
=== Travis_ is now known as Hafert92
noobboob_hi i'm new to linux and having a spot of trouble, i've got an external drive that has some files on it but when i try to access them it says i don't have permission.00:10
=== suk is now known as Saukk
=== Saukk is now known as suk
=== suk is now known as Saukk
=== Travis_ is now known as Hafert92
=== zed is now known as Guest21804
Guest21804hi I installed Lubuntu 18.04. I have a problem with positionning the dashbord : only the side is configurable (left right, down, up) , changing the alignement (right center, left) has no effect. The dash is sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right. Th system is updated. How can I fix the position (down right) ? Thank's19:57
wxlwhat do you mean by dashboard?19:57
wxland actually i'm not sure what you mean about the side and the alignment and the directions you're talking about19:58
wxlpictures/videos might help19:58
Guest21804dash : info on the system (hour, battery %, wifi status etc.)19:58
wxlyou're only referring to the system tray part of lxpanel?19:58
wxli.e. what is by default on the right hand side of the panel?19:59
Guest21804I am sorry, I'm not english native, yes it's normally by default on the down right corner, and doesn't move20:00
wxlthe system tray is not separable from the panel, if that's what you mean20:00
wxlit is in fact part of the panel20:00
wxlyou can change its position along the panel, though20:00
wxlif you right click somewhere on the panel there's an option in the context menu "Add / Remove Panel Items" and if you check on that you can select the "System Tray" and then click the "Up" and "Down" buttons to position it where you like20:02
Guest21804In previous versions 16.04 the system tray ("dashboard" for me) was by default down right corner, and never moved if not changed20:02
wxli have a current version of 18.04 and that's where it is for me and it hasn't moved20:02
Guest21804That's what I try to solve : it moves randomly (depending on softwares I use) from left to right, and parameters don't affect the position20:04
wxlwell let's try to reset the settings:20:05
wxlrm -rf ~/.config/lxpanel && lxpanelctl restart20:06
wxland actually for that matter all of the system information stuff are all separate plugins/items in lxpanel so they all move independent of one another. i find it very strange that even if there is some bug that they're ALL moving20:07
Guest21804the commands restarts the panel, and tring to place it on the right side don't work : the panel is still stuck to the left side20:09
=== dzho is now known as deejoe
=== deejoe is now known as dzho
Guest21804@ wxl : I sent a screenshot (droite=right bas=down) : the panel stays stuck to the left20:31

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