
mupPR snapcraft#2162 closed: tests: new codespell, narrowed checks and better execution order <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2162>00:47
tooijarIs it possible to remove old revisions from the store?02:27
Son_Gokuzyga: https://flocktofedora.org/#cfp02:49
mupPR snapd#5346 opened: cmd/snap: add a backup handler for snap:// URIs that prompts the user to install the gnome-software snap <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5346>05:24
zygairccloud is down, hmm06:09
mborzeckizyga: heh, looks like it06:13
zygaok, let me push those suse PRs06:13
zygaoh, drat06:20
zygamaster has even better integration06:20
zygalet me take some of that too06:20
zygaI wish the snapd.apparmor.service was in 2.33 :/06:21
mborzeckizyga: can't you backport it?06:26
zygayeah, that's what I'm looking at now06:26
zygait's not a large change06:26
zygaI'm building 2.33 as is to see what it lacks from the packaging in master06:27
zygaI don't love cherry picking our patches when they are not squashed06:37
zygaI guess I can branch off 2.33 and cherry pick the lot06:38
zygathen squash and export06:38
zygatumbleweed is on 4.17,06:39
zygathat's ... fast :)06:39
mborzeckizyga: 4.17.2-1-ARCH06:50
mborzeckiprobably fedora too06:50
zygaok, patches prepared, one more build06:53
zygaPharaoh_Atem I need to thank you for the fantastic rework of the opensuse package!06:55
zygait makes things much easier06:55
mborzeckizyga: did you get a chance to look at #5341 ?06:58
zygathe C changes?06:58
mupPR #5341: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: intoduce helpers for validating snap instance name and instance key <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5341>06:58
mborzeckizyga: yup06:58
zyganot in detail,06:59
mborzeckiprobably good if jdstrand could take a look too when he comes back06:59
mborzeckibtw. if nobody minds i'll be landing #5314 soon07:00
mupPR #5314: many: rename snap.Info.Name() to snap.Info.InstanceName(), leave parallel-install TODOs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5314>07:00
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
zygapstolowski hey07:04
zygamborzecki I asked one question on the validate PR07:04
zygahttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/y3kjK4zXGS/ <- rpmlint report so far07:05
mvohey pstolowski ! good morning07:06
mborzeckizyga: not sure i follow, the pr splits instance name to snap name and instance key and validates both already07:06
pstolowskimvo, mborzecki any new developments re snapd.seeded service issue? you haven't forwarded me those emails, have you?07:06
zygayes but you _already_ have a function for splitting it07:06
mborzeckizyga: right but that code is supposed to work with validated input and dies instead of returning nice errors, i could probably rework it to use sc_error07:10
mborzeckizyga: it will die if sc_error is unset right?07:10
zygathis makes sense07:11
zygasc_error was designed so that errors are either propagated or the program dies07:11
mborzeckizyga: i can look into it07:11
mborzeckimvo: do yu have any high priority pending PRs that use info.Name() that would conflict if i merge #5314?07:12
mupPR #5314: many: rename snap.Info.Name() to snap.Info.InstanceName(), leave parallel-install TODOs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5314>07:12
zygamborzecki btw, I want to simplify sc_error07:13
mvomborzecki: nothing with priority, feel free to land this07:13
zygaI wrote some personal code and I evolved (simplfied) error handling a bit07:13
mborzeckimvo: ack07:14
zygawe could talk about this on Friday07:14
mupPR snapd#5314 closed: many: rename snap.Info.Name() to snap.Info.InstanceName(), leave parallel-install TODOs <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5314>07:15
zyga[   43s] FAIL: booted_test.go:218: bootedSuite.TestUpdateBootRevisionsOSErrorsLate07:15
zyga[   43s]07:15
zyga[   43s] booted_test.go:253:07:15
zyga[   43s]     c.Assert(chg.IsReady(), Equals, true)07:15
zyga[   43s] ... obtained bool = false07:15
zyga[   43s] ... expected bool = true07:15
zygarandom test failures are best07:15
mborzeckizyga: does it fail when ran isolated?07:16
zygait didn't fail for the last N runs I did07:16
zygaI'm only tweaking linter errors so it's just random07:16
zygaI didn't try isolated yet07:16
mborzeckizyga: trid go test -c -o foo.test && while true; ./foo.test -check.f || break; done ?07:16
mborzeckimvo: do you have the log from  snapd.seeded failure? (or is pstolowski already looking into it)07:17
pstolowskimborzecki: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/thJBrCX4wr/ ; i haven't looked at it yet but about to, mvo has some more info in emails, looking forward to them07:21
mvomborzecki: pstolowski said he will look into it last night, I can mail the logs to both of you07:21
mvopstolowski: I sent the mail a bit earlier is it not there yet?07:22
pstolowskimvo: nope, no emails07:22
zygamost lint errors are gone now07:23
zygajust a few more..07:23
mborzeckimvo: pstolowski: looks like snapd.seeded could use Requires=snapd.socket at least07:26
mvomborzecki, pstolowski sent it to both of you again07:29
mupPR snapd#5347 opened: data: remove /bin/sh from snapd.sh <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5347>07:32
mvomborzecki: did you get the mail?07:36
mborzeckimvo: yup, got it07:36
mborzeckimvo: thanks!07:36
mvomborzecki: thank you, interessting, pstolowski did not get it, we were wondering if my fastmail provider has a problem but apparently its more complicated :/07:37
pstolowskiinteresting :)07:37
mborzeckimvo: yeah, got a nice fat warning from gmail about possible spoof07:37
mborzeckimvo: similar to a name in your organization but the email address does not belong to your domain or the email is not authenticated. Avoid clicking links or replying with sensitive information unless you reach out to the sender by another means to ensure that this email is legitimate07:38
pstolowskimvo: so yes looks like Requires=.. will do it, but i'd test it; how do i play with seeding?07:42
mborzeckihm i'm wondering if there could some unwanted side effect07:43
mborzeckipstolowski: mvo: maybe we should have Restart=on-failure too?07:43
mvomborzecki: yeah, that sounds reasonable07:44
mvomborzecki: restart on failure07:44
pstolowskiallright i see some spread tests for seeding07:52
mborzeckihmm got 14% of battery left, need to find a power outlet07:52
pstolowskimvo, mborzecki okay, i'll try to amend existing spread tests to reproduce and then will apply the above plan07:57
mborzeckipstolowski: sounds good07:58
mvopstolowski: \o/07:58
mupPR snapd#5348 opened: packaging/opensuse: snap-confine should be 06755 <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5348>08:01
pstolowskimvo: ok, the problem reproduces nicely with just examining systemctl snapd.seeded service status in existing spread test, onto fix now08:11
mvopstolowski: yay, thank you08:12
mvopstolowski: I will pull that into 2.33.108:12
mborzeckiok, i'm moving back home, bbiab08:12
mupPR snapd#5349 opened: packaging/opensuse: add missing bits for snapd.seeded.service <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5349>08:14
Chipacamvo: pstolowski: which problem?08:15
pstolowskiChipaca: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/thJBrCX4wr/08:16
pstolowskiChipaca: snapd.seeded service not waiting for snapd.socket08:16
Chipacapstolowski: it should wait for snapd.service I'd think08:17
Chipacaunless that creates a loop08:17
mupPR snapd#5350 opened: packaging/opensuse: don't use %-macros in comments <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5350>08:22
zygaChipaca hey sir08:23
zygaquick question08:23
zyga$(reverse complete.sh) needs to be executable, correct?08:23
mupPR snapd#5351 opened: packaging/opensuse: build position-independent binaries <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5351>08:23
Chipacazyga: hmm... let me remember08:25
Chipacazyga: it doesn't need to afaik08:26
zygait is on ubuntu08:26
zygait isn't on opensuse08:26
zygashall I unify some way?08:26
Chipacazyga: we run essentially 'bash etelpmoc.sh'08:27
zygaand it is in the tree08:27
Chipacazyga: if you have the 'http' snap installed, and you run: snap run --command=complete http 9 9 6 1 ' ' "http -" http -08:30
Chipacazyga: if that prints a bunch of stuff, it works :)08:30
Chipaca(by a bunch of stuff i mean a list of options)08:30
zygayes, it works08:31
zygaok, I'll remove the +x bit then08:31
Chipacazyga: er08:31
Chipacazyga: note it's the one in the core you want to tweak08:31
zygathat's more work ;)08:32
zygaChipaca ok, that works too08:33
Chipacazyga: also it's rev <<<complete08:34
Chipaca$(rev <<<complete).sh08:34
mupPR snapd#5270 closed: snap,client: show "publisher" in `snap list` and expose in client API <Created by mvo5> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5270>08:35
mupPR snapd#5352 opened: many: expose full publisher info of the snapd api <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5352>08:35
Chipacahah! in github the way you tell it utf is ok is with 'utf8=✓'08:37
pedronisChipaca: hi,  5352 follows your suggestion about expanding publisher in the snapd API to the same object as the v2 store API08:38
Chipacapedronis: reviewing it already08:38
Chipaca(toggled whitespace to see the struct diffs properly which is when i noticed the utf8=✓ thing)08:38
mupPR snapd#5353 opened: data/completion: remove shebang and +x from etelpmoc.sh <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5353>08:39
Chipacapedronis: had we agreed on changing the column name in list?08:41
Chipacapedronis: (that's a bigger 'we' than you and me)08:41
mvoChipaca: for publisher instead of developer? I think we did08:43
Chipacamvo: schweet08:43
mupPR snapd#5354 opened: packaging/opensuse: ship apparmor integration if enabled <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5354>08:53
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zyga_https://code.facebook.com/posts/605721433136474/accelerate-large-scale-applications-with-bolt/ is interesting08:57
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
zygaChipaca: I pushed the opposite approach, we should also perhaps look at those shellcheck warnings I posed09:05
zyganothing there screams critical though09:05
zygaI will address those separately09:05
Chipacazyga: sure. be careful though :)09:06
pedronisChipaca: answered some of your comments09:09
pedronisChipaca: also do you really meant adding output related code to the client pkg? that feels strange09:10
mupPR snapd#5355 opened: data/complete: fix three out of four shellcheck warnings in data/complete <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5355>09:12
zygaChipaca: I decided not to touch that last one09:12
zygafeel free to do so09:12
zygamy bash is not that fantastic to do it comfortably09:12
pedronisChipaca: also I notice that client/packages.go imports  snap nowadays, do you know what's the expected boundary?  I could move to shared snap.StoreAccount under you unflatten request09:14
zyga2018-06-20 09:13:55 Cannot allocate google:arch-linux-64: cannot allocate new Google server for arch-linux-64: quota 'IN_USE_ADDRESSES' exceeded. Limit: 575.0 in region us-east1.09:15
zygagoogle hates us todaty09:15
zygaor just me09:16
pedronisdo we have machines left over09:16
mborzeckisomething not cleaning up the machines?09:16
pedroniszyga: to be fair you created a tons of small PRs it seems09:17
zygaor perhaps the many small PRs consumed too much09:17
zygayeah, I think that's it09:17
zygalet's wait for this to settle in ~20 mintues09:17
pedronislike another round and we are in review sprint territory09:18
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5342 can be merged now09:20
mupPR #5342: tests: shellchecks part 4 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5342>09:20
Chipacapedronis: I'm +1 for shared, but gustavo has sometimes objected to it09:20
zygaI hope my small packaging fixes can mostly land very fast09:20
Chipacapedronis: but I think we're moving towards mostly-shared, see snapshots for example09:21
mupPR snapd#5342 closed: tests: shellchecks part 4 <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5342>09:21
Chipacamborzecki: when is the cutover for your shellchecks work?09:21
Chipacamborzecki: by this i mean, when would an 'exceptions' list be shorter than a 'must' list :)09:22
mborzeckiChipaca: i think we're at ~40%09:22
mborzeckii'll open another batch today09:23
pedronisChipaca: ok, I kept it flat because is flat atm, and also there would be more churn but I can do that if you feel it's better09:23
pedronisChipaca: did you see my questions/comment on ForTerminal ?09:23
Chipacapedronis: I did not09:24
Chipacagot the gas inspector in, got a little sidetracked09:24
pedronisChipaca: also if it's snap.StoreAccount it seems even a worse place for ForTerminal, I think we'll have a function with flags or functions in cmd/snap itself instead09:29
mvomborzecki: if you want you can review your/our go-check PR, I tweaked it a little bit to address the concerns that gustavo had and I think its quite nice now09:29
Chipacapedronis: ok09:30
mborzeckimvo: i see you've pushed the fix for basic types09:33
Chipacamborzecki: we need a 'basic types starter pack' meme now09:34
mvomborzecki: yeah, I think/hope its good now09:34
mvomborzecki: it still has the properties we want, i.e. big structs/long strings are nicely diffed09:35
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5350 is green and trivial, please review09:35
mupPR #5350: packaging/opensuse: don't use %-macros in comments <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5350>09:35
mvomborzecki: if it looks good to you I will ask gustavo (either here or in the standup) for a quick look09:35
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5347 is in the same spot09:36
mupPR #5347: data: remove /bin/sh from snapd.sh <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5347>09:36
zygamvo: trivial action on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/533109:37
mupPR #5331: snapstate: sort "snapd" first <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5331>09:37
mvozyga: thanks, will do09:40
mupPR snapd#5356 opened: packaging: require snapd.socket in snapd.seeded.service; make sure snapd.seeded.… <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5356>09:42
pstolowskimvo, mborzecki ^09:42
pstolowskibtw, systemd didn't like Restart=on-failure, perhaps because it can't be combined with oneshot?09:43
mvopstolowski: silly question, why is the after=snapd.socket not enough?09:45
pstolowskimvo: that's a little bit vague, see https://serverfault.com/questions/812584/in-systemd-whats-the-difference-between-after-and-requires09:49
mborzeckimvo: after is just ordering, if both seeded.service and snapd.socker are started together, seeded will be ordered after09:49
pstolowski"After= configures service order (do X only after Y), while Requires= state dependencies. If you don't specify an order, a service depending on another would be started at the same time as the one it is depending on"09:49
mborzeckibut if you start seeded.service and socket is not active then it will not be started09:49
pstolowski"After= is a "loose coupling"09:50
mvozyga: should your rpm stuff go into 2.33.1 as well?09:53
mborzeckipstolowski: right, it may nee to be one of the 'daemon' modes09:53
zygawell, the packaging/ directory can be master only09:54
zygathere are a few things we could cherry pick once everything lands09:54
zygabut I have patches in the tree so not a hard requirement09:54
zygaI'm happy if they land in master only09:54
mvomborzecki, pstolowski thanks, I guess I'm missing something. if snapd.seeded is ordered after snapd.socket (which it currently is afaiui) then when snapd.seeded runs it should simply socket activate on snap system-info snapd. or are sockets and services started by systemd in different "runs" ?09:55
zygamvo: thank you for the reviews!09:55
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5349 needs a 2nd review now09:55
mupPR #5349: packaging/opensuse: add missing bits for snapd.seeded.service <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5349>09:55
zyga(green and ready)09:55
mvomborzecki, pedronis I guess my question is "why are snapd.seeded, snapd.socket" not started togehter :)09:55
mupPR snapd#5350 closed: packaging/opensuse: don't use %-macros in comments <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5350>09:56
mvomborzecki, pstolowski is it because of the different "WantedBy"?09:56
mvomborzecki, pstolowski sorry for the questions, just trying to understand the why behind it09:57
mborzeckimvo: my guess is that the seeded target is ordered independenly of the sockets target09:57
mvomborzecki: yeah, I think that makes sense. I would have assumed socket targets run before the normal multi-user though. but its the best theory so far :)09:58
mvoas an experiment we could make snapd.seeded wantedby socket.target to see if that also solves the issue09:58
mborzeckimvo: or make snapd.socket wanted by seeded target09:58
pstolowskii can experiment with that10:00
Chipacawhy wanted by and not before/after?10:00
Chipacaalso note wantedby and requires do not imply before/after10:01
pstolowskifwtw the spread tests are happy after requires= fix10:01
Chipacaso i guess you need both10:01
Chipacarequires= and after=10:01
Chipacaor wantedby= and before=10:01
pstolowskiChipaca: atm (with my PR) we have after= and requires=, yes10:01
Chipaca(probably the former)10:01
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
pedronispstolowski: hi, btw can your disconnect hooks PR be re-reviewed?10:06
pstolowskipedronis: not really, there is a spread test failure that may be related to conflict-checks change10:06
pedronisok, ping me when you think I should look again10:08
pstolowskipedronis: but if you could take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5323 that would be great10:09
mupPR #5323: ifacestate: prevent running interface hooks twice when self-connecting on autoconnect <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5323>10:09
zygamvo: updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5353 -- I also re-worded the branch description to match the final state10:13
mupPR #5353: data/completion: fix inconsistency in +x and shebang <Squash-merge> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5353>10:13
zygamborzecki: can you have a quick look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/534910:18
mupPR #5349: packaging/opensuse: add missing bits for snapd.seeded.service <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5349>10:18
mvoI noticed we hit a GCE quota limit for IN_USE_ADDRESSES10:18
zygalikely due to the number of PRs in flight10:21
mupPR snapd#5349 closed: packaging/opensuse: add missing bits for snapd.seeded.service <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5349>10:21
zygawe discussed that above with pedronis a moment ago10:21
pstolowskioh wow that's a massive failure https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/394476948/log.txt10:22
pstolowskicannot allocate new Google server for ubuntu-16.04-32: quota 'IN_USE_ADDRESSES' exceeded. Limit: 575.0 in region us-east110:23
pstolowskiah that's what you discussed above10:25
zygamborzecki: thank you for the idea, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5347 is now a one-liner10:25
mupPR #5347: data: remove /bin/sh from snapd.sh <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5347>10:25
pedronispstolowski: will look at that after lunch10:29
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5341#pullrequestreview-130331441 is reviewed :)10:32
mupPR #5341: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: intoduce helpers for validating snap instance name and instance key <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5341>10:32
mborzeckizyga: thanks!10:33
jameshmborzecki: for your shellcheck work, what do you think of listing the spread tests that are allowed to fail rather than the ones that are required to pass?10:35
jameshmborzecki: I ask, because I've added new spread tests in some of my branches that failed shellcheck and didn't error out because they weren't listed in the "must" file10:36
Chipacawhat's the default terminal on kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, mate? <- popey?10:37
mborzeckijamesh: hm something to consider, looks like an easy change10:37
popeykonsole, dunno about the others10:37
jameshmborzecki: it seems like a check that new tests should be required to pass10:37
Chipacapopey: do you have a konsole handy? (as in already installed, at your fingertips)10:38
Chipacapopey: could you run http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WkK7GSvhfC/ ?10:38
mborzeckijamesh: yes, that would be helpful, i could stop reminding people to add their files to must-pass list10:38
jameshmborzecki: it would also make it easier to tell when the job was finished: you'd have an empty file listing the tests allowed to fail.10:39
mupPR snapd#5357 opened: firstboot: mark essential snaps as "Required" in the state <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5357>10:41
popey@Chipaca ^10:42
Chipacazyga: what's the easiest way for a machead to run a core image?10:42
Chipacazyga: person with a mac and no ubuntu10:42
Chipacapopey: what10:42
zygaMac head10:42
zygalol, sorry, I didn't parse that at first10:43
popeyChipaca: screenshot above10:43
zygawell, those raspberry pi's, Mac-heads love to buy stuff I suspect ;)10:43
Chipacapopey: no i mean what happened to the utf810:43
popeyno clue10:43
zygaChipaca: more seriously, if you need a VM there are several popular choices10:44
zygaVMware fusion, maybe parallels (but I didn't use it and it's a subscription now so bleh)10:44
Chipacapopey: all those should be «[…] Green ☑✅✓✔🗸🗹»10:44
popeymy bad10:45
mborzeckikinkpad ;)10:45
popeykde thinkpad -> kinkpad :)10:45
Chipacathank you10:46
Chipacapopey: 18.04?10:46
popeysorry, i used the raw text from the pastebin, which was my error10:46
popeykde neon10:46
Chipacapopey: ok10:46
Chipacapopey: and those strings are now the right utf8 thing, in that order?10:47
popeyi copypasted from the pastebin, so should be as you wrote them10:48
ChipacaIOW konsole in 16.04 renders ☑ and ✅ the same?10:48
zygaemoji support is much later10:48
zygaso that's expected10:48
popeyyeah, i dont think I've fiddled much with the fonts or anything10:48
zygais cachio around today10:49
Chipacazyga: all of those work acceptably on gnome terminal in 16.04, fwiw10:49
zygaI wonder if spread somehow forgets to release IP addresses10:49
Chipacazyga: no, cachio  is not around today10:49
zygamaybe after the issue we had lately10:49
zygawe killed all the stray VMs10:49
zygabut not their addresses10:49
zygass... ss..10:49
zygaI need a coffeee10:50
* zyga stops10:50
ChipacaWimpress: are you around?10:50
zygamvo: do you have permissions to see IP address allocations?10:50
popeyChipaca: he's on a call10:52
* Chipaca installs mate-terminal10:52
mvozyga: I don't think so10:53
mupPR snapd#5358 opened: tests: add spread test to ensure snapd/core18 are not removable <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5358>10:56
ogra_do we ignore user preferences if interfaces do autoconnect (and do we have a bug for that if this is the case) https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-premissions-automatic-resets/602110:57
pedronisogra_: we had a bug about that what pstolowski landed a fix I think (don't remember when)11:05
ogra_well, smells like this user didnt get the fix yet ... unless it is really a UI only issue11:06
pstolowskiogra_, pedronis it landed in master on may 18th - https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/455111:09
mupPR #4551: ifacestate: do not auto-connect manually disconnected interfaces <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4551>11:09
ogra_ah, so not in any stable release yet, that explains it11:10
zygaI guess PRs are stuck in limbo now11:15
zygawaiting to go over 49 minute mark11:15
zygalet's not open new PRs11:15
zygaor re-start anything11:15
zygauntil this clears11:15
mupPR snapd#5250 closed:  interfaces/udev,misc: only trigger udev events on input subsystem as needed <Reviewed> <Squash-merge> <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5250>11:19
* zyga -> lunch11:33
mupPR snapd#5359 opened: spread-shellcheck: use a whitelist of files that are allowed to fail validation <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5359>11:55
mborzeckijamesh: ^^11:55
mupPR snapd#5360 opened: tests: fix shellcheck 0.5.0 warnings <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5360>12:21
zygaI think gce is very unhappy now12:30
zygamvo: I'll postpone suse work until I can land the rest of the things to master12:31
zygamvo: switching to interfaces in core1812:31
mvozyga: yay!12:31
zygaas we discussed yesterday12:31
* mvo hugs zyga 12:31
mupPR snapd#5361 opened: snapstate: allow removal of snap.TypeOS when using a model with a base <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5361>12:32
pedronisyes, gce issues are a bit blocking work atm12:33
zygaMurphy strikes :)12:34
zygawhen Sergio is off, clouds rain12:34
zygaPharaoh_Atem: can you please have a look at a suse packaging change: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/535112:35
mupPR #5351: packaging/opensuse: build position-independent binaries <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5351>12:35
mupPR core18#33 opened: hooks: install net-tools package <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/33>12:42
zygamvo: I'm -1 on that12:44
mborzeckihm sergio off, but argentina plays their match only tomorrow ;)12:48
mvozyga: yeah, thats fine. I was a bit split about it myself12:49
zygamvo: I replied on the thread12:49
pedronisis a national holiday today there12:50
mborzeckii'm contemplating switching the shellcheck test to run on arch instead of 18.04, i don't really feel like building shellcheck from source12:50
mborzeckipedronis: what kind of holiday?12:50
pedronisI don't know12:50
mupPR core18#33 closed: hooks: install net-tools package <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/33>12:50
ogra_chocolate appreciation day :)12:50
pedronisFlag Day apparently12:50
ogra_(or was it cheese)12:51
mborzeckiogra_: fondue?12:51
zygamborzecki: cough, snap it, cough12:51
mupPR core18#30 closed: hooks: clenup /etc/{passwd,shadow,group,gshadow}.orig <Created by mvo5> <Merged by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/30>12:51
zygamvo: as I'm thinking about core1812:51
zygamvo: can we please ship locales-all and see how big that becomes12:52
sil2100mvo: what do you think about https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/24 now ?12:52
mupPR core18#24: Add the systemd-sysv package for tools like shutdown and reboot <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/24>12:52
zygamvo: I can take that if you don't NACK it12:52
zygamvo: locales sans .mo files, that is12:52
mvozyga: I tried that and it was huge, let me try again12:52
zygaif you teach me how to try I could do too12:52
mvosil2100: let me check, thanks for the update12:52
zygamvo: I'm only after the locale catalogs12:52
zygamvo: since apps can relatively easily ship .mo files12:53
mborzeckizyga: that might not be such a bad idea after all, only nit is that it's in haskell probably pulls in several GB of packages just for the build12:53
sil2100zyga: just modify the hook for additional packages and you can add locales-all there - then just build it12:53
zygabut shipping basic locale would let us fix a class of bugs12:53
sil2100mvo: you doing that or should I check how the size changes?12:53
sil2100(to save you time)12:53
* zyga hugs sil2100 and mvo12:54
zygaseems this is in good hands12:54
WimpressChipaca: I am now12:54
zygaI'll go back to interfaces12:54
ChipacaWimpress: too late har har, too late har har12:54
mvosil2100: feel free to test it yourself, I have a meeting in 3min12:57
sil2100mvo: building with locales-all to compare the size12:57
mvosil2100: thank you!12:58
mvosil2100: I also update the cleanup PR now12:58
zygaPharaoh_Atem: thank you! I'll update that12:58
sil2100mvo: same here, although depends if I'll have my sprint load at the same time or I'll be able to get to the snappy one12:58
sil2100mvo, zyga: by installing locales-all just the snap size increased by 11 MB13:00
zygathat's _neat_13:01
zygathank you13:01
zygaand if you strip the .mo files?13:01
* Son_Goku still bemoans the poorly named core* snaps13:03
* zyga hugs Son_Goku agreeing 13:03
Son_Gokuthat's probably going to be one of those things I'm not ever going to let go13:04
Son_Gokulike the dumb thing with /snap13:04
zygamvo: comment https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5361#pullrequestreview-13038691413:16
mupPR #5361: snapstate: allow removal of snap.TypeOS when using a model with a base <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5361>13:16
mupPR snapd#5362 opened: tests: use "ss" instead of "netstat" (netstat is not available in cor18) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5362>13:19
mvothanks zyga :)13:25
mvozyga: will reply after the standup13:25
mupPR snapcraft#2163 closed: tests: add lifecycle ordering tests <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2163>13:51
zygasil2100: did you get that number without .mo files?13:51
mborzeckiChipaca: yay, getting consistent results with shellchek from snap :P13:53
sil2100zyga: not yet! We're still eh, sprint loading13:53
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
zygano worries13:53
* zyga wonders what is "sprint loading"13:53
zygain a bus waiting to fly?13:53
sil2100zyga: I'll have it in a few, just need to run the build13:53
sil2100zyga: it's like, loading tasks we're going to work on during the next 2 week 'sprint' ;)13:54
mupPR snapcraft#2164 opened: add support for the "website" field in snapcraft <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2164>13:54
sil2100'loading' == 'committing to working on them'13:54
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om26erWimpress: ping14:05
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sil2100zyga: oh, there's actually no .mo files installed14:11
sil2100Not by this package or it's dependencies14:12
zygasil2100: thank you14:12
mupPR snapd#5354 closed: packaging/opensuse: ship apparmor integration if enabled <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5354>14:13
sil2100I was wondering why my hook wasn't changing the size, and well, it's because it wasn't removing anything14:18
zygaThank you for checking. This is useful data14:21
* zyga -> afk14:21
Chipacamborzecki: huzzah14:22
mborzeckiChipaca: if you feel like reviewing a bit then #5359 and #5360 need some attention :)14:25
mupPR #5359: spread-shellcheck: use a whitelist of files that are allowed to fail validation <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5359>14:25
mupPR #5360: tests: fix shellcheck 0.5.0 warnings <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5360>14:25
Chipacamborzecki: I never* don't feel like reviewing14:26
Chipacamborzecki: question: why not parser.add_argument('--can-fail', default=os.getenv('CAN_FAIL', None)) ?14:29
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mupPR snapcraft#2165 opened: many: automatically detect dependency changes <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2165>14:30
pedronismvo:  Chipaca: using "-"  for no publishers break yaml parsing, which we use in  the snap info test14:31
Chipacapedronis: hah14:31
Chipacapedronis: we use em dash for that in yaml output14:31
Chipacapedronis: :)14:31
mborzeckihm a list item14:31
pedronisChipaca: in info ?14:31
Chipacapedronis: yes14:31
Chipacapedronis: sorry, an en dash14:32
Chipacaversion = "–" // that's an en dash (so yaml is happy)14:32
mvoChipaca: nice14:32
pedronisChipaca: only in info though, right? the other places use "-"14:32
Chipacapedronis: yes14:33
pedronisChipaca: thx14:33
Chipacathat, and uparrow, and horizontal ellipsis, are all in the default linux console font14:34
Chipacamvo: :-)14:36
mborzeckiChipaca: thanks for the reviews14:38
Chipacamborzecki: thanks for the code :)14:39
Chipacathe switch from whitelist to blacklist makes me happy14:40
* Chipaca is easy to please14:40
niemeyerOkay, spread -gc seems to be working well, and spread in Travis was updated so it reports properly the job it's running for..14:51
niemeyerPlease let me know if you see any bugs there14:52
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mupIssue core18#4 closed:  Crash qt gui aplication (build with core 18 on ubuntu 18.04(LXD))  <Created by EndrII> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/issue/4>15:18
mupPR core18#24 closed: Add the systemd-sysv package for tools like shutdown and reboot <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/24>15:18
mupIssue core18#4 opened:  Crash qt gui aplication (build with core 18 on ubuntu 18.04(LXD))  <Created by EndrII> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/issue/4>15:19
mupPR core18#24 opened: Add the systemd-sysv package for tools like shutdown and reboot <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/24>15:20
kyrofamvo, regarding https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2164, is that actually supported in snapd? The thread to which you linked leads me to believe something isn't quite done there15:24
mupPR snapcraft#2164: add support for the "website" field in snapcraft <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2164>15:24
cachioniemeyer, hey, last change in spread is breaking axecutions15:24
kyrofapedronis, what do you mean when you say website is not fully exposed to snapd?15:24
cachioniemeyer, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/394581202#L79115:25
pedroniskyrofa: the  APIs that snapd use don't all habe website as  a field15:25
cachioit is making fail all the travis builds15:25
pedroniskyrofa:  it's not a snapcraft side issue afaiu15:25
* cachio afk15:25
kyrofamvo, pedronis, jdstrand will the review tools let website through?15:26
pedronisthat I don't know, likely not15:26
pedronisjdstrand is on holiday this week15:26
kyrofaWe need to start using cross-project bugs for this stuff, we need to coordinate better15:26
pedronisto be fair this was a bit mvo chomping at the bit15:27
kyrofaYeah... and it doesn't work, but I'll ignore that ;)15:28
mvokyrofa: its not there on the snapd side yet either15:28
kyrofamvo, haha!15:29
pedronisafaiu  this is partly supported by the store and metadata api, but not snapcraft ? or is supported by snapcraft but not over snap.yaml?15:31
kyrofapedronis, snapcraft doesn't support a website field at all right now. Other than that, this is the first of heard of it, so I don't know the rest15:32
kyrofaNote that passthrough is available if folks are just wanting to test it out15:32
pedronisthere's a forum topic with some discussion it (and store does support it)15:32
pedronisbut don't think there was even agreement on the topic itself15:32
kyrofaIndeed, I read it, and came away shrugging :P15:32
mborzecki2018-06-20 14:50:44 Cannot allocate google:ubuntu-18.04-64: cannot allocate new Google server google:ubuntu-18.04-64 (jun201446-697464): cannot find ready marker in console output for google:ubuntu-18.04-64 (jun201446-697464)15:33
mupPR snapcraft#2164 closed: add support for the "website" field in snapcraft <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2164>15:42
Chipacamborzecki: that's google speak for "EOD byeeee"15:46
pedronisChipaca: I updated #535215:59
mupPR #5352: many: expose full publisher info over the snapd API <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5352>16:00
Chipacapedronis: oh no16:00
Chipacapedronis: thank you16:01
Chipacapedronis: wee, you even did the 'be more structured' thing :-D16:01
abeatoniemeyer, hi, a new review is needed in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5309 :)16:09
mupPR #5309: overlord/configstate: add watchdog options <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5309>16:09
mupPR snapd#5348 closed: packaging/opensuse: snap-confine should be 06755 <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5348>16:19
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pedronisniemeyer: gce has started given a different kind of error, what mborzecki posted above16:28
niemeyerOops.. will have a look shortly16:29
Chipacamborzecki: is there a 'glxgears'-like snap?16:32
popeyomgiraffe is the new glxgears16:33
Chipacapopey: what's missing is that ohmygiraffe has a lot of dependencies that a simple GL thing doesn't have16:34
popeyyeah, true16:34
Chipacai'm not after a "is gl working", but rather a "minimal snap that works with opengl that i can steal from"16:35
Chipacamy usual technique of copying stuff until ldd stops complaining is not working16:35
Chipacait's almost as if I should use snapcraft16:35
* Chipaca ponders that16:35
popeylddtostage  script16:37
popeypoint it at a binary, it tells you what packages you need in stage-packages16:37
Chipacaheh :)16:37
Chipacapopey: it says I should stage 'nvidia-384'16:38
* Chipaca doubts16:38
niemeyerI see the bug16:58
niemeyermborzecki, pedronis: Please give it another shot16:59
niemeyerabeato: Thanks for the changes17:24
niemeyerabeato: Submitted a last round of details there17:24
mborzeckiChipaca: graphics-debug-tools-bboozzoo, it includes glxinfo, eglinfo, vulkaninfo and xrandr17:33
Chipacamborzecki: i'd forgotten about those! thanks17:34
abeatoniemeyer, great, thanks17:40
niemeyermborzecki: Is it working now?17:41
mborzeckiniemeyer: yup, PRs are slowly getting green18:13
* zyga is done with doctors for a while18:31
zygaand all is good18:31
zygaand I can (I think) focus on work now18:31
=== Pharaoh_Atem is now known as Conan_Kudo
niemeyerzyga: Congrats! :)19:25
zyganiemeyer: haha, thank you :)19:25
zygawe are all happy and now much calmer19:25
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