
swift110sup guys00:02
leoncio|mateheloo guys07:46
leoncio|matehow is your experience with the Ubuntu Mate07:56
Marconi212003So far so good.08:03
Marconi212003I did not think anyone used IRC anymore. I used it in 97/98 but hey if it works. :)08:04
jogiwhere is my megaimage?08:19
mate|62732Good morning, I am a beginner on linux, I am having many troubles installing it on a 64Gb microSD card for Raspberry Pi 3, I installed it from Win 8 using Win32Diskimager and everything works fine at the fisrt start, but after shutdown and restart it is impossible start again.08:26
mate|62732I installed Mate on 8Gb without troubles other times. Does Mate have problems with 64Gb microSD?08:27
jogiyou have not to use the ms formatting tool. i had problems on 64GB msd.08:28
jogiuse gparted fat3208:28
jogii used lubuntu on a 64GB msd but i had problems. the card was too slow.08:29
mate|62732I've used SDformatter08:29
jogii am searching a mega-great image for berryboot again.08:30
jogiincluding a wine or virtual-box fast windows.08:31
jogisd formatter should be working but i tried gparted gain.08:32
jogiso my 64GB card worked for berryboot.08:32
mate|62732OK thank you i will try it, thank you08:35
sixwheeledbeast^mate|62732: I guess you have followed the instructions here?08:58
jogiis there a ubuntu mate 17 with desktop? i forgot how to build sth.09:10
jogior a ready-to-use windows? windows is just to use in connection with a pc?09:10
jogioh these raspis must be old......09:11
alkisg(11:31:40 πμ) jogi: including a wine or virtual-box fast windows. ==> haha do you mean to run windows on vbox on rpi? That would be like... running it in a 286 :D09:13
alkisgrpi is already 50 times slower than a real pc, to run emulators there... is asking for turtles09:14
diogenes_alkisg, nevertheless Achilles couldn't catch the turtle XD09:16
alkisgdiogenes_: wasn't that the rabbit/hare? :D09:16
diogenes_alkisg, https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/142932/achilles-and-the-tortoise-paradox09:17
alkisgAh you don't mean aisopos' tales, you mean ...sofisteies I don't know what's that in english09:17
alkisgYeah ok lame argument, it was disproved from the start :D09:18
alkisgI'd love to see windows 10 start in 2 days though, sure!09:19
alkisgI just wouldn't want to be the one to do it; I'd watch it in fast motion in youtube :P09:19
jogiwhat is the best DVD-burning software? K3b? .... i could not burn several times on a BD-RE100, just once.09:24
jogiwindows is better, even the old one.09:25
jogixfburn did burn multi-session DVDs?! i forgot . Or Brasero?09:25
pi_hello word09:55
jogicould not find medium09:56
=== mate|91000 is now known as VirtualBoxMATE
VirtualBoxMATEMATE is quite cool!12:30
diogenes_it is12:30
VirtualBoxMATEAny idea if it supports HiDPI well, since it apparently migrated over to GTK3?12:31
VirtualBoxMATEOk, so I just tried and MATE works excellently on a HiDPI/Retina display. Awesome!12:41
VirtualBoxMATEOnly thing I noticed is that there Welcome app looks slightly blurry. Other apps are fine.12:42
antonio__como puedo recuperar la opción de apagado12:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:48
mate|78700I'm trying to auto start vivaldi not having much luck14:36
mate|78700do you have any suggestions?14:37
Cronoim a relative linux noob21:41
Cronocan someone help me with rdp?21:41
Cronoim not sure what im doing wrong21:41
Cronoim desparate21:44
m4trdp into a windows machine?21:49
Cronowindows to ubuntu mate21:56
m4twhat have you tried already? i would suggest vnc21:56
Cronowhen i try vnc21:56
Cronoi get21:56
Cronothe connection was refused by the computer21:56
Cronofrom the windows machine21:57
m4tok what did you do on the ubuntu machine to set up vnc...?21:57
Cronoone moment21:58
Cronoi believe i installed tightvnc21:59
m4ti haven't messed with vnc in a LONG time21:59
m4tbut try this: https://snarkybrill.blogspot.com/2016/05/running-vino-vnc-server-on-ubuntu-mate.html21:59
m4tthe commands listed are meant to be run on the ubuntu mate pc, in a mate desktop session21:59
Cronoalright ill work on it22:00
Cronoi mean22:00
Cronoi have a ssh session22:00
Cronoso on some level i can always connect22:00
m4tdo you have console access (keyboard & mouse) at the ubuntu pc?22:00
m4tyeah so follow those instructions22:01
m4tnow...to have it be running directly after the PC reboots would be more complicated22:01
m4tthe easiest way would be to setup e.g. lightdm to auto login to the user after a reboot. the instructions i linked should create an autostart entry so the vnc server is run at every login22:02
Cronoalright let me work on it22:02
m4tso auto login = autostart vnc server22:02
Cronohow do i "run vino preferences"22:06
Cronoim a little confused about this22:07
m4tmaybe system->preferences->*->remote desktop22:08
m4tnot sure which menu22:08
Cronoim lost22:14
Cronorun vino-preferences enable remote access disable confirmation of the access22:14
Cronoidk how to "run vino-prefences" here22:14
Cronosee the problem im having22:15
Cronois that the version of ubuntu mate im using22:15
Cronodoesnt have "desktop sharing"22:15
Crono at least not where ive been able to look22:15
m4twhich version of ubuntu?22:15
Cronoubuntu 17.1022:16
Cronoubuntu mate is the distro?22:16
m4tdo you have a system menu at the top left?22:16
Cronoi have a menu on the top yes22:16
m4tyeah maybe it doesnt show in mate22:17
m4toh hmm22:18
Cronowelcome to my world22:18
m4thold on22:19
m4tyeah of course gnome stripped out the preferences gui in later versions lol22:22
crono2this is also me22:22
m4tno they didn't22:23
m4tthey did in 18.04 but you're on 17.1022:23
m4tcan you open a terminal and type: vino-preferences?22:23
m4twithout the ?22:23
Cronounable to init server: could not connect: connection refused22:24
Crono(vino-preferences: 3292): Gtk-warning **: cannot open display:22:24
m4tin another terminal type /usr/lib/vino/vino-server22:24
m4tare you doing this over ssh?22:24
m4tyou need to be in mate desktop22:24
Cronoone sec22:25
m4tthere should be a 'Desktop Sharing' or similar entry in the system menu there...22:25
m4tor just type vino-preferences22:25
crono2yeah i see it22:26
m4twere you checking windows menus or something?22:26
crono2no i was just on ssh trying to do it22:26
crono2im a very adept windows user22:26
crono2but very novice linux user22:26
m4tm4t | maybe system->preferences->*->remote desktop22:26
m4tidk how you would look for that over ssh22:26
crono2its not under the typical menu22:27
crono2but i see system22:27
crono2and preferences22:27
crono2theres 4 submenus22:27
crono2internet and network22:27
crono2look and feel22:27
crono2and personal22:27
crono2ive navigated through each and never found what i was looking for for sharing22:28
m4tyou're right. i just installed the 17.10 package.22:28
m4tso just use vino-preferences from terminal;22:28
crono2can you copy-paste that link again22:29
m4tafter running '/usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-client-disable22:31
m4ti think you should see a new entry under system->preferences->personal->startup applications22:31
m4tif you run that and scroll22:31
=== rev_strangehope_ is now known as revstrangehope
crono2hmm i just ran it22:33
crono2it seems stuck22:33
m4twhat does22:34
crono2i ctrl-c my way out22:35
crono2but is it supposed to do that?22:35
m4tcan you be more clear22:36
m4te.g. details22:37
crono2ran the command22:37
m4twhat command22:37
crono2i ran the command ' /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-client-disable"22:37
crono2in terminal22:37
crono2on the machine22:37
m4tokay. and it stayed running?22:37
crono2but it did not resovle as other commands usually do22:37
crono2thats what i did22:38
m4tls -lctr ~/.config/autostart22:38
m4tis there a new entry at the bottom of the output?22:38
crono2-rw-r--r-- 1 andrew andrew 784 Apr 22 10:57 ubuntu-mate-welcome.desktop22:38
crono2which is me22:38
crono2andrew@Ubuntu1:~$ ls -lctr ~/.config/autostart total 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 andrew andrew 784 Apr 22 10:57 ubuntu-mate-welcome.desktop22:41
crono2is the whole string22:41
crono2is that bad?22:41
m4toh nvm22:42
m4tits using systemd in 17.1022:42
crono2i dont see vino under startup applications22:42
m4tsystemctl --user list-units vino-server.service ?22:42
crono20 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too. To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.22:43
m4tmaybe try systemctl --user enable vino-server.service22:44
crono2ndrew@Ubuntu1:~$ systemctl --user enable vino-server.service The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy, RequiredBy, Also, Alias settings in the [Install] section, and DefaultInstance for template units). This means they are not meant to be enabled using systemctl. Possible reasons for having this kind of units are: 1) A unit may be statically enabled by being symlinked from another unit's    .wants/ or .requires/ dire22:44
crono2requirement dependency on it. 3) A unit may be started when needed via activation (socket, path, timer,    D-Bus, udev, scripted systemctl call, ...). 4) In case of template units, the unit is meant to be enabled with some    instance name specified. andrew@Ubuntu1:~$22:45
m4ttry logging out and back in22:45
m4tsee if it starts, i guess its using /etc/xdg/autostart/vino-server.desktop22:45
m4tidk. i can't test this on my end.22:46
crono2crono2 will brb then22:46
m4tyou did set it to enabled?22:46
m4tin vino-preferences?22:46
m4tAutostartCondition=GSettings org.gnome.Vino enabled22:47
m4tthe autostart checks that...22:47
crono2_ok im back22:48
crono2_how should i test?22:48
m4tyou did set it to enabled in vino-preferences though right?22:48
m4topen up a terminal and 'pgrep -f vino-server'22:48
m4tdoes it list a #?22:48
crono2_andrew@Ubuntu1:~$ pgrep -f vino-server andrew@Ubuntu1:~$22:49
crono2_andrew@Ubuntu1:~$ vino-preferences Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.  (vino-preferences:5263): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_entry_set_text: assertion 'text != NULL' failed22:49
crono2_that last one was just a precaution22:52
m4tokay well i have no idea what is keeping it from starting but you can manually add it22:52
m4tgo back to the startup applications preference window, click Add22:52
m4tfor name put: vino-server22:53
m4tfor command put: /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-disable22:53
m4tthen click add22:53
m4tclick close, then logout and back in again22:53
crono2im back22:55
m4tdoes pgrep -f vino-server show anything now?22:55
crono2im back22:55
m4tok it's running22:56
m4tfyi, doing it that way bypasses the preference from vino-preferences22:56
m4tit might start even if you disable it in vino-preferences22:56
crono2from the startup apps?22:56
m4tif that's the case just go back to the startup applications and uncheck the vino-server entry22:56
m4t(if you want to disable it)22:56
crono2im not too worried about it22:56
crono2at the rate that i image machines22:57
crono2it wont be an issue22:57
m4ti guess see if it works22:57
m4twhich vnc client are you using?22:57
Cronovnc viewer22:58
Cronoconnection refused22:58
m4tdid you set it to listen on all interfaces?22:58
Cronoi set it to lo22:58
Cronoper the instructions22:58
m4tlo = localhost = won't work from anywhere except...the pc itself22:59
m4tunless you did an ssh forward which will be another complicated setup..22:59
crono2i clearly did not22:59
m4tyeah those instructions said lo for some reason, i guess the guy was intending to use ssh forward23:00
m4twhich is more secure but an additional setup step23:00
m4ti think if you blank out the interfaces field it should listen *23:00
Cronowe did it!23:01
Cronomore accurately23:01
Cronoyou did it!23:01
Cronowow what a pain in the ass23:02
m4tthose instructions say blank password too btw, which you might want to change as well23:02
m4tand no encryption. hah ;)23:02
Cronoyeah i have one23:02
Crononow i dont have to get up so much23:02
Cronobasically im trying to get to the point23:03
Cronowhere i dont have to be home to use my home stuff23:03
Cronoie vpn23:03
Cronobaby steps!23:04
m4tyou initially asked about rdp...there's this https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp23:05
m4tfunny it seems like it would've been a heck of a lot easier to setup23:05
Cronoi dont know to use github on a linux machine23:07
Cronoits not the first time its been linked to me23:07
Cronocan you explain?23:07
m4tway too broad a question. just use apt-get23:07
Cronoapt-get https://github.com/url23:07
m4tno...that's the source code. ubuntu ships binary executables derived from source code23:08
m4tyou've got vnc working - stick with that until you're comfortable setting something else up23:08
Cronowill do23:10

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