
logan-i'm having a hard time getting this config drive to render a bond03:09
logan-here's the network_data.json: http://paste.openstack.org/raw/723775/03:09
logan-and here's cloud-init.log: http://paste.openstack.org/raw/723776/03:09
logan-it looks like cloud-init is failing to find a iface['bond-master']03:10
logan-looks like it was fixed by https://github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init/commit/51febf7363692d7947fe17a4fbfcb85058168ccb ...now to find out how to get a more updated cloud-init into my centos images I guess03:38
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smosercaribou: did you get what you needed from me ?13:49
caribousmoser: I just replied to your comment14:52
caribousmoser: indeed, we _do_ need the possibility of changing the IP upon reboot14:52
caribousmoser: now I'm not against changing the way to do it though14:52
smoserok. https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34800014:53
smoserthat is some of the code that blackboxsw  is doing to suggest how we would handle this.14:53
smoserfor "check_instance_id" we *could* just return 'True'14:53
smoserbut that stinks... and requires then a user to "clean" before snapshotting the image14:54
smoserand starting a new one from it.14:54
caribousmoser: looks like it would fit our needs quite well14:57
cariboubut I still need the functionality to generate the network config according to what comes from the metadata14:59
smoseryour changes generally seem correct.15:07
smoseror at least moving in the right direction.15:07
caribousmoser: so if I understand correctly, with the check_instance_id, we would only need the network_config() method w/o having to handle bringing up the network first ?15:11
smosercaribou: well, what would happen if you had check_instance_id.15:49
smoseryou wouldnt bring up network ephemerally on every boot15:50
smoserbut you also wouldnt re-write it15:50
caribouuntil your new feature comes around15:50
cariboumight be preferable to keep it as such until the new feature comes around15:51
caribouwhich brings the question : is that feature expected to be present in the next upstream snapshot ? 'cause this is also when the 'fixed' DataSourceScaleway will hit the archive15:52
caribouso if both become public together, it would be preferable to have the DS use the new feature and not an obsolete behavio15:52
caribousince we'll be using a PPA up until it gets SRUed, I can go either way15:53
smosercaribou: we wont have the feature in the next few days.16:22
caribousmoser: oh, I understand16:22
smoserso i'm thinking that it might be an improvement to take your MP as it is, without the check_instance_id, which would effectively get you rendering network configuration every boot.16:22
smoserthats not a great scenario, but the check would not get you the feature you're after .16:22
caribouI think so too. My question was about the fact that, if the new feature is SRUed in the same snapshot as the update to the DS, might as well only do one change of the DS but you know the schedule better than me :)16:24
smoseri think i'd not bother trying to manage that.16:25
smoserwe woudl want to avoid the check_instance_id addition until we had a solution to your "configure on boot"16:25
smoserbut we can just do that in trunk check_instance_id wont go in until it would do what you want.16:26
cariboufine then16:27
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blackboxswsmoser: or rharper have a moment to chat about https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/348000? I think the discussion may be faster than review comment interaction20:01
blackboxswjoining meet :)20:02
cornfeedhobodoes cloud init run bash scripts on every startup?21:32
blackboxswrharper: or powersj doc trivial  for new sudo:false cloud-config option  that just landed https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34825222:12
blackboxswcornfeedhobo by default it does not re-run base shell script user-data.22:16
blackboxswif I provide the following userdata: it'll only get run once22:17
blackboxswecho "I ran" $DATE22:17
cornfeedhoboblackboxsw: thanks. that confirms the vague sense i got from the docs!22:17
blackboxswbecause of semaphores blocking re-entry in /var/lib/cloud/sem/22:17
blackboxswcornfeedhobo: if you want something run per boot it would need to live in /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/22:20
blackboxswper docs @ http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#scripts-per-boot22:20
blackboxswno prob22:20
cornfeedhoboblackboxsw: they are at /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts22:21
cornfeedhobono symlinks to any of the scripts/per-* directories22:22
blackboxswcornfeedhobo: sorry I didn't parse those coomments. On my bionic lxc container:22:25
blackboxswcat /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/runme.sh22:25
blackboxswecho 'I RAN TOO! ' $DATE; grep RAN /var/log/cloud-init-output.log22:25
blackboxsw /var/log/cloud-init-output.log:I RAN TOO!  Tue Jun 19 22:22:35 UTC 201822:25
blackboxsw /var/log/cloud-init-output.log:I RAN TOO!  Tue Jun 19 22:23:43 UTC 201822:25
blackboxswthx for the review powersj22:49
powersjthat was an easy one ;)22:50

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