 60Mbps Internet, lowend cable access, and telephone is KILLING me with anxiety16:55
JontaOh dear. What about a phone with a camera?16:57
CalicoFlowsHmm... since I took out the battery, it seems that it is slightly better. I will still not put it until I verify that that's the case. But what do you think, is that likely?? that the taking off the battery could produce a change like that16:57
SporkWitchCurlyears: if it drops you to a shell you should be able to copy the logfile to a flash drive; if not, then you'd need to take a picture or load a live environment (assuming it's at least able to save its logs)16:57
compdocCurlyears, when it just sits there waiting, its sometimes because it cant find drives that are listed in /etc/fstab16:57
compdocyou should boot ubntu from a dvd or usb, and turn off those mounts in fstab16:58
lbdesignCurlyears: sorry again. it's -116:58
SporkWitchor if they're removable drives, set the "nofail" option16:59
eraserpencilwhat is the concept of an install on ubuntu? On Windows or macOS, I installed programmes to run/launch them. But on Ubuntu, I'm writing scripts, toggling executable bits, building from source code etc.17:02
geirhaeraserpencil: you find most software from the software center17:03
lbdesigneraserpencil: Not in the last decade. You don't have to use a terminal at all if you don't wan't to.17:03
compdocyou dont have to build from source or write scripts. most people dont17:03
Curlyearsjonta the only phone I have is plugged into the wall....no smart phone17:03
geirhayou generally avoid downloading software from arbitrary websites17:03
SporkWitcheraserpencil: the concept is no different, you still have data files, libraries, and binaries.  Normally you would work within your package manager, which works like the "app stores" on smartphones.  Building from source is necessary if there's no pre-compiled version for your distro, using a script to grab and "install" stuff is necessary if there's no prepackaged version for your package manager17:04
SporkWitcheraserpencil: you can also use tools like checkinstall to create a package on the fly and install that way (to allow for easy management and removal later) instead of using "make install," when building from source17:05
aprowhat is the difference between using fdisk and lvm?17:06
SporkWitchfdisk deals with partitions, lvm deals with volumes17:06
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
CurlyearsJonta:  IU am entering "sudo apt-get update pastebinit" and receiving the following response:  E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list17:08
CurlyearsI thought patesbininit was a source URI?17:08
SporkWitch"pastebinit" is not a valid URI17:08
CurlyearsSporkWitch:  oh, right.  How *DO* I d/l and install pastebinit on this Live Session?17:09
SporkWitchwhy do you need to? install nc and use termbin17:10
aproSporkWitch: so in production , lvm does everything? we dont need to use fdisk?17:10
Curlyearswhat is nc, and how would I install it?17:10
SporkWitchapro: you still need partitions, the question is whether the partitions are inside the volume or the volumes are inside partitions17:10
SporkWitch!man nc | Curlyears17:10
aproSporkWitch: now what is the difference between volume and partition?17:10
SporkWitch!lvm | apro17:11
ubottuapro: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:11
SporkWitch!apt | Curlyears17:12
ubottuCurlyears: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)17:12
CalicoFlowsAnyone?          Hmm... since I took out the battery, it seems that it is slightly better. I will still not put it until I verify that that's the case. But what do you think, is that likely?? that the taking off the battery could produce a change like that17:13
SporkWitchCurlyears: nc is netcat, a tool for sending / receiving streams over a network.  It can be used with termbin by piping output to nc, which returns a link to the pasted text.  http://termbin.com/17:13
JontaCalicoFlows: The T430's gotta be getting on in years. How new's the battery?17:13
SporkWitchapro: and i apologize, i was slightly mixed up in that i normally work with LVM and LUKS, and was conflating LUKS and partitioning.  Read the docs provided, though, they'll help you understand how it works and how to set it up.17:14
eyeohI don't represent this channel but:17:14
eyeohquite disappointing, I feel like going back to Windows again | Anyone?          Hmm...17:15
eyeohthis doesn't entice me17:15
SporkWitchk, don't let the door hit you17:15
eyeohquote end quote17:15
eyeohCalicoFlows: help us help you17:15
sonicwindIs there a help/man page for this exclamation point stuff here in irc? like SporkWitch is using.17:15
SporkWitchsonicwind: /msg dpkg help17:16
EriC^^sonicwind: /msg ubottu !factoid17:16
aproSporkWitch: LUKS?17:16
SporkWitchsorry, yeah, ubottu for this channel17:16
sonicwindthank you guys17:16
SporkWitch!luks | apro17:16
CurlyearsSporkWitch:  I just sc anned throught the man page fo nc/.  I see no wayt to have the output available for linking on through irc17:16
freezer!luks | /dev/null17:17
CalicoFlowseyeoh, I was repeating the line, that's why I added anyone. And yes, I just came back to Ubuntu from Windows, wanting to solve the problem.17:17
SporkWitchCurlyears: see the link i posted for you17:17
oerhekssure there is Curlyears .. command | nc termbin.com 999917:17
SporkWitchCurlyears: nc lets you send stuff, termbin listens for it and returns a link to it; very handy17:17
CalicoFlowsJonta, it might be the original battery, it probably is17:17
JontaCalicoFlows: I replaced my T420's quite a while ago already. How much life do you get out of it?17:17
eyeohwhat are the recommended requirements for Kubuntu?17:18
CalicoFlowsJonta, 2 hours at least. I was impressed. My Chromebooks battery wbecame unusable in just a year17:18
eyeohI'd see how it goes on xfce just to test17:18
SporkWitcheyeoh: #kubuntu17:18
eyeohI can't tell ifyou're a bot or not17:19
eyeohCalicoFlows is using Kubuntu17:19
JontaCalicoFlows: Worth checking the temperature on AC only then. Letting it run for a while17:19
Jontaeyeoh: SporkWitch isn't a bot17:19
SporkWitchare you sure?17:20
oerheksSporkWitch, eyeoh might be a bot :-D17:20
eyeohI'm a bot17:20
CalicoFlowsJonta, yeah I'll do that now, thanks a lot17:20
SporkWitchpeople are just soggy, slow machines17:20
JontaSporkWitch: I am not a bot trying to convince other people that plausible bots aren't bots17:20
Jonta01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101111 0111010017:20
hggdhfolks, back to topic, please17:21
Curlyearshow dop I get termbin?  apt-get says it can l;ocate no such package. and i don't find it in the ubuntu software center17:25
Curlyearsand how do I use nc and termbin if I am in themiddle of booting up?17:26
alcides`guys, whys is ubuntu minimal 18.04 not LTS?17:27
alcides`or it is and they are not saying17:28
SporkWitchalcides`: might not maintain the ISO for the 5 years?  It uses the same repos, though, so the installed system is still LTS17:28
oerheksCurlyears, really, is that a serious question ??17:28
Jontaoerheks: No need for that17:28
Curlyearshgmmm....also, there will be no "previous" system logs, as I am in Live Session17:28
alcides`SporkWitch: 5 years? LTS is 3 years, right?17:28
oerheksalcides`, see the releasenotes, mninimal is build in into the main iso17:29
Curlyearsoerheks:  why are you incredulous?  I need to "capture" information from the screen during a boot sequence.17:29
oerheksCurlyears, use a camera?17:29
JontaDoesn't have a camera17:29
SporkWitchalcides`: new LTS comes out every two years (even numbered years' april release).  They're maintained for 5 years.  14.04 goes EOL next april, for example17:29
JontaMentioned above17:29
Curlyearsoerheks:  I don't have one17:29
oerheksthere is no way to make/store screenshots during boot17:29
Curlyearsoerheks:   precisely!'17:30
eraserpencilhmm I think I was unclear. I mean if I build vim from source. Would I be considered to have installed vim?17:30
JontaCurlyears: But if I understand you correctly, you do have the option of installing things on this system?17:30
alcides`SporkWitch: exactly... the last one was 16.04 so 18.04 should be LTS17:30
SporkWitchalcides`: it is, like i said17:30
alcides`so I'll go for it...17:31
SporkWitchalcides`: if the minimal ISO doesn't say LTS it could be an oversight or saying they won't necessarily maintain that ISO, but it's still using the same repos, so it's still LTS17:31
alcides`thanks for your help SporkWitch17:31
CurlyearsJonta:   I can install anything under Live Session that doesn't require a reboot to finish installing17:31
oerheksthere is no minimal lts as seperate iso anymore ..17:31
SporkWitchalcides`: that is to say, the _installed system_ is still LTS17:31
alcides`SporkWitch: its what matters in the end17:31
oerheksCurlyears, you don't need to instal anything: command | nc termbin.com 999917:32
CurlyearsI diobn't hve termbin17:32
SporkWitcheraserpencil: sure, though typically installation includes putting the files required to run somewhere else and adding the executable to a dir in your path.  You could run it straight from your build directory if you wanted.  I'd recommend using checkinstall to create a package and install ti using your package manager; makes life easier, especially updating or removing it later17:32
JontaThat command doesn't use termbin17:32
JontaJust the website17:32
oerheksCurlyears, nobody hads such package, it is a www adress17:33
oerheksthat is why it is so good17:33
JontaNeat indeed. Curlyears, the website explains it pretty well, imo: http://www.termbin.com/17:34
Curlyearsoh, I see....OK sorry17:35
* SporkWitch definitely linked it earlier17:35
CurlyearsSporkWitch:   the foolwong inthe response I get when I use your command suggestion17:35
Curlyearsinstall: missing destination file operand after 'pastebinit'Try 'install --help' for more information.nc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin" port 9999: Name or service not known17:36
SporkWitchCurlyears: PEBCAK; read the instructions on the site17:36
JontaWhat command exactly did you run, Curlyears?17:36
eraserpencilthat is a good tip SporkWitch. Thanks alot17:38
Sefid_parApache webserver downloads php files instead of execute in Ubuntu 18.04; php7.2 is installed. I can run it with -v; Also php7_module is listed in apachectl; I need some help.17:40
CurlyearsI find nothing on that sebsite that helps me resolve this issue, SporkWitch.  The exmples there sim-ply user termbin 9999, just as I did17:41
SporkWitchCurlyears: put your glasses on and read it again17:42
JontaCurlyears: It gives you a URL in return, yes?17:42
SporkWitchJonta: he's not typing in the url, so it errors, as one would expect17:43
JontaCurlyears: Run this: `echo just testing!  | nc termbin.com 9999` without the accents17:43
SporkWitchthat bang may break things; you shouldn't have bare bangs17:44
=== Taggnostr is now known as Taggnostr2
Curlyearsubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get source pastebinit | nc termbin 9999nc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin" port 9999: Name or service not knownE: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.listOOOH.   I  need to type termbin.com!!!!    nojt termbin17:44
JontaCurlyears: That's the output when you run the command I asked you to run?17:45
SporkWitchholy crap, when you do what the instructions clearly say it works?17:45
JontaSporkWitch: Copypasted it from the site. shrug.emoticon17:45
oerheksSporkWitch, unbelievable!17:45
JontaSporkWitch: Time for an ice cream break. :)17:46
JontaI've started watching Bob Ross again lately. Curlyears, how's it going over there?17:48
oerhekssudo snap install bobrossquotes && bobrossquotes17:51
Curlyearssudo apt-get install oastebinit | nc termbin.xom 9999 is the command I typed17:52
leftyfbCurlyears: Are you trolling?17:52
JontaCan you now run the command I suggested at HH:43?17:52
leftyfbCurlyears: "sudo apt-get install oastebinit | nc termbin.xom 9999"  is not a valid command and will error out for 2 different reasons17:53
JontaCurlyears: Run this: `echo just testing  | nc termbin.com 9999` without the accents17:54
stephen323Jonta: literally the first box in the usage section on the website 😂17:56
Jontastephen323: :)17:56
JontaCan't all be expert internetters17:57
JontaAw. Seems we drove him away18:03
SporkWitchi don't see a part18:03
JontaDoesn't autocomplete18:04
SporkWitchoh, nm, i missed it, he did part, right before your last mention of him18:04
Vic2Someone commented that the ondrej ppa is depreciated for 14.04 ... is that correct, and what does that mean exactly?18:37
oerheksVic2, ask that 'someone',  we cannot comment on rumours18:38
biteshello. just upgraded to 18.04 and i'm having trouble with multipath. multipath -l shows 5 paths to one LUN, even though that server only has four fibre channel connections. there is one path i can't find in  /dev/disk/by-path/  and i would like to find out where it comes from and why it got added... and how i can get rid of it.18:39
Vic2That someone was one of the regulars in this room several weeks ago, so i hardly consider that a rumor, oerheks.18:39
oerheksdon't get me wrong, ondrej ppa is well known and should be trusted, even this support channel does not support ppa's, but 14.04 .. really, i would use a newer version18:43
=== SuperL4g is now known as SuperLag
Vic2I do not disagree oerheks ... but sadly the server is being used for a project that has not yet transitioned from 14.04 to 18.04, which will happen later in the year.  So for now, to restate the question a bit -- are there any known issues with the ondrej repository in conjunction with 14.04?18:46
oerheksthey should be mentioned @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ondrej ..18:47
oerheksand all depends on whet 14.04, with HWE ?18:48
MelaniaTrumpWhich version should I install?18:56
JontaThe newest you can18:57
lotuspsychjeMelaniaTrump: a supported version from the the topic18:57
oerheksnot sure what the latest mint is ..18:58
Vic2thank you for the info oerheks :)18:59
ZPQoerheks: 16.04 but a new one is to be released soon (based on 18.04)18:59
bluezincif it weren't for LXD, I'd be back running arch...19:02
Guest32107Hello! I am from Kiev. Does anyone want to chat?19:23
=== test is now known as Guest32965
Guest32965What's up guys? Anyone wanna share some info regarding Ubuntu 14.04 displaying errors about package manager failing to install packages?19:29
ioriaGuest32965, what package ?19:31
JontaTheWild: Hello19:37
TheWildI got no audio now. Volume is 100%, mute is not checked, Built-in audio is selected, but there's no sound either from internal speakers nor the connected speakers.19:38
JontaDo you have alsamixer installed? If so: Have a look there19:38
=== mkv is now known as m4v
TheWildmy Linux contains something alsa*19:39
TheWildat least hints came in command line19:39
bitesha, rescanning the fibre channel helped. after a reboot there are only four paths left, as it should. but now there are two kworker processes stuck in state D.19:39
JontaRun `alsamixer`19:39
TheWildwell, what to do there?19:41
JontaYou can adjust various volumes19:42
JontaUse the arrow keys19:42
JontaAlso: Mute with M19:42
JontaShould say "MM" at the bottom of a "pillar" if it's muted19:43
TheWildeverything seems fine there, but still no sound19:43
TheWildnothing is muted19:43
JontaHmm. You're sure you're playing audio at sufficient volume while experimenting?19:43
J^3Just wondered if anyone else have been experiencing snaps refusing to open. Having this since the update on 18.04 yesterday19:45
lex0rhello people. can anybody help me with some openssh related problem19:45
TheWildah no idea. "pulseaudio -k" fixed the issue19:45
Jontalex0r: Yes19:46
JontaTheWild: o/19:46
TheWildthanks Jonta though19:47
lotuspsychjelex0r: there is also an #openssh channel if you like19:47
TheWildpreviously I was searching for "sudo service (what?) restart"19:47
JontaTwo minds experiment better than one19:47
=== karen is now known as Guest78145
lex0rJonta: so, I experienced some fun behavior with openssh. I accidentally locked myself out of the system with too many failed login attempts. I then set the MaxAuthTries to 7 (instead of the default 6) and then was able to log in again. The fun thing is that now I can fail the login countless times and don't get locked out anymore. I would have expected to just fail one more time and get locked out again (719:52
lex0r- 6 = 1). but that's not the case.19:52
lex0rJonta: additionally, if I comment out the setting MaxAuthTries (I guess that sets it to default) I can't log in anymore. Even if the latest attempt was successful.19:53
JontaGuessing your session hasn't expired or something19:53
JontaHow do you authenticate to the server? Key, password or both?19:53
lex0rpassword, so far. I wanted to do some more testing with this strange behavior before changing to key based authentication19:54
lex0rhmmm, session. could be. what counts as a session and when would it change to a new one?19:55
JontaHow about you set the MaxAuthTries to something that works again19:55
JontaThen exit19:55
JontaAnd close the terminal you logged in from19:55
JontaThen ssh to it from a new terminal19:55
lex0rJonta: I tried like 15 times. 1. open terminal 2. ssh with wrong pw 3. exit terminal20:03
JontaAnd you still get to log in?20:04
JontaThen I'd read up on ssh-sessions if I were you20:05
leftyfblex0r: what version of ubuntu is this?20:05
JontaDid you type `exit` when you'd been logged into the ssh-server?20:05
lex0rJonta: yes, if I did successfully log in. But the many times I tried before I on purpose put a wrong pw20:06
lex0rleftyfb: 18.0420:06
leftyfblex0r: what do your logs say?20:06
qwebirc74732Hi! Does ubuntu 18.04 still not support macbooks from 2016? :(20:07
Guest32965What's up guys? Anyone wanna share some info regarding Ubuntu 14.04 displaying errors about package manager failing to install packages?20:07
Jontaqwebirc74732: What problems did you have?20:07
JontaGuest32965: What error messages did you get?20:07
leftyfb!repeat | Guest3296520:07
ubottuGuest32965: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:07
leftyfb!ask | Guest3296520:08
ubottuGuest32965: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:08
qwebirc74732I flashed ubuntu on a stick, loaded it on my macbook and the keyboard and trackpad didn't work...20:08
qwebirc74732i read around the web and i saw a few posts saying ubuntu isnt supported on mbp20:08
JontaHm, iirc, newer MacBook-trackpads are problematic20:08
qwebirc74732keyboards too20:08
oerhekswhich macbook exactly, qwebirc74732 ?20:09
qwebirc74732pro 13' with touchbar20:09
lex0rleftyfb: error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded for root from ....20:09
oerheksif you could use the live installer, i would think the keyboard works..20:10
leftyfblex0r: don't ssh as root20:10
lex0rleftyfb: that's funny because with the right pw i can log in afterwards20:10
qwebirc74732as in install it on a partition? I can't do that knowing it might now work. i need to try it first before installing20:10
lex0rleftyfb: I know, I know. I have not changed the default yet20:11
leftyfblex0r: the default?20:11
oerhekshmm yes, needs work .. https://gist.github.com/roadrunner2/1289542a748d9a104e7baec6a92f9cd720:11
oerheksincludes a preliminary touchbar driver and keyboard fixes) *20:11
lex0rleftyfb: It's a server from a provider with default user root20:11
qwebirc74732ahhh damnit! I was hoping to install it without it taking too much time to fix20:11
leftyfblex0r: by default, Ubuntu does not allow ssh'ing in as root. It doesn't even have a password set for root. You had to make a least 2 changes beyond the default to get in as root20:11
lex0rleftyfb: well, then that is what the provider did20:12
qwebirc74732i guess im gonna be stuck on a virtual ubuntu via vb ;(20:12
lex0rleftyfb: I'll add another user later and disabled root. but first I would like to understand that problem20:12
lex0rleftyfb: any ideas?20:12
leftyfblex0r: try it with the other user first20:13
lex0rhmmm yea, alright20:17
lex0rleftyfb: one other thing. can the counter be reset? the one that counts how many times a wrong login attempt was made?20:17
leftyfblex0r: I don't know. I hardly ever use passwords over ssh. I use ssh keys. You won't run into this issue if you use ssh keys20:17
leftyfblex0r: https://access.redhat.com/discussions/764173   top result on google for "ssh reset auth retry counter"20:18
qwebirc31476Hello. Is there a way to use ubuntu as a portable OS? As in not installing it on my ssd but on a flash, and just plug the flash in whenever i need ubuntu20:22
lotuspsychjeqwebirc31476: yes, make the usb persistent20:23
qwebirc31476could you elaborate please?20:23
lotuspsychje!persistent | qwebirc3147620:23
ubottuqwebirc31476: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:23
qwebirc31476thank you!20:24
qwebirc31476great community! :)20:24
RoadRunnercan't log into a new imap email account from Thunderbird (all settings in accordance with server's instructions) yet log in easily through their web mail. Anyone else had such issues with Thunderbird?20:26
blackflowRoadRunner: What's the error?20:27
RoadRunnerlogin fails20:27
RoadRunneron both imap AND smtp servers20:28
blackflowRoadRunner: fails how. also, https://wiki.mozilla.org/MailNews:Logging20:28
oerheksmaybe that mail account has a device menu option, like gmail does.20:28
blackflowdevice menu?20:30
oerheksapplications that are allowed to use the service20:31
blackflowah. probably not. that's mostly about web access and 2FA and a custom device-specific password. none of whihc is supported by imap/smtp protocol20:31
RoadRunnerblackflow: error message: "Login to server imap.rambler.ru failed"20:32
blackflowmy bet is on badly configured SSL/TLS20:32
RoadRunnerblackflow: ssl/tls configured exactly as instructed by server info20:33
blackflowRoadRunner: well, other than enabling Thunderbird logs as described on that wiki I linked, only rambler.ru can help you with an insight into their imap/smtp logs.20:33
RoadRunnerthanks for the link, I'll check it out; just wanted to know if anyone else here ran into similar issues...20:35
Curlyears*weird*  heigh hough20:36
CurlyearsI have reinstalled `18.04 several times now, and each toime I do something else goes wrpomg (UI am making the sam,e choices for configuration)20:36
Curlyearsthe most recent problem is that if I am not in /, I can't sudo.   It tells me no such command.  ??20:37
leftyfbCurlyears: since you seem to consistently make typos, I'm going to guess this issue isn't with the distro/installer20:37
Curlyearsoh, if I try to login root, it tells me I cannot do that without an effective root20:38
leftyfbCurlyears: root login is disabled by default.20:38
blackflowCurlyears: `sudo whoami`  fails  but `/usr/bin/sudo whoami`  doesn't? that the case? if so, you have borked PATH.20:38
blackflowdid you install any exotic shells?20:38
Curlyearsleftyfb:  to be honesrt, I don't take as much care when typ[ing on irc, since I am attempting to be speedy. I don't make this many mistakes when doing system work, because I do not attempt to achieve high typing speeds when doinb system work20:39
leftyfbi'm sure20:39
Curlyearsblackflow:  *doh* it didn't occur to me to ry /usr/bin/sudo          *DOH*20:40
CurlyearsI tell you, I am letrter thins upgrade get to m e.  I am not thinking clearly, for sure.  *blush*20:41
leftyfbCurlyears: if you can't use sudo anywhere but / , then you have a major problem. Unlikely to be anything you did during a typical install20:41
leftyfbCurlyears: please try to type clear English20:41
leftyfbCurlyears: is this the same machine/drive where you had a bad sector?20:42
Curlyearsleftyfb:  are ytou suggesting the problem is withg the ins6taller program? (I kniuda doubt thatm ir thgere woulkd be tons of people complaaining about it20:43
leftyfbCurlyears: please try to type clear English20:43
leftyfbCurlyears: is this the same machine/drive where you had a bad sector?20:43
Curlyearsbad sevctor?  I don't recall having a "bad sector" (I haven't seen that particular error message in severla years)20:44
blackflowholy unreadable text batman! pls, try to less tpyos!20:45
Curlyearsleftyfb:   I have poor coordination and diabetic neuropathy in my  hands, so I have tpo watch the keyboad when I type...that is why so many typoes get past me.  I *DO* try to correct tthemn if I see that20:45
leftyfbCurlyears: We've seen you type clear English. And you just admitted a few minutes ago that you type fast and don't care about spelling when on IRC but "I don't make this many mistakes when doing system work".20:46
Curlyearsan extraneous character slipping into a few words hardly changes the meaning.\20:46
CurlyearsI just don't consider the priority than same leftyfb.  In personal communication, a few typos do not significant affect the compreehensibility of the sentences.20:47
leftyfbCurlyears: we're telling you, if you'd like to continue receiving support here, take the time to spell properly.20:47
blackflowindeedy. or speech recognition, if there's a medical condition.20:47
Curlyearsmyt spelling is just   My typing sucks20:48
leftyfbCurlyears: Don't hit enter until you look over your typing and fix the errors20:48
Curlyears'is there a spech recognition package available at no cost for linux?20:48
Curlyearsyeah, I do have that bad habvit, you're right, leftyfb20:49
blackflowAoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.20:50
blackflowthe key here being, first and last letter of the word must not be scrambled.20:50
blackflowat least make that effort ;)20:50
leftyfbthe point here is, it should not be up to us to decipher someone's lack of effort in communicating20:51
hggdhblackflow: this is not Cambridge. Please try to type correct English20:51
leftyfbhggdh: you directed that at the wrong person20:51
Rojolaaccording to "du -csh" my home directory is 317 GB large.  Anyway, I did NOT save any movies or large amount of pictures.  How can I find out,  what causes this amount of space to be filled with data?20:51
hggdhCurlyears: also valid for you20:51
Curlyearsleftyfbn:  dude, I have been irc-ing for over 20 years, and my spelling is FASR superior to the average irc-er20:51
leftyfbCurlyears: incorrect20:52
hggdhenough, folks.20:52
leftyfbRojola: sudo apt install ncdu # you can use that to find out what's taking space20:52
Rojolathank you leftyfb20:52
Curlyearsin any case, I am baffled as to why my system is bootable, butr claims to have no "effective root"20:53
Rojolaleftyfb, looks good on the first sight20:53
Rojolait's scanning20:53
leftyfb2018 Jun 16 16:38:14 <leftyfb>Curlyears: root login is disabled by default.20:53
blackflowCurlyears: in ubuntu, root has no password set, thus cannot be logged into by default. Also, how about that relative vs absolute path for sudo? absolute path works?20:54
Rojolaleftyfb, Thank you - it works perfectly!20:54
Rojolathank you =))20:54
Curlyearsleftyfb:  I recognize and appreciate all the useful help you have been giving me.  I tend to get defensive about the typing issue, I admit.20:54
leftyfbCurlyears: if you can't use sudo anywhere but / , then you have a major problem. Unlikely to be anything you did during a typical install20:54
leftyfbCurlyears: I would run a disk check on your drive ... or think about what you might have done during or after install to cause these issues20:55
oerhekssudo <gui program> does not work anymore in 18,0420:55
Curlyearsleftyfb:  so you stated earlier, and I concur.  I just can't figure out what DID cause this20:55
hggdhwell, I have still been using sudo -b <program>20:56
Rojolaan other question:   My computer is old and I need to replace it.  I would like to save all my data from my computer's hard drive to my external hard drive.  Anyway, I would like to keep track of things and see if everything is still running and so on.  How can I visually see the copying-overall-progress?   Something like "wget" shows me when transferring files?20:56
leftyfbRojola: rsync -av /path/to/source-files/ /path/to/target/20:57
Curlyearsif (I do a mv hiome temp file, rename home, then put all my user files in /home, c an the system still function correctly?  IOs there an ything in the copy of linux in the /home dir that is critical to actual operations?20:57
leftyfbRojola: rsync -av /path/to/source-files/ /path/to/target/ --progress20:57
Rojolaleftyfb, you somehow know answers to all my problems20:57
Rojolaleftyfb, should I get another child?20:57
Rojolathank you leftyfb20:58
CurlyearsI am trying to c ome up with a way for my 1st 300T drive to be the place wher4e all new users are "created"20:58
leftyfbCurlyears: tell ya what. If I see more than 1 typo in your questions, I will not help you.20:58
Curlyearshome to a temp file.  *OOPS(*  that one did ru8int the comprehensibility20:59
Rojolaleftyfb, I just tried out your command,  but unfortunately it only shows the progress on a "per-file-basis" rather than an overall progress21:00
leftyfbRojola: it shows all the copies going realtime. There's no such thing as an accurate progress bar for a copy like that.21:01
Curlyearsleftyfb:  I *AM* trying.  I get a lot of n-key rollover problems because of my diabetic neuropathy,  my fingers a slightly numb all the time, so I don't tend to "feel" the mistakes21:01
CurlyearsI am going to have to reinstall frsh AGAIN, and try not to screw it up this time21:02
Rojolaleftyfb, I could think of a shellscript, that runs "du -cs /path/to/source" first, and memorizes the amount copied so it can show the overall percentage of copied data in real time21:02
Rojolathere must be a way, the graphical tools also can do it21:03
leftyfbRojola: yup. I've written something like this21:03
leftyfbRojola: and it will work if your progress is based on space copied, not time21:03
Rojolais it released under an open source license?21:03
CurlyearsRojila:  only if you delayed output until after the copy operation was done.  It doesn't mtter if you knnow how much has alreadfy transferred, if you don't know the total number of files, and the total szie of the files21:03
Rojolaleftyfb, space is all that is needed21:04
leftyfbRojola: let me see if I can find it. It's something I've always run on the commandline, never actually stuck it in a script21:04
Curlyearsman...18.04 takes a LOOONG time to boot up the ISO and install.  Much longer than 16.094 did21:05
Rojolathank you leftyfb21:05
Curlyearsdoggone n-key rollover21:06
CurlyearsI should think it would be relatively easy to code a small routine into the keyboard controller that won't allow any input after a character code has been received, until after a small (say 1ms) amount of time has passed without any activity on the data lines of the keyboard array.  That would resolve the n-key rollover problem, so far as i can see21:10
Rojolaleftyfb, gcp -rf /path/to/source /path/to/destination21:10
Rojolaleftyfb, worked for me only as user,  not as root21:10
leftyfbRojola: what are you referring to?21:11
Rojolaleftyfb, copying files with a progress bar21:11
Curlyearsof course, that would also preclue buffering of inp ut so that if you type very fast, it won't lose any characters21:11
Rojolaleftyfb, https://stackoverflow.com/a/2022146821:11
leftyfbRojola: I've never used gcp. No reason it shouldn't work as root21:12
leftyfbpaass: what can we help you with?21:12
Curlyearsout to reinstall21:13
Rojolaleftyfb, gcp seems to be a little buggy on my system21:13
Rojolaleftyfb, if you find your script, I would be happy21:13
Curlyears'if I run into trouble this time, I'll use my lousy win10 notebook to IRC for assistance (my typing on that keyboard is WAY worse....the KB is too damned small)21:14
leftyfbRojola: still looking ... going through some backup drives I have in a safe... that's where I usually run it21:14
Rojolaleftyfb, omg! I did not want to cause you that much effort!21:14
Curlyearsleftyfb:  you have a safe?21:14
leftyfbRojola: well, since I wrote it a long time ago and just keep re-using it at the last minute every year for the annual backups, I never think to improve it. Now is the time.21:15
leftyfbRojola: if I don't find it, i'll just rewrite it21:15
Rojolaleftyfb, I am pretty sure you could make many people happy21:16
leftyfbRojola: not really. It's not all that complicated. And as you pointed out, gcp seems to do what most people would want this for21:17
Rojolaleftyfb, gcp throws me a lot of errors!21:18
Rojolaleftyfb, it claims that there were errors copying some files (even though they are binary equal when checking source and destination)21:18
Rojolaleftyfb, and it does not run as root21:18
leftyfbRojola: check md521:18
RojolaI ran "diff -r"21:19
leftyfbRojola: I can't seem to find it in my brief check. I'll have to rewrite it but can't at the moment21:20
Rojolaleftyfb, sure, I understand!  Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused!21:20
luxiohow do I burn an ISO to a USB device? i'm using 18.0421:21
thePiGrepperdd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M21:22
RojolathePiGrepper, he might need to run "mkisofs" first21:23
Rojolain order to get the ISO21:23
luxioit says the usb stick is a loop device, it's not /dev/sd_21:23
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oerhekssudo dd if=<ubuntu>iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M; sync21:24
luxio<luxio> it says the usb stick is a loop device, it's not /dev/sd_21:24
oerheks /dev/sd_ is your typo21:25
luxioit says the usb device is /dev/loop2121:27
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WoCluxio, use lsblk21:29
klemaxAfter upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04, i got white screen problem after suspending. I checked the logs and saw: "radeon - failed testing IB on ring 5 (-110) / fence wait time out"22:11
klemaxhow can i fix it?22:11
klemaxhave ati drivers changed with 4.15 kernel?22:12
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
GeoHi, I'm trying to find a way that when a user ssh's to the box, it is automatically connected to a running screen session. I've experimented with the ssh -t and screen -d -R commands, but haven't been able to get it to work. Does anyone have working syntax handy?22:31
leftyfbGeo: put it in your .bashrc on the remote host22:34
Wayward_VagabondAre there any tips for finding out what command starts a program based on the package name?22:34
Geoput what?22:35
Wayward_VagabondTrying to start heimdall, but that command only does the terminal version, not the QT front end22:35
Wayward_Vagabondit's package is heimdall-flash-frontend22:35
leftyfbGeo: "screen -D -r"22:36
leftyfbWayward_Vagabond: sudo dpkg -S heimdall-flash-frontend22:36
oerheksWayward_Vagabond, gui and cli answer https://davideddu.org/blog/posts/how-to-flash-a-recovery-image-using-heimdall/22:37
oerheksheimdall flash --RECOVERY filename.img22:37
Geodefinitely works, thanks- curious why the other way didnt work22:39
Geobut, this does the trick22:39
oerheksi see this bug report,.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/heimdall-flash/+bug/175765722:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757657 in heimdall-flash (Ubuntu) "Please port your package away from Qt 4" [Medium,Confirmed]22:39
oerheksgerman friends have a nice wiki https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Heimdall/22:41
RojolaQuestion:  I am setting up my computer from new,  so I am not afraid of mixing various repositories.   Where can I find the latest gcp version as deb-file?22:51
RojolaI am running a very old Ubuntu version22:51
Rojolaand I would like to install gcp from the current repo as my version has a bug22:51
leftyfbRojola: what version of ubuntu?22:53
Rojolaleftyfb, 16.0422:53
leftyfbRojola: that's not that old. It's what I'm running22:54
Rojolaoh, my bad - it's 16.1022:54
Rojolathe non-long-term-support-one22:54
ubottuDebian bug 854006 in gcp "gcp: doesn't work at all" [Normal,Fixed]22:54
Rojola^ that's my bug22:54
leftyfbRojola: time to upgrade. That is not longer supported22:54
Rojolayep I know - I am just doing so22:54
oerhekssee their homepage? https://wiki.goffi.org/wiki/Gcp/en22:56
d3l3k_hello, is it possible to use postfix + dovecot as mail server without dns, only fixed ip address? googled for kinda 2 hours but can't find anything @.@22:57
leftyfbd3l3k_: what do you mean without DNS?22:58
guivercRojola, i don't know gcp; but a quick look shows its python; so couldn't you use `pip install --upgrade..` to upgrade it?22:58
leftyfbguiverc: only if it was originally installed by pip and available in pip22:58
Rojolaguiverc, I think it's in the repos of ubuntu22:58
Rojolabut I will try it22:58
Rojolathank you guiverc22:58
Rojolathank you also oerheks I downloaded the tar.gz from their homepage now22:59
d3l3k_leftyfb: let's say i have an ubuntu system installed in a machine with external ip, i want to send email from external host to this machine, like someuser@
d3l3k_leftyfb: and being able to read emails from that machine locally and remotelly, as an alternative for external email providers23:01
leftyfbd3l3k_: so that machine will only send emails to and from local users?23:02
d3l3k_leftyfb: not local users, just remote ones... this machine could be able to receive email from external providers like gmail to a single user, and this user could be able to reply the message. As result, the gmail original sender would receive a response from above email address23:06
leftyfbd3l3k_: then you need DNS23:07
Rojolaso, I got gcp to work now.23:07
d3l3k_leftyfb: i read i could use iRedMail but don't want to configure MX neither buy a DNS23:07
d3l3k_leftyfb: hmmm, why?23:07
RojolaWhat is the best way to compare all files in 2 directories?   If "diff -r" as good as md5sum ?23:07
qwebirc14113I need help switching to ubuntu os but i have ubuntu allready installed on meh pc but what do i do? ..23:07
leftyfbd3l3k_: you need to be able to resolve domains like gmail.com. You also need the rest of the internet to be able to resolve a domain to your public ip. Otherwise you'll get blacklisted a lot for running from a residential/dynmaic ip23:08
vavkamilI have just download virtualbox extension pack using "sudo apt-get virtualbox-ext-pack" and it will download and install binary from http://download.virtualbox.org - using HTTP this is can be a security issue23:09
leftyfbRojola: diff -y --suppress-common-lines <(sort -k2 <(hashdeep -r -b directory1)) <(sort -k2 <(hashdeep -r -b directory2)) # need to install hashdeep23:09
leftyfbqwebirc14113: install ubuntu23:09
leftyfbqwebirc14113: step #0 backup your files23:09
Rojolaleftyfb, Thank you!  Why is this better?23:09
d3l3k_leftyfb: wow, so email providers blacklists emails received from hosts that don't match a set of "rules" ?23:11
leftyfbd3l3k_: yes23:11
syb0rgI know a lot of organizations do for sure23:11
oerhekssee spammhause for example23:13
qwebirc14113well i have ubuntu allready installed on my pc but how do i Start useing it. When i start up lunix it only says "Try ubuntu, Install ubuntu" .etc and stuff like that. :/23:13
syb0rgremove the  installation media, qwebirc14113 =P23:14
qwebirc14113its on a usb stick23:14
leftyfbqwebirc14113: that's not installed. That's the installer running from the usb23:15
leftyfbqwebirc14113: install ubuntu23:15
oerhekshit install from the stick, you would get the option to updat/replace ubuntu, or something else...23:15
qwebirc14113Well i like to run windows and lunix side by side but.. do i have to Directly run from the usb ?23:16
leftyfbqwebirc14113: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot23:16
oerheksif you want to replace your existing ubuntu, yes23:17
d3l3k_leftyfb: i see... well this could go into a interesting discussion like i don't want to be hostage of mail providers like gmail, neither trust any server i don't have physical access to, and also i don't know how much reliable providers could be as having power over so much confidential data... you see, i don't pay for anything, the service is there for me but my personal information can just be kidnapped for the sake of convenience... s23:17
d3l3k_orry if this is out of topic of this channel, but i can't separate these two ideias from each other23:17
leftyfbd3l3k_: so you refuse to pay for services but also don't want to put in the effort to run your own.23:18
brawze1I'm having issues with an Ubuntu server image I was handed from Google Cloud. Is it possible to wipe all the certificates and start over with the default certificates Ubuntu has?23:18
RojolaSorry for having an other question:   How can I rename my harddrive without(!) having any windows computer around?23:21
qwebirc14113leftyfb what about : https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-ubuntu-on-windows23:22
Rojolamy external harddrive always identifies with the name the producer has given it - and it contains spaces23:22
d3l3k_leftyfb: not exactly... i'm willing to put in the effort to run it, i just don't exactly know if it's worth of it23:22
d3l3k_leftyfb: maybe i'm just being paranoid and don't need to23:23
syb0rgI'm kinda in the same situation d3l3k_, I want to run a mail server on my VPS but I am afraid if I use that for my email my emails won't get through whatever filters are out there.23:23
Rojolathank you oerheks23:24
oerhekssudo ntfslabel /dev/sdg1 my_precious23:24
d3l3k_yes, it's a complicated situation syb0rg23:25
Rojolaoerheks, the command does not exist23:26
Rojolaoerheks, sudo: mlabel: command not found23:26
Rojolaoerheks, also "apt" does not find it23:26
oerheksoh are you sure it is fat32 ?23:27
syb0rgd3l3k_, this seems relevant to both of us https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1228223123:27
oerheksthat page is indeed old, 2013..23:27
syb0rgNux's comment, in particular23:27
d3l3k_syb0rg: the more news i read about personal data getting kidnapped from 'trusted' parties the more afraid i become from using them23:28
d3l3k_syb0rg: nice, will read it23:28
Rojolaoerheks, I am pretty sure it's FAT3223:28
Rojolaoerheks, but that the command has not been found shouldn't have anything to do with the file system23:28
Rojolathe command does not exist23:28
syb0rgyeah, every company spies on users now. It is sad that people are so accepting of it, but what can ya do?23:28
oerheksoh, it is fatlabel now: fatlabel /dev/device NEW_LABEL23:29
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qwebirc14113ima go reinstall ubuntu. cya23:31
Rojolathank you oerheks !23:33
Rojolaoerheks, how can I find out, which device has been mounted to the directory?23:33
Rojolawhen I plugged in the device, I opened the GIMP, and clicked on the device23:33
Rojolathat's when it got mounted23:33
syb0rglsblk will show you what devices are mounted where, Rojola23:35
Rojolathank you syb0rg23:36
syb0rgno problem23:36
RojolaWhen I reinstalled Ubuntu, I'd like to have it run from my external HD23:37
Rojolathe user-directories23:37
neoncontrailsAre there any text editors that allow you to iterate from left to right over the documents in a directory (like ImageView does)?23:37
Rojolaand all MySQL databases23:37
Rojolashould I do something while installing?23:37
Rojolaor can I do it later?23:37
syb0rgmakes more sense to do it when installing, Rojola23:38
syb0rgyou need to figure out your partition scheme and partition accordingly23:38
Rojolasyb0rg, can I do it in the installer?23:38
syb0rgthen set mountpoints in the installer23:38
syb0rgyes, you can Rojola23:38
Rojolaok thank you!23:38
d3l3k_syb0rg: for sure, those companies are so powerful that they already monopolyzed certain 'basic' things... maybe something we can do is to make our own services for personal use... btw very helpful and wise Nux's comment23:39
d3l3k_syb0rg: another thing that comes to my mind against this is to use some kind of decentralized, client-to-client mail23:41
syb0rgmail already is decentralized d3l3k_, if you have two people with their own mail servers sending messages back and forth you have the situation you just described23:42
syb0rgthe issue is that so many people use services from major companies that the decentralized technology essentially became sort of centralized23:42
BLZbubbais anyone here good with nvidia optimus?23:43
syb0rgBLZbubba, it's better to just state your problem23:43
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BLZbubbaok, what does it take to get optimus working on 18.04?  there are many conflicting guides and most of them say that it is completely broken23:45
d3l3k_syb0rg: you're right... it's more like a political (or per-user interest) centralization than a technological one... maybe just 'luck', like someone made an webapp and it became popular because it's easy to use and stuff...23:46
syb0rghmm, I'm not sure BLZbubba, but from a cursory google search it does look problematic23:47
BLZbubbaya it is a nightmare.  i want a laptop that is nvidia-only23:48
syb0rgwell it should be possible to just use the nvidia card all the time, I think23:49
syb0rgwith a potentially large sacrifice in battery life23:49
syb0rgyou might even have a bios option to disable optimus and always runs nvidia23:50
BLZbubbai wish, if there are still laptops available that can do that i will buy one tomorrow23:52
oerheksuse the 390/396 from https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa23:52
BLZbubbaoerheks: ok i'll give it a try23:53
BLZbubbaor should i try getting glvnd to work23:53
oerheksi hope you checked out the prime tool innvidia settings?23:54
oerheksthat is where you switch23:54
BLZbubbayeah i set it to nvidia and now it says that the nvidia driver isn't loaded.23:54
BLZbubbai have tried it a dozen times today, one time it actually showed some VDPAU codec support but i have no idea how23:56

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