
carlitoshello all can anyone tell me the command to search for channels (not /list | think its alis or something similar??)02:08
carlitos"/SQUERY ALIS HELP LIST" isnt working for me on hexchat02:12
m4t /msg alis list *keyword*02:13
carlitosthank you02:23
carlitoscool man worked a treat thanks02:23
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cornjulioany idea why macchanger not working in 18.04 as it did in other releases (I didnt have to ifdown the connection in other versions of ubuntu 17.10 and 16.04)02:59
cornjulionow running 18.0403:00
* m4t blames systemd03:03
m4ti'm half-kidding03:03
m4tmaybe check https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MAC_address_spoofing#systemd-networkd, i think it is applicable to ubuntu as well03:04
cornjuliolols had a few issues with 18.04 so ur joke holds true in a few eg's at least; Stremio and my desktop nvidia card with default opensource drivers crashes entire system (old card though)03:16
cornjuliocheers re macchanger03:16
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cornjulioany ideas why this output when running "sudo macchanger -r "interface" on 18.04 Mate03:31
mate|5266whats up linux fans :)12:00
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leaftypeso I tried changing my graphics driver (to Nvideo 390 metapackage), then the computer wanted to update (installing nvidea opengl/glx/egl/gles and vulkan libraries), and... it failed. And I can't revert back to any other driver.17:51
leaftypeIt displays "the package sytem is broken", and I tried running the recommended "apt-get install -f" , which does nothing17:52
diogenes_not apt-get but apt install -f17:52
leaftypeI've also tried purging nvidia on tty1, which did nothing, I've tried installing xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, which also did nothing17:53
diogenes_leaftype, how much time you already struggle with this?17:53
leaftypeapt install -f has the same error "/var/cache/apt/archives/libnvidea-gl-390_390.48-0ubuntu3_i386.deb" and the same thing with amd64.deb17:54
leaftype(on my laptop, typing things out manually)17:55
leaftypediogenes_, about half an hour17:55
leaftypean hour if you count what started this, minecraft not working. btw, I can't uninstall that either. But one problem at a time.17:55
diogenes_leaftype, ok but just a remark, the re-installation process takes less than 15 minutes :)17:56
diogenes_and all the problems are gone17:56
leaftypereinstalling the the entire os? but... wouldn't I lose... everything?17:56
diogenes_leaftype, what everything?17:57
leaftypesteam games is the biggest problem, and re-downloading and installing those would take like a week adn put me over a fake data cap AT&T imposes on dsl17:57
diogenes_leaftype, you can backed everything up on an external drive18:00
diogenes_and also how much time you're using linux?18:00
leaftypediogenes_, linux is my only os. I have a 2nd internal drive, though I'll need to set it up for... huh... backup doesn't see it for some reason.18:01
leaftypeoh, I see why. I have a distro on that18:02
diogenes_leaftype, how much time you using linux?18:02
leaftypeleaftype, I use it a few hours a day, everyday. It's my home computer18:02
diogenes_no i mean how many years of experience?18:03
diogenes_with linux18:03
leaftypeoh, since... 200618:04
leaftypeI'm not a pro, but that's how long I've been using it18:04
leaftypetried going the IT route once, but its' a bit difficult to study with kids, and linuxacademy is very Red Hat oriented (which gave me quite a few problems on my laptop... lots of googling to make things work)18:07
diogenes_leaftype, in any case, running any operating system without a backup is like balancing on a tiny rope above the ground, so i'd advice you to make a backup (simply copying) the most important files and re-install.18:07
leaftypefor steam, shoudl I just copy over the .steam folder?18:08
diogenes_leaftype, i don't use steam so i can't tel you for sure, ask in /j #steam18:10
leaftypeother than reinstall, any other ways to go about this?18:12
diogenes_leaftype, there is a high probability that if you try other methods, you might end up with a broken system that you won't even be able to back up anything so think if it's worth it.18:13
leaftypediogenes_, will those methods teach me the hows and whys of my system? Even once I get a backup, we're still comparing the fix to a complete overwrite of the system18:16
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alkisgleaftype: are you still having the issue?19:23
alkisgleaftype: btw, you may reinstall and keep /home so that you don't lose anything from steam. As soon as you reinstall steam after the OS reinstall, your games would be there if you keep home19:25
alkisgBut of course just solving apt issues can be faster :)19:25
=== DerRaiden is now known as DerRaiden`afk
leaftypebefore I do something stupid - what are the dangers of removing diversions with dpkg-divert ?22:53
m4tleaftype: prolly depends on what it's for22:58
m4tif it's something you added yourself then it's fine22:58
m4tbut something setup by an app automatically during install? sounds risky22:58
leaftypem4t, it's a graphics driver issue. I can't install (or uninstall) after switching to nvidia-390. The errors are both dpkig-divert: error: mismatch of package, cuased by nvidia-34023:00
leaftypetypo, meant dpkg23:00
m4tpurge nvidia-340?23:03
m4ttaht should remove the diversion automatically23:03
leaftypegives me "nvidia-340' is not installed, so not removed23:03
m4tcan you pastebin what you're seeing/doing?23:04
leaftypeyeah, one sec23:04
m4talso can you pastebin dpkg -l|grep nvidia23:05
m4tand dpkg-divert --list23:05
leaftypehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WBv7vzzfXR/ for purge attempt23:05
leaftypehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mM4qhDFpWt/ for --fix-broken install attempt23:05
leaftypehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nhjQsw8H8n/ for dpkg-divert --list23:06
m4tuhm so it's kinda fubar, what i would do is remove all of the nvidia stuff with dpkg and --force-all23:06
m4tthen apt-get install nvidia-390 and company23:06
m4tit should be okay to do if you're already in X1123:07
m4tor if not then it doesn't matter right...23:07
leaftypeany idea what's causing it? also, just "dpkg --force-all --remove nvidia* ?23:08
m4ti dunno, something got messed up with dependencies vs installed packages23:08
m4tdid you upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 or something?23:08
leaftypeand here is the grep you wanted https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2p8Wn9nn9R/23:09
leaftypeif it matters23:09
m4tyou could try to remove the diversion then apt-get install --reinstall libnvidia-gl-39023:10
m4tthat might be enough to fix it23:10
m4ttaking a look at your dpkg -l it seems like there's only an orphaned diversion hanging around breaking things23:11
m4tyou can safely purge nvidia-384 nvidia-opencl-icd-340 nvidia-opencl-icd-384 i think afterwards23:12
m4tor better....remove the diversion then apt-get -f install23:13
m4tit should run the preinst script again23:13
leaftypeI'm trying to make sure I actually know what I'm typing, there are a lot of parts that I'm learning about for the firs time23:14
m4tyeah one sec.23:14
m4ti could probably write a one liner to remove those diversions23:16
leaftypeso this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XVsfTRVVM4/23:17
m4tyes but for everything from nvidia-34023:18
m4twhat happens if you do dpkg -P --force-all nvidia-340?23:18
m4tthat might remove the diversions if the postrm script is still in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*nvidia-340*23:18
m4tyeah figured23:20
m4tOLDIFS="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n'; for diversion in $(dpkg-divert --list|grep nvidia-340|awk '{print $3}'); do echo "$diversion"; sudo dpkg-divert --test --remove $diversion; done; IFS=$OLDIFS23:20
leaftypewoh, looks complicated. Copy and paste?23:21
m4tif it seems like the --test command is doing what you want then remove --test23:21
m4tits just --test. it won't do anything...23:21
m4tIFS=$'\n' is just so bash splits by newline and not by space character23:21
m4tyes i would try that then sudo apt-get -f install23:22
m4tremove --test from the dpkg-divert part of it23:22
m4tbut one sec23:23
leaftypealready goin...23:23
m4tah w/e23:23
leaftypelol, should be fun23:23
m4tit wont make things worse23:23
leaftypeit's doing more thant was :)23:23
leaftypethis was a problem some other people had on askubuntu (was looking around for awhile), so this could be really useful23:24
leaftypehey, no errors23:24
m4tdpkg-divert --list might not show anything for nvidia now...it doesn't on my system23:25
m4tusing 18.04/nvidia-390 but not from the ppa23:26
leaftypewould that script for yup, that's what I was using23:26
leaftypeor trying to23:26
m4tjust curious, if you're on 18.04 why are you using ppa version of 390 instead of the bundled one in core distro?23:27
m4tjust want to follow bleeding edge?23:27
leaftypeThis all started with me going to "additional drivers" and clicking on the one with the highest number - whcih was 39023:28
m4tit automatically added the ppa?!23:29
leaftypeI tried doing the ppa version at some point to try to fix it, but the error was the same thing23:29
leaftypeit's been several hours of googling and asking and reading man pages23:29
m4tyou might be able to ppa-purge and just roll back to the distro version of -39023:29
m4tless room for breakage in the future i think..23:29
* m4t has used that ppa in the past23:30
leaftypeearlier the only option I was given was "backup and reinstall", which is a bit more of a scorched earth tactic than I wanted23:31
leaftypeso... ppa -purge?23:31
m4tppa-purge is a separate app, dunno if it's installed by default23:32
m4tit just removes the specified ppa and packages from it, then rolls it back to distro23:32
leaftypeyour script, it would work for anyone that has the problem with this, right? : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1036629/broken-dependencies-after-trying-to-uninstall-nvidia-39023:34
m4tthats slightly different...trying to uninstall 390 vs install 39023:35
m4ti.e. not one size fits all23:35
leaftypeI tried to do that at some point as well, I also tried to force naovoau (or however you spell it)23:36
leaftypeand you know what started it all? trying to run minecraft for my kid. Eventually it was just "it works on the other computer, go play on that one"23:36
m4tlet's blame it on minecraft being owned by microsoft23:37
leaftypeI'm sure tha'ts what it is23:37
leaftypeI'd put $10 a month on patreon for minetest if someone wante dto publish it23:38
leaftypeoh, tha'ts funny :)23:38
leaftypealright, now going back to additional drivers to see if...23:41
leaftypeand it crashes23:41
leaftypetry 2 - here we go23:42
leaftypesays I'm on metapackage for nvidia-driver-390 (open source)23:43
leaftyperestarting, see if that works23:43
leaftypeand it works, thank you m4t23:49
m4tcool np23:49

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