[19:02] * stgraber waves [19:02] o/ [19:02] Oh, darn. I knew I was forgetting something. [19:02] * tsimonq2 works on my action item. [19:03] so who's there? [19:04] kees and slangasek are at least idling here. :P [19:04] But I'm not seeing a lot of hands go up. [19:04] Which doesn't feel quorumful. [19:05] Ahh, slangasek sent apologies to the list. [19:06] going to wait another 5min for someone else to show up, otherwise we'll just skip [19:06] * infinity nods. [19:06] I don't see anything to address on the list, it's just nominations. [19:06] doko put a bunch of things on the agenda looks like [19:11] alright, lets skip until next week then [19:12] I'll finish that proposal and send it to the TB mailing list todayish. [19:12] #startmeeting Technical Board Meeting [19:12] Meeting started Tue Jun 19 19:12:09 2018 UTC. The chair is infinity. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [19:12] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [19:12] Quorum not met. [19:12] #endmeeting [19:12] Meeting ended Tue Jun 19 19:12:16 2018 UTC. [19:12] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2018/ubuntu-meeting-2.2018-06-19-19.12.moin.txt [19:12] There. [19:12] :) [19:13] stgraber: I guess we'll just keep the same chair rotation, since you didn't get to do anything. :P [19:14] Maybe we'll have an election and kick you out by then. [19:14] :)