
untxiaAgur/Hello/Salut ! :)14:28
untxiaI'm a very happy old (12.04) user of Ubuntu-Studio. :) When I bought my new video/audio editing machine, I had to upgrade my last LTS (16.04) to 17.10 for my graphic controller to be recognized (I haven't been concerned by the 17.10 "bug"). Now I would like tu upgrade to 18.04 but I'm in some very heavy editing timing for a few weeks, and I fear any missing part of my workflow, missing softwares or extensions. What's your advice ? How14:36
untxiamature is 18.04 and availability of softwares up to date ? Thw. :)14:36
OvenWerksnever upgrade in the middle of a project.14:57
untxiaOvenWerks, that's what I usually advise and apply myself. But I'm facing an unpredictable and long series of time-overlapping short projets, so there would never be a good time... :/15:39
OvenWerksuse a second partition or hard drive15:39
untxiaSystem disk is just a working SSD. All projects datas are on different hard disks. They will event be offline when upgrading. I don't really worry about data loss, it's more about usability of the workflow, and mostly KDEnlive.15:42
OvenWerksI haven't personally heard of any new problems with kdenlive, but then I do mostly audio work.15:43
ubuntu-studiois there already a bug report about GRUB failing to install?16:06
ubuntu-studioI am about to try installing again without booting into the live usb , is this a bug or just due to my weird method of performing everything I do in life?16:08
=== kspencer_ is now known as kspencer
usersorry but i filed a bug twice on the grub thing i didnt know i had to make the uefi partition manually17:39
userye'all gone hold that against me next time i axe fir halp?17:40
useralso in the interest fo full disclosure17:40
OvenWerksnot at all... at least you know more about uefi than I do.17:40
userI voted for Trump17:40
userand probably will again17:40
OvenWerksI have forced my new MB to run in bios mode17:41
OvenWerksuser: not that there was much choice... crazy verses corupt... I'l let you figure which is which...17:41
userok thanks guys back to my guitar I learned a new chord today check me out later on tinychat I will be showing off my new nickel wound  D string17:41

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