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ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:24
lordievaderGood morning05:57
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IrcsomeBot1artemkonkin was added by: artemkonkin08:32
IrcsomeBot1<artemkonkin> На русском отвечают?08:32
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CalicoFlowsI have an external monitor connected to my laptop, can I create a separate virtual desktop and assign it to it?09:13
BluesKajHey folks10:31
hateballCalicoFlows: by default each monitor acts as its own workspace10:58
hateballCalicoFlows: maybe I dont understand what you are asking10:58
CalicoFlowshateball, I am also not sure what you mean :) I don't have separate taskbar where I can have programs opened separately from the ones on the main display...11:19
hateballCalicoFlows: rightclick the panel and go into settings11:27
hateballyou can set it to show open programs per monitor/workspace11:27
hateball"only show from current screen" etc11:28
CalicoFlowshateball, aaahh, so crated another default panel and did what you said, now it's just great, exactly what I needed11:34
CalicoFlowsthank you so much!11:34
CalicoFlows"just great" was a bit premature :) but I will need to look into it later11:43
BluesKajCalicoFlows:  as hateball said you have options to show the icons in the panel for all open tasks or only particular virtual  desktops or activities...depends how you want to set them up . The icons only widget is handy for that .11:50
thatfossguyGuys, to write ubuntu iso on usb stick from linux, gnome-image-writer would do the trick right?11:55
diogenes_thatfossguy, also etcher, rosaimagewriter and few others11:56
BluesKajdd as well11:57
thatfossguy@diogenes_, thanks :)11:58
thatfossguyCan't remember the entire dd command for writing the images.11:58
BluesKajthatfossguy:  https://www.linuxnix.com/what-you-should-know-about-linux-dd-command/12:02
hateball"sudo dd bs=8M status=progress if=/tmp/kubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb" is my go to, assuming my thumbdrive is sdb12:03
hateball... and that's where my iso is :p12:04
thatfossguy@hateball, thanks :)12:11
hateballthatfossguy: be aware it does overwrite the entire device, in case you have several partitions on it or something12:13
thatfossguyYep :)12:14
Elw3Is there any known problem of mobile modems not working?12:16
Elw3none of mine is recognized...12:16
diogenes_Elw3, what model?12:20
Elw3some huawai as always.12:20
diogenes_Elw3, how do you know it's not recognized?12:21
Elw3How should i know is the better question. I excpect that when i plug it in it should be shown in the network icon. But i havent used kde since 2010 or so, so is that different here?12:22
diogenes_Elw3, nope, when you plug it in, you should add new connection > mobile broadband > and your details12:26
Elw3Mkey let me see.12:28
oussemaI want to ask when does KDE 5.13 make it to the kubuntu ppa backports?12:28
IrcsomeBot1implycit was added by: implycit12:32
elwYea thats it.12:35
elwModern uis are so unintuitive...12:35
elwI was expecting to see the network cards in the icon.12:36
R13oseWhat is the full path to Kate?14:02
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aedigitalR13ose, try: whereis kate14:07
R13oseaedigital: worked thanks14:09
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elwIs there any widget to change cpu speeds/governors or at least one to see which one is active?14:50
acheronukelw: indicator-cpufreq works for me. sits in the system tray once run https://i.imgur.com/j6Gjzkj.png14:53
elwAhright, i remeber having used that years ago. But its not showing when searching for "cpu".15:00
karstenkHello! I have two displays. One is in another room. I would like to control the extended display(2) from main display(1). Do you know any application, which offers screen2 in a window?15:01
elwDoes it have to be a window? Having booth showing the same content is easy...15:03
karstenkI cant duplicate the desktop cause of security reasons. Another option would be to display a single window from screen1 on screen2.15:05
karstenksure you could drag it to the extended desktop, but then it is hard to control from another room15:06
elwGreat, now i tried it with mine and my second screen wont turn on again.15:10
elwFirst experinces with wayland> stopped working.15:16
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SzykCechWhere can I find Dicovery security warning logs?!? It shows it for few secons and dissapear without sight!!! I can't find it in any logs (at least in KSystemLogs).15:18
diogenes_SzykCech, u asking the same question for over a week already )15:20
SzykCechBut no response so far...15:20
elwwhat is you problem anyway SzykCech?15:21
SzykCechI have security warnigns in Discovery. They apear for 2s and disapear without sight. I wonder what error I got...15:22
elwThe packet manager?15:23
elwI see.15:23
elwUse apt get i would say.15:23
SzykCechI am not sure exact name as I have translated name of this program.15:23
elwIf you care enough to look in such stuff you should use the terminal.15:24
SzykCechplasma-discover - this is program file name15:25
SzykCechNow I updated my distro without any errors nor warnings... So: I have no idea what was happen before...15:29
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elwWhy does Konversation not come with a channel list?15:45
BluesKajelw:  just type !list in the server textbox , but beware of being flooded15:46
elwUh i mistyped :D I meant server list.15:47
BluesKajelw:  any channels you wish to ayto join can be added in the server list /edit15:47
BluesKajwish to join  rather15:48
elwnvmd it. I am practially living in IRC.15:48
BluesKajanyway BBL15:49
elwJust bugs me that xchat has a nice server list in it per default and here i have to type it in.15:49
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elwffs why do all windows open on my secondary screen?18:39
DranikProgrammerelw ++18:39
DranikProgrammer(that was to the channel list konversation idea)18:40
elwAlso is there a nice and easy way of having all my partitions mounted at boot?18:45
Guest17095elw it is built-in feature in KDE18:48
Guest17095elw: just find in settings section about external storages (I don't know how it is named in English, because all my ui in Russian18:48
elwPartitions, not removable media.18:50
elwAh wait yes.18:51
elwIts there too, thx.18:51
Guest17095you are welcome18:51
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elwHm plasma started lagging for no reason.19:14
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elwGuys how do i install to a laptop? The installer failed when trying to install grub.21:16
elwAnd grub-install complains about missing cows. Dafuck21:19
davenxI've a question about Discover21:35
davenxSoftware Center21:36
DranikProgrammerWhat is it21:37
davenx...when i try to install some new theme i can't do because it give me error with SSL certificate21:37
davenxHandshake SSL in this case21:38
davenxanyone know why and how can I solve this ?21:38
DranikProgrammerUh, it could be literally everything including basic network errors21:39
davenxhow can i solve this ?21:40
DranikProgrammerIs this the first time ?21:41
davenxin my pc the connection wi fi run without problem21:41
davenxi don't know... i think yes...21:42
davenxI left guys21:46
DranikProgrammerjust try to reboot, it may fix it21:46
davenxok, but i dont think it will solved in this manne21:46
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