
mborzecki-susehmm found an interesting error: `error: store.RevisionNotAvailable with 2 snaps`05:16
mborzecki-susewell, nvidia seems to work just fine05:21
mborzecki-suseapparmor denials are not logged in dmesg, so it's easy to miss those05:37
mborzecki-susetype=AVC msg=audit(1529645643.115:406): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.ohmygiraffe.ohmygiraffe" name="/etc/pulse/client.conf.d/" pid=10207 comm="love" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=005:37
zygamborzecki-suse: hey05:51
mborzecki-susezyga: hey05:51
zygaI was up till 2AM iterating on the packaging05:52
mborzecki-susezyga: so far so good, no issues with package from your repo05:52
zygafound a few annoying bugs and fixed them05:52
zygaand learned a few things that we need to change in our build system05:52
zyga(not having a central build system sucks)05:52
mborzecki-susebut man, textual yast installer is awful, didn't manage to install it the way i'd like, gave up and went with the defaults at some point, ended up with gpt partitioned disk, no efi, no luks, no lvm, btrfs on rootfs, xfs on home and non-blacklisted nouveau (what made xorg unusable)05:56
snaphelpso how do I go about backing up a snap's data05:57
snaphelpLike nextcloud.05:57
zygasnaphelp: fantastic question05:58
zygayou can do it manually today05:58
zygabut we are also working on a feature that makes it easy05:58
snaphelpzyga: Snaps aren't auto updating are they?05:58
mborzecki-susedon't know why people even bother building such installers, what i really need is creating partitions myself, mounting them in the layout i want, bootstrapping the system, update fstab, crypttab, rebuild initramfs, install some bs pacakges, install bootloader (the way i want)05:58
zygaall snap data is held in /var/snap/$SNAP_NAME and $HOME/snap/$SNAP_NAME05:58
zygamborzecki-suse: hmm?05:59
zygasnaphelp: the upcoming feature will allow you to snapshot this state easily from the snap CLI05:59
snaphelpzyga: is the snap directory in my home directory just a symlink to /var/snap?05:59
zygasnaphelp: no05:59
zygasnaphelp: those are separate data sets, one is per user and the other is global for the system05:59
mborzecki-susezyga: just being grumpy about distro installers :|06:00
zygahey mvo06:02
mborzecki-susemvo: morning06:02
mvohey zyga and mborzecki06:02
snaphelpzyga: so the global data is in /var06:04
snaphelpand there's no auto updating correct?06:04
zygasnaphelp: per-snap global data is in /var/snap/$SNAP_NAME06:05
zygasnaphelp: I don't understand the question about auto-updating06:05
snaphelpDo snaps automagically update themselves06:05
snaphelpor is it snap update <snap>06:05
zygasnaphelp: it is snap refresh but you don't have to do it explicitly, snapd automatically refreshes everything periodically06:06
snaphelpCan I disable automatic refreshes?06:07
zygayou can set a schedule but you cannot turn it off06:07
zygamvo: I'm a bit tired, I spent half of the night on this packaging06:10
zygamvo: I will be sending patches when I'm consistently awake06:11
snaphelpzyga: any plans to allow disabling?06:11
zygasnaphelp: no, there are no such plans06:11
snaphelpzyga: I'm torture testing a snap06:13
snaphelpheh wow it's handling being beat with 40gb of data06:14
zygamvo: we need to have a makefile in data/06:18
zygaand stop installing files by hand in packaging06:18
zygait's easy to miss files06:18
zygaand it's silly to do this06:18
mborzeckineed to go to kids school for a while, bbl06:21
mupPR snapd#5352 closed: many: expose full publisher info over the snapd API <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5352>06:22
mvozyga: ok06:23
mupPR snapd#5375 opened: packaging: put snapctl into /usr/lib/snapd and symlink in usr/bin <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5375>06:53
zygaoh, interesting06:53
mupPR core18#34 opened: hooks: make /usr/bin/snapctl available in the base <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/34>06:57
mvozyga: one more commit to 5375 (apparmor default update)06:57
mupPR core18#34 closed: hooks: make /usr/bin/snapctl available in the base <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/34>07:07
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
* zyga is super sleepy 07:17
zygasorry folks, this day will be hit-and-miss07:18
mvohey pstolowski, good morning07:18
mupPR snapd#5376 opened: tests: skip security-udev-input-subsystem without /dev/input/by-path <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5376>07:28
mvozyga: just get some rest :) it will be better i'm sure07:30
mupPR snapd#5373 closed: release: 2.33.1 <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5373>07:35
zygamvo: thank you07:36
zygaI'm chopping final bits of packaging updates07:36
zygathank you for 2.33.107:36
pstolowskire https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gnome-calculator-failed-to-create-symbolic-link/5742/10 , the after-install seeding doesn't look good in cosmic, gets stuck on autoconnect and in the meantime an update of snapd arrives through deb and gets stuck on deb configure step07:43
mupPR snapd#5377 opened: packaging/opensuse: remaining packaging updates for 2.33.1 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5377>07:43
zygamborzecki: ^07:44
zygamborzecki: which distributions did you test?07:44
zygapopey: do you have a suse box for some testing?07:44
zygapopey: I'd like to update snapd in openSUSE07:45
zygamborzecki: I also have one issue I don't know how to solve07:45
zygamborzecki: the new snapd.apparmor.service needs to be enabled manually07:45
zygamborzecki: I don't know what to do about it07:45
zygamborzecki: could you please have a look at https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/61844108:01
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ^ if you have the time08:02
zygaPharaoh_Atem: this syncs the package in system:snappy with the package in snapd master08:02
zygaremaning diff is: patches, small change in path used to get packaging overrides (we don't have a symlink for packaging/opensuse in 2.33 _yet_).08:03
zygain 2.34 the delta should be empty08:03
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
* zyga -> walk08:33
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
pstolowskimvo, pedronis it appears that seeding+prerequisites explode in cosmic on autoconnect, also with 2.33.1 (i've built the deb manually)08:45
pedronispstolowski: explode in which sense?08:46
pedroniswe have no support atm if the seeding is not sorted right08:46
pstolowskipedronis: autoconnect is in state Doing, never completes08:46
pedronispstolowski: is this a spread test or something else?08:47
pstolowskipedronis: there are 6 gnome packages + core in seed/08:47
pstolowskipedronis: no, a fresh install of cosmic daily08:47
pedronisif they are sorted wrong08:47
pedronisno good08:48
pedronisgiven that seeding is serial08:48
pedroniswe should teach seeding to do some sorting08:49
pedronisbut that hasn't really changed much08:49
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
pedronispstolowski: I'm not even sure what autoconnect code is exactly in 2.33.108:50
pedronisIĀ suppose is not like master08:50
pstolowskipedronis: correction, i actually build and tested with current master08:51
pedronispstolowski: can you print seed.yaml there08:51
pedronispstolowski: we might have made something worse08:51
pedronisbut it was probably working by chance08:51
pedronisor I'm missing something, which could be08:53
pstolowskipedronis: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/pPZkdHhp9B/08:53
pedronisthemes is wrong08:54
pedronisthere was even a bug08:54
pedroniswe told them to move08:54
pedronisnot sure why is still like that08:54
pstolowskipedronis: i don't think we made it worse, i started with fresh cosmic image (it has 2.28.x), the problem was already visible08:54
pstolowskipedronis: oh ah08:54
popeyzyga: i have a suse vm, but not sure how much time i will have today to help test08:55
Chipacamorning all08:55
* Chipaca having a weird day (but a good'un)08:55
pedronispstolowski: is still open, though there was a fix:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/177284408:58
pedronisbit confused08:58
mupBug #1772844: snapd didn't initialize all the seeded snaps <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <package-from-proposed> <third-party-packages> <OEM Priority Project:Confirmed for swem> <snapd:New> <ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772844>08:58
pstolowskipedronis: right, clearly not landed09:01
pedronispstolowski: we can teach either seeding or autoconnect to do something in that case, I want to have a clearer big picture related to conflicts before going there09:02
pedronisthe manual fix seems easy enough, not sure why is not landed09:03
pedronisor is just different teams building different images09:03
pedronismvo: do you understand  what is happening with that bug ? #177284409:07
mupBug #1772844: snapd didn't initialize all the seeded snaps <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <package-from-proposed> <third-party-packages> <OEM Priority Project:Confirmed for swem> <snapd:New> <ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772844>09:07
mborzeckitook longer than i expected09:09
searedvandalHi. I just installed snapd on Antergos from the AUR, and I set it up following the instructions for Arch. Installed the hello snap, and tried to run it. I get this error "cannot locate the core or legacy core snap (current symlink missing?): No such file or directory". snapd version 2.33, kernel 4.17.2-1-ARCH. Any ideas to what may be the issue?09:57
Chipacasearedvandal: does Antergos use systemd?09:58
searedvandalChipaca, yes09:58
Chipacasearedvandal: 'snap list' lists nothing?09:59
Chipacasearedvandal: can you pastebin the output of 'snap tasks --last=install'09:59
mborzeckisearedvandal: and pacman -Qi snapd10:00
searedvandalChipaca, https://ptpb.pw/_0LP10:00
searedvandalmborzecki, https://ptpb.pw/iJb710:00
searedvandalChipaca, and snap list shows core and hello10:01
Chipacasearedvandal: yep. I'm guessing something is expecting /snap instead of /var/lib/snapd/snap or viceversa10:02
mborzeckimvo: there's somethign wrong with the 2.33.1 release on github10:02
Chipacasearedvandal: what's in /etc/os-release?10:02
mborzeckimvo: it doesn't have a tag (?)10:02
searedvandalChipaca, my /etc/os-release https://ptpb.pw/xFrR10:03
mborzeckiID_LIKE=archlinux chceks out10:03
searedvandalmborzecki, the AUR has the 2.33 build, not the 2.33.110:03
mborzeckisearedvandal: yeah, i'm updating to 2.33.1 now ;)10:03
searedvandalmborzecki, ah :)10:04
searedvandalwhen I do 'snap version' the antergos line has this - , is that correct? https://ptpb.pw/rOFw10:04
Chipacasearedvandal: probably10:05
Chipacasearedvandal: because it's a rollin' release10:05
Chipacaso no 'version'10:05
searedvandalah, yeah10:05
searedvandalChipaca, and I have the /snap directory and the /var/lib/snapd/snap directory10:07
mborzeckisearedvandal: yes, it's the same on arch10:07
mborzeckisearedvandal: /snap is just a symlink in your system right?10:07
Chipacasearedvandal: can you pastebin find /{var/lib/snapd/,}snap/ -maxdepth 2 -ls10:08
searedvandalmborzecki, Chipaca here is the paste https://ptpb.pw/Qp_i10:09
mborzeckisearedvandal: ls -l /10:10
Chipacamborzecki: that looks like /snap is not a symlink but the real thing10:10
Chipacamborzecki: and /var/lib/snapd/snap has nothing10:10
searedvandalmborzecki, https://ptpb.pw/Pj_e10:10
searedvandaloh, you're right10:10
Chipacathat is very strange10:11
Chipacasomething's askew (gesundheit)10:11
mborzeckisearedvandal: yeah, the package ships with /var/lib/snapd/... only10:11
searedvandalstrange. I have not created any directories or changed anything10:11
mborzeckiit used to ship /snap -> /var/lib/snapd/snap symlink a while ago but we got rid of that10:11
mborzeckisearedvandal: can you pacman -Qo /snap ?10:12
Chipacamborzecki: I suspect distro detection being confuse10:12
searedvandalmborzecki, no package owns /snap10:12
Chipacain hindsight, we should print a summary of directory info on startup, at least in debug10:14
mborzeckisearedvandal: ok, if there's any snap mounted, unmount it and remove the package, remove /snap and install the package again10:14
mborzeckiChipaca: +110:14
mborzeckisnap debug distro :)10:15
Chipacaand now i need to stop myself from doing that and getting back to figuring out why warnings has my snapd all panicky10:16
mvomborzecki: let me check, it should have a tag10:19
searedvandalalright, you're right, it gets confused on os-detection. I removed a pacman hook that sets the antergos info and updated the filesystem package to revert to identifying as regular arch. now everything seems to work just fine10:19
searedvandalsnap run hello gives me a nice hello world output10:20
mborzeckimvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/releases/tag/untagged-ec50ee5bfb45daefc236  <-- untagged-...10:20
mborzeckisearedvandal: yay10:22
mvomborzecki: better now? sorry, no idea what happened there, github glitch10:22
searedvandalso snap doesn't like it when the system is identified as antergos, but when it's identified as arch it's all good :)10:23
mborzeckihm otoh we do release.DistroLike(..., "arch", ..) this should probably be "archlinux" to catch the derivatives10:23
searedvandalah, probably :)10:23
Son_Gokumvo, zyga, I just realized that next week will be the two year anniversary of me working on snappy on Fedora10:23
mborzeckimvo: yay!10:23
zygaTime flies!10:23
mborzeckiSon_Goku: we should get you some cake10:24
Son_Gokutwo years ago next week, I agreed on a lark to go to the first snappy sprint10:24
Son_GokuI had received the email while (ironically) being at the Red Hat Summit10:24
mvoSon_Goku: woah, congrats \o/10:24
ogra_great to still have you here !!10:24
* mvo hugs Son_Goku 10:24
Son_Gokuand Josh Bressers and Thomas Cameron both told me I should go ahead and do it10:25
Son_Gokuso I did10:25
Son_Goku(Josh: https://twitter.com/joshbressers; Thomas: https://twitter.com/thomasdcameron)10:25
Son_Gokuat the time, I was really unsure if I was the right person to go to this10:26
Son_Gokuof course, technically, I started two years ago next month, but...10:27
mborzeckisearedvandal: could revert back to identifying as antegros and rebuild the package with this little fix https://ptpb.pw/Oo6u ?10:27
Son_Gokubecause the Heidelberg sprint was July 22, 201610:27
niemeyerInteresting.. we're importing from the snap package inside client10:33
niemeyerThis is something we should avoid as otherwise importing the client will depend on importing snapd entirely10:34
niemeyerSon_Goku: That reminds me that we need a dev sprint soon10:34
Son_Gokuniemeyer, I was wondering if we were going to go without one this year :)10:35
mupPR snapd#5378 opened: dirs: improve identification of Arch Linux like systems <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5378>10:36
niemeyerSon_Goku: We just need to think about what would be the best time and place.. we have non-dev sprints in July and September.. So either August or later in the year10:38
Son_Gokuso I'm going to be at DevConf.us Aug 17-19, so please don't schedule it then10:39
mborzeckisearedvandal: just opened a PR with this change, if it works in our test suite I'll include it as a patch in 2.33.1 package, so your next rebuild should work fine10:39
Son_Gokuniemeyer, Flock is actually going on in Dresden, Germany on Aug 8-11: https://flocktofedora.org/10:40
Son_Gokuif zyga wants to talk about snaps at Flock, now would be a good time ;)10:40
niemeyerSon_Goku: Ah, interesting10:41
zyga Very likely10:41
niemeyerSon_Goku: Are you going?10:41
Son_GokuI can't afford to, so sadly no10:41
Chipacaniemeyer: we've been depending on snap from client for a long long time10:42
Son_Gokuzyga: almost anything goes for CfP: https://flocktofedora.org/#cfp10:42
Chipacaniemeyer: snap is where Revision and Epoch live10:42
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah.. my memory is weak by now, but IIRC the agreement we got about this kind of thing was to revert the dependency, having such types in client itself10:43
niemeyerChipaca: So that importing the client becomes isolated10:43
niemeyerChipaca: The snapd/snap package by now spreads its legs through quite a few bits10:44
niemeyerAs in, importing deps10:44
Son_Gokuniemeyer, but it'd be cool if Snapcraft was listed as a sponsor for Flock :P10:44
niemeyerWhich is not a problem for it, to be clear.. it's just that the transitive dependency from client becomes weird10:44
Chipacaniemeyer: I thought it just used dirs and the different *util10:45
niemeyerSon_Goku: We can check that.. I haven't been involved in sponsorings for a while, so I'm not sure about what the current rules are10:45
ChipacaSon_Goku: this Flock is distinct from the flock that is a startup and an app?10:48
Son_GokuFlock is the name for the Fedora contributor conference10:48
Son_Gokuwhich used to be called FUDCon10:48
ChipacaI can see how a contention mechanism is a better name than FUDCon10:48
Chipacabut it's not a wide margin :)10:49
mupPR snapd#5378 closed: dirs: improve identification of Arch Linux like systems <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5378>11:09
mborzeckimvo: i think the tag can be removed:11:11
mborzecki * [new tag]             untagged-ec50ee5bfb45daefc236 -> untagged-ec50ee5bfb45daefc23611:11
mborzeckisuprising github actually allowed creating this11:12
* zyga picked up the coffee he made at 711:13
zygamborzecki, Pharaoh_Atem: can you please eyeball https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/537711:13
zygait's the last of the bunch11:13
mupPR #5377: packaging/opensuse: remaining packaging updates for 2.33.1 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5377>11:13
zygamvo: hey11:21
zygadid you have a chance to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/536911:21
mupPR #5369: overlord,interfaces,cmd: WIP early support for interfaces on core18 <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5369>11:21
mvohey zyga11:21
mvozyga: looking at it currently11:22
zyga:-D ok, let me know once you've read it11:22
zygaI'll write something on the forum now11:22
searedvandaloh my how smooth TrackMania runs, I'm impressed11:22
mvozyga: ok11:23
mborzeckisnap downloads capped at 100kBps again?11:27
zygamborzecki: hmm, not for me11:27
mborzeckihmm 2 times hit 100kBps, another restart and 1.2MB now11:28
zygaover my LTE link11:28
zygaI looked at stats and I still cannot stop being impressed by how I can effortlessly live on LTE with 100s of GB of data used monthly11:29
zygafor the price of a meal in spain11:29
zyga(one meal, for one person)11:29
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
mupPR snapd#5379 opened:  overlord/snapstate: disallow installing snapd on baseless models  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5379>11:36
mvozyga: I split the snapd prevention bits (and added a trivial test) - I think we deefinitely want this11:36
zygaprevention bits?11:36
zygathe snapd.snap removal/installation?11:36
mvozyga: disallow installing the snapd snap11:36
zyganote that it breaks the tests today :/11:37
mvozyga: it does? which one?11:45
zygajust look at the test failures, all the core 18 tests exploded11:46
zygaI asked if this was expected (perhaps the way we install snapd is not right) but we didn't talk about it since11:46
mvozyga: aha, I will debug it :)11:46
mvozyga: "all the core18 tests" - all two of them ;) ?11:46
mvozyga: aha, I see what is going on11:47
* mvo scratches head11:47
mvozyga: testing a fix now, and then I will go over the rest. thanks in any case!11:49
mborzeckisearedvandal: changes are in AUR now11:52
searedvandalmborzecki, nice, thanks!11:52
Son_Gokumvo, wait, does that mean it'd be possible to make snapd snap either-or if a base snap provided snapd?11:55
Son_GokuI'm confused what PR#5379 actually does11:55
ChipacaSon_Goku: we're transitioning from having snapd in core to having snapd in snapd11:58
ChipacaSon_Goku: we're special casing the special case so we can special case while we special case11:58
ChipacaSon_Goku: why :/?11:58
Son_Gokubecause I don't understand what's going on here11:58
Son_GokuI'm confused11:59
ChipacaSon_Goku: core 18 won't  have snapd11:59
zygaSon_Goku: because of core18 and core16 the idea of having snapd in _a_ core is gone11:59
ChipacaSon_Goku: core18 does not have snapd11:59
ChipacaSon_Goku: neither will core1611:59
zygaso snapd moves to its own proper package11:59
zygaeventually the only snap that ships snapd will be snapd.snap11:59
ChipacaSon_Goku: today, core does; core will become core16 and snapd11:59
zygathis will simplify and unify various special cases11:59
Son_Gokuthere were special cases?12:00
zygaand will make it natural to have bases12:00
ChipacaSon_Goku: but as core and core16 will co-exist, we want to put little yellow "don't step on the bubbling lava" signs12:00
zygayeah, plenty of them12:00
zygastill are but this will help to remove it12:00
zygacore wil transition to core1612:00
ChipacaSon_Goku: the end game is _less_ special cases, not more, fwiw12:00
Son_Gokuokay, I think I get it12:00
ChipacaSon_Goku: where there must be a snapd snap, but you can have any base (and that base evolves separately from snapd itself)12:00
zygaSon_Goku: snap-confine will hopefully shrink a little thanks to this12:00
Son_Gokumost of this doesn't really affect me though, since we don't allow re-exec on Fedora12:01
zygaand snap-run/snap-exec/snapd code will drop some if name == "core" code12:01
Son_Gokusince your snapd breaks things12:01
* Chipaca hopes Son_Goku doesn't ask what base snapd will use12:01
Son_GokuI think I have a feeling that snapd will use base snapd12:01
Son_Gokuor worse, base ubuntu-core1612:01
* Chipaca votes it uses base 'bo'12:01
zygaSon_Goku: snapd won't use any base12:02
Chipacaor maybe base 'politically-incorrect-inanimate-object'12:02
zygait's not a snap that ships apps or services in the traditional sense12:02
zygamore like a vehicle for runtime bits for any base12:02
zyga(snap-confine/exec/snapctl chain)12:03
Son_Gokuso it pretty much doesn't affect me12:03
Son_Gokusince we don't use those bits12:03
zygano, you are slightly mistaken12:03
Son_Gokuit'd only become a problem once we have a fedora bootable base :/12:03
zygayou do use snap-exec and snapctl from core12:03
zygathat's always been the case12:03
zygayou don't use snap-confine from core when running snaps from the outside12:04
ChipacaSon_Goku: bootable fedora base is happening though, right?12:04
Son_Gokuthat's something zyga and I are working toward, yes12:04
Son_GokuI already know that we're in for hell because I can't swap the snapd :/12:04
zygaChipaca: yes, eventually, I think this cycle we will get fedora29 base for apps and future development though12:04
* Son_Goku really wishes core16 / core18 would be ubuntu-core16 / ubuntu-core1812:05
Son_Gokuthat's what they actually are, after all12:05
ChipacaSon_Goku: I think it's that until there are other bases realistically out there being used, we don't want to have people think they're downloading all of ubuntu just to run tmnationsforever12:08
Son_Gokuwell there's already other bases in use12:08
Son_Gokuat least ikey has the one for steam12:08
* Chipaca misses ikey12:08
Son_Gokuand _a_ fedora base snap will be available by Fedora 29 GA12:09
Son_GokuI can almost nearly guarantee it12:09
Son_Gokuprimarily because I can make one whenever I want12:10
zygaSon_Goku: one good thing is that "core" will go away and become core{16,18} and those will shrink12:10
Son_Gokuthe work zyga and I will be doing this development cycle is integrating this into the infra tooling so it's literally part of the compose12:10
ChipacaSon_Goku: I'll raise it in the standup (unless zyga does it first)12:10
Son_Gokuthat is, part of the process to make all the release artifacts12:10
zygawe also considered (though not scheduled to do it) a bootless core which would be even smaller by a large amount12:10
ChipacaI think the bootless split was kicked to 2012:11
Chipacatoo many moving parts12:11
zygaChipaca: raise what exactly?12:11
Chipacazyga: ubuntu-core18 instead of just core1812:11
Son_Gokuzyga, what does snapd.seeded.service do?12:11
ChipacaSon_Goku: wait until snapd is seeded12:11
zygaSon_Goku: tells you that the system has installed all of the snaps that are in the seed (from the model)12:12
zygaSon_Goku: it basically tells you that it is ready after first boot12:12
Son_Gokuso is this something we need to have enabled in the fedora preset?12:12
zygabefore that snapd is busy doing stuff and not really responding12:12
Son_Gokubecause right now, it ai't12:12
zygaSon_Goku: it's useful as target of "after snapd is there"12:12
ChipacaSon_Goku: shouldn't hurt, and would let you play with seeds12:12
zygawe added it because someone needed this kind of thing for another piece of software12:12
zygaI added it to suse12:12
zygait's not core specific, I think it could be in fedora as well12:13
mborzeckithough maybe not enabled by default right?12:16
zygawhy not?12:16
mborzeckibecause it will wake up snapd12:16
mborzeckiseeded -> snapd.socket -> snapd.service12:17
zygacan we write the unit in a way that would make it do stuff only if snapd was enabled?12:17
Son_Gokubecause you added Requires12:17
zygaI see12:17
Son_Gokuyou forced it on12:17
zygathen I agree with mborzecki12:17
Son_Gokuyeah, so probably should stay off by default12:17
mborzeckii mean, once you know you need it you'll enable it :)12:17
Son_Gokuit's only needed for firstboot if we had them preloaded, right?12:18
Son_Gokumaybe the unit can be adjusted to have firstboot condition12:18
zygammm, interesting12:19
zygahow could we do that?12:19
zygaI think that's a pretty good idea12:19
Son_GokuConditionFirstBoot= takes a boolean argument. This condition may be used to conditionalize units on whether the system is booting up with an unpopulated /etc directory (specifically: an /etc with no /etc/machine-id). This may be used to populate /etc on the first boot after factory reset, or when a new system instance boots up for the first time.12:19
Chipacazyga: that's a very particular "first boot" condition12:19
Son_Gokufrom systemd.unit(5): https://www.mankier.com/5/systemd.unit#ConditionFirstBoot=12:20
mborzeckieconnreset again, 2018/06/22 11:12:14.534944 store.go:1555: DEBUG: Download succeeded in 5.257s (102MB/s).12:20
Son_Gokualternatively, you could do ConditionPathExists= and do some custom logic here in the seeding code: https://www.mankier.com/5/systemd.unit#ConditionPathExists=12:20
zygalike the presence of /var/lib/snapd/{seed} or model or something12:21
zyganot sure but something like that12:21
Son_Gokusomething that would make it far less penalizing to have it12:23
Son_Gokuzyga, ConditionPathExists also takes a negation operator12:23
Son_Gokuso !/var/lib/snapd/seeded would also work12:23
zygapedronis: hey12:27
zygapedronis: I wrote the post that I was supposed to, about the refresh + restart issue12:27
zygacould you please read it and ensure I didn't miss anything critical or didn't skew the facts12:27
Son_Gokumborzecki, zyga , what happens if xdg-desktop-portal < 0.11 is installed on fedora for snapd?12:31
zygaSon_Goku: I don't know the version specifically12:31
zygais that the old portal that was not aware of snapd?12:31
Son_Gokuxdg-desktop-portal 0.9 is in Fedora 2712:32
Son_Goku0.11 is in Fedora 28+12:32
zygaportals would not know they are used by a confined app12:32
mborzeckizyga: pushed an update to 537012:32
zygaso they would not trigger the portal-specific file open dialogs12:32
zyga(in cooperating apps)12:32
zygathe UX would suck12:33
zyga(like it does now, not a regression)12:33
Son_Gokuso it's no worse than today?12:33
zygaI believe it would be exactly like today12:33
Son_Gokuso I don't need to add a "Conflicts: xdg-desktop-portal < 0.11"?12:33
zygaone sec12:33
zygano no12:33
mupPR #5271: cmd/snap: attempt to start the document portal if running with a session bus <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5271>12:34
zygascroll to the bottom12:34
zygathere's some talk about this exact issue12:34
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
Son_Gokuso the answer is, openSUSE is fucked but not Fedora12:36
mborzeckitumbleweed to?12:37
Son_GokuopenSUSE has been shipping Flatpak by default for a while now12:39
Son_Gokuit's also shipping in SLE 15, too12:40
zygaSon_Goku: tumbleweed will probably get the latest version soon12:41
zygait has 0.11.712:41
zygaSon_Goku: note that I enabled apparmor on tumbleweed12:41
zygaSon_Goku: so there's way more confinement than before :)12:42
Son_GokuI'm slightly annoyed you didn't merge my changes entry into the OBS package12:42
zygaI can do that in the final sync12:42
zygait is not out yet12:42
Son_GokuI'm building snapd 2.33.1 and snapd-glib 1.41 now12:46
Chipacaniemeyer, mvo: I've got a meeting that I need to be in instead of the standup today12:46
niemeyerChipaca: Ack, thanks for the note12:47
Chipacaniemeyer, mvo: it should be short, but if not --- i'm working on warnings, fixing all the tests in daemon/ that i've broken :-)12:47
Chipacafigured out the source of the panic, also12:47
Chipacaso huzzah12:47
mborzeckianyone wants to look at #5363 and #5366?12:48
mupPR #5363: snap: introduce the instance key field <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5363>12:48
mupPR #5366: snap: helper for validating snap instance names <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5366>12:48
Son_Gokuzyga, also, xdg-desktop-portal will now supplement either flatpak or snapd12:49
Son_Gokuerr, the gtk and kde portals will12:49
zygaThank you pedronis !12:57
pedroniszyga: your description was not too wrong, but seemed to me a bit still too high level12:59
zygayes, you got the specific details in place, thank you13:00
pedronismvo: https://launchpad.net/bugs/177284413:26
mupBug #1772844: snapd didn't initialize all the seeded snaps <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <package-from-proposed> <third-party-packages> <OEM Priority Project:Confirmed for swem> <snapd:New> <ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772844>13:26
mvopedronis: thank you!13:30
mvosil2100: does foundations have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/1772844 on the radar? if not, who should I ask about this? the bug is most likely that the seed.yaml needs to be tweeaks and things needs to be around a bit. happy to talk about the details once I know with whom :)13:31
mupBug #1772844: snapd didn't initialize all the seeded snaps <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <package-from-proposed> <third-party-packages> <OEM Priority Project:Confirmed for swem> <snapd:New> <ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772844>13:31
sil2100mvo: hmm, first time I hear about this! Let me read it up13:33
mborzeckiniemeyer: experimental.parallel-instances then?13:36
pedronispstolowski: what's the status of disconnect hooks?13:37
niemeyermborzecki: +113:37
pedronispstolowski: this is a strange error:  Disconnect bluez:client from bluez:service (snapd changed, please retry the operation: cannot disconnect bluez:client from bluez:service, it is not connected)13:38
pstolowskipedronis: i think i know why that is, i forgot to disable discard-conns, at the very least13:39
pedroniswe do need to  keep it though13:40
pstolowskipedronis: i'll ping you when it's ready13:40
pstolowskipedronis: i know13:40
pedronisbut making it idempotent13:40
pstolowskipedronis: handler needs to stay, but task shouldn't be created for new changes13:40
pedronisok, I'm still a bit confused13:40
pedronisI would have expected it to come before, not after13:41
pedronispstolowski: also notice that these strange error seems about self connections13:41
pedronispstolowski: are we trying to disconnect them twice?13:41
pstolowskipedronis: ah, i didn't think of it, might be the same issue we had with autoconnect13:42
pedronisI doubt because the code would be different13:42
pedronisbut maybe the connect does strange things13:42
pedronisanyway an interesting datapoint13:43
pedronisIĀ would expect the discard-conns to do nothing, assuming it happens last13:43
ChipacaI'm going offline for a while, will check in tonight again (with moar warnings)13:43
* Chipaca -> school stuff and such13:43
pedronispstolowski: ah, mayb repo connections in this case return the same connection twice ?13:47
pedronispstolowski: yes, the issue is repo.Connections,  self connections are reported twice13:48
pstolowskipedronis: heh, indeed! i wonder if there is any undesired effect if i fix this centrally (in the repo.Connections)13:59
pstolowskiit shouldn't afaict, don't think it has a use case14:00
pedronispstolowski: it shouldn't, it's kind of weird/unexpect to get the same conn twice14:18
ali1234should i install snapcraft from apt or from snap?14:29
mborzeckiniemeyer: rename to parallel-instances pushed to #537014:32
mupPR #5370: overlord/{config,snap}state: introduce parallel-installs feature flag <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5370>14:32
niemeyermborzecki: Thanks!14:32
pstolowskiali1234: there is no reason not to use the one from snap; go for the snap; it also makes it easy to switch to a beta version (and back) in case of an important fix coming14:34
popeyali1234: i use the snap, personally.14:36
pstolowskipedronis: pushed the repo fix but discard-conns still needs work (undo for single disconnect)14:36
* zyga fixed all the entries in the opensuse snapd.changes changelog to have non-fake copy/pasted/tweaked dates 14:53
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ^ that's for you :)14:54
zygaapparently copy/pasting and tweaking seconds is ... popular14:55
mvozyga: my bad - I need an emacs mode or something of this. or obs-dch or whatnot14:56
zygamvo: "ons vc"14:56
zyga"osc vc"14:56
zyga(sorry, spellchecker doesn't love acronyms)14:57
zygathat edits the changelog14:57
mborzeckiwell, to be fair it'd be nice if changelog included package version/release, otherwise rpm -q --changelog is not really that useful14:58
mvonice, thank you14:58
mvoI hope I remember14:58
zygathe changelog is still wrong14:58
zygasomeone wrote a tool that returns false14:58
zygarather than "on line 123, ..."14:58
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mborzeckizyga: on line 123, .. false :)15:02
zygagah, the bugzilla email apocalypse15:03
mborzeckibtw emacs' rpm-mode can add changelog entries, but it's not aware of opensuse's *.changes file split15:04
Pharaoh_Atemwhich is actually annoying15:04
Pharaoh_Atemand also I'm working on fixing `osc vc` to properly generate entries with full author identities15:04
Pharaoh_Atemzyga, mborzecki, niemeyer, mvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-updates-in-fedora/4342/5?u=conan_kudo15:08
mvozyga: I found the issue with 5369 - ERROR installation not allowed by "daemon-notify" slot rule of interface "daemon-notify"15:08
mvozyga: this is when it tries to mount the core snap15:08
pedronismvo: zyga's RFC branch has code for that15:25
zygayou need to take that patch (that really pedronis wrote :)15:25
mvopedronis: yeah, thank you, I figured it out by now, I added a fix that should make these tests work15:28
mborzeckimvo: shall i land #5374 or do you plan to push more patches?15:29
mupPR #5374:  tests: disable core tests on all core systems (16 and 18)  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5374>15:29
ali1234when i run snapcraft: E:Failed to fetch copy:/home/al/.cache/snapcraft/stage-packages/apt/.../var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_bionic-security_main_dep11_icons-48x48.tar.gz  Hash Sum mismatch15:35
ali1234"..." is a very long hex string15:36
mupPR snapd#5374 closed:  tests: disable core tests on all core systems (16 and 18)  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5374>15:36
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5379 can land as well15:37
zygashall I?15:37
mupPR #5379:  overlord/snapstate: disallow installing snapd on baseless models  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5379>15:37
mvomborzecki: 5374 should be good15:51
mvozyga: same for 537915:52
zygathere is a comment on 537415:52
mupPR snapd#5379 closed:  overlord/snapstate: disallow installing snapd on baseless models  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5379>15:53
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I wrote a tool for checking changelog entries15:56
zygathat's much nicer than the original15:56
zyganiemeyer: where is the meeting taking place?16:03
niemeyerzyga: We're in the standup16:03
b_bi'm having this bug on snapcraft.io website16:03
b_bbut it seems resolved by this PR16:04
b_bi've tried to upload a 48px icon to a snap => 50216:04
mvo5309 is hopefully ready now if someone wants to do a second review16:05
b_bcommented the PR16:13
b_banyway, i'm happy/proud, my first snap is released on stable :) https://snapcraft.io/timeline16:14
b_bwith a ridiculus small icon, but the dev team can't find the source file :p16:15
b_bsee u ++16:16
diddledanwhy am I being denied access to files in core? Log: apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.mycroft.bus" name="/snap/core/4830/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblzma.so.5.0.0" pid=16522 comm="python3" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=016:43
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: oh?16:53
zygaone moment16:53
zygaI'm in a call16:53
pstolowskizyga: can you take another look at #5326 (doesn't have to be today, Monday is fine)?16:57
mupPR #5326: api/snapctl: allow -h and --help for regular users <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5326>16:57
mupPR snapd#5380 opened: tests: blacklist more main tests for core18 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5380>16:57
zygaPharaoh_Atem: wanna see it?17:10
zyganiemeyer: have a good weekend too :)17:12
zygaPharaoh_Atem: halp17:13
zyga%{!?systemdgeneratordir: %global systemdgeneratordir %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-generators}17:13
zygathis doesn't produce a path that is absolute17:13
pedroniszyga: running setup-profiles twice is not a problem right?17:13
zygano, not a problem17:13
zygaPharaoh_Atem: undo help, I see the typo now17:14
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: the answer is yes17:18
zygacool, just polishing a bit17:19
zygaPharaoh_Atem: https://gitlab.com/zygoon/rpmtools/blob/master/changes-checker17:25
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I need to take a break from work and ... buy some DVD-RWs17:26
zyga(don't ask why)17:26
zygaI should actually hop on my bike and go to a mall nearby17:26
pedroniszyga: now a remember though there is wrinkle which that  setup-profiles and the active managing *link* tasks are not symmetrics at the moment17:28
pedroniszyga: on the Do path we have unlink-current-snap and link-snap  but only one setup-profiles doing both17:29
zygahmm hmm17:29
zygapedronis: I will think about this over weekend17:30
pedroniswe really to split the tasks over those two somehow17:30
pedronisor we get again a misaligned state17:30
pedroniszyga: what I mean for example   on undo  the undo of unlin-current-snap should resetup the profile of the old revision17:30
pedronisthat's not how it works now though17:31
pedronisis done much earlier in the undo of setup-profiles17:31
pedroniszyga: conceptuall the sequence should have been (but isn't also because of optimisation):  unlink-current-snap -> remove-profiles -> ... -> setup-profiles -> link-snap17:33
pedronisthat's really the sequence we want to collapse into the *link* tasks17:34
pedronisto get correct state behavior17:34
pedronisotherwise we still the bug on undo17:34
zygasetup profiles has correct undo handling _now_ but I see how the collapse needs to change that17:34
pedronisyes, it doesn't work17:34
pedronisbecause again we would on undo setup profiles17:34
pedroniswhile the snap is inactive17:35
pedronisit needs to be done in the undo of unlink-current-snap17:35
zygaright, I agree; when I said correct I meant undo (if it has the right state) does the setup for the correct revision17:35
zygamborzecki, Pharaoh_Atem: can you ack https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/61854017:36
zyga(if you agree :)17:36
zygathis is up-to-date with master and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/537717:36
mupPR #5377: packaging/opensuse: remaining packaging updates for 2.33.1 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5377>17:36
zygaso please review 5377 first17:36
zygaand if that is ok, ack the sync request17:36
mupPR snapd#5329 closed: DON'T REVIEW: tests: Adding debug information to know why econnreset is failing <Blocked> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5329>18:35
* cachio akf19:00
zygaPharaoh_Atem: how do you like it?19:01
* zyga feels much better today, having spent a few hours outside19:02
zygaI should plan an active outdoor weekend19:02
zygaSon_Goku: how do you like my rpmtools script?19:03
Son_Gokuzyga, hadn't seen it, sorry19:03
Son_Gokuwasn't at my desk19:04
zygano worries19:04
zygaI will play with it to be more full-featured19:04
niemeyerpstolowski: Sorry, the meeting has overrun19:06
niemeyerpstolowski: I'm available to do it now if you still want to19:06
Son_Gokuzyga, it looks nice!19:07
zygaI'll make it read the rest of the changelog and model it19:07
zygastick a license on top19:07
zygaand then look at spec files19:07
pstolowskiniemeyer: yep, let's19:07
zygato read embedded changelogs from fedora-like systems19:07
niemeyerpstolowski: Cool, heading to the standup19:07
Son_Gokuzyga: nice19:08
zygapstolowski: what's the topic?19:08
Son_Gokunote that RPM now supports two time styles19:08
pstolowskizyga: yes19:08
mupPR snapd#5381 opened: interfaces: make findSnapdPath smarter <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5381>19:08
zygacan I listen?19:08
Son_Gokuthe one in changes files, and the one you've seen in spec files19:08
pstolowskizyga: sure19:08
zygaSon_Goku: oh? they are different?19:08
zygaI didn't notice19:08
zygasome testing required :)19:08
zygaI'll write a spec file _for_ this tool19:08
zygacool, I'll keep you in the loop19:09
zygaSon_Goku: I also plan to see how gitlab CI works19:09
zygato see if I can do a pipeline with mypy/tests, package builds and maybe even publishing19:10
pedroniszyga: niemeyer: there is another thing to consider with the plan we discussed, which is what to do about things guaranteed by ifacemanager Runner blocked predicate, now we would have potentially tasks across two managers/runners19:10
zygaah, because setup-profiles would block in the old world but not in the new one (naively) without extra help, correct?19:11
pedronisand blocking is messy because two managers/runners19:14
pedronisunless we set them up with one runner19:15
pedroniswhich is theoritecally possible19:15
pedronisbut the predicate would be more involved than the current one19:15
pedroniszyga: I wrote something in the topic about what IĀ understand of the plan and also describing this issue19:20
zygaThank you, I will look at it after the call19:21
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
zygaPharaoh_Atem: do you want to review the changes to opensuse packaging?19:48
zygaor shall I pull the trigger and just merge it?19:48
* zyga merges it19:52
mupPR snapd#5377 closed: packaging/opensuse: remaining packaging updates for 2.33.1 <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5377>19:53
ondrakyrofa ping20:44
kyrofaHey there ondra20:48
ondrakyrofa hey20:48
kyrofaYou're up late!20:48
ondrakyrofa just quick question :)20:48
kyrofaHit me20:49
ondrakyrofa I know :(20:49
ondrakyrofa is there plan to support layouts definitions natively or we will rely on passthrough?20:49
kyrofaondra, oh certainly, just using passthrough while layouts are unstable20:50
ondrakyrofa I have situation where I need to overlay ust/lib/<arch>/something20:50
kyrofaondra, feel free to experiment using passthrough, it won't suddenly break once we introduce official support20:51
ondrakyrofa and struggling to come up with syntax to make it combined with "- to armhf:"20:51
kyrofaOh, that'll be problematic indeed20:51
ondrakyrofa so I use passthrough for this in other projects20:52
kyrofaondra, your concern is the <arch> I'm assuming?20:52
ondrakyrofa but here I'd need in top level support for "to <arch>:20:52
kyrofaYeah, no such thing I'm afraid20:52
kyrofaThis is just to support the <arch> in there, right?20:52
ondrakyrofa I guess I cannot use "to <arch> in top level right?20:53
ondrakyrofa well there could be two ways20:53
kyrofaCorrect. But try replacing <arch> with $SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET20:53
ondrakyrofa ah that is there?20:53
ondrakyrofa let me try20:53
ondrathis could solve it20:54
kyrofaondra, only in snapcraft, but it'll should turn into a text replacement for the resulting snap.yaml20:54
mupPR snapd#5382 opened: tests: add halt-timeout to google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5382>20:54
ondrakyrofa damn close20:56
ondrakyrofa so it replaces only one20:56
kyrofaI'm not sure I understand20:56
ondrakyrofa https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QWpVVsk6MC/20:57
kyrofaondra, nooo, that's terrible20:58
kyrofaLet me look into that real quick20:59
ondrakyrofa how's that possible? :D20:59
ondrakyrofa thanks bunch!20:59
kyrofaI suspect a naive search/replace20:59
ondrakyrofa no I think I know why21:02
ondrakyrofa it's deliberate21:02
ondrakyrofa because when you for example use there $SNAP_COMMON21:03
ondrakyrofa this cannot be replaces there it has only meaning on actual install21:03
ondrakyrofa so I guess there is some rule21:03
ondrakyrofa but you do not expect this to be used in actual target, as there is no point overlay your own files, since you have control over those anyway21:04
ondrakyrofa but may be we should treat snapcraft's own environment variables differently as those on opposite have no meaning on actual install21:05
kyrofaIndeed, and we do. The replacement isn't very smart, it seems21:06
kyrofaWe pass everything through except these specific types of things21:07
ondrakyrofa is there easy fix for this?21:15
kyrofaondra, yes, but it's a snapcraft fix, working on it now21:16
kyrofaondra, I can give you a branch once I'm done, if that's helpful21:16
ondrakyrofa ah, thanks buch!21:16
ondrakyrofa yeah21:16
kyrofaOkay give me a few21:16
ondrakyrofa sure :)21:16
zygakyrofa: note, layout spec is stable21:20
zygait's the implementation that varies21:20
zygaI think it'd be nice if we could get layouts yaml into snapcraft proper now21:20
zygaand hey :)21:21
zygayes, it's late21:21
* zyga experiments with opensuse 21:21
ondrazyga :)21:25
ondrazyga so need for snap set core has been removed?21:25
kyrofaondra, any chance you could log a bug for me? Got it licked21:26
zygaondra: not yet21:26
zygabut that's the implementation21:26
zyganot the yaml21:26
zygakyrofa: licked?21:26
ondrakyrofa sure, I can do that21:26
* zyga burns some recovery DVDs 21:26
kyrofazyga, snapcraft can't break backward compat. As long as you have it behind a feature flag, you can. Until you can't, seems imprudent to bake it into snapcraft21:27
zygaI'll do my best to get it off feature flags21:27
kyrofaIf we didn't have passthrough, it would be different21:27
kyrofazyga, you've never heard someone say "licked" before?21:28
zygano, that's why I'm curious21:28
zygaI recall some cartoon21:28
ondrazyga I'm all for that feature, I have even git snap pending for release :D21:28
zygawhen it was clear that this has a second meaning21:28
kyrofazyga, it's a colloquialism, just meaning to beat a problem21:29
zygaI see21:30
* zyga mutters something about midnight petroleum 21:32
ondrakyrofa https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/177828721:32
mupBug #1778287: snapcraft not replacing all occurrences of $SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1778287>21:32
ondrakyrofa I had even evil hack idea to fix it on LP, unfortunately not working21:33
ondrakyrofa I called from one override-build: sed -i 's/\/usr\/lib\/.*\/ondra/\/usr\/lib\/'"$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET"'\/ondra/g' ../../../snap/snapcraft.yaml21:33
ondrakyrofa but one can't cheat snapcraft :)21:34
* cachio afk21:38
kyrofaDeath, taxes, and snapcraft21:39
mupPR snapcraft#2166 opened: project_loader: replace dict keys as well as values <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2166>21:42
kyrofaondra, that's ^ the one you want. I'm building a snap of it now21:42
ondrakyrofa how can I test with snapcraft-pr?21:43
kyrofasnapcraft-pr.init 216621:43
kyrofaThen use `snapcraft-pr 2166` instead of `snapcraft` in any command21:43
mupPR #2166: snap: stop using ubuntu-core-launcher, use snap-confine <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2166>21:43
ondrakyrofa running clean build now21:50
kyrofaondra, snapcraft-pr will get angry if you try to cleanbuild. It's the same as running from source: you can't cleanbuild, it'll just pull in the deb21:51
kyrofaondra, if you want to cleanbuild, wait for the snap, or install snapcraft-pr inside a clean container and run it normally in there21:51
kyrofaLP claims the amd64 snap is 8 minutes away21:52
ondrakyrofa worked :D21:52
ondrakyrofa this is simple snap, only stage packages + dump plugin21:52
kyrofaAwesome! Mind mentioning that on the PR?21:52
kyrofaondra, would releasing the snap in a branch be helpful to you, or should I cancel that?21:53
ondrakyrofa you can cancel that21:54
ondrakyrofa I'd need it in LP more21:55
ondrakyrofa but not super urgent21:55
ondrakyrofa I can manually repack21:55
kyrofaondra, yeah, sorry, not a log I can do about that, but it'll be in the next release21:55
ondrakyrofa yeah I know for that we need LP start using snapcraft as snap21:56
ondrakyrofa but apparently in works21:56
ondrakyrofa but nothing urgent for me now, so I can wait for next release :)21:57
ondrakyrofa thanks bunch for quick fix though :)21:57
cjwatsonondra: you can select it manually22:02
ondracjwatson how can I do that?22:02
cjwatsonondra: currently API-only - see auto_build_channels on https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#snap, or channels on https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#snap-requestBuild22:03
ondracjwatson this is awesome,  I can see one can choose edge of core :D22:05
cjwatson(I have a patch in the review queue to add web UI for it, but you can use it without that)22:05
cjwatsonyeah, that's mostly intended for QA22:05
ondracjwatson pretty cool22:06
kyrofaondra, of course!22:06

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