
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== miguel is now known as Guest29722
liveevilHello all!  :):-D04:07
liveevilCan anyone tell me if it's even possible to install the fusion-icon in kubuntu 18.04LTS?04:09
liveevil...yeah, probably rolling your eyes....compiz bs again....I know it's dead but I've noticed that compiz is still available but the fusion icon isn't officially available.04:11
onlyabyteliveevil: Is this what you're after? https://github.com/compiz-reloaded/fusion-icon04:12
liveevilThat's close to what I'm after.  That's for the Compiz 0.8.x series I downloaded and installed it for the Compiz 0.9.x series. but I don't think I installed it correctly.04:14
liveevilIt's supposed to install to the system tray but I just ends up in my applications list as a regular app.04:15
onlyabyteInteresting. I wish I could help you :(04:20
onlyabyteJust curious, why do you want to run compiz? Won't that replace Kwin?04:20
liveevilI doesn't replace it 100% the only thing it visibly changes is the title bar and borders.04:22
liveevil....but I get all the eye candy of compiz04:22
onlyabyteAh, I see.04:22
onlyabyteKwin has heaps of effects and eye candy though, doesn't it?04:23
onlyabyteLike, I got nice fade effects and magic lamp etc.04:23
liveevilWow, really.....like when you minimize a window you get the magic lamp effect?04:24
onlyabyteliveevil: Yeah! I'm running Kubuntu 18.04 as well. Go into System Settings -> (Workspace) Desktop Behavior -> Desktop Effects04:30
onlyabyteShould be there, under appearance.04:31
liveevilThe main problem I have is that when I enable compiz my windows title bars turn white. As if there's no window decoration.  If I check "windows decorations" in compiz then run their suggested command for windows decorations (/usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator --replace) I get a error returned...04:32
liveevil** (gtk-window-decorator:7029): WARNING **: 00:32:06.049: Failed to load metacity theme04:32
liveevil'Adwaita': Failed to find a valid file for theme 'Adwaita'04:32
liveevil 04:32
liveevilthank you I'll check right now04:33
onlyabyteWhy do you need compiz though? You can edit colours with granular control already in KDE. The default titlebar theme can also be tweaked beyond recognition. I personally never mixed KDE with compiz so I wouldn't know.04:34
liveevilcool, ok....I think compiz is too outdated. Thanks for pointing out the "desktop effects"04:35
onlyabyteGlad I could help :)04:36
liveevil=) alright bye now04:36
=== alexander is now known as Guest81263
lordievaderGood morning07:13
=== Guest92079 is now known as Haudegen
brianwbassadded kubuntu 14,0409:12
m_tadeuhi....how to configure cantata to work properly with kde? I can't manage the volume with the kde "audio volume"09:17
brianwbass]try a widget09:18
brianwbassi do it with battery09:18
viktorHi, any news on when plasma 5.13 will be in the backports repo?09:22
acheronukviktor: when we have new Qt/plasma in 18.10 to properly backport (Qt currently in progress), backport builds are done, rebuilds of other things against new Qt are done, and then all that is QAd09:28
acheronukso ETA is a week or 2 if that goes ok09:29
acheronuknew Qt landing has held us back09:31
viktorokay, thanks09:31
brianwbasswhats everyones pcs i have a asus netbook09:51
ikoniawhy ?09:53
brianwbassjust curious10:01
brianwbassim running kubuntu on a netbook10:01
brianwbasssuch a chatty group :p10:13
hateballbrianwbass: well general chitchat is in #kubuntu-offtopic which is why there's not much talk here other than actual support questions10:14
brianwbassoh ok my bad10:16
hateballbrianwbass: no harm done :)10:16
jaydemirwhats the usb image writer package in kubuntu11:24
mparillodd ;-)11:26
jaydemirreally? I've never actually done it that way11:27
mparilloI was scared at first, but I have gotten used to it. The latest documentation I can find (https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Installation#USB.2FFlash_Drives_2) still references unetbootin, but that stopped working reliably for me a couple of years ago, and I shifted to dd.11:29
=== pan is now known as Guest278
acheronukusb-creator-gtk work reliably for me11:31
* acheronuk shrugs at the gtk11:31
jaydemirso I'm basically running sudo dd if=/Downloads/distro.iso of=/dev/sdc2 (2nd partition of a flash drive, keeping the first half as storage11:31
acheronukwhat works, works11:31
hateballjaydemir: that wont work11:31
mparilloI do not reference a partition, but the entire flash drive11:31
hateballjaydemir: the first bits of the ISO have the bootloader that goes into MBR, thats why you need to specify device rather than partition11:32
mparillosudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/distro.iso of=/dev/sdc status=progress11:32
hateballotherwise you'll need to manually install grub to that device, to keep the partitions11:32
mparilloAssuming sdc is your thumb drive11:32
jaydemirI did it once a long time ago11:33
jaydemirbut thats before uefi was common in linux11:33
mparilloYou can check your thumb drive name with lsblk11:33
jaydemiryeah it seems to just want to flash to the whole device11:39
jaydemirwhich is largely inconvenient because I wanted some persistent storage without having to install the whole OS from scratch11:39
jaydemironto something with abysmal write speeds11:40
jaydemiranyone know how to disable screen tearing on videos in KDE12:16
diogenes_jaydemir, is that you or not you?12:17
diogenes_jaydemir, there was another dude asking for tearing problems with nvidia so i thought it was you12:19
jaydemirno that wasnt me12:19
jaydemirbut yes I am usin12:19
jaydemirg nvidia12:19
diogenes_try: nvidia tear free: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"12:20
jaydemiralthough tbh anytime I've used KDE since like 2015 screen tearing has always been an issue so I've always stuck with GTK based distros12:20
jaydemirany drawback to such a command? reduced performance or anything?12:21
diogenes_don't know because i haven't used it in a looog time12:22
diogenes_but it used to work12:22
jaydemirso you just deal with the tearing now?12:22
diogenes_i use nouveau instead of nvidia12:23
jaydemirgot you.12:24
BluesKajHi folks12:29
biki19i faced an issue on kubuntu 18.04. Can anyone here for helpme?16:09
SzykCechWhere can I find Dicovery security warning logs?!? It shows it for few secons and dissapear without sight!!! I can't find it in any logs (at least in KSystemLogs).16:11
IrcsomeBot1biki28 was added by: biki2816:20
IrcsomeBot1<biki28> Hello!16:21
IrcsomeBot1<biki28> I an facing an issue ..can anyone here to help me out?16:23
=== pan is now known as Guest99239
=== ahmad is now known as _N1X_
cyenhaha avh du scheisse ich bin richtig begeistert von linux19:34
cyenhallo wer ist da ?19:34
cyensome germans austriches and swiss'?19:34
=== anonymous is now known as Guest20401
cyenhey hello is anybody out there?19:43
genii!de | cyen19:50
ubottucyen: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:50
cyenokay thanks19:56
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf

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