
dokojamespage, coreycb: there are some oslo related autopkg failures in proposed ...09:22
jamespagedoko: yes on my list for today - I'm just shoving a load of py3 enablement into a PPA for testing and I'll switch onto those09:22
jamespageone of them had me baffled so need to dig in a big09:23
=== Son_Goku is now known as Conan_Kudo
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rbasakmvo: around? /snap/bin isn't in PATH in a non-interactive shell, eg. via ssh. So for example "ssh <host> lxc profile set default ..." fails. AFAICT, snapd packaging only drops in /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh which only affects login shells. For non-login shells, only /etc/environment applies. Is this intended, and/or any suggestions on fixing it?13:04
rbasakIt feels like a wart when using snaps on servers.13:04
rbasakbug 1771858 seems relevant13:07
ubottubug 1771858 in snapd (Ubuntu Cosmic) "/snap/bin not in default PATH for units, snapd should ship system-environment-generators to inject /snap/bin into $PATH" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177185813:07
ogra_xnox, is that a black/white rainbow you added to your email address ?13:11
xnoxogra_, full bleed colors here, on recent bionic, with all the emojis installed.13:12
xnoxogra_, if you see black/white it means emoji support is borked.13:12
ogra_ah, i live in the past ... (cant really let unity go)13:12
ogra_(16.04 here)13:12
xnoxe.g. launchpad.net/~xnox renders correctly on e.g. android phone13:13
xnoxogra_, mostly did it to see how much stuff is broken. doko & bdmurray reported that thunderbird is broken.13:13
xnoxogra_, and i see some breakage in some web-browsers too. Imho, if one cannot see colored emojis right, it's not a desktop worth having anymore.13:14
ogra_they are just holding it wrong :P13:14
rbasakmvo: I filed bug 1777445.13:15
ubottubug 1777445 in snapd (Ubuntu) "/snap/bin isn't in PATH in a non-interactive shell, eg. via ssh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177744513:15
xnoxogra_, can you open launchpad.net/~xnox in firefox and check if that is colorful or black & white?13:15
ogra_xnox, FF renders it fine on xenial13:16
ogra_rbasak, there is also https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/165971913:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1659719 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "ssh can't call a binary from a snap without the full path" [Medium,Fix committed]13:17
ogra_(which made us add it to /etc/environment in core images)13:18
rbasakogra_: ah. That's exactly the bug I just filed. But no bug against the snapd package? I can dupe and add that task.13:19
ogra_rbasak, well, i only wanted you to be aware, perhaps yours is better (newer, not so rotten ... and better title)13:21
ogra_when i brought up /etc/environment recently with the core team i was told thats too ubuntu specific and the generators will eventually solve it in 18.04#13:22
rbasakxnox: ^ do you know if the generators will solve it in the ssh non-interactive case? Does ssh involve systemd in that case?13:24
rbasakogra_: I agree it's Ubuntu-specific - hence the task on the snapd packaging in Ubuntu. mvo's problem :-P13:25
rbasakI don't know of a good way of solving this though, if systemd generators won't work.13:26
rbasak/etc/environment isn't .d-ized.13:26
xnoxrbasak, so there are user-environment-generators as well as system-environment-generators, reading openssh code, i was hoping that it may solve this, if the sshd's environment PATH= variable is correct. But testing here locally I do not believe that to be the case.13:26
rbasakxnox: AFAICT, ssh is using PAM and pam_env which reads from /etc/environment only.13:26
xnoxrbasak, i believe that user-environment-generators are executed by user-session systemd and children, therefore by pam_systmed (logind).... but not sure if all that works in practice.13:27
xnoxrbasak, hm. i thought you are hitting this because pam is not used / full login shell is not setup....13:27
rbasakI could be wrong13:28
xnoxrbasak, cause if pam is running /etc/profile.d/* would be process, and /snap/bin should be in $PATH13:28
xnox(not "is runing" but "was used")13:28
xnoxrbasak, i see that openssh has _PATH_STDPATH too.... which is fixed.... and in some cases appears to be used.13:30
rbasaksystemd-logind does show a new session when I run ssh non-interactively13:30
rbasakpam_unix(sshd:session): session opened (etc)13:30
xnoxcan't tell if that is customizable, and if it is used by shells when used non-interactively13:30
xnoxrbasak, you can try dropping:13:30
xnoxas an executable binary into /usr/lib/systemd/user-environment-generators/ and reboot; retest?13:31
* xnox doesn't want to drop my user session here =)13:31
xnoxi guess i can try this in lxd container13:31
rbasakI'm using a VM13:31
rbasakNo effect13:32
rbasakHang on. If that's an executable, how will systemd ever see what it set?13:33
rbasakShould it be echoing something?13:33
xnoxyes it should be an echo13:33
xnoxgood point, me fails at typing13:34
rbasakStill nothing13:34
xnox/* read $HOME/.ssh/environment. */13:36
mvorbasak: aha, thank you. we where looking into providing a systemd environment generator13:37
mvorbasak: aha, I see you discussed this, sorry in a meeting, I will read backlog13:38
xnoxmvo, well, but that's to fix something else. which looks like will not fix the usability issue over non-interactive ssh.13:38
mvoxnox: meh, yeah, just read backlog, this looks tricky13:44
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
cjwatsonrbasak,xnox,ogra_: Having to ever touch /etc/environment would be pretty poor.  I wonder if a good approach might be to provide a pam_snap session module which would add itself to PATH in the environment, and plug that in via /usr/share/pam-configs/ ?  You'd want to discuss that sort of thing with slangasek though.16:28
cjwatsonIn fact let me suggest that in the bug16:30
LaneyThere's an /etc/environment.d generator thing16:31
cjwatsonMaybe, but generating /etc/environment is terrible16:32
LaneyI think it reads /etc/environment and then runs all of the generators to update those variables16:32
cjwatsonWell, that isn't going to work with the pam_env config as-is16:32
cjwatsonAnd I'm not sure it would be particularly straightforward to make it do so, absent ... a PAM module16:33
cjwatson/etc/environment was AIUI always meant for admin overrides and I think it's a fundamental misunderstanding for people to try to use it as the baseline for distro configuration16:33
LaneyFine if it doesn't work for some reason, I'm just saying that editing /etc/enviornment is not the configuration mechanism you'd use.16:34
LaneyYou can also use /usr/lib/environment.d/ (environment.d(5))16:34
cjwatsonIt just seems like a fundamental category error16:34
cjwatsonThis is about PAM-using service session behaviour so it belongs in a PAM module IMO16:35
LaneyI think the idea is you get a systemd --user from pam_systemd which ought to run these generators.16:41
slangasekcjwatson: I would much prefer to put it in /etc/environment than add more moving parts at runtime16:43
slangasek"meant for admin overrides" - I don't know that this is historically accurate16:44
cjwatsonHasn't it been widely advertised as something to be edited by admins?16:45
cjwatsonI get severe twitches when people propose mixing admin-editable things and stuff that the distro fiddles with16:46
slangasekwell, yes it's user-editable16:46
slangasekbut we don't have a non-config-file default environment16:46
cjwatsonLaney: But the context of this bug is individual commands started by ssh in place of a full-fledged user session, and AIUI those don't involve systemd --user16:47
cjwatsonsshd execs those commands directly using execve()16:49
cjwatsonSo the PAM environment needs to be right or it won't work; a systemd generator cannot help, unless I suppose something like pam_systemd ran it and stuffed the answer back into the PAM environment16:49
cjwatson(I assume that would be a bad idea for other reasons, but don't really know)16:50
rbasakcjwatson: do you consider PAM as the solution then for both the interactive and non-interactive cases?16:51
rbasakOr just non-interactive?16:51
cjwatsonrbasak: I don't know if I care if more than one thing handles it in the interactive case16:56
rbasakOK. That's what I was wondering :)16:56
cjwatsonIf slangasek prefers to hack /etc/environment (presumably in libpam-modules, since I see that has similar hacks today), then I won't stand in the way of that; that would be sufficient16:58
xnoxcjwatson, slangasek - i dislike modifying distro to fit around snapd; I would prefer for snapd to ship a new pam module and activate that on all distros to inject /snap/bin -> as that would work across all distros.17:44
smoseris there a known issue with keyserver.ubuntu.com over the past few days ?17:51
tewardsmoser: IS would probably be where that question has to go, they run the keyserver.  Laney mentioned something about that in #launchpad a couple hours ago as well, maybe follow up with IS?17:52
smoserteward: yeah. i am doing that too, just wanted to avoid the higher escalation if it was known.17:53
smoserslangasek: aroudn ?19:16
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slangaseksmoser: off today, sorry21:15
slangasekxnox: "modifying the distro to fit around snapd" - snapd is an integral part of our Ubuntu platform, and we shouldn't have to add extra pam modules to have the path correct.  A PAM module may make sense for other distros for whom snapd is optional21:16
smoserslangasek: no worries. thanks for responding. i followed up on your locale mp21:23
slangaseksmoser: ack. the idea of putting this in base-files is not unappealing to me :)21:32
smoseri'm interesetd in the justification of "cloud-init should do it but it should not be in ubuntu proper"21:35
smoser(and /me is really afk now)21:35
slangaseksmoser: yeah, I don't have any justification for cloud-init continuing to own it, I was just trying to fix the code where it is - but having taken a step back, I do think it would be a good idea to move this elsewhere, so that e.g. we DTRT even on non-cloudinit systems21:38

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