
theoremis there a quick way of turning STDOUT into an environment variable ?  echo "test" | xargs export ABC=00:07
theoremthis doesn't work ..00:07
thePiGrepperwouldnt 'export a=$(any_command)' work?00:20
mrxrobothello guys00:22
mrxrobotDoes anyone here know how to install the "toxic"?00:22
thePiGrepperwhat's that?00:22
mrxrobottoxic is a client for tox00:22
maumhow can I ping to ubunt on vm in windows?00:24
thePiGrepperdid you read this https://blog.tox.chat/2018/02/shutdown-of-the-debian-and-ubuntu-package-repository/ ?00:24
maumon ubuntu, I can ping to windows. but on windows, I cannot ping to ubuntu00:24
mrxrobotI cloned the repository in github, but at the time of compiling does not install00:25
thePiGrepperhave you checked if there are snaps available?00:26
qwebirc75325Ok I need help setting up Ubuntu on my Dad's mining rig. We were previously using HiveOS (based on Ubuntu). But he wants to mine Nicehash. So I'm following the guide here: https://amp.reddit.com/r/NiceHash/comments/777ezc/running_nicehash_for_gpu_on_ubuntu/00:26
qwebirc75325But most of the commands it says to use. Don't work.00:26
mrxrobotthePiGrepper: do you know any software similar to "toxic"00:27
thePiGreppersimilar as in 'any other tox client' or 'any other tux tui/ncurses client'?00:28
tomreynmrxrobot: while this is not really an #ubuntu topic IMO, there are links to  static and dynamic builds of "toxic" and other software at https://tox.chat/download.html00:29
qwebirc75325Namely the ones involving purging nvidia drivers and setting up the recommended drivers. I downloaded Cuda. But I don't think it'll work without the proper Nvidia drivers first. Also, I have 12 gpus on this thing. How will Ubuntu support that?00:29
mrxrobottomreyn: thank you00:30
qwebirc75325I am using Ubuntu 18.04 btw. Not HiveOS. I can see how that'd be confusing.00:31
thePiGreppermost of these wont work if you're looking for an CLI option, but here https://wiki.tox.chat/clients00:31
BillGHeroI'm trying to diagnose a problem where the GUI desktop/login appears to be not coming up. I believe that I have found evidence that gdm is not able to start up properly using 'systemctl status'. Can someone take a look at this for me? https://pastebin.com/kjkp2PU200:35
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BillGHeroBetter yet, could someone here advise me as to how to regress some of the gdm-related packages on my machine so I can see if one of the updates pushed in the last week or so are the culprit for my issue?00:46
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BillGHeroCan no one help me figure out why GDM won't show?01:15
Guest94844what's up ?01:27
Guest94844hi man01:28
BillGHeroGuest94844: Hello?01:45
linux_noob4glxinfo reports version 3.1 but my gpu supports 4.3. i'm using amdgpu drivers. is this normal?02:37
Kevin`is there a reasonable chance the ubuntu 18 installer will work if I use the server version instead of the desktop version? it's reliably crashing when it gets to displaying copying files https://pastebin.com/1MhTjc8i02:44
qwebirc16086Can someone explain how to install Nvidia drivers on my mining rig? The guide I'm using (https://amp.reddit.com/r/NiceHash/comments/777ezc/running_nicehash_for_gpu_on_ubuntu/) doesn't help. Since the commands for purge and install drivers don't work.02:54
guivercKevin`, did you verify your download? (md5sum or sha..) and verify cd/thumb-drive integrity (if available)?02:54
qwebirc16086Well purge does. But not installing drivers.02:55
Kevin`# dd if=/dev/sdb bs=64K count=29325 |md5sum -02:58
Kevin`129292a182136a35e1f89c586dbac2e2  -02:58
Kevin`looks ok02:58
Kevin`@ guiverc ^02:59
guivercqwebirc16086, maybe this will help - https://askubuntu.com/questions/995969/error-install-nvidia-387-error-bad-return-status-for-module-build-on-kernel03:02
Bashing-omKevin`: Mope not ubuntu md5sum : http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/MD5SUMS-metalink .03:02
Kevin`you are misreading that, it's literal03:04
Kevin`435021bd184f9cb132ae9537869da8fa  Downloads/ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.metalink03:04
qwebirc16086Do I need the CUDA toolkit to mine with my mining rig?03:06
qwebirc16086Trying to cut back on disk space usage. Since I'm running on a flash drive.03:06
qwebirc16086quiverc: I'll check it out. Thanks03:07
gbear14275quick favor, if anyone has plex installed on their 18.04 box could I get a copy of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/plexmediaserver.list?03:09
gbear14275I accidentally overwrote mine03:09
WoCgbear14275, # wget -q https://downloads.plex.tv/plex-keys/PlexSign.key -O - | sudo apt-key add -03:15
WoC+#deb https://downloads.plex.tv/repo/deb/ public main03:15
gbear14275perfect, thanks WoC03:15
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qwebirc16086Ok next question. Is there anyway to roll back to only Minimal packages? I chose full. But I forgot about the constraint of a flash drive. So needing to use less space.03:42
qwebirc16086Yeah what it's saying when I try to download the nvidia driver is, "Package 'nvidia-387' has no installation candidate."03:46
qwebirc16086This may mean the package is missing, have been obsolete, or is only available from another source.03:46
Kevin`the server text installed does indeed still work. now to figure out what packages are needed now for a desktop, how network configuration works without /etc/network/interfaces, etc..03:47
guivercqwebirc16086, minimal install installs everything, then deletes from a list. i'm not sure where to find 'list', but just remove whatever you don't want/need..03:47
qwebirc16086OK will open up Software Manager, or Synaptic or what have you and check it out.03:48
Bashing-omqwebirc16086: ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ?03:51
hanabishihello Every one03:57
hanabishii want to ask some thing about my desktop03:57
hanabishiwhen we drag a some window touch a top layyer of desktop,it will make a window to Full screen rigth??03:59
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hanabishiaxnd when we drag window to another side, it will made a window to haft desktop rigth??04:01
hanabishiif me want drag a window touch a below desktop and make a window to half of wondow below like IOS can i???04:03
Bashing-omhanabishi: I do not see that '04:03
Bashing-omfeature' on xfce .04:03
smallville7123https://i.imgur.com/e60KoLb.jpg How do i fix this04:05
hanabishihello i'm used - Linux 4.4.0-128 [UBUNTU]04:08
hanabishii want to ask some thing about my desktop, when we drag a some window touch a top layyer of desktop,it will make a window to Full screen rigth??04:09
hanabishi and when we drag window to another side like rigth side or lelf side, it will made a window to haft desktop rigth??if me want drag a window touch a below desktop and make a window to half of wondow below like IOS can i???04:09
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hanabishiHello, i'm run into a problem04:15
hanabishiE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:15
hanabishi   error04:15
hanabishican help me???04:16
smallville7123_how do i uninstall ubuntu04:16
smallville7123_in a container04:16
guiverchanabishi, the dpkg error is probably higher up your messages - the last E: is like a summary statement  (use https://paste.ubuntu.com/ for command line tools to copy/paste multiple lines of messages for help here)04:19
Bashing-omhanabishi: Pastebin the out put of ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .04:19
smallville7123_How do i uninstall ubuntu without uninstalling everything04:25
smallville7123_As i want to convert ubuntu to archlinux04:26
jamskrushaHI ALLAN04:30
jamskrushaSmall word04:30
alan_no flat world04:31
guivercsmallville7123_, that really is a question for an arch room I suspect... but you just install it..04:31
hanabishiit different ?? beetween apt-get and apt ???04:36
smallville7123_i in a container04:36
Bashing-omhanabishi: See: https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/apt-1-0/ .04:38
Bashing-om!paste | hanabishi04:39
ubottuhanabishi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:39
hanabishiokey i will, sorry to troble you04:44
Bashing-omhanabishi: All A process in learning .. we were all new at one time :)04:46
hanabishithank you very much for your kindly support me04:49
hanabishiPlease help : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v2C4KmbF56/04:54
Bashing-om!info runit xenial04:59
ubotturunit (source: runit): system-wide service supervision. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.2-3ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 99 kB, installed size 492 kB04:59
guiverchanabishi, you could try `sudo apt -f install`  (prior git-deamon-run failed because of runit wasn't configured.. next I'd try `sudo dpkg-recongifure runit`)...05:02
Bashing-omhanabishi: what results ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure runit ' ?05:03
hanabishinow try = sudo apt -f install05:04
hanabishiit stell beit still be Errors were encountered while processing:05:05
hanabishi runit05:05
hanabishiit still be a Errors were encountered while processing:05:06
hanabishi runit05:06
hanabishiit show : sudo: dpkg-recongifure: command not found05:07
guivercsorry hanabishi - my typo.. `sudo dpkg-reconfigure runit` ; bashing-om typed it correctly (unlike me)05:07
Bashing-omguiverc: Oh great one ! I have never seen an error on your part :P05:08
guiverc:)    (you've not been watching closely then :) ...05:09
smallville7123_How do i uninstall ubuntu to a minimal install05:10
smallville7123_Whereit only has a shell and apt and nothing else05:11
smallville7123_Without causing ubuntu to stop working05:12
smallville7123_or unable to boot up05:12
Bashing-omsmallville7123_: The practice is to buid up rather than tear down , Install the minimal .05:12
smallville7123_I only hv access to pre configured ubuntu containers05:13
sarphello, how can I go about troubleshooting a blackscreen issue?05:18
Bashing-omsmallville7123_: This will give you an idea of how difficult it is that you are asking to do : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-lubuntu/ .05:21
hanabishi~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure runit05:21
hanabishi/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: runit is broken or not fully installed05:21
Bashing-om!nomodeset | sarp - nvidia ?05:22
ubottusarp - nvidia ?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:22
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Squarismone thing that feels like such a mismatch in desktop OS design is the strong separation into programs instead of context. For a user its more important what context they work in rather than what programs they use. My 3 webpages, word document, command prompt should be associated with context more than what programs I use. I wonder if there are any work done on this frontier?05:23
hanabishihow can i tag people in this chat05:23
Squarismsorry, OT - moveing to another channel05:23
Bashing-om!tab | hanabishi05:24
ubottuhanabishi: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:24
sarpThank you for replying. My issue happens after login. Basically, there is a black screen, but the system is responsive, so I need to close the lid of the laptop for a few times before the screen starts running without interruptions. This black screen, close lid, open lid cycle goes on for like 3 times, and then it is stable, but I couldn't figure out a specific program/event that triggers it. It just happens after each login05:24
Bashing-omhanabishi: try then ' sudo apt purge runit ' . see then if we can re-install it .05:25
sarpI am a bit confused as to how to even figure out where the problem is coming from, so any tip is much appreciated05:25
Bashing-omsarp: ACPI issue ?? will not hurt to try : http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html .05:26
sarpBashing-om, thanks so much! I'll look into this. Also, as additional info, dmesg shows some weird messages. One that caught my eye was "vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device"05:28
Bashing-omsarp: Unplug perifials and see if the message goes away ??05:30
sarpBashing-om, ok, will do, thank you!05:31
Bashing-omsarp: Might find that it is a USB3.0 device in a 2.0 USB port ?05:33
sarpMaybe! These are other messages from dmesg: usb usb3-port7: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad?05:35
sarp[23083.081130] usb usb3-port7: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad?05:35
sarp[23083.081175] usb usb3-port7: attempt power cycle05:35
sarp[23085.245078] usb usb3-port7: unable to enumerate USB device05:35
sarpThe only usb device plugged in is a bluetooth mouse adapter though, and it has been there for a long time. The laptop is not new, and the system started doing this very recently so I couldn't pinpoint the issue exactly05:36
smallville7123_This is the contents of a blank ubuntu container http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/h3RHGt3phv/05:40
hanabishiBashing-om, please help https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jqrnTghj3x/05:41
Bashing-omhanabishi: looking .05:42
Bashing-omhanabishi: is this a Virual Machine ?05:45
hanabishiBashing-om, is this a Virual Machine05:49
hanabishiBashing-om, isn't this a Virual Machine05:49
hanabishiall of my computer on UBUNTU05:49
david037is there anyway to use an old app on 18.04? Reason why comix app seems to be gone and replaced with mcomix, but it seems to not work properly and all cbr cbz etc archives say no images found05:49
lotuspsychjedavid037: always keep your system up to date= also packages05:51
lotuspsychjedavid037: older=unsecure05:51
lotuspsychjedavid037: a better approach: if you find something not working on a package, consider a new !bug or wishlist?05:52
david037lotuspsychje, yeah I figured that but with the app seeming broken no other way really to continue with reading them. I have both comics and magazines in those formats and I would have to either extract them all to read or convert to pdf05:52
david037true I could do that05:53
lotuspsychjedavid037: cbr opens with pdf viewer by default no?05:54
smallville7123_How do  i get a list of all installed packages05:54
EriC^^smallville7123_: dpkg -l | grep ^ii05:54
lotuspsychjedavid037: did you try mupdf also?05:55
lotuspsychjedavid037: nice & lightweight pdf viewer05:55
david037lotuspsychje, it defaulted to evince and it errors, but loading the files into archive manager shows the list of files and I can extract them05:56
smallville7123_If i want onlybadh, apt, binutils, and sshwhat packages do i need to uninstall05:59
smallville7123_only bash, *05:59
smallville7123_ssh what*05:59
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smallville7123_Asi want to strip it down as much as possible while still being usable06:02
smallville7123_as i*06:02
lotuspsychjedavid037: ubuntu-bug evince06:04
smallville7123_preferably to the point where it is a mininal chroot with ssh capability06:04
smallville7123_nothing more nothing less06:04
smallville7123_But i have no idea which packages are required06:06
TazmainHi all, I am trying to do an upgrade and I keep getting '* Error: insufficient privileges to access the ebtables rulesets.'06:13
TazmainI am running the upgrade as root06:14
Bashing-omhanasaki: Sorry, I do not know of a solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/runit/+bug/158421406:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1448164 in runit (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1584214 runit cannot be installed (Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused)" [High,Triaged]06:15
Squarismanyone running CopyQ on ubuntu 17.10? Do you have a tray icon / "applet" ?06:16
Bashing-omhanasaki: See the bug report ^^  . I see no good solution ;(06:27
KashifCan anyone tell me how to search for specific contents in IRC Date Log?06:32
EriC^^hey Kashif06:32
Kashifirc date log has html and txt files which one shall i open to find out particular conversation i am searching for.06:33
KashifEriC^^: Thanks for Taggign me06:33
EriC^^Kashif: download the txt ones and use "grep "part of conversation" *.txt06:34
EriC^^grep -i "something" *.txt06:35
KashifEriC^^: The day we were working on the recover, I was able to recover something but nothing that was recoverd made sense. Also, the computer shut down so i lost all the work. I am going to try it again to recover my lost stuff. Thanks06:35
aliasdheyas... I am using 16.04 LTS, and I just tried to upgrade to the new LTS and found my architecture is no longer supported, so I guess I have to migrate to Debian, I have a lot of installed software, this install has been going for quite a number of years, and I am just wondering if there is some sort of specific Ubuntu Debian migration strategy I could use?06:36
EriC^^Kashif: the filenames wont make sense, the stuff should be there though06:37
KashifEriC^^: Do I need to open each txt file to locate a conversation?06:37
EriC^^Kashif: do you know the date of the conversation?06:37
KashifEriC^^: 1506:38
KashifEriC^^: or 1406:38
EriC^^download the #ubuntu.txt of that date and search for it06:38
KashifEriC^^: ok06:38
EriC^^gedit has a search feature06:38
Guest92903hi i was trying to set up nfs server and client.client was in vagrant.. now accidentally i have removed the nfs server instance, now in side vagrant if i do command like ls or df -h06:39
Guest92903it takes forever06:39
Guest92903what is the fix06:39
ducasseKashif: or just open it in the browser and search with ctrl+f06:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:41
Kashiffound it06:43
aliasdis there a better place maybe to ask my previous question?06:58
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EriC^^. ..07:02
ducassealiasd: to answer your original question, your best bet is to reinstall07:04
aliasdducasse, Internet told me as such, but as most threads I found were from '09-'12, was hoping a bit there were some migration scripts someone had written by now :(07:11
smallville7123_How do i remove all packages except for 07:12
smallville7123_aptitude markauto '~i!~nbash!~ncurl!~nsudo!~nopenssh*'07:12
smallville7123_As even after doint that im left with a bunch of packages07:13
smallville7123_In dpkg -l07:13
michael2smallville7123_: you want to remove all the packages which dont match '~i!~nbash!~ncurl!~nsudo!~nopenssh*' ?07:16
smallville7123_Such as perl, vin, ect07:16
smallville7123_xz-utils, wget, tar, unzip, sed, quota, and so on07:17
michael2so that pattern is saying "all the programs you have installed, which dont contain the patterns: *bash*, *curl*, *sudo*, *openssh* " ?07:18
michael2so you want to remove every package on the operating system?07:19
michael2did you try feeding that pattern into `dpkg --remove' ?07:20
aliasdso, you don't just mean manually installed packages smallville7123_? You mean breaking your os and creating un unbootable system?07:21
michael2smallville7123_: are you sure you want to do this?07:21
michael2aptitude search '~i!~nbash!~ncurl!~nsudo!~nopenssh*' -F '%p' | sudo dpkg --remove07:23
smallville7123_it in a container anyway so it it breakes i can always re create the container and try again07:23
smallville7123_if it*07:23
michael2aptitude search '~i!~nbash!~ncurl!~nsudo!~nopenssh*' -F '%p' | xargs sudo dpkg --remove07:23
michael2I would test first with something like this:07:24
michael2aptitude search '~i!~nbash!~ncurl!~nsudo!~nopenssh*' -F '%p' | xargs sudo dpkg --list07:24
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smallville7123_it wont remove them07:26
michael2whats it saying?07:27
adacHi there! I'm on 16.04 but it seems that suddenly I cannot open firefox anymore on the menu (windows button). However when I click wqindows button and 3 then forexox opens as usually. But still then I can't focus the window with the mouse07:27
smallville7123_Too many errors07:28
michael2smallville7123_: which command did you run ? the --list or the --remove one?07:28
adacHmm it seems I also cannot click on my right upper menu where the time is07:29
michael2smallville7123_: can you login as root and try?07:29
adacthink I'mm remove this07:29
smallville7123_i am root07:29
smallville7123_already am*07:29
michael2then did you remove the "sudo"?07:30
michael2smallville7123_: can you paste the command you are running? also - can you just test the command with the dpkg --list variant first07:32
geirhafyi, aptitude remove takes the same argument as aptitude search, but the list of exceptions is far too short. You're telling it to remove libc, which more or less every package depend on07:33
michael2geirha: ah ok07:34
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michael2smallville7123_: as geirha said you prob have to swap the `--list' option with `--remove --force' to override the dpkg refusing to break dependencies...07:39
michael2well geirha didn't say that exactly. but I think you know what I mean...07:40
geirhabash, curl, sudo and openssh also need libc07:41
smallville7123_aptitude search '~i!~nbash!~ncurl!~nsudo!~nopenssh*' -F '%p' gives me Unknown action type: pt07:41
smallville7123_it was cus i had !n~apt instead of !~napt07:48
smallville7123_also !~nlibc*!~nopenssh* removes all lib* from the search results, why07:51
smallville7123_shouldnt it only remove libc* instead of lib*07:53
michael2because thats what !~nlib means  "not packages who's name contains "lib"07:53
michael2ah yes I think you're  right07:53
michael2ah I know why07:54
michael2I think07:54
michael2try take away the *, i.e. !~nlibc!~nopenssh*07:55
michael2does that fix it?07:55
smallville7123_Same for !~nopenssh*!~nsudo exceptno packages are returned in automark07:55
smallville7123_when there should bepackages07:56
smallville7123_so this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p5PY8ckStB/08:02
smallville7123does apt have a aptitude -s equivilent08:08
smallville7123or does aptitude have an option to force the removal of packages08:09
smallville7123As i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pf23ymBj78/08:11
smallville7123with -s remove08:11
smallville7123and it confusing08:11
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=== perdent is now known as marsalss
MacroManI have multiple network connections. Can I control which connection a specific request goes over?08:31
MacroManIn this case, I want to wget over a secondary connection08:31
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the_drowHow do I uninstall an old kernel module?08:38
the_drowSince I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 I get "ERROR (dkms apport): binary package for evdi: 1.0.335 not found" when upgrading the kernel.08:38
BlackDexMacroMan: i think you need to add a static route for that specific IP and link it to the correct interface08:38
the_drowI installed the newest version of the driver.08:38
BlackDexthe_drow: what happens if you do `dkms status --all` ?08:39
MacroManBlackDex: I'll look into static routes, thanks08:39
BlackDexwould be something like `sudo ip route add x.x.x.x/32 dev eno1` if i'm correct08:40
the_drowBlackDex, http://dpaste.com/0KYRESF08:41
BlackDexor, if that interface has a default route you could try `sudo ip route add x.x.x.x/32 via <gateway.ip>`08:41
the_drowIt's added but the sources are not there08:43
MacroManBlackDex: how do I specify the route when running a command?08:44
the_drowSo sudo dkms remove evdi/1.0.335 --all did the trick08:44
BlackDexthat is what i just was typing :)08:44
BlackDexthe_drow: you could be more specific for the kernel08:45
the_drowThe module no longer exists in my filesystem08:45
the_drowI installed the newest version.08:45
the_drowAlso, I'm getting /sbin/ldconfig.real: Warning: ignoring configuration file that cannot be opened: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i386-linux-gnu_EGL.conf: No such file or directory08:45
BlackDexyou could use -k 4.4.0-44-generic instead of --all08:45
BlackDexyea in your case there was no kernel attached to it08:45
BlackDexbut when you have other version and only for specific kernels still build08:46
oerheks<the_drow> It's added but the sources are not there  # where do you look ? in  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder?08:46
BlackDexMacroMan: You don't have to08:46
the_drowoerheks, what do you mean?08:46
BlackDexafter you have added the `ip route` all traffic to that IP will go through that interface/gateway08:47
oerheksyou stated it is added to the sources, but you cannot find it, where did you look?08:47
the_drowoerheks, I built it manually from their website08:47
the_drowThe older version was installed somehow on my system before that08:47
MacroManBlackDex: I don't think I asked my question well enough. When I run wget, I need to be able to choose which interface it goes over. Can I do that?08:48
BlackDexMacroMan: No you can't as far as i know. So the only way to do that is by using a static route via `ip route add`08:49
MacroManA static route is setting the route for an IP range or host?08:49
ppfwhat are the default xenial package repos?08:50
RojolaI need help unmounting a busy harddrive (external HD)08:51
BlackDexMacroMan: hmm08:51
BlackDexMacroMan: Try to see if --bind-address will work for you08:51
Rojolalsof showed me many lines08:51
Rojolabut no programs / commands08:51
Rojolawhat shall I do?08:51
madsjRojola: mount, and then unmount08:51
Rojolamadsj, I can not umount08:52
MacroManBlackDex: I did try that, but it failed. I'm think I have a problem with my gsm connection08:52
Rojolamadsj, I get the error "target is busy"08:52
BlackDexthen try the `ip route` suggestion ;)08:53
madsjIf you have a terminal that is cd'ed into a directory, that's one source of that error08:53
oerheksppf,  By default there will be a backup for your sources.list file on the same directory itself.08:53
BlackDexif that also doesn't work there is something with that connection indeed08:53
oerhekselse https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/08:53
madsjor any window that is showing the content of anything under that drive.08:53
ppfoerheks: nice, thanks!08:55
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest55588
geodb27People : hi !08:59
geodb27I'm trying to find a way to do silent install on my ubuntu/xenial as one can do on redhat systems (e.g. silently install ldap-auth-client and configure it via command line arguments). However, every try I've made goes wrong. I can't imagine that ubuntu can't install and configure silently any package, provided it is fed with the right informations. Any clue for me to do as I want ?09:04
tomeaton17I am on ubuntu 17.10. How can I turn off the notifications when a new printer is connected to the network? I work in an office where printers are turned on and off alot, so I am getting spammed with these notifications09:04
hanabishi_Bashing-om are tou on??09:05
geodb27I've already seen that there is something to do with debconf-get-selections and debconf-set-selections, but while the first one succeeds (on another system on which the package I want is installed), the later fails with the values I get.09:05
blackflowtomeaton17: there's a notifications section in the Settings. See if there's anything about network printers.09:17
tomeaton17blackflow: Nothing specifically about printers, there is a network option09:18
blackflowtomeaton17: this was first result in google. see if it helps: https://askubuntu.com/questions/918462/ubuntu-17-04-printer-added-notifications-under-gnome09:19
oerheksgsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.print-notifications active false # looks promising09:22
oerheksinstall dconf-editor for this09:22
oerheks!info dconf-editor09:22
ubottudconf-editor (source: dconf-editor): simple configuration storage system - graphical editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.0-1 (bionic), package size 392 kB, installed size 2122 kB09:22
blackflowtomeaton17: ^^^09:22
tomeaton17okay given that a go, will see what happens :)09:24
tomeaton17That didnt work :( do I need to reboot maybe09:26
oerheksmaybe you need to logout/login again, not sure09:26
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.09:52
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iomarigreetings, I've setup 802.3ad bonding on 4 ports. Whenever I switch ports, I have no network until I rerun "netplan apply" again. Why is this?09:53
TuorHi, how can I find out if squid3 was build with ssl/tls support for my ubuntu 16.04. (I'm installing from default repo).09:55
blackflowTuor: squid(8) manpage explains command line options, specifically -v09:56
srulihow do i recreate .profile, .bash.. files in home dir? (deleted $HOME dir)10:09
guivercsruli, `cp` new ones from /etc/skel/ I guess10:10
sruliguiverc: thanks10:11
pinkisntwell__How do I install the default desktop on 18.10?10:13
EriC^^!ubuntu+1 | pinkisntwell__10:13
ubottupinkisntwell__: Cosmic Cuttlefish is the codename for Ubuntu 18.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+110:13
pinkisntwell__Sorry, I meant 18.0410:14
EriC^^try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop10:14
EriC^^!info ubuntu-gnome-desktop10:14
ubottuubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB (Only available for amd64; armhf; arm64; i386; ppc64el)10:14
EriC^^yeah that's it10:14
blackflowisn't it just   ubuntu-desktop ?10:16
blackflowubuntu-gnome-desktop is transitional.   use the ubuntu-desktop package directly.10:17
oerheksi think ubuntu-gnome-desktop is correct10:21
blackflowso, default desktop on ubuntu is a transitional package in the universe repo? nah. :)10:22
iomarihow can I run a script when I connect a network cable?10:24
smallville7123Welp first try failed10:26
smallville7123i get handshake failed when attempting to restart the container10:26
oerheksiomari, for what ubuntu version?10:27
blackflowsmallville7123: what container, what are you doing, which ubuntu?10:29
blackflowsmallville7123: there were three questions there :)   but, anyway, I don't think OpenVZ is officially supported on Ubuntu.10:35
blackflow(at any rate, I wouldn't be able to help you with it anyway)10:35
deemI think they ditched openvz support after 8.0410:38
blackflowsomething like that, long time ago anyway10:39
nightwarrior_xxxnick nightwarrior-xxx10:48
nightwarrior_xxxNICK nightwarrior-xxx10:49
nightwarrior_xxxCan anyone help me with changing the nickname?10:49
JimBuntunightwarrior_xxx, #freenode10:50
guivercnightwarrior_xxx, put a "/" at the start of /nick command10:50
deani have windows installed on a different drive as my xubuntu install, and any time i run windows after installing xubuntu, the ubuntu option becomes unavailable10:51
deanin my uefi10:51
nightwarrior_xxxguiverc, I did that but nothing happened10:51
deanis there a way to fix this?10:51
deanboot-repair doesn't fix it10:51
nightwarrior_xxxdean,grub menu is coming or not?10:52
deangrub is gone10:52
deani can select windows from gub10:53
deanbut once i do, grub never shows10:53
deanso, i can access xubuntu as often as i want until i boot up windows once10:53
deanand then it's gone10:53
nightwarrior_xxxdean,m=so you means grub is shown only once ?10:54
deanit'll show forever, so long as i never boot windows10:54
deanbut once i boot windows, grub is no longer shown10:54
deanand it isn't in my uefi options10:54
nightwarrior_xxxdean,then you can do one thing install grub menu again10:55
deanand i know that my xubuntu is installed with efi because i installed it with a efi partition10:55
deanwith boot-repair?10:55
deani've done that over a half dozen times10:55
deanmaybe a dozen10:55
deemdean: Windows overwrites the Boot record everytime10:56
deemThat's a feature, because it detects its record as "broken"10:56
deanuh, how do i dual boot then?10:57
nightwarrior_xxxdean,see there are few things to dual boot10:57
deani dual booted fine back in '0410:57
deansure with mbr10:57
deemI can't remember exactly, cause I don't use dual boot anymore10:57
nightwarrior_xxxdisable quick boot10:57
ubottuTo ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages10:58
deanwhat does quick boot do?10:58
deancause i can still access my uefi bios10:58
EriC^deem: there must be an option in your bios to change ubuntu to top of the list10:58
EriC^sorry dean not deem10:58
deanit doesn't show in my bios10:58
deanit isn't an option10:58
EriC^dean: try setting the admin password you might get extra options10:58
EriC^acer's like that, not making this up :D10:59
hanabishi_please help10:59
deani have an asrock z77 extreme410:59
deanstill, i guess i could try it10:59
deangah, this is turning into dozens of hours10:59
deanfigure it'd be simple10:59
EriC^dean: did i help you earlier in the week?11:00
EriC^ok, the motherboard looked familiar11:00
deanbut it didn't work11:00
EriC^dean: what didn't11:00
deani decided to reinstall xubuntu to see if that would work11:00
deemdean: maybe this can help you: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229433711:00
deanbut it didn't11:00
EriC^dean: what did we do? did we switch the windows and ubuntu files?11:01
EriC^cause that'll almost certainly work11:01
CfhowlettThis ain't windows.  Stop reinstalling to fix things11:01
nightwarrior_xxxdean,you have to do dual boot?11:01
deanno, we didn't finish11:02
EriC^dean: yeah i'd remember a uefi dead-end, i've never really had one *yet*11:02
deanEric^ i generated a lot of log files11:02
deannightwarrior_xxx do you have a better way?11:03
EriC^dean: are you booted in ubuntu right now?11:03
deanthis is one thing i do know that might be messing things up11:03
deani have ubuntu files in my windows drive11:04
deanboot files11:04
deanare they supposed to be there?11:04
EriC^in the efi partition11:04
EriC^dean: boot into ubuntu or a live usb and come back here11:04
deanokay, just a thought, cause my first install failed11:04
deani can't boot into ubuntu11:05
hanabishi_Please help11:05
deani can use the live cd11:05
hanabishi_i can't install runit11:05
EriC^remember check the bios, set an admin password and see if you get more options11:05
deani'll check11:05
EriC^k try the bios, then live usb if that fails, boot the live usb in uefi mode though11:05
deani only have like an hour11:05
deanmy usb has been failing to boot too now for some reason11:05
EriC^np we can be done in 10mins max, i've to make lunch too11:05
deanso my boot-repair usb doesn't work11:05
deananyway, be right back in ubuntu live cd11:06
cryptoHey, i just downloaded a torrent form a russian guy who is very eager to know when i have installed his shit. ClamAV says the .sh and other files are fine. But in still nervous. Any tips?11:06
JimBuntucrypto, run it on a fresh install that you plan to wipe after. ( if you must )11:07
JimBuntucrypto, no networking enabled either. No bluetooth/etc. Depending on how paranoid you are, trash the hardware after.11:08
cryptoyeah thats a good tip. how about a solution that doesnt reqiure me to install linux on another hdd? :P11:08
blackflowtrash the hardware after, ain't joking. IME and all that carp.....11:08
blackflowseriously though.11:08
cryptothrow it in the trash? basically? xD11:09
blackflowwell you can't be sure, can you? unless you have fully open sourced mobo whith no hidden minixes lurking from random chips.11:09
CfhowlettCrypto some good reason you getting files from Vlad and not from the repos?11:10
cryptohmm i almost forgot about VM's what if i just installed a VM and tested it there? should be fine right?11:10
JimBuntublackflow, well, that eliminates Intel processors, lol11:10
blackflowCfhowlett: I resent that stereotypical naming!11:10
blackflowcrypto: no, can't be sure with VMs either. it's a popular myth that VMs offer any kind of guaranteed security.11:10
blackflowI mean just look at all the qemu/kvm/xen vulns published last year alone...11:11
DrManhattan2700x vs 8400 = Box is for deep learning programming and gaming - has a 1080ti - which CPU would you guys recommend and why?11:11
DrManhattanIf I could bother you all for your opinions11:11
cryptoWell, Vlad, if he is a honest guy, has some cool shit if it works. i know alot of cool russians, but never spoke to this one.11:12
DrManhattanMy current setup is dual x5650 for 24 logical cores with 24gb ECC ram, same video card11:12
cryptoFucking VM's11:13
cryptoWell ill just wont take the chance then...11:13
DrManhattanOMG, I'm so sorry guys, I thought I was in Hardware11:13
JimBuntuDrManhattan, more GPUs for deep learning.11:14
cryptofucking hell. Or acutally my old laptop i could try it on. PROBLEM IS: if it works, it can still be malicious!11:14
blackflowcrypto: language....11:14
JimBuntucrypto, blackflow means, please don't curse/swear/etc.11:15
DrManhattanJimBuntu, I want to learn more before I spend the money - by the time I am in need of more GPU power, there will be new generations of cards11:15
DrManhattanat the very least I'll be able to afford a GRID card on the cheap11:15
cryptoah sorry for that11:15
dean_i'm back11:16
dean_so a password didn't get me any more options11:17
EriC^any luck with the bios?11:17
dean_and i already had fast boot turned off11:17
EriC^type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"11:17
dean_says i can't access /dev/ sr011:19
dean_read only11:19
dean_which is weird since that's all i need11:19
cryptoAny programs that anyone would recommend to scan possibly malicious files?11:19
dean_then it started mounting drives11:20
hanabishi_hello everyone, to day i'm solve a problem about can't run runit for git and git-all11:20
hanabishi_then i'm fix it by https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WrxsxpCvqx/11:21
blackflowcrypto: any such programs rely on databases of _known_ malware, so..... still can't be sure :)11:23
JimBuntucrypto, ClamAV, ESET NOD32, Sophos, Comodo.  However, I don't think any of these will help against code that is simply malicious/bad.11:25
cryptoah fudge11:26
cryptoWell... thanks for the help anyways. i will try to install these files on my old laptop. And just feel it through and hope for the best.11:27
JimBuntucrypto, good luck!11:27
EriC^dean_: i'll brb in 10mins, sorry11:28
=== dbugger__ is now known as Dbugger
EriC^dean_: back, type "sudo mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt"11:42
dean_okay, did11:42
EriC^dean_: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done11:43
dean_EriC^: okay11:44
EriC^dean_: sudo chroot /mnt11:44
dean_EriC^: okay11:45
striveGotta love those one-liners.11:45
blackflowyou forgot /dev/shm11:45
EriC^dean_: mount -a11:45
blackflowideally, just     mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc; mount -R /dev /mnt/dev  and mount -R /sys /mnt/sys11:45
EriC^/run is needed for apt11:46
blackflowit needn't be hosts' /run tho11:47
blackflowin fact, iirc it shouldn't even, due to clashes with services using /run outside of the chroot11:48
EriC^dean_: done?11:49
dean_sorry, thought i was the one waiting :/11:49
EriC^dean_: (ls -lR /boot/efi; lsblk) | nc termbin.com 999911:50
EriC^dean_: type "cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi{,.backup}"11:54
EriC^dean_: cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi11:56
EriC^dean_: sed -i 's/bootmgfw.efi/bootmgfw.efi.backup/' /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft11:58
EriC^dean_: update-grub12:00
EriC^dean_: try rebooting12:00
=== coolchris is now known as Guest77148
deanso, i'm missing files i guess12:12
EriC^dean: what happened?12:13
deanit tried to auto boot into windows i'm guessing12:13
EriC^ok and what did it say12:13
deanbut it said that the efi files were missing12:13
deani tried to take a picture but it was too short a time12:14
EriC^wow, it must check if it's genuinley the windows efi file12:14
deanit was like boot/efi/grubs12:14
EriC^aha, did it complain about grubx64.efi ?12:14
EriC^i've seen that with my hp, it continued to boot though12:14
EriC^ok, we can copy grub to the efi dir and it should be ok then12:15
deani think it said that it was missing though12:15
EriC^dean: are you in the live usb right now?12:15
deanlive cd12:15
EriC^dean_: type "sudo mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt"12:17
EriC^dean_: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done12:18
EriC^dean: sudo chroot /mnt12:19
EriC^dean: mount -a12:19
EriC^dean: try "grub-install"12:21
deaninstallation finished. no problems12:21
EriC^dean: try "ls -l /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi"12:21
dean-rwx------ 1 root root 1116024 Jun 18 05:21 /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi12:22
EriC^dean: nice12:22
EriC^dean: try "cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot"12:22
deanshall i try once more then?12:22
deanah, okay12:23
BluesKajHey folks12:23
EriC^dean: ok give it a shot rebooting12:25
EriC^dean: if it doesn't work, try to enable secureboot it might work then12:26
dean_so, i can boot into ubuntu again12:27
dean_and it's option 112:27
dean_there's also an option for the windows boot12:28
dean_but that one's always messed up my bootloader12:28
dean_i figured i'd at least try to boot before the option might disappear12:28
dean_i'm going back in to inspect my bios a bit more carefully12:29
deanshould i try using the windows bootloader?12:32
deanor do you think that'd delete grub?12:32
EriC^yeah try using it12:32
EriC^if it deletes it that'd be pretty impressive12:33
deanit looks like it's working12:36
EriC^hmm nice12:36
deanso what does all this mean?12:36
EriC^i guess a happy ending12:37
deanwhat did you do though?  change paths?12:37
deanmoved some files around?12:37
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
EriC^yeah i switched the efi files so the bios thinks its booting windows12:37
EriC^and edited grub to look for the alternate name for windows12:38
deanwindows update shouldn't mess around with them?12:38
EriC^if you run some windows updates in the future, it might reverse what we did, depending on the updates12:38
deani guess i'll see12:38
EriC^it's pretty rare but happens sometimes, then you'll need to repeat the steps12:38
deanwell, thanks for all the help12:39
EriC^no problem12:39
deanthis is rare though?12:39
EriC^windows update reversing?12:39
deani just figured that it'd be easy to dual boot on a separate drive12:39
mingdaoHow do I start the 18.04 Live USB without an X server ... just console?12:39
EriC^i'd say maybe once a year i have to switch the files again12:39
EriC^mingdao: try adding "text" to the grub line12:40
deani guess uefi messes that up though12:40
deanalright, well have a good night/day12:40
EriC^dean: yeah the manufacturers play hard ball sometimes12:40
EriC^you too12:40
mingdaoEriC^: after /casper/vmlinuz.efi ?12:40
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran
mingdaomy mouse/kbd work there to edit the grub entry, but don't work once the desktop is loaded12:41
EriC^mingdao: yeah, or try "systemd.unit=multi-user.target"12:41
EriC^mingdao: probably "text" doesn't work anymore12:42
mingdaoEriC^: yeah, just FYI ...  adding text it still goes to GUI12:42
mingdaoEriC^: "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" got me to ubuntu login: but kbd still doesn't work12:45
mingdaono joy, time running out12:45
mingdaothis morning12:45
mingdaoEriC^: trying with PS/2 kbd ... what user/pass at that login?12:48
mnr200Can I add gpg/pgp key manually to the gpg key file?12:49
EriC^mingdao: should be user:flavor name password empty12:50
EriC^user: ubuntu/xubuntu etc12:50
mingdaoEriC^: tks12:51
TabMasherCan someone suggest a decent BluRay burning software for Ubuntu?12:55
klemaxI have got a problem after upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04. That happens on only KDE environment. After suspending, when the pc comes back, sddm freezes and I see white screen. I checked the logs and saw some ati drivers error there.13:01
klemaxI am not sure if the problem is a kernel issue or kde.13:02
ppfwhen i try to have a socket listening on port 80, why do i get a Permission denied back?13:03
klemaxIts denied by apache?13:04
Picippf: only the root/sudo user can listen on ports lower than 102413:06
ppfhmm, darn13:06
ppfso i have to start the process as root?13:07
ppfPici: that's not gonna happen. is there a way to disable the restriction13:07
leftyfbppf: use a different port. 8080 for instance13:08
ppfcan't, clients use 80 and are not under my control13:08
leftyfbthen it needs to run as root13:08
leftyfbor with root priv13:09
ppfit's some python program, i'm not runnign that as root ;)13:09
Picippf: the other way is to setup a reverse proxy from your httpd server. so remote clients hit 80, and it 'redirects' to 8080 internally13:10
ppfit's just a twisted app, not a fully fledged webserver13:11
ppfi think i'll just PREROUTE13:11
ppfwell, plus the lo equivalent13:12
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Picippf: ah, okay, that works too.13:15
dave666Hi all,13:16
dave666I am trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 within Ubuntu.13:16
dave666As part of the upgrade, it downloads many packages. Some it fails on, and then the upgrade fails.13:17
ppfdave666: how/why does it fail on the packages13:17
dave666I have started to check the files it tries to download and fails on, and it appears that the file might be missing from the za.archive.ubuntu.com13:17
ppfswitch to another mirror then13:18
ppfthat can happen sometimes during deployment13:18
ppf!paste please13:18
dave666So, I was wondering how I go about checking if the files are really there.13:19
dave666ok - I gotta go to a meeting quick. brb.13:20
=== naman_ is now known as naman712
leftyfbdave666: change your mirror to archive.ubuntu.com13:22
kappa1I had a program running emitting output to the terminal when my pc crashed. Is it possible to see the last emitted output after starting up my system again?13:22
kappa1are you sure?13:24
leftyfbkappa1: unless you had it logging to a file or to kernel messages, then no13:24
kappa1ok thanks13:25
sphinx1yay, it works13:42
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
mistralo1Anyone know how I can stop ubuntu from powering down external drives?13:52
memphistomistralo1: usb ?13:53
mistralo1sata in a usb cradle13:54
memphistomaybe this can help13:56
mistralo1memphisto: umm thats for a mouse?13:58
oerheksIn "Disks" utility, choose your relevant drive, then press Ctrl + e to open Drive Settings, in Standby tab, you can edit standby timeout settings.13:59
mistralo1no gui ;)13:59
oerheksreally, how interesting13:59
memphistomouse as example , but you put the device id13:59
mistralo1memphisto: yeah but from my understanding that coontrols the usb device not the disk14:00
mistralo1in this case the usb device does not power down. The disk does14:00
memphistois it a usb disk ?14:00
mistralo1its a 4 bay usb cradle14:00
memphistoand when power management kicks in you loose all 4 disks , right?14:01
mistralo1no none14:01
memphistowhat happens then ?14:01
mistralo1the hard disk spins down and takes 10-15 seconds to spin up again when i access a file14:01
mistralo1is the usb device powered off. It could cause file system corruption + fschk on remount ;)14:01
mistralo1this isn't something that Linux enables on a disk by default. This is something ubuntu turns on somewhere I want to know where so I can turn it off14:02
memphistomistralo1: use hdparm -B 254 /dev/xxx14:04
mistralo1memphisto: can't use hdparm is a "scsi" on the usb layer14:05
mistralo1I can use sdparm. But then ubuntu ranodmly changes these back14:05
memphistothere is sdparm14:05
mistralo1so how to make that "stick" ?14:06
mistralo1cause ubunutu somewhere keeps turning it back on again14:06
memphistowell, there is /etc/rc.local but i think you won't be using that14:08
mistralo1naaa not enough.... Want it for all disk ever plugged in14:08
memphistothen udev14:10
spreeuwyou may be able to write it to the disk firmware14:11
spreeuwhavent touched disks ina while lol14:12
spreeuwmaybe itys part of a general powersaving profile14:12
spreeuwon a plain linux you fall back to disk firmware defaults14:13
mistralo1yeah which is "Don't spin down"14:13
spreeuwand driver hardcoded defaults14:13
spreeuwtheres also sdparm14:15
mistralo1yeah i get that14:15
mattflyhi im having a serious issue with apt-get update14:15
mistralo1but i set it with sdparm and ubuntu has something that switches it back later14:15
spreeuwcould also be the usb layer14:15
spreeuwDisk Utility -> select HDD drive -> click on the "More actions..." icon on the top right corner -> Drive settings...14:17
mattflyeverything is giving this   Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.K5jJyF for passing config to apt-key  gpg error14:17
mattflybut if i cd to /tmp and touch anything it gives no error14:18
AnticomHi all. I'm trying to set up my machine (16.04) to use ipsec vpn. I've installed network-manager-vpnc-gnome and i was able to add a connection. However now I'm stuck since i need to enter a PSK somewhere but i can't find an option for that in the dialog. I've read about editing /etc/ipsec.secrets however this file seems to be related to strongswan. Now what should i do? Uninstall vpnc and use strongswan instead or is there a way to get this working with14:18
mistralo1spreeuw: its a headless box with no gui14:18
AnticomI'm refering to https://askubuntu.com/questions/586751/where-to-add-the-pre-shared-key-for-the-server-authentication-with-network-manag btw14:18
Anticomis network-manager-l2tp-gnome a viable alternative mentioned in the 2nd answer? It's comming from a ppa and the package is related to vpn so i'm a little concerned14:19
memphistomattfly: you are missing sticky bit in /tmp14:19
mattflyhow  to fix?14:19
memphistochmod 1777 /tmp14:20
Anticommattfly: man chmod14:20
thescientist!search The Salt of the Earth14:21
mattflyI dont get, what should i run14:22
Anticommattfly: memphisto gave you the straight answer... i gave you the answer to learn the concept14:22
mattflystill dont have it fixed...14:23
Anticomprobably because /tmp is not owned by you but root14:23
mattflyim running that as root14:23
mattflyshould I chmod 777 /tmo ?14:24
mattfly i mean tmp14:24
memphistochmod 1777 /tmp  like one seven seven seven14:24
Anticombtw anyone on my question?14:26
memphistoAnticom: can't help with that...sorry14:27
dave666Lets try again - Hi all,14:30
dave666I am trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 within Ubuntu.14:30
dave666As part of the upgrade, it downloads many packages. Some it fails on, and then the upgrade fails.14:30
dave666I have started to check the files it tries to download and fails on, and it appears that the file might be missing from the za.archive.ubuntu.com14:30
dave666So, I was wondering how I go about checking if the files are really there.14:30
dave666I had a look at one file:14:30
memphistochange the repo14:31
memphistoand try again14:31
memphistomy shift is over. i'm off . have a nice day14:32
dave666Thanks memphisto! Cheers14:32
dave666Have a good one too14:32
=== anders is now known as Guest36822
Anticomdave666: have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XenialUpgrades ?14:34
MibixFoxis there a way to restart the service that manages all the disk I have mounted without restarting?14:35
MibixFoxone of my drives is no longer responding14:35
leftyfbMibixFox: just unmount it14:35
MibixFoxwont even let me unmount14:35
leftyfbMibixFox: what error?14:35
MibixFoxunmount failed operation not permitted?14:36
dave666Anticom: I have now read it. Thanks.14:36
Anticomdave666: check back if you have any further issues14:36
leftyfbMibixFox: use sudo14:36
Anticomdist-upgrades are always cumbersome14:36
MibixFoxehh i was trying to use the gui14:37
* Anticom is on xenial still for that very reason14:37
dave666I'm going to try those instructions - and will be back with either thanks or a sad story. :)14:37
leftyfbMibixFox: don't14:37
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MibixFoxi dont know its device name just its mount point14:40
MibixFoxguess ill just restart14:40
AnticomOkay i got the VPN issue sorted. The PSK could be entered into the group pw and it magically worked14:41
AnticomAnother issue i'm faced with now is connecting to a windows 10 network share. I never actually configured smb myself so any advice / tutorial / reference etc. ?14:42
leftyfbMibixFox: sudo umount /path/to/mount/point14:44
MibixFoxyeah it didnt work14:45
leftyfbMibixFox: what error?14:45
leftyfbMibixFox: "didn't work" doesn't help14:45
MibixFoxcouldnt find the mount point i guess i forget the error already reset14:45
Travis9201I am having problems with the kernel in ubuntu 18.04 LTS I would like to downgrade the kernel but I do not know how to in ubuntu... Could I do it with a live USB and Mount the Installion I just did with the terminal I just installed it and I did an update...14:45
leftyfbMibixFox: "mount" will show you all the mount points14:45
MibixFoxi had the mount point14:46
leftyfbTravis9201: there's no reason you can't install a kernel in the running OS14:46
leftyfbMibixFox: you said, "couldnt find the mount point". That tells me you didn't use the correct mount point14:46
MibixFoxi think it was already dismounted or something14:46
MibixFoxi had the correct /mnt/ adddress14:47
MibixFoxi thought i needed the /dev/ address14:47
Travis9201leftyfb : If I could I would but it seems after the update I did seems when I restarted it hangs on the logo and goes into a hibernation state and it shuts down I had this problem before but I don't know how to change the kernel in Ubuntu...14:47
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plasmoduckWarning: Permanently added 'github.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.14:50
plasmoduckHow do I undo this?14:50
plasmoduckI followed this instruction: git clone git@github.com:dotzero/RaspberryPi-MOTD.git and it looks like it done something dodgy14:50
plasmoduckI added some rsa trusted host14:50
leftyfbplasmoduck: it's just a public key in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. ... it's not "dodgy" at all14:51
MibixFoxmm lovely the drive isnt showing up even after a restart14:51
plasmoduckbut im just trying to download something from git14:52
leftyfbplasmoduck: cloning a github repo does nothing other than copy the repo to the $CWD14:52
plasmoduckso ive allowed someone access to ssh into me?14:52
leftyfbplasmoduck: yes, github will use ssh14:52
leftyfbplasmoduck: no14:52
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plasmoduckhow do I remove it anyhow14:52
leftyfbplasmoduck: you used ssh to clone the repo. As opposed to http14:52
plasmoduckid rather just use the clone url method14:53
leftyfbplasmoduck: undo what?14:53
plasmoduckThe command I used was: git clone git@github.com:dotzero/RaspberryPi-MOTD.git14:53
leftyfbplasmoduck: you want to delete the repo and reclone it used http? What do you think that will accomplish?14:53
plasmoduckand it added a key14:53
plasmoduckI want to removed the allowed stored key from my computer14:53
leftyfbplasmoduck: it's just a public thumbprint of the repo14:53
plasmoduckyes but have never used this method, nor seen this before, how do I undo hat I have down?14:54
AnticomBasically i'd like to have the share mounted somewhere if available but it might not be if i'm not in the vpn14:54
leftyfbplasmoduck: first, you take off the tin foil hat. Then you delete the entry from ~/.ssh/known_hosts14:54
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* Anticom likes tin foil hats14:55
leftyfbplasmoduck: https://www.ssh.com/ssh/host-key  some light reading14:55
leftyfbplasmoduck: The point is, there's nothing nefarious or malicious about having the host_key of github.com pulled down onto your system with all the other host keys of every device you've ever connected to via ssh.14:57
Travis9201Could anyone tell me how to downgrade my kernel please I am having some trouble with the updates that i just did its hanging up on the logo when I restart my computer... I would need some helpl please thanks14:58
Travis9201if I can do it on a live usb with ubuntu on it that would be really helpful thanks14:59
leftyfbTravis9201: http://karlcode.owtelse.com/blog/2017/03/13/reverting-to-a-previous-kernel/14:59
* SporkWitch has a well-commented known_hosts file in his configs git repo, signs the commit whenever he updates / adds / removes a computer14:59
Travis9201leftyfb: Thanks15:03
sh0thi guys I upgraded to ubuntu 18.04, now I have some problems in connecting to eduroam. I set it up as usual, but now when it tries to connect it says something like "Password or encryption keys are required to access the wifi"15:07
sh0tany ideas?15:07
Travis9201leftyfb: Linux is doing the same thing that linux is doing its hanging up on when its loading what I did when you send me a the URL I don't understand the Installion was find I don't know what the problem...15:11
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HyP3rhello, a short question about 50unattended-upgrades: I have a foreign source: "deb http://build.openvpn.net/debian/openvpn/stable xenial main" and want that packages from there are also updated automatically15:13
HyP3rHow can I write this in the "Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins" <-?15:13
leftyfbTravis9201: was released in May. I doubt verymuch your issue has anything to do with your kernel15:13
Travis9201leftyfb: I had the same thing happen in Arch Linux I had to install the Linux-LTS and always place the opition in the grub and it work find I don't know if I have to do the same thing in Ubuntu15:14
leftyfbTravis9201: what option?15:15
yecril71pl1Hi, I have a problem with screen locking on 18.04.  I told GNOME shell not to lock the screen but it still does.  Moreover, I am unable to unlock it back (except by using loginctl).15:17
Travis9201leftyfb: What Option? The Linux-LTS I installed thow the terminal while installing Arch-Linux it was to do with the Kernel I know what the problem is... But am not understanding if I could do the same thing while in the Ubuntu Live Installion... I just need to know how to mount and get into the User Account While in the Live USB Image15:19
chron0s_hi guys, i have a problem. I kinda fucked up my SD Card and I cant mount it anymore. So i tried to format it via gparted and fdisk however it seems like the card cant be found(fdisk -l) and i get an i/o error. I can see it via lsblk. Anyone got an idea ? :/15:21
webmindhow did you fuck it up?15:22
chron0s_i copied some binary into the rootfs.15:22
chron0s_as descriped here: https://github.com/OP-TEE/build/blob/master/docs/rpi3.md#57-other-root-filesystems-than-initramfs-based15:22
chron0s_it is diveded into 2 parts boot and rootfs and i kinda exchanged the binary files in the rootfs. the boot partion is still mounted15:25
Travis9201After Mounting The /dev/sda1 in Live-USB Ubuntu How can I access the Username or FileSystem to getinto my installition that I created or installed and install things throw the terminal15:26
Travis9201while in the USB-Live15:26
chron0s_@webmind, any ideas ? :(15:29
JimBuntuHyP3r, https://askubuntu.com/questions/87849/how-to-enable-silent-automatic-updates-for-any-repository15:38
HyP3rJimBuntu: ok thanks15:39
leftyfbguest-jnmTUe: can we help you with something?15:43
chron0s_hi guys, i have a problem. I kinda fucked up my SD Card and I cant mount it anymore. So i tried to format it via gparted and fdisk however it seems like the card cant be found(fdisk -l) and i get an i/o error. I can see it via lsblk. Anyone got an idea ? :/15:44
chron0s_the sd card is divided into 2 partions15:44
Kardisis there a way to use my graphic gard with nvidia 304 driver?15:45
chron0s_and the rootfs is not mountable anymore15:45
guest-jnmTUei need15:45
guest-jnmTUeinternet point15:45
Kardisfree driver not work very well15:46
Kardisand no support for my graphics card15:46
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
sh0thi guys I upgraded to ubuntu 18.04, now I have some problems in connecting to eduroam. I set it up as usual, but now when it tries to connect it says something like "Password or encryption keys are required to access the wifi" any ideas?15:50
Akuwwhat is this --->    https://pastebin.com/AU2xiGWP15:52
Akuwhard drive15:52
ash_worksiis there some default configuration that blocks dig answers for ANY because it 'might be too big' ?15:54
yecril71pl1How do I configure postgres94?15:55
EriC^^Akuw: yes that's a hard drive15:55
ash_worksiyecril71pl1: too ambiguous; what do you want to configure?15:55
Akuwbut it is a phisycal proble right15:55
Akuwits a SSD15:56
leftyfbAkuw: bad drive15:57
yecril71pl1Nothing happens when I tell the software manager to launch postgresql9416:02
compdocshould be a log file16:02
yecril71pl1oerheks: thank you, I need 9.416:06
yecril71pl1I have various things in /snap/postgres9416:11
yecril71pl1but I have no idea how to use them16:11
naccyecril71pl1: do you know what snaps are?16:12
naccyecril71pl1: and did you mean /snap/postgresql94 ?16:15
yecril71pl1I do not know what snaps are16:16
yecril71pl1Right, /snap/postgresql9416:17
yecril71pl1I do not know how to run a snap16:17
naccyecril71pl1: snaps are an alternative packaging format16:17
naccyecril71pl1: is this your system? or a shared system?16:17
yecril71pl1It is my system16:17
naccyecril71pl1: if yours, you had to install the snap at some point.16:17
yecril71pl1I have just installed it16:18
yecril71pl1but I have no idea what to do with it16:18
naccyecril71pl1: so you installed something but don't know what it is?16:18
naccyecril71pl1: that's a rather sad state of affairs16:18
yecril71pl1nacc: I know what it is.  I do not know how to start it.16:19
naccyecril71pl1: did you specifically want PG 9.4?16:19
yecril71pl1Yes, I did16:19
naccyecril71pl1: in any case, type postgresql94.<tab>16:19
yecril71pl1And I agree that my ignorance is sad :-(16:19
* yecril71pl1 has found file:///snap/postgresql94/52/usr/share/doc/postgresql/html/index.html16:21
naccyecril71pl1: did you try what i suggested?16:21
naccyecril71pl1: i believe it's actually just `postgresql94`16:22
blackflowyecril71pl1: may I ask why do you need postgres 9.4 specifically?16:22
oerhekswe dropped 9.4 some time ago.. https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=postgresql16:22
blackflowoerheks: it's a snap16:22
yecril71pl1Because my server requires it.16:22
yecril71pl1postgres does not know where to find the server configuration file.16:22
blackflow.... owned by a random company, and not pgdg, by the way.16:22
yecril71pl1blackflow: random or not, it is in the store.16:23
blackflowyecril71pl1: well that's what I'm asking, why do you require 9.4 specifically. what is it that 9.6 can't accomplish?16:23
oerheksjups, anyone can make a ppa/snap/flatpack16:23
blackflowor postgres 10 in bionic.16:23
* yecril71pl1 shall try postgres 1016:24
naccfwiw, the snap documentation appears to be at https://github.com/commandprompt/postgresql-snap16:25
Richard_CavellWhat version of gcc is with Ubuntu 18.04?16:29
Richard_CavellI'm on 16.04 and it uses 5.4.0, which is too old for me16:29
oerheksas it is LTS, it will be a stable version16:29
oerheks!find gcc16:29
ubottuFound: gcc, gcc-7, gcc-7-aarch64-linux-gnu, gcc-7-aarch64-linux-gnu-base, gcc-7-arm-linux-gnueabihf, gcc-7-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base, gcc-7-base, gcc-7-cross-base, gcc-7-doc, gcc-7-multilib (and 1045 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all16:29
oerheks!info gcc-716:30
ubottugcc-7 (source: gcc-7): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 7.3.0-16ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 7511 kB, installed size 26728 kB16:30
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
oerhekspretty up2date, looking @ https://packages.debian.org/sid/gcc-716:32
* Richard_Cavell has to install VirtualBox because 18.04 won't run on his machine16:34
naccRichard_Cavell: do you actually need a VM? just use a container16:35
yecril71pl1It seems that snaps cannot write to /var16:41
naccyecril71pl1: if they are confined, no they cannot16:41
yecril71pl1but I do not want to store data in /snap16:42
naccyecril71pl1: did you read the github pages?16:42
naccyecril71pl1: then don't use snaps.16:42
yecril71pl1nacc, all, it is up and running.  Thank you so much :-)16:49
=== yecril71pl1 is now known as yecril71pl
naccyecril71pl: cool16:50
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yecril71plDETAIL:  The database was initialized with LC_COLLATE "en_US.UTF-8",  which is not recognized by setlocale().16:59
yecril71plthe locale is called en_US.utf8 in Ubuntu.17:00
badbodhhello. is there anyway to see a list of snapstore only on ubuntu software 18.0417:02
yecril71plthey are all in /snap17:03
badbodhyecril71pl, so nothing on gui ?17:03
AnimalFarmPigIf I want to submit a patch to some code in an Ubuntu package, what do I need to do?17:03
badbodhis it bug or intended behavior ?17:03
yecril71plbadbodh: Ubuntu Software17:04
nythalcrow think 18.04 is very nice17:04
* jeffree yells17:05
naccjeffree: please stop.17:05
badbodhyecril71pl, there's editor picks n stuff. nothing 'snap' specific17:05
naccbadbodh: you mean you want to see what snaps are available in the software center?17:05
badbodhsuggestions do include some snapstore items17:05
jeffreenacc: since you asked17:05
naccyecril71pl: /snap is about your system, not the store.17:05
badbodhnacc, aye. a list of all snaps17:05
naccAnimalFarmPig: file a bug17:05
AnimalFarmPigthere's a bug in the `guake` package in 18.04. It's an easy fix.17:06
AnimalFarmPigbug already filed17:06
naccAnimalFarmPig: ok, download the sourcepackage, make the change, submit the debdiff17:06
yecril71plbadbodh: the desktop application shows you snamps17:06
AnimalFarmPigit's a 1 line of code change to fix the bug, or could be fixed by adding a dependency to the package17:06
naccAnimalFarmPig: do you know how ubuntu source pakages work?17:06
badbodhyecril71pl, can you be more specific? you can be as "advanced" as possible17:06
AnimalFarmPignacc: cool. Where do I submit to? I'm looking through the "contributing" section of the wiki don't see detail17:07
naccAnimalFarmPig: you submit it as an attachment in the bug17:07
AnimalFarmPignacc: ehhh.... I've built some source packages before, but been a while. You have a handy link to documentation?17:07
badbodhi know the archwiki page for snapd. command line isn't a problem, i was wondering if the software centre could be made to list all available snapps17:07
AnimalFarmPigor know what I should search for17:07
badbodhit does suggest on home page, so it definitely reads the snapd17:08
badbodhbut it's a mix of repo and snap17:08
badbodhi hope i'm being coherent :D17:08
naccAnimalFarmPig: roughly: `pull-lp-source guake bionic; cd guake; <make your changes>; dpkg-source --commit (and then edit the quilt patch); dep3changelog debian/patches/<path to your patch>; dpkg-buildpackage -S -nc -d -uc -us; cd ../; debdiff <old>.dsc <new>.dsc17:09
naccbadbodh: you should ask in #snappy17:09
naccbadbodh: the store does not "read" snapd17:09
yecril71plbadbodh: gnome-software.desktop17:10
AnimalFarmPigawesome. I've been using Ubuntu for quite a while, figure it's time to learn how to contribute. Thanks, nacc!17:10
naccAnimalFarmPig: yw; there are git repos now for packages in main, but the above will work (roughly) for all packages17:10
badbodhyecril71pl, tell me where to click https://kek.gg/i/7FqLfN.png17:11
AnimalFarmPignacc: cool. I'll take a look. Need to get back to work now, but you've definitely given me enough info to figure it out myself. Thanks again!17:12
naccbadbodh: you can't search 'by snap'  if that's what you're asking17:12
naccAnimalFarmPig: no problem17:13
badbodhnacc, thank you. now i'll excuse myself to allow that disappointment sink in :)17:13
naccbadbodh: i mean it would be sort of bad in principle17:14
naccbadbodh: the eventual goal is you don't notice what the source of the package is17:14
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badbodhyeah, i heard the story. malware and stuff17:14
badbodhno problems. there's always other ways to skin a mongoose17:14
naccI believe if you pick a specific app, you can tell17:15
badbodhthere's editor's pick too. i guess those are safe to download17:15
naccbadbodh: editor's picks is store curation; it doesn't refer to snap or deb, afaik17:16
badbodhsome are snaps, some are from repo17:17
badbodhlook at my screenshot. there's libreoffice in editor's pick which is snap btw17:17
wadQuick printing question: There's a printer at work, I've got the IP address, I can hit it in my browser and see all kinds of stats on the printer, I've downloaded the PPD, I'm installing it, but it's asking for the "Device URI". The IP address alone doesn't work. Ideas?17:17
badbodhbut when i search libreoffice directly, only repo (preinstalled) shows up17:17
wadI've googled around, trying to figure out what I should specify for the device URI, into the printer settings.17:17
badbodhi am trying to understand the logic behind inconsistencies17:18
badbodhif i may call that17:18
hrehfhmm, why is ubuntu still downloading updates from http:// sources? is this secure?17:18
wadI've tried "ipp://" but the printer doesn't respond. I know it's listening on port 80 on that IP address.17:19
hrehfare checksums guaranteed to download from https?17:19
JimBuntu&e wad, is it an hp?17:19
naccbadbodh: not the behavior here (on 18.04)17:19
wadIt's a Kyocera TASKalfa 4551ci17:19
wadI've got the exact PPD file for it installed on my Ubuntu box.17:20
wadAll is well.... except that NOPLACE can I find information on what to specify for the device URI. :(17:20
nacchrehf: https://askubuntu.com/questions/352952/are-repository-lists-secure-is-there-an-https-version17:21
badbodhnacc, i guess https://snapcraft.io/store will do for now17:21
nacchrehf: and perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SecureApt17:21
badbodhsecureapt. pfft! back in the days we had plaintext passwords over http17:22
hrehfnacc: thanks, I didn't find anything with my search terms17:22
nacchrehf: my google query was "ubuntu apt https"17:22
hrehfhmm, I installed chromium from Software & Updates. I just uninstalled & reinstalled it, but now my bookmarks are gone, any ideas how to recover them? again, my google foo is bad :(17:41
NoIdeaIs right-click menus in the system tray not working a known issue in Trusty Tahr?17:43
NoIdeaI know Trusty is an old version, but there are good reasons why I can't upgrade right now, until some health issues I'm having improve.17:43
NoIdeaSo I thought it was worth asking, in case anybody does know about this and there's a way round it.17:45
hackinghornhi, what is the latest version?17:45
beaver<- bionic hackinghorn17:46
NoIdeaBionic, would that be an LTS?17:47
beaveryes NoIdea17:48
NoIdeathanks Beaver.  Any idea about the system try thing in Trusty?17:50
NoIdeaThey used to work, I'm sure.17:50
carsten__Hello! My name is Carsten from Nordhorn German. I am struggeling with the setup of my DVBsky 950 V3 PCIe card. My system show the card, but the driver wont be loaded. Is there any irc chat for Mythbuntu or arround DVB cards?17:57
ikoniacarsten__: what happens when you try to load the module ?17:58
ikoniawhat version of ubuntu ?17:58
Dexx1_Hey guys. When I put in a sdcard into my sdcard reader, the drive doesn't show up. How can I get it working?17:58
carsten__it is the Mythbuntu 16.04 with update to Mythtv 2917:59
carsten__i have not so much routine in configuring linux... how to load the module?18:00
carsten__DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Montage Technology M88DS3103)...18:01
carsten__[   26.354499] SMI PCIe driver 0000:02:00.0: DVBSky S950 V3 port 1 MAC: 00:18:33:54:05:5118:01
carsten__[   26.691952] Registered IR keymap rc-dvbsky18:01
carsten__[   26.692028] rc rc0: IR (DVBSky S950 V3) as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/rc/rc018:01
carsten__[   26.692075] input: IR (DVBSky S950 V3) as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/rc/rc0/input418:01
carsten__[   39.672829] m88ds3103 1-0068: Direct firmware load for dvb-demod-m88ds3103.fw failed with error -218:01
Richard_CavellHi everyone. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop 64-bit inside a VM with VirtualBox. Am i right in thinking that I don't need to install guest additions in 18.04 because that stuff's already in there?18:03
carsten__ Direct firmware load for dvb-demod-m88ds3103.fw failed with error -2  - how to fix this problem?18:05
carsten__where  will Mythbuntu search for the firmware if not in /lib/firmware/ ?18:06
carsten__join/ #ubuntu-mythtv18:11
cd2usbhi, is there an iso that acts as an "wrapper" to boot to usb? the infrastructure is slightly old and doesnt support boot from usb.18:23
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cd2usbplop boot manager would be it , i guess18:27
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yecril71plGNOME lock screen does not let me back in18:28
yecril71plThe password control does not show, only the date18:29
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mrvanesIs anyone of the ubuntu packagers in here?18:32
naccmrvanes: what is your specific question?18:37
mrvanesThere seems to be a libva mismatch18:37
mrvaneslibmyth depends on libva1 which isn't available in bionic18:37
mrvanesso, initialising libva acceleration now fails18:38
naccRichard_Cavell: what do you mean by "already in there"? is that perhaps a question for virtualbox?18:38
mrvanesI still have libva1 libs lying around from 1 xenial, but there are no accompanying i965 driver to handle the job18:38
leftyfbmrvanes: the proper/only way to get something like that fixed is by filing a bug18:39
mrvanesbionic comes with libva2 and drivers18:39
mrvanesSo my CPU is very unhappy now18:39
naccmrvanes: on bionic, libmyth depends on libmva218:39
mrvanesAnd I miss deinterlacing filter18:39
naccmrvanes: are you trying to install the 16.04 libmyth?18:40
mrvanesdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.29/ubuntu bionic main18:40
mrvanesapt update/upgrade18:40
naccmrvanes: that's a PPA, not an ubuntu package18:40
naccmrvanes: contact the PPA owner if they have a problem with their package18:41
mrvaneslibmyth                               2:29.1+fixes.20180610.675676b-0ubuntu0mythbuntu4 amd6418:41
oerheksmrvanes, odd, i read libva2 ... https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libmyth18:41
naccmrvanes: right, not the ubuntu version.18:41
nacc!info libmyth bionic18:41
ubottulibmyth (source: mythtv): Common library code for MythTV and add-on modules (runtime). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:29.1+fixes.20180414.329c235-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 13062 kB, installed size 44153 kB18:41
oerheksoh ppa, then you must ask the maintainer of that ppa18:41
mrvanesI assumed I was at the right  place for that?18:41
leftyfbmrvanes: contact the PPA maintainer18:41
naccmrvanes: uh, no.18:42
mrvanesbecause the ppa is maintained by mythbuntu people?18:42
oerheksno, you need to use email/launchpad18:42
leftyfboerheks: https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+contactuser18:42
mrvanesI did, just thought I'd give it a try here?18:42
naccmrvanes: no, it's not supported. PPA packages are only supported by their owner.18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1777314 in Mythbuntu "Libva1 is unavailable in Bionic" [Undecided,New]18:42
naccIm going to reject that bug18:42
mrvanesOk, fair enough18:42
oerheksbionic gives the same version..18:43
mrvanesSo, for my understanding... there is a 0.29 in ubuntu repo that depends on libva2?18:43
naccmrvanes: yes.18:44
oerheksi posted the url18:44
mrvanesIs that this one 2:29.1+fixes.20180610.675676b-0ubuntu0mythbuntu218:45
mrvanesOh, no it's the 0414 version, I see it18:45
Beasthow do I create a upgrade report? During upgrade there were 3 packages that weren't able to be retreved, but I didnt take notice at the time.18:48
BeastI m in the software center trying to get history but it doesnt seem to want to give me an output, just refreshes unendelessly18:50
mrvanesrebooting (drumroll)18:52
mrvanesvaapicontext.cpp:173 (Create) VAAPI: Driver : Intel i965 driver for Intel(R) Bay Trail - 2.1.018:54
naccBeast: you mean an `apt upgrade` report?18:56
naccBeast: look in /var/log/apt/history.log and /var/log/apt/term.log18:56
carsten__Is there anyone who know something about dvb-s card configuration in ubuntu 16.04?18:57
Beastah, yeah possibly. I just want to find out what were the packages that weren retrieved and see if I can install them now, or if they're deprecated.18:57
Beastok, thanks nacc.18:58
naccBeast: yeah, i think that should get logged there (but not sure)18:59
tomreynsoftware center would be snaps, though, isnt it?19:01
nacctomreyn: it has snaps and debs19:01
nacctomreyn: so it technically depends; but as far as 'upgrades' go, only debs get upgraded that way19:01
nacctomreyn: snaps refresh via snapd periodically on their own19:01
tomreynif it works, yes ;)19:02
tomreynthanks for explaining, i wasn't aware software center proviced access to (a subset of) both snaps and apt.19:02
oerhekstype snap in search, and softwarecenter gives a list... but unfortunatly, hard to look into19:05
nacctomreyn: yeah, i think in all releases, but definitely in 16.04+19:11
tomreyni see. i don't usually use software center, prefer apt.19:15
curlyears'greetings, all19:17
nacctomreyn: yeah me neither, just aware of it :)19:18
curlyearsOK.  When i woke my system up this morning, I tried, after checking my morning email, to open up my browser,Firefox.  For some reason, my system pops up a box which has: "Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded/It may me missiing or inaccessible"19:24
curlyearshopw did this hap[pen, and what is it?  (broad questions, I know.  I need help in finding the answers19:24
EriC^^curlyears: might have ran sudo on a gui program or firefox19:28
leftyfbcurlyears: have you run a drive/filesystem check?19:28
EriC^^try "sudo find ~ ! -user $USER "19:28
curlyearsleftyfb:   fdis?19:29
oerheksis this after you put your data back in your /home/  ?19:29
oerheksoops too early19:29
curlyearsoerheks:  as a matter oif fact, yes19:32
leftyfbcurlyears: fdisk is not a a disk/filesystem check19:35
curlyearsEriC^^:   Should I run fisk?19:35
EriC^^curlyears: no, work on oerheks lead19:35
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest99567
dabauer_so this IRC????19:35
cesI'm running KDE Neon (based on 16.04) and my DNS is broken. Manually specifying the DNS in my connection settings doesn't seem to work. Setting it as my resolver in /etc/resolv.conf does work, but that isn't saved across sessions. Is there a solution to this?19:35
dabauer_looks OK, I just don't know what to say19:36
EriC^^dabauer_: welcome19:36
leftyfbdabauer_: This is a support channel for Ubuntu. If you've got an issue, please explain in detail.19:36
dabauer_Yeah I tried USEnet but I didn't see anything19:36
EriC^^dabauer_: this whole network is kind of opensourcy computer stuff19:37
dabauer_Yeah well I've been using computers for 46 years, so I know a lot19:38
EriC^^dabauer_: cool, you'll fit right in then :)19:38
dabauer_gotta go send an email now, be back later19:38
RandolfOkay, so I'm just trying to configure Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS, and I've found that configuring /etc/networking/interfaces has a message about switching to a new system called netplan.19:39
RandolfThe configuration files look complicated.  Is "netplan" replacing "interfaces" now?19:40
ioriaRandolf, kinda19:40
llutz netplan really doesn't  support setting ipv6-tokens? hey, it's 2018 ...19:40
RandolfWell, I'm using IPv6 as well.19:40
ioriaRandolf, you can use /e/n/i but you need extra work19:41
RandolfIf I dump netplan, will interfaces still work just fine?19:41
naccioria: should just be a matter of install ifupdown19:41
naccioria: and not configuring netplan at all19:41
iorianacc, also resolvconf,i guess19:41
RandolfWell, my netplan is configured with DHCP from the test site.19:41
naccioria: i think resolvconf is still installed, as is systemd-resolved, but i might be wrong19:42
iorianacc, yep, you need dpkg-reconfigure19:42
naccioria: ah!19:42
naccioria: that makes sense, thanks19:42
iorianacc, np19:42
ioriaRandolf, you can safely use netplan, just learn the syntax (no really need fot interface)19:43
=== Fuchs is now known as Ufchs
RandolfI'm looking at the configuration file under /etc/netplan/ and it's horrible.  Is netplan just a tool for automatically configuring interfaces?19:45
RandolfI'm not interested in joining the cloud.19:45
RandolfIt looks like it's all about joining a cloud of some sort.19:45
ioriaRandolf, no cloud involved19:45
Randolfioria:  Okay, and yet the configuration file under /etc/netplan/ indicates that a cloud needs to be disabled.19:46
RandolfThis is confusing.19:46
RandolfIf I'm going to use netplan, then I need to experiment with it first, and spend some time to get to know it.19:46
RandolfHow does one remove it?  For now I just want to continue as usual with /etc/networking/interfaces as I'm used to.19:47
ioriaRandolf,  right, what ubuntu are gonna using ?19:47
oerheksllwith ipv6 make suer you " " the address https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcfg/+bug/175115119:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1751151 in nplan (Ubuntu) "Installing via IPv6 results in invalid netplan yaml" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:47
RandolfWell, I recently invested a lot of time into learning Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and it didn't have this.19:47
naccRandolf: then use 16.04?19:48
RandolfI'm also using IPv4 and IPv6, but it seems there's an issue with IPv6 support in netplan.19:48
ioriaRandolf,  yep, form 17.1019:48
Randolfnacc:  I'm using 18 LTS now.19:48
RandolfSo, my question is, how can I remove or disable netplan?19:48
naccRandolf: then you didn't read the release notes?19:48
ioriaRandolf,  release notes are good19:48
naccRandolf: you were told how, you need to reinstall ifupdown and reconfigure resolvconf (I think)19:48
Randolfnacc:  Oh, I missed that.  Okay.19:48
naccRandolf: also, YAML isn't horrible. It's a differnet file format (it's an actual format, not the custom eni thing)19:49
Randolfnacc:  That's why I need time to study this and get used to it.19:49
RandolfI don't have days right now though.19:49
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ioriaRandolf,  if i may, don't stay behind :þ19:50
=== GotOneHandCutOff is now known as germs
Beastnacc: yeah, hhingad a quick look but aside from some errors, I don see anything about failed package retreival. Oh, well, I assume if thy were important, further upgrades will pull them in again.19:50
naccRandolf: i don't understand, why did you upgrade if you don't have time to learn what your new system uses?19:50
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naccBeast: ok, yeah, it might have retried, as well?19:51
Randolfioria:  I don't intend to, but when it comes to networking and security, I have to know how the tools are working that I'm using.  I will learn it, but for now interfaces works extremely well for me.19:52
Randolfnacc:  This netplan stuff caught me by surprise.  I found some instructions for removing it, so I'm going to proceed with that for now.19:53
ioriaRandolf,  ok, so you need some work19:53
leftyfbRandolf: make sure you install and configure ifupdown first before removing netplan19:53
Beastnacc: I don think so because they notifying popup window came up after the everything was installed, as I recall and which I found odd. So they must have been minor to not have stalled the upgrade. I had a look at them them but they didn stand out. I should have made a note of them. Lesson learned.19:54
Randolfleftyfb:  Yes, great advice.  Thank you.19:54
naccBeast: yeah, i'm not sure; if it's the GUI update manager thing, that might also log somewhere, but i'm not sure where19:55
ioriaRandolf,  before starting, backupo your *yalm files19:55
Randolfioria:  Thank you.  I shall make a point of doing that.19:55
ioriaRandolf,  i mean *yaml19:55
ioriaRandolf, if you're using NM, you need to stop and disable it19:56
RandolfNM?  I'm using Bionic.19:56
ioriaRandolf,  change the render from Nm to  networkd19:56
ioriaRandolf,  ps -A | grep -i Network19:56
RandolfI'm using networkd.  Thanks.19:57
ioriaRandolf,  on Desktop ?19:57
ioriaRandolf,  it's a server then ...19:57
RandolfNo, this is a server.19:57
qwebirc3999Hi, I've downloaded ova image from: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/bionic/current/ and I'm trying to import it in ESXi. I've inputed custom password however I can't find login. I've tried "admin", "ubuntu", "root".19:57
RandolfHmm, only IPv4 is working.  Not IPv6.  But perhaps that's a netplan issue?  I don't know.19:58
ioriaRandolf,  i don't use ipv6 , sy19:59
RandolfThat's okay.  I do, and I'm running it on all my servers.19:59
Randolf...except on some Windows servers we don't run it because of blue screen crashes.20:00
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naccRandolf: you may have wanted #ubuntu-server this whole time, btw20:03
Randolfnacc:  Oh, thanks.20:04
zxfhi, libreoffice writer doesnt start and no messages are shown20:08
zxfit used to present this error20:08
zxfError retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files20:08
zxfwhich was fixed by installing at-spi2-core20:09
RandolfThanks, everyone, for your help with this.  I've got the system working without netplan now.  I had to manually remove /etc/netplan/ and /lib/netplan/ to get the rebooting to revert to /etc/network/interfaces for configuring the network.  IPv6 is working now too.20:13
oerhekshave fun!20:14
timdotrbDoes anyone know if you can change the MySQL datadir to a different partition on Ubuntu WSL? I’m getting a sync error, and I’m guessing it has something to do with permissions20:17
timdotrb(To be clear, I have changed the datadir in the config, but I’m getting an error that it can’t write to that folder)20:18
Richard_CavellSo a while ago I was hearing about Meltdown and Spectre. Is it the case that Ubuntu is now fixed?  Has there been much slowdown reported?20:25
naccRichard_Cavell: there are generations of both, and the known vulnerabilities have been patched20:25
ubottuMeltdown is a security issue with (primarily) Intel processors. It's mitigated by kernel patches named KPTI. Ubuntu released them in security updates for 14.04, 16.04, and 17.10. 17.04 will not receive this update. 18.04 will ship with kernel 4.15, which is patched already. 16.04 has updates for Linux 4.4 (release) and 4.13 (HWE), installs with 4.10 should upgrade to 4.13. See also !spectre, !nopti20:26
naccRichard_Cavell: the slowdown depends on your use case20:26
Richard_CavellIs it a disaster?  People were predicting that at one point and then I went on annual leave and stayed away from computers for ages20:27
naccRichard_Cavell: ...20:28
naccRichard_Cavell: do you have an ubuntu support question?20:28
Richard_CavellNo. I'll ask in another channel.20:28
bynarieanyone know how to fake or turn off GPS in 18.04?20:35
bynariexbuntu sepc.20:35
naccbynarie: your system has a GPS receiver?20:42
urgodfatherhello room, i need to do a distro upgrade but i need it to hold back certain packages20:44
naccbynarie: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/privacy-location.html.en if you do20:44
naccurgodfather: then you don't need to a distro upgrade20:44
naccurgodfather: those are incompatible statemetns20:44
urgodfathernacc, my issue is that i need to install java8 before a package installs20:45
urgodfatherbut i cant upgrade the package until i do a distro upgrade20:45
urgodfatherand the distro upgrade automatically does the package too20:45
urgodfatherpackage being unifi controller20:46
naccurgodfather: what version are you on and upgrading to?20:46
oerheksbut bionic has openjdk8 .. and 1120:46
oerheks!find openjdk-820:46
ubottuFound: openjdk-8-dbg, openjdk-8-demo, openjdk-8-doc, openjdk-8-jdk, openjdk-8-jdk-headless, openjdk-8-jre, openjdk-8-jre-dcevm, openjdk-8-jre-headless, openjdk-8-jre-zero, openjdk-8-source (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openjdk-8&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all20:46
naccurgodfather: and this package is not an ubuntu one?20:47
naccoerheks: rigth20:47
urgodfatherim on 12.04 btw20:47
naccso you're on an eol release?20:47
naccurgodfather: what are you trying to upgrade to20:47
urgodfathercorrection 14.0420:47
naccurgodfather: there was no ubuntu java 8 package in 14.0420:47
urgodfatherrut row raggy20:48
oerheksstandard we talk about openjdk, if you use the oracle blob, that might be different20:48
urgodfathereither or is fine based on my understanding of the notes20:48
urgodfatherlemme double check20:48
pztrickapparently this ubuntu 14.04 server is missing some certificate authority needed newer than 2014 for a rackspace API. (Wget works fine on 16.04.) Is there an official way to update CA certs short of an upgrade? Can I just fetch a newer ca-certificates package from jessie or sid?20:50
oerhekssudo update-ca-certificates # would do, i guess20:52
Term1nalI have a setup: 2xNVME SSDs in RAID1, with LUKS -> LVM -> EXT4 on top of that, and a separate non-raid/lvm EFI partition for the bootloader. Is there a way I can set this up such that the bootloader is also encrypted (and preferrably synchronized across both drives ala RAID1)? Also, without having to do some kind of manual process each time the kernel is updated?20:53
Term1nalend goal being: full disc(+bootloader) encryption across RAID1 NVME SSDs, minus any manual re-installation of grub every update.20:55
pztrickoerheks: that indicated 0 new installed, so I did try the Debian jessie one and now `wget` doesn't complain about an invalid cert but Python urllib3 still does ... not sure if py is using a different certificate store or not.20:55
pztricki'll keep tinkering a bit...20:55
naccpztrick: http://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html ?20:56
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naccTerm1nal: do you mean teh bootloader or do you mean /boot?21:03
Term1nalnacc: I'd want /boot to be encrypted/synced, and grub to be secureboot capable21:04
naccTerm1nal: ok, that doesn't really have much to do with your bootloader (grub can read an encrypted /boot) -- perhpas read over https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Overview21:05
Term1nalthe problem I'm having is throwing RAID1 into the mix.21:05
naccTerm1nal: are you doing this with software RAID21:06
Jordan_UTerm1nal: There's no good way to RAID your EFI System Partition unless your boot firmware supports some kind of FakeRAID, and IMHO the downsides of using FakeRAID outway this small upside.21:06
mefistofeleshello, just wondering if lxqt metapackage installs a display manager, does anyone know?21:06
Jordan_UTerm1nal: You could create your own script that will mirror the contents of one EFI System Partition to another, and manually use efibootmgr to make a fallback entry that uses that second ESP if the first fails, but at some point having your own home grown solution increases rather that decreases the likelyhood of failure :(21:07
mefistofelesapparently, it doesn't21:08
Jordan_UTerm1nal: I'm also not aware if Ubuntu's signed grub efi images include modules for LUKS decryption, which would mean you'd have to choose between having /boot/ encrypted or having secure boot enabled. For me, I'd *much* rather my /boot/ be unencrypted than disable secure boot. /boot/ is generally does not contain secrets.21:09
Jordan_UTerm1nal: So, it's unfortunately not a great state of things as far as your goals go at the moment. There's no answer without downsides that I know of :(21:10
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oerheksit is sad to irc as root21:22
pizzaburgerHey! I'm running win7 on linux host. I'm using mullvad's free (3h accounts) VPN client on my host, and put socks5 in proxifier on my guest. I noticed that my DNS is either leaking the Mullvad IP, or being completely random if I proxy it. Are there any solutions to this situation?21:23
pizzaburgerI tried to just put the socks5 on my host to route traffic system wide. Proxychains seems like a good tool but I only managed to route specific applications21:24
pizzaburgerIs there a tool on linux which would route all traffic (including the VM guest) through my selected socks5?21:25
ces$LANG=en_US.UTF-8 but apt/aptitude are showing status messages in Portuguese. I already did dpkg-reconfigure locales and selected en_US.UTF8, but no luck. How can I fix this?21:29
Term1nalJordan_U: sorry I had to take a call, with /boot unencrypted, sure it doesn't contain secrets, but would it not be susceptible to "baid maid" style of compromise?21:33
Term1nalif unencrypted, kernel could be modified with physical access, right?21:34
Term1nalor would it matter, +signed kernel, etc?21:36
oerheksi think uefi will catch this, yes.. but for how long..21:39
Term1nalso really, I can just do unencrypted boot with signed kernel and that should be sufficient with a signed grub bootloader?21:40
oerhekslvm luks ask a password before boot, so i think it is encrypted too21:45
Term1nalokay yeah I'm reading that ubuntu's default kernel binaries are signed so that shouldn't be an issue21:46
Term1nalthough strangley, initrd is not signed O.o21:46
Term1nalnot sure why that is21:46
naccthe initrd is generated on the system21:47
naccthat's *probably* why21:47
jerichowasahoaxonce the signed kernel is loaded it's out of uefi's hands21:47
jerichowasahoaxyou're officially "in the OS" now as far as UEFI's concerned21:47
jerichowasahoaxcould probably verify the signatures for some of the things inside the initrd if you really needed to, like certain modules or the systemd bins21:48
Term1naljerichowasahoax: apparently I can simply keep grub/kernel/initrd in the EFI partition and encrypt /boot, mount the EFI partition to /boot/efi in the system21:58
Dexx1_Hey guys. When I put in a sdcard into my sdcard reader, the drive doesn't show up. How can I get it working?22:02
Jordan_UTerm1nal: The initramfs is not signed because it's generated for your specific configuration. For example, if your root fs is on LUKS then it will contain the kernel modules needed to mount your LUKS volume as well as (I believe) a copy of your /etc/crypttab. Since they can't ship the same initramfs for all users they can't sign only one initramfs and ship it.22:09
naccDexx1_: did you try other SD cards or other SD card readers?22:10
Dexx1_nacc: I don't have another sd card reader. This one is built in and has worked fine. Tried a different card though...no luck22:12
naccDexx1_: so two different sd cards are not recognized?22:15
Dexx1_nacc: correct22:15
naccDexx1_: seems like it'd be the reader at that point?22:15
naccDexx1_: i mean, did those cards work in something else?22:15
Dexx1_nacc: It worked a couple of days ago...22:16
naccDexx1_: another machine, a camera, etc.22:16
Dexx1_of course22:16
Term1nalJordan_U: that makes sense.22:16
Dexx1_works on a different computer even22:16
oerheksdepends what filesystem is on both cards, exfat?22:16
naccoerheks: i wouldn't think the fs would matter to at least see the card22:16
Term1nalI really wish there was a supported installer option for raid1+full disk encryption that was easymode for me lol22:16
oerheksbut he is busy in ##linux ..22:19
Dexx1_nacc: oerheks filesystem is ext3 I think --- whatever the Rapsberry Pi 3 uses22:26
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=== m000gle is now known as ChoboMog
revstrangehopehello I am having some issue with trying to get awk working with a csv file was wondering if someone can help22:35
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ChoboMogI am able to successfully connect to an OpenVPN server, via the command line; however, as the service is only set up to use IPv4, it leaks my actual IPv6 address to the outside world and only IPv4 traffic seems to being going via the VPN.22:39
ChoboMogWhile disabling IPv6 entirely would solve this, is anyone aware of a way to disable IPv6 traffic while connected to a VPN?22:39
ChoboMogSadly, as I don't administer the VPN server, simplying having them support/tunnel IPv6 as well isn't an option.22:39
oerheksyes http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/06/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-532/23:01
Mibixi am getting error mounting system-mangaedd device /dvl/sdl2 mounted or mount point busy23:06
Mibixwas getting errors trying to access stuff on the drive so i unmounted23:07
jadahey, I'm thinking of buying ASUS C302C Chromebook, do you know if I can put Ubuntu on it or if there are any problems?23:15
jadaor that channel 'doesn handle hacking like that...' ?23:15
jadaI've been turned down many times here for doing non-standard things with Ubuntu23:15
rollingubuntuhello! here's my story: I've booted Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit from USB (on my laptop) and I plugged in another USB (call this full-usb-install) stick and installed Ubuntu on it directly.23:16
rollingubuntuEverything seems superb, until when I plug my full-usb-install in another computer and boot from it. There I can see the full-usb-install shows me the Grub menu I originally have on my laptop. And for some reason, the full-usb-install does not start :( (it works fine if I boot it on my laptop, 18.04 is ok, however, on other PCs, it doesn't :( Any ideas?23:17
Lost_Goathey i am trying to mount/format a new drive using cfidsk is there any directions on how to get a drive to have a mount point so i can create directories ?23:17
naccrollingubuntu: "the Grub menu I originally have on my laptop" -- can you rephrase?23:18
dewwLost_Goat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive should have info you are seeking23:18
naccLost_Goat: cfdisk doesn't mount aything23:18
Lost_Goatthanks @deww & @nacc23:18
Dj_FlyByI have a network that has an Ubuntu 16.04 server and some windows machines. Everything Samba related worked flawlessly for years.... Now I have added 2 more Ubuntu machines into the network and suddenly Samba is working weirdly. All shares from the original Ubuntu work perfect. Accessing shares on any other machines is no longer able to be done: whether it is the new Ubuntu machines or the windows machines... Not sure how else to explain it. I'm also23:19
Dj_FlyBynot sure if this would be due to Ubuntu or Samba. Any ideas please?23:19
rollingubuntunacc: my laptop runs on 16.04 and also has a 17.08 on it... so, the stick with the full-usb-install has this same grub menu options when booting it on a different PC23:28
LudusLightHi, what is the best way to create a persistant USB bootable drive?23:32
LudusLightI need to create a temporary workspace to use on a computer that is not my own23:32
=== Tin^man is now known as Tin_man
ChoboMogHas anyone here purchased the Dell XPS 15 9570, for use with Ubuntu 16.04LTS/18.04LTS?23:36
ChoboMogI am looking to find out, beyond the quirks of installation, how well the battery life and stability hold up when running a combination of integrated/discreet graphics cards using nvidia-prime23:37
grganyone have tips on getting ubuntu to recognize an m.2 drive?23:42
Bashing-omLudusLight: One method: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb/persistent .23:44
erceeanybody there ?23:45
LudusLightThanks Bashing-om23:45
Bashing-omLudusLight: :) We are here to help .23:46
grgor better question: what command should I run to demonstrate that ubuntu isn't recognizing my m.2 drive, because I don't see anything in lspci or lsblk that indicates it is being recognized23:53
grgperhaps my issue is that I bought the wrong m.2 drive. lol23:57
grgthe only officially tested compatible drives are m.2 drives that are "M" key edge connectors, but I bought a "M & B" key edge connector drive23:58

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