[00:22] Unit193: ah, you'd need sponsorship for it? Then you'll need to convince your sponsor too :) [00:22] rbasak: Well, if I could convince you or tsimonq2, or even LocutusOfBorg, that wouldn't be too hard! [00:25] I think you should go for MOTU already. I've sponsored enough of your stuff. :P [00:25] In my opinion, you know what you're doing, and you know to ask if you don't understand. [00:25] Most of those were more sensible. [00:26] Unit193: Is your diff ready enough for me to review + upload? [00:26] (Upload if it looks good, that is.) [00:27] tsimonq2: Technically you'd have to grab the source/sig, it won't apply directly atop Ubuntu's version. But that should be the Ubuntuized version of my package and done, indeed. [00:27] Unit193: Have you uploaded this to a PPA somewhere? Can I take a peek at that? [00:29] ppa:unit193/test has the non-Ubuntuized version, sure. [00:31] Is that the version you would like uploaded? [00:31] Not the version in the PPA, but the changelog and `update-maintainer` are the only differences. [00:33] OK. [00:33] https://unit193.net/source/oidentd_2.3.1-0ubuntu1.dsc [00:33] Reviewing. [00:40] Unit193: Have you tested this? How extensively? [00:41] Dates in the changelog are right, that's when I uploaded to my repo and it got updated/installed on 5 hosts, mix of amd64 and i386, from Xenial to Bionic and even testing. [00:44] Good enough for me. [00:45] I don't have exotic config though. [00:45] OK. [00:45] Well, your diff looks sane. [00:49] Unit193: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oidentd/2.3.1-0ubuntu1 [00:49] Have fun. [00:49] Thanks! [00:50] No problem. [00:50] *MOTU nag* [00:50] 4 weeks, earliest. [00:51] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [20:50] tsimonq2. [23:16] Hi Unit193. [23:20] Linked. [23:21] Huh? [23:23] Oh. [23:36] Not linking in channel because this is logged, but it's related to the last discussion. Also IIRC you'd mentioned it being gone.