[03:40] Help! Kubuntu is text wrapping words on shortcuts that shouldn't be word wrapped [03:41] Case in point: http://i.imgur.com/plbYKs0.png [04:41] Maybe make your icons bigger? ;D [05:09] holaç === kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar [06:13] Good morning === pan is now known as Guest90656 [10:54] Hi all [11:09] hi, anyone here using Ubuntu? running "modprobe nvidia" gives me: modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-23-generic. Before this, I ran the command apt-get install nvidia-390. What gives? I'm trying to figure out why the nvidia-390 package did not lay down an nvidia.ko under /lib/modules for this current kernel like it did for other kernels [11:10] BluesKaj: oh hi [11:12] EvilRoey: maybe it failed to build the modules for some reason [11:12] Hi EvilRoey: make sure you don't have it blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf [11:12] the nvidia modules that is [11:14] EvilRoey: is this a regular desktop install or what are you working with? typically dkms and all needed bits are installed so nvidia modules should be built for any installed kernel you have [11:14] desktop install [11:14] EvilRoey: hope you didn't use the proprietary 390 driver from Nvidia's website, because it isn't supported after tkernel upgrades [11:14] # 20140702 Roey Katz - Blacklist Nouveau; was causing trouble at boot vs. VESA VGA [11:14] blacklist nouveau [11:15] BluesKaj: OH. [11:15] oh, I see. [11:15] I did install nvidia-390 [11:15] via apt-get. [11:15] BluesKaj: could this be why? [11:15] no need to blacklist nouveau manually [11:16] nivdia-390 should install properly with apt since it's the repos driver [11:18] and that the 390 is the correct driver for yor gpu [11:18] EvilRoey: if you run "uname -r" what does that show? [11:20] EvilRoey: anyhow you could do "sudo apt-get --reinstall nvidia-390" and it should re-run all the scripts and dkms build the modules again, if it for some reason failed the last time [11:21] and if it was indeed dkms failing, it should have a log in something like /var/lib/dkms/nvidia [11:22] EvilRoey: are yousure that the 390 is the correct driver ? [11:25] I saw that nvidia-390 was available [11:25] and I knew that it's the latest and greatest [11:25] EvilRoey: the easiest method is to use the driver manager in system settings, it'll recommend the correct driver for your gpu and install it if you choose it. [11:25] well the module should still build, it shouldnt be missing. if it's not the right driver for the card then it would at most fail to load :D [11:26] aye [11:26] I mean this did fial to load, as I mentioned above [11:26] hateball: one moment, I just saw your messages. [11:26] I've done --reinstall nvidia-390 a bunch of times, yet I don't see it producing an nvidia.ko at all [11:26] $ uname -a [11:26] Linux gear 4.15.0-23-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 18:02:16 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [11:27] personally 390 did not play nice with my system, latest 396 beta from ppa works however. but again, the modules should at the very least be built [11:27] EvilRoey: check if there's any error log in /var/lib/dkms [11:27] like...very simple I said above ..use the driver manager in system settings [11:28] hateball: there's no error log there at all [11:28] BluesKaj: so driver manager in system settings, ok [11:28] when I'm home I will do that [11:28] thank you BluesKaj [11:30] EvilRoey: don't muck about with experimenting with th elatraest and greatest , because it may not be so for your gpu [11:30] err lataest and greatest [11:30] * BluesKaj needs more coffee [11:33] heh, I discoverd that the onboard gpu on my new MSI Z370 is better than my old old nvidia pci ...much better video and more detailed on this old Panasonic 43" TV [11:36] haha [11:36] neat [11:37] yup, the nvidia gt520 \was getting long in the tooth I think [11:45] EvilRoey: typically you can use "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" and it will pick the proper stuff for your system (it's the same as the gui thing) [11:46] hateball: ah alrih. [11:47] OH another issue: I was trying to write a CD with k3b this morning and got the following error: https://askubuntu.com/questions/287308/k3b-cdrecord-has-no-permission [11:48] I checked the permissions on /usr/bin/{cdrecord,cdrdao,etc.} and they're al 755 or looser === ap is now known as Guest52286 === Guest52286 is now known as alexp [11:52] test === pan is now known as Guest63359 [13:48] BluesKaj: btw so I installed the nvidia-384.. I looked under /lib for an nvidia.ko and didn't find one for this kernel [13:48] still [13:48] !!! [13:48] so what's the issue? [13:48] (i.e. I am not sure that installing nvidia-384 placed the module there either) [13:52] If installed will be in /lib/modules/kernel-version-here/updates/dkms/nvidia_384.ko or /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-384/sub-version-specific-directory-name-here/kernel-version-here/module/nvidia_384.ko [14:20] hey everyone... [14:20] where is the right place to ask about electron and Plasma?.... === pan is now known as Guest66669 [14:56] hegemon8: probably here too but you might have to wait [14:59] Hī [15:13] Hello :) Anyone home? [15:14] hi [15:15] Have to confess, I'm mostly just here out of curiosity. Does anyone know how the Plasma 5.13 packages are coming along? === miguel is now known as Guest66771 [16:12] Where can I find Dicovery security warning logs?!? It shows it for few secons and dissapear without sight!!! I can't find it in any logs (at least in KSystemLogs). [16:19] Hi MANIAC!!! What kind of maniac do you are?!? [19:53] Someone know something about how configure TLP for SSD [21:00] What is the path to Kate? I can't find the program === rysiekpl is now known as rysiek|pl [22:24] anyone samba experts out here today? [22:24] can't get samba to link to Windows server on network === phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd === daniel is now known as Guest12207 [23:04] daniel pe === Guest12207 is now known as danielpe [23:05] hola [23:05] buenas noches [23:06] alguien que me pueda despejar una duda === zypr is now known as Zypres