[13:59] yay https://messages.android.com/ except...not available on my app yet. /me waits for rollout [14:19] Oh that's nice [14:19] Yeah, my device doesn't support it yet [14:40] This is awesome [14:40] https://video.blender.org/ [14:40] so, Youtube took down Blender Foundation's videos because the Blender Foundation didn't monetize them with ads [14:40] Youtube wanted Blender to monetize their videos [14:41] Blender Foundation responded by setting up a Peertube instance [14:42] lol [14:42] nice [14:42] that seems kind of odd...that youtube would pressure to monitize. I wonder what the threshholds are for that [14:43] Not sure, but wondering if hosting the videos cost enough for an algorithm to notice [14:44] I guess [14:46] sooooo much nicer out today [14:46] thank goodness [14:46] Yeah [14:46] I need to do the lawn [14:47] Also: am sitting at the dealership yet again [14:47] we had to setup the sprinklers. The heat will killing off the lawn [14:47] :( [14:47] car decided to stall while I was driving it [14:47] on the dealership stuff [14:47] Yeah [14:47] oops, bad idea car [14:47] Well, I wouldn't have minded had it not made it rather difficult to drive it while it slowed down [14:47] and had it given me a warning [14:48] that does seem to be less than ideal :P [14:48] It's the little things [17:54] Whee [17:54] Back from the dealership [17:56] woo! [18:03] cmaloney: hopefully not too bad [18:27] Crank Sensor, $450 out the door with two hours of labor [18:27] not great, but ... [18:33] geez [18:34] * rick_h_ has visions of cmaloney out front of the care turning a giant crank arm [19:09] heh === dzho is now known as deejoe === deejoe is now known as dzho