
cpaelzergood morning05:13
lordievaderGood morning06:27
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Epx998Is there a known issue on some hardware where debian-installer partitions a disk as sdc vs sda?15:19
madLyfewent to update my server via update && upgrade and it was running fine till the end. here is the end of the log: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/Ib96aSM5fiupeAbW5-gaqQ/raw16:07
blackflowmadLyfe:   cp: error writing '/var/tmp/mkinitramfs_sr8t8I//lib/modules/4.13.0-41-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko': No space left on device16:08
blackflowthe errors that follow result from that (no space left)16:08
madLyfeis there a way to see via command the drive breakdown?16:09
blackflowmadLyfe: install ncdu16:11
madLyfebut space.. :P16:11
blackflowmadLyfe:  then    du -sh /*    and drill down from there16:12
nacci would suggest du -h --max-depth=116:12
naccon /16:13
blackflowwell, you need -s(ummary) for each dir16:13
naccno you do't16:13
blackflowI see, max-depth does the summary16:14
madLyfeis the last number the total?16:14
naccblackflow: right, it's an alternative (du doing the dirlist vs. the shell)16:15
rbasakI like baobab for drilling down. It's a GUI but does support investigation remote machines over ssh.16:15
madLyfei went to root to see the total of everything but only printed ./ .nano and .16:16
naccmadLyfe: you don't need to cd, you can just pass the argument16:17
naccmadLyfe: and . means the directory16:17
madLyfeso go back to home/user?16:17
naccmadLyfe: i mean it doesn't matter where you run `du` from, you can tell it where to check disk usage16:18
madLyfeso drop the '=1' to search the whole drive? rather than just the dir i was in?16:18
naccmadLyfe: which version of the command did you use?16:19
madLyfedu -h --max-depth=116:20
naccmadLyfe: run from what location?16:20
naccmadLyfe: that's not a location16:20
naccmadLyfe: what filesystem path16:20
naccmadLyfe: /home/<user> ?16:20
madLyfesorry, yes.16:21
naccmadLyfe: that will just tell you the usage of that directory16:21
naccmadLyfe: that's why I said "on /" immediately after. `du -h --max-depth=1 /`16:21
madLyfeoh. wasnt sure that was supposed to be a part of the command16:22
blackflowmadLyfe: perhaps check the du(1) manpage. it's wise to check the manpage of commands you're given by random people on irc :)16:25
naccmadLyfe: and how large is your disk (`df -h` can help)16:27
madLyfeits a flashdrive16:28
naccmadLyfe: your / is full16:31
madLyfedo updates not overwrite? do they accumulate?16:32
madLyfecan that be pruned?16:32
naccmadLyfe: what do you mean?16:32
madLyfelike are old updated files kept around or are they overwritten?16:33
naccmadLyfe: 'updated' in what sense?16:33
madLyfeevery time you run update && upgrade16:33
naccmadLyfe: update just updates the file lists locally16:34
naccmadLyfe: are you asking if it keeps around the old .debs?16:34
naccmadLyfe: it keeps some amount in the cache16:35
naccmadLyfe: if you think that's a problem, use `sudo apt-get clean`16:35
madLyfehmm i dont think that cleared anything up for me heh16:36
naccmadLyfe: usually it's not much space16:37
naccmadLyfe: right now your /opt and /var are relatively large16:37
naccmadLyfe: which might imply large logs16:37
naccmadLyfe: you can run the same du command with /var16:38
madLyfeya its amdappsdk-3.0, amdgpu, amdgpu-pro, rocm.16:38
madLyfein /opt16:38
madLyfejust not sure what i can get rid of16:39
blackflowanything your  __server__  doesn't need :)16:39
madLyfelel i dont know what it doesnt need.16:40
madLyfei am its plaything.16:40
naccmadLyfe: that doesn't make sense16:40
madLyfehere is /var breakdown: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/tf6vLUjOZIpEC40USrgtww/raw16:40
naccmadLyfe: is it actually your server?16:40
naccyour /boot also looked bad, fwiw16:41
naccmadLyfe: have you run `sudo apt-get autoremove` recently ?16:41
madLyfeya. its using amd drivers to rung GPUs but i dont remember how i set them up. someone helped me and it was kind of set it and forget it. months ago. update && upgrade never posed a space issue till now i guess.16:42
madLyfenacc: nah16:42
naccmadLyfe: becuse you were ignoring the message from apt the whole time16:42
naccit tells you to run autoremove every time, iirc16:42
madLyfei dont remember that msg16:43
naccmadLyfe: well, that would free up 3G of space if you run it16:44
nacc4G of space!16:44
madLyfeyay! ty16:45
madLyfewhat is that removing? are they old debs from previous udpates?16:46
tewardold debs, old kernels, packages which were installed as dependencies but are no longer needed since the dependent package or packages are not on the system or the deps changed, etc.16:47
madLyfeah k. tyvm16:47
naccto be clear, what it's removing is *only* the third thing teward listed16:48
naccthat happens to include the first two16:49
madLyfei see.16:49
madLyfewhen should this be ran? i dont recall seeing that msg anywhere.16:50
naccmadLyfe: probably worth a perusal of `man apt-get` if you don't know what it does16:50
naccmadLyfe: on my system(s) every time I run apt or apt-get it emits a message about X unused packages that can be removed16:50
madLyfeman is manual?16:50
madLyfeas in RTFM?16:51
naccmadLyfe: yeah :)16:52
madLyfeok. i want to thank you guys for the hand hodling today!16:53
madLyfeblackflow: i agree about running commands from ppl on the internet but nacc has helped me plenty in the past so i trust the nacc.16:54
blackflowmadLyfe: it's not just about trust. it's about learning by yourself ;)16:54
blackflowblindly running commands, you won't learn a thing.16:54
madLyfeunless hes been taken over by a malicious actor. very possible these days. :P16:55
naccmadLyfe: heh16:55
naccmadLyfe: unattended-upgrades can be configured to run the autoremove periodically, iirc16:56
tewardnacc: yes, but it needs you to uncomment some things16:56
tewardin the default config *otherwise* it doesn't.16:56
tewardit also can barf if you try and let it upgrade kernels automatically, but that's a different issue.16:56
teward(related to not having run autoremove in the past before enabling the option)16:57
madLyfealso, the updates that require restarts wont be applied because these servers are rarely restarted.16:57
tewardyou can also have unattended-upgrades do that as well but if uptime is your concern then you shouldn't.  And you should probably reboot every quarter or such because kernel security patches16:58
madLyfeya thats kind of what i was doing today because power went out. good time to run the updates.17:00
naccteward: good points17:04
madLyfewell crap it looks like it was removing amdgpu stuffs, hopefully it doesnt take out anything important.17:05
madLyfegetting amd drivers working wasnt fun.17:05
madLyfealso, if youve run updates and log into a fresh ssh session, it says **a restart is required*, why is the command 'reboot' and not 'restart'? or why does the statement not read '**a reboot is required**'?17:13
madLyfesorry, its '*** System restart required ***'17:14
jellytechnically you do not require a reboot; shutdown and power on will achieve the same restart goal18:03
madLyfewhat should i do if one of my servers has just been hanging here for a long time during and update & upgrade? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/J4gA9Z8HRYn5sBG9G0KGQw/raw18:18
tewarddefine "a long time" :P18:19
madLyfeclose to an hour18:20
madLyfepreviously it got stuck here: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/QcOKX178hCZwEbDNr9MG2Q/raw at fetching.18:21
madLyfehad to pull the power on it and power it up again.18:22
madLyfeok it just now lost the ssh connection.18:22
madLyfeim guessing it froze up or something18:22
tomreynmadLyfe: if you install updates remotely over a non LAN connection, be sure to always run apt in a GNU screen / tmux on the server.18:41
madLyfewell i am remote, but  on the lan.18:42
madLyferemote as in from another puter on the lan.18:43
tomreynthe L in LAN stands for local18:43
tomreynmaybe you need a KVM18:44
tomreynor serial console18:44
madLyfewell these are SM servers w/o the IPMI. i only have one server with IPMI18:44
madLyferegardless, i should just go pull the power again and try once more?18:45
tomreyni was thinking they all had *some* kind of ipmi18:45
madLyfenot these old ones from what ive gathered.18:46
madLyfestill. if it killed the server, wouldnt it kill the server in a tmux session as well?18:46
tomreynif it's frozen, you probably want to power cycle it, then probably take measures to ensure the hardware is in good shape, when continue working on it.18:46
tewardand if it keeps freezing then I'd start to assume something hardware-based may be at play, since it sounds like this is not hte first freeze you've had on this system.18:47
tomreynsure, GNU screen + tmux dont survive power cycling or reboots in general.18:47
madLyfewell this is the second time on this server today after the power outage. other than that ive never had this issue before on any of the servers.18:47
tewardpower outages cause all sorts of problems (this is why UPSes exist heh)18:48
madLyfetomreyn: no i mean it freezing during update & upgrade.18:48
madLyfeif it freezes the server then being in a tmux session wouldnt really matter?18:49
tomreynmadLyfe: if the system freezes, the session is frozen, too, and it wont magically recover after power cycling.18:49
madLyfewhat is your definition of a 'power cycle'? im just asking because on the IPMI there is actually a power cycle button..18:50
tomreynyou need to make the hardwar enot freeze18:50
tomreyndidnt oyu say you had no ipmi there?18:50
tomreynmy definition of 'power cycling' is probably the same as everyone elses: cutting power for a short time, then restoring it.18:51
TeaDoes the name I choose for a DKIM selector matter?18:52
madLyfeI have one ipmi. just not on this server.18:53
madLyfeholding the power button doesn't even shut it down lol18:54
tewardsounds like a hardware problem then18:54
madLyfeprobably the flash drive19:00
naccrbasak: anything you need from me re:git-ubuntu?19:00
madLyfeseems to be updating fine now: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/n5wlnmu8/image.png19:06
madLyfewelp looks like it froze again19:44
madLyfenow it gets stuck during boot. im guessing its because it froze during this upgrade process: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/PAlNMjhv/image.png19:59
madLyfeill try and install the OS again later and see how that goes.19:59
sarnoldthat's a funny place for it to hang20:01
sarnoldcan you check dmesg output? journalctl output?20:02
sarnoldfilesystem freespace? free inodes?20:02
madLyfenah its a total freeze of the system20:02
madLyfepower down button didnt even work when it froze at that point in the apt update progress20:03
madLyfeill just have to restart from scratch on that server. shouldnt take very long once i get rolling.20:04
sarnoldmadLyfe: oh. ew. maybe try the ..20:09
sarnoldmadLyfe: .. fwts package?20:10
madLyfeI'll come back if I can't get it situated after a fresh go. I'm not losing any important data so it's ok.20:13
jamespagecoreycb: around still?21:14
coreycbjamespage: yep21:14
jamespagecoreycb: just wanted to check with you before I upload a whole load of neutron bits with py3 enabled21:15
coreycbjamespage: that's fine with me21:15
jamespagecoreycb: I've been using a <module>-common package for configuration files etc...21:15
jamespagecoreycb: which the python{3}-<module> packages depend on - does that sound ok?21:15
jamespageprior to that the python-<module> package included the etc files21:15
coreycbjamespage: that sounds different from python-<module> depending on <module>-common?21:16
coreycbsorry. other way around.21:17
jamespageyeah it is21:17
coreycbjamespage: currently we have <module>-common depending on python-<module>21:17
jamespagecoreycb: I could not think of a different way todo it - we have to preserve etc files for upgraders who will only have install the python-module21:18
coreycbjamespage: that's a good point21:18
jamespagecoreycb: these are generally python modules with config files, rather than more complex agent based packages like neutron for example21:19
coreycbjamespage: that sounds like it makes sense. i missed that. i'm going to have to make a pass on the merged debian packages to do that.21:19
jamespagecoreycb: did you do it the other way around?21:20
coreycbjamespage: yeah21:20
jamespagecoreycb: well I think its appropriate still for packages with agent binary packages - like neutron, nova cinder etc...21:20
jamespagecoreycb: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/375048921/python-oslo.versionedobjects_1.33.1-0ubuntu1_1.33.1-0ubuntu2.diff.gz is the diff for the generalized autopkgtest for oslo packages I'm doing21:21
coreycbjamespage: i think autopkgtest-pkg-python should cause imports to be tested but maybe not dual stack?21:23
jamespagecoreycb: tbh it does not deal with the name of the module being oslo.* and the actual module import being oslo_*21:23
coreycbjamespage: ok, i see21:24
jamespagewhich is why most of them fail all of the time - I tried to get a fix into autopkgtest but it was rejected in favour of work not done todo better autodiscovery21:24
jamespagewhich I don't have cycles for21:24
jamespagethe import test is basically autopkgtest-pkg-python and the -ostestr one is extra21:24
jamespagebasically we'll run unit tests on all reverse-depends changes which is nicer21:25
coreycbjamespage: ok makes sense, cool21:25
coreycbjamespage: thanks for the update. i'll check out your neutron uploads.21:27
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naccpowersj: did you see the failure just now? (git-ubuntu-ci): error: flag provided but not defined: -t22:53
naccfailed: sudo lxd waitready -t 6022:53
powersjnacc: I merged in rbasak's changes let me double check 'em in a bit22:53
powersjdid that this morning22:53
naccit seems weird, as lxd says it is an option (on my 18.04 using the deb)22:54
rbasakI had thought I'd tested the deb version locally22:57
rbasakI had to add waitready as on the snap version it takes a while for the socket to become ready (the snap doesn't appear to use systemd to manage the daemon, so no socket activation)22:57
rbasakI will check again tomorrow. If necessary I can make the waitready only happen on the snap option.22:58
rbasakThen the next change to land is the change of the Jenkins job itself to use --snapcraft-snap22:58
naccsorry, i meant just that i've got the lxd deb locally and it says -t is an option and takes a parameter22:58
naccwhatver lxd the ci job is suing is complaing about the passing of -t22:58
naccdoes it expect -t=60 ?22:58
naccor -t6022:59
rbasakI can reproduce now.23:01
rbasakScrolling back I had tested it but not noticed that it failed :(23:01
rbasakLooks like it doesn't have the -t shortcut and it's --timeout=6023:02
rbasakTested and succeeds in both snap and deb modes now23:07
rbasakSorry for my test failure on the last PR23:07
* powersj pulls23:08
gordonjcphi there23:08
gordonjcpis there a way to find out why a package wants to install certain dependencies?23:08
naccrbasak: cool, thanks!23:08
naccgordonjcp: well, each package lists its dependencies23:08
naccgordonjcp: do you mean what they use those dependencies for?23:08
gordonjcpnacc: essentially yes23:09
naccgordonjcp: no, i don't think that really makes sense23:09
* rbasak attempts a retest23:09
gordonjcpnacc: I want to install collectd on a server, which is for collecting up various stats into (among other things) an .rrd file23:09
gordonjcpnacc: it wants to install a full X desktop23:09
gordonjcplike, about 1GB of deps, including X.org, Wayland, all manner of associated libs23:10
gordonjcpI know the Ubuntu packagers are generally a bit on crack with their dependencies, but that seems excessive23:10
naccgordonjcp: ignoring the random snark, what version of ubuntu?23:10
rbasakgordonjcp: try using --no-install-recommends23:10
rbasakThat cuts it down quite a bit.23:11
gordonjcpa bit, but it's still trying to install libmir and friends, wayloand and friends and X.org and friends23:11
rbasakI don't see that23:12
rbasakCan you be specific about a package that you think shouldn't be included?23:12
naccgordonjcp: i don't think that's correct and i just tested in a lxd 16.0423:12
gordonjcplibwayland-cursor0 libwayland-egl1-mesa libwayland-server0 libx11-xcb123:12
gordonjcp^ one line from th edeps23:12
naccgordonjcp: with --no-install-recommends?23:13
rbasakDo you have any third party repositories enabled?23:13
naccis what you should get23:13
gordonjcpI've already got the pango and cairo stuff in, because rrdtool uses that23:14
gordonjcpalthough why collectd pulls it in when it doesn't draw graphs I don't know23:14
gordonjcpI don't have any third-party repositories enabled23:14
rbasakcollectd links with librrd423:14
rbasaklibrrd4 can render using GDK23:14
naccgordonjcp: please use a pastebin and show the exact output23:14
gordonjcpalthough now you mention it, this is a server on a VPS provider, maybe they've got some "funnies" in23:15
rbasak(presumably to the screen, on request)23:15
rbasakTry to reproduce on an official Ubuntu image please.23:15
rbasakIf you can't, then you'll need to figure out how it's different from the OS your provider gives you.23:15
gordonjcprbasak: okay, I'll grab a copy of 16.04 server and try that23:17
gordonjcprbasak: that won't be until probably wednesday though23:17
gordonjcpso you might miss the fun :-D23:18
aroonithis line works great ... until the server reboots;  do i need to do something to make it permanent ?23:32
arooni  sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 500 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 500023:34
rbasakpowersj: am I right in thinking that https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/server-test-scripts/blob/master/git-ubuntu/integration_test is dead now as https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/server-jenkins-jobs/blob/master/git-ubuntu/jobs-ci.yaml no longer references it?23:37
powersjrbasak: I believe so23:37
rbasakOK. I'll drop that file in my next PR then23:38
sdeziel1arooni: you can install the iptables-persistent package23:58
sdeziel1arooni: it will take care of loading your iptables and ip6tables rulesets on boot23:58

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