
zygagood morning05:55
zygamborzecki: last week of school05:55
zygaany "holiday" plans?05:55
mborzeckiyeah, i'm taking 2 weeks off in the beginning on july05:56
zygaand your kids/05:56
mborzeckiwe're going away for a while together05:56
zygagood morning mvo05:58
mvohey zyga05:58
mvozyga: good morning05:58
mborzeckidamn, my emacs setup fell apart :(05:58
mborzeckimvo: hey05:58
mvomborzecki: good morning to you as wlel05:58
zygamvo: when does school finish for your family?05:58
zygamborzecki: what happened with your emacs?05:58
mborzeckizyga: updated spacemacs and not it complains that there's no gocode, godef et al, probaly PATH messed up, or something special about zsh env files zshenv/zshrc05:59
mvozyga: this is the last week - but its different for the different regions in germany, some finish later05:59
mborzeckiyay, turns out i had to fix the spacemacs init file only :)06:04
mupPR snapd#5330 closed: snapstate: support restarting snapd from the snapd snap on core18 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5330>06:06
mvogetting a second review for 5324 would be great! it has one review already06:07
zygamvo: looking now06:13
zygamvo: we should discuss what to do today, should I finish the work on system or is that premature and it needs more review and discussion06:14
mvozyga: a good question, I would love to see it but maybe worthwhile to wait until the meeting after the standup06:15
zygamvo: sounds good, I have other things I can finish meanwhile06:16
zygamvo: if you merge it with your WIP branch and disable tests in ifacestate you can perhaps run spread and see how "far" it can go06:16
mvozyga: cool idea, with 5324 I think I can almost propose a spread PR, I think there is just one trivial change for core18 left to get very basic spread working06:17
mvozyga: and yeah, will be fun to run the entire thing :)06:17
mvozyga: part of the challenge will be to review the tests to see which really need core and which just pull it in for no good reason06:18
zygacurrently core is pre-installed before tests run06:18
zygaso most tests just blindly assume core06:18
zygabut yeah, it will be interesting to review tests to see what we ought to get06:19
* mvo nods06:19
zygaI also wonder if we want to have tests/main be tests/main-on-core06:19
zygathat is, shall we specialise some suites for a given core06:19
zygaI don't know honestly06:19
mvozyga: quick question about 5250 - do you think it needs an extra review? it has two +1 now, so we can (squash)merge it I think. I'm a little bit nervous about it but it looks very good and solves a real problem06:33
zygahmm mhmm it's a tricky one06:34
zygamaybe ask someone from foundation that knows udev for a last look06:34
mvozyga: yeah, I have the same feeling, tricky06:34
mvozyga: good idea!06:34
zygamvo: or, just ask lennart06:35
mvoxnox: if we needed to ask a udev expert in foundations for a review, what would be your recommendation? we would love to get a high level review of #525006:35
mupPR #5250:  interfaces/udev,misc: only trigger udev events on input subsystem as needed <Reviewed> <Squash-merge> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5250>06:36
mvozyga: *cough* you are joking, right?06:36
zygano, really06:36
zygajust ask a direct question, "is this and this sequence of udev calls" a safe thing to do06:36
zygamvo: reviewed06:59
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mvozyga: yay, thank you07:05
mvopstolowski: good morning07:05
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:06
mvozyga: I like your idea, very nice, will do that now07:08
mvozyga: hm, with the change the glob becomes a bit useless, right? snap-confine.core.111* basicly? but no issue as we just write a single file anyway07:12
mvozyga: right?07:12
zygahmm, let me look07:12
zygayeah, the glob would just match that one fine07:14
mvozyga: the change makes the test much nicer to read07:14
mvozyga: good stuff07:14
mvozyga: i.e. all this crazy "strings.Replace("/", ".") etc is gone07:14
zygait's more obvious what is going on07:15
mvozyga: hm, but the glob needs to be something else or than snap-confine.core.111*  because .111* also matches .1111 which we don't want07:17
zygathe glob doesn't need to use *07:17
mvozyga: aha, nice07:17
zygait can be literally the name of the file you want to create07:17
zygathe glob is there in case we want to "own" a namespace07:17
zygasince (AFAIK, correct me if I'm wrong) we also have a bit of code that cleans those up when a snap is removed07:17
zyga... or do we?07:17
mvozyga: yeah, we clean those up07:18
mvozyga: and we  have tests for that07:18
mborzeckihttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j3g5RqxFPZ/ iirc Chipaca saw something similar07:28
zygaerror: e-book-client-error-quark[2] Conflicting UIDs found in added contacts, hmmm07:29
zygaaddress book persists between runs?07:29
zygamvo: are you sure we can use * for revision?07:31
zygathis means that a setup for snapd 123 will remove profiles for snapd.12207:31
zygaas the system will find a file matching the glob that is not described by the content map07:32
mvozyga: yes, that is was we are currently doing07:32
mvozyga: its not a regression but its not great either07:33
zygammm, I see07:33
zygalet's do it and see07:33
mvozyga: its not ideal, we need to think how to improve it07:33
mvozyga: I was also thinking it might be racy because we update the current symlink and then when snap run runs it will not yet have profiles for snap-confine07:34
mvozyga: but fortunately the system-key fixes this, i..e we have code in snap run that waits for profile re-generation on system key mismatch07:34
zygaI agree, ultimately I think the profile ought to be removed only when the snap is removed07:35
zygasince for various reasons it can persist longer, even while the snap is inactive07:35
mvozyga: +107:36
mvozyga: I will do a followup with this07:36
* zyga breakfast07:47
Chipacamoin moin08:01
zygagood day to you sir, on this lovely morning08:01
Chipacafinally got a test run that failed with econnreset with the new extra debug yesterday08:01
Chipacaif anybody's interested08:01
Chipacaalso didn't get more than a couple of hours of sleep last night, so i'm not seeing straight right now08:02
mvoChipaca: I am interessted08:03
Chipacamvo: I'll send you my  paypal address08:03
Chipacamvo: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/393403309/log.txt08:04
Chipacai also have a local copy of that if it goes away08:04
mvoChipaca: the latest theory of cachio is that this happens when there is a "snap userd" leftover from previous tests08:05
mvoChipaca: then "kill $(pidof snap)" fails08:06
zygamaybe killall instead of kill?08:06
ChipacaI mean, that might be one source of failures08:06
Chipacabut it's not this one08:06
Chipacathis one is definitely the 'no match' error08:06
zygawhat I would really like is my measure patches to spread08:06
zygaso that we could put up walls around each test to ensure it doesn't leak08:06
mvoChipaca: aha, looking08:07
mborzeckihm #5353 looking good so far, 5 runs, all but one green, that one was unrelated though (eds thing i pasted above)08:10
mupPR #5335: tests: fix for the download of the big snap <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5335>08:11
mvoChipaca: hm, this log does not (yet) contain the output of "ls -lh test-snapd-huge_*", right? or am I just missing it?08:14
Chipacamvo: it does not contain output of that sort, no08:15
Chipacamvo: where was that added?08:15
mvoChipaca: thats slightly sad, it would be nice to know if the download simply finished, this is not logged yet, is it?08:15
Chipacamvo: it does contain logs that say what it did though08:16
Chipacamvo: yes it does say when it's finished08:16
Chipacalet me get that08:16
mvoChipaca: is where the partial file output got added08:17
mvoChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/533308:17
mupPR #5333: tests: show status of the partial test-snapd-huge snap in econnreset test <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5333>08:17
Chipacamvo: that's on master, and i merged that master into thsi pr08:17
Chipacamvo: so maybe i was wrong and it does include the ls08:17
Chipacadidn't see it tho08:17
mvoChipaca: I don't see it08:17
mvoChipaca: it would be good to know if the download finished successfully, I think this is what happend08:18
mvoChipaca: oh nooooo08:20
mvoChipaca: we have two debug: | in the test now08:20
Chipacamvo: given it doesn't start downloading the assertion until the download is finished, I'd say you are correct08:20
mvoChipaca: must be a double merge, this is why the debug output is missing08:20
mvoChipaca: let me push a PR08:21
Chipacamvo: I might add to that PR :) but yes08:22
Chipacamvo: in any case: assertion download doesn't start unless snap download succeeded08:22
Chipacaso, fastly is _too_ good :)08:23
* Chipaca wants to make it clear that this is not a complaint08:23
mvoChipaca: haha08:23
Chipacait's downloading 500MB in less than .1 seconds08:23
mvoChipaca: maybe - or iptables is really slow appying the filter08:23
mvoChipaca: I push something that adds more timestamps08:23
zygaChipaca: we could make another episode of "speed" with this08:24
Chipacamvo: I think it's time to add a slow writer debug thing08:24
Chipacae.g. have a SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP value of 8 mean 'be slow'08:24
mupPR snapd#5336 opened: tests: remove double debug: | entry in tests and add more checks <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5336>08:25
mvoChipaca: lets see if the times add up. I saw 50mb/sec download speed in tests so far but that means (even if it becomes more speedy) that the download will take ~10sec, even if its actually only 5sec but still a bit strange. so I would love to see logs08:26
mvoChipaca: maybe we can even add a log in httpclient "fetched %q with size %v in %v seconds" or something?08:27
mvoChipaca: anyway, a fun test issue to track down :)08:27
zygamvo: I asked this last week but I think I missed the response if any08:28
zygawhat is inside that 1GB snap?08:28
zygais it 1GB of random data?08:28
mvozyga: I think so08:29
mvozyga: I don't remember, let me check08:29
zygawhat's the name?08:29
mvozyga: I think /dev/urandom because otherwise it compresses too well08:29
mvozyga: test-snapd-huge08:29
zygafetching now08:30
mborzeckihm 536MB08:30
zygaI"m getting ~8MB/s08:30
mborzeckiis it an electron app? :)08:30
zygamborzecki: just the splash screen featuring 4K video08:31
mborzeckizyga: haha wish that technology exited in the 90s :P08:31
zygaofftopic, I recall my Samsung times when the Samsung website, when viewed in Korea, would display a 1080P full screen feed as the _background_08:32
zygathe huge snap is actually 0.5GB as mborzecki noted08:32
mborzeckihmm my tiny user service for tmux was supposed to remain on logout, i guess it didn't :/08:34
mvozyga: so 0.5gb is not huge enough ;)08:38
mupPR snapd#5324 closed: snap: run snap-confine from the re-exec location <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5324>08:40
Chipacamvo: should I go ahead with the limiting writer?08:41
mupPR core18#27 closed: run-snapd-from-snap: start snapd after seeding <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/27>08:41
Chipacathat is, having httputil's logger client slow things down for us08:42
mvoChipaca: I would say lets wait a tiny bit to see what logs with timestamps show, i.e. I'm keen to learn what is going on, if e.g. ipstables takes 10s to run. or if it runs and then just does nothing for whatever reason to the running tcp stream08:44
Chipaca2018/06/18 08:44:37.358695 logger.go:82: DEBUG: < "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 536875008\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nAge: 43918\r\nCache-Control: max-age=86400\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=YVl7fwoQCPqOE2PGt5wxZnhu1lSJhvki_1.snap\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\nDate: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 08:44:37 GMT\r\nEtag: cee7a99d-0a0d-4981-b2d6-563c667c332c\r\nLast-Modified: Sun, 1708:45
ChipacaJun 2018 20:32:12 GMT\r\nServer: TwistedWeb/14.0.2\r\nStrict-Transport-Security: max-age=2592000\r\nVary: Accept-Encoding\r\nVia: 1.1 varnish\r\nVia: 1.1 varnish\r\nX-Bzr-Revision-Number: 7463\r\nX-Cache: MISS, HIT\r\nX-Cache-Hits: 0, 0\r\nX-Request-Id: WybFTH8AAQEAAC3@nDwAAAB61\r\nX-Served-By: cache-lcy19224-LCY, cache-iad2645-IAD\r\nX-Timer: S1529311477.354131,VS0,VE1\r\n\r\n" [ 58ms; 9.26GB/s]08:45
Chipaca^^^ 9 YIGAWATTS08:45
mvoChipaca: wuuuut?08:45
mvoChipaca: thats crazy08:45
Chipacamvo: so, er, that's faster than we'll see if we blink08:45
Chipacaalso, hot damn, i'm moving to wherever this is :)08:45
mvoChipaca: sounds like we need a limiting writer :)08:46
Chipaca(it's probably in the USA so heck no)08:46
mvoChipaca: well, I'm sure this is fastly inside GCE08:46
mvoChipaca: but even then, *amazing*08:46
Chipacamvo: here's hoping it's not fastly from somebody's garage08:46
mvoChipaca: I will rent that garage08:46
mvoChipaca: I'm sure they make apples there08:46
mvoChipaca: anyway, nice find! that is amazing08:47
ChipacaI'll push a PR that adds those two bits of info, as it's useful to have08:47
Chipacahm, maybe together with the limiting writer08:47
mvoChipaca: aha, I was wondering where it comes from08:47
mvoChipaca: did you try this in a gce machine?08:47
Chipacamvo: yes, this is in gce08:47
Chipacathis is not my home network08:48
Chipacai don't even get that speed from the switch08:48
mvoChipaca: so "snap download test-snapd-huge" in a fresh machine?08:48
Chipacamvo: yes08:48
mvoChipaca: amazing08:48
mvoChipaca: thanks, I think we have the answer then to the conundrum08:48
Chipacamvo: it's s till up if you want me to try anything further08:48
* mvo hugs Chipaca and hands him the hero-of-the-day medal08:49
zygaChipaca: any chance our CDN is in google?08:49
zygaso two box spawn on the same rack because google updated the Borg with some AI08:49
mvoChipaca: you could download some other big snaps just for fun08:49
zygaand then then RDMA some memory across08:49
mvoChipaca: firefox, some electron apps08:49
Chipacazyga: fastly.cdn.snapcraft.io is at least 3 hops away, on a different ip range08:50
zygathen wow :)08:50
Chipacazyga: still 18ms end to end08:50
Chipacamtr thinks it's 5 hops08:50
Chipaca(18 ms ping, that is)08:51
Chipacammmmmm, maybe i was too hasty08:57
Chipacamvo: ^08:57
Chipacai'm printing the response before reading the body :-(08:57
* Chipaca needs a brown paper bag, now08:57
zygaChipaca: so google doesn't have transwarp internet links?08:57
Chipacazyga: disappointed08:58
mvoChipaca: heh :)08:59
Chipacashoudl've used my head08:59
mvoChipaca: I think you mentioned earlier you didn't sleep enough, I would hand you a cup of tea now in a real office :)08:59
Chipaca'time' says snap download takes ~15s09:00
mvoChipaca: hm, that *should* be plenty of time09:00
mvoChipaca: same if you run it again?09:00
mvoChipaca: I mean after "rm *.snap"09:00
Chipacamvo: if I run it again, _without_ removing the snap, it takes 7s09:00
mvoChipaca: hm, hm, even that should be enough09:01
* mvo scratches his head09:01
zygaand see what happens09:01
Chipacait takes ~3s to heck the hash09:01
zygaHDD IO slow?09:02
zygaare we checking the hash in-flight?09:02
Chipacazyga: not for the 'already there' case09:02
Chipacazyga: when downloading, yes09:02
* zyga zeroes on another layout fix09:09
zygabrace for a simple but boring review (large diff)09:09
zygawell, *test* diff09:09
zygaactual diff not large :)09:09
Chipaca2018/06/18 09:15:36.223438 store.go:1546: DEBUG: Download succeeded in 5.264175609s ( 102MB/s).09:15
Chipacamvo: ^ a little bit more believable09:15
mvoChipaca: yeah, thank you09:17
mvoChipaca: still really fast09:17
Chipacai still want that 9GB/s world tho09:17
mvoheh, indeed09:19
zygathis is an interesting failure09:35
zyga"network availability confirmed"09:35
zygathen bzzzt and silence09:36
ogra_mvo, zyga, did you guys see the last post on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/missing-information-in-the-documentation/596909:38
ogra_that looks very weird09:38
ogra_(given he is root ... )09:39
zygaI replied09:39
zygabut I won't look for a while, need to focus09:39
Chipacaogra_: looks like they installed lxd, have running vms, and trying to 'apt remove' everything without uninstalling lxd first09:39
ogra_ah !09:40
Chipacaon the other hand that's just a guess, because they're not telling us what they did09:40
ogra_yeah, it would have helped if he has kept the package names in the paste09:40
Chipacathey purposely have edited the output of some stuff, and are hiding or altering info without saying09:40
Chipacaso it's not worth my time to debug further09:40
* Chipaca might be particularly short of patience today09:40
Chipacaalso, what, the 'apt remove snapd' produced no output at all?09:41
Chipacait reads like a bad work of fiction09:41
mupPR snapd#5337 opened: store: log a nice clear "download succeeded" message <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5337>09:46
mborzeckiChipaca: would love to see those YB/s downloads09:49
Chipacamborzecki: from quantity.go: // zetta and yotta are me being pedantic: maxuint64 is ~18EB09:50
mupPR snapd#5337 closed: store: log a nice clear "download succeeded" message <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5337>10:15
cachiomvo, niemeyer hey, I have a school meeting today, perhaps I'll arrive a bit late to the standup10:20
mvocachio: ok10:21
mupPR snapd#5338 opened: interfaces: move assertions around for better failure line number <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5338>10:30
zygapstolowski: ^ quick ack please10:32
zygaopensuse failed twice on zypper network operation10:40
zygamborzecki: small conflicts in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/531410:43
mupPR #5314: many: rename snap.Info.Name() to snap.Info.InstanceName(), leave parallel-install TODOs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5314>10:43
mupPR snapd#5339 opened: tests: initial core18 spread image building <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5339>10:50
zygamvo: ^ reviewed10:58
zyga2nd review for simple https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/531510:59
mupPR #5315: cmd/snap-update-ns: introduce mimicRequired helper <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5315>10:59
mupPR snapd#5338 closed: interfaces: move assertions around for better failure line number <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5338>11:00
ads20000Wimpress: Skype segfaults on startup on my Ubuntu 18.04 Wayland install but there's no clear place to report the bug given in the `contact` field of `snap info skype`?11:01
ads20000*segfaults GNOME Shell11:01
popeyads20000: does it work under x?11:02
ads20000(so it plonks me back to the login screen)11:02
ads20000I'll give it a go :)11:02
ChipacaI'm going to be a git and say if an app crashes your wayland (or x11), it's a wayland (or x11) bug11:02
ads20000popey: seems to be OK on X, was crashed back to GDM once but I wonder if it's the Polari Flatpak... journalctl didn't seem too clear on that one11:08
popeyads20000: you can file a bug now you have it running :)11:08
cjwatsonads20000: I had the same symptom with skype on wayland, and no Polari involved11:08
popeyHelp -> Report a problem.11:08
ads20000ah nice thanks popey! :)11:09
popeynp :)11:09
cjwatsonbut I agree with Chipaca that this is surely a gnome-shell/wayland/something bug (either exclusively, or in addition)11:09
ads20000ah right I can't see those messages since I was logged out11:10
ads20000until they're logged in a couple of hours...11:10
zygapstolowski: maybe you again, pretty please: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pulls/zyga11:10
cjwatsonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1760487 but expired for lack of requested info11:10
zygathe first one there11:11
zygamimic required, green11:11
mupBug #1760487: Shell crashes when I start skype under Wayland session <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <wayland-session> <gnome-shell (Ubuntu):Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1760487>11:11
* tomwardill -. lnch11:11
cjwatsonads20000: maybe you could follow the instructions in the bug above?  I do have a crash from a few days ago but am not completely sure that it was from trying to start skype and I don't want to nuke my session right now ...11:12
mvozyga: woah, that was quick :)11:12
ads20000here's my log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K8KK65ftbk/ submitted via the form in Skype :)11:13
cjwatsonreporting to Skype isn't the same as reporting the bug in Xwayland, though11:14
cjwatsonyou should hopefully have a .crash file in /var/crash/ that you can report as per the bug above11:14
cjwatson(it may not be a skype bug at all ...)11:14
ads20000cjwatson: on it :)11:15
mupPR snapd#5340 opened: cifs-mount-control interface (discussed in snapcraft.io forum post 5689) <Created by datenhahn> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5340>11:25
ads20000cjwatson: please can you mark yourself as affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1777425 ? I've linked back to it in the other bug report :)11:27
mupBug #1777425: Skype snap segfaults GNOME Shell on Wayland <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <ubuntu> <wayland> <gnome-shell (Ubuntu):New> <wayland (Ubuntu):New> <xorg-server (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1777425>11:27
cjwatsonads20000: done11:28
mupPR snapd#5315 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: introduce mimicRequired helper <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5315>11:31
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=== Conan_Kudo is now known as Son_Goku
mborzeckithat skype taking down wayland bug is awfully like the slack thing on fedora11:35
pstolowskipedronis: hey, added a comment to your gadget PR11:35
mupPR snapd#5336 closed: tests: remove double debug: | entry in tests and add more checks <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5336>11:35
pedronispstolowski: they are a sort of auto-connection, we can also store the gadget flag in conns, if it will help in the future keeping this under control11:49
om26erWimpress: Hi! Need review on https://github.com/snapcrafters/android-studio/pull/28 -- its mostly inspired by your similar pull request for sublime.11:51
mupPR snapcrafters/android-studio#28: Embed autodownloads <Created by om26er> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/android-studio/pull/28>11:51
mupPR snapd#5341 opened: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: intoduce helpers for validating snap instance name and instance key <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5341>11:51
mborzeckizyga: ^^11:52
zygayeah, looking11:52
zygaqueued, I'll do it soon11:53
mborzeckizyga: thanks11:55
mborzeckiany PRs in need of a 2nd review?11:55
zygamborzecki: I don't think so, though I'm working on one more12:01
zyga(at least not mine)12:01
mupPR snapd#5081 closed: interfaces/apparmor: add chopTree <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5081>12:01
zygaI suspect there are some things to review around12:01
niemeyermvo, pedronis, zyga: Our core18 meeting in 2h today is atop a weekly cross-team one.. same time tomorrow is empty atm12:04
niemeyer(every week)12:04
zygaI should break for dog/lunch12:04
pedronispstolowski: I commented in the PR too, let me know what you think12:05
pedronismborzecki: there are again conflicts with #5314, it's looking good otherwise12:08
mupPR #5314: many: rename snap.Info.Name() to snap.Info.InstanceName(), leave parallel-install TODOs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5314>12:08
pstolowskipedronis: yep, i saw that, thanks; why not single flags then and treat by-gadget appropriately? is it important to know it was coming from gadget at a later time?12:09
pedronispstolowski: you just said it is, to do the right thing with reconnect, no?12:09
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, pushed again, it should merge cleanly now12:10
pedronismborzecki: made a small comment now and  before answered some of yours, overall +112:14
pstolowskipedronis: no, if there was no auto flag in conns on reconnect we would apply regular connect policy (which is what we want for these gadget connections). but if we decide to set auto on these connections then i think we need what you suggest about having 'by-gadget' in conns12:14
pstolowskipedronis: to summarize, i thinkfor gadget connections we need to either 1) set auto+bygadget in conns or 2) not set auto in conns12:17
pstolowski1 sounds cleaner and more explicit12:17
pedronisyea,  given that the want most of the behavior of "auto" and it is a kind of "autoconnection" from the POV of the user12:18
pedronisthat seems the best12:18
mborzeckipedronis: thanks!12:19
pedronismborzecki: it's not a blocker, but we need to discuss the snap-name == app-name case though (it has influences also on aliases checks/rules later)12:20
mborzeckipedronis: yes, it's a bit confusing, i think i'd go with short app name only iff snap-name == instance-name, leaving others with snap-name.app-name12:23
mborzeckipedronis: damn, instance-name == store-name12:25
mborzeckinames everywhere12:26
pedronisI read snap-name as store-name12:26
zygaok, break time, see you at the standup12:34
mvoniemeyer: thank you, I push it tomorrow then12:36
pedronismvo: there's again an overlap for Gustavo, a new meeting12:46
mupPR snapd#5335 closed: tests: fix for the download of the big snap <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5335>12:48
mvopedronis: aha, let me check with his calendar12:52
mvopedronis: I pushed it 30min later and we can shorter it to 30min12:53
mvopedronis: maybe we can talk about the model assertion question (how to specificy channels in there) during the standup12:53
pedronismvo: yes, though I don't think we want channels as such, but I understand about tracks12:54
Chipacabrb, getting tea12:58
mupPR snapd#5342 opened: tests: shellchecks part 4 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5342>13:35
ads20000I have an interview with a temping agency using Skype so hopefully it doesn't crash _crosses fingers_! xD13:57
pedronismvo: related to the issue we discussed  I created this:  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/evolving-prepare-image-syntax/5988 based on an old mail thread14:10
mvopedronis: thank you14:13
mvocachio: pardon my ignorance but is there a way to see the console of a machine in GCE? I pushed 5339 which runs a core18 spread test. this works locally when I run the qemu backend but for some reason it seems to not make it past the reboot and I wonder if the console gives any clues14:28
cachiomvo, yes14:28
cachiomvo, go to https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/instances14:29
cachioselect the instance you want14:29
smoserhi. when using 'stage-packages' how do you indicate what distro/release will be used ?14:29
mvocachio: cool, looking14:29
cachiothne you can see -> Serial port 1 (console)14:29
Elion321Hallo. Installed the snap package "Ktube Media Downloader". it doesn't start. is this the right place for help?14:29
smoserand my second question.. when i try to build snap via https://build.snapcraft.io/user/smoser snapcraft.io says 'the snapcraft.yaml can't be used because it isnt valid.'14:31
mvocachio: its jun181349-260204 I will try to find it in the dashboard14:31
smoserbut local testing is fine.14:32
mvocachio: hm, hm: " You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page. "14:32
smoser branch is https://github.com/smoser/pdftk/tree/snap/snap14:32
ogra_smoser, curretly you can only use 16.0414:32
ogra_(for stage-packages that is)14:33
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4PmfrHnZ8W/14:33
mvocachio: looks like I have no permissions, is that something that gustavo can fix?14:33
smoserogra_: ok... thanks i thought i had heard somewhere that you could use something else. i wanted to be specific though in my snapcraft.14:33
mvocachio: thank you, reading the pastebin14:33
smoserer... snap.yaml14:33
ogra_smoser, yeah, base snap support is in full flow atm14:33
cachiomvo, yes gustavo is the right person14:33
smoserbut stage packages isn't really realted to base snap14:34
ogra_that will allow you to get 18.04 or fedora or whatever as the backing release for the stage-packages14:34
smoseror maybe i'm misunderstanding how that works (quite likely)14:34
smoseri thoguht it essentially just grabbed a bunch of binaries and actted as if you had built all those things and then collected them up.14:34
mvocachio: hm, this looks good, I wonder if there is an issue with the network, maybe the netplan config does not match for whatever reason, do you happen to have the "ifconfig" output on a gce system?14:34
cachiomvo, no14:35
ogra_well, stage-packages currently pull in from the archive your build host uses ... but then your snap binary will run on top of the core snap (or later the base snaps) ... so your libc and stuff needs to match14:35
smoserie, i should be able to pull a bunch of debs from bionic and run it on core snap of xenial. no ?14:35
ogra_this is where the connection between base and stage-packages lives14:35
cachiomvo, which config do you need?14:35
cachiomvo, perhaps we can get it from other side14:36
smoserogra_: ok. i can see that.14:36
mvocachio: the ifconfig output (the output from the comand). I wonder if maybe the machine does not get network14:36
mvocachio: aha, nevermind, found some info14:36
cachiomvo, you can log in and see it if you want14:36
cachiodo you have the credentials for that?14:37
smoserogra_: do you see an obvious thing i've done wrong in https://github.com/smoser/pdftk/blob/snap/snap/snapcraft.yaml such that snapcraft.io github build stuff would say 'isnt valid' (it gives no other info)14:37
* zyga dreams of air conditioning 14:37
ogra_zyga, so ameriacn of you14:37
zygaogra_: is that a good thing or a bad thing14:37
ogra_smoser, whats that first part supposed to do (it looks like a complete no-op)14:38
smoserogra_: it is. :)14:38
ogra_also i'm not sure you can have a toplevel "parts:" twice at all14:38
smoserif its not necessary, i can remove it. followed https://larry-price.com/blog/2016/12/07/creating-a-snap-from-existing-deb-packages/14:38
smoseroh. well yeah... ok that makes sense. i didn't realize i  had14:39
ogra_i guess thats the thing the validator chockes on14:39
smoserand yeah, that is undefined behavior14:39
smoserin yaml14:39
ogra_funny that it works locally14:39
ogra_should be the same validator that runs14:39
smoserit worked fine on xenial14:41
ogra_are you using the snapcraft snap or the deb ?14:41
smoserbut it coudl be that arbitrary differences make my local "find" the second 'parts'14:41
smoserand on the build server it does the first14:41
ogra_(i'd use the snap since thats guaranteed to be the same version everywhere)14:41
smoserthe yaml.load()14:41
smoseri installed snapcraft from deb14:42
pedronismborzecki: could you add a note the parallel install topic about the "postgres_foo" installing the "postgres_foo" app ?14:42
ogra_the snap is typically more up to date since it doesnt need to go through the whole SRU cycle14:42
smoseryeah.. i didn't even think of that14:42
smoser(using the snap for snapcraft)14:42
ogra_(and you can quickly switch to the beta or edge channel and back in case you need some upcoming feature in your build)14:43
smoserthanks ogra_ i'm all settled now.14:43
mvocachio: I think I don't have permissions for login at this point, especially since I would have to log into a running core18 that has no netowrk - at least that is my theory. its very strange, core16 and core18 use the same kernel snap and same gadget and yet it looks like core16 loads the virtio kernel module and core18 does not for some reason14:47
cachiomvo, ohhh14:48
cachiomvo, let me check if I can login from the page14:49
cachiomvo, the last thing I see in the console output is "Press enter to configure"14:50
mvocachio: yeah, maybe its just cloud-init missing14:51
cachioit is like netplan didn't run yes14:51
mupPR core18#28 closed: Fix the UID/GID mapping <Created by sil2100> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/28>14:52
mupPR core18#29 opened: hooks: add cloud-init <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/29>14:53
mvocachio: yeah, it looks like there is no network interface, the kernel output of core18 has no ens4 but classic has that. I will add cloud-init and see if that helps (we need this anyway I think)14:54
Elion321Hallo. trying it again. Installed the snap package "Ktube Media Downloader". it doesn't start. is this the right place for help? OS: Ubuntu mate 18.04 x64.14:57
Elion321where to report bugs for a specific snap package?14:57
Elion321snap is from snapcraft.io14:58
cachiomvo, are we going to unify the snap names to avoid having jq and jq-core18?14:58
zygacachio: I suggested to use 18 track for that14:59
mvocachio: yeah, using a track seems to make sense14:59
cachiozyga, good14:59
zygamaybe use the track that matches the base14:59
zygaso core18 rather than core15:00
zygawould help with some f29 work we need to do this cycle15:00
smoserwell, i guess i'm not all set...15:03
smoserogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dfZm7xDjwV/ the snapcraft.io build failed to publish, but it looks incorrect to me.15:03
mupPR core18#30 opened: hooks: clenup /etc/{passwd,shadow,group,gshadow}.orig <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/30>15:03
smoser(thanks for your help... sorry to pester you)15:03
mvosmoser: silly question, will cloud-init help with network module (kernel) loading? I am working on core18 right now and it looks like on GCE I don't get a virtio-net based network-interface but core18 has no cloud-init yet15:04
zygamvo: can you add me as a co-developer of core1815:05
mvozyga: sure15:05
ads20000Skype for Linux didn't work - didn't pick up my webcam, but not sure the Deb does either. Had to do it on my mum's Win10 PC...15:09
smosermvo: cloud-init doesn't intenrally help at all with kernel module loading.15:09
smosermvo: you're saying our kernel on gce does not recognize virtio nics ?15:09
smoserthat is possible... but i thought that on gce nics provided *were* virtio15:09
mvosmoser: thats what it looks like which is very odd because its pretty much the same kernel works on core1615:10
smoserso.. that'd imply that it was busted out of the gate. which is not the case (our cloud images do work there)15:10
mvosmoser: yeah, I think its virtio based networking that is used there15:10
mvosmoser: they work with 4.4-130.156 as well?15:10
smoserxenial i think doesn't use ga (-generic) kernel there.15:11
smoseri think theres is something esle.15:11
smoseri'd have to check to be sure15:11
smoserlaunch a gce and look15:11
smoserbut bionic is going to use 4.15 i'd expect (but would have to check that for sure)15:11
mvosmoser: aha, thank you. no worries, I will dig some more15:11
mvosmoser: yeah, support for installing 4.15 is not there yet15:11
mvosmoser: and I think we also don't have kernels snaps :/15:12
threshvirtio is probably in an -extra kernel package15:13
threshso.. check if you have it installed15:13
ogra_smoser, well, the build looks fine to me ... not sure why it would fail to upload ... thats a store team question i guess15:15
smoserwell, it gives that error about a danling symlink15:17
smoser(which surely does not appear dangling to me)15:17
smoserer... extrenal. which still doesn't seem to be the case.15:17
ogra_it dangles outside of the snap15:17
ogra_but i dont think that will prevent the upload, it creates a snap after all15:18
ogra_so the build finishes successfully15:18
smoserright it says15:18
cjwatsonThat sort of thing is usually due to missing build-packages:15:18
smoserBuild failed to release:15:18
smoser  Error:package contains external symlinks: usr/lib/security/classpath.security15:18
cjwatsonAnd I think the reviewer tools do reject on dangling symlinks15:19
cjwatsonYes, that15:19
smoserbut the link is present ... didn't i show that clearly ?15:19
ogra_the target too ?15:19
smoserits *not* dangling, nor outside the root15:19
smoserat least readlink -f agrees with me15:19
ogra_so it points to something inside the snap ?15:19
ogra_(not n core or the rootfs)15:19
cjwatsonIf you're certain it's not external, then a bug on click-reviewers-tools, I'd guess15:19
zygamvo: did that check PR land?15:20
zygaI could use the diffs now15:20
smosersee lines 10 -> 2215:20
smoser(ignore the confusing paste fail on line 17)15:20
cjwatsonsmoser: ls -l /mnt/var/lib/security/classpath.security ?15:21
cjwatsonjust to check15:21
smoser-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 2489 Jun 18 14:53 /mnt/var/lib/security/classpath.security15:27
mvozyga: unfortunately no15:28
zygano worries, thank you for the PRs15:28
zygaI'll keep using my 27" screen to spot the diffs ;)15:28
mupPR core18#29 closed: hooks: add cloud-init <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/29>15:29
smoserinterestingly enough, there *are* danling and outside symlinks15:30
cjwatsonsmoser: I am not sure how you're getting the results you claim.  I downloaded your snap from the link on https://launchpad.net/~build.snapcraft.io/+snap/5f9c9f30f64adbeb1aed583265f7c8ae-xenial/+build/252508, looked at it, and it's clearly wrong.15:31
smoserbut the one it complained about is not one of them.15:31
cjwatson$ ls -l /mnt/usr/lib/security/classpath.security15:31
cjwatsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 Feb 11  2016 /mnt/usr/lib/security/classpath.security -> /var/lib/security/classpath.security15:31
cjwatsonsmoser: I think you're checking a different snap than the one that LP built.15:31
smoseri am15:31
smoseri tested the locally built one15:31
cjwatsonsmoser: Which supports my theory that this is due to missing entries in build-packages.15:31
cjwatsonsmoser: This is usually a matter of finding the package that delivers /var/lib/security/classpath.security and adding that to build-packages, so that snapcraft can copy the contents into the snap.15:31
smosercjwatson: how did you download ?15:33
cjwatsonsmoser: wget15:33
smoseris there a link ? i dont see that in build.snapcraft.io ur15:33
cjwatsonsmoser: I gave the link above15:33
cjwatsonsmoser: The first line of the build log is a URL to the LP +build page15:34
cjwatsonsmoser: And on that there's a "Built files" section15:34
smoseryeah. ok. i didn't look at closely at the build logs orry.15:34
cjwatsonI wish BSI just linked to the LP page but there's a bit of a religion going on about not having that expose the implementation15:35
P4Hello. I cannot start my rocketchat-server with systemctl and snap logs reports that it sudenly started to look for configs in rocketchat-serve and not rocketchat-server... I did not intentionally renamed that and I cannot easily find any references anywhere in the config trees on my system. Do you know what to look for by that hint from logs? How to recover? I don't think the apt-get {dist-,}upgrade in the15:38
P4meantime made it. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 with kernel 4.15.0-23-generic and snap 2.32.9 :-(15:38
zygaP4 you can always "snap revert" to get to the previous revision (and blacklist this one). I would suggest that you get in touch with rocket chat people as well15:39
P4I made backupdb and even started to symlink things, eh.15:39
zygaI don't think we changed anything that would cause this15:39
zygacan you get me some error logs you referred to?15:39
P4thanks, zyga. will try15:40
P4cannot revert "rocketchat-server": no revision to revert to :( but how come it got renamed hmpf.15:41
zygacan you look at snap changes15:42
zygaand see if there was anything related to that snap?15:42
P4I'm pretty new to snappy. I believe I should look with git somewhere around /var/snap/rocketchat-server/current15:44
zygano, don't look there15:44
zygalook at what snapd did15:44
zygathat is stored internally and exposed as "snap changes" and "snap tasks NNN" (where NNN is the number of the change)15:44
P4the CLI! <315:46
P4still there are  no changes found15:46
ChipacaP4: what's the output of 'snap list' (pastebin it)15:47
ChipacaP4: also, 'snap version'15:47
P4it's https://paste.debian.net/1029731/15:48
ChipacaP4: which snaps log say it's started looking for 'rocketchat-serve'?15:49
ChipacaP4: also please pastebin 'snap info rocketchat-server'15:50
mvocachio: its jun181349-035780 this time, if you could paste me the dmesg output that would be great15:56
cachiomvo, no instance with this name15:57
cachiomvo, is it alive?15:57
mvocachio: ups, typo jun181539-03578015:59
mvocachio: and yes, should be alive15:59
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bghqq5KCQF/15:59
* cachio lunch16:05
P4Chipaca: https://paste.debian.net/1029735/ there in the logs16:05
mvocachio: thank you16:07
P4maybe it is worth to mention that I was trying to change the listening port by adding Environment=PORT=80 in the /etc/systemd/system/snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server.service file with some comments. then issued dist-upgrade and rebooted OS finding the problem. and now commenting out the line does not help. :| will try to run it by hand for a test16:10
P4oh my god, the /etc/systemd/system/snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server.service defined indeed ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run rocketchat-serve and that looks totally like a user mistake... must be that. how come I oversaw it! :||||16:13
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
P4darn, I'm sorry about the rumour. Thank you very much for your reactions, zyga && Chipaca. You are all amazing supporing great things the great way here on IRC. Thanks <3316:17
zygaP4 good luck :)16:17
zygaChipaca: so, question to you sir16:17
zygashall snapd use ensureDirState-like functionality for services and mount units?16:17
zygawe could _at leats_ warn (hint hint) about discrepancy16:18
zygaand offer a way to "snap amend" it16:18
zygahow do you feel about that?16:18
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
smosersnaps in strict confinement can open files in ~user right ? (ie, /home/smoser) ?17:03
kyrofasmoser, only if using the home interface17:06
smoseritneed home plug.17:06
smoserthanks kyrofa17:06
kyrofasmoser, of course17:06
zygaI need a break, back to apparmor rules after a shower17:11
zygaI actually am terrible at any break taking business17:49
* cachio afk17:54
zygareally afk18:09
_b_bi would like to test auto connection of gtk-theme18:31
_b_bi've posted a question on the forum but i don't got any anwser about it18:32
_b_bis it testable for now ?18:32
b_bback with my nickname :)18:34
Chipacazyga: could be18:40
Chipacazyga: your 'snap amend' is probably just 'snap disable && snap enable'18:40
zygaYes. I think so18:41
zygaAlthough with ensure directory state we could tell the user about the fixes18:41
Chipacazyga: 'snap fsck'18:42
ChipacaP4: glad you figured it out, and happy to have been of assistance in getting you there!18:43
Chipacaand now i think i'm eod, nothing is on fire etc etc (well my local snapd is panic()ing but that's me breaking it :) )18:44
Lukehey guys is there a comprehensive list of the $SNAPCRAFT_PART_BUILD/INSTALL etc variables?18:54
Lukealso are there updated docs for the snapcraft syntax? It seems a lot of things are deprecated (like install:) in favor of override-build etc19:08
=== gurmble is now known as grumble
binarycreationsI am still having trouble creating a snap of the anki desktop client. Thank you to those who have taken a look at this thread already. I have recently updated it (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/help-required-packaging-anki-desktop-client-as-a-snap/5950) with more details.20:19
binarycreationsI am having some trouble understanding how to inspect the container environment that is created by snapcraft.20:20
binarycreationsI don't particularly understand what shell you get from snap run --shell and how to get more detailed debugging or logging information from snapcraft and when you run your snap20:21
binarycreationsThanks in advance for any help or assistance. Sorry if this appears to be a desperate nag, however I do really want to snap this app.20:23
zygabinarycreations: hey20:28
zygayou get regular /bin/bash20:28
zygabut running inside the sandbox20:28
zygaso enforced permissions apply20:28
mupPR snapd#5343 opened: tests: adding extra check to validate journalctl is showing current test data <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5343>20:34
binarycreationszyga: Thanks - what seems odd is the dir I get20:50
binarycreationsI think I found my issue - only found the desktop launch and other desktop support20:51
binarycreationsUnder the "Languages" section you might want to consider having a desktop or GUI application section20:52
binarycreationsOr even a different section20:54
binarycreationsI have been shooting down the wrong alley for a while now20:54
binarycreationszyga: I have updated the forum post again. Now I am stuck with getting libgl1-mesa-dri to install when running snapcraft.21:04
binarycreationsI feel one step closer21:04
binarycreationsI need some sleep so will catch up with the forum later21:05
qwebirc28961I'm having problems with snapcraft handling of command line arguments containing non-ascii chars. From my research, it seems related to snap's use of "click"21:05
qwebirc28961How should I handle command-line arguments in a Py3 script without getting "surrogates not allowed" errors?21:06
qwebirc28961Should I set "LANG" in the snapcraft.yaml?21:06
qwebirc28961As per the instructions on http://click.pocoo.org/5/python3/, print(sys.argv[1].encode('utf-8')) does not work either...21:15

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