
ubottuTimeDoctor called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:25
nacchggdh: fyi, that user appears to be back as Howardz17:48
nacchggdh: based upon the verbage being used17:49
geniiLooks like they left now already17:49
nacci'll notify again if it happens, thanks!17:49
hggdhnacc: same class of PMs?17:50
nacchggdh: yeah17:51
nacci think verbatim same text, let me check17:51
geniiphoenix_firebrd same complaint about PMs but did not state user, told him to report occurrences in here17:51
nacci guess a combination of the text from last time17:52
naccthey're getting more efficient :)17:52
hggdhurgodfather: how can we help you?17:52
urgodfathermr howardz randomly selected me to harass and i was unsure if that is acceptable with the policy17:53
urgodfatherof your channel17:53
hggdhnot generally. We are aware of this user, but they also seem to be more selective on who they importunate, so we need to be told...17:54
urgodfatheri did respond, but i know y'all have strict rules... as i have had issues in the past17:54
urgodfathermay i paste?17:55
hggdhurgodfather: in general, a good move is to (1) tell us, and (2) /ignore them; most of the times, they are unregistered, so you could +R yourself17:55
hggdhurgodfather: preferably, a pastebin, yes17:55
hggdhurgodfather: also, as a general rule, the best is not to engage trolls, at all17:56
urgodfatherthanks for the tip and i did get his ip17:56
urgodfathertrue that17:56
hggdhurgodfather: yes, unacceptable17:56
urgodfatheri can handle but at the same time, i am trying to respect the rules17:57
hggdhwe also have his IP, from the logs17:57
urgodfathermy purpose for his ip may differ from yours17:57
ikoniastop being a jerk17:57
ikoniaif you want to brag about your threat to get him back - do it else where17:58
urgodfatheri wast17:58
urgodfathermaybe it came out wrong17:58
ikoniareally ? then what is your purpose for his IP that differes17:58
urgodfatheri appologize17:58
ikoniataking the moral high ground when you where just as petty calling him names in response17:58
urgodfatheryou're right17:59
urgodfatheri will17:59
urgodfatherlike i said. im trying to play by the rules and be respectful of them17:59
ikoniaclearly not18:00
ikoniayou've responded with rude name calling, and you've just made a poor threat attempt18:00
ikoniaI suggest you just go about your day,18:00
ikoniayou've got bad form in this channel, and it's clear you've still got the same attitude problems18:00
ikoniaas long as you can use the channel without problem, it will be fine18:01
urgodfatheryour correct and i wil not do wrong18:01
ikoniaok, so /part this channel please and just use #ubuntu as best you can18:01
urgodfatherthank you for your time and forgive my misbehavior, as i am TRYING to do better18:02
urgodfatherjust wanted to say, IF presented with this scenario again, i will do as suggested. take the higher ground and not feed into it.18:07
urgodfatherin all honesty, i do try, but im only human and can be easily provoked at times.. more importantly i will continue to respect the polices set forth.18:09
ubottuleftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (niook)19:29
leftyfbcan someone please take care of niook in #ubuntu?19:32
ikonialeftyfb: I see the problem, thanks for the heads up19:36
ikoniasorry I was looking away from my desk19:36

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