[11:12] good morning [11:26] Good morning [11:27] mornin' [12:01] morning [12:39] <_stink_> yo [13:14] mama [14:28] morning everyone [14:30] Howdy [14:32] how's everyone doing? [14:34] So far so good [14:34] yourself? [14:39] not too bad. [14:39] Just dealing with VMs [14:39] Do you suffer from VMs? [14:40] yes I do. [14:40] Mostly with libvirt [14:46] snowing in june https://photos.app.goo.gl/j34CKDxw2a5wzw7s6 [14:48] :) [14:50] greg-g: needs more snow! [14:50] rick_h_: ^ [14:50] :) [14:50] hah [14:51] I can't help but wonder how much of this is from neighbors who don't use weed control on their lawns... [14:51] * rick_h_ tries to think positively [14:51] It's all from my lawn [14:51] * cmaloney doesnt believe in pesticides for weeds [14:51] but I do try to keep the lawn mowed so they don't get that high [14:52] Those look like cottonwood though [14:52] which is an asshole tree [14:52] I love our neighbors lawn of dandilions [14:52] 's [14:53] they can be cool https://photos.app.goo.gl/EFibV1hSrcBfMpYa6 [14:53] hmmm, hadn't thought of cottenwood tree [14:53] it's been like this for days, getting stuck all over the place [14:54] some days, I really wish I had a local proxy for my browser that cached all page hits (maybe have a file size limit to not cache big videos) that I could easily search against "find the word "lawn" in pages I read in the last month" so I can get that article I'm thinking about right now. I have no clue where it was or what network shared it. [15:29] rick_h_: Interesting, our cottonwood blizzards were 1-3 weeks ago [21:42] wild hogweed needs to die though