
stochastixIs there a USB drive with hardware encryption that works in Ubuntu ?00:01
warhawkcan you do software encryption?00:02
warhawkgoogle linux usb encryption00:04
stochastixMaybe, but im wondering if there are any companies that have found a way to make it OS agnostic, without having to install anything. Someone at work told me they use Kingston with encryption, but unless its hardware based I dont see how it can with all of the OSes.00:06
stochastixThey didnt give me a model number so Im not sure which one they are talking about.00:06
stochastixI read about the data traveler drives, but it seems people open them up in a windows VM to decrypt and then access it in Linux. Hardly seems like a good option I think00:08
stochastixhmm, I see one with a keypad on the drive lol00:09
urgodfatherstochastix https://www.fabathome.org/best-encrypted-drive/00:09
stochastixThat may work.00:09
urgodfatherive seen some that have 2FA00:10
stochastixThis looks neat  http://www.legitreviews.com/kingston-datatraveler-2000-encrypted-flash-drive-review_17789300:10
stochastixOh yea, same thing. urgodfather00:10
stochastixthanks for the link, Ill read through those.00:10
urgodfatherive seen others, but you may want to consider something more secure and less risky00:11
urgodfatherlike a secure server00:11
urgodfatherIMO depending on what you are trying to store00:12
urgodfatherif its crypto then they have speciallized HW for that now depending on the alt00:12
syb0rgis there any reason to use hardware encryption over open-source software encryption?00:14
syb0rgfor data storage at least?00:15
Mibixneed to set an auto join here :p00:37
rcmaehlHI all, I just installed 18.04 on a device and it's loading up to a purple screen even after waiting a considerable time.00:47
rcmaehlI verified the hash but it appears to be correct00:47
rcmaehlIs there anything special I need to do with AMD APUs?00:47
rcmaehlOh, I forgot00:51
rcmaehlI'm using the default DE not Kubuntu or any other build00:51
rcmaehlHmm. seems it magically fixed itself after a few restarts00:52
Cookie8888hi I have a question about arguments and scripting can anyone help me with it please?00:58
urgodfatherCookie8888 what is the question01:02
urgodfathermost rooms dont like people asking to ask... just ask and wait01:02
Cookie8888urgodfather: got it thanks01:04
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urgodfatherCookie8888 what is the question?01:08
Mibixcan you do those sudo smartctl tests on ntfs drives in ubuntu?01:14
Cookie8888urgodfather: well I did debit=1200 then debit="$1" and echo "$1" so showed the value 1200 but when I tried a second thing credit=500 credit="$2" and echo "$2" showing blank01:15
guivercMibix, smartctl tools rely on drive electronics; as long as your drives have smart chips (some cheapos don't) the fs (filesystem) being used doesn't matter (it's not touched)01:16
tomreynMibix: NTFS is a file system. S.M.A.R.T. is a sensoric interface provided by the drive firmware. so whatever file systems and partitions are (not) on the disk, you can use it (as long as the drive provides the feature, but almost all do).01:17
urgodfatherscript looks right01:17
Mibixcan you use it while its still mounted tomreyn?01:17
tomreynMibix: yes01:17
Mibixpretty new to the drive tools in linux01:17
Cookie8888urgodfather: not showing $2 as 500 just blank01:18
urgodfatherchange to different id01:19
urgodfatherlike "id" for example01:19
Mibixlol it appears i do not have smartctl installed :p01:19
Wharfanyone in here able to help me set up an ftp server on my vps01:20
Wharfsorry to be a noob. i have tried.01:20
Wharfi got as far as setting apache up01:20
Wharfkinda need it to point at that directory really01:20
urgodfatherwharf what service do you want to use?01:20
Wharfone that works xD01:21
tomreynWharf: does it run ubuntu? why an ftp server?01:21
Cookie8888wait whats different "id"01:21
Wharfneeded to drop some flash files on there for a red5 based chat room01:21
Wharffor video and sound streaming01:21
Wharfinstalled red5 and apache, but cant seem to think of an easy way for me to get the files there01:21
urgodfatherCookie8888 usually when i script i dont use symbols01:22
urgodfatheruse sftp01:22
urgodfathersame as ssh01:22
Wharfeasy to use mate/01:23
Mibixtomreyn im getting some weird thing about mail server config when i try to do sudo apt-get install smartmontools01:23
Mibixant idea?01:23
urgodfatherso open filezilla and put in sftp://youriphere and port 22 not 2101:23
urgodfatheror what ever client you use01:24
Wharfalso another quick one to baffle you, well i say baffle, this might be a piece of cake for you.01:24
tomreynMibix: that's unrelated.01:24
Wharfdownloaded the red5 flash chat files, only instructions it has is edit the flv file and add ur servers ip pretty much01:24
Wharfevery program i open the flv in, it becomes gibarish!01:24
tomreynWharf: setting up anything adobe flash based in 2018 just seems wrong.01:25
Wharftried notepad, wordpad, notepad c++ , vb,01:25
Wharfi know xD haha, not sure why i pretty like the red5 stuff lol01:25
Wharfyears ago i set a small website up using it, was pretty neat, seemed much easyer back then, now im brain dead lol01:25
Bashing-omrcmaehl: Still with issues ? Have you updated the system ? Do terminal commands ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' Any issues reported ?01:26
Wharfits a shame cause it comes with the direct admin control panel, but it dont seem to show the apache files01:27
Wharfin ssh the directorys are there, but the admin panel, it only shows a small area.01:27
rcmaehlBashing-om, ran upgrade via a tty terminal. Seems to be working fine now. Wasn't expecting these kinds of issues from Ubuntu but then again I've been away from Linux since like 201201:28
tomreynWharf: is this actually ubuntu you run there?01:28
Wharfyes mate01:29
Wharfstall Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux01:29
Wharfcomes up in the ssh lol01:29
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) was the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 28th 2017. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2017-April/003833.html for more information01:29
urgodfatherWharf you need to upgrade01:30
urgodfatherwhere is this vps located?01:30
tomreynWharf: this is end of life, unsupported here. you could buy extedned support from canonical.01:30
urgodfatherwhat host01:30
Wharfamsterdam mate.01:30
Wharffdc servers01:30
Wharfim from the uk01:30
urgodfatherthats fine01:30
urgodfatherso do sudo do-release-upgrade01:31
urgodfatherlet it do its deal01:31
urgodfatherubuntu 1601:31
Wharfnice one guys, ill get on it01:31
Mibixdamn lol that controller the questionable drive is on isnt smart enabled01:31
Mibixonce i stop backing it up ill switch it to one i guess01:31
urgodfatherhow old is this controller. i thought everything is smart enabled these days01:32
tomreynMibix: the controlle rjust needs to pass through the ATA commands, it's the drive that matters.01:32
urgodfatherdont ban me pls01:33
urgodfatherjust thought i'd share01:33
Cookie8888urgodfather: I am so confused01:34
urgodfatherCookie8888 why?01:34
Cookie8888urgodfather: did credit=500 credit="$1" echo $1 assuming would show 500 nope blank01:35
Wharfhaha xD01:36
Mibixtomreyn im guessing all these old age and pre-failure things are not good :p https://imgur.com/a/MiNgiib01:36
sonicwindthose are just types01:37
sonicwinddoesn't mean your drive is in bad shape01:38
Mibixit keeps dropping off01:38
urgodfathercookie chage $1 to anything else, use letters... like cr or db01:40
urgodfatherso credit=500 credit="cr" echo "cr"01:40
Cookie8888hm ok01:41
tomreynMibix: #ubuntu is not ##hardware, but it doesn't look too healthy.01:42
tomreynthat's a consumer drive which has been powered on for a total of 3.5 years. it should have surpassed its expected lifetime by now.01:44
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urgodfathertomreyn you'd be surprised about the lifespan of consumer drives01:49
urgodfatheri have sites still using PATA01:49
urgodfatherhow idk01:49
rcmaehlurgodfather, cheaper to maintain than upgrade01:52
urgodfathernot when you cant find drives01:53
urgodfatherthats our biggest issue01:53
urgodfatherreviews dont look good01:55
rcmaehlThere's also WD blues01:55
rcmaehland diamondmax01:55
rcmaehlThere's surprisingly more IDE drives on amazon than I though01:55
rcmaehlI should buy one for my P3 retro machine since some are NiB01:56
rcmaehlOr 401:56
urgodfatherrcmaehl want some OG xbox's too?01:56
urgodfatheri have like 3 of them01:56
leftyfbplease stay on topic01:56
rcmaehlSure. Those make great console emulators01:56
urgodfatherthey do01:56
rcmaehlsorry leftyfb01:56
urgodfathersorry leftyfb01:59
urgodfatherdont want to get myself in trouble02:00
urgodfatherbeen there before, was told no more pass' regardless if it was me or not02:00
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eelstrebori went to install a new ssd but was unable to install with the xfs filesystem but ext4 worked fine - i got the OS installed with XFS but the system wouldn't boot but the system booted with ext402:28
eelstrebori heard about a new filesystem called f2fs but i guess it isn't ready for "primetime"02:30
WoC-eelstrebor, Android makes use of that02:43
RandolfWhat is the difference between ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64.iso and ubuntu-18.04-live-server-amd64.iso (with the word "live" being included in the file name on the latter)?  The size is obviously different, but I'm wondering ... does the "live" version include extra modules by default?  Thanks.02:43
WoC-Randolf, server implies less gui02:44
RandolfYeah, I know.02:44
RandolfI'm asking about the difference between these two ISO images based on the "live" part being in the filename.02:44
WoC-live = desktop02:44
RandolfHuh?  Both of these are server OSes.02:45
WoC-yes, but live you can run off the install media and has gui02:45
RandolfI tried to find out by searching the web site, but nothing came up.02:45
RandolfOh, I see.02:45
RandolfI had noticed that Python and a whole bunch of other modules got installed along with Ubuntu Server when I installed from the "live" ISO>02:46
RandolfI don't remember that being the case with 16.04.02:46
WoC-same here, my mem fails me02:47
RandolfI like to start with a minimal installation when it comes to servers, and then just add what's needed.02:47
WoC-[; good approach, minimalism02:48
WoC-nice & tidy02:48
WoC-The opposite of Android [;02:49
RandolfThat's one thing I really liked about NetBSD.  What I dislike about NetBSD is that upgrading packages regularly breaks things, and the packages all get installed under /usr/pkg/etc/ ... instead of just /etc/ and friends.02:49
RandolfSmart phones are getting very fat nowadays.02:50
WoC-All them Winblows developers umping to Android...02:50
WoC-NetBSD ran really good on my Sun ;]02:51
WoC-Then again, dependencies tend to break02:52
RandolfI heard that Microsoft made a second attempt at a Windows phone a few years ago.  When I first heard that my initial reaction was "oh, that's old news, they did that and failed miserably."  Then I was informed that Microsoft had tried again and so I adjusted my reaction to "oh, so they failed again.02:52
RandolfI guess that's not a surprise since I don't know a single person who uses a Windows phone; it's either iPhone or Android, plus a few uknown non-Windows phones from China that nobody here has ever heard of."02:52
RandolfDependencies ... I find that under Ubuntu Linux, this doesn't seem to be a problem at all.02:53
WoC-Supposed to be one or two Linux phones in europe and one in china02:53
RandolfAnd on some of my servers I'm using a lot of stuff like Apache, ModPerl, libapreq, ImageMagick, OpenVPN, pf (compiled into the kernel), Java, and a lot of other things.02:53
WoC-Native code, not java02:54
RandolfIs there a Ubuntu for SmartPhone OS option?  I recall reading something about this a few years ago, but didn't look into it further.02:54
WoC-i think its dead...02:54
RandolfThat's too bad.02:54
RandolfI think that from a marketing standpoint, Ubuntu is well-positioned for being the de facto Linux for smart phones.02:55
WoC-Something about not being able to decide on the gui02:55
RandolfIt's just got such a wonderful reputation.02:55
WoC-scoopes etc02:55
RandolfOh, crap.  That war.02:55
RandolfThat sucks.02:55
palayoubHey, I have a very confusing question, I want to check what websites a process is calling, I have an application and it fetchs data from a server, is there away I can see the website path of the server the app is using to get the data from?02:55
Randolfpalayoub:  I suppose you could use a proxy server and then log everything -- make sure your web browser uses that proxy server to access the internet.02:56
WoC-or tcpdump02:56
RandolfOh, yeah.02:56
RandolfThat's probably a lot easier.02:56
RandolfAlthough the output might be more difficult to parse.02:57
Randolf...with human eyes.02:57
WoC-grep http://02:57
WoC-hope that helps palayoub ?02:58
WoC-dang gtg, nn, nice chat - ty02:58
palayoubi'll try both solutions, ty it's very helpful02:59
Randolfpalayoub:  The proxy server I'm thinking of is called Squid.03:01
Randolfpalayoub:  I suggest you try WoC-'s suggestion first since it will be much easier to get going.03:01
RandolfNo extra configuration is needed for it.03:01
palayoubyeah, i am trying to use WoC solution, tryin to install wireshark03:04
palayoubthe gui will make it easier for me i guess :p03:04
RandolfWireShark?  I believe WoC- mentioned "tcpdump" which should already be part of your OS?03:10
palayoubWirshark is a program that i used before to sniff on network flow, but accordin to discussion in linux channel, neither tcpdump or wireshark provide access to full url path, only domains are shown03:14
RandolfI'm pretty sure that WireShark can decode packets.03:15
RandolfHTTP should definitely be one type that it knows about.03:15
RandolfSquid will actually log requests, so you'll get everything with it.  But if you're already forging ahead with WireShark then just go with that and make sure it decodes the traffic for you.03:15
palayoubyeah, but the problem is when it's https03:17
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yznis there anyone?03:45
BaKKaRdears, i m trying t use the nvidia drivers from the graphics PPA and tried like 5 versions .. but it keep using my intel instead of the dedicated GPU - nvidia - and wont even open the nvidia setns. tried even prime-switch and it wont switch to nvidia .. what i could be missing?04:05
BaKKaRlooking at the nvidia mod it is not loaded as well... i am thinking of reverting back to use Nouveau  cz of my frustration :(04:07
qwebirc83138So I’m really dumb. I accidentally uninstalled my WiFi drivers04:08
qwebirc83138I have the live installation usb but when I try to install the package from it, it says I’m missing firmware for module i91504:09
qwebirc83138I also upgraded my kernel from the kernel on the usb04:09
BaKKaRqwebirc83138: i am not much of an expert, but could this be the intel-microcode?04:13
qwebirc83138I just tried to install the intel-microcode and it threw the same error04:18
guivercintel-microcode are bug-fixes (by intel) for processors/cpu04:19
qwebirc83138I am still missing firmware for module i91504:19
qwebirc83138And I can’t download it because I don’t have internet04:19
guivercqwebirc83138, maybe this will help..  (I only glanced at it..)04:22
slimetrapany recommendations for a wireless printer which works well with ubuntu04:32
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Ben___Hi chat room04:49
Ben___hohw do I install ubuntu studio on a SSD hard disk04:50
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sourabh1031i am facing one problem in ubuntu 16.04 whenever i launch an application my mouse gets freezed but side panel tools work when i click on them like settings,i am also able to launch an application but can't work thereafter05:17
sourabh1031i even reinstalled but this didn't work and i searched on forums as well but i didn't get the solution05:19
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BaKKaRHello again05:36
BaKKaRposted a question ealier before i got disconnected :)05:36
BaKKaRi m trying t use the nvidia drivers from the graphics PPA and tried like 5 versions .. but it keep using my intel instead of the dedicated GPU - nvidia - and wont even open the nvidia setns. tried even prime-switch and it wont switch to nvidia .. what i could be missing?05:37
BaKKaRERROR: Unable to load info from any available system05:38
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Rembowhich syntax is correct with "," or without "," https://hastebin.com/iqoculuzix.bash ?06:37
gaydudeI accidentally deleted system 32 pls help06:49
gaydudesomebody help me restore windows06:50
guivercgaydude, this is a Ubuntu Support room, windows is off-topic06:52
gaydudebut I need help06:52
ducassegaydude: try ##windows06:53
gaydudeI see where im not wanted..06:53
guivercgaydude, if you ask Ubuntu questions; you'll get a different response06:54
gaydudearch is better06:54
hackinghornah, the gay guy06:56
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OlofLhow do I enable flash in chrome?07:32
Remboon Ubuntu 14.04 wich is the correct syntax with "," or without "," between email addresses: https://hastebin.com/olekiduzut.bash , i want to send emails to multiples recipients07:35
lotuspsychjeOlofL: try chromium the ubuntu alternative for chrome and pepperflash plugin07:35
OlofLdoes it come with chromium?07:36
lotuspsychje!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree | OlofL07:36
ubottuOlofL: Package pepperflashplugin-nonfree does not exist in bionic07:37
lotuspsychjehmm it shows here on atp-cache07:37
Rembocan someone help?07:38
guivercOlofL, this may help https://www.dailydot.com/debug/how-to-enable-flash-chrome/  (note: haven't tried it)07:38
guivercOlofL, (it looks like it works for chromium..)07:39
lotuspsychje!patience | Rembo07:39
ubottuRembo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/07:39
lotuspsychjeRembo: the best way to get your issue solved is also try to give us the most possible info, ubuntu version, package version? what steps have you tried,etc..07:40
dadabidetI have ubuntu 16, I want to install gnome pdf/evince 3.24, how can I do this?07:42
Rembolotuspsychje, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 and i want to send via sh script emails to multiple recipients, i want to know what is the correct syntax: with , or without , between the emails07:42
OlofLWhen I try to do it in chrome> https://imgur.com/a/rFg1tqA07:42
OlofLchromium doesnt have these settings07:43
lotuspsychjedadabidet: we dont really recomend mixing package versions, but you can try !backports or snaps07:43
guivercdadabidet, are you running 16.04 LTS or 16.10 - 16.04 LTS uses only 3.18.2 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=evince) for evince07:43
lotuspsychje!latest | dadabidet07:43
ubottudadabidet: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:43
dadabidetguiverc, 16.0407:44
guivercOlofL, i tried it in chromium, it allowed me to 'enable/disable'07:44
OlofLguiverc: i got it working. the wildcard syntax was [*.] and not just *07:45
lotuspsychjeRembo: scripting isnt really an ubuntu problem, perhaps try a more specific channel like ##programming ?07:45
guivercdadabidet, the only supported package is the default; if you look for snaps in the snap.store you often find later versions (or you can go the ppa route...)07:46
dadabidetI installed the 3.26 deb I found on the ubuntu website... how do I launch it?07:47
lotuspsychjedadabidet: we dont reccomend doing that07:47
dadabidetI know, but it's just for viewing XFA forms, for personal use07:48
guivercdadabidet, if install correctly; it should have replaced the existing package and is run normally...07:48
lotuspsychjedadabidet: you wills cramble your system mixing package versions like that07:48
dadabidetI opened the .deb and installed it through the GUI but it still launch the 3.1807:49
lotuspsychjedadabidet: from terminal: snap find evince, there's a 3.28.207:49
dadabidetlotuspsychje, yes indeed there is a 3.28, but how do I launch that version of evince?07:51
dadabidetlaunching from unity still launches the 3.1807:51
lotuspsychjedadabidet: first you need to install that snap07:51
lotuspsychjedadabidet: sudo snap install evince07:51
lotuspsychjecode_: welcome to ubuntu support, how can we help you?07:52
lotuspsychjedadabidet: another way for your issue is filing a new !bug to your current evince version, and describe you cant open XFA forms07:53
dadabidetlotuspsychje, 3.24 can open XFQ forms07:54
dadabidetsorry but I ran sudo snap install evince and it is still running evince 3.1807:54
lotuspsychjedadabidet: after installing the snap, you need to launch the proper envince snap icon07:55
lotuspsychjedadabidet: not your older existing icon07:55
dadabidetI launched it though the ubuntu software app07:56
lotuspsychjedadabidet: works now?07:56
dadabidetwhat is the difference between snap and apt?07:56
dadabidetyes I launched it, but sadly it doesn't seem to display my document properly07:57
lotuspsychjedadabidet: snaps are secured packages from external maintainers, with more latest versions07:57
guivercdadabidet, apt is a front end that loads .deb's,  snap installs snaps (container like apps)07:57
lotuspsychjedadabidet: seems like you will have to file a !bug afterall..07:58
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:58
lotuspsychjedadabidet: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug evince07:58
dadabidetsorry I wont bother to create an account07:58
lotuspsychjedadabidet: this way you will help yourself and the community07:58
dadabidetIve read that its not really a bug since XFA are not part of the PDF standard07:59
lotuspsychjedadabidet: have you tryed finding another xfa viewer then?07:59
dadabidetthere seems to be masterPDF08:00
dadabidetand foxit08:00
dadabidetI don't know if foxit is supported on ubuntu08:00
lotuspsychje!pdf | dadabidet08:01
ubottudadabidet: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)08:01
lotuspsychjedadabidet: adobe reader & browsers can open XFA forms08:02
dadabidetno, browsers cannot08:02
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lotuspsychjedadabidet: yes they can, with browser addons of pdf support08:05
dadabidetyou mean the adobe addon08:06
dadabidetmasterpdf offers a .deb and it works08:07
dadabidetnot available on ubuntu repo though08:07
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dadabidetwhy cant I right click to create a folder in a window that is in list mode08:26
guivercdadabidet, you would probably have to search the gnome dev logs to find the discussion about its removal, the for & against to find their logic... you can always use another 'file manager'...08:28
baakoi have a phpstorm running but i have messed up the settings on it. how do i remove phpstorm please08:56
TazmainHi all, I am running a live boot of ubuntu 18, and I am trying to install xfce, but I keep getting unable to locate package xfce4 and xubuntu-desktop, do I need to add a ppa?08:57
guivercTazmain, you likely have to enable 'universe' repo for 18.04 LTS08:59
Tazmaincan I still use synaptic to do that?09:00
guivercTazmain, i can on mine (not 18.04 or 18.10) so I'd expect yes.09:01
TazmainI like using apt over apt-get now09:02
TazmainI am not a big fan of unity09:03
bobomahello. I have a problem with java. Set java via update-alternatives --config java to java 8. I now want to compile something but get this error: Error: could not find jdk tools.jar at /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/../lib/tools.jar09:07
bobomawhy is it not finding tools.jar and why is it referring to java 11 when 8 is set?09:08
susudoi have a freshly installed ubuntu and when I execute "export HTTP_PROXY="...:...." then  "echo $HTTP_PROXY" doesn't print anything09:08
Tazmainguiverc, is it still called synaptic ?09:09
blackflowsusudo: which shell?09:12
susudoblackflow I just started gnome terminal with alt+ctrl+t and I think this is simple bash09:13
blackflowsusudo: and you're running echo in the same terminal session? right after export?09:14
blackflowsusudo: do you have any weird, control characters in that string?09:14
susudoblackflow: no, it's just "http://xx.xxx.x.xx:8080" where the x's are just numbers - I tried to write them down 2 times09:15
blackflowwell that's weird.09:16
susudoalso, I installed a xubuntu too and the login screen didn't appear - I could log in through a tty but lightdm refused to work09:19
susudoblackflow, moving the declarations to .bashrc and then restarting the terminal won't help either - it's probably a but in this bash build09:27
blackflowsusudo: what does   echo $SHELL   say?09:29
susudoblackflow, /bin/bash09:29
blackflowsusudo: and what does    file /bin/bash say?   is it ELF 64-bit ....      or something else?09:30
susudoblackflow, yes09:32
susudoblackflow, I successfully set HTTP_PROXY - I set HTTP_PROX first! Now this is crazy09:32
blackflowsomething is seriously broken there.09:32
susudoI don't know, maybe I should just reboot09:33
sigmHow do I check what frequencies my WiFi driver supports without admin rights?09:53
Xatenevhow do I transfer a file to my smartphone in ubuntu oo09:56
Xatenevlike how do i mount my device nowadays09:56
Xatenevlsusb shows my device09:56
Xatenevbut theres no dir for it  in /run/user/1000/gvfs09:57
Xatenevwhere would it be at09:57
user01hi can libreoffice calc be used to identify table pattern and predict? is there a channel for such questions? :)09:57
SimonNLsome libreoffice channel on this server I reckon10:01
user01SimonNL, ok no response yet in libreoffice anyway10:02
sigmapt-get install wireless-tools gives me an error: Unable to locate package wireless-tools10:12
lbdesignFirst you should use apt instead of apt-get.10:14
lbdesignWhat does this say ?   "apt search wireless-tools"10:14
sigmWhy's that? Still the same error.10:14
sigmSorting... Done Full Text Search... Done iw/now 3.17-1bem1 amd64 [installed,local]   tool for configuring Linux wireless devices10:15
sigmlbdesign: ^ output10:15
andeni'm experiencing this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.8/+bug/1750937 on a 14.04 system, it says a fix was released but i received several kernel upgrades since then and the issue has not gone away. can anyone help?10:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750937 in gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu) "4.4.0-116 Kernel update on 2/21 breaks Nvidia drivers (on 14.04 and 16.04) due to outdated gcc-4.8" [Undecided,Fix released]10:16
lbdesignsigm:  sudo apt install wireless-tools                That should install it. I have it installed by default on 18.0410:16
lbdesignsigm:  is say installed in the output you posted.10:17
sigmlbdesign: How do I read this output? iw/now 3.17-1bem1 amd64 [installed,local]10:19
ppf!info awesomewm10:19
ubottuPackage awesomewm does not exist in bionic10:19
ppf!info awesome artful10:19
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable X window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0-1 (artful), package size 965 kB, installed size 5543 kB10:19
lbdesignsigm sigm it say iw is installed from the repo local and the version is 3.1710:21
sigmRight. I was confused by the naming. iw = wireless-tools?10:21
lbdesignsigm: no they are two different programs so two different packages.10:22
=== Guest29115 is now known as kde
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lbdesignsigm:  you can use the command  "apt show  PACKAGE"   to show information on the package and it's dependencies.10:23
qwebirc46007Hi. What's the best practice for blocking ping requests10:26
qwebirc46007in 18.0410:26
ppfqwebirc46007: ufw10:29
BluesKajHi all10:55
linexhello. I have an ssd drive. Is it ok for me to have /var and swap on this drive. Previously I read it is not advisable. What about the ssd nowadays ?10:57
Allie`linex: i have everything on the SSD because all my drives are SSDs :P11:00
Allie`but your whole system on there, it won’t be a problem11:00
blackflowlinex: also please don't crosspost the same question in multiple channels at the same time.11:01
wreoshould be fine. i have my whole system on my ssd except /home, which i have on a hdd because it has much more space11:02
eduardo_hola. tengo un problema con la hiberncaión en mint 18.3 . alguien puede orientarme?11:25
tomreyn!mint | eduardo_11:27
ubottueduardo_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:27
eduardo_Thanks! I will test with that  channel ;-) bye bye11:31
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
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JimBuntuAllie & linex, http://www.storagesearch.com/ssdmyths-endurance.html    tl;dr, not so much of an issue today for most users, depends on use case though for enterprise.11:51
=== perdent is now known as malasku
raidghostA Powerfailure yesterday seems to have killed the response to the network cards. What can i do to maybe get it working again?11:52
blackflowraidghost: replace them?11:53
blackflowassuming of course nothing else has changed, no update, no config change.11:53
blackflowraidghost: what kind of error messages you get?11:54
raidghostblackflow: Destination host unreachable11:55
raidghostive tried with a usb2 network doongle, That seems to work, so i thought maybe https://www.unixblogger.com/2016/08/11/how-to-get-your-realtek-rtl8111rtl8168-working-updated-guide/ would fix it11:56
blackflowraidghost: why... the network was fine until reboot, right? and now you have routing issues. are the NICs reporting any errors otherwise?11:57
blackflowis it static or dhcp config? is the routing set up correctly?  (ip route show)11:57
raidghostblackflow: the network was fine until the little powerfailure in our place,11:58
raidghostthe computers went on again when power was back. but the one with issues does not work with network after it went on11:59
raidghostblackflow: its static ip setup in the interfaces file11:59
blackflowraidghost: is routing set? is the cable connected (leds blinking)? maybe the upstream router is having issues? which IP responded with destination unreachable (which IP sent the ICMP packet, is it router perhaps)?12:01
raidghostblackflow: leds blinking12:02
raidghostthe upstream router does not have issues12:02
blackflowraidghost: otehrwise you don't have to compile anything special for rtl8111/8168. The r8169 driver covers it. There's firmware in linux-firmware package, but I don't think it's needed.12:02
raidghostrouting is set yes.12:02
blackflowraidghost: can you ping the router/nexthop?12:02
raidghostIt doesnt give me that option12:02
blackflowwhat doesn't give you that option?12:02
raidghosti cant ping the router12:03
raidghostdue to the card is not working as it should12:03
raidghostwhen i ping i get and thats it12:03
raidghost10.0.0.2 is my router12:03
blackflowcan you pastebin the output of   ping -c5 <router-ip-here> ?12:03
raidghostcan i define ping to use other than the now working usb dongle?12:04
blackflowraidghost: maybe with -I12:04
raidghostblackflow: https://pastebin.com/fbmd08Rf12:06
blackflowraidghost: can you pastebin    ip addr show     and     ip route show    ?12:07
blackflowraidghost: add eth1 after 'show' if that's the interface and you have many of them12:08
raidghostthe usb dongle just frozen12:10
blackflowraidghost: what do the logs say about it?12:10
raidghostill need to take a walk to that room where its located then. and check12:11
raidghostSince it doesnt respond to ssh12:11
blackflowraidghost: which ubuntu is that btw?12:11
raidghostblackflow: https://pastebin.com/gR1Q6rCm12:16
blackflowraidghost: you have three NICs with the same IP?12:20
blackflowraidghost: and eth3 is the only one up12:20
raidghostblackflow: Ive tried the 3 nics with down one at the time12:20
raidghostso its only been 1 up at the time12:20
raidghosteth0 to 2 is integraded and the eth3 is the one i use now to comminicate with the box to get inet on it12:21
raidghostthe usb dongle thingy12:22
blackflowraidghost: and what's your config, can you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces ?12:23
blackflowit's impossible to debug like this. you have to check the configuration state that's supposed to be normal. assigned IPs, routing, ...12:23
blackflowalso, there doesn't seem to be any default route configured which doesn't look normal12:24
blackflowmy guess is your network config changed but wasn't tested with a reboot12:24
raidghostbeen tested with a reboot before, but when the powerfailure in our street it seems like it didnt like it when it was turn on again12:25
blackflowraidghost: that can only happen in case of hardware failure, which I suggested first.    anyway, drop netmask, network and broadcast directives from that, you don't need it. just set   address    and the gateway. restart the interface with ifdown and ifup12:26
blackflowraidghost: and I'm not sure what's going on with eth0, being set for static but no config. I don't know if that messes up things, so drop that too if you won't be using eth012:27
ktrlhi can i migrate desktop appierence from 64 to 32 bit ubuntu?12:27
ktrlis there a .txt file?12:27
raidghostblackflow: ive been trying eth0 to eth2 (one at the time) to see if it responde to ping my server12:27
raidghostSo the eth0 eth2 is not in use12:28
blackflowraidghost: do all three have network cables plugged in on both sides?12:30
blackflowor in other words, are you sure that ethX is always the same ethX? perhaps better use the "predictable", topology based naming12:30
raidghostblackflow: ive defined it12:36
raidghostso eth1 and eth0 and the others are allways eth12:36
raidghostbut could be that there been some changes, lshw -c networ should give that info? or what?12:37
blackflowraidghost: you could check by MAC address if, say, eth1 is alwyas the same physical card after reboot.12:37
blackflowbecause the only alternative to HW failures I can think of, is that the ordering changed and, say, eth1 is no longer the same NIC it was before reboot.12:38
raidghostwas a file i added some rules in12:38
raidghostnot renember at the moment12:38
raidghostudev something12:38
raidghostmaybe you would like to see that ? trying to renember where i added the mac adresse rules12:39
blackflowraidghost: those numbers wouldn't mean anything to me. it is YOU who have to be sure that if you're trying, say, eth1, it has cable plugged in and is the NIC oyu think it is.  Also, try that reconfiguration with only address (in CIDR notation) + gateway12:40
raidghosttrying to figure out what udev file i was writting stuff in12:41
blackflowwell how many are there under /etc/udev/rules.d/  ?12:42
JoeLlamamoo :)  I need to image my filesystem (hard drive) what is the bestest and most free software please?12:45
raidghostwill check and give you info when checked it. My girlfriend came with food. So its food first;)12:45
JoeLlamaI prefer an image that I can access12:45
JoeLlamaI mean an image I can get my files out of12:46
JoeLlamaa backup image12:46
JoeLlamahi A_D12:46
JoeLlamafree/cheap image/backup software? (:12:47
JoeLlamaI am using paidfor stuff atm and it's so proprietary :/12:47
JoeLlamaany open source stuff?  Image/backup?12:48
* JoeLlama wanders off and waits12:48
SporkWitch!enter | JoeLlama12:50
ubottuJoeLlama: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.12:50
SporkWitchTo your query, google is your friend.  The go-tos are dd and rsync12:50
proboscisLOAD -e /home/oppa/TEST/ROOTME/put12:51
JoeLlamaso I guess what you guys are saying is just to use dd?12:52
SporkWitchwe're saying to use google, but that dd and rsync are go-tos12:53
sylvain_Hello, why the ubuntu package version of openCV is the 3.2 while the real latest version of openCV is the 3.4.1 ?12:53
=== Pitlik is now known as Pitel
blackflowJoeLlama: if you don't use snapshot capable filesystems like btrfs or zfs (and forget about LVM snapshots), one thing that worked for me in the past is rsnapshot -- rsync based, hard link based, "snapshots".12:55
blackflow!info rsnapshot12:55
ubottursnapshot (source: rsnapshot): local and remote filesystem snapshot utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1 (bionic), package size 116 kB, installed size 442 kB12:55
JoeLlamaoOo neat thanks blackflow I will research12:55
RonWhoCaresMy Ubuntu 18.04 isn't restoring from being inactive (when the screen goes black).  I am having to turn off the computer power and then restart it.  Is there any idea how to fix this?12:56
tomreynRonWhoCares: you will probably need to discuss the graphics hardware and drivers you are using. also discuss whether this happens every time, only after the system has (possibly previously, but after the latest full reboot) been suspended.13:08
tomreynI got similar issues occasionally with amdgpu on 16.04, but it's probably an entirely different root cause.13:08
brodieHello everyone.13:19
brodieIs there a way to change the notations back to how they originally were? I googled this but couldn't find a solution.13:21
skinuxHow come all Ubuntu tutorials talk about using Application menu, but there hasn't been an applications menu in several years?13:27
adrian_1908Does the Ubuntu image (e.g. 18.04) offered on the website get updates regularly, or is it stuck in the state of first release (April)?13:30
SporkWitchadrian_1908: they might have updated it to 18.04.1, but the ISOs are not maintained in real-time; doesn't make sense to do so since you can pull updates as part of the install process13:30
adrian_1908Ok, thanks.13:31
sa___when i run "apt-cache policy alsa-utils", it shows "500 http://mirrors.geodns.root.pri/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages", what does "500 http://mirrors.geodns.root.pri/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages" means?13:31
genii500 is internal server error code13:32
sa___genii: http://mirrors.geodns.root.pri/ubuntu what is this?13:32
ducasseno, the 500 there represents the apt priority of that repo's version13:33
ducassesa___: that is the repo the package will be pulled from13:34
sa___ducasse: thanks , who manages that repo?13:35
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
geniiNot Canonical13:36
sa___genii: For Canonical, what will be the repo?13:38
ducassesa___: there is a list of mirrors on launchpad, you can look there for the official ones13:39
geniisa___: The offical ones, usually the convention is country-code, then archive.ubuntu.com  ..so for me in Canada, ca.archive.ubuntu.com13:39
geniiYour country code may vary.13:40
wicopeHi, how can I know which process has modified a file?13:51
raidghostblackflow: after reming the udev rule, What do i need todo ?13:51
=== anders is now known as Guest65167
pakcjoIs there a problem with archieve.ubuntu.com trusty updates? I'm getting hash sum mismatch since yesterday13:55
* SporkWitch blames russia13:56
SporkWitchjoking aside, i don't have any trusty installs handy to test; could check bionic, heh13:56
SporkWitchyeah, looks like WSL on this system is xenial13:57
JimBuntuwicope, do you have the audit tools installed?13:57
leftyfbpakcjo: works fine here13:57
SporkWitch146 upgrades, 4 new install (haven't updated WSL on this thing in months), no issues, xenial13:57
wicopeJimBuntu, hi, how i can install the audit tools?13:58
SporkWitch!apt | wicope13:58
ubottuwicope: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)13:58
pakcjoleftyfb: which repository?13:58
JimBuntuwicope, Well, if you don't have auditd already installed, then it's too late for this round. See if you have auditctl as an available command.13:58
leftyfbpakcjo: us.archive.ubuntu.com13:59
pakcjoleftyfb: W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch14:01
leftyfbpakcjo: check your date/time? Are you behind a proxy? DNS redirect issue?14:01
pakcjoleftyfb: hmm no, I'm using ntpd, my date/time and timezone seems to be ok, no proxy14:02
pakcjoI also did an apt-get clean, same issue14:02
SporkWitchpakcjo: any remote servers you can bounce off?14:03
pakcjoSporkWitch: what do you mean?14:03
pakcjoSporkWitch: like a vpn?14:04
SporkWitchexactly what i said; anything you can bounce off of to force a different path to the server14:04
SporkWitchor a proxy14:04
raidghostAnd all the people are Enjoy. Problem half fixed:p14:06
brenster21hey so i got a fairly basic question14:07
SporkWitch!ask | brenster2114:07
ubottubrenster21: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:07
brenster21nice to see you again sporkwitch14:08
brenster21How can I set ubuntu to automount my external drive to a directory in my home folder while setting the permissions to my user14:09
SporkWitchbrenster21: https://lmgtfy.com/?s=d&q=automount+ntfs+rw14:09
leftyfbbrenster21: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mount-drive-from-command-line-ubuntu-linux/14:09
leftyfbbrenster21: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive#Automatic_Mount_At_Boot14:10
brenster21 thank you leftyfb14:10
brenster21I am trying to remount my drive to the directory, but i am getting busy error14:10
leftyfbpakcjo: try changing the DNS on your local machine. Edit /etc/resolv.conf and set "nameserver"14:12
skinuxCan Ubuntu desktop environment be uninstalled without uninstalling Ubuntu Studio DE?14:12
dadabidetwhere are dev libraries installed?14:12
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leftyfbskinux: what "Ubuntu DE"? Do you mean Unity? Or Gnome (18.04)14:13
leftyfbdadabidet: which dev libraries? Why do you ask? What are you trying to accomplish?14:13
dadabidetI installed libbullet14:13
leftyfbdadabidet: why?14:13
dadabidetto do development14:13
dadabidetjust trying to figure out the name of the library file to compile things14:14
dadabidetso I need to find them14:14
leftyfbdadabidet: that's not really how libraries work. The names of the files don't necessarily reflect how you call them in development14:15
linociscohi all14:15
pakcjoleftyfb: same14:15
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest47756
Guest88948why do we create swap partition using fdisk or why do we create file using swap14:15
leftyfbpakcjo: please post the error message to pastebin14:16
linociscoin some wifi hotspot, we have to type in user name and password to authenticate. I would like to know how to find those user name and password typed in browser. Mostly by chrome14:16
dadabidetleftyfb, then tell me what to do when linking against bulletphysics for ubuntu 16, when compiling g++ main.cc -llibbullet14:16
compdocGuest88948, the installer used to create a swap partition, but now it creates a file14:16
curlyearsheigh hough14:16
leftyfblinocisco: The chrome documentation/google.com should tell you how to find saved passwords14:16
Guest88948compdoc: what installer?14:17
linociscoleftyfb, saved password is for psk. but for username and password, I can't find14:17
leftyfblinocisco: Again, read the chrome documentation14:17
compdocGuest88948, the ubuntu installer14:17
leftyfbdadabidet: sudo dpkg -S libbullet-dev14:18
skinuxOkay. I think I have a big problem. Trying to use aptitude to reinstall ubuntu-desktop, it says it cannot find sources for 1.361.114:18
Guest88948compdoc: we can also do an fdisk also to create swap partition14:18
leftyfbskinux: please post the error messages to pastebin14:18
Guest88948but why do use swap14:18
compdocGuest88948, why would you do it manually?14:18
leftyfbGuest88948: why are you asking?14:18
Guest88948i have no idea why swap is used14:19
blackflowlinocisco: https://www.google.com/search?q=chrome+view+stored+passwords14:19
Guest88948i want to know the reason compdoc leftyfb14:19
compdocGuest88948, the reason for a swap?14:19
leftyfbGuest88948: https://www.linux.com/news/all-about-linux-swap-space14:19
blackflowGuest88948: to page out, to disk, parts of memory that are not actively used. also read the links posted by leftyfb14:20
dadabidetleftyfb, I don't want to call them in development, I want to link against them, so in this case, when using C/C++ it's a mix of filename, without lib, ith -l14:20
leftyfbskinux: please paste everything. The commands you are running and the full errors14:20
tcpdumphey everyone14:20
leftyfbdadabidet: sudo dpkg -S libbullet-dev14:20
curlyearsleftyfb and nacc:  I have done all the testing of rhe drives, you advised, and received zero error reports.   WhI have done a fresh install w18.4, I end up with a system that won't boot.  It tells me": replace media with proper boot device, and try again.  Since I have Just finished a raw install, my root drice certainly OUGHT to be readable.  Aside from which, if I put my DVD back in the drawer, it gives the same error message, whic14:20
curlyearsoff the disc abnd run the install.14:20
pakcjoW: Failed to fetch http://eu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch :(14:21
leftyfbskinux: why are you using aptitude?14:21
tcpdumpin Ubuntu I see the ping command has a -T arg for timestamp, but when I do a -T without params it says "Invalid timestamp type". I cant find any reference to the -T cli arg.14:21
tcpdumpAnyone know what is wanting?14:21
curlyearsand I am running a Live Session off that DVD at the moment, as well.    **** H E L P ****    (please?)14:21
dadabidetleftyfb, wrong, those are not helpful, I can't link against C libraries using that, I need https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/libbullet-dev/filelist instead, specifically .so filenames14:21
blackflowtcpdump: looked at `man ping` ?14:21
leftyfbpakcjo: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/lists/* && sudo apt-get update14:21
linociscoleftyfb, blackflow I didn't turn on offer to save password or auto-save feature. so I can't find any passwords I entered14:22
leftyfbdadabidet: dpkg -S will list all files installed as part of the libbullet-dev package14:22
leftyfblinocisco: then they are not saved anywhere14:22
blackflowlinocisco: then you'll have to ask your network administrator for those14:22
dadabidetleftyfb, I got only 3 files, and no .so files14:23
linociscoleftyfb, I wish ubuntu have saved somewhere and hope that14:23
pakcjoleftyfb: I don't even have that directory...14:23
leftyfblinocisco: it doesn't14:23
pakcjoleftyfb: you mean /var/lib/apt/lists/ ?14:23
leftyfbpakcjo: ugh, sorry, my bad14:23
leftyfbpakcjo: yeah, whew. That could have been very bad14:23
pakcjoleftyfb: no problem, running update now14:24
skinuxIt cannot be good that it cannot find sources to reinstall with14:24
tcpdumpblackflow: hmmm maybe -T doesnt do what I thought it would do.  It produces this:  64 bytes from dfw25s08-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=15.6 ms14:24
leftyfbskinux: why are you using aptitude?14:24
JimBuntutcpdump, please see `man ping` I think it's fairly well described.14:24
skinuxBecause aptitude is package manager14:25
leftyfbskinux: a pretty outdated one which has been known to cause problems14:25
tcpdumpJimBuntu: i did. is it creating the "time=" value on a ping, and not a timestamp, per se?14:25
leftyfbskinux: you should use apt14:25
leftyfbskinux: sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop # though this isn't going to do what you think14:25
dadabidetbe easy on him :p I guess he works at canonical...14:25
skinuxOh, I guess I maent apt, I thought they were the same14:25
leftyfbdadabidet: who are you referring to?14:26
dadabidetyou I guess14:26
blackflowtcpdump: dunno, did you want -D instead?14:26
leftyfbdadabidet: I no longer work for Canonical. I also don't see what that has to do with anything here.14:27
dadabidetyou seem to not fail under all the people asking you question :p14:27
=== amirpro_ is now known as amirpro
leftyfbdadabidet: Again, nothing to do with where I do or don't work14:27
leftyfbpakcjo: everything work now?14:28
dadabidetgreat work anyhow :))14:28
pakcjoleftyfb: still downloading, but I'd let you know14:28
leftyfbpakcjo: wouldn't the update have failed by now14:29
pakcjoleftyfb: hmmm not sure, it download everything first and then check checksums right? (it's still downloading)14:29
pakcjosame error14:30
skinuxHmm. Well, remove ubuntu-desktop, couldn't get it to reinstall, but turns out I have over 1,000 upgrades14:30
leftyfbdadabidet: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/libbullet-dev/filelist14:31
leftyfbskinux: ubuntu-desktop is only a meta package14:31
dadabidetyes thanks14:31
skinuxWhat is the real package?14:32
leftyfbskinux: what version of ubuntu?14:32
pakcjoleftyfb: not sure if this may affect it, but I'm removing the universe and multiverse repos14:32
leftyfbpakcjo: shouldn't14:33
zetherooWhat's the difference between using Ubuntu with or without Wayland - I see there is now a login option for this.14:33
leftyfbpakcjo: try ubuntu.media.mit.edu as your repo14:33
pakcjoleftyfb: moment14:33
ericushow would I go on checking the filesystem on this encrypted disk for errors? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Vq4MFXg346/14:35
ericusI cannot mount it, it says it needs structure cleaning14:36
leftyfbericus: sudo fsck -y -f /dev/mapper/disk114:36
EriC^^isn't that the disk, not a partition?14:36
ericusthanks leftyfb I'll try that!14:37
leftyfbericus: you don't encrypt disks. You encrypt partitions/volumes14:37
leftyfbEriC^^: :)14:37
ericusyeah I know14:37
pakcjo leftyfb same: W: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch14:37
ericusTONS of "Error reading block"14:38
ericus"Force rewrite? yes"14:38
leftyfbericus: that's attempting to fix it14:38
ericusI suspect this old disk might be giving up, physically14:39
leftyfbericus: if you've got that many errors, it's more than likely a gone HDD. Salvage what you can and migrate to a new drive14:39
oerheksskinux, the metapackage *is* the real package, if you want to see what is in it, see launchpad?14:39
leftyfbpakcjo: before going much further making changes to your system I would really look into investigating your connection possibly messing with/corrupting traffic14:40
ericusand a ton of these: "Error writing block 214990848 (Input/output error).  Ignore error? yes"14:40
leftyfbericus: again. Bad drive, salvage what you can once it's done and get a new drive14:40
ericusyeah I will14:40
ericusI have a backup ofc14:40
pakcjoleftyfb: I have a virtual machine with trusty on it, let me test there14:41
leftyfbpakcjo: it's going to be the same internet connection14:41
pakcjoleftyfb: I don't see how the connection could be an issue, everything work fine and if I comment the trusty-updates from the source list it works fine14:41
oerhekshash sum mismatch.. that mirror might be in update now, try again in a few minutes14:42
leftyfboerheks: I tested it, working fine for m14:42
pakcjooerheks: it's been like that since yesterday14:42
pakcjoI'd try to set up a vpn and test there14:43
oerheks18-6 .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirrors.mit.edu-release14:43
oerheks2 days old14:43
leftyfboerheks: he was using us.archive first14:44
leftyfbpakcjo: ah: sudo apt-get clean14:44
oerheksclean the lists and update again?14:44
leftyfbpakcjo: then try14:44
leftyfboerheks: yup, did that14:44
pakcjosame issue inside the virtual machine (with us.archive.com)14:44
pakcjoleftyfb: done that already14:44
leftyfbpakcjo: see, something is messing with your downloads14:44
pakcjoleftyfb: ? why do you think that?14:45
leftyfbpakcjo: is this a home connection? University? Corporate?14:45
pakcjooerheks: no, not using a proxy14:45
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leftyfbcurlyears: there's 1700+ other people here14:47
oerhekssudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists && sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade14:47
pakcjooerheks: done that, like 5 times14:48
oerhekstime to give the full output of your update / upgrade command in a pastebin, please14:49
JimBuntucurlyears, please check your BIOS settings, make sure the boot order is correct.14:49
ericuswould you consider this disk FUBAR after a fsck leftyfb? http://i.imgur.com/rjzyKKW.png14:50
pakcjohmmm funny, I can't connect to any vpn... Maybe my connection is no that clean as I thought14:50
leftyfbericus: as I told you already, yes14:55
curlyearsJimBuntu: I have dine sk, numerous times.   *shudder*14:55
leftyfbpakcjo: ;)14:55
ericusalright leftyfb, then I cannot recover anything. But I think I have almost everything backed up, maybe not stuff from recent months14:57
curlyearsJimBuntu:   eeven if I set rhings up so the install DVD is the *ONLY* device listed in the boot sequnce, it compalins that it wants a ootale device. (yes, I have booted, from this DVD, using this BlueRay drive, before successfull)14:57
ericusI need to start a cronjob with rsync...14:57
curlyearsI have done so....must be morre careful qwith my typing14:58
leftyfbericus: https://github.com/leftyfb/backup_script14:58
SporkWitchif the disk worked previously with that drive, that means: 1) scratches, 2) hardware failure, 3) configuration issue.  Those are the possibilities.14:58
JimBuntucurlyears, Then... double check that you don't have a non-bootable USB drive plugged in. This probably isn't an #ubuntu support question as the error you mention is from your BIOS.14:59
curlyearsSporkWitch: almost obviously some form aof configuration error.  But I casnnot for the life of me figure out what it is14:59
oerheksdon't drink & irc ..15:00
curlyearsJimBuntu: Ah, a BIOS issue, eh?  Can anyone advise me of a decent channel in whicxh to request assistance on a BIOS issue15:00
leftyfbSporkWitch: did you disable Secure Boot / UEFI in your BIOS settings?15:00
SporkWitchcurlyears: ^15:01
SporkWitchthough that should produce a distinct error, not comlain about non-bootable15:01
ericusthanks leftyfb I'll bookmark that!15:01
pakcjoleftyfb: trying with a vpn now...15:02
curlyearsJimBuntu:   I have precisely 3 USB devices plugged in.  My KB, my wireless mouse transceiver, and a USB-linked multi-card reader (which is not in service at this time...nothing plugged into it)15:03
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pakcjoleftyfb: ok, it went ok over the vpn... So this confirms that the problem is my connection/firewall or whatever15:05
leftyfbcurlyears: follow my suggestion, unplug the multi-card reader and reinstall15:05
leftyfbpakcjo: :)15:05
JimBuntucurlyears, disconnect the multi-card reader please. Either way, sounds 100% like a BIOS issue since your drive(s) have passed all tests and since it's also effecting your ability to boot from CD/DVD15:05
curlyearsSporkWitch:    Yeah, I deselected secured boot in the BIO15:06
pakcjothanks a lot leftyfb15:06
leftyfbcurlyears: follow my suggestion, unplug the multi-card reader and reinstall15:06
curlyearsJimBuntu: it is an internal plugin.  But on the other hand, it has been booting fine with the multi-care reader installoed for over 6 months15:07
JimBuntucurlyears, or don't, your choice to apply suggestions or not.15:08
jmgb4curlyears, I assume your bios is up to date?15:09
leftyfbcurlyears: Are you ignoring me?15:09
jmgb4I think so lol15:16
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curlyearsAnnaRooks: `1`11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111leftyfb:  no...I am just busy trying to unplug the USB multi-card reader.  It is internal, and mounted in a position that is virtually inaccessible, and I am hav9ng difficulty even locating and tracing the cables from it to the internal USB hearder on the MB15:20
curlyearswhoops.   I have no idea where all that came from15:21
leftyfbcurlyears: also, scroll up and do my other suggestion15:21
curlyearsGREAT Ghu!  I am NOT ignoring anyone.   I am being very busy trying the various suggestions being made.  I can't bth try them, and be at my kb yakking at the same time.  OK?   :)15:25
leftyfbcurlyears: "brb, going to try the suggestions"   <~~~~15:27
curlyearsI am going to attempt rebooting, again.  If it doesnm't work, I'll be gone for about 15 minutes, since it takes almost that amount of time to boot into a Live Boot session15:28
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leftyfbcurlyears: did you check my suggestions?15:29
leftyfbcurlyears: BEFORE trying to reinstall15:29
epl692_I'm having problems with ubuntu server 18.04, it installs fine, but then does not boot after a reboot, it's almost as if grub never gets installed15:29
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server15:30
epl692_okay, I will ask there, thank you15:30
compdocepl692_, is there more than one drive in the system? maybe grub got installed to the wrong drive15:30
curlyearsleftyfb:  y0ou made numerous suggestions, along with severa; other people.  I am not sure  to which suggestion you are currently in reference.15:30
RonnyZI am just setting up my computer from new15:31
RonnyZin the past, I had the problem, that I deleted files by accident15:31
curlyearsoff to try rebooting again15:31
RonnyZwhen I wanted to recover them, people told me: "if you had used filesystem .... instead of ... you could have easily recovered the files"15:32
RonnyZas I am now setting up my computer from new, I wanted to know:15:32
epl692_compdoc: theres only one drive on the system15:32
RonnyZWhich file system should I choose?15:32
RonnyZIn order to make sure I can easily recover files if I accidentially delete them15:32
Jonta!enter | RonnyZ15:33
ubottuRonnyZ: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.15:33
leftyfbcurlyears: check your BIOS and make sure "secure boot" "fast boot" and "UEFI" are disabled15:34
RonnyZsure, Jonta, I will keep that in mind!  Sorry for the inconvenience my enters may have caused!15:34
JontaRonnyZ: How did you accidentally delete your files?15:34
Jontabtrfs comes to mind15:34
Jontaext4 is still the default15:34
RonnyZJonta, rm -rf directory15:34
leftyfbRonnyZ: do not concern yourself with a filesystem that will be easy to recover files you delete accidentally. Don't delete files accidentally and have regular backups15:35
RonnyZleftyfb, I did not think this would happen to me, actually.15:35
oerheks!info ext3undelete15:35
ubottuPackage ext3undelete does not exist in bionic15:35
leftyfbRonnyZ: then just use the default ext415:36
RonnyZoerheks, I solved the issue back then using a program meant to recover pictures and it worked.  However, this time I want to be safe15:36
RonnyZleftyfb, okay, I will use ext4 then15:37
JontaRonnyZ: How did you delete the files?15:37
RonnyZJonta, rm -rf directory15:38
JontaAh. And turned out to be the wrong one?15:38
RonnyZyep, I wanted to use gcp -rf15:38
JontaMaybe consider aliasing rm -rf to something that asks for confirmation if you're likely to do it again15:38
JontaAnd get a backup+restore-process going15:39
RonnyZgood idea!  I will add an Alias15:39
RonnyZnow, _besides_ of filesystems and file recovery:   is there anything else I should consider when installing the operating system from new?  Is there anything that can only be done when installing that is important to do which cannot be done later?15:40
JanCRonnyZ: (almost) no filesystem guarantees that you can recover deleted files15:40
JontaFull disk encryption15:40
RonnyZJonta, should I really do this?!15:40
JontaIt *can* be done later, but is more of a hassle15:40
JontaMaybe it'll motivate you to get backups going :p15:41
RonnyZJonta, but then my data cannot be restored in the case of a hard drive damage, right?15:41
JontaMore difficult, at any rate15:41
JanCusually how many files you can recover depends on how much was written to the disk after you deleted them15:41
JontaSeems you worry more about drive failure than it being stolen, in which case: don't encrypt15:41
oerheksif you don't have a backup, your data is not important these days15:42
RonnyZif the computer got stolen:  Would encryption really help a _lot_ or just a little?15:42
JontaA lot15:42
RonnyZwhat about laws?  I think I cannot travel to the U.S. then?15:42
JontaIf you do it properly: They're not getting it15:42
JontaThat is not true15:42
JontaYou may be thinking of PGP exports back in the day15:42
RonnyZimporting of encrypted software is illegal in many countries, afaik?15:42
JontaWhat countries are you going to travel to?15:43
JanCthe immigration officers might ask you to unlock the computer15:43
oerheksthat is not an ubuntu technical support issue, i think it is legal.15:43
RonnyZEU-members (European Union),  United States of America,  Canada, Asian countries15:43
JanCsame as with your mobile phone15:43
JontaThe UK has some squirly laws regarding that15:43
JanC(talking about the USA)15:44
RonnyZokay, so if you think encryption is good, I will do it15:44
RonnyZthank you Jonta15:44
oerheksrm -rf with encryption, and your data surely cannot be retrieved :-D15:44
JanCand AFAIK they can't arrest you if you don't unlock, but they can send you back  :)15:44
oerheksgone = gone15:45
JanCoerheks: actually that's not true15:45
* Jonta gets the liquid Nitrogen15:45
RonnyZrm -rf + microwave?15:45
oerheksJanC, oh, can one undelete in LUKS ?15:45
JontaRonnyZ: dd15:45
JanCthe filesystem on an encrypted partition only sees the decrypted data15:46
JanCif you need something like photorec, you would have to run it on the decrypted block device, of course15:46
RonnyZis an encrypted harddrive much slower?  My computer is old15:47
JanCdefine "old"15:47
JanC20 years?15:47
RonnyZ8+ years old?15:47
RonnyZ900 MhZ15:47
JanC900 MHz seems low for an 8yo computer?15:48
oerhekspentium m?15:48
RonnyZhold on, I run an cpuinfo15:48
RonnyZwhere was that again?15:49
RonnyZnot in /etc/proc/cpuinfo  obvy15:49
RonnyZvendor_id       : AuthenticAMD15:49
RonnyZvendor_id       : AuthenticAMD15:49
RonnyZcpu MHz         : 900.00015:50
JanCthat's the current frequency, you want to know how fast it can go (not how slow it can go)15:50
RonnyZJanC, how would I find that out?15:51
JanCisn't it somewhere in there?15:51
JontaWhat's the full CPU name?15:51
RonnyZmodel name      : AMD E1-2100 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics15:51
JanCwhat does "Model name" say?15:51
JanCokay :)15:52
RonnyZis 2100 the speed?15:52
JontaClockspeed: 1GHz15:52
RonnyZyeah, 100 MHZ faster than 90015:52
JanCso slow...15:53
RonnyZwell then - I will setup my pc now15:53
RonnyZjust checking the md5sum of the iso image, then ready to go15:53
JanCanyway, it supports hardware AES, so encryption would likely not be too slow15:54
RonnyZone last question before I start:15:54
RonnyZJanC, thank you JanC, then I will use encryption!15:54
miryaHello does anyone knows about iscsi multipathing ; I dont have rhel support but just their images https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PDZvXgFrhJ/plain/15:54
Jontamirya: So CentOS? If so: They probably have their own channel15:55
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RonnyZI did some research and found out that "apt list --installed" can list me all installed programs.  My question is, if it made sense, to run this command immediately after the setup has finished in order to save that file for later reference,  so that I can run the same command in the future and "diff" the files so I can know which programs I manually installed?15:55
RonnyZor is there a better way?15:55
JontaSounds good enough15:56
RonnyZthank you Jonta15:56
RonnyZthank you also JanC and oerheks and leftyfb !15:56
JontaMaybe use sort first15:56
RonnyZJonta, | sort ?15:56
RonnyZthank you15:57
miryajonta theres no one replying there for the past 2 days :(15:57
RonnyZmirya, time to change the distro? ;)15:57
oerheksmirya, try #fedora or the like ??15:57
JontaMaybe they prefer different communication channels15:58
miryaronnyZ hahaha cant :(15:58
miryaoerheks have posted in fedora too15:58
oerheksanyway, this is the wrong channel mirya .. else you could try ##linux15:59
miryaThanks oerheks will try my luck there!16:01
RonnyZbye for now! thank you!16:02
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
kubast2http://bug.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/1777903 this looks like a quality bug report16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1777903 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Grub never install in uefi mode ever on any pc I used ,and it's like that since ubuntu 14.04 for every ?ubuntu remix and distribution." [Undecided,New]16:25
klrkubast2: ha16:30
kubast2The thing is I have this problem16:31
kubast2Made it humorous so it hopefully spreads essier16:31
leftyfbkubast2: you reported that?16:31
kubast2Didn't bothered making a report since the grub install worked fine in bios mode on my desktop klr16:32
kubast2Until know16:32
leftyfbkubast2: please remove it since it's 50 shades of invalid16:32
nacci'm rejecting the bug16:32
oerhekssome machines need to have set the ADMIN password to do so, i could not open that bugreport16:32
naccit's a bad URL16:32
naccshould be bugs.launchpad.net16:32
naccLP: #177790316:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1777903 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Grub never install in uefi mode ever on any pc I used ,and it's like that since ubuntu 14.04 for every ?ubuntu remix and distribution." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177790316:33
SporkWitchCNR Kubuntu 18.04.0 AMD6416:33
kubast2leftyfb Somehow happens to me every time16:34
kubast2I can only install opensuse and boot from their iso or I can install arch and have a broken nvidia driver/sddm16:35
christian_hello delu16:35
kubast2nacc I guess I was typing it  into my phone from a pc so16:35
christian_you need a password to install arch linux16:36
kubast2Yeah whathevs16:37
kubast2Gotta reinstall again this time with space for /boot partition16:37
kubast2And copy it over then nuke ubuntu install iso into arch16:38
uNiXFu-yo any pros at 'netplan' config file, trying to see if it's needed to setup bridges for my vm's where i got a /28 block of 16 usable ips  so i want 1ip per vm16:38
kubast2and create uefi shell entry for ubuntu kernel16:38
kubast2Next time I''m gonna live stream thiz or put it to yt16:39
uNiXFu-i config it in virtualbox to use static ip for one vm, but the problem is that it makes me port forward within vbox netconfig for the port to be open16:39
SporkWitchuNiXFu-: #virtualbox16:39
oerhekskubast2, good trolling, goodbye16:39
SporkWitchoerheks: you have low standards16:39
kubast2Lool I'm gonna put a video on youtube wshowcasing it doesn't work16:40
uNiXFu-SporkWitch, smack my bitch up!16:40
JontaSo many proud grandmothers around16:40
RonnyZare there any non-graphical ways to install Ubuntu?  (similar to debian-installers?)16:55
RonnyZI tried to install Ubuntu 18.04 from a Live CD but headed into problems.16:55
kubast2oerheks all joke aside gonna upload a video with my 3mbps upload speed16:56
RonnyZEverything seemed to work out perfectly, until the X server started.  I could see my mouse pointer and I could move the mouse pointer.  But,  I could _not_ see the desktop and the install-icon as I could only see colored stripes rather than the background (desktop)16:56
refracta_noobRonnyZ: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads16:57
RonnyZthank you refracta_noob16:57
refracta_noobNetwork installer is probably what you want16:57
RonnyZa network installation is not really what I had in mind...16:57
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RonnyZI hoped for an equally large installation media (e.g. 1.7 GB like the live cd) but with a debian-like installer (non-graphical)16:58
kubast2Ok the solution like boot uefi shell from arch iso and create a boot entry from there oerheks16:58
kubast2So ik the solution ,but I think it should install without it16:58
kubast2I did use efi reserved partition on the video it's as 2nd partition ,but I also tried when it was first17:00
kubast2This time grub installed but no bottable device17:00
RonnyZrefracta_noob, okay, I feel like that's the only choice I have.  Let's say I use the network installer.  How would I get X to run?17:04
RonnyZrefracta_noob, I guess it's not XFree86 or Xorg any more?17:04
hackinghornis Unity gone forever?17:06
pocketmonLINUX: Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition  <— this  book is for linux or unix?17:06
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lotuspsychjehackinghorn: no, you can install unity from the repos17:08
lotuspsychje!ot | pocketmon17:08
ubottupocketmon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:08
oerhekspocketmon, is that a trivia q?17:08
pocketmoni want to learn linux17:09
lotuspsychjepocketmon: this is the ubuntu support channel17:10
qwebirc96112How to disable chrome didn't shut down correctly notification?17:10
designbybeckJust installed Cinniom on Ubuntu 18.04, and now the colors shifted. Like the Facebook Icon looks more purple than blue17:10
qwebirc96112I always get that when I have shut down ubuntu17:11
RonnyZexcuse me please,  where can I find the network installer's ISO image, please?17:12
RonnyZI am currently here:17:12
tomreynRonnyZ: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads17:14
lotuspsychjedesignbybeck: have you tryed restarting/rebooting/loggin out?17:14
RonnyZtomreyn, that's where I started...17:14
RonnyZtomreyn, then I clicked on "Download the network installer for 18.04 LTS"17:14
tomreynRonnyZ: mini.iso then17:14
RonnyZthen I clicked on "amd64 - For 64-bit Intel/AMD (x86_64)"17:14
lotuspsychjeqwebirc96112: try chromiu-browser, the ubuntu alternative for chrome17:14
RonnyZtomreyn, this one?  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso17:15
lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser | qwebirc9611217:15
ubottuqwebirc96112: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 66.0.3359.181-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 52379 kB, installed size 186498 kB17:15
tomreynRonnyZ: if you want 18.01 and your architecture is amd64, yes17:15
refracta_noobRonnyZ: ^17:15
RonnyZtomreyn, nah I want 18.0417:15
designbybecklotuspsychje, I restarted to get the cinniom option in the login screen, but haven't since then17:15
tomreynRonnyZ: whoops sorry, that's what i meant to write17:16
RonnyZI didn't even know 18.01 was a thing17:16
RonnyZtomreyn, oh okay then it's all good17:16
tomreynthere is no 18.0117:16
designbybeckother colors look ok lotuspsychje that was Facebook in Chromium, let me try firefox17:16
refracta_noobRonnyZ: just follow the installation guide for the Network entry - it explains how to use those files you arrived at17:16
RonnyZtomreyn, sorry stupid question:  How will I get... let me think this through... it's non-graphical.  I need wifi in order to connect to the internet.17:16
designbybeckinteresting lotuspsychje it seems ok in Firefox17:16
RonnyZhow can I connect to a wifi using the command line?17:17
refracta_noobI think Ubuntu uses nm-cli? Someone correct me?17:17
RonnyZactually I downloaded the "normal" installation media already, but when the X server loads, I see only colored stripes rather than a desktop.17:18
refracta_noobsorry, nmcli*17:18
tomreynRonnyZ: theoretically the alternative server installer (not sure about mini.iso, maybe) can connect to unencrypted or wpa2 encrypted access points, if your wiureless hardware is supported. but factually you want to connect a wire.17:18
RonnyZso I must use the network installer.  But how would I get the wifi connection established?17:18
designbybecklotuspsychje, http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=9f33cc856b5ddb4a6609ea04f2a34ff6 this shows the two differnet Color Renderings in Firefox and Chromeium17:18
tomreynRonnyZ: .. or just do it without network connection, but then you need to use the alternative server installer17:18
RonnyZtomreyn, where can I get that please?17:18
lotuspsychjedesignbybeck: did you try start chromium from terminal, perhaps it will spit out usefull errors?17:19
RonnyZtomreyn, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64.iso17:19
lotuspsychjedesignbybeck: feel free to share to us in a hastebin.com17:19
RonnyZis this one correct?17:19
tomreynRonnyZ: yes17:20
RonnyZtomreyn, thank you!17:20
designbybeckno I didn't but I'm guessing maybe it has something to do with GTK in chromium..... does hastebin support Photos? I thought it was only for txt17:20
RonnyZtomreyn, what tool would I use in the command line to connect to a wifi network?17:20
designbybecklotuspsychje, ^17:20
tomreynRonnyZ: but do yourself a favor and connect a wire instad.17:20
RonnyZtomreyn, the wifi is password-protected17:20
lotuspsychjedesignbybeck: start from terminal= errors are cli right17:20
RonnyZtomreyn, I have no wire17:20
tomreynRonnyZ: get one :)17:20
RonnyZtomreyn, does an Android phone work that is connected to my computer using the USB-tethering?17:21
JimBuntuI can USB tether to Android phones.17:21
tomreynRonnyZ: haven't tried, maybe, but probably not.17:21
tomreynJimBuntu: this is about installation17:21
designbybeckhmmm now it looks like the correct blue for facebook lotuspsychje17:21
designbybeckbut didn't show any error or the like17:22
SimonNLnmcli d wifi connect SSID password might work17:22
JimBuntuSorry, wasn't watching close enough.17:22
RonnyZokay, then let's better go back to the graphical installer.  Why would my X show colored stripes rather than a desktop?17:22
designbybeckguess it fixed itself! Thanks lotuspsychje looks like it is working for CLI and GUI17:22
RonnyZmy mouse pointer works, but I cannot see a desktop hence no install-icon to click17:22
lotuspsychje!yay | designbybeck17:22
ubottudesignbybeck: Glad you made it! :-)17:22
qwebirc96112Can I change the icon of an app in Ubuntu?17:26
tomreynRonnyZ: actually usb tethering seems to work, i just tried (in a vm, with an android mobile phone connected via pass-through usb)17:34
refracta_noobI want to learn how Ubuntu handles X configuration - where do I look, what do I read?17:37
refracta_noob(I'm talking especially about how the LiveCD's X configuration is set up)17:38
naccrefracta_noob: which version of ubuntu?17:39
naccrefracta_noob: but in general, there is no 'configuration' on-disk, it's all detected by X at runtime in modern releases17:40
refracta_noob16.04 or 18.04 - it doesn't matter too much to me17:40
naccrefracta_noob: then in both, it's just determined at runtime by X17:40
refracta_noobI see. I guess I'm just trying to understand why Ubuntu is able to run at native resolution on dispalys so often when some other distros do not fair quite as well (stuck at 1024x768)17:41
naccrefracta_noob: depends on the underlying driver, usually17:41
refracta_noobcould it be differences in kernel configs? like KMS specifically?17:42
naccrefracta_noob: yes17:42
naccrefracta_noob: or kernel levels, etc.17:42
refracta_noobah ok. thank you. on that note, what would I want to search through in the mailing lists? ubuntu-devel, ubuntu-devel-discuss , kernel-team, laptop-devel?17:44
naccrefracta_noob: sorry, search for what?17:46
refracta_noobnacc: searching for any discussion of KMS and XOrg specific to Ubuntu's configuration17:50
naccrefracta_noob: i mean, there isn't any, so ...17:53
naccrefracta_noob: or not really at least, the first two lists for sure don't discuss that; not sure about the last two17:53
fath0mhello guys, i have an issue, out of nowhere, my bionic repositories stoppe to work18:05
fath0mthis is the output of sudo apt update18:05
PosterI think there may be an issue with that mirror18:07
leftyfbfath0m: try a different mirror18:08
leftyfbfath0m: us.archive.ubuntu.com18:08
Posteryeah I was going to suggest picking one from this list: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors18:08
fath0mthank you, seems to work!18:09
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benxyzzyI have Windows 10 and I wish to dual boot Ubuntu, with all of Ubuntu's side (inc. swap) encrypted. Is this possible?18:34
SporkWitchbenxyzzy: yes, for the how, simply type what you just did into google18:40
Neizan_do you know what means "xD" ?18:42
leftyfbNeizan_: This is a support channel for Ubuntu.18:42
benxyzzySporkWitch: lol thanks18:43
SporkWitchbenxyzzy: np; if you have a more _specific_ question I'm happy to help, but the easily googled ones I will tend to point people towards google lol18:44
Neizan_leftyfb, where can i ask this question?18:44
SporkWitchspeaking of which: Neizan_, https://google.com/18:44
leftyfbNeizan_: try google, or annoy people in #freenode with such a pointless question18:44
Neizan_leftyfb, is not useless for me but thanks18:45
benxyzzyleftyb /Neizan_: this is bizarre. Why are people on this channel if only to criticise rather than answer questions?18:46
SporkWitchbenxyzzy: because they aren't ubuntu questions, they're google questions18:46
oerheksi would say bing, but oke18:47
leftyfbbenxyzzy: Neizan_'s question is so far away from an ubuntu support question isn't not even funny18:47
benxyzzySporkWitch: sounds like you know more about google tan ubuntu18:47
SporkWitchoerheks: are you trying to _prevent_ them getting answers? lol18:47
SporkWitchbenxyzzy: sounds like you're a lazy troll18:47
leftyfbbenxyzzy: to be fair, tell you to google your question I don't feel was appropriate18:48
Neizan_leftyfb, i'm not trying to be funny18:48
SporkWitchbenxyzzy: do you have any actual questions, or just things we can copy and paste into google for you?18:48
leftyfbSporkWitch: please don't18:48
Neizan_i'm just asking it because i want to know if english people knows that or they just use lol and so18:49
SporkWitchleftyfb: don't encourage laziness and i won't have to ridicule it18:49
leftyfbSporkWitch: there's no need to get aggressive toward people looking for help with ubuntu. If you don't know the answer, then don't answer18:49
SporkWitchNeizan_: not an ubuntu question; ask google18:49
leftyfbNeizan_: try #freenode18:49
SporkWitchleftyfb: i wasn't aggressive when he was asking about ubuntu; he's not asking about ubuntu18:49
Neizan_i'm not asking about ubuntu but I'M USING ubuntu18:50
leftyfbSporkWitch: ridiculing is against the CoC. !coc18:50
naccNeizan_: that still makes the quetion offtopic18:50
leftyfb!coc | SporkWitch18:50
ubottuSporkWitch: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv18:50
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
leftyfbtexla: can we help you with something?18:57
owner_how to add moments' tracker to Linux mate please help18:58
texlalefytb slip of the fingure keyboard thanks sorry18:58
oerheksmoments' tracker  as in vlc addon ? https://addons.videolan.org/p/1154020/18:59
owner_how to it make work19:00
naccdaegontaven: it's better to just state your problem19:01
daegontavenmy touchpad isn't working19:01
oerheksowner_, no idea, as i have no vlc19:01
daegontaveni'm using tabs :((19:01
daegontaventhis is hard af19:02
daegontavenmy brain isn't adavnced enough to solve this issue19:02
daegontavenfor a start my touchpad isn't showing up in proc devices19:02
leftyfbdaegontaven: do you have it disabled with the function keys/BIOS?19:03
daegontaveni can't undo it19:03
daegontavenevery time i press the function key for touchpad, it gets disabled19:03
owner_vlc bookmarks not working can any one help19:03
daegontavencan't toggle it on19:03
daegontaventhis is so bad...i'm a college student..can't afford to buy another laptop lol19:04
daegontavencan't even afford ramen hehehe19:04
daegontavenleftyfb: what do you mean BIOS19:04
daegontavenxev isn't detecting mouse clicks either19:05
leftyfbdaegontaven: Is the touchpad disabled in the BIOS?19:05
daegontavenhow do i check that hmmmm...19:05
daegontaveni didn't even know you could do that19:05
leftyfbdaegontaven: step #1, go into your BIOS  step #2 look for something that looks like disabling your touchpad19:06
daegontavenwell okay i'll go look and brb19:06
memphistodaegontaven: Fn+F319:06
owner_file player for  linux mate  r2d2  were are you19:06
daegontavenmemphisto: i'm not that dumb19:06
leftyfbdaegontaven: Fn keys a pretty specific to manufacturers19:06
daegontavenactually he was right19:06
daegontaveni'm on  dell19:06
daegontavenwhich mostly has fn + f319:07
leftyfbI'm on a Dell, F3 is volume up19:07
daegontavenwell talk about lucky af19:07
memphisto:) no, is it toggle ?19:07
daegontavenno it didn't work19:07
daegontavenmy sound down isn't working either19:07
daegontavensound up is tho19:07
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daegontavencould it be because my os is on a usb stick19:08
daegontaveni booted it on a mac yesterday19:08
daegontavenstackoverflow is empy and nothing works19:09
daegontavenmah hart :(19:09
leftyfbdaegontaven: please save the commentary19:09
nacc!enter | daegontaven19:09
ubottudaegontaven: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:09
t0ntinHi, all. I recently changed the default file manager to Nemo. Every time I restart the computer, the desktop icons are gone, and I cannot right-click. Everything goes back to normal when I open Nemo. What can I do to fix this?19:09
daegontavenubottu: sorry :(19:09
daegontaventouchpad not listed in /proc/bus/input/devices19:11
daegontaven!enter | daegontaven19:11
ubottudaegontaven, please see my private message19:11
oerhekson my aspire i cannot undo the disable-touchpad-while-typing-button, i need to reboot for that19:12
daegontavenwhat is a while typing button19:13
leftyfbdaegontaven: did you check the bios like I suggested?19:13
owner_will not be back fuck off and die robots19:13
daegontavenoh yeah gimme a sec, gonna reboot , can i ping you after i do it19:13
daegontavenok i'll take that as a yes19:13
ktrlirc is great19:15
t0ntinHi, all. I recently changed the default file manager to Nemo. Every time I restart the computer, the desktop icons are gone, and I cannot right-click. Everything goes back to normal when I open Nemo. What can I do to fix this?19:23
leftyfb!repeat | t0ntin19:23
ubottut0ntin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:23
LopeWill Wayland ever become default in 18.04?19:24
oerheksLope, no.19:24
Lopeoerheks: thanks, good.19:25
oerheksmaybe 18.10, but not the LTS version19:25
oerheks17.10 was a good try-out19:25
edgar_Someone know something about TLP19:26
leftyfbedgar_: that's not your question19:27
edgar_how configure tlp for SSD19:27
leftyfbedgar_: https://linrunner.de/en/tlp/docs/tlp-configuration.html   first result on google for "configure tlp for SSD"19:29
leftyfbedgar_: https://kwygibo.wordpress.com/2016/12/06/saving-battery-in-linux-tlp-ssd-issues/   second result on google for "configure tlp for SSD"19:30
edgar_leftyfb, thanks I search that but the temperature of SSD increased after the configure it19:32
leftyfbedgar_: then you should mention what you have tried before asking how to do something. I've never used TLP do I cannot speak to it. But from the sounds of it, maybe your SSD just doesn't support it that well, or at all.19:33
edgar_aren´t know if was a update or something else19:33
oerheksa traditional hdd can be tweaked with tlp, no need to do so with ssd19:33
skinux_is it really theming that allows to make a gnome/ubuntu desktop look like Mac?19:34
leftyfbedgar_: the 2nd link I gave you mentioned an issue with SSD's and how to resolve it. Not sure if it's exactly your issue19:34
skinux_I mean, theming data will move and re-design the panel and all that?19:34
edgar_oerheks, but I think that need to be configure because something can be wrong19:34
edgar_leftyfb, any way thanks I will continue searching info or someone that has experience19:36
Deknoswhat is the official way to activate the debug symbols repository and/or install debug symbols for certain packages? is there something like apt install-dbgsymbols <package>?19:37
ktrlcan't conect to server19:38
ktrlhow to?19:38
ktrlwhat that mean19:38
leftyfbktrl: go to #freenode for help with registering on Freenode19:38
ktrli didn't understand19:38
naccDeknos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages19:39
naccDeknos: i don't believe it is wrapped by any helpers19:39
Deknosthat would be incredibly useful...19:40
naccDeknos: you can see if there is a bug filed, i guess19:41
=== ku is now known as kubast2
kubast2nacc, Here's a more serious report: Basically grub install doesn't fail but there is no bootable media after install(efi reserved partition is there) and the grub install medium is /dev/sd(ssd) ,will be in a form of video which I'm rendering right now ,has some bits skipped in and in one part just added a text on the video for clarity because I recorded it on a phone19:43
kubast2it will come in 4 minutes ,but idk what else to include besides the fact that after uefi install there is no bootable medium19:43
kubast2recognised by my laptop ,adding in the entry manually from uefi shell helps19:44
kubast2might be that it's just how it is with this laptop ,no idea what you guys use for inserting the uefi boot entries ,but for some reason it doesn't work on my laptop19:44
kubast2*on this specific19:45
kubast2which is an acer aspire f1519:45
naccsome people online say that model has bios issues? https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/398200/bios-f5-571-uefi-linux-ubuntu19:46
kubast2Yeah it doesn't want to boot grub when installing from "bios" mode19:46
naccthere is a mention of uefi there19:46
Bashing-omkubast2: Maybe oldfred has some insights : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2330267 - must enable trust in the firmware .19:57
oerhekssome machines need to have set the ADMIN bios password to do so ..20:00
geniioerheks: I've found this with most Acers20:03
SporkWitchoerheks: for secure boot? O.o if that were the case windows wouldn't boot the first time either.  Ubuntu (and Kubuntu) use the same shim, which doesn't require _anything_ extra be done unless you install proprietary drivers (and actually, while that prompted me to set a MOK, it never asked for it).  The shim is signed with MSFT's key, which is preloaded onto any UEFI board you buy (huzzah monopoly20:04
genii..and then you have to navigate to the grub efi file in the Ubuntu directory of the EFI partition and tell the bios it's a trusted boot file20:04
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jmgb4SporkWitch, Thats weird.20:08
SporkWitchgenii: that's handled automatically during install, at least on the kubuntu 18.04.0 LTS ISO; if the ubuntu one isn't, then a bug report needs to be filed.20:09
oerheksfor acer aspire f15 i find no posts about 32 bit uefi, so that could be no issue20:09
SporkWitchgenii: literally nothing special required for secureboot on the kubuntu 18.04 LTS ISO from beginning of may, stick it in, tell it to intsall, point it at the existing EFI partition (it'll create one if there isn't one)20:10
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memphistokubast2:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/870022/how-to-get-grub-boot-option/870074   -- point 3520:17
rk3yanyone running ubuntu 16.04 LTS with AMD R9290?20:19
guntbertrk3y: is this a poll or do you have a *real* question behind it?20:22
rk3yi am trying since weeks to get my r9290 working on ubuntu with hashcat20:23
rk3yI have the doubt that AMD ROCM driver are not working with Linux properly20:23
oerheksi would use HWE with that20:23
rk3y16.04 LTS + HWE`?20:24
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:24
oerheksor jump to 18.0420:24
memphistork3y: apt search amdgpu20:25
rk3yaccording to hashcat README only ROCM is required from github repository - they claim only suporting XENIAL 16.04. that's why I am still on 16.04 (coming from 14.04)20:26
rk3ybut thanks for the super fast response here - great20:26
oerhekshmm there is an early preview https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-for-Linux-18.20-Early-Preview-Release-Notes.aspx20:30
oerheksROCm Platform 1.620:30
niekniekhi! I need to start the ubuntu terminal from the command line… what is the name of the executable?20:31
oerheksctrl alt T20:33
ISONotLoadingStartup Disk Creator is not loading my ISO20:34
ISONotLoadingI tried various solution online but none of them helped me out20:34
Jonta!enter | ISONotLoading20:34
ubottuISONotLoading: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.20:34
oerheksubuntu iso ?20:34
ISONotLoadingWindows ISO20:34
oerheksowww, i was afraid something was wrong20:35
oerheksno, you need an other tool20:35
ISONotLoadingThank you very much20:36
oerheksit can take a while, but can confirm it works20:36
ranyV7: You'll have to open /boot/syslinux/porteus.cfg and edit the end of the APPEND line, to make it read 'changes=/porteus/save.dat'20:37
V7rany: Uh, this is not #ubuntu related :)20:38
ranyV7: Actually, I was wrong20:38
ranyDo you have a gui in Porteus?20:38
V7Please, let's continue in genuine channel, dear rany20:39
ranyV7: I noticed haha xD20:40
=== giannis is now known as Guest52537
Guest52537first time on linux20:42
JontaGuest52537: How is it so far?20:42
Guest52537better than windows20:42
Jonta:D - Top 3 ways it's better? Been so long for me20:43
monotuxhm so I managed to remove postgresql-9.5 before migrating any data to 10, and I'm on arm64 so I can't find any repo with a precompiled deb to use, and compiling postgresql manually and installing to /opt still doesn't make the pg_upgradecluster work. any ideas?20:43
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eelstreboranyone know why my ssd could not boot with xfs but worked fine with ext4?20:44
monotuxeelstrebor did you have xfs on your boot partition?20:44
Jontamonotux: "doesn't make it work". More specific, please20:44
eelstrebormonotux, the entire drive was formatted with xfs20:45
monotuxJonta, sorry. the script pg_upgradecluster requires pg_controldata but it can't find it in path, even when I try to manually add it to the path used in the script20:46
* eelstrebor has to reinvent the world everytime he does a fresh install or re-install20:46
JontaHmm. Something you have to reload perhaps?20:46
monotuxeelstrebor, there is your problem. make sure that grub/your bootloader supports booting of xfs, otherwise create a separate /boot partition using ext420:46
JontaLike when adding a new alias to bash20:46
monotuxJonta, I tried looking through the script to see where it locates the missing binary but I got lost in the perl world and gave up20:47
JontaHow big's the script?20:47
eelstrebormonotux, ok. i didn't see any info on the web that mentioned that - i'd like to try f2fs but i guess they haven't got the bugs worked out20:47
JontaPastebin it and we can have a look20:48
monotuxJonta, 1k but it uses a few libs which I guess are much bigger20:48
monotuxeelstrebor, just create a separate boot partition and have fun!20:48
eelstreborfor now, i'll just stay with ext4 on the boot drive20:48
eelstreborthe data drives are formatted with xfs and they seem to work ok20:49
Jontamonotux: Well. Other than that. Tried turning it off and on again?20:49
monotuxoh wait I'm pretty stupid. I just found https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/upgrading.html so I'm going to try to do it manually20:49
black_13how do I install clang-format-6.0 for ubuntu 16.0420:49
monotuxJonta, haha20:49
black_13i need a ppa link?20:50
monotuxused your  exact question to google it20:50
=== rysiekpl is now known as rysiek|pl
GeorgeHarringtonHi anybody knows if there is any way to reduce the size of the programs when clickicks the bottom left menu21:15
GeorgeHarringtonmake it more compact?21:15
JontaThe icons?21:16
GeorgeHarringtonnot the side icons those I figured it is in the "settings" but the icons of "all programs"21:16
GeorgeHarringtonyeah the icons.... make it smaller icons and more programs without the dots to go page after page21:17
GeorgeHarringtonHi Jonta21:17
GeorgeHarringtonHi everybody.21:17
syb0rgHi. This may help, GeorgeHarrington: https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/7cbv5e/dash_icons_size/21:18
monotuxaaaawh yeah it wasn't that bad at all! I exported the database using my own compiled binaries and could import them into the new db21:18
syb0rgJonta, your lol is drunk21:19
Jontasyb0rg: It's not a lol. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%5Co%2F21:20
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg I need to clarify. I am not talking about "Dash to Dock" or the "Dock" rather the "All Programs Icons" when clicking the Expo button or whatever the button at the bottom of the Dash21:20
syb0rgI know, Jonta =P21:20
GeorgeHarringtonJonta is fine.21:20
JontaYes I am21:21
GeorgeHarringtonIf it's whiskey it does not count as drunk.21:21
GeorgeHarringtonIt is just lit'21:21
* Jonta has never had whiskey or whisky21:21
monotuxnow I'm off to bed21:21
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JontaDo you sleep in a tux?21:22
GeorgeHarringtonAnybody for the "all programs" icons? reduce size. make it 1 page instead of 3 to 4 scrolls via right hand round buttons when using standard Ubuntu 18.0421:22
GeorgeHarringtonAlso what is the best way to config OpenVPN in Ubuntu. Testing Ubuntu from Linux Mint21:23
GeorgeHarringtonTrying to have a feel for it.21:23
syb0rgso what DE do you have, GeorgeHarrington21:24
oerheksoh, mint has its own issues21:24
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)21:24
syb0rgI was guessing gnome, since that is the current vanilla DE21:24
syb0rgregarding your openvpn config, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish21:25
GeorgeHarringtonAny good app with easy install file / visual UI to encrypt files from many formats (Blowfish, AES, RCA, Serpent, etc)21:26
GeorgeHarringtonWhat I meant to say is that I am familiar wt Mint but I am right now testing Ubuntu 18.0421:27
GeorgeHarringtonNot on Mint.21:27
compdoc_GeorgeHarrington, like veracrypt, if i understand21:27
GeorgeHarringtonSetup VPN connections from config files21:27
GeorgeHarringtonveracrypt no go. Looking for multi crypto software that allows to quickly change crypto standard and apply to files.21:28
GeorgeHarrington(Thank you in advance for all your help) (have a lot of questions)21:28
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-vpn-connect.html.en vpn is standard available in networkmanager21:28
JontaWhy do you want to quickly change the crypto?21:28
GeorgeHarringtonoerhecks 100% for the VPN settings. So the dynamic in Ubuntu is to go thru search inside ACTIVITIES...21:30
GeorgeHarringtonJonta > cryp[to change for size and time on large files.21:30
syb0rg"crypto change for size and time". What?21:31
GeorgeHarringtonIdeally I would love to install this little program https://paranoiaworks.mobi/download/21:32
GeorgeHarringtonBut I have not been able to understand how to install or make it work on Linux.21:32
syb0rgit says it has a runnable jar file, GeorgeHarrington21:33
GeorgeHarringtonAlso anybody knows if WINE works with Ubuntu 1821:33
syb0rgthat means you need java installed, than you can run it with java --jar21:33
syb0rgof course wine works with ubuntu 1821:33
GeorgeHarrington... Java... Oh god my friend I struggled and struggled... I just failed. I am certainly doing it wrong but cannot for the life of me make it happen.21:34
GeorgeHarringtonI cannot install that little SSE.21:34
GeorgeHarringtonI am sure if you sat nexrt to me it would take about 5 but spend 2 hours plus trying and failed.21:34
GeorgeHarringtonlooking for software alternative.21:34
GeorgeHarringtonOr maybe run that lil app as Android app.21:34
GeorgeHarringtonAny Android emulator for Ubuntu?21:35
JontaYou have a lot of questions. Have you googled any of them before coming here?21:35
oerheksyeah, thinking the same, is this trivia or homework?21:35
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg let me install WINE. A message during install said NOT SUPPORTED. Let me try again21:35
syb0rgGeorgeHarrington, all you should need to do to get java is run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install default-jdk21:36
GeorgeHarringtonYES and I suck at finding what I need ort how to. Usually when interacting with humans I get better resultsa...21:36
GeorgeHarringtonToo many questions?21:36
GeorgeHarringtonI could offer beer but yall are too far.21:36
syb0rgGeorgeHarrington, I hope you are installing software through apt or apt-get when possible21:36
GeorgeHarringtonapt is the Ubuntu soft manager right?21:36
syb0rgGeorgeHarrington, it is fine to ask questions but: 1) focus on one question at a time and 2) always do at least a bit of research before asking21:36
JontaIt's not the amount of questions. It's the apparent lack of effort before asking them21:37
syb0rgcorrect, GeorgeHarrington21:37
syb0rgoften the easiest way to find the correct package is just to google: install whatever on ubuntu 18.0421:37
GeorgeHarringtonOh no believe me. Just that crypto software install was 2 hours. Finding a crypto app (google, software manager) results on nothing good. Besides classic GPNU or GPA...21:37
GeorgeHarringtonResize Icons on program list... Cannot find.21:38
syb0rgSo back to my question for you on that subject, GeorgeHarrington: you are running gnome, yes?21:38
GeorgeHarringtonMy WINE when attempting install said "NOT SUPPORTED"21:38
GeorgeHarringtonGnome 100%21:38
syb0rgwhat did I just say about one question at a tie21:38
syb0rgso that link I gave you earlier refers to an extension called dash to dock, which I think will allow you to resize the icons21:39
syb0rgI don't use gnome, but that is what I am getting out of that comment thread21:39
syb0rgI would suggest reading through it and trying what they say21:40
syb0rgwhen it comes to wine: how are you trying to install it? What was the exact command or process21:40
CalicoFlowsCan I somehow bind my mouse wheel button to act as if the shift key is pressed on my keyboard?21:41
syb0rgthis may help, CalicoFlows https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044573/remap-a-button-from-my-gaming-mouse-to-a-keyboard-key21:42
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg just using the app installer. No commands. WINE is not installed. I guess something went wrong the first time.21:43
syb0rgsounds like it, GeorgeHarrington21:43
GeorgeHarringtonAs far as the Icons somebody in that thread said its hardcoded. No tweeking I guess. The only element in standard Gnome Ubuntu is the side Icons.21:43
syb0rgyeah, thus the extension GeorgeHarrington21:44
syb0rgsomeone in that thread also said the extension can change icon size21:44
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg any tool you can recommend to run android apps on Ubuntu?21:44
syb0rgOne. Question. At. A. Time.21:44
syb0rgare you running a 32 or 64 bit system?21:45
syb0rgif you don't know, run udev -m in ubuntu21:45
syb0rgor sorry, uname -m21:45
syb0rgCalicoFlows, and you can use xev to figure out what button number your middle mouse click is (probably 2)21:46
GeorgeHarringtonrunning 64bit21:48
syb0rgok, then from the command line try sudo apt update && sudo apt install wine6421:49
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg as I am new to this "run commands world" (coming from PC anda bit of Linux Mint".21:50
GeorgeHarringtonWhen using terminal does it matter where you type these commands? Should you always run them from your username?21:50
syb0rgso what sudo does is run the command for you as root21:51
syb0rgsome commands, like using apt, require superuser (root) permissions21:51
syb0rgfor other stuff that doesn't need root, it is advisable to just run as your own user generally21:51
GeorgeHarringtonroger on SUDO and also typed creds. Installing now.21:51
GeorgeHarringtonIf I ran that command from says /user/downloads/Misc Files/ it would have not worked right?21:52
syb0rgthat doesn't matter in this case21:52
syb0rgthe directory you are in matters when you do operations on a file with a relative path21:52
GeorgeHarrington>> Run comands from USERNAME:-$     right?21:52
syb0rgmeaning: rm file.txt\21:52
syb0rgthat command would only work if file.txt was in the folder you are in21:52
GeorgeHarringtonOK back to simple questions. WINE is updated and clean.21:53
GeorgeHarringtonThank you sir.21:53
syb0rgwhat we are doing is running apt, which doesn't depend on being in a particulary directory to work21:53
syb0rgno problem21:53
syb0rgnow if you want your crypto program to work, you need to install java21:53
syb0rgsudo apt install default-jdk21:53
GeorgeHarringtongotcha for the commands. I installed a tiny app on my phone to learn commands. This is going to hurt. As Windows user the visual interface was a luxury.21:54
CalicoFlowssyb0rg, thanks a lot! I installed it and I am looking at the official page http://xahlee.info/linux/linux_xbindkeys_tutorial.html but I am kind of lost. Do you think I can find the syntax somewhere? How do you know how to use it properly? All of these "-no-jump-pointer -xsendevent -text" are especially confusing21:54
GeorgeHarringtonOH GOD NOOOOO! are you really going to make me do this?21:54
syb0rgthe command line is really not too hard to learn once you get over the initial difficulty GeorgeHarrington, and it is really handy to know21:54
GeorgeHarringtonI'll do it! OK I'll do it!21:54
syb0rgup to you GeorgeHarrington21:54
GeorgeHarringtonI'LLLLL DO IT (PAIN IN VOICE)21:55
syb0rgI have never used it CalicoFlows, I just found that answer for ya21:55
syb0rgmaybe try looking up tutorials, or working from the process whoen in said answer, CalicoFlows?21:55
GeorgeHarringtonJAVA somewhat installing....21:55
GeorgeHarringtonA miracle.21:55
syb0rgmiraculous indeed21:56
syb0rgthis is why we use package managers, GeorgeHarrington =P21:56
GeorgeHarrington18%    miracle lil commands by syb0rg21:56
GeorgeHarringtonIf this install works I might need to send you a beer via usps.21:56
GeorgeHarringtonOld school son...21:56
syb0rgeh it's all good21:56
oerheksif not, no refund21:57
syb0rghonestly installing software almost always works when you stick to official repoes and apt/apt-get21:57
syb0rgonly if the software is not available there or out of date should you try other approaches21:57
gambl0recan anyone explain to me in simple terms is what a ppa is?22:00
nacc!ppa | gambl0re22:00
ubottugambl0re: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:00
naccgambl0re: it's a repository for packages being built at someone's request22:00
gambl0rethey are not part of linux's official packages?22:01
naccgambl0re: no22:01
gambl0reso that means they're not safe to use?22:01
oerheksyou have been around lng enough to tell us, gambl0re :-D22:01
syb0rgnor ubuntu's more topically22:01
naccgambl0re: sorry, what syb0rg said, no such thing as "linux's official packages"22:01
syb0rgthey are as safe as the vendor or individual providing them, gambl0re22:01
naccgambl0re: "safe" is in the eye of the beholder22:01
syb0rgyou have to make a judgement call =P22:01
gambl0rethen how do i manage all my packages if im getting all these packages from various people?22:02
syb0rgapt still manages software from a ppa22:02
syb0rgit will still grab updates22:02
naccgambl0re: managing packages is distinct from the source of the packages22:02
gambl0rei want to upgrade my python 2 to python 322:02
naccgambl0re: no you don't.22:02
gambl0reshould i follow this guide? https://askubuntu.com/questions/865554/how-do-i-install-python-3-6-using-apt-get22:02
gambl0renacc, yes i do22:03
oerhekssupport for those packages you need to talk to 'various people'22:03
syb0rgdon't upgrade, install side by side gambl0re22:03
naccgambl0re: why do you think youw ant to do that?22:03
syb0rgunless you have a compelling reason not to22:03
naccgambl0re: because your system will break if you try to remove python2.22:03
gambl0rebecause python 2 will be unsupoorted22:03
naccgambl0re: no, it will not be.22:03
naccgambl0re: please don't spread FUD.22:03
gambl0rein 202022:03
syb0rgis it 2020?22:03
naccgambl0re: and ubuntu support for python2 is unrelated to upstream's support.22:03
gambl0rei asked people in #python. they said python 2 will not be supported in 202022:03
naccgambl0re: that's nice.22:04
naccgambl0re: what does that have to do with *your* machine and ubuntu?22:04
gambl0reyou think i'm lying?22:04
naccgambl0re: i think you don't know what you're talking about.22:04
syb0rgguess I need a new calendar, pretty sure that is two years from now22:04
gambl0reok nevermind then.22:04
oerheksxenial already has python 3.5x22:04
syb0rgeven if it is factual =P22:04
naccgambl0re: hint, your system *already* has python3 installed22:04
naccalmost certainly, if it's a modern release22:04
CalicoFlowssyb0rg, I got to here - https://pastebin.com/piVtp41R - it's the config file that I need to edit... I am staring at it hard but ?? still can't grasp the syntax. How do I tell it that b:2 = shift22:04
gambl0reim actually using xubuntu22:05
naccgambl0re: that's an official flavor, so it's the same packages as ubuntu.22:05
gambl0rewhen i do "python -V" i get python 2.722:05
naccgambl0re: yes22:05
naccgambl0re: run `python3 -V`22:05
naccand *don't* change python to be python3.22:05
gambl0renacc, it says Python 3.6.522:06
gambl0recool now how do i make that my default22:06
naccgambl0re: you don't.22:06
naccgambl0re: please just listen to us22:06
gambl0renacc, ok i trust you guys. thanks22:06
naccgambl0re: use python when you want python2 and python3 when you want python3.22:06
gambl0renacc, no worries. thanks for your help22:06
oerheks18.04 gives python3 solely22:06
blackflowgambl0re: what nacc is saying is python specification. python scripts expect that. if you change it, you've broken stuff.22:07
naccoerheks: aiui, still under python3 though and only by default; many packages still need python222:07
naccblackflow: thanks, i probably could just have pointed to the PEP22:08
blackflowyeah, PEP 394.  https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/22:09
syb0rgCalicoFlows, this is very much a guess, but... https://pastebin.com/yNAJvSRZ22:10
syb0rgoerheks, my 18.04 has python2 and python3.22:12
GeorgeHarringtonsybo0rg JAVA is installed me thinks...22:12
syb0rggood, GeorgeHarrington. Now you need to download the correct version of the program you were looking at, the one with a runnable jar that works on linux, macOS and windows22:13
syb0rgoerheks, I would say maybe python2 was just pulled as a dependency for something I installed, but "python" runs python 2 and "python3" runs python 3 (same behavior as I had in my 16.04 install)22:14
blackflowsyb0rg: that is correct. see the above PEP 394 link.22:15
syb0rgI was just responding to oerheks comments that 18.04 "gives python3 soley", blackflow22:15
blackflowsyb0rg: and that is still correct.22:15
syb0rgokay =P22:15
blackflowby default python2 is no longer installed in Bionic. it's installed as a dependency of something or if you to it explicitly.22:16
blackflow*do it22:16
syb0rginteresting. So if I didn't have something that pulled it as a dependency, would python point at python3 or just not be in my path?22:16
blackflowsyb0rg: it wouldn't exist as a command. again, see the above link for PEP 394.22:17
naccsyb0rg: in a future release that might change, but not anytime soon (afaik)22:18
syb0rgwell now there is no reason to blackflow. I know everything now, thanks to you :)22:18
naccsyb0rg: and certainly not in any existing releases22:18
GeorgeHarringtonAmen! You killer sir. I changed the file to EXEC under properties and the JAVA RUNTIME was soliud!22:18
GeorgeHarringtonTHANK YOU SO MUCH!22:18
GeorgeHarringtonWhere do I send the beer and care package?22:19
syb0rgno problem, just remember to use apt in the future lol, make your life easier22:19
syb0rgno need for care packages22:19
syb0rgand also remember that google loves you, and you should visit it regularly22:19
oerheks!info python2.722:19
ubottupython2.7 (source: python2.7): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.7). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.15~rc1-1 (bionic), package size 232 kB, installed size 371 kB22:19
syb0rgbut we're here for you when it fails you22:20
GeorgeHarringtonCan you suggest a page to learn simple APT    issue is I just don't know. I am too new to command22:20
oerhekspython2 is optional...22:20
V7GeorgeHarrington: $ man apt22:20
syb0rghere, GeorgeHarrington https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto22:20
syb0rgand also what V7 said, but mine is probably more comprehensible to learn the basics22:21
CalicoFlowssyb0rg, did not work ;/ so my wheel button does not work now which Is a good sign I guess but... I give up... it's been 40 minutes already22:21
flipper887Damn AMD/ATI Radeon FirePro WSXX00 series drivers won't install correctly on 18.04 so I reverted to An inexpensive MSI Branded Passively  Cooled NVIDIA GEFORCE GT 710 and will unfortunately have to sell my ATI FirePRo WS2100 Graphics Card that I paid extra for from Dell Technologies (DEMC.Dell Computer and VM Ware's) Parent Company..22:21
CalicoFlowsThanks a lot brother!!22:21
V7Also, $ apt -h will give as much basics as it can22:21
syb0rgnp, CalicoFlows. You probably just need to figure out the correct way to refer to the shift key22:22
syb0rgrather than Shift_L or whatever I had22:22
CalicoFlowssyb0rg, I killed xbindkeys but my mid button still doesn't work... ;/22:22
GeorgeHarringtonV7 woooooo just discovered something.22:22
CalicoFlowsyeah, I tried shift :D22:22
skinuxAnyone know what package is needed for qt4 support for HP Toolbox?22:23
V7Btw is there any possible way to unmount a partition via UUID ?22:23
syb0rgprobably need to modify the config file (comment out the stuff I wrote) and run xbindkeys again CalicoFlows22:23
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg question #78      Any god ol x64 Android emulator that works fine with Ubuntu?22:23
syb0rgDid you try the google?22:23
syb0rgask the google: ubuntu 18.04 android emulator22:23
V7Also #android22:24
syb0rgalthough I think android studio has an emulator built in22:24
CalicoFlowssyb0rg, yup, it works now. Really appreciate man!22:24
syb0rgnp CalicoFlows22:24
JontaCalicoFlows: What are you using this shift for? :)22:24
blackflowV7: maybe umount /dev/disk/by-uuid/...  ?22:24
V7blackflow: YOu're man22:25
V7haha, ofc22:25
V7Btw it's rather strange why they didn't added a thing like: umount UUID="foo" because mount has this feature22:26
V7didn't add *22:26
GeorgeHarringtonI do not trust Google i Trust humans. They have better judgement. I trust syb0rg22:26
syb0rghmm, well then trust me that google is your best resource22:26
JontaBut do you respect the humans' time?22:26
GeorgeHarringtonYes I do.22:26
GeorgeHarringtonDoes this mean I gotta go now... ;-(22:27
JontaI disagree. See googling things first22:27
syb0rgor your own: you can solve problems way faster by improving your google-fu than waiting for replies on IRC22:27
V7Thank you blackflow22:27
blackflowV7: you're welcome.22:27
GeorgeHarringtonyou prob know already all the best Android apps out there. Just trying to get top notch stuff without going into headaches after listening to google searches that nend in catastrophic garbage 99.9 % of time.22:28
syb0rgI know basically nothing about android22:28
GeorgeHarringtonI'll vacate BUT I really need to thank you kids. Great help. Can't believe that program works.22:28
kk4ewtdont like google but like android makes no sense  at all22:28
syb0rgand this is the wrong channel for android software recommendations22:28
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg really? no use on Linux?22:28
kk4ewtand no you can not run android apps on computers22:29
syb0rgwrong, kk4ewt22:29
CalicoFlowsI wish sailfish would become a thing...22:29
syb0rgcorrect, GeorgeHarrington22:29
GeorgeHarringtonPC has many Android emulators. Lots of them suck but some are amazing. Almost like a virtual phone.22:29
syb0rgandroid apps are made to run on android devices, which are inherently limited22:29
syb0rgso I have no use for them22:30
GeorgeHarringtonYou go pro dontya?22:30
syb0rgsure why not22:30
GeorgeHarringtonI am low skill peasant trying to understand Linux. I type with 2 fingers type guy22:30
GeorgeHarrington3, 2, 1, ...22:30
GeorgeHarringtonThank you for everything yall. Great help. Vacating now.22:31
syb0rgalright, good luck22:32
GeorgeHarringtonLove you syb0rg thanks a million.22:32
GeorgeHarringtonI'll be back.22:32
blackflowsay it in Arnie's voice...22:32
CalicoFlowseverything becomes sooo complicated when I switch to Ubuntu... :) I have on and off phases, but man am I trying hard22:32
bytejumper<hello world>22:36
syb0rg</hello world>22:36
bytejumperhi syb0rg22:37
syb0rghi bytejumper22:37
=== Guest47756 is now known as Nicmavr
bytejumperI'm new to irc ...you got some cool channels I cn join22:38
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:38
oerhekswe are not the yellow pages :-P22:38
CalicoFlowsor just type /list22:38
bytejumper got it..merci all22:39
syb0rgthis particular channel is for ubuntu support, bytejumper. You can chat about whatever on #ubuntu-offtopic if ya want. You could chat on #freenode also, I believe you need a registered nick for either channel (see the freenode website to learn how to register)22:39
GeorgeHarringtonsyb0rg I lied.  One last question.   Basically when looking at home folder. Where are the programs saved / under what folder generally?Say windows is Program Files... In Ubuntu it is saved in what dir?22:40
blackflowGeorgeHarrington: see the hier(7) manpage22:40
syb0rgthere are a number of directories software is installed to. /bin and /usr/bin are two.22:40
syb0rgand also shared libraries in other locations22:41
GeorgeHarringtonbeing a good boy and moving that lil app there and keep things clean.22:41
syb0rgdon't do that22:41
GeorgeHarringtonGoing to try to make shortcuts to desktop too.22:41
GeorgeHarringtonnoob at work here. Roger for the dir. Thanks guys.22:41
syb0rgfor manually install software use /opt or your home directory, or /usr/local/bin22:41
aegisI'm a fan of /opt these days.22:42
GeorgeHarringtonok on it22:42
syb0rgI put stuff in opt if it needs sudo permission, or in ~/bin if it can run as a non superuser22:42
aegissyb0rg: you just need to make the initial directory with sudo then chown it to whatever user/group you want22:43
aegisthat goes pretty much for anything you install as a user outside of ~/22:44
syb0rgI just do it for organizational purposes, aegis. So if stuff is contained to my user it is in my user directory, or if it needs root permissions or to run as another use or somnething it goes in opt22:44
syb0rg*another user22:44
aegisyeah that works22:44
aegisI'm usually doing it because my /home partition is getting close to full.  lol22:45
syb0rguh-oh :-|22:45
GeorgeHarringtonSo syb0rg if I wanted to create a shortcut and add an ICON to it for those JARs to place them on desktop or launcher...22:50
GeorgeHarringtonHow would I make them executable JAR Icons?22:50
GeorgeHarringtontried for 35 minutes.22:50
GeorgeHarringtonNot bringing my best I know...22:50
syb0rgicons are .desktop files, which I don't really bother messing with22:50
syb0rgyou can probably generate them through gnome22:51
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GeorgeHarringtonGenerate them through gnome?    What does that mean (low level user member)22:51
syb0rgby adding a custom software launching command, then telling it to place a shortcut to that command on your desktop22:51
syb0rgjust look up gnome custom shortcut22:51
syb0rgor something of that nature22:51
GeorgeHarrington"just look up gnome custom shortcut" on it sir.22:52
oerheksgnome-panel is helpfull, http://sharadchhetri.com/2017/02/10/create-desktop-launcher-in-unity-desktop-ubuntu-16-04-lts/ else fiddle manually around with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles22:52
oerheks!info gnome-panel22:53
ubottugnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.26.0-1ubuntu5 (bionic), package size 393 kB, installed size 1532 kB22:53
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
NoIdeaGot a problem with system tray menus not working in Trusty.  Anyone know about this/know a way round it?23:22
NoIdeaAnyone, please?23:28
NoIdeaOr does anyone know where I can file bug reports for Trusty?  I'm pretty sure this problem is a recent development, so if they broke something they need to know.23:29
=== RustyShackelford is now known as RustyShackleford
Luxray5474I have a problem with sudo23:43
rorqualDescription of error?23:43
Luxray5474I've created a new user, using the main account in root. I've moved a directory from my main user's home dir, and placed it in the new user's. To access it iwth the new user, I must have root access. But I can't because whenever I use sudo, it says "[username] is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."23:45
NoIdeaDid anyone see my message?23:47
wreoadd your user to the sudo group23:47
wreoi think it's gpasswd -a user group23:47
Luxray5474and i run that command from admin account?23:48
wreoroot, yeah23:48
wreoand chown -R youruser:group directory to fix that directory issue23:49
wreoeg chown -R wreo:sudo /home/wreo/example/23:49
Luxray5474I can now access the folder but it still says the user isnt in sudoers23:51
NoIdeaI'm not sure if my messages are appearing, can anyone see this message?23:51
rorqualYes, NoIdea.23:52
rorqualYour last message appeared as well, but nothing before.23:52
NoIdeaGood, right.23:52
wreoLuxray5474: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers23:53
NoIdearorqual, I don't think you were in when I posted the original message, so that explains that.23:53
Luxray5474oh i got it now thanks23:53
wreooh ok, great23:54
Luxray5474atleast i think..23:54
jadaI will be testing Lenovo x230 laptop today that I want to purchase from craigslist. I want to create bootable USB stick with Ubuntu to try it out. Would you recommend any specific version/configuration that would be most likely to boot right away with no problems?23:54
jadalike EFI/noEFI, live-cd vs others etc.23:54
wreodo sudo echo "test", if that works you're probably good23:54
Luxray5474still nope lol23:55
NoIdeaI've got a problem with system tray menus not working in Trusty.  Anyone know about this/know a way round it?23:55
NoIdeaOr does anyone know where I can file bug reports for Trusty?  I'm pretty sure this problem is a recent development, so if they broke something they need to know.23:55
wreodo 'visudo' as root and see if the group name is sudo or something else23:55
Luxray5474I re-logged in into the account and it works now, thanks :D23:55
wreoglad it works :)23:56
oerheksjada, it should work, http://www.marcsaric.de/index.php/Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_on_Lenovo_Thinkpad_x230 but needs a little work to get wifi going23:56
jadaI just want to make sure that it boots fine and that spec is right, like CPU/SSD model/size etc.23:57
jadaI would think wifi is hard to break, so even if I don't get wifi working right on the spot, I can buy it and make it work at home23:57
NoIdeaWell, got to go.  Never mind :-P23:57
jadaoerheks thanks23:58
oerheksall you need is to enter the bios, so it is not locked23:58
oerheksand that bios info should do fine23:58
jadaoerheks that's right, I didn't think about checking BIOS23:58
oerheksbut do boot it, to see screen damages23:59

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