
=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:29
tsimonq2hi lotuspsychje04:42
lotuspsychjehey tsimonq2 morning mate04:44
tsimonq2How are you?04:44
lotuspsychjeall fine here tsimonq204:46
tsimonq2Good to hear04:46
lotuspsychje1 week left kitchen work, then i concentrate on my ubuntu business04:46
tsimonq2What's new around these parts? :)04:46
tsimonq2Ah :D04:46
tsimonq2Whatcha cookin'?04:46
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: i run a ubuntu webshop with cleavo barebone laptops with samsung 850 pro ssd04:48
tsimonq2Oh nice!04:48
tsimonq2I was asking about the cooking though. ;)04:49
lotuspsychjeahh lol04:49
lotuspsychjeim the chefs helper04:49
lotuspsychjeits a vegan lunch restaurant, every day another lunch04:49
tsimonq2Nice :D04:53
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: What does your nick mean btw?04:54
tsimonq2I've always wondered but keep forgetting to ask04:54
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: lotus= budhism psyche=the digital age je=belgian little maker addon04:54
tsimonq2Ah :D04:54
tsimonq2Makes sense, cool04:55
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: how about yours, a monk?04:55
tsimonq2My full name is T. Simon Quigley II04:55
lotuspsychjethat also makes sense04:56
tsimonq2I disclose a lot about myself online, but my first name is something I keep secret. :)04:57
tsimonq2My record's clean and everything, but still being a minor, I'm covering my bases...04:58
tsimonq2Maybe I'll make it public when I'm 18. :P04:58
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: you working on cosmic yet?04:58
tsimonq2Been working on it for a few months now. :P04:59
tsimonq2Lubuntu switches to LXQt this release.04:59
tsimonq2Looots of work to do.04:59
lotuspsychjeearly bird gets the worm :p05:01
tsimonq2I should get some sleep.05:02
tsimonq2Nice talking with you lotuspsychje05:02
lotuspsychjeok mate sleep tight05:02
lotuspsychjeand see you another round05:02
lordievaderGood morning05:56
lotuspsychjehey lordievader06:00
lotuspsychjeall good on your side?06:00
lordievaderApart from the weather, yes.06:01
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:01
lotuspsychjeall fine here, we have 27c yesterday06:01
lordievaderYeah, yesterday was nice. Today 16c max.06:01
lotuspsychjeyeah they predict rain here today06:02
lordievaderIt already rained here 😋06:03
lordievaderWould be good if it went your way 😋06:03
* lotuspsychje grabs a big umbrella06:03
ducassegood morning06:11
xanguaGood midnight06:16
BluesKajHey folks10:32
lotuspsychjegood evening to all15:57
nacclotuspsychje: morning15:59
lotuspsychjehey nacc15:59
nacclotuspsychje: how are you today?16:00
lotuspsychjeall good mate, just finished work16:00
nacclotuspsychje: nice :)16:01
lotuspsychjenacc: how was your day so far?16:01
nacclotuspsychje: woken up early by kid, but had pancakes and now ready to start the work day :)16:02
lotuspsychjenice pancakes16:02
lotuspsychjewe also like those in the morning16:02
lotuspsychjenacc: new work still good?16:03
nacclotuspsychje: yeah; new CEO got announced yesterday16:03
naccshould be good for the company16:03
lotuspsychjewhats your job title exactly?16:04
lotuspsychje(not that im gonna judge : )16:04
naccSenior Software Engineer, Systems Performance (iirc)16:05
nacc(Systems = hypervisor)16:05
lotuspsychjegot time to irc from work lol?16:05
nacci've got two machines (since this one still has my ubuntu dev environment on it)16:06
nacci guess technically three, but my desktop is rarely on16:06
lotuspsychjenice you gotta love IT job16:07
lotuspsychjeoerheks: qweb is back :p16:07
lotuspsychjelets c if he gonna ask a smart question again16:08
tomreynlooks like16:31
lotuspsychjehe's been a few days, asking unrelated issues every other time16:34
tomreynmeasuring support quality for #ubuntu ... in progress.16:41
oerheksdoing homework.. or trivia16:42
leftyfbnacc: who's doing the pm'ing?17:48
naccleftyfb: Howardz today17:48
naccwhic his the same as Tardis from the other day, based upon the verbage17:49
nacc*Tardit sorry17:51
oerheksand scumi ..17:52
naccyeah, although i've not interacted with that user, iirc17:52
oerheksAi-bot, he knows who to avoid17:53
naccoh well, going back to fixing two segfaults in qemu :)17:56
hggdhthis is the price for allowing unregistered users :-) but this is OK18:05
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
leftyfband yet....18:49
oerheksthat curlyears.. who is it, i know it is a 2nd nickname of someone in ubuntu-oftopic :-D18:58
oerhekshe types perfectly helping others..18:59
leftyfbhow do you know it's the same person?18:59
oerheksnow he wants to pm :-D ..19:00
leftyfboh do tell19:01
oerhekshow to see all 8 cpu cores at full speed.. forkbomb?19:03
oerheksone does not controll all 8 cores, AFAIK19:03
naccoerheks: in general?20:41
nacc!info stress | oerheks20:42
ubot5oerheks: stress (source: stress): tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-2 (bionic), package size 17 kB, installed size 48 kB20:42
naccthere is another tool that can do it, but i'm forgetting the name20:43
naccsomething like that, yeah20:47
naccyou can also just start N infinite loops20:47
naccyou might need N >> # of cores20:48
naccjust because of optimizations in the kernel and shell20:48
oerheksbut this build in intel gpu, has something to do with that, i guess20:49
naccprobably easiest to do with a small C program if you really don't want an external tool20:49
oerheksthose qwebirc-guys seem to be all the same, grinn23:34

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