[06:22] good morning [06:38] Morning didrocks [06:41] hey duflu === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [07:45] willcooke, jibel, morning! I can't yet raise koza and seb is out for a bit. Do you want to do the Bluetooth meeting? [07:45] hi duflu [07:45] seb can't make it either [07:45] and I dont really have anything to discuss [07:45] so I'm happy to skip [07:45] willcooke, only 5.50 is now in cosmic. [07:46] That is all [07:46] ah nice one [07:47] Trevinho, are you around? [07:48] hey willcooke [07:50] duflu, okay to skip [07:53] hey didrocks [08:03] boop [08:03] good morning all [08:04] hey Laney, andyrock [08:06] morning Laney andyrock [08:06] Morning andyrock [08:06] Morning Laney [08:07] more likely that than a supermarkey purchase just occurred [08:07] or supermarkey [08:07] or supermarket [08:07] * duflu frowns at keyboard [08:09] hey didrocks & willcooke & duflu :> [08:12] oh and andyrock! [08:12] where are you in the world atm? [08:12] back in europe [08:13] safe in homeland [08:13] XD [08:14] I travelled back yesterday [08:15] :> [08:23] good morning desktopers [08:24] hi seb128 [08:24] sorry I was late for the bluetooth meeting [08:25] I didn't have much to contribute anyway, just that I uploaded the bluez update from d_uflu yesterday [08:25] seb128, we skipped it [08:25] :) [08:25] I saw [08:25] wfm :) [08:27] moin seb128 [08:28] salut seb128 === zyga_ is now known as zyga [10:18] Anyone know if it's possible to disable GNOME Shells positioning of pop up windows in the centre of the main application window? [10:18] specically, I'm doing some stuff if LibreOffice and the chart options window is smack in the middle where I want to see behind it [10:19] willcooke, I think gnome-tweaks lets you change it? [10:19] willcooke, you probably need to disable "Attach Modal Dialogues" in Tweaks -> Windows [10:20] yay, that did it! [10:20] thanks chaps === ecloud is now known as ecloud_wfh [11:16] didrocks: hey, have you seen the git repo now? [11:17] Trevinho: no, you didn't tell me you were done, are you? [11:17] didrocks: yeah, I should had to mail you since I finished last night [11:18] didrocks: anyway it is [11:18] can you paste again the url? as it's not under ~ubuntu-desktop [11:18] * didrocks will look this afternoon [11:18] * Trevinho can't push there :( [11:18] https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+git/gnome-shell [11:18] thanks! [11:18] 5 hours ago was last night? :) [11:19] I didn't add anything to the wiki, but I can add what I did there or somewhere else [11:19] extended version of night [11:19] well you were not up yet :-D [11:19] I guess ubuntu/bionic-3.28.2-sru and ubuntu/master-next are branch that you will delete one merged? [11:19] I definitily was at 8am ;) [11:19] yes [11:20] but master == current cosmic and /bionic == current bionic, correct? [11:20] ah, I mean last time I checked the channel I dindn't see you... but anyways, no worries [11:20] (well current + staged changes maybe) [11:20] didrocks: currently it's: ubuntu/bioinc current bionic, ubuntu/master proposed cosmic (and bionic SRU) [11:21] Trevinho: ok [11:21] (proposed by me I mean [11:21] but see the tags to refer to what it is) [11:21] as long as we didn't diverge, I don't think we should branch [11:21] (see the wiki) [11:21] only when we need to have a different maintenance branch, we should [11:21] tey're not diverged so far, but I've kept them around for simplicity [11:21] * didrocks gbp clone lp:~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell [11:22] Trevinho: I'll let you remove master-next and bionic-* as it's not propsoed SRU from what you told ^ [11:22] didrocks: need to add to the wiki to remember to make sure that lp config remote HEAD points to ubuntu/master as to me it wasn't and gbp clone failed :) [11:22] Trevinho: it's on the wiki, in the procedure [11:23] if you look at the last step for creating a new page [11:23] didrocks: yeah, I can remove them right now... for now just look at the content. Branches structure is not final [11:23] repo* [11:23] Trevinho: ok, i'll make as if those 2 branches don't exist, as they shouldn't [11:23] didrocks: ah, ok :), I failed to read it thenxD [11:24] 8. Configure launchpad [11:24] Visit the repository page on Launchpad, and set the default branch to ubuntu/master. Also, remove the bzr branch if available to prevent other people relying on it, after checking that any pending change have been transferred to the git branch. [11:24] I guess that's an explicit step :p [11:25] didrocks: yes, if just my reading way would be linear [11:25] didrocks: anyway I've deleted the branches [11:25] thx [11:25] so, looking at it [11:26] upstream/3.28.1 is imported into 3.28.1-0ubuntu2 [11:26] not 3.28.1-0ubuntu1 [11:26] didrocks: and, one thing... upstream/latest, probably I should change it so that the commit to import all the version we diverged are made by us, not like in salsa [11:26] I guess that was your first import? [11:27] Trevinho: I don't think we should, the data should be the same being imported by us or debian [11:27] and we wanted to have that merged back at some point [11:27] didrocks: it is, a part from the "new upstream version" thing, and not doing that gbp import-orig will fail [11:27] as the tag already exist [11:27] of course we can remove and readd... but... [11:28] (importing with skip-tag) [11:28] Trevinho: sorry, do you answer on my question or the rewrite of upstream/latest? [11:28] didrocks: yes, that will be merged back then (i've also changes for going back to debian + ubuntu stuff) [11:28] didrocks: a sec, I was about to do it :) [11:29] I'm really confused, not sure to understand you at all [11:29] "that" being? [11:30] and my question was not a yes/no question :p [11:30] also, what are you about to do? [11:30] can you just answer the question first, then, we can discuss potential changes, please don't touch anything :p [11:30] I'm not [11:31] didrocks: as your question, my first import is 3.28.2. I've started this way: went back to were we diverged, merged with our bzr changes, then imported the dsc then imported the orig for 3.28.2 [11:32] imported the dsc was 3.28.1-0ubuntu2, correct? [11:32] "that"? in what sentence? [11:32] yep [11:33] 13:28:35 Trevinho | didrocks: yes, that will be merged back then (i've also changes for going back to debian + ubuntu stuff) [11:33] didrocks: upstream/latest = that [11:33] ok, but don't rewrite the history from debian [11:33] keep the import to the salsa imports [11:33] in upstream/latest [11:34] ok, that's what I did initially... [11:34] yeah, this is the current branch from what I see [11:34] as I said the only problem is that in this scenario we've already a tag, so we need to remove temporarly, import without adding, and readd I guess? [11:34] hum [11:34] which tag exactly? [11:34] upstream/3.28.2 [11:35] what did you rewrite that one? [11:35] We can also use someting else than upstream/* [11:35] but... [11:35] I don't think it's necessary [11:35] keep salsa's one [11:35] and only import the dsc [11:35] no? [11:35] s/what/why/ [11:35] I can't import the dsc for 3.28.2, as there's not one (from us) [11:35] you import the dsc for 3.28.2-0ubuntu2 from what I see [11:36] which shouldn't be an issue, as this isn't a -0ubuntu1 [11:36] nope, I've imported the 3.28.1* [11:36] (dsc) [11:36] | | | Import Debian changes 3.28.1-0ubuntu2 [11:36] this is the version you imported [11:37] as the first one, after diverging from debian [11:37] yes, .1 not .2 [11:37] ah sorry, they alread have 3.28.2 [11:37] hum [11:37] but [11:37] we don't have a dsc for it [11:37] * didrocks checks rmadison [11:37] so you don't need to import anything? [11:38] exactly [11:38] yep, nothing publish with it [11:38] so, keep usptream one [11:38] yes, I've imported 3.28.2 orig [11:38] don't rewrite their history [11:38] ok, that's fine [11:38] as it's already imported [11:38] good :) [11:38] we can use upstream-ubuntu/latest if you want instead [11:39] no, please, stick with DEP14 [11:39] let's use their version [11:39] and upstream/latest [11:39] no need to double import the same tarballs [11:39] ok, ok... so let me redo that step as I did it before [11:39] let me finish reviewing before doing this [11:39] sure [11:39] so, from what I see, we ends up: [11:39] workitem at least [11:39] ubuntu changes [11:39] debian changes until we diverge [11:39] ubuntu changes with debian/ only branch [11:39] in that order (from HEAD to older changes) [11:40] correct? [11:41] depend on what visualizer you'r looking at, but base is: salsa until we diverge + ubuntu-only changes + new upstream [11:41] no [11:41] well, not in git lg [11:41] check it in git log --graph [11:41] and you should see the same [11:41] that's what I'm doing [11:41] | * commit 1db18800539046637e20cb710cf1226f2959e515 [11:41] is a parent of: [11:41] * commit 8682b3949d1a458a5406761c98debd5431a30209 [11:42] ah no, next to it [11:42] let me go to the merge commit [11:42] ok, up to * | | commit 073068c3c5c70320a92275fe59bba229c60e3182 [11:42] which merges the 2 branches [11:43] (gitg is nicer to read these things :)) [11:43] I find it puzzling that this is the commit with that message: [11:43] Import Debian changes 3.28.1-0ubuntu2 [11:43] but we have: | * commit 48f0e20cafd6523683716c732ea0150e40ecfd5e (tag: ubuntu/3.28.1-0ubuntu2) [11:43] which is a children of it [11:43] didrocks: yeah, so..... that's another thing I wanted to ask [11:43] so we don't have commit corresponding to it [11:43] since.... we should presever which one? [11:43] we can decide which one of two being it [11:43] maybe the one mergin in that case [11:43] discarding the bzr one [11:43] on that one, I would put it on the merge commit [11:44] as it's the one which would work with gbp buildpackage [11:44] I was also undecided about that [11:44] ofc, then people shouldn't rely that older commits will work with it: ubuntu/3.28.1-0ubuntu1 [11:44] as it's debian/ only [11:44] yep [11:44] ok let me update those two tags then? [11:45] sure [11:45] I can describe the extra steps I did then, it's nothing really time consuming and imho it keeps things nicely [11:45] ok, git blame is what I expect [11:45] let me finish reviewing [11:45] you didn't follow the import guide though :p [11:46] debian/control didn't udpate the Vcs tags [11:46] nor point to salsa one [11:46] yes I did :o [11:46] or maybe.... wait since I went back a few times in reflog [11:46] wait, my fault [11:46] let me reset :p [11:46] (navigating too much in history) [11:46] I would have done that even without reading the guide though :D [11:47] no [11:47] at least, not on ubuntu-master [11:47] Vcs-Bzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-shell/ubuntu [11:47] nothing git [11:47] or is it just my checkout? [11:48] and ubuntu/bionic didn't update debian/gbp.conf as in the guide :p [11:48] don't tell you followed it it's a step as well ;) [11:48] good morning Trevinho, how are you? [11:48] 2. Update debian/gbp.conf to reference correct upstream gbp branch [11:48] # edit debian/gbp.conf and replace with '''upstream-branch=upstream/3.28.x''' [11:48] $ git commit -a [11:49] hi seb128 all good, you? [11:49] and: Create a maintenance branch [11:49] section [11:49] I'm good, thanks [11:49] and same Vcs-Bzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-shell/ubuntu [11:49] didrocks: how is that I've Vcs-git here? :o [11:50] didrocks: 61f8b5c1dd6dc61f39b502a90a323c8bb5dc5c00 [11:50] Trevinho: https://git.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/tree/debian/control.in?id=a119c39faac273282d1d2f88975dc1d82f8904cd#n58 [11:50] well, launchpad agrees with me [11:51] fckkk, I do to... as I change control, not contorl.in [11:51] :) [11:51] so i did it, but in the wrong path. I was sure about [11:51] eh https://git.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/tree/debian/control [11:51] :) [11:51] Trevinho: ok, so I suggest [11:52] well I'll edit the commit no worries [11:52] edit the wiki to add those steps (or copy it) [11:52] then, redo frmo scratch to check the steps are working [11:52] and have a clean branch [11:52] don't create a maintainance branch yet as we didn't diverge [11:52] sounds good? [11:52] ok [11:53] I don't really see the git blame benefits, but it seems it's not hurting anyway [11:53] which is what I care about :) [11:53] I don't think there is any impact on "Create a maintenance branch" section [11:53] nope [11:54] so yeah, just copy "Convert a package to git for the first time from Debian" [11:54] I mean what I've done puts itself into the wiki properly, it just imports stuff with metadata too [11:54] then, I'll make a diff to ahve a second look :) [11:54] i'll add only a sub-section to that, ok? Like if there's an ubuntu bzr branch.... [11:55] Trevinho: ah, with the extra steps, why not… well, add that as a step like "4" and "4.1", "4.2"… [11:55] but the most important is that you validate the changes, scratch your branch, and refollow the whole guide completely [11:56] Trevinho: bonus point if converting only requires git-bzr and not bzr itself :p [11:57] ok, I was thinking on 4a, b,c but sure :) [11:58] Trevinho: on that one, I have no opinion :p [11:58] didrocks: well, I've done with bzr itself as git-bzr isn't in the repo, right? [11:58] oh, it's not? [11:58] apt search git-bzr has nothing [11:58] one sec [11:59] Trevinho: git-remote-bzr [11:59] that's why I went with normal bzr, but we don't need much more there [11:59] this is what you need :) [12:00] then, it's simply git clone bzr::lp:~ [12:00] mh, I see, let me check how that behaves [12:00] ;) [12:00] k, ok.... could be better [12:00] unsure it supports the operation you want [12:00] but supposively you can add a temporary remote you want to remove? [12:00] mh, I can check, I can't just use that as a different remote I guess [12:01] as it needs to be a differen tree [12:01] but I can play with that again [12:01] Trevinho: yeah, just in case… that will help if we automate part of it in the future [12:02] Trevinho: once done, just reping me, I'll check the changes to the wiki and your new fresh branch ;) [12:02] didrocks: ok, thanks... I'll do that after lunch though [12:02] sure [12:03] didrocks: yes, automating was my idea too.... [12:03] although there are some manual intervention or deicision to takes (whic I would have avoided, but... humans, you know!) [12:04] Trevinho: as long as you can describe them precisely in the wiki as a first step… [12:06] k [12:06] well I normlly write scripts first then i (maybe) document, but in this case I see the value :) [12:08] yeah, especially restarting from scratch [12:08] I quite simplified when doing it [12:09] Trevinho, it starts feeling like that you are spending lot of efforts/time on something that isn't important and isn't going to be used/benefit to us much ... I know you like to do things nicely, but sometime perfect is the enemy of the good, isn't that the case here? shouldn't we stop the experiment there, declare that what others had is good enough and move back to do real work? [12:11] seb128: well, it wasn't too time consuming, what took to me much was merging with debian (which is not something involving this, and that still we want to do next), I think we're done now in terms of things to do... I mean the process is defined. Need to note down ('ve already) and write in the wiki. [12:12] once done that it will live alone [12:13] and for who will do it again it will take few extra steps [12:13] but yes, I agree this can't take longer than needed [12:14] "can" tou mean ? [12:15] I mean, it might have now, but once it's setup nope :) [12:18] well, you wasted a few days fighting with vcs things, you need to redo some work still now [12:19] you are also using some of didrocks' time for reviewing your work/pointing out the oversights/arguing etc [12:19] which is fine, but meanwhile the .2 update is still not uploaded [12:19] it should have been a week ago and would have been if we were no arguing over git details for days [12:19] btw which is exactly why I didn't want that git conversion to start before the LTS :p [12:42] quick question about the dpkg locking email: does this mean i can run apt on the command line while eg synaptic is running (but not doing anything)? [12:42] and what does it mean for eg bootstrapping a chroot where i run "dpkg --configure -a" non-interactively from a script on the chroot? [12:59] ali1234: you should probably ask that in #ubuntu-devel [12:59] oh right, i thought this was :) [13:34] seb128: hehe, well git conversations are always intense :). [13:45] we were doing OK up to now === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch === pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski [16:42] night all o/ [16:42] TFW when you decide not to care about a corner case