[02:02] Bug #1777967 opened: dpkg-query: package 'maas-cluster-controller' is not installed and no inn is available === mup_ is now known as mup === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [11:05] hi. I am trying to deploy a juju maas controller and it starts to deploy but i notice later on it looks for an IP (that was MAAS's old IP address) and then fails to deploy. Is there a way to get the details of what it is looking for. I have changed all ips and restarted all services on MAAS. I am not sure why it is still looking for the old address. [11:05] would puttting the node into rescue mode and then logging in allow me to see the error [11:48] Bug #1778047 opened: No rack controllers can access the BMC of node [14:04] i thought if you uploaded your ssh public key to maas then it was compied over to all machines it deploys so you can login. is this only on rescue mode? [14:33] not only rescue mode. [14:33] on commissioned and deployed [15:03] Bug #1777967 changed: dpkg-query: package 'maas-cluster-controller' is not installed and no inn is available [15:07] Having problems with Dell 640, with a Megaraid (perc) controller. fails to run smartctl (I guess it should either detect that it should use "-d megaraid," to scan the disks, or simply return that smartctl is not supported... [15:08] this is at commissioning, when it runs maas-run-remote-scripts [15:09] {"1.0": {"testing_scripts": [{"name": "smartctl-validate", "path": "testing/smartctl-validate", "script_result_id": 89, "script_version_id": 1, "timeout_seconds": 300, "parallel": 1, "hardware_type": 3, "parameters": {"storage": {"type": "storage", "value": "all"}}, "packages": {"apt": ["smartmontools"]}, "for_hardware": [], "has_started": true}]}} [15:12] Bug #1777967 opened: dpkg-query: package 'maas-cluster-controller' is not installed and no inn is available [15:24] Bug #1777967 changed: dpkg-query: package 'maas-cluster-controller' is not installed and no inn is available === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [17:38] hi [17:38] is MAAS packaged with the latest LTS ubuntu (18.04) is considered stable ? [17:40] I am facing errors trying to deploy servers from MAAS [17:40] polto__: 2.4b2 is in the archive [17:41] polto__: 2.4 final is on a ppa [17:44] @roaksoax Did you get a chance to read my question from 2 hours ago ? We have an issue with smartctl. We are digging, trying to find how the index.json is generated. ours seem to be missing stuff in the type:storage value: all... Should be a table there instead of "all". [17:46] PatrickD_: MAAS uses 'all' as a place holder when a new machine is added. [17:47] PatrickD_: What happens is the machine starts commissioning, sends commissioning results to MAAS, then maas-run-remote-scripts redownloads the tar which has the discovered values [17:47] PatrickD_: when smartctl failed did commissioning successfully complete and discover disks? [17:50] no. It sees the size of the disk (/dev/sda, 1 single disk because it is a RAID5 on a Dell server PERC controller). and then fails with this error : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6CsfwRztds/ [17:53] PatrickD_: Whats the output of the API for the machine? - maas $PROFILE machine read $SYSTEM_ID [17:58] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wwtQWHhcbK/ [18:00] maas-run-remote-scripts downloads the index.json, right ? And this json should not contain "all" in that spot. It should contain a hash. So maas-run-remote-scripts fails because .get method on a non-has fails ? [18:02] PatrickD_: yes maas-run-remote-scripts downloads index.json in a tarball with all scripts that are pending [18:02] PatrickD_: the "all" placeholder is fine during commissioning but not during testing [18:02] PatrickD_: What should be happening is commissioning finishes, maas-run-remote-scripts redownloads the tar containing index.json and executes the tests [18:03] PatrickD_: what version of MAAS are you running [18:05] 2.4 from ppa [18:07] so what script gathers the information necessary to build the proper storage information ? [18:08] PatrickD_: The builtin commissioning script 00-maas-07-block-devices [18:09] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q9cj2sQd5g/ [18:09] result from the 00-maas-07-block-devices script [18:15] PatrickD_: is there anything in the machines event log? [18:16] PatrickD_: What should be happening is 00-maas-07-block-devices is received which causes MAAS to regenerate storage parameters. [18:16] PatrickD_: That should replace 'all' with the actual data [18:20] event log ? [18:21] PatrickD_: In the UI select the machine and click on the Events tab [18:22] Nothing special there... PXE Request - commissioning, then Node changed status - From 'Commissioning' to 'Testing' [18:22] then to Node changed status - From 'Testing' to 'Failed testing' [18:23] you think the output from the 07-block-devices script is fine ? (I haven't seen any outputs to really compare to :) [18:24] PatrickD_: yeah it seems fine and the output from the API shows the disk is being added [18:24] PatrickD_: could you file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+filebug and include the logs from /var/log/maas? [18:25] PatrickD_: to get around this bug you can commission without running any tests. In the UI you can just deselect smartctl-validate [18:26] PatrickD_: Using the API you can change what runs by default by running [18:26] PatrickD_: maas $PROFILE node-script remove-tag smartctl-validate tag=commissioning [18:41] Ok. Trying a few things, then I will file the bug with more info. [18:44] the command to remove smartctl is the same as doing it per machine in the UI ? [19:58] PatrickD_: The API command stop its from being selected by default [19:58] PatrickD_: This way if you use something like JuJu to commission it won't run [21:09] hi folks. I'm hoping a MaaS expert might be able to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1778047 and provide some advice as to what I should try to get my machines able to be commissioned by the rack controller. thx in advance! [21:36] I can't seem to get maas to comission nodes. I have my setup at the point where nodes will PXEboot from the maas region controller, but no matter what I do, the PXEboot ends with the error "mounting /root on /media/root-ro failed: Invalid argument" followed by a bunch of other errors about not being able to mount to /root, and then just the busybox initramfs terminal prompt [21:37] it looks like squashfs is trying to mount to a path that doesn't exist, but I can't figure out why, anyone know what's going on? [22:05] for the record: it looks like if the PXEboot can't download the image it wants, it doesn't stop and tell you the network is incorrectly configured, it tries to extract a zip that isn't there and gives you mounting errors [22:06] not sure yet why I can pxeboot from the region controller but can't download files from it, something is very weird there [23:38] Hello