
=== chmurifree is now known as chmuri
diogenes_hey guys, why doesn't xubuntu come with gufw?09:12
odci didn't even know it existed! Could be useful09:16
well_laid_lawn!info gufw09:19
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.04.0-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 835 kB, installed size 3435 kB09:19
well_laid_lawnseems it's there09:20
diogenes_well_laid_lawn, yes but it doesn't come pre-installed whereas it's a must have tool.09:20
well_laid_lawntried searching for gui-ufw ?09:20
well_laid_lawn!info gui-ufw09:21
ubottuPackage gui-ufw does not exist in bionic09:21
well_laid_lawnmaybbe not09:21
well_laid_lawnmust have is relative09:21
diogenes_well_laid_lawn, a firewall i guess is always a must have tool, xubuntu comes with no firewall at all if i'm correct?09:22
well_laid_lawnI never have a need for one09:23
diogenes_hmm ok09:23
well_laid_lawnbeing behind a nated router09:23
diogenes_and what about vpn filter?09:24
well_laid_lawnwhy would that be relevant ?09:25
xubuntu32dI have a problem with my browsers in xubuntu11:56
xubuntu32dEach time I open one of them there is an input output error11:57
diogenes_xubuntu32d, screenshot? and what browsers11:57
xubuntu32dAnd some features stop working11:57
xubuntu32dFirefox and chromium11:57
diogenes_and screeshot with error11:58
xubuntu32dWhen this happens I can't open any program nether shutdown the pc11:58
xubuntu32dI will take an screenshot11:58
diogenes_with your phone you can take11:58
xubuntu32dI believe it is because the disk gets corrupted when I open any browser11:59
xubuntu32dHow can I send the photo?12:00
diogenes_upload it to imgur.com and just paste here the link12:00
spreeuwrotten disk or memory yes12:05
spreeuwrotten fs will remount read only as a safety12:05
spreeuwyou can see it in dmesg12:05
spreeuwor mount12:06
zorsHi, I'm trying to upgrade to 18.04 from 17.10 but the upgrader has been stuck on "Setting up grub-pc" for a while now... What should I do?13:55
zorsHow long could it take? It's been like this for an hour now.13:59
GridCubethat's too much14:01
GridCubebut the problem is that if you reboot and grub is not properly set up you wont be able to log back in14:01
GridCubeyou could break the installer but DONT reboot14:01
geniiIs this at the command-line?14:01
GridCubethen run the updater again14:02
zors@genii It says "Setting up grub-pc" in the terminal output inside of the upgrader window.14:09
qwebirc37304Someone could help me with a problem i had with xubuntu?15:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:20
qwebirc37304A time after opening any browser in xubuntu I receive a bus error and an input/output error. This makes my computer can't open any new program and closes all the opened windows. I am not able to power off or reboot the computer anyway too. Here I attach some screenshots of the errors shown: https://imgur.com/a/cLjLl8715:34
qwebirc37304The previous message describes my problem. Thanks for your help :}15:36
diogenes_qwebirc37304, laptop/desktop? HDD/SSD?15:39
qwebirc37304It is a laptop with a HDD. I used the command fsck to repair the damaged files but didn't work.15:40
qwebirc37304The problem still appeared15:40
diogenes_run: lsblk -f | nc termbin.com 999915:42
diogenes_paste here the link that you get15:42
qwebirc37304I am running the windows partition because my problem with xubuntu, so I can't execute that15:49
diogenes_ok the most probably something's going bad with your linux partition, i'd suggest to boot a live usb session, backup your data and re-install it15:50
qwebirc37304I did that, but the problem still appeared15:51
diogenes_then it's bad blocks, HDD probably dying15:52
qwebirc37304The windows partition is perfect and it is also installed in the HDD15:54
qwebirc37304I had installed Lubuntu a few weeks ago and runned with no problems15:55
diogenes_qwebirc37304, here is another try, you delete all the linux partitions, you format them to ntfs, then you run a disk check on windows then you create all the linux partitions (like / (ext4) /swap) from windows using tools like Minitool Partition Wizart, then reboot and re-install linux on the ready made partitions.15:57
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