
BlackDexKingJ: no indeed. would be nice if there is something like a git/bzr hash somewhere06:03
BlackDexor better, a list of the charm versions and a link to the commit log :)06:07
BlackDexKingJ: I do see that some charms have a repo-info file, but most of them don't09:34
KingJBlackDex: Ahh, shame10:36
KingJWhen i'm using network spaces, is there a way to get Juju to configure the interfaces to reply on the same interface they received the packet on? When i'm trying to reach a charm outside the subnet and the charm has multiple interfaces, it doesn't seem to use the correct interface.10:42
KingJActually hm. Could be a haproxy issue. Basically, when I try and hit the keystone API from outside the network, some of the connections timeout. But i've got no problems curl'ing them inside any of the openstack subnets. Hrm.10:52
BlackDexKingJ: Are you using MAAS?11:19
KingJBlackDex: Yes11:19
BlackDexOf so, please check the squid/maas-proxy logs11:19
KingJAh yeah, that's a point11:20
BlackDexi think some traffic is being routed through there11:20
BlackDexyou need to add the subnet to the no-proxy11:20
KingJI do have no-proxy configured but I wonder if it's being captured transparently11:20
BlackDexhow have you configured it?11:21
KingJIn the Juju model config11:21
BlackDexwith CIDR?11:21
BlackDexi think that won't work11:21
BlackDexyou have to add every ip11:21
KingJhttp-proxy/https-proxy aren't set, only apt-http(s)-proxy and no-proxy11:21
BlackDexwell, that should not be a problem then11:21
BlackDexbut better check the proxy log of maas if it still want to go through the proxy11:22
KingJAnd just checking the Squid access logs, not seeing any hits (MaaS proxy disabled)11:22
BlackDexKingJ: is that netwerk where you are comming from know to the receiving end? If not, is the default gateway correctly configured? Sounds like a routing issue20:57
KingJDefault gateway is configured correctly, but each interface has a default gateway defined.20:58
KingJI'm somewhat getting past this now, one underlying issue was that not all my chams were bound to the appropriate network spaces. Now most of them can reach their relations via the same subnet, so no routing issues.20:58
KingJAnd at least going on the public subnet from outside seems to route correctly back?20:59

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