[00:00] seller wants $140 for it, but it looks really good on pictures [00:01] hmm hd-ready, but it can have 8 gb [00:04] hey all, i'm having quite a time trying to install openjdk-8-jdk on Ubuntu 18.04, and i'm wondering if some kind soul could help me out [00:05] `sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk` fails with a "Connection failed" when trying to fetch from security.ubuntu.com [00:05] but i'm able to ping the IP address just fine [00:07] open software & updates, change your mirror to 'main' and try again? [00:11] hi [00:11] I have a problem [00:11] @oerheks i reset my "Download from" to "Main server" instead of "Server for United States" and it still failed after an `apt update` [00:12] I am on a relatively new installed Ubuntu 18.04 and just installed various things. "postfix" automatically got installed as dependency [00:12] however, I got the following errors: [00:13] https://dpaste.de/g3Qc/raw [00:13] what can I do? === captain_fixerpc1 is now known as CaptainFixerpc14 [00:22] Rojola: Any additional hints ' dpkg-reconfigure postfix ' ? [00:22] Bashing-om: I just checked the "term.log" [00:22] It says: [00:22] installed postfix package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 75 [00:23] Bashing-om # dpkg-reconfigure postfix /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: postfix is broken or not fully installed [00:24] Rojola: I have no idea of what status 75 may indicat4e :( [00:25] Rojola: ' apt install --reinstall postfix ' . [00:25] ok I try it [00:26] Bashing-om: https://dpaste.de/mxka/raw [00:27] Bashing-om: https://dpaste.de/rzwV/raw [00:28] Rojola: Hummm ... " E: Internal Error, No file name for postfix:amd64" : think'n .... [00:28] we are getting somewhere! [00:28] hold on, I paste it [00:28] Bashing-om: https://dpaste.de/1LPk/raw [00:29] Bashing-om: my machine's hostname is "linux" [00:29] Bashing-om: that's also the name I entered when configuring postfix [00:29] Bashing-om: is there a conflict with that? [00:31] ha! [00:31] Bashing-om: in the "main.cf" (postfix's config) it says: [00:31] myhostname = linux..name [00:31] that cannot work [00:32] My lightdm, on first boot, takes forever to actually pull up my window manager. It does this for both awesome and MATE, and it's upon first boot, or seemingly after I've moved my mouse around a bit. [00:32] I've narrowed it down to lightdm only because it seems that every other method to launch does so basically instantaneously. Sometimes it's a dozen seconds, sometimes it's five seconds.\ [00:32] Rojola: Never used postfix myself .. just do not know what it expects in the config files . maybe try and purge it and then install again of it is really needed . [00:33] I solved it somehow === gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr [00:33] Bashing-om: I changed "linux..name" to "linux.name" [00:33] However, lightdm's logs say that it's launching the command only .3 seconds after I log in, so it makes no sense to me. === coffeemug is now known as coffee`tea [00:34] Rojola: Well ! wonders never cease .. I would not have thought it for sure a config issue . [00:35] okay so [00:35] thank you Bashing-om ! [00:35] I am leaving now in order to reboot [00:36] I'm in a predicament [00:36] I'm trying to run UnrealIRCd [00:36] Rojola: You did all the work :) [00:36] it can ONLY run in NON-ROOT [00:36] But i need root to cd to its dir, which is in /root/ [00:37] the only two ways i can access that is using sudo cd or sudo su then cd [00:37] sudo cd doesn't work so sudo cd [00:37] sudo su* then cd [00:37] but then i'm in root, and when i exit root, i'm shot back to the the default dir for the user. [00:43] how do i start it [00:43] I mean i know how to start, but i can't because it needs me to not have root privs. [00:49] Luxray5474, I dont know your program, but surely you only need to configure it then stay out usually? [00:50] i'm seeing if it'll work if i move it to my unrealircd user's home dir [01:04] Luxray5474: you should most definitely not run this or any irc server as root. just create a new user with a home directory, and move the files there, and (recursively) chown them to the new user. [01:05] i did that now [01:06] also, i'm not sure what the state of unrealircd is nowadays, but last time i looked at it it didnt look very actively developed. you might want to use a software that is. [01:07] okay, i was wrong there, it looks active [01:10] tomreyn: this is driving me nuts. I have to be in root to run 'make' successfully in order to install unrealircd. [01:11] but, i have to not be root when i run it. [01:11] but, I have to be the same user that installed it to run it. [01:11] Luxray5474: you should probbaly be on the unrealircd support channel to ask about this. [01:11] but, being root is different from being the same user. [01:11] it's not really an ubuntu issue. [01:11] oops lol [01:11] i'll ask there, thanks for the correction :P [01:14] Hey guys [01:15] Is anyone willing to take a stab at a network problem I've been having [01:15] qwebirc32244: do you have some more details? [01:16] I apologize, as this is probably not the place to ask but ... can anyone tell me where to obtain libdvdcss or what it has been replaced by? it seems that the videolan repository does not have it ... [01:16] Package libdvdcss is not available, but is referred to by another package. [01:16] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [01:16] is only available from another source [01:16] I have this - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rpKsF322jj/ [01:17] Also, Vic2, that happened to me with libssl1.1, I had to download the debian from sourceforge or something [01:17] Vic2: sudo apt install libdvd-pkg [01:18] So for my network problem, if you scroll down to the bottom of the the paste, there's a dmesg output where wlp2s0 keeps deathenticating [01:18] tomreyn: E: Unable to locate package libdvd-pkg [01:19] deauthenticating* - And that keeps causing me to disconnect and then I have to restart network-manager to connect again === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus [01:20] !info libdvd-pkg [01:20] libdvd-pkg (source: libdvd-pkg): DVD-Video playing library - installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1-1 (bionic), package size 14 kB, installed size 79 kB [01:20] Vic2: "component multiverse", be sure you have this activated [01:20] Vic2: I googled the package name and I think you should run this - deb http://download.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable/ / (from https://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html) [01:21] If what tomyren said didn't work [01:23] tomreyn: sorry no clue what "component multiverse" is ... will you please elaborate? [01:23] !components | Vic2 [01:23] Vic2: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [01:24] and how would I make sure that it is 'activated' ? tomreyn [01:26] Vic2: did you read the page nacc / ubottu pointed you to? [01:27] see "Managing Repositories" [01:27] qwebirc32244: i'm probably not the best candidate to help you diagnose this. :-/ [01:28] It's ok, in the meantime I'm learning a lot from those links you made ubottu post [01:29] qwebirc32244: have you checked how well your hardware is supposed to be supported? are oyu running a mainline kernel in hopes to make it work? [01:29] I have 4.17 right now, have not yet upgraded to 4.17.2 [01:29] And I know it can't be purely a hardware issue because I dual boot windows and windows does not have this problem [01:30] ok, i didnt suggest it was a hardware issue, i'm just just wondering whether this hardware is known to be well supported on linux or not. [01:31] Ok, thanks for the links ... I knew the basics but not the specifics ... in short, multiverse is activated. [01:31] Vic2: then you should be able to install the package [01:32] qwebirc32244: something i'd try is to set iwlmvm's power_scheme to active (1) for a while just to see whether ti fixes it. [01:33] tomreyn: I agree, I should be able to ... let me repeat the steps again just in case ... [01:33] Vic2: sudo apt update && sudo apt install libdvd-pkg [01:35] Anybody knows a good command line to install Java / check if Java is installed? [01:35] Hi all. How is everything down here. [01:36] Can anybody read me? [01:37] tomreyn: I used sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg the first time and your command line the second time ... same result.... [01:37] E: Unable to locate package libdvd-pkg [01:38] Vic2: maybe something's still amiss on your aptt repositories: apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 9999 [01:38] let me note that I am using 14.04 LTS [01:39] Vic2: oh, that's a good point. this package is indeed not available there. [01:39] compaq@HP-Compaq-8000:~$ apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 9999 [01:39] http://termbin.com/zq5u [01:39] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libdvd-pkg [01:40] tomreyn: Vic2 14.04 .. maybe libdvdread4 ?? [01:40] !dvd [01:40] Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [01:40] Sorry I didn't mention that earlier. So any packages for 14.04 which include libdvdcss [01:40] so, yes, what Bashing-om says: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 [01:40] ok ty Bashing-om will try that. [01:41] Hmm, seems I already have it ... [01:41] the problem is that Handbrake is complaining ... [01:43] Vic2: tomreyn Now try ' sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh ' . [01:43] whats the exact error message? [01:44] indeed, this nees to be done as discussed on the wiki [01:46] Bashing-om Yes, that helped. [01:48] Vic2: now for the bad news. your ubuntu release will loose support in ~ 10 months [01:49] tomreyn ... maybe I misunderstood what Handbrake is supposed to do ? I have a directory (VIDEO_TS) which has .vob .bup and .ifo files ... and seemingly Handbrake is the tool to turn this into a viewable video file ... but this is not working. Any suggestions? [01:49] and yes tomreyn, I know I need to upgrade ... thanks for the reminder. :) [01:50] Vic2: i don't think i ever used handbrake, and the last time i touched optical media is years ago. [01:51] what is the "UVM" process and the "bioset" process I'm seeing? both running under root... I don't think I have seen them before. can't find much on google either [01:52] Vic2: try this? https://handbrake.fr/docs/en/latest/introduction/quick-start.html [01:55] Kali_Yuga: UVM is a virtual memory manager, initially developed for openbsd [01:56] hi [01:56] tomreyn: ok you know anything about the bioset process because I have so many of them [01:56] https://www.xup.in/xtrans.php?up=YToxOntpOjA7YToxMjp7aTowO3M6ODoiNDUzNjM0NjUiO2k6MTtzOjMwOiJTY3JlZW5zaG90XzIwMTgwNjIwXzE5NTQyNy5wbmciO2k6MjtkOjAuMDI7aTozO3M6MzoicG5nIjtpOjQ7czozNjoiL2hvbWUveHVwMS9zdG9yLzIwMThfMDYvNDUzNjM0NjUueHVwIjtpOjU7czoxODoiMjEuMDYuMjAxOCAtIDAzOjU0IjtpOjY7czowOiIiO2k6NztzOjEwOiI0ZTI1NjI3ZGFkIjtpOjg7czoyMDoiMjAxOF8wNi80NTM2MzQ2NS5wbmciO2k6OTtpOjQzMztpOjEwO2k6NDMzO2k6MTE7YTowOnt9fX0=&a [01:56] Kali_Yuga: "bioset" is part of block device handling. [01:56] lbum=YTowOnt9&email=&vb=0 [01:56] thats a little long sorry [01:56] https://www1.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=45363465 [01:56] thanks for that tomreyn ... looks like I will need to troubleshoot with them to figure out what is going on. :( [01:56] Kali_Yuga: which ubuntu version and kernel version is this? [01:56] wrong link anyway [01:57] Vic2: good luck! [01:57] hi melani [01:57] 16.04, 4.4.0-128 [01:58] Kali_Yuga: is anything not working properly, though? [01:58] https://www1.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=45363465 <- thats why I'm asking because there so many of those [01:59] No everything seems to be working as usual [01:59] then i would not concern myself with it [02:00] okay guess i'm paranoid [02:00] bb [02:00] thx [02:07] Hello [02:35] Hi anybody could help me identify if java is well installed. [02:35] I have 2 jar scripts that I am unable to run. [02:36] The GUI does not load up and clicked load with java8runtime [02:36] thank you in advance. [02:36] Hope everybody is hydrated and lifting weights during breaks [02:39] hi there. so from my debian experimentations I know there are a number of different ways to keep your software updated. [02:39] is there a canonical way to do it with ubuntu? since I'm running the desktop version, 14.04 to be exact, what's the route I should go? [02:40] the gui thing? apt-get? something else? [02:40] apt is sufficient, apt update || upgrade || dist-upgrade [02:40] I'm not so worried about media codecs or something like that, but chrome perhaps as I may need flash for a class [02:40] Just wanted to verify proper version was installed via command. [02:40] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [02:40] set it as a cron job [02:41] else auto update is a thing [02:41] software updater will do it for you [02:41] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade >>>> Is this it? Basically sudo to upgrade and check. [02:41] also; do-release-upgrade [02:41] ^ [02:41] Somewhat software updater was no go. Java not found. [02:41] stack_over_flow: upgrade won't take me off 14 will it? because I'm pretty sure I need 14 for this class I'm taking [02:41] no [02:41] it won't [02:41] k, thanks [02:42] don't do "do-release-upgrade" Glen... that WILL upgrade your 14.04 [02:42] I'm having a pretty annoying issue: I'm trying to set Nautilus as the default file manager, but once I set Nautilus as default, it no longer open files. It opens only directories, .desktop files and executable files [02:42] I usually sudo -i and then issue: apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get -y autoremove&& apt-get -y autoclean && sync ..if there were kernel upgrades then also add shutdown -r now === abhijit is now known as Guest80687 [02:43] ha, me, I'll probably just make a root account active as while I realize sudo has its uses, it's rather silly for my laptop [02:43] I am using Xubuntu 18.04. I think the issue is related to exo, as if I set Thunar as default again, Nautilus start to work properly [02:43] yus... for the kernel upgrades you must restart [02:43] What could stop a jar script from running? [02:43] that's important to note [02:44] my desktop disk icons are not launching on ubuntu 18. What should I do? [02:45] If Java is up to date, etc. I checked run as ALLOW AS EXEC [02:48] VoltronDikz: whats your ubuntu version, how did you install java, how are you running the jhar, and what's the output? [02:48] 18.04 [02:48] so this is unity I suppose. seems similar to the gnome thing they do these days. I would like a list of installed apps. and maybe open a terminal [02:49] Output should be a little program with a GUI. When selecting jar and clicking open in java 8 runtime a folder opens / no GUI [02:49] barring that I'm not sure how ctrl alt f1 will work in a vm, but lets give it a shot [02:49] VoltronDikz: run it from a temrinal using java -jar /path/to/my.jar [02:51] tomreyn when typing that command is there any dir I should be in or from my user is fine? [02:51] Am still learning how to use command. [02:51] s [02:51] is 14.04 unity? seems very gnome like but different. at any rate, if anyone could help me to throw a terminal launcher over on my side thingy, that would be cool [02:52] GlenK: to list installed debian packages, you do, in a terminal, "dpkg -l". to list installed snapos, you do, in a terminal, "snap list" [02:52] or should I just give up and do kde ubuntu or something? maybe everyone hates unity? [02:53] My any external drive icon on desktop does not launch. I always have to open them by opening files each time. What should I do?? [02:53] VoltronDikz: the easiest way is to use your graphical file browser to access the directory where your jar file is, then right-click to open a temrinal there (may or ma ynot work) [02:53] tomreyn: ha, the problem with that theory is I'm seeing no way to even open a terminal. and given it's a vm, ctrl-alt-f1 and the like takes me back to my other junk [02:53] !terminal | VoltronDikz [02:53] VoltronDikz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [02:55] GlenK: assign a different host key if this is virtualbox or vmware workstation/player. using the context menu key (next to the right ctrl key) tends to work well. [02:55] k, got it now. hit that little ubuntu icon thingy at the top left. then it gives you a menu of sorts at the bottom [02:56] tomreyn The program 'java' can be found in the following packages: * default-jre [02:56] * gcj-5-jre-headless * openjdk-8-jre-headless * gcj-4.8-jre-headless [02:56] * gcj-4.9-jre-headless * openjdk-9-jre-headless Try: sudo apt install [02:56] Missing the java... [02:56] I have been going nuts to make java works. [02:57] GlenK: ctrl-alt-t should spawn a terminal === abhijit_ is now known as Guest41589 [02:57] Should I run >>> sudo apt install [02:57] my desktop disk icons are not launching on ubuntu 18. What should I do? [02:58] VoltronDikz: is this a computer with a graphical desktop? [02:58] Me? or Guest41589? [02:58] VoltronDikz: you [02:58] Graph desktop I guess. Running Ubuntu 18.04 [02:59] VoltronDikz: ubuntu desktop, not ubuntu server, right? [02:59] Yup. [02:59] Desktop. [02:59] VoltronDikz: sudo apt update; sudo apt install openjdk9-jre [02:59] please give my solution please on shortcuts not working on desktop. [02:59] What would be the right command to install those packages? [03:00] say I want to install again or I guess install proper these [03:00] The program 'java' can be found in the following packages: * default-jre [03:00] * gcj-5-jre-headless * openjdk-8-jre-headless * gcj-4.8-jre-headless [03:00] * gcj-4.9-jre-headless * openjdk-9-jre-headless Try: sudo apt install [03:01] * default-jre is that even a program? [03:01] running >>>> sudo apt update; sudo apt install openjdk9-jre now. [03:01] VoltronDikz: i just provided a command to install a package which provides the 'java' command. but you better use this: sudo apt update; sudo apt install default-jre [03:01] on it. Thanks you sir. [03:02] !paste | VoltronDikz [03:02] VoltronDikz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [03:02] roger. [03:04] please give my solution please on shortcuts not working on desktop. [03:04] Guest41589, please be patient waiting for a response. If someone knows the answer they'll respond. If using Ubuntu 18.10 you should be using #ubuntu+1 [03:04] tomreyn it installed. Do I need a reboot? [03:05] VoltronDikz: no [03:05] Looks like V8 is still running. No update. [03:06] VoltronDikz: run your jar from a terminal (using the "java -jar" command as discussed previously), and post the oputput, and we'll have a better idea of what is not working [03:07] On it. [03:07] Tried running the java 9 command. landed with : E: Unable to locate package openjdk9-jre [03:07] Something is not having a good day in java land. [03:07] Let's try the command. [03:08] you are mixing up package names and commands they provide [03:08] Same thing. It does not find the packages. [03:09] what is "it" and what are "the packages"? === guiverc_t is now known as guiverc [03:11] The program 'java' can be found in the following packages: * default-jre * gcj-5-jre-headless * openjdk-8-jre-headless * gcj-4.8-jre-headless * gcj-4.9-jre-headless * openjdk-9-jre-headless Try: sudo apt install [03:11] full message from terminal. [03:12] VoltronDikz: when you run which command? [03:12] VoltronDikz: we're not watching over your shoulder, you'll need to tell us what you typed, and what was returned [03:13] When I run exec java. via >>> java -jar etc. [03:13] java -jar /home/Voltron/Documents/SSE Linux/SSE_FileEnc/ssefencgui.jar [03:14] That command returned > The program 'java' can be found in the following packages: * default-jre * gcj-5-jre-headless * openjdk-8-jre-headless * gcj-4.8-jre-headless * gcj-4.9-jre-headless * openjdk-9-jre-headless Try: sudo apt install [03:14] doing my best tomreyn. [03:15] okay, so apparently the java package installation did not succeed. please show the output of: dpkg -l '*openjdk*' '*java*' | grep ^i | nc termbin.com 9999 [03:17] Jesus. That is quite a line. On it. [03:17] hi [03:18] does anyone else experience problems installing Apache2 on Ubuntu 18.04 ? [03:18] I get these errors: [03:18] https://filebin.net/tadb529i0baujr8s [03:18] Command results in >>> http://termbin.com/jvcf [03:19] here is the entire paste (in black-and-white) [03:19] https://dpaste.de/Oye2/raw [03:19] the screenshots (see 1st link) are easier to understand [03:20] VoltronDikz: when you type "which java", what does it return? [03:21] where was I supposed to type wich java? [03:21] You lost me there [03:22] VoltronDikz: on a terminal window [03:23] Rojola: indeed, text is preferred. do what it said here: 'Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.' [03:24] typed : which java nothing returns. [03:25] tomreyn, thank you for talking with me! I already looked at "systemctl status apache2.service". [03:25] tomreyn, the output is similar to the initial error message [03:25] "journalctl -xe" does not say anything about apache [03:25] tomreyn, https://dpaste.de/bLfx/raw [03:26] I guess this is the reason: [03:26] AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message [03:28] tomreyn. No biggie. I am giving up. It should not be this complicated to install java. [03:28] I am moving on. I'll eventually do something else. [03:28] VoltronDikz: hmm thats strange, since you have the openjdk-8-jre-headless package installed which provides this command. [03:28] I know. Look something is really wrong. Something and java went really bad. [03:29] Would deinstall all java and reboot fresh a good idea? [03:29] I just don't want to suck you into this. It has been hell for weeks now. [03:29] I need those lil apps and I can't make them work. The java is the main issue. [03:29] VoltronDikz: you could try this. if, for example, you manually moved files around previously this would explain it. [03:30] No files moved. No java moved. I don't really understand stuff. So I am doin basic things. Other folks tried helping me but in vain. I also suspect some nice folks gave me wrong commands to destroy my own system. [03:31] Had a bunch of hostile folks at spotchat that I thing where just trolls [03:31] VoltronDikz: here's how you can try to clean up: sudo apt purge openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jre-headless openjdk-9-jdk ca-certificates-java java-common [03:32] and once it's all gone you do: sudo apt install default-jre [03:33] on it. [03:35] Rojola: maybe, it looks like it's a non critical warning, but you should be setting the servername [03:36] tomreyn, to me it looks like errors [03:36] tomreyn, and apache is not running [03:37] Rojola: i'm going to run the same command on a fresh install shortly [03:37] tomreyn, in my /etc/hosts is the following server name set: [03:37] localhost [03:37] linux [03:38] thats fine with me [03:38] # [03:39] YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [03:39] Yes! [03:39] AMEN to tomreyn [03:39] VIIIIIIIIIIICTORY! [03:39] How do we send beer to you? [03:40] KING OF JAVA INSTALL >>> tomreyn [03:40] Thank you so much mate. It works. I need to figure out how to create "launcher from these scripts now. [03:40] Any idea how to do that? [03:41] Issue is to treat the jar as a program... Thinking how but no real clue. [03:41] VoltronDikz: i'm not too great with desktop stuff. [03:43] you'll need to create a custom launcher (somehow) which runs the "java -jar /path/to/your/file.jar" (where "/path/to/your/" is the file system path to your jar file, and "file.jar" is your JAR file)- [03:43] Rojola: i got a very similar result [03:43] tomreyn, I believe I know a solution but i must test it first [03:44] tomreyn, solved [03:44] tomreyn, do you want me to guide you through? [03:44] basically the same command we entered in terminal. Man you genius. [03:45] Rojola: my output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bdfRhDttm7/ [03:45] tomreyn, what I did is: [03:45] I opened /etc/apache/apache2.conf and added: [03:46] ServerName localhost [03:46] ^ above the inclusion of the vhosts [03:46] then I ran: [03:46] apt purge apache2 [03:46] apt install apache2 [03:46] then it worked.... [03:46] note: the "apache2.conf" got overridden by a totally different config-file but now it works [03:49] hmm, i'm not sure i 'm getting why this woud have fixed apache not starting. but i'm glad it works for you. [03:49] Hey tomreyn... entering the java -jar command in the launcher did not work. Possibly bc java has decided to kill us lately. [03:49] Any "" or else I should be using while entering the command inside a launcher? [03:50] reviewing my log i see it starts successfully a couple times during the installation, also priting the servername warning, but then suddenly fails to start. [03:50] VoltronDikz: does it work on a temrinal, though? [03:50] always try that, first [03:51] theissue with launchers and desktops is they often dont tell you that and moreover why something failed. [03:52] so better make sure it's actually working on a terminal first, then do the launcher [03:54] launchers don't. Look you made it. It works. The launcher is a luxury I can pass on. [03:54] Thank you so much. Going to work on that app. [03:54] Where do i send you the beer? [03:55] Rojola: indeed, it works after purge + reinstall of the apache2 pacjage here, too. i guess i'd call this a bug. [03:55] VoltronDikz: your local linux folks is fine. ;) [03:55] tomreyn, postfix also had a bug [03:56] I had to change the hostname in main.cf before it worked [03:56] https://cdn.totalfratmove.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/b44533b18b30e3b1fc45a2b3f1e0ed40-714x400.jpeg [03:56] The beer! [03:56] Thanks tomreyn. really. [03:56] Wish you were really local i would spoil you right now. [03:56] :) welcome VoltronDikz [03:56] killing it bro! [03:57] Gnite. Will be back. [03:57] Top notch folks here. [03:57] 5stars [03:57] ;-) [03:57] see you! [03:57] Same. [03:57] Rojola: hmm, fresh install, too? [03:57] did oyu just apt install postfix? [03:58] tomreyn, a fresh install, and I installed "trinity desktop" (KDE3 fork) [03:58] postfix got installed along with it [03:58] I was prompted to provide my hostname, which I did [03:58] postfix added ..name to it and entered it into the main.cf file [03:58] Rojola: which configuration template did you choose for postfix? the default is "internet site" [03:58] so the hostname was "linux..name" which could not work [03:59] tomreyn, I used the configuration template "local" [03:59] so, end of the story, I had to change "linux..name" to "linux.name" manually in "main.cf" [03:59] tomreyn, from: [03:59] myhostname = linux..name [03:59] to: [03:59] myhostname = linux.name [04:00] in "/etc/postfix/main.cf" [04:00] again, template was "local" (_not_ internet site) [04:02] Rojola: can't seem to reproduce this here. do you have a search domain configured in /etc/resolv.conf ? [04:03] tomreyn, nope [04:03] tomreyn, did you install trinity desktop? [04:04] Rojola: no [04:04] but i dont see how this would be related [04:06] but I really had this issue [04:06] I entered "linux" as name when postfix promted me during the installation [04:06] and I've chosen "Local" [04:06] and my "main.cf" ended up with "linux..name" as myhostname [04:07] the double .. was the issue [04:07] i dont doubt that you ran into this issue. i assume it was a temporary local dns misonfiguration which caused it, though. [04:07] i see [04:07] i.e. your dhcpü server sending a search domain of "..name" [04:08] that makes sense [04:08] well, I mean, it doesn't, but it would explain why postfix got confused [04:09] * tomreyn sleep, ttyl [04:10] good night tomreyn [04:11] Hi [04:15] I can't build dkms modules on 1804. Tries for spl, zfs, and nvidia-headless-390, with both the standard as well as `lowlatency`kernels (4.15.0-23). Every time it appears to hang (after the message `building initial module for X`, nothing appears to happen for a while, at least until I `pkill dkms`. If I look at resource usage, it is practically 0 (in terms of CPU, at least). Help? [04:40] does anyone understand why gnome might be using 50% of my cpu all the time? [04:40] gnome-shell is legit using half my laptops cpu. [04:44] bigMouthCommie: gnome3 is known for resource/heavy taker overall [04:45] is there a way to optimize it lotuspsychje [04:45] bigMouthCommie: yes, tweak your system overall with: bleachbit,preload,swappiness,trim down your starting services,add more ram,install and ssd,.. [04:47] well i can't swap out my components on this POS. idk how to breach the case... [04:47] but i can look at starting svcs and such... it's just that gnome-shell legit takes 50% of my cpu [04:47] top [04:47] mischan [04:48] 1359 user 20 0 3453668 256272 40916 R 64.8 6.5 2745:38 gnome-shell [04:48] 64% of my cpu === jesse is now known as Guest11843 [04:51] bigMouthCommie: what are your system specs mate? [04:52] is there an easy way to pull them for you in ubuntu 18.04? [04:53] bigMouthCommie: hastebin.com an inxi -F [04:57] https://hastebin.com/buquwinuda.sql [04:57] btw, pastebinit is broken. lol. [04:58] bigMouthCommie: ok intel celeron with intel graphics is not really a monster, for gnome3 [04:58] i just want video framerates not to drop in the browser [04:59] already installed gnome-flashback, about to switch, i think [04:59] bigMouthCommie: consider a xubuntu/lubuntu as test? [05:01] ok, well the thing is i like super to start the search, and i want to be able to use kdeconnect. do you know if those are supported on either of them? [05:10] bigMouthCommie you could try ubuntu mate I think it has the super key launcher, although you might have to play around with the mate tweak tool to get it (advanced menu) and as far as kde connect I could be wrong but I think as long as you install the kdeconnect package you should be able to use it also the tweak tool ubuntu mate has allows you to take a lot of load off your system [05:12] enduser: +1 [05:17] thank you enduser [05:20] amd64-microcode (2.20131007.1+really20130710.1 => 3.20180524.1~ubuntu0.14.04.1) does this patch required reboot? [05:22] Rembo: best with drivers add, take a quick reboot [05:29] help [05:35] connect [05:44] Bmorning [05:52] Am I crazy for thinking I can still have sharp and clear fonts with a 32" screen @ 4K resolution? [05:52] I have scaling set to 200% [05:53] that's probably part of it, I'm sure... but I don't know if it's possible to set it at a custom value [05:54] I'm on an Intel NUC, and I think the i915 driver is the one in use. [06:00] SuperLag: perhaps take a look into dconf-editor, it might have some screen options there === errrasmus is now known as erasmus === shawn is now known as Guest67551 [06:04] SuperLag: your crazy [06:04] vali: how come? :) [06:07] just so [06:07] thinking you can have nice behaving drivers & tools. [06:08] I can make this kind of crap work ok even on windows. [06:08] s/can/can't/g [06:08] well..had to try.. [06:10] :) === TonyG_ is now known as metracom === m4v- is now known as m4v === gpap_ is now known as gpap [06:22] hi is anyone running a ryzen 5 2400g machine? === Guest83273 is now known as EriC^^ [06:26] hi, i installed xubuntu and neither lightdm nor gdm can get to the login screen. sddm works. lightdm can't bring up the login screen but I could use a tty to see if there's any useful log but nothing. gdm freezes the entire computer. Has anyone run into this problem? [06:32] I am trying to be sure I have everything right. I have a domain and would like go to www.domain.com to see content displayed. I have setup hostname from my vps and a record cloudflare but am not sure all is done correctly after several youtubes i can’t get it to work what am i doing wrong? Please see content of each relevant /etc/ files edited if am making a mistake http://pastebin.centos.org/858731/56172715/ [06:35] does anyone know why abduco is missing from 18.04's repositories? it was in the repos of the previous releases. [06:36] zenofpython: which os release is this? [06:36] centos [06:36] zenofpython: so, why ask here? [06:36] Is it possible to have mpd on one system (my fileserver) and use an mpd client (ncmpcpp) on another system (my desktop) to play music on that system (the desktop)? [06:37] ducasse: /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname are same everywhere right/ centos people wouldn’t help [06:37] csierra_: mpd will play the music on the system mpd is running on [06:38] ah ok. thanks ducasse [06:38] zenofpython: well, we only support ubuntu. [06:38] I installed a bunch of packages yesterday and it seems like they somehow caused problems in chromium; it started flickering. is there a way to see changes done yesterday so that I can revert? [06:39] this is Xubuntu 18.04 [06:39] osa1: see /var/log/apt/history.log [06:41] ducasse: no problem racism is everywhere… white don’t support blacks - humans, ubuntu don’t support centos - OSes, God don’t support Devil - Supernatural… Live is doomed! [06:48] zenofpython: yeah, whatever. try #centos again [06:53] ducasse: thanks. I see some wayland-related packages, is is possible that I've switched to wayland by accident? do you know how do check this? [06:55] osa1: if you're using xfce that doesn't support wayland [06:55] hi. if i want to mount new disk to /home/user/. how should i procede? [06:56] i want to preserve all files. [07:00] !movehome | herra [07:00] herra: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [07:05] ubottu: ty very much [07:05] herra: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [07:06] ducasse: ty very much [07:06] herra: np [07:06] I'm trying to install ike-qtgui on trusty and I get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! ipsec-tools" [07:06] that's the only one with "sec" in its name... kinda fishy :) [07:07] the only dependency* [07:09] Anyone help me for GUI interface for Ubuntu 18.04 [07:09] If possible, offline app [07:09] seeing as you use a browser irc client, you already have a gui working. what is your problem exactly? [07:10] I am new to this, so i am not able to setup the irc client. [07:10] oh you want an irc client [07:10] try hexchat [07:11] Thank you [07:11] hi, anyone running darktable on a Ryzen 5 2400g ? [07:16] and my issue was solved by a simple "apt-get update" -_- [07:28] Every so often when I log in, my terminals don't give me a prompt, only a flashing block cursor. === rpittau_ is now known as rpittau [07:28] This is even the case in TTYs [07:31] Hey all === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [07:31] Ubuntu 18.04 [07:32] Directory exists in /mnt/somedir, but /etc/fstab with "/dev/sda1 /mnt/somedir ntfs-3g..." gives "ntfs-rg-mount: bad mount point "/mnt/somedir": No such file or directory [07:32] Although, "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/somedir" works well [07:53] V7: have you tried manually mounting it [07:54] hi, [07:54] why is Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS supported until Apr 2019 [07:55] whereas Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS is support until HWE Aug 2016 ? [07:55] (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases) [07:56] jsqkldhf: https://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life [07:56] jsqkldhf: the hwe kernels are only supported for a limited time [07:58] what's 14.04.2 LTS HWE btw? i never heard of it === Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er [07:58] !hwe | jsqkldhf [07:58] jsqkldhf: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [07:59] jsqkldhf: its best to keep your system up to date at all times, meaning also for point releases [07:59] is this channel logged? I'm looking for a file name someone showed me about an hour ago [07:59] lost my chat history [07:59] !logs | osa1 [07:59] osa1: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ [08:00] thanks [08:00] lotuspsychje: I personnally have Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS [08:00] which is supported until 2019 [08:00] osa1: /var/log/apt/history.log [08:00] what is the recommended way to upgrade? [08:00] ducasse: thanks :) [08:01] should I format my server and reinstall a new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS? [08:01] osa1: yw :) [08:01] or is there a easier way to do it? [08:01] !upgrade | jsqkldhf [08:01] jsqkldhf: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [08:02] ducasse: I can't easily copy package names from this file to `apt remove` command, any tips? [08:02] jsqkldhf: i think you confuse alot of things, update/upgrade/release upgrade [08:03] jsqkldhf: if you want to stay on 14.04 update system to 14.04.5 [08:03] lotuspsychje: what are the diff btween update/upgrade/release upgrade [08:03] jsqkldhf: if you want to goto 18.04 you will need to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 first [08:03] osa1: not really, other than running it through sed or something [08:04] what is update and upgrade and release upgrade? [08:04] 14.04 to 16.04 is a "release upgrade" right? [08:04] jsqkldhf: yes and an LTS release upgrade [08:05] jsqkldhf: updating means, you keep your packages up to date to latest on your current ubuntu version [08:06] jsqkldhf: perhaps you can consider enabling unnattended upgrades, aka automatic updating of your system [08:07] Does anyone know how to `startx` (or whatever you need to do to start a full KDE-plasma DE session) over SSH? I've got X11 forwarding setup, and I can run firefox as the user or as root remotely with it displaying on the client. But when I `startx` as the user it says "/usr/lib/xorg/Xorg.wrap: Only console users are allowed to run the X server" if I `startx` as root it crashes: "Xorg: ../../../../dix/privates.c:385: dixRegisterPrivateKey: [08:07] Assertion `!global_keys[type].created' failed." [08:08] I have "X11DisplayOffset 10" in sshd_config (and have restarted SSH since changing the config) [08:13] Hi everybody! [08:14] caxxoncello: welcome to ubuntu support, how can we help you? [08:15] Lope: 'startx' is used to run a *local* x server [08:16] ducasse: wow, that's deep. Never knew that. Thanks. [08:16] startkde is what I was looking for. [08:16] Is it common that ubuntu can never format usb pen drive? I tried on 16.04 across multiple computers and with multiple pen drives of different manufacturers [08:16] Lope: if you want the clients to display remotely, start your x server, ssh to the other system and run them [08:16] caxxoncello: not common, no but depends of your stick is broken, or the tools you use to format? [08:17] caxxoncello: gparted is very usefull to format, is that what you want to do? [08:17] I was thinking about it was a common bug, because I tried to format different pen drives on different computers in a lot of time frame. [08:18] gparted usually works [08:18] but the embedded "Disks" software of ubuntu always crashes [08:18] caxxoncello: any errors you get? [08:19] contacted you in private [08:19] !pm [08:19] Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [08:19] ok [08:19] the program crashes, i get the error report [08:19] stack trace i guess [08:19] but no "human" error [08:20] caxxoncello: try to hastebin us the error, or check syslog at same time, or tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime [08:21] caxxoncello: also from wich format to wich format do you try to wipe? fat32 to ntfs for example/ [08:21] ok, at the moment i can not, but i will come back when i am at my computer [08:21] the pendrive is usually a macos partition [08:21] maybe is this the error [08:21] i try to put it fat32 [08:21] but with no success [08:22] caxxoncello: try to find out next time, wich format your usb is originally [08:22] caxxoncello: some devices cant format to another format layout [08:22] okay [08:23] caxxoncello: if gparted cant do it properly, something is going or hardware broken [08:24] gparted usually works [08:24] in fact i use it [08:25] caxxoncello: you can also try running disk-tool from terminal, to see usefull errors on it [08:26] that's great [08:26] i never thought about it [08:27] caxxoncello: good luck on it, if you cant find it, come back to us ok [08:28] thank you! === Trystam is now known as Tristam [08:44] Hello :) [08:46] Can I instal in WSL from a official extracted iso like 18.04 ? [08:57] popey: this looks like a spam bot https://community.ubuntu.com/u/brendakshi - or *almost* at least [08:59] Done [09:01] guys, i have a server B behind proxy server A, where A is connected to internet but B is behind firewall and is only allowed to connect to A. Is there anyway i can install packages for B? [09:02] yeah you can make a trigger with a secure tunnel [09:08] I have an external monitor connected to my laptop, can I create a separate virtual desktop and assign it to it? [09:09] (I am on KDE if that makes a difference) [09:12] CalicoFlows: try asking in #kubuntu [09:13] Do you know if it could be done though? === gms is now known as Guest20717 [09:14] CalicoFlows: i'm not sure, hence my suggestion [09:16] CalicoFlows: i think the desktop on one screen follows the other(s), though [09:20] I tend to find ancient answers on Google, but there only seems to be work around solutions, none that are easy to setup. I'd rather continue moving windows around... I can't risk messing with my x server and whatnot [09:20] thnx [09:43] Hi there, I'd like to set one keyboard to be US layout and all others to be GB. On another distro I did this with config files in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ that match with `MatchProduct`. In Ubuntu 16.04 this isn't working, though Xorg.0.log shows that Xorg configures my US keyboard as I expect, the keyboard layout ends up as GB anyway and I have to use `setxkbmap us` to force all keyboards to US. [09:44] Does anyone know of some daemon or default setting that might be reverting the Xorg settings? [09:55] Hi. I am Using tilmix with ZSH and the scrollback does not work. It's like some invisible command was non stop making me return at the prompt [09:55] *tilix [09:56] And if I start a GUI softare scrolling works again until I close it [09:56] What sorta software do you use for video grabbers? OBS Studio should be allright or it lacks some userspace feature ? [09:57] got an 0438:ac14 Advanced Micro Devices "notonlytv LV5HD" grabber [10:01] OBS [10:01] it recognizes my camera but I couldn't find the video grabber [10:02] maybe it creates a /dev/ device gonna check [10:03] nope [10:07] AMD Cali TV card [10:07] http://termbin.com/zp2x [10:07] boredtodeath: google says you need the dvb-usb-af9015 kernel driver [10:09] can you help me [10:09] to install [10:09] a program? [10:09] Triffid_Hunter, the package for this firmware is in the repo? [10:10] !ask | andreas [10:10] it does sound like it's for a different chipset ,but I might be wrong [10:10] andreas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [10:10] https://github.com/camrein/EzGraver [10:10] this program [10:10] :/ [10:10] !enter [10:10] Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [10:17] andreas: Ask your question here in the channel === ToBeFree is now known as Guest73567 === SoulOfTheInterne is now known as ToBeFree [10:19] When I use -S on git commits to sign using GPG, it opens a dialog box within GNOME that asks for my password and blocks the rest of the screen. The problem is, my password is in a password manager and I can't get to the password manager if the screen's blocked. Is there a way to get it to ask me for the password inside of the terminal? [10:20] hello [10:20] Hi [10:20] leave [10:20] /part [10:22] luxio: https://git-scm.com/docs/gitcredentials might be relevant [10:23] * XxX4LON3XxX hello gays [10:25] hello i want to test if a string contains a substring [10:25] * XxX4LON3XxX gays [10:25] https://pastebin.com/uEk4JTPs [10:25] !ops [10:25] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [10:26] Truk_: Doesn't look like the best of error messages [10:26] XxX4LON3XxX: Please quit playing around, this is a support channel. [10:26] yes it's a test [10:26] And is probably better suited to a different channel [10:26] Still [10:27] but it says the two strings are different [10:27] whereas they are the same === nyuszika7h_ is now known as nyuszika7h [10:27] What strings? [10:27] 2 and 9 differ [10:27] "${CI_JOB_NAME/services}" and "$CI_JOB_NAME" [10:28] when CI_JOB_NAME="deploy:test" [10:28] "${CI_JOB_NAME/services}" = "deploy:test" too [10:28] You're running 2 ifs [10:28] Not an if/else [10:29] yes, it's a test [10:29] … [10:29] Again: Probably better suited for a different channel [10:30] And I don't understand your question [10:31] Truk_: here's a good reference for bash parameter expansion / string manipulation http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/pe [10:32] Hey folks [10:32] hi [10:32] Truk_: there's also #bash [10:35] luxio: git config --global core.askpass "" [10:35] tomreyn: thank you, i think that's what i was looking for [10:54] help [10:54] uno_: wats the problem ? === zenofpython_ is now known as zenofpython [11:32] hi [11:32] Hi [11:32] je viens de rejoindre le groupe [11:32] !fr [11:33] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. === Nicmavr is now known as Guest3849 [11:59] Is there a way to access the machine via it's external IP the same way you can access it internally with localhost? Something like externalhost that would resolve to its external IPv4 so that the traffic comes "in" through the external address rather than [12:00] I'm not talking about the public IP, I mean whatever IP the network card has got assigned [12:02] hfp, Do you mean by using the assigned IP... such as or something along those lines? [12:03] hfp: I believe NAT does all of the work for you? [12:04] hfp: Great question for #networking [12:05] hfp: you seem to assume that every system will have no mor ethan a single ip address assigned to its single(!) (non loopback) network interface. [12:08] Hello I'm searching for ubuntu server a good tool which is autoremounting samba shares. I have the problem that our Windows File Server sometimes reboots and then my mounted shares are not mounted anymore [12:09] !server [12:09] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server [12:09] Jonta: well you could have this problem also with ubuntu (desktop) but I'll ask in server thanks [12:09] bye [12:14] Hello I'm searching for Ubuntu server a good tool which is auto remounting samba shares. I have the problem that our Windows File Server sometimes reboots and then my mounted shares are not mounted anymore. Last time I had the problem that the Ubuntu server booted and the Windows File Server was not running. In this case it would be cool if the server is retrying to mount the share consistently [12:14] Ok sorry wrong channel :D [12:16] For some reason, my pc wont boot wthout the installer usb plugged in, gets boot error [12:17] What error? [12:17] I just ran grub-install /dev/sda and rebooted, but stil same thing [12:17] The error that my Bios can't find a boot loader [12:18] I have to have the installer usb plugged in for the computer to boot [12:18] I suppose it acts as a kind of security fob key, but it's kinda annoying === SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost [12:34] hey guys. i am using firefox 60.0.2 on ubuntu 18.04 . i've got two problems: 1. printer select / options window is only partially localized 2. custom paper size is not saved . any ideas how to fix that ? [12:42] dreadkopp: if the papersize is a system wide issue: man papersize, edit /etc/papersize [12:43] tomreyn not sure if systemwide issue. there is not much more on that machine besides firefox and herbstluftwm :P [12:44] dreadkopp: you will know when you inspect the /etc/papersize file or run paperconf [12:44] if the default paper format is what you think it should be, then keep it, otherwise change it. [12:45] paperconf returns a4. however i need some custom size for a label printer [12:45] but generally, a4 is fine? [12:45] i guess :P [12:45] read the ENVIRONMENT section of paperconf(1) [12:46] cups has the printer configured correctly, testpage is in correct size. printing from chromium for a test works fine as well [12:46] Hey all. I'm trying to wrap my head around how much free space I have on my ubuntu 16.04. Here's what I get when I type in free -h: https://thepasteb.in/p/BghPkkQWADqCY Now, when trying to install android studio from flatpak, here's the error I'm getting: https://thepasteb.in/p/Z4hPwwZKBpgSG I'd love a pointer or two to make sense of this :) [12:47] linux_noob, try using `df -h` instead [12:48] linux_noob: `free` shows RAM usage not disk space [12:48] so when I hit df -h I get this: https://thepasteb.in/p/98hR66yJPOwTk [12:49] linux_noob: you have 8.6 GB free in /home, which is where your user operates in (desktop, documents, downloads is all there) [12:49] I would have to re-read your other pastes, as df seems to report enough space [12:50] linux_noob: but you have 392 GB free on /, so for the ubuntu system. which is a lot more than it needs. [12:50] linux_noob ' df -h' shows you used space per partition. 'baobab' shows a nice diagram which folders / files eat up youtr space [12:51] !files [12:51] An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview see also: man hier [12:53] Hi! I'm seeking for a brief help. I decided to use yaml formatted inventory for ansible, but no matter what I do (ie copy paste the examples from ansible docs (https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.5/user_guide/intro_inventory.html#hosts-and-groups) I get back a pretty much empty list when testing the file with ansible-inventory. [12:54] this is the exact full error I'm getting when trying to install android studio https://thepasteb.in/p/lOhO33JNXy3FB I don't really understand the error - why is it saying I have only 259.6 MB available, when df -h tells me something different? df-h output: https://thepasteb.in/p/98hR66yJPOwTk [12:56] linux_noob: soft want space into /var not directly / === rougue_xirg is now known as xirg [12:56] well perhaps not only in /var [12:57] ah I see, thanks for the input. What's the easiest way to get around this? [12:57] but yours /var is almost full [12:58] linux_noob: grow /var or put all into your huge / [12:58] Nevermind, I sorted out. It seems no 'empty' host: and vars: declarations are allowed [12:58] but not so easy after install [12:59] Ool: hm I see. I guess I'm stuck in a bit of a pickle here :/ [13:03] crandon: most likely a question for #ansible (if it exists, have not checked) [13:09] Ool: I tried du -h --max-depth 1 and I got this output: https://thepasteb.in/p/j2hlwwLW7KoHP [13:09] I'm trying to figure out how it fits in with this error: https://thepasteb.in/p/Z4hPwwZKBpgSG === test is now known as Guest74285 [13:16] hi [13:17] vlc crashes my whole system if I pause a video, why is that? [13:17] rhoks, is this with all videos? [13:17] yes === w00dsman1 is now known as w00dsman [13:18] remove the ~/.config/vlc/ folder, and see if that helps? [13:19] oh [13:19] let me see [13:21] Hey guys, any thoughts on Ubuntu 17.0 vs 14.04? [13:22] Guest74285, hi, this is technical support, not a poll channel === nat_ is now known as Natkeeran [13:23] I'm having a pretty annoying issue: I'm trying to set Nautilus as the default file manager, but once I set Nautilus as default, it no longer open files. It opens only directories, .desktop files and executable files. I am using Xubuntu 18.04, I think the issue is related to exo, as if I set Thunar as default again, Nautilus start to work properly [13:23] Lol... Technical support and information on technical matters bear some similarity [13:23] Guest74285: 14.04 is the oldest LTS , 17.x are not LTS [13:24] better to look 16.04 or the new 18.04 [13:24] Guest74285, good, ask a technical question then [13:24] cool, can you tell me about 16.04 [13:25] !16.04 [13:25] Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes [13:25] easy to find, releasenotes with what is new/changed [13:26] Not interested in reading....just wanna have a few insight, for instance: should I upgrade? === dan3wik is now known as dan2wik [13:26] FurretUber, how did you set nautilus as standard? [13:26] good morning all, would it be considered out of scope or off topic in regards to my server upgrade. Everything is working fine, I run unifi controller on it. When i do an upgrade, everything gets jacked up. I have tried various approaches, and every time same result. Im at an ends on identifying the issue and looking for direction. ##ubnt has tried to help but that too has been exhausted. [13:26] "not interested in reading" ..... joins IRC ... win. [13:26] I have opened Preferred Application and changed the default from Thunar to Nautilus [13:27] currently running 14.04 and trying to upgrade to 16.04 [13:29] !server | urgodfather [13:29] urgodfather: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server [13:29] urgodfather: it would be helpful to define "jacked up". There's no resolution for "jacked up". [13:30] Jonta not ubuntu serer, ubuntu desktop no gui [13:30] its a web server [13:30] on a VPS [13:31] leftyfb to expand.... jacked up in a sense that the service runs and it appears that it crashes and restarts. i suspect mongodb to be part of the issue and i do know that it relies on jdk 8 [13:31] one of the symptoms is that java service stops, then restarts [13:32] urgodfather: you installed Ubuntu desktop on a VPS just to remove the GUI? [13:32] Anyone have a clue what's up with these errors? https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/0c7c1d84a0ec52b6d7667f3f9cd8ed19 [13:33] urgodfather: also, what's the point of running Unifi on a remote server with no access to your local equipment? [13:33] FurretUber, you might need to tweak more than that, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager --- https://sites.google.com/site/installationubuntu/tweaking-ubuntu/change-default-filemanager [13:33] skinux: did you install nodejs ? [13:36] ok so removing vlc config directory didn't work oerheks. I believe I don't have hardware acceleration available plus this laptop is very slow [13:36] so when I pause a video it just starts stuttering and if I have several programs running like 2 browsers plus vlc then it keeps stuttering for hours [13:37] if I only have 1 browser with a couple of tabs then it only stutters for a few minutes and continues playing the video it doesn't even pause it [13:37] rhoks, oke, most likely it is the specs of your videocard, see if you can give it more memory in the bios, else, try mpv as player [13:37] !info mpv [13:37] mpv (source: mpv): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.27.2-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 952 kB, installed size 2328 kB [13:37] Have you tried a new updated version of Vlc? [13:38] Hmm. Seems I have borked my system by merely upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 [13:38] snap vlc gives 3.x .. still heavier than mpv [13:39] apt-get install vlc should update it right [13:40] VLc has more capabilities compared to other media players, I would stick with it and find ways to resolve the issue [13:40] "vlc is already newest version (2.2.6-6)" [13:41] oerheks: It didn't work, it's setting the default in exo to Nautilus that makes Nautilus don't open files. Very recently Nautilus was working fine [13:41] yeah the shortcut keys for vlc video jump navigation is priceless for me [13:41] I got used to it [13:41] I hope mpv has that [13:41] Have you tried updating the video driver? [13:42] I'm googling how to do that Guest74285 === lxuser is now known as Guest7978 [13:43] Great ! If not, look into hardware [13:43] When I try to open a file with Nautilus as the default, the window blinks [13:43] As if the window was updated [13:43] leftyfb its a preconfigured enviro (minimal) and its sole purpose is to serve as a web server running the unifi controller software which manages our 100+ sites [13:44] oerheks: I'm wondering if Nautilus is trying to open the files, instead of using the mime defaults [13:44] urgodfather: tried uninstalling Unifi, upgrading the OS the reinstalling? [13:45] yep [13:45] tried that [13:46] does mpv have shorcut keys though [13:46] https://askubuntu.com/questions/968857/xubuntu-17-10-nautilus-doesnt-open-files This is the same issue, but nothing there solved it [13:47] urgodfather: when you remove unif, are you purging all of mongodb and /var/lib/unifi? [13:47] i did not purge mongodb [13:47] but i did for unifi [13:47] you should [13:48] leftyfb ill give that a whirl, thanks for direction [13:48] urgodfather: also, what did the journal messages say as to why the service is failing? [13:48] i cannot remember off hand [13:48] Is Ubuntu Mobile still available? [13:48] do I have to add its own repository to setup mpv? oerheks [13:48] I mean, the install Ubuntu on phones thing? [13:48] * urgodfather would like it know about ubuntu mobile too [13:48] skinux: available, probably. Supported and still developed, no [13:49] ota-4 just arrived [13:49] skinux i do know that some have created custom enviros of desktop for phones [13:49] oerheks: who's still developing it? [13:49] see #ub-ports [13:49] nah :) [13:50] urgodfather: I'm not sure what that means...it's either desktop or it's not. [13:50] was slightly curious, not enough to follow it [13:50] #ub-ports doesn't exist [13:50] probably ##ub-ports [13:50] skinux it means it is desktop, on their phone [13:51] https://ubports.com/nl_NL/blog/onze-blog-1/post/ubuntu-touch-rc-ota-4-148 [13:51] Well, Nautilus from Debian is working (its package installed many dependencies) but now Ubuntu is updating it [13:51] FurretUber, i have no clue there, is seems not that easy to find/change all mime types [13:52] that is why snaps are the future packages, even though linux should easily remove/switch applications [13:52] IT doesn't sound stable yet. [13:53] it exists, i am in it. [13:53] oh, #ubports it is.. [13:53] Instead of going for Ubuntu MATE I could just install MATE Desktop, right? [13:53] !info mate-desktop [13:53] mate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.1-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 22 kB, installed size 83 kB [13:53] sure [13:56] or maybe XFCE, I like that [13:57] adding desktops is no problem, removing one can be interesting [13:58] I'm gonna go for a reinstall oerheks [13:58] keep getting freezage at boot Ubuntu 16.04 "reached target mail transport" then dead any ideas? [14:02] vas_tappendage, is this bare metal or a VM? [14:03] I have reported a bug against Nautilus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1778069 [14:03] Launchpad bug 1778069 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus don't open files if set as default file manager" [Undecided,New] [14:05] keep getting freezage at boot Ubuntu 16.04 "reached target mail transport" then dead any ideas? [14:06] how can I tell if my /var is split off my root? [14:06] !repeat | vas_tappendage [14:06] vas_tappendage: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [14:06] root directory that is [14:08] vas_tappendage, not sure what tries to send a mail, disable it ? sudo update-rc.d sendmail disable [14:08] linux_noob: run 'mount' or 'df' in a terminal, see if /var is a separate row there [14:09] ('mount' output has more garbage so 'df' might be better) [14:09] mgedmin: ah cool, thanks :) [14:09] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1619844 [14:09] Launchpad bug 1619844 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[Xenial] shutdown/reboot hangs at "Reached target Shutdown"" [Critical,Confirmed] [14:09] oops wrong [14:10] mgedmin: so I'm facing issues with my /var being too small. When downloading android studio form flatpak, it complains that I don't have enough space in my /var. Here's the specific error message: https://thepasteb.in/p/Z4hPwwZKBpgSG [14:10] yeah [14:10] mgedmin: I've asked around and I guess the solution is to merge /var with / using a resuce disk? [14:11] rescue [14:11] perhaps, if you've enough free space in / [14:11] yeah I have lots of space in / [14:11] (ubuntu by default does not create a separate /var partition for this reason) [14:16] ler [14:17] oerheks, thanks a lot man, mpv is GREAT! I can now pause the video on it with no problems. Now I just gotta learn some shortcut keys to navigate 10sec and 60sec forward or backwards [14:17] :D [14:21] hi sorry noob question. is it possible to increase the /dev/shm size permanently? tried to search it over the net and found that it could be done through fstab. but am a bit confuse which FS to use. is it "shm"? or ?tmpfs"? [14:22] rhoks, have fun! [14:23] * rhoks winks and thumbs-up [14:23] leftyfb should i do apt-get remove then purge or just purge? [14:24] urgodfather: sudo apt-get remove --purge [14:24] 'apt-get purge' exists as well [14:25] (and 'apt purge' for that matter) [14:25] mdih, something like: tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid,size=100M 0 0 https://askubuntu.com/questions/108135/how-do-i-set-the-default-size-of-dev-shm [14:25] ok im confused... i did a service stop but it appears to still be up [14:26] the webgui is still up [14:26] oerheks: thanks, hmm am just a bit confuse since when I invoke "df -ah", seems like some info are blank "tmpfs - - - - /dev/shm" [14:26] there are info for shm though "shm 512M 71M 442M 14% /dev/shm" [14:27] how to drop back down from sudo -i [14:27] to regular shell [14:27] exit [14:28] CTRL+D [14:28] so I need to merge my /var into /. What's stopping me from simply mv-ing /var to /? [14:28] there are programs that keep open files in /var (such as rsyslogd) [14:29] ah okay, I guess that's why one would need a rescue disk [14:29] 'fuser -vm /var' can list them all; systemd is one of them -- and you can't really shut down systemd on a working system [14:29] subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 128 [14:29] what does that mean? [14:30] hey actually that's my user systemd instance, not the system one; you could shut that down presumably [14:30] urgodfather: read the logs [14:30] sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code [14:30] where would the log be? [14:30] I'm trying to pass a USB bluetooth device (btusb driver) through to an unprivileged container. I believe all I have to do is lxc config device add CT btusb usb vendorid=xxx productid=xxx. I've also set the mode to 666 as an article suggested it. the /dev/bus/usb node has appeared in the container, but if I run hcitool it still finds no devices and says invalid device: address family not supported [14:30] found lots of references to bind mounds adn cgroups and stuff, but they seem to be old articles. the impression I get is that with LXD 3.0.0 which I have, none of that should be necessary [14:30] urgodfather: pastebin the entire thing [14:30] urgodfather: aren't you doing this for a company? Getting paid for it? [14:30] the company i work for [14:31] my employer [14:35] linux_noob: the usual procedure for merging partitions is (1) boot a livecd or something, (2) mkdir /mnt/root /mnt/var, (3) mount your root partition on /mnt/root, (4) mount your var partition on /mnt/var [14:36] linux_noob: (5) mv /mnt/var/* /mnt/root/var/ (6) ls -la /mnt/var/ in case there are hidden files; move them over (7) edit /mnt/root/etc/fstab and comment out the /var mount line with a # [14:37] linux_noob: I forgot step (0) make sure you have good backups in case something goes wrong [14:37] linux_noob: final step is (8) umount /mnt/root; umount /mnt/var; reboot [14:38] Hi! [14:38] (my /var contains no hidden files) [14:38] rsync? === wodencafe is now known as WodenCafe [14:39] I want to create a bootable windows usb using a bootable ubuntu usb. What do I do? [14:40] BootableUSB, take a read https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu [14:40] but i guess that would be very slow, as it all happens in system memory, no swap available [14:40] https://pastebin.com/UNPPgj82 [14:43] leftyfb did you see the pastebin [14:45] urgodfather: what you posted isn't really helpful [14:45] thats the log from /var/log/dpkg.log [14:45] On an ubuntu server with no MTA currently installed, I'd like to arrange it so that regular users cannot send or receive mail, but UIDs < 1000 can send email to root (and only to root) which will be forwarded to an external address via a specified SMTP relay. What MTA would make this easiest to achieve? [14:46] oerheks: Sorry, I got disconnected. Did you say something in the interim? [14:47] BootableUSB, nope [14:47] oerheks: What would you recommend I do? [14:48] lahlfors: try #ubuntu-server [14:48] leftyfb interesting note, unifi was installed while bash... i.e. sudo -i [14:48] BootableUSB, read that url and work it out? [14:49] thats why the service was still running after i did a stop [14:49] leftyfb, thx will do [14:49] oerheks: I've read that. It doesn't work on a bootable USB [14:49] had to do by sudo -i to actually kill it [14:49] BootableUSB, then no go, find a windows/mac/linux pc [14:50] preferrably windows i guess :-D [14:50] :/ Thanks === dan3wik is now known as dan2wik [15:00] hi [15:01] Hi [15:09] hi sigyn [15:10] sl [15:10] [15:10] I did the minimual xenial install of Ubuntu. When I plug in my usb drive, it is not recognized. Does the kernel not have all the options available? I don't see it in dmesg being connected [15:10] hello... I have a question about systemd and heavy loads [15:10] ok [15:10] !ask | rmah1 [15:10] rmah1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:11] I was running a test of rabbitmq [15:11] !enter | rmah1 [15:11] rmah1: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. [15:11] after a few hours of this, the system lost network connectivity. so I explored and found that the syslog said... [15:11] Stopping User manager for UID 1000... [15:11] Stopped target Default [15:12] then Stopped target for Basic System, Timers, Sockets, Paths [15:12] all messages came from systemd [15:12] dman777: do you see it in lsusb? [15:12] I suspect I hit some sort of watchdog threshold === david is now known as evade [15:12] but I don't know where to look [15:12] mgedmin: oh wow...ya, it is there [15:12] Western Digital Technologies, Inc. [15:12] why doesn't gparted or fidsk show it? [15:13] dman777: does it show up in /proc/scsi/scsi? [15:14] mgedmin: ye [15:14] yes [15:14] is there a device for it in /dev? (or /dev/disk/by-path/ or something?) [15:15] mgedmin: I think so http://dpaste.com/0HGQ4HK [15:16] yeah, that's totally a usb drive with two partitions [15:16] what filesystem is on that usb? [15:16] if you ls -l that directory you'll discover the short name (like ../../sdb) [15:17] tools like lsblk might be more convenient, but I was trying to diagnose the problem at intermediate levels [15:17] so far it looks like everything's working? [15:20] Hi, Is there a tool similar to SHUTTER ? Which has EDITING capabilities ? [15:20] Hi all, I installed 18.04 and upon boot I have wifi working. But wired network is not. I added a new wired connection via networkmanager. Upon reboot the device does not get dhcp address. If I do a dhclient enp1s0 i get an address. Why would that be ? [15:21] john_rambo: What's "Shutter"? [15:21] Jonta, Its a screenshot tool [15:21] Jonta, http://shutter-project.org/ [15:23] What more tools do you need? http://shutter-project.org/wp-content/uploads/shutter-drawingtool.png [15:25] Hey how can I set unprivledged LXC? Followed the tutorial checked my users subuid and subgid and it is in 100000-65536 range [15:25] followed the wiki [15:25] https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxc.html [15:25] I'm on a desktop version tho [15:25] if that matters [15:36] orgasmix: ext4 [15:36] mgedmin: wow...there is a /dev/sdb which I think it is it [15:39] mgedmin: woe...it showing up now in fdisk -l. It's like I had to prime it === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [15:41] mgedmin: why do think I had to do those steps to make it work like that? [15:45] noidea, check dmesg? [15:47] dman777: none of what was suggested you could do here would have made a change, it was all informational. so apparently the device did not get detected for a long time. [15:50] is there a good way to back up my whole linux partition to an external drive so in the event of a failure I can just restore it from the backup drive? [15:52] MibixFox: lvm snapshotting, dd (gddrescue), clonezilla [15:53] file system backups are faster, though. [15:55] tomreyn: true [15:55] MibixFox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem [15:56] dman777: a common cause of erratic usb device behavior is insufficient power supply to cover all of the attached power drawing devices. === StopTakingMyNick is now known as X230t [15:58] and sometimes other devices attached to the usb just misbehave and break communication to the device you are actually interested in. [15:58] tomreyn: clonezilla can only do imaging outside of ubuntu i thought [15:59] MibixFox: you didnt state "inside of ubuntu" (which i assume means "while the system to be backed up is running"?) as a requirement previously. [16:00] ahh sorry [16:00] i would like them to be scheduled while the system is running [16:00] it looks like lvm might be able to? [16:02] cloning partitions which contain mounted file systems will likely result in inconsistent backups. if those are journalling file systems this may or may not be too much of an issue. but it's not ideal. [16:02] i mean in windows i could just do it with acronis very easily [16:03] there are backup tools like dejadup but I'm sadly unfamiliar with them [16:05] there is probably some commercial solution for linux which does it all for you, too. or you could build one yourself, but this requires understanding what the fallacies and pits are. i.e. research. [16:05] MibixFox: clonezilla / https://github.com/rear/rear/ [16:05] leftyfb: clonezilla cant do snapshots inside of ubuntu [16:06] MibixFox: none of them do [16:06] MibixFox: you want a filesystem that supports snapshots [16:06] MibixFox: or just use rsync and build from scratch. It isn't that difficult [16:07] MibixFox: Also containers [16:07] heloo [16:07] so basically no easy way of doing it while the server is live [16:08] MibixFox: not unless you have a filesystem that supports snapshots or the "server" is running in a container, no [16:10] i can switch ubuntu to run on a filesystem that supports snapshots? [16:10] MibixFox: you can install ubuntu on a new filesystem. You're not switching the filesystem out from under a live OS [16:10] Hi I'm verify the iso I downloaded and I need a bit of help understanding the output from gpg --verify SHA256SUMS . gpg SHA256SUMS, I'm getting 'BAD signature' for ID FBB75451 gpg and key ID EFE21092, any help would be appreciated [16:11] MibixFox: the amount of effort you're putting into a raw image backup is pretty pointless given how easy it is to just start over, reinstall a list of packages and rsync over you're files/configs [16:11] qwebirc99992: you need to tell gpg to use the ubuntu keyring [16:11] qwebirc99992: https://github.com/mgedmin/ubuntu-images/blob/master/Makefile#L22 [16:12] wouldnt i have to redo all the groups/users/permissions too? [16:14] i dunno as you can tell im a bit of a noob to all this [16:14] Hello, please, I still learn about Kubuntu, I need to install some programs for examples : ifconfig, pstree and so on. Where find information about licences of this programs on ubuntu.com? [16:14] MibixFox: those can be backed up in a tar archive. [16:15] thanks, this is the first time I've used ubuntu so I'm picking it up as I go along [16:15] taken me weeks to get it to what i want and im just scared to do it all over again if it crashes heh [16:15] ive seen my friend just run a script and it pretty much restores everything for him but im not quite on his level :p [16:15] MibixFox: if you are worried about having to do it all again then you lack automatation or at least documentation. [16:16] more practice will help, too ;) [16:16] Hello, please, I still learn about Kubuntu, I need to install some programs for examples : ifconfig, pstree and so on. Where find information about licences of this programs on ubuntu.com? [16:18] lack automation? [16:18] should i have been setting up a script to do everything i did as i set it up? [16:18] haha half the time i wasnt sure if it would work :p [16:18] you can automate a full installation, that's not too difficult. and you can then reinstall the applications you had installed, and restore file system backups you made previously. [16:20] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem [16:20] qwebirc93162: you can find that out by looking at the upstream source, or downloding the source package and looking in debian/copyright. Possibly the software center can tell you. [16:23] hello, I've got ubuntu 14 and firefox on it, but I can't stream videos inside Firefox, is there any package that I need to install? if yes, then what packages? [16:25] grep '^' /usr/share/doc/*/copyright > i-am-going-to-read-some-hours.txt [16:25] do any of y'all know if it's possible to take a single x11 window, encode it and stream it as a live H.264 stream over http/https? [16:25] use case would be an application running on a VM, that I'd like to be able to view the display output of that window, as a web page. [16:26] MibixFox: see the link above. there are more, and (dpending on your needs quite likely better) options than partition imaging to backup your running system. just backing up all the non-standard files (plus the partition table and boot sector) can get you a fully restoable backup, consuming much less space than images do, and allowing for incremental backups. [16:27] memcorrupt: what kind of videos can't you stream? by streaming, you probably mean segmented downloading and watching videos, not publishing videos? [16:28] qwebirc93162: please don't pM [16:32] Hello, please, I still learn about Kubuntu, I need to install some programs for examples : ifconfig, pstree and so on. Where find information about licences of this programs on ubuntu.com? [16:34] qwebirc93162: the apt command, coupled with search will help. I believe there is a gui tool as well although I admit I've not used it. [16:34] qwebirc93162: example would be: apt search ifconfig [16:35] licenses, is I guess a slightly different question, sorry. I overlooked that part of the request. [16:35] Ay [16:35] look in /usr/share/doc//copyright [16:35] For anyone here working with their firewall === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [16:35] hehsec: thanks, you beat me to it. :) [16:35] I just learned a new trick that UFW has for managing rules [16:35] Use ufw status numbered [16:35] Makes deleting rules so much nicer [16:36] ... Does anyone have any clever ideas for how to stream an application's output over http/https? [16:36] or check out launchpad, ifconfig would be part of nettools https://launchpad.net/net-tools [16:36] LarsN: What application? [16:36] oerheks: fight me. [16:37] Jonta: in my case it would be xastir. Which would run as an x11 app on the gui. [16:37] can i put source and destination ip in a iptables rule? "iptables -I FORWARD -i p4p4 -o ppp+ -s ! -d xx.xx.xx.xx,xx.xx.xx.xx -j DROP" would this rule work to block all traffic from src excluding the dest ip? cant really find online... [16:38] Jonta: I don't care about being able to interact with it over http. Just displaying the output. [16:38] How about just a videostream? [16:38] Jonta: that would be fine. I'm [16:38] I've been failing to come up with a how and or tools to do so though. [16:38] Twitch.tv? YouTube? Facebook? [16:39] Jonta: ah, I guess that could be made to work. I hadn't thought about that. Thanks! [16:39] :) [16:40] Jonta: "live stream linux" actually got me a lot further than I had been [16:40] ^^ - Always great when solutions are much easier than imagined [16:41] Jonta: Looks like maybe vlc + flowplayer/jw player might get me there. [16:41] Can i just use any type cat-cable on a lan? [16:41] tomreyn: i set deja dup to backup / weekly heh [16:42] Jonta: goal is to connect a 2m Transceiver to a vmware server. Do RS-232 pass through to the vm from the physical host. Xastir will receive APRS transmissions in my area, and plot the data on a map. [16:42] at least ill have my databases and my docker containers [16:42] and confs [16:42] coconut: Depends on requirements for distance, amongst other things [16:42] Jonta: I'd love to be able to view that map, in real time. But not necessarily be connected to the VM. :) [16:42] MibixFox: your databases and docker containers may well be in an inconsistent state unless you take extra precautions this way. [16:44] https://gallery.lnoldan.com/upload/2016/08/28/20160828144445-cc032788.png (screen grab from an early prototype with a very poor antenna.) [16:44] lol they need something that does this automatically :p [16:44] or you know raw snapshots ;) [16:46] Jonta are combinations of patch and crossover cables at the same network legal? [16:46] Dunno [16:46] >docker [16:46] >not lxc [16:46] coconut: i think you want a different channel [16:46] disgusting. [16:46] !who | hehsec ? [16:46] hehsec ?: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [16:47] nacc: ... [16:47] yes ok, i will... [16:47] coconut: ##networking [16:53] hi [16:53] Hi [16:53] hello every1 [16:53] this is my first time on irc with ubuntu newly installed , testing out it features [16:54] We can read what you're writing, Guest70083 === jje_ is now known as jje [16:54] u know i have installed os just to chat [16:55] Well that wasn't necessary, but now you're here: Enjoy exploring the features. :) [16:55] i thought i have install software , but its already installed. [16:56] yahooo , i am gone mad happy. [16:56] lol [16:56] enjoy it then. over here, we only do support, though. so if you have a support question, you are welcome to ask. anything else should probably go elsewhere. [16:57] ok sir. [16:57] sorry for making disturbances. [16:57] That's okay. We were all newbies once [16:58] i have an query , plz help === WodenCafe is now known as WdOeNcfeA [16:58] #ubuntu-offtopic [16:58] A query? [16:58] apt-get not working in ubuntu mate , raspberry pi edition [16:58] ^ use as link Guest70083 [16:59] plz solve [16:59] !textspeak [16:59] what [16:59] What's your problem more specifically, and do stop using txtspk [17:00] apt-get -h [17:00] what is txtspk [17:00] Writing "u" instead of "you" etc. [17:00] you know apt-get command line tool [17:01] i smell a troll [17:01] that is not working on ubuntu mate , raspberry pi version [17:01] What happens when you try? [17:02] its says error in downloading [17:03] https://paste.ubuntu.com/ - put the full command and error messages there [17:03] i am very new , plz do a favor , please find online do apt-get works on ubuntu mate raspberry pi edition [17:03] ok [17:04] brother , sorry i think i have now fixed , i updated the kernal [17:05] Nice [17:05] it is now working , i think so [17:06] yes , it worked , thank you guys. [17:07] Jonta , do you use weechat [17:07] Why do you ask? [17:07] Jonta , do you use weechat , a irc Software [17:08] Yes [17:08] its a CUI IRC Software. [17:08] nice , can you help me in that , brother ? === zaro__ is now known as zaro [17:09] #weechat can help you [17:09] ok brother [17:10] thanks , and bye [17:10] Heloo, I still learn Kubuntu, I have a question: where find on Ubuntu.com the licences of program which I want to install, for examples: ifconfig, pstree and so on. Maybe is prohibited to install some programs with sudo apt install xxx programs? Do you consult the licences of this programs before you install them with "sudo apt instal"? How do you do? [17:11] qwebirc22589: I don't [17:11] If I want to know a license, I google the software's name [17:11] why? All these programs is free? [17:11] https://www.ubuntu.com/licensing qwebirc22589 [17:11] I'm confident that the package maintainers etc.have checked [17:12] Jonta what is #weechat :Cannot send to channe [17:13] Guest70083: Fuchs #weechat q $~a sinisalo.freenode.net 1515782744 << the channel quiets unidentified users [17:14] You'll need to register with Freenode [17:14] ok [17:14] so i have to come with my registered id === Guest16456 is now known as jose [17:15] !nickserv | Guest70083 [17:15] Guest70083: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [17:16] anyone else have issues on 18.04 with your display setup being lost every time the monitors are blanked (i.e. when you lock the screen)? i have one monitor attached via HDMI (4k but running at 1080p) and one attached via DP-DVI adapter (1280x1024). when I come back after locking my screen, the DP-DVI monitor is fine but the HDMI monitor remains blank. if i turn off/on or unplug/plug back in the HDMI [17:16] monitor, it comes back up but with a max res of 1280x800 until I reboot. [17:17] DimeCadmium: sometimes; sometimes it works fine. Have you tried toggling the software state (e.g., on my thinkpad it's fn+f7) [17:17] that seems to restore it each time [17:17] no such thing on mine [17:17] Did it work in previous versions of Ubuntu? [17:17] DimeCadmium: i suppose it's possibly to do it with xrandr [17:17] i had an occasional similar issue in 17.10 but now its literally every time [17:17] xrandr also reports 1280x800 to be the max [17:17] Jonta did u saw my actual ip ? [17:17] DimeCadmium: mine is still only occasional, but I also am not idle that often [17:17] DimeCadmium: ah that's weird, seems like a probing/edid issue [17:18] sorry , Did you saw my actual URL? [17:18] Don't think so [17:20] Jonta , are you from Paris? [17:21] nacc: yeah the next step is going to be grabbing another monitor to try with === WdOeNcfeA is now known as WodenCafeForNoth [17:21] just odd that it works at first boot :) === WodenCafeForNoth is now known as WodenCafeCafe [17:22] DimeCadmium: right, i think you'll want to scroll through the logs; did you make sure your system is fully up to date? [17:22] DimeCadmium: is the system a laptop or desktop? [17:23] yep, update && upgrade'd when it did it earlier today. desktop-ish (Intel NUC7i7BNH) [17:24] https://bpaste.net/show/051521b22861 this is in journalctl several times. [17:25] DimeCadmium: ok, so it sees the high resolution [17:25] 3840x2160 [17:26] also, just realized - if I change the primary monitor back to the HDMI monitor (because it also forgets that setting), 1920x1080 shows up as an option, but if i select it and apply it flickers the monitors but doesn't change. [17:26] ye indeed but even now the highest it lists is 1920x1080 [17:27] there is a way to reprobe, but i really don't recall, sorry [17:36] hello i got a odd question. does ubuntu have a "factory reset" command? [17:36] **YOW** [17:36] that will blow out all config mods, installed apps etc [17:37] urgodfather: no, there is none [17:37] i figured, just thought id ask [17:40] you *could* make a fresh account, that would have basic settings of all apps [17:41] oerheks: only apps that save their settings in your home directory [17:41] as opposed to /opt or /etc/ [17:41] Alternately, make a list of all installed packes, uninstall them with --purge option, then reinstall them [17:41] packes/packages [17:42] When you use --purge it wipes any config files in /etc or other system places [17:42] ( but not user specific ones in your home directory) [17:43] genii i keep getting errors when i try to uninstall with purge [17:43] genii: or so they say :) [17:43] something isnt jiving right [17:43] genii: purge doesnt remove user config files? [17:43] urgodfather: pastebin? [17:43] phoenix_firebrd: no, purge only removes the system config files [17:43] phoenix_firebrd: as in the stuff apt/dpkg know about [17:44] phoenix_firebrd: user config files are generated at runtime, in contrast often [17:44] phoenix_firebrd: It would have to have some way of knowing about the names of all the users on the system, etc [17:44] Hello [17:45] leftyfb: I did what you advised, I tried to do a clean install fromthe 18.04 DVD. Problem is (no, this is not an ubuntu problem) the machine refuses to boot. It swon't boot from a DVD that DOES boot on thi1s l,aptop. I t won't boolt from the aa.reADH JUNSGTA..ED VERSION O1 Hard disk , and it won't boot from a bootable USB thumb I crerated(and yes, gthe nogteboook will. boot from the USB thumb. [17:45] nacc: so if some how a corrupt config file in /home// for kate that causes it to crash on startup, then purging the kate package wont delete the config? [17:45] https://pastebin.com/UNPPgj82 [17:45] Knock Knoc [17:45] curlyears: try that again in English [17:45] Jonah [17:45] phoenix_firebrd: correct [17:45] nacc: o_O [17:45] phoenix_firebrd: if you want to test if it's a user config issue, create a dummy user [17:45] Knock Knock [17:45] Jonah_: please stop that. [17:45] who's there [17:46] Mom [17:46] Who's there? [17:46] urgodfather: you as well. [17:46] sorry [17:46] Yes lol [17:46] nacc [17:46] ohh welcome back! [17:46] Bye! [17:46] lol [17:46] urgodfather: that won't be the output that matters, the output from purge [17:46] nope. [17:46] nacc im reverting snapshot now [17:46] nacc: ya i know [17:46] urgodfather: i mean it does matter, but it doesn't show the error itself [17:46] hello [17:47] So how many for today evidenced yoga, today. [17:47] Guest70083: this is the ubuntu support channel. Do you have an ubuntu suport question? [17:47] I mean yoga Day [17:47] Guest70083: please use #ubuntu-offtopic, if not [17:47] nope. [17:47] ok [17:47] Guest70083, keep this channel clear for ubuntu support, thanks [17:48] I understand [17:48] I am getting abuse from someone by pm, should I call the ops? [17:48] phoenix_firebrd: i'm notifying [17:48] sorry for disturbances [17:48] phoenix_firebrd: it's a repeat offender [17:48] phoenix_firebrd: When this happens please report it in #ubuntu-ops channel [17:49] leftyfb: the damned machine keep;s dropping me into a screeen which lists a bunch of "blocks," including my storage devices. [17:49] nacc: oh [17:49] curlyears: what? [17:49] genii: ok [17:49] /grep Howardz [17:49] curlyears: "aa.reADH JUNGSTA..ED VERSION 01 Hard disk"? [17:50] hggdh he's gone now [17:50] leftyfb: was I unclear in some way? [17:50] Woops scrollback [17:50] yep [17:50] curlyears: you are always unclear. Your first post today was in no way English and your last post has no context. [17:50] i guess his feeling got hurt when he pm'd me talking trash for no reason [17:50] oh. Soeey. an exhisting installed HD [17:51] any op's in here [17:51] curlyears: Step #1, get your machine to boot to some Ubuntu installer. Step #2, install Ubuntu. If you cannot get past step #1, try reading the documentation for your hardware or try #hardware. [17:52] urgodfather: if you need ops, please go to #ubuntu-ops [17:52] hi [17:53] Jonah_: do you have an ubuntu support question? [17:56] how do you disconnect [17:57] Jonah_: from what? [17:57] /disconnect [17:57] we don't disconnect. [17:57] thx jonta [17:57] lefty: except for tbe sequence referring to the "previously installed hard drive,, it wAS IMMENENTLY READABLE AND DECIDEDLY IN eNGLISH. stop exagerating the "intenskty" of my errors. I see you making errors every day [17:58] hi [17:58] Jonah_: again, do you have an ubuntu support topic? [17:58] curlyears: sorry. I told you before, I will only respond to you asking questions in clear English. [17:59] curlyears: if you have a support question, feel free to take your time in typing it out to make sure there aren't multiple typos and words that do not exist in the English dictionary. [17:59] hi [18:00] Jonta: you've been told multiple times. This is a support channel. Please stop posting random banter. [18:02] curlyears: I understand having neuropathy and problems typing, but you are dealing with people volunteering their time. Could you perhaps have someone help you with that part of it? Or look over what you type before sending? It's also a bit discouraging when questions we ask go unanswered [18:04] Heloo, I still learn Kubuntu, I have a question: where find on Ubuntu.com the licences of program which I want to install, for examples: ifconfig, pstree and so on. Maybe is prohibited to install some programs with sudo apt install xxx programs? Do you consult the licences of this programs before you install them with "sudo apt instal"? How do you do? With google search is at your own risk. [18:04] leftyfb: n you cN BE VY HELPFUL,.JUT *GEEZE* you can be a real bitch, you know. Do you demand your money back when you discover a misspelling in a published book? Get the hell off it, dewd. I *AM* trying to improve my typing, and I *AM* improving considerably [18:04] !repeat | qwebirc22589 [18:04] qwebirc22589: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [18:05] !swearing | curlyears [18:05] curlyears: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [18:05] qwebirc22589, you have been answered many times [18:05] curlyears: calm down if possible please, I undersand it must be frustrating if you have language problems when typing [18:06] curlyears: just take your time, better to send out a good clear message with a bit of time / thought than rush and get no useful response back [18:06] Jonta: I am alone here. KI do trty to remember to edit my ikn;uy, as well as to remember tag my comments. Sometimes, especiALLY WNHEN ki GET ANXIOUS OR AM FEELING PILED UPON,, i FORGET. [18:06] curlyears: no-one will pressure you for time, just say "I'll answer you clearly as soon as possible" === CChaplin1 is now known as CChaplin === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [18:10] once this snapshot is restored, i will try to purge again. which log would you like for me to get? [18:11] !cookie | ikonia [18:11] ikonia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [18:12] ikonia: no one will pressure me for time? Example; yesdterday, I was busily cofrrecting the mistakes in a long, complex posgt,and leftyfb asked me several times if I wdere ignoring him. [18:12] curlyears: just take your time [18:12] curlyears: ok, so just say "I'm just typing, I'll get to you as quickly as possible" [18:12] curlyears: that way they know you have seen their help and will respond as best possible [18:12] yes, better [18:13] curlyears: have that as a cut and paste if you need it [18:13] (or write something pre-prepared) [18:15] i found this to be very srong "prressure"ikonia: how can I say "I'm typing" if I am in the middle of edjtting a post for typos? [18:15] Arrow-key down, type "I'm typing", hit enter, arrow-key up twice, continue typing [18:15] curlyears: then either ignore it, or thank him for his help offer but decline [18:16] curlyears: or say in advice, thanks for the help, I may be a bit slow in responding as I'm not a quick worker [18:16] nacc did you see my last comment? [18:16] lots of options, doesn't have to be a problem [18:17] ikonia may i pm for a sec? [18:17] not for help [18:17] urgodfather: ok [18:18] curlyears: yesterday I gave you a suggestion (of which you have still yet to confirm or deny). 35 minutes later you responded that you weren't ignoring me and that you were busy removing your media card reader which you never told anyone you were doing or that it was internal and took longer than simply unplugging a usb cable. [18:18] hggdh: yes,, you are quite correct. I am underf a log of tension, as this destop has been essentaly non-functional fvpr pvefry 5 weeks, ever since I tried to upgrade it to 18.04. I am EXTREMELY frustraed, [18:20] curlyears: did you check the BIOS for secure boot/fastboot/UEFI settings like I told you? === zenofpython_ is now known as zenofpython [18:22] hey everyone [18:22] Hi [18:22] hey qwebirc17767 [18:23] now i want to install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on an Intel i3 x64, but when i download ubuntu, it automatically downloads the amd64 version, im intel53 [18:23] intel64* [18:23] qwebirc17767: it's the same thing. It will work just fine [18:23] one more question [18:24] will be i3 M370, 3GBs of ram, Intel HD graphics, snappy for ubuntu? [18:25] it'll run fine [18:25] ram is kinda low but depends on what you want to do with it [18:25] does it slow down with time like windows? [18:25] qwebirc17767: won't know till you try it [18:26] qwebirc17767: ive not noticed that with my ubuntu [18:26] alright, thx [18:27] qwebirc17767: DE/wm likely matters more than your distro [18:27] Hi! I want to set up an email account for my desktop client. I tried Geary and Evolution, but both of them cannot connect to my Gmail account. How Can I solve this? [18:28] metrum: Any error messages? [18:28] metrum: Configure them with the correct settings/credentials [18:28] Do you have a specific client you want to try? [18:28] and all this hassle about minor typos is B*******T. sure, if I am ACTUAL LY mangling my post into unreadability, I should be held accountable. But all this hassle over minor typing errors is damned irritating. (and yes, I am getting slower and slower, as I become increasingly incensed, my typing is being severely affected towRD THE [18:28] leftyfb: Evolution says HTTP error: Unauthorized [18:29] metrum: incorrect credentials [18:29] toward the negative. [18:29] curlyears: did you check the BIOS for secure boot/fastboot/UEFI settings like I told you? [18:29] same at geary.. both of them says wrong username or pwd but they are correct, so its not a mistype === phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ [18:30] metrum: it is 100% a problem your settings/credentials. What email provider? [18:31] maybe you need to authorize a client in gmail settings > connected apps [18:31] Gmail [18:31] metrum: did you enable POP/IMAP in your gmail settings? [18:31] POP is disabled, IMAP is enabled [18:31] um [18:32] hm, ok. They split it out now apparently [18:32] ok here is a pastebin of the purge https://pastebin.com/zE7vmQd6 [18:32] leftyfb: Once again, Yes, I did. *AND* I have disabled as many boot devices other than the DVD that I am allowed to and i hardware chevks on both RAM and the HDD (bubilt in tests in my BIOS) [18:33] curlyears: Is "Secure Boot" Enabled or Disabled? [18:33] if you want more logs i will pull them [18:33] metrum: what do you have as your server for gmail in your email settings? [18:34] leftyfb: m *DISAQBLED,', as it has been for 2 years. I couldn't have been booting and runnin g 16.04 if it were not [18:34] curlyears: incorrect. Do you have UEFI enabled or disabled? Maybe set to Legacy? [18:34] metrum: https://support.google.com/cloudidentity/answer/6260879?hl=en [18:35] metrum: actually, that's not it. Right setting, wrong place to set it. Hold on [18:35] leftyfb: enab,ed, as it has been for thre pasxt two years. Again, I coudn't b oot wiythit disabled' [18:35] curlyears: also incorrect. But thank you for answering [18:35] hi broo, [18:36] curlyears: So at this point, you need to boot a CD/DVD/USB with the Ubuntu 18.04 installer. Can you do that? [18:36] I am talking about physically failing to boot, not somde "theory" I picked up off the intrrnet [18:37] metrum: https://myaccount.google.com/security?utm_source=OGB&utm_medium=act#connectedapps [18:37] ok bosss, i undertand [18:38] curlyears: So the answer is no, you cannot "physically" boot to external devices. That is your #1 goal at this point. You should read the documentation for your hardware or seek help in #hardware. Once you do that and have Ubuntu installed, feel free to continue to seek support here. [18:39] leftyfb: I try always to frespond.. Since you require absolute perfection in mytyped responses, I am ovften delayed considerably by tHe ;poj tless editing that you AREforcing upon m/e [18:40] leftyfb: nothing shows other than Thunderbird which I also tried to set up a month ago. But now I enabled the option that allows less secure apps to connect for gmail, and now Geary works. [18:40] curlyears: I have never forced you to type at any speed. I have in fact told you multiple times to take your time to type out in clear English and to not press enter to post until after you have read over what you have typed and fixed any issues [18:41] I also turned it on afternoon, but it seems that wasnt very effective. Now its on. [18:41] why install tor browser in ubuntu, quite difficult [18:42] cipta_gelar: contact tor for support with tor and it's browser [18:42] cipta_gelar: with Tor, you can set the exit node, so you can freely choose IP from all over the world [18:43] ok thank [18:45] yikes. I don't know whatt key sequences I am typing that ird, as jsauses that. Various "useful tools" will pop u;p on my scfreen, or I will find myself closed out of thunderbird [18:48] Hi all, is it possible to see what the ubuntu installer does? I am trying to find where the file /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml gets created. [18:48] also, the cursor n this laptop is WAY too small, and I keep "losing" ijt on the screen. And sometimes,, the cursor fades ,llyou top being virtua [18:49] Damned Keyboard [18:50] it doesn't help any that this laptop keyboard is small and crampt [18:51] Hello! How do I know if my CPUs are running at full speed or if the lowered the clockrate because they are getting to hot? Does 'top' tell me something about it? [18:52] no_gravity: cat /proc/cpuinfo [18:53] leftyfb: Let me see... it shows me something about 8 CPUs. Those are my 8 cores I guess. [18:53] specifically cpu MHz in the output of that command, no_gravity [18:53] you can see the frequency of each core there [18:53] syb0rg: It says 1599.992 for all of them. [18:53] and what speed is your proc "supposed" to run it? [18:54] that information means little on its own [18:54] 1.6 GHz [18:54] There is a line 'model name' : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz [18:54] Does that mean they should run at 3.4 GHz? [18:54] so your CPU is running well below that speed, but it is not necessarily throttling === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd [18:54] it might be power saving because there is no load [18:54] There is load. I have 2 browsers rendering something. [18:54] try running something processor intensive and see if it spike up to 34oo MHz [18:54] *3400 [18:55] top tells me 2 cpus are running at 100%. [18:55] no_gravity: while true; do cat /proc/cpuinfo |egrep -i "processor|mhz" ; sleep 1 ; clear;done [18:55] that does sound like throttling to me [18:55] leftyfb: Shows 1599.992 for all of the 8 cpus. [18:55] wait, I thought you said 2 CPUs [18:55] okay, back to what I said about running a heavy load and seeing what happens [18:56] is Linux better than Windows? [18:56] syb0rg: 2 CPUs are at 100% in 'top'. [18:56] no_gravity: It should not show 1 number for clock speed. It should change. [18:56] freezer_: that is not an appropriate question here. Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic [18:56] syb0rg: It is running heavy load on 2 CPUs. [18:56] understood [18:56] leftyfb, you no fun [18:56] How do I get it to up the CPUs to 3.4GHz? [18:57] freezer_ Many linux users believe so very fervently. [18:57] `yes`, iirc [18:57] first try running leftyb's command and increasing the load [18:57] freezer_, no flamewar here, thanks [18:58] oerheks: I didn't see anythhing even approac hing a "flame wat" [18:58] oin fact, I vdery deliberately made a very neutral statement, rather than express MY opinio n, which could have triggefred a fla,de war [18:59] curlyears, this is an english speaking channel [18:59] syb0rg: I did with no load and with high load. Always 1.6GHz. Maybe my machine is turning 1 real CPU into 2 virtual ones? [18:59] in the meantime, my desktop is stilll ;sittting there like a pile of rusty junk. [18:59] curlyears, yeah sure [19:00] it probably is if you have a newer, decent CPU no_gravity, but that would not change the frequency it shows [19:00] oerheks; may I /msg you?>' [19:00] I wonder how to get my full 3.4GHz. [19:00] no_gravity, is this a laptop? Does it behave the same when plugged in? [19:00] curlyears: You issue is not currently Ubuntu related. Please seek support from the manufacturer of your hardware or try in #hardware (3rd time I've suggested) [19:01] syb0rg: It's a desktop machine. [19:01] leftyfb: Thanks, I gjuess I eas so focussed on complaining about bein g ;picked jupoon that I didn't see hyour commengt to that edffect. Sorry' [19:02] picked upon [19:02] no_gravity: turbo speed should be even 3.90 GHz [19:02] ok no_gravity, try installing cpufrequtils [19:03] hi [19:03] any good app on linux [19:03] then run cpufreq-info [19:04] if I am not mistaken, there are no 3.9GHz based notebooks. They would obliterate any battery pack light enough to carry === phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ [19:04] syb0rg: That gives me this: https://pastebin.com/raw/thHaE7Yf [19:05] anyway, apologies for any angst caused, thank you very much for the help you guys offered. much appreciated. [19:06] so no_gravity, it does say that your CPU frequency is set to run between 1,6 and 3.9 GHz depending on load [19:06] what were you using as a heavy load earlier? [19:06] syb0rg: A rendering software that runs in the browser. [19:07] no_gravity: Tried `yes`? [19:07] Jonta: What's that? [19:07] Program [19:07] CLI [19:07] no_gravity, let's install a cpu benchmarking utility and see what happens when you run it [19:07] no_gravity, why too hot, it can run up to 105'C https://ark.intel.com/products/65719/Intel-Core-i7-3770-Processor-8M-Cache-up-to-3_90-GHz [19:07] try sysbench [19:07] Jonta: The one that spits out 'y'? [19:07] Yes [19:07] and have leftyfb's earlier command on when you run it [19:08] syb0rg: Why would that change anything? [19:08] because it might give a heavier load than you were experiencing before, no_gravity [19:08] again, thanks, I'll leave you in peace. [19:08] I don't know what software your browser was running or how intensive it is [19:09] I do also see you are using the powersave governor, which by the name I assume tends toward lower frequencies [19:09] syb0rg: I ran the browser task in two browsers and it maxxed out two CPUs. [19:09] no_gravity, you have more than two CPUs. [19:09] syb0rg: How do you change that governor? [19:10] checkin' on that, I've never had to [19:11] will someone point me in the right direction to find out why this purge fails. TIA https://pastebin.com/zE7vmQd6 [19:12] urgodfather: sudo killall unifi && sudo apt purge unifi [19:12] I did just come across some info saying that Ubuntu will switch governors on the fly depending on load, so the powersave governor probably isn't an issue anyway [19:13] leftyfb no proccess unifi === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd [19:14] urgodfather: got an output of the commands I just gave you? Also ps -ef |grep unifi [19:14] ah [19:14] unifi: no process found [19:14] thats it [19:15] urgodfather: the command I gave you had the purge at the end as well [19:15] that should give you an output as well [19:15] it appears it didnt do anything [19:15] urgodfather: sudo killall unifi && sudo killall java && sudo apt purge unifi [19:16] unifi: no process found [19:16] thats all i get [19:16] no [19:16] pastebin please [19:16] the whole command and output [19:16] ok no_gravity, you can try this command. I am not sure if it is persistent, but you can run it and see what happens: sudo cpufreq-set -g performance [19:18] leftyfb: "unifi: no process found" -> false [19:18] In fact no_gravity can you give the output of: sudo cpufreq-set -g performance && cpufreq-info [19:18] syb0rg: Still 1.6GHz under load. [19:18] natriumarm: ? [19:19] i got no problem with ubuntu [19:19] syb0rg: syb0rg It's the same as I pasted it. Nothing changed by cpufreq-set -g performance. [19:19] leftyfb: && won't run the next command if the previous one returned false [19:19] ugh, you're right [19:19] 0 gravity [19:19] urgodfather: sudo killall unifi ; sudo killall java ; sudo apt purge unifi [19:19] sudo kill ubuntu [19:20] syb0rg: Strange that cpufreq-info still talks about 'The governor "powersave"'. [19:20] https://pastebin.com/VTbJWLc6 [19:20] sudo murder nm-applet [19:20] sudo purge *.deb [19:20] no_gravity, did you run the two commands chained with &&? [19:20] urgodfather: sudo killall unifi ; sudo killall java ; sudo apt purge unifi [19:21] I suspect ubuntu might quickly revert the governor to its normal settings [19:21] yea do this sudo purge *.deb [19:21] but with the && we might be able to see if it temporarily switched since the commands run one after another with little delay [19:21] syb0rg: "powersave" even when chaining. [19:21] niook: can we help you with something? [19:22] Hmm, Ubuntu is not playing nice. [19:22] Is there any easy command to check whether files in two separate folders are a match? [19:22] coconut: diff [19:22] coconut, if they are both text files diff [19:22] coconut: diff /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 [19:22] otherwise shas256sum both [19:22] *sha256sum [19:22] if they output the same sum they are identical [19:22] leftyfb cool [19:22] rut row, that cleared my screen and then all i have is rsi@ubuntu-rsi-controller:~$ sudo killall unifi ; sudo killall java ; sudo apt pE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [19:23] sudo help [19:23] urgodfather: type reset and try it again [19:23] Jonta, syb0rg, leftyfb, files are no txt files [19:23] no_gravity, what version of ubuntu are you on? [19:23] coconut: it will work [19:23] same [19:23] niook: this is a support channel. Please stop posting useless banter [19:23] coconut, then like I said, sha256sum. Or apparently diff will work anyway according to these guys =P [19:24] ok, i will read on diff. thanks! [19:26] leftyfb sudo df [19:26] no_gravity, I still think it was worth trying a benchmark program. That will stress your CPU to its max and then we will know for sure if Ubuntu is limiting your CPU to what it thinks is correct given the load, or really refuses to run it at full speed. [19:27] leftyfb same output again [19:27] niook: trolling is offtopic. Feel free to go to #ubuntu-offtopic [19:27] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [19:28] urgodfather, for what ? [19:28] leftyfb sudo gedit /etc/sources.lst [19:28] urgodfather: sudo journalctl -xeu unifi [19:28] niook: please leave [19:28] for the purge [19:28] urgodfather, of what ? [19:29] i dont have journalctl [19:29] unifi [19:29] ah [19:29] urgodfather, remove for good,are you sure ? if so, sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/unifi/data /usr/lib/unifi/logs && sudo apt-get purge unifi [19:29] urgodfather: what version of ubuntu? [19:29] 14.04 [19:29] leftyfb sudo uname -a [19:29] ioria for good is fine. i have a backup [19:29] !op | niook [19:29] niook: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [19:30] urgodfather, sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/unifi/data /usr/lib/unifi/logs && sudo apt-get purge unifi [19:30] im trying to clean it out and upgrade and fresh install [19:30] hi all, I'm getting this error with a fresh ubuntu 14.04 install: "Gave up waiting for root device....ALERT! /dev/sda1 does not exist." [19:30] urgodfather: Does this machine have any purpose beyond running Unifi? [19:30] drasica: why are you installing 14.04? [19:30] none [19:30] sole purpose [19:31] we have a research project tht requires 14.04 [19:31] urgodfather: ok, then why not reinstall Ubuntu with something a bit more modern and without any of these issues? Take you 15 minutes. You've been at it for hours now. [19:31] ioria https://pastebin.com/jDv4QU8K === minnesnota is now known as minnesnota1 [19:32] leftyfb i want to!!! thats the thing, i dont have admin to the DO account so i cant blast it [19:32] leftyfb sudo apt-get install gufw.deb [19:32] drasica, you are probably gonna need to boot to a live USB to fix this (easily, anyway), can you do that? [19:32] I am booted in [19:32] urgodfather: DO account? [19:32] cool, what does lsblk say [19:32] and also cat /etc/fstab [19:32] digital ocean [19:32] sorry [19:32] actually rather than lsblk, give me lsblk --output NAME,UUID [19:33] ^ drasica [19:33] to make things better the "admin" is the one who caused this mess [19:33] sure, just a sec [19:33] I installed Ubuntu 18.04 last night and my desktop orientation (3 monitor setup) and the application windows didn't open up at the size or location I last used them. Additionally, my login screen will occassionally appear on a different monitor other than the one I have set as my Primary. Can anyone help me out with this? [19:33] i was instructed to fix it one more time and get my departments stuff off and on my own server [19:34] leftyfb sudo apt-get install rubyonrails [19:34] urgodfather, can you paste the output ? dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq --dry-run unifi [19:34] syb0rg: it has sda and 3 partitions, sdb (the liveusb) with 1 partition, sr0 and loop0 [19:34] no uuids [19:35] so an MBR install then? Ick. =P [19:35] https://pastebin.com/jDv4QU8K [19:35] can you mount /dev/sda1? (sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt) [19:35] thats not the newest [19:35] urgodfather: does anything show up with: ps -ef grep unifi [19:35] drasica try fdisk -l [19:36] niook: that has nothing [19:36] urgodfather, this: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq --dry-run unifi [19:36] the fstab has overlay, tempfs and /dev/sda5 (swap) [19:36] ioria here is the newest and leftyfb i will find out about ps [19:36] drasica, actual output, please [19:36] use pastebin or the like [19:37] anyone ever tried installing ubuntu 18.04 32bit on an atom 270 gm915 chipset netbook? it halts here on the ubuntu loading screen .. i have issued the gfxpayload=test kernel boot parameter [19:37] hang on I have to get an ethernet cable for the laptop [19:37] leftyfb syntax error [19:37] ughi [19:37] doing too many things at once [19:37] urgodfather: does anything show up with: ps -ef | grep unifi [19:37] urgodfather, sy, i don't see the output of my cmd [19:37] fyi drasica, not sure if you know, but to copy from your terminal emulator use ctrl+shift+c and to paste to it ctl+shift+v [19:38] leftyfb your's give syntax error [19:38] specifically its a lenovo s10-2 [19:38] leftyfb sudo shutoff [19:38] syb0rg: iird ubuntu channel requires auth'd users [19:38] ikonia: ? [19:38] urgodfather: pastebin please [19:38] I'm only auth'd on a separate machine [19:38] ioria https://pastebin.com/Ju8xxvqq is from the dry run [19:38] anyone got any thoughts on other kernel boot parameters that could help? none ( other than gfxpayload=test in 17.10 ) was needed before [19:38] drasica, I don't believe it does actually [19:39] urgodfather, maybe with sudo ... [19:39] you can try from the webchat and see what happens [19:39] syb0rg: oh, ok I'll check it out [19:39] sudo dpkg or ps? [19:39] how should i partition my hdd's for a home server on which i will run regular old Ubuntu? [19:39] urgodfather, dpkg [19:39] i have been told /tmp is mandatory, and /usr and /home are good too [19:40] ioria same warning [19:40] RearchSesults: you don't need to set any partitioning. Just do the guided install. [19:40] none of those are mandatory at all, you can have for UEFI as little as an ESP partition and a root partition and for MBR just a root partition RearchSesults [19:40] ioria permission denied error not present with sudo [19:40] and if you aren't picky and will use the whole disk, yeah, just do guided [19:41] urgodfather: can you pastebin the output of ps -ef | grep unifi === tionis is now known as Guest62885 [19:41] also I like your nick RearchSesults =P [19:41] leftyfb that only gives a syntax error [19:41] although for a moment I thought I was having a stroke [19:41] ty [19:41] ty syborg [19:41] i lied [19:41] syb0rg: fstab https://bpaste.net/show/ef12e220965e [19:42] noticed the difference [19:42] rsi 3335 2524 0 19:41 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto unifi [19:42] So if I were to partition however and giving seperate partitions to /tmp i heard increases stability preventing crashes when the server is "full" [19:42] urgodfather: can you pastebin the output of ps -ef | grep unifi [19:42] RearchSesults: it does not [19:42] I have been told that /usr makes sense if you have a lot of users, but on this one i think it is only gonna be me and my gf [19:43] for now [19:43] well drasica, there is indeed no entry there for your root partition. I'm not sure why your boot process complained about no /dev/sda1 when it was not even referenced though [19:43] RearchSesults: again, you do not need any particular partitioning scheme [19:43] so is /dev/sda1 your root partition drasica_? [19:43] how do i work in a samba share? [19:43] leftyfb https://pastebin.com/1bGbFue1 [19:43] yes, but this is the fstab of the liveusb, is it not? [19:43] if you aren't sure we can find out easily enough [19:43] RearchSesults: so we're onto another completely different support question now? [19:43] can i just format a partition in ntfs or what would you do? [19:44] heh, I should have specified [19:44] urgodfather, i don't think it's running ... [19:44] I meant your actual fstab drasica, that is my bad [19:44] sure, lemme mount the drive [19:44] RearchSesults: your filesystem does not need to be NTFS in order to share files to Windows users over samba [19:44] oops =P [19:44] leftyfb well the other one has been answered several times "you dont need a partitioning scheme" [19:44] :) leftyfb [19:45] ioria did you see that last pastebin for leftyfb ? [19:45] urgodfather, sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi [19:45] urgodfather: ok, that's not a syntax error. There's just nothing running. (btw, please include the command in all future pastebins) [19:45] will do [19:45] syb0rg: fstab on /dev/sda1 https://bpaste.net/show/da8f6e8eaa90 [19:46] ioria same warning as before [19:46] it's a little weird looking? [19:46] leftyfb so can a samba share be ext4 journaling mode? [19:46] ioria: time to modify info files? [19:46] RearchSesults: yes [19:46] leftyfb what would you partition it as? [19:46] leftyfb, honestly, i don't know [19:47] leftyfb ioria would you prefer me to pastebin even when its one line output and/or same result? [19:47] it has /dev/sda1 mentioned in a comment, but just UUID in the actual fstab lines [19:47] not weird looking, drasica_, but I wish we could verify the UUID is correct. Annoying that lsblk did not show it [19:47] RearchSesults: I would use the guided partitioning like I told you [19:47] yeah I noticed that drasica_ [19:47] syb0rg: the uuid is correct [19:47] urgodfather, but dpkg reports still installed ? [19:47] ioria correct [19:47] urgodfather, dpkg -l | grep unifi [19:47] urgodfather: yes, with the command [19:47] leftyfb while you are in chat: if i want to have a second copy of all files and also of a number of client systems...tablets, laptops, android-phones, desktop-pc, and the server itself backed up [19:47] I went to /dev/drive-by-uuid or something like that earlier to verify [19:47] how would you go abotu it? rsync? [19:47] (forgetting the exact path, closed the webtab) [19:48] ok drasica_ [19:48] RearchSesults: personally, yes [19:48] https://pastebin.com/vHeind5v [19:48] I guess you can try regenerating your mkinitrafs, but since this is a fresh install it seems unlikely that got messed up [19:48] sorry ioria https://pastebin.com/vHeind5v [19:48] leftyfb and my gf's macbook can just be rsynced to the samba share of my ubunti server? [19:48] initramfs rather [19:49] my laptops and dekstops etc all run ubuntu so there is no problem there... [19:49] urgodfather, looks correctly removed [19:49] RearchSesults: if you mean, using the mac to run rsync to your server, yes [19:49] lefty oh ok but i cant do it server side.. i see.... [19:49] ioria: not if he's still getting the error [19:49] i see [19:50] leftyfb thanks for your kindly helping! [19:50] ioria then why do i still get this error Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code when i try purge [19:50] RearchSesults: if you're running rsync from the server hosting the samba share, the samba share doesn't matter. The directory is local [19:50] leftyfb would it make sense to have back ups on a seperate partition? [19:50] urgodfather, sudo dpkg -P unifi [19:51] so drasica_ when you say fresh install, did you mean you saw this error on your first time ever booting? Or did it successfully boot at some point before this? [19:51] Just so if i mess with the system it wont ruin the rest of it? [19:51] urgodfather: mkdir ~/tmp-files && sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/unifi* ~/tmp-files/ ; sudo apt-get remove --purge unifi [19:51] Researcher-: sure. Though personally I use external drives [19:51] oops [19:51] syb0rg: there was an existig 14.04 installation I didn't install [19:51] urgodfather: wait [19:51] it was a disaster [19:51] urgodfather: mkdir ~/tmp-files && sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/unifi* ~/tmp-files/ ; sudo apt-get remove --purge unifi [19:51] so I made a liveusb and reinstalled it [19:52] lol, ok. So this particular install has never successfully booted though? [19:52] syb0rg: correct [19:52] https://pastebin.com/kwDcc0Ku [19:52] after the my attempts to install it has not booted... [19:52] leftyfb https://pastebin.com/kwDcc0Ku [19:52] how old is this machine, drasica_? [19:53] When copying a large amount of files with "cp -va /path/from /path/to". Is there any way for an % bar? [19:53] urgodfather: sudo rm -rf /etc/init.d/unifi* ; sudo apt-get remove --purge unifi [19:53] coconut: rsync [19:54] coconut: gcp [19:54] syb0rg: pretty old ummm not sure how to tell for sure [19:54] if it is kinda an old machine, maybe it would be happier with an install in MBR mode? [19:54] syb0rg: yes, is there a menu option for that? [19:54] pv instead oc cp https://askubuntu.com/questions/17275/how-to-show-the-transfer-progress-and-speed-when-copying-files-with-cp/17279 [19:54] leftyfb https://pastebin.com/930Mtnse [19:55] cp* [19:55] the way to be sure is to go in the BIOS and change the settings to boot in BIOS mode, if possible [19:55] urgodfather: it's going to be quicker, easier and cleaner to just reinstall ubuntu [19:55] leftyfb ioria ty for assisting, i need to step away for a few mins [19:55] leftyfb: rsync i will read on, but what is gcp? [19:56] coconut: apt-cache show gcp [19:56] syb0rg: I thinkl it is booting in bios mode? [19:56] it's not uefi [19:56] leftyfb i agree, i dont have access to the management portal in digital ocean. only the "admin" who just so happens to be the same that jacked up this install does.... [19:56] but there are UUIDs in your fstab, which is a GPT thing and normally goes along with UEFI [19:56] urgodfather: ok, then get them to login and reinstall ubuntu [19:57] yeah that's just what the installer does [19:57] i was ordered to fix it by my direct supervisor, get our stuff off and let him ruin his own stuff [19:57] maybe try making an MSDOS partition label on the hard drive, then reinstalling? [19:57] So I've had a couple bugs filed on launchpad for a few weeks now, with zero response. Is there some way to appropriately pester an appropriate person to respond? [19:57] urgodfather, sudo dpkg -P unifi what it says ? [19:57] I think that will make Ubuntu default to BIOS install [19:57] additionally if you manually partition with no ESP partition it has no choice [19:57] interesting [19:57] yeah the [19:58] sorry [19:58] that pesky the [19:58] ok I'll try manually partitioning [19:58] the bios is definitley not in UEFI mode [19:58] and it is in ACHI mode (not IDE) [19:58] yeah it might be a GPT partiition label with BIOS mode, which I know some machines do not like [19:58] ioria did as root this time https://pastebin.com/riKSbe7M [19:58] no clue if that is the source of your issue but hey [19:59] leftyfb ioria ty for assisting, i need to step away for a few mins [19:59] worth a shot [19:59] yeah [19:59] you could check the current partition label though [19:59] before even bothering with a reinstall [19:59] err not partition label, but you know what I mean. [20:00] I was really expecting this to be more starightforward, but something weird was going on with the bootloader in the old install (which is why I reinstalled)....so in hindsight not too surprising :-/ [20:00] try sudo parted /dev/sda print [20:00] yeah maybe not a shock in that case lol [20:00] too bad you are stuck on oldbuntu [20:01] yeah I might try and convince them that we should just try the latest LTS [20:02] we're compiling a custom kernel eventually that has some special wifi drivers for our research, and my partner thinks it will not work well with 18.04 [20:02] but at this point, no reason not to try, because this is terrible [20:02] True, but once you figure out the issue it should be straightforward in the future to reinstall if needed. [20:03] did parted say if it has a gpt label currently? [20:03] syb0rg: doesn't look like [20:04] partition table is also already labeled as msdos [20:04] im back [20:04] leftyfb [20:04] ok. then so much for that theory [20:05] leftyfb one final question: I have two hdd's one will contain the filesystem and such, and the samba share partition and swap and so forth... and the other i want solely as a back up.. can i turn the second hdd just into a /home partition? [20:05] syb0rg: the full output https://bpaste.net/show/9e508c75af90 [20:06] leftyfb I mean does that make sense? or what would you do regarding the hdd for the backups? [20:06] drasica_, I still have no idea what the issue is, but are there alternate 14.04 images you could try? Like the mininal installer, or server edition? [20:07] maybe one of them will work better [20:09] RearchSesults: that only buys you space if the 2nd HDD is bigger than the first [20:10] leftyfb / Ioria im making another machine to migrate from before blasting this one. should i cloud it or just on my vmware? [20:11] urgodfather: you know you can put Unifi on a Raspberry Pi right? That's how it's running at my house [20:11] of course [20:11] i dont think the pi is suitable for 100+ sites though [20:12] personal use, yes [20:12] urgodfather: the controller really doesn't do much other than be used to configure things. But sure [20:13] leftyfb it does if you have guest access configured [20:13] if i understand correctly [20:23] leftyfb I mean i am using one hdd for all my files to be served and to run some services on a ubuntu system and in that system also there is a a samba share... can i basically use the second same sized hdd to back up all the stuff on the first hdd with rsync? [20:23] leftyfb as what would i format these second purely backup disk? [20:24] leftyfb /home? === tregel_ is now known as ddes [20:36] hi guys i want to create an iso to install ubuntu on my laptop. where can i get iso from 18.04 plz thans [20:36] Baako: did you look for it? prtty sure it's quite clear from ubuntu.com [20:36] Baako: how do you mean "create an iso"? [20:37] urgodfather: sorry i had stepped away earlier, just the output from apt was what i was after [20:38] tomreyn: oh good point :) [20:38] I need to create a windows 10 installation media using a bootable ubuntu drive. Woeusb doesn't get installed. What do I do? [20:39] INeedInstallatio: install woeusb [20:39] leftyfb: You can't install woeusb on a bootable ubuntu usb [20:40] INeedInstallatio: did you try? [20:40] I did [20:40] INeedInstallatio: and what error did you get when you tried? [20:41] leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/2ifPjUf6 [20:41] INeedInstallatio: sudo apt-get install -f [20:41] leftyfb so i put up a new vps installed unifi and imported a backup... now it appears that mongodb and java are starting up then crashing... same issue that ive had while trying to upgrade from 14 to 16 to get unifi from 5.6 to 5.7 [20:42] INeedInstallatio: if that doesn't work, enable universe and multiverse repos [20:42] nacc and tomreyn let me explain why i ask, maybe you can help me please. I have just remove the ram and hard drive from my broken laptop into an old toshiba laptop. I created a iso for ubuntu yeesterday. The issue i have is that when the laptop boots up and i press f12 and pick usb. I get the ubuntu install screen, when i pick install ubuntu, the laptop reset. [20:42] leftyfb: It didn't work [20:42] INeedInstallatio: what won't work? [20:43] INeedInstallatio: again, please pastebin errors [20:43] Baako: that sounds like flaky hardware [20:43] Baako: i'm with nacc there. [20:44] what do i do? [20:44] stabilize the hardware, then come back. [20:44] Baako: run memtest (iirc this is available on the live usb), and maybe smart test? [20:45] leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/acP2fQQH [20:45] I want to run all kinds of stuff and differing partitions on one large hdd on my ubuntu server and i want to put backups from there to another hdd... what ought that second hdd be partitionied as? ext4 /home? [20:45] i already have a home partition on my first hdd [20:45] INeedInstallatio: did you try enabling universe and multiverse repos and running sudo apt-get update first? [20:47] leftyfb: It's working now that I have enable universe and multiverse. Thank you so much! [20:51] RearchSesults: in the end it will depend on how you'll be doing backups. [20:52] RearchSesults: if you'll create file based backups, then any stable and supported modern file system which you will be able to restore from, ideally a journalling file system, should be fine. i'd go with ext4 then. [20:52] if you were looking for a good mount point, maybe /var/backups, or one you setup under /mnt [20:54] nacc, i install memtest on usb but the laptop keeps reboot. its freaking out [20:59] Baako: it sounds like very unstable hardware, which does make it hard to test. Did you verify both the hdd and ram from your broken laptop are compatible with your toshiba? [21:00] Hi [21:01] hi === Guest62885 is now known as tionis [21:01] what videoeditor should i use (cinelerra is nice af but it has a very hard text editor) [21:01] for made vids like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_-ysz5LSiY&index=10&list=PLKqj_1NIajETvyCUpntkZk65v3kpjOfHY [21:01] music lyiric/subs [21:03] nacc, the laptop is a toshiba satellite pro C650 and the broken laptop is a lenovo G500, the ram is sharetronic ddr3l 1600 SM322NW08IAF and hard drive is WD BLUE 1.0 TB WD10JPCX [21:03] testerbeta: i don't actually have first hand experience, but openshot and shotcut have been suggested to me. [21:12] Baako: i guess diagnosing hardware is kind of OT here (ubuntu is just an OS), so you could maybe get more help in ##hardware. i could at least suggest a logical approach at identifying the source of the problem there. === ben_r_ is now known as ben_r [21:14] +1 openshot === qwebirc22819 is now known as kenran [21:27] hi, i don't use ubuntu, but i need a quick info [21:27] Hi guys, I just installed ubuntu 18.04 on a new convertible notebook, but the touchpad is not working. When searching for this problem, I can find lots of info, but usually installing xserver-xorg-input-synaptics fixes the issue. Doesn't do it for me unfortunately :/ [21:27] can someone tell me any package that uses libxkbcommon? [21:27] Can you point me in the right direction on how to proceed? [21:27] much appreciated thanks [21:28] !find find libxkbcommon [21:28] libxkbcommon is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, [21:29] !find libxkbcommon [21:29] Found: libxkbcommon-dev, libxkbcommon-x11-0, libxkbcommon-x11-dev, libxkbcommon0 [21:29] see launchpad for the package details [21:29] thanks but on launchpad i'm not sure how to find any package that uses it [21:30] ubottu gave you 4 examples [21:30] oerheks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) === tregel_ is now known as bigtoe [21:30] no that's not what i meant [21:30] i want programs that use it [21:31] not other libraries that package it up in various ways [21:31] xkb tells me keyboard [21:31] oh, and by "not working" I mean [21:31] "doesn't do anything". It's not the right-click bug I keep reading about. [21:33] izabera, https://xkbcommon.org/ [21:33] yes i promise you that i've done some basic googling and i found the launchpad page and the project's homepage [21:35] izabera: so which of the two packages's reverse dependencies are you interested in? libxkbcommon-x11-0 or libxkbcommon0 [21:35] izabera: you want the `reverse-depends` utility or `apt-cache rdepends` [21:36] kenran: this probably doesn't help you much, but just in case it does: the 18.04 release notes state "Although libinput is the default driver for mice and touchpads, it is now possible to use the synaptics driver with the Settings app. Support for the synaptics driver will be dropped in a future Ubuntu release." (And there is libinput which will probably replace it in the future.) [21:36] nacc: may not be available on a non ubuntu system [21:37] tomreyn: true, but why do they care then? :) [21:37] dunno, wasn't told. [21:37] tomreyn: yeah, i know -- izabera why do you want to know? === mouses is now known as mous [21:39] tomreyn: I'll try around some more, but it didn't seem to work. I just got rid of libinput and will see what that leads to. Strangely enough, Ubuntu was the only distro I could even really get to boot, even though this is not a "new" notebook per se. [21:41] i had a bug report that something crashed in xkb_keymap_ref in libxkbcommon under some environment that i ship [21:41] kenran: i'd also check dmesg -T, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, ~/.xsession-errors to maybe get a beter idea of what's failing how. [21:42] izabera, but not on ubuntu ..? [21:43] ubuntu is good [21:43] environment in this case doesn't mean os [21:43] tomreyn: oh, one more clue maybe: it didn't even work when I booted the live system from USB. Thanks for the command, I [21:43] izabera: what does your bug report have to do with ubuntu? [21:43] nothing [21:43] i was hoping to find some package that uses that library [21:43] izabera: then why are you asking the ubuntu support channel? [21:43] to try and reproduce it [21:44] because you're very fine people :) [21:44] I'll check that later, first I have to repair the system ;) [21:44] izabera: but the original error did not happen on ubuntu? [21:45] i don't know [21:46] anyway, thanks :) [21:51] kenran: often firmware updates help with adding compatibility for higher capacity and different dimms [21:51] s/often/sometimes/ [21:51] Hi. I was wondering if Ubuntu 16.04 still recieves software updates or if I have to upgrade to 18.04 to get the latest software? [21:52] more specifically graphics drivers, etc. [21:52] monteca: it does get updates (for bugfixes). [21:52] monteca: which graphics driver do you mean? [21:52] monteca: you are discussing two different topics there. software updates are not the same thing as security patches [21:52] nvidia [21:52] cool [21:53] end of life is discussed here https://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life [21:53] https://tinyurl.com/ya79dnx5 [21:54] !latest | monteca and software updates here [21:54] monteca and software updates here: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [21:54] let me reframe my question [21:54] Helom: are you still gathering ip addresses of ubuntu users? [21:54] Does 16.04 use the same nvidia graphics drivers that 18.04 uses [22:02] monteca: there are multiple versions of nvidia, afaik, but nvida-390 appears to only be available in 18.04 [22:02] dunno what the default is as I've never used it [22:02] Bashing-om: --^ do you know? [22:05] My system goes back to login after login. I've done a complete distribution upgrade. [22:06] Lightdm log has a couple things about session stopped [22:07] skinux: how did you do the upgrade? from what to what? [22:07] I upgraded to 18.04 [22:07] It was 16.04.1 [22:08] should probably have upgraded to 16.04.4 first. 16.04 -> 18.04 is also not a supported upgrade path, yet [22:09] Okay. So, what do I do to fix this system? [22:11] There has got to be a way to fix it. [22:12] skinux: canyou tell if wayland is running? I had this problem when I had that situation. [22:12] skinux: alternatively, add a new user and login as that user [22:12] skinux: it might be a local config file issue with your user [22:12] I already tried that [22:12] How do I check for Wayland? [22:13] skinux: ps aux | grep -i wayland [22:13] skinux: so your dummy user also fails to login? [22:13] Well, there is an entry, so I assume it's running [22:13] Yes, dummy user fails as well [22:14] skinux: just one? [22:14] Just one entry yes [22:14] i think there is alwyas one, but it matters as to which your default is using; do you have an option at hte login screen? [22:14] a little gear, iirc [22:14] I can goose DE if that'd what you mean [22:15] skinux: yeah, i suppose it is (choose, i think you mean?) === Nicmavr is now known as Guest78390 [22:15] Yeah... [22:16] I tried the Wayland option, went back to login again. [22:17] yeah, i meant *don't* try the wayland option, make sure you're using xorg [22:19] ubuntu can install, as a usable OS, to usb, right? [22:20] linux_noob4: to a usb mass storage device, yes [22:21] Sorry irc crashed [22:23] So, Wayland went back to login. So, how do I fix this? Or is it even possible? [22:23] skinux: yeah, i meant *don't* try the wayland option, make sure you're using xorg [22:23] skinux: so when you select xorg, it also does the login loop? [22:24] None of the DEs work. They all go back to login. [22:24] skinux: using lightdm? not gdm? [22:25] skinux: can you pastebin the exact log (use tail -f) when you try to login? [22:25] Lightdm is default [22:25] skinux: not in stock ubuntu [22:25] (anymore) [22:26] I just configured for gdm and rebooted [22:27] It's a black screen.... Well see.. [22:29] tomreyn, what would cause windows to fail when doing so? i dd'd my windows install to usb so i can use that ssd for linux stuff. it gave "inaccessible boot device" after loading a while [22:30] linux_noob4: dunno, i'm not as much into windows, and this is #ubuntu [22:30] hey how can i get that new theme for ubuntu? [22:30] i think you can install windows to usb if you have enterprise edition but just curious what the limit is, is it artificial? as in windows not loading usb drivers earlier? [22:30] hello, i want to create a bootable ubuntu iso into a usb stick, should it be fat32 or ntfs? [22:31] i always use dd to make the bootable usb [22:31] qwebirc55354: fat32 on the USB-stick [22:31] qwebirc55354: your question doesn't make sense [22:31] qwebirc55354: how are you going to create it? [22:31] qwebirc55354, i use `dd` too; and to my knowledge any formatting is overwritten... [22:31] Still black screen. [22:31] qwebirc55354: there is no filesystem on the disk you are writing to [22:31] (or the filesystem doesn't matter, rather) [22:31] yeah sorry, my english is bad [22:32] qwebirc55354: if you are using unetbootin or similar program [22:32] no tool should care what filesystem is on the usb stick already if you're writing an ISO to it [22:32] nacc it's hung trying to get to login. [22:32] skinux: hrm :/ [22:32] skinux: actually hung, or just not progressing? can you get to a tty? [22:32] dd image mode or iso? [22:33] It's hung [22:33] qwebirc55354: what do you mean? [22:33] nacc: if I remember correct I've got some complains about it with unetbootin [22:33] ZPQ: sounds like bad software to me :) [22:33] https://imgur.com/a/GfnXIf9 [22:34] I guess this means a full system repair? [22:34] nacc: or else it's working fine [22:34] qwebirc55354: so you're using rufus? why didn't yuou just say you were using rufus? [22:34] also isn't rufus deprecated? [22:34] for dd if youre in linux type lsblk first to see what disk you write to sdb or sdc or something but make sure you have the right one cause it wipes any disk you type then just type dd if=youriso.iso of=/dev/sdwhatever [22:34] well i didnt know it will matter if i told or not [22:35] joey_: i'd recommend passing a bs as well [22:36] ah ok. i never got that technical [22:36] hmm so what should i do? [22:36] joey_: will typically speed up the write [22:36] should i select dd or iso? [22:36] ah cool. yeah dd takes like 5 minutes or something without [22:36] qwebirc55354: i don't know, sorry, i've never used rufus. I woudl suggest dd [22:37] just make the filesystem thing in rufus fat32 [22:38] qwebirc55354, i don't know your program, but I'd suggest ISO image.. (when I said I use `dd` I meant the command, I didn't know it was a image mode to some program sorry) [22:39] qwebirc55354, at last resort; if whatever mode you use doens't work, use the second one next try :) [22:39] what program should i use for burning an ubuntu image? [22:39] i wanna start all over again [22:39] now tell me a program which u know and use, so i can burn it properly [22:40] qwebirc55354, sorry if I confused you - ignore me (too many cooks spoiling broth; sorry) [22:41] Nacc: I got to a shell, but nothing graphical works. [22:41] qwebirc55354: what operating system are you currently using? [22:42] im using win7 x64 [22:45] nacc: given that nothing graphical works.. Am I looking at a full install? [22:47] any support here please? [22:47] just use rufus man [22:48] I dont know what to use, DD or ISO? [22:49] iso [22:49] dd is something different its not even in rufus [22:50] where it says create bootable disk using select the ubuntu iso [22:50] https://imgur.com/a/GfnXIf9 [22:50] but when i press start it tells me this [22:50] I installed 18.04 on a gen6 x1 carbon last night. It worked fine, today (after many gnome tweaks and tool chain set up) when I close the screen and reopen I get a little square of pixel noise in the upper left, the rest black and have to reboot. [22:50] any one should work then [22:51] but just use iso recommended [22:51] alright [22:51] thanks [22:53] dwigton: here's the question you've been waiting for: does it also happen without the 'many gnome tweaks and tool chain set up'? also, does it happen every time? [22:54] skinux: sorry, was on the phone [22:55] tomreyn: I removed the tweaks and it still seems to happen. I mentioned it in case one of the extensions I tried did not unistall cleanly. [22:55] skinux: honestly, i'm not sure; i need to step away too. Hopefully someone can help you diagnose what is going on, because honestly I don't know. You could try doing a live usb boot and see if it works? [22:55] woah, that "filesystem.squashfs" is the most of image, its over 1.7gigs [22:56] dwigton: so you installed gnome extensions, what elese did you do? [22:57] tomreyn: most of the tool-chain setup is stuff you would expect. build-essential, git, etc. I added a powermanagement utility which I suspect. I just need to remember what it was called. [22:57] dwigton: hmm, a power management tool could very well interact with acpi. [22:58] dwigton: if you think you didn't make changes which may have impacted a new user account then i'd say give that a try: create a new user account, try to reproduce it there a few times. [22:58] tlp I think [22:58] Okay, well, I managed to login to Ubuntu using the kernel entry after the third recovery option. The DE I have shows the Activities menu, not sure which DE I'm in. [22:59] Though all I did was install tlp. I did not change any defaults. since I need a kernel module for it to work on the thinkpad first. [22:59] skinux: that's gnome [23:00] Okay. Well, I had to login with my dummy account though. [23:00] I need to fix it so I can get to my actual account. [23:01] Or, at least move over application config and data [23:01] skinux: you can backup ~/.config and ~/.local of your user and then try to login [23:01] skinux: that is usally the problem [23:02] You mean back them up, also removing them under that name, and then login? [23:02] hola gente [23:02] dwigton: you could also review syslog and Xorg.*.log at the time when it happened [23:02] !es | bad [23:02] bad: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [23:05] tomreyn: I disabled tlp and am trying to reproduce the error. no problems so far. But I am not sure if time was a factor. needs to be closed for 10 min or somthing. [23:10] dwigton: i see. being into development, you will know what this means - until bugs are reproducible, it's difficult to handle them. [23:12] good luck getting it to reproduce, though! (and good night, i'm heading to bed now) [23:12] tomreyn: thanks. I am mildly hopeful that was the issue. [23:14] hello [23:15] im currently trying ubuntu :) [23:15] can i create partitions before installing? [23:15] qwebirc1045, yes, using gparted or gdisks [23:15] yes, it is part of the installation process if you want it. [23:15] qwebirc1045, yep. i use gparted for my partitioning; then install always with 'something else' [23:16] how can i open "gparted"? [23:16] i have no linux experience [23:16] just select "something else" when it asks what kind of install you want. [23:17] it should be there in the menu's (you haven't said what version so we don't yet know your DEsktop) [23:17] type "gparted" in a console, or "sudo gparted", "gksu gparted" [23:17] if it's installed at all [23:18] i want to dual-boot, ubuntu has automatically detected My other os (win7) [23:18] im 18.04 lts [23:19] but woah, how is wi-fi working? doesnt it need drivers? [23:19] it has drivers. They are in the kernel that is running off your usb stick. [23:20] oh well nice, anyways, i will install ubuntu soon [23:20] drivers [kernel modules] are handled by kernel; if the wifi isn't detected then you need to add the kernel.modules (drivers) for your hardware (chip more than brand/model of wifi card) [23:22] how can i take a screenshot? [23:24] hello? some support please? [23:24] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/screen-shot-record.html (i don't use gnome [default DE in 18.04] so haven't used it) [23:25] qwebirc1045, please be patient - we're volunteers & most do other things; supporting people when we can [23:25] qwebirc1045, windows key (super) + app (your case, type screenshot) [23:26] oh well [23:27] cant i display the partitions as drives (letters on them) [23:27] just like windows [23:27] instead of sdax [23:28] qwebirc1045, you decide where you want to mount the 'drives' - its a *nix based system, doesn't use floppy-drive-letters like cp/m,mesdos.. [23:29] but how would i know if this partition is drive d or e or c? [23:29] i dont want to mess up [23:30] qwebirc1045, depends on the file manager you use. Dolphin for KDE can give you a free space view of folders. In Nautilus (Files) go to "other storage" or something, forgot, and see how much free space you have. tons of ways to do it in linux === Pleasures is now known as Sircle [23:30] qwebirc1045, why would you want to know... for installing I take note of sizes/drives-partitions on an envelope taken from recycling, always reading before install, then just use my envelope as my guide during install [23:30] qwebirc1045, make free space from within windows, then let ubuntu detect that free space, easy and safe [23:30] Anybody know how to encrypt a USB drive? I did a search and found a program to download.. preferably would rather do it myself if it's possible. [23:31] ok ok, now how would i open the drives? i meant, just navigate through the files and so? [23:31] and is "System Reserved" ubuntu? [23:32] your 'ubuntu' will be sdc or a different letter being your thumb-drive I bet; the system-reserved if on your hdd/sdd will be a restore-partition by manufacturer; or eufi (if very small) partition possibly - this is all guess [23:32] qwebirc1045, nautilus (files) on ubuntu, or use terminal, whatever. or you can install a different filemanager if you want like dolphin, thunar, etc. and "system reserved" is likely windows [23:33] greetings! :) [23:34] i change the default location of document folder,it works,but after reboot,they are back to default [23:36] qwert, so how did you change the default location? [23:37] qwert, if nothing else works you can symlink [23:38] normally one would edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs [23:39] I just repartitioned an ntfs drive and formatted it as ext4 and now i cant get it to mount [23:39] tried restarting, tried creating a partiton table and restarting, no dice [23:39] using gparted === max__ is now known as Guest24067 [23:39] you know what [23:39] i might be an idiot hold on :D [23:40] no still cant get it to mount === Guest24067 is now known as MxMax [23:49] hello um, im was quepirc or something like that in this irc [23:49] i named myself [23:50] Mibix, mount /dev/yourgf /dev/me should work. it always does for me [23:50] anyways, im was about to install ubuntu, soo when i came to "installation type" there is "install ubuntu alongside with windows 7" so, does ubuntu install itself on the unallocated space on the hdd? [23:51] ..when i select that option? [23:52] Nordo, i believe it resizes your ntfs then creates an ubuntu partition [23:53] well i already sized my partitions in order to keep some space for ubuntu [23:53] should i go with something else then create a partition with that unallocated space then install ubuntu on it? [23:53] let windows make that free space [23:54] Nordo, i usually do manual install. ubuntu really could use better descriptions and notes when doing these things. it's scareh [23:55] it is fine described. [23:55] Nordo, you can do a manual install, make that partition / (root) and make sure that it's checked to create the mbr on that drive [23:55] !fud [23:55] Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt [23:56] fud is not giving proper descriptions and clarity when doing something as important as installing an os [23:57] ubuntu really needs to say what exactly it's going to do when given the option to install alongside windows. when you click next you're not sure if it's going to give you more options or just go ahead [23:59] oh you missed the warning, "if you continue, the changes are written to disk" like any other ordinairy OS