
FurretUberI'm having a pretty annoying issue: I'm trying to set Nautilus as the default file manager, but once I set Nautilus as default, it no longer open files. It opens only directories, .desktop files and executable files02:36
FurretUberIf I set Thunar as default again, Nautilus start to work properly02:37
FurretUberMaybe it's a exo issue? It's driving me insane02:37
FurretUberI'm on Xubuntu 18.0402:38
xubuntu76wHi guys, currently trying to edit  a hard coded menu (right click on desktop) the options create launcher, open in new windows, create folder etc.10:13
xubuntu76wSince its hard coded i prolly have to change some settings and compile it into xubuntu, does anyone have an idea to point me in the right direction?10:14
xubuntu76whttps://github.com/xfce-mirror/xfdesktop (this is the file where i have to change the entries for the root menu) i think10:15
xubuntu47wAnybody have experience with compiling hard code changes=11:25
slickymasterWork!hi | n-iCe14:36
ubottun-iCe: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:36
* n-iCe dances14:37
FurretUberIs there a way to make Parole detect the video proportion automatically? I'm on Xubuntu 18.0419:26
Greeniushi all19:39
loptahello n-iCe21:51
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FurretUberIs there a way to make Parole detect the video proportion automatically? I'm on Xubuntu 18.0423:12

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