
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:51
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje05:15
lotuspsychjehey hey05:17
ducassegood morning06:13
lordievaderGood morning06:26
ducassemorning, lordievader - all well today?06:27
lordievaderDoing good here06:27
lordievaderHow are you?06:28
ducassedoing well, thanks - planning the day here06:29
lordievaderWhat is in store for today?06:32
ducasseordering some stuff (new toys), going into the city - other than that we'll see06:37
ducasselooking at refurbished laptops from businesses, this one needs an upgrade06:39
ducassewhich means a full replacement06:39
lordievader'this one' meaning the one you are chatting from?07:12
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:20
ducasseyup, lordievader - it's an old hp piece of junk07:31
lotuspsychjeyour not gonna throw it away right ducasse07:32
* lotuspsychje collects museum pieces :p07:32
ducasseno, keep it as backup07:33
ducasseor give it to my nephew, maybe07:33
lotuspsychjeducasse: is that the one running i3 on arch?07:34
lotuspsychjeshhh dont wake daftykins he would throw it away lol07:36
ducasseno, i3 on ubuntu. arch is on my desktop.07:36
lotuspsychjeone for you ducasse08:00
BluesKajHi folks12:29
ducassemorning BluesKaj - all well today?12:30
BluesKajHey ducasse, doing fine here, how about you?12:41
pauljwhi everyone14:57
=== pauljw1604 is now known as pauljw
lotuspsychjegood evening to all15:58
oerhekshi there lotus16:00
lotuspsychjehey hey oerheks16:00
lotuspsychjehows support going?16:00
lotuspsychjehmm 1749 not bad16:00
oerheksslow, cooking diner16:00
lotuspsychjebon apetit!16:00
EriC^^!info teeworlds16:59
ubot5teeworlds (source: teeworlds): online multi-player platform 2D shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4+dfsg-1 (bionic), package size 348 kB, installed size 933 kB16:59
leftyfbcool as hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEq9R1soJo818:53
naccleftyfb: gl, i wish you well dealing with curlyears20:23
leftyfbnacc: as long as he types English20:23
naccthey often cite their age and aspergers as to why they don't follow directions fyi20:23
leftyfbI'll be done after this though. If they're getting issues with cd not being recognized, something is seriously wrong. It's either not a default/fresh install or bad HDD20:24
naccyeah they've made some weird claims in the past20:35
oerheksrestoring a backup, wonders why things don't work, and messed around with chown..20:54
oerheksi see no cure for curly ..20:54
naccyeah i'm fairly sure their firefox issue is because they chowned the wrong uid20:55
naccdunno and don't care anymore :)20:55
leftyfbwhere do you guys see the restoring/chowning?20:55
naccit was earlier, iirc20:57
leftyfbnacc: you know you're well beyond where he needs to be right? :)21:02
naccleftyfb: yeah ... i'm ready to chock them up as another "they shouldn't use linux" user and /ignore21:03
leftyfbbtw, IntelCore is definitely not bugzie as someone previously suspected. IntelCore apologized for something21:04
leftyfboerheks: "<curlyears> nacc:  cat, cd, ls amping others" pretty sure just wiping .mozilla won't fix their issue21:06
nacclol, they are also in my /ignore21:06
leftyfbin reality, they could probably just create a new user and everything will be fine, but I want them to understand the severity of whatever mess they got themselves into21:06
oerhekslets see what he comes up with, avoiding questions21:07
sonicwindwould love to see a write-up of the 10 best support requests/convos from over the years....21:07
oerheksoh, we can fill 100 best ..21:08
sonicwindI'm sure21:08
oerheks.. best trolls21:08
sonicwindwith all these spelling mistakes, I can only imagine what he's done to his system... wondering if this is the same guy from yesterday who said he had a medical condition... ?21:12
leftyfbit is21:13
sonicwindok, kinda thought so21:14
oerhekswhen he talks about his situation, he makes mistakes, but when he helps someone else, he suddenly types (almost) normal21:20

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