
cpaelzergood morning05:24
lordievaderGood morning06:08
ahasenackrbasak: hi, morning12:05
ahasenackrbasak: one more g-u question, and I think I asked this already before, but can't remember the answer12:06
ahasenackhow do I record in a merge that a previous debian release not only fixed a debian bug (closes: #xxx), but also an ubuntu bug?12:06
ahasenacklet's say we have 1.1-1, 1.1-1ubuntu1, 1.1-2 (Closes: #xx), 1.1-3, 1.1-3ubuntu1 <- my merge12:07
rbasakahasenack: I don't think there's a common pattern to use. You can use free text to explain what happened in your latest changelog entry mentioning the bug. Or close the LP bug manually.13:16
ahasenackrbasak: oh, I had a question I forgot15:24
ahasenackrbasak: how can I run dep8 tests with packages from a ppa?15:24
ahasenack       --add-apt-source='deb http://MIRROR SUITE COMPONENT...'15:25
ahasenack^maybe I just need that in the command line15:25
ahasenackyeah, I'll try that15:25
ahasenackrbasak: n/m, carry on )15:25
naccahasenack: iirc, that's documented on the ubuntu wiki16:38
=== Redfoxmoon is now known as graphitefox
=== graphitefox is now known as Redfoxmoon
stationso yesturday I recived my first server motherboard A1SRi-2758F set up jumper correctly connected PSU, SSD, keyboard, VGA Monitor and USB OMVault from IMPI started everything OK but noooo since a day I trie to find the solution to the reboots switched PSU, HDD … it restarts itself randomly without any flicker of the LEDS as if it would lose power all seems by the book. Usualy I reach finish coppy of OMV to HDD and even reachin18:32
stationinal settings to finish install.18:32
stationbut even when only browse the Bios still the same18:33
sarnoldstation: did anything make it to the logs?18:40
sarnoldstation: does the bios expect a watchdog program to run after boot?18:41
stationbios watchdog enabled and jumper set18:41
stationon IMPI ??18:42
blackflowin the OS that's rebooting, silly. :)18:43
stationthere isent yet a OS besides the Instal USB stick with OMV18:44
blackflowoh sorry, thought it was ubuntu server issue.18:44
naccwhy are you asking about omvault or hardware issues in #ubuntu-server?18:45
naccstation: --^18:45
stationit only nearly finishes install from USB, didnt yet boot from HDD18:45
stationhardware issues18:45
stationOMV is only the testing18:45
naccstation: right, so ask in ##hardware?18:46
naccstation: sounds like buggy hardware18:46
stationserver hardware …18:46
stationok sory18:46
naccstation: ubuntu server (the software product) can't do anything with buggy hardware18:46
nacci feel like that's rather obvious18:47
naccget your hardware in order18:47
UssatWAT !!!! come on......why cant Ubuntu fix hardware now :)18:48
Ussat(I jets obviousely)18:49
sarnold"bios watchdog enabled"18:50
sarnoldI have to wonder if this is exactly his  problem18:50
GoopYo, I'm trying to play Minecraft (a Java game) on an Ubuntu server. I was able to VNC into the server, but the game crashes because it doesn't see a screen to use.19:18
GoopHow do I fix this?19:18
dlloydrunning it how?19:19
nacc!crosspost | Goop19:21
ubottuGoop: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.19:21
naccthey are already being helped in #ubuntu19:21
Goopvnc4server, running the Ubuntu gnome.19:21
naccahasenack: fwiw, i think it's easier to put the LP: # in the changelog (so that it's tied to the upload in Launchpad and if a user is affectged by the bug). Also makes it easier to figure out SRUs that way.20:24
ahasenacknacc: but it wasn't fixed in that particular version referred to in the changelog, it was fixed before in an intermediary debian release20:24
naccahasenack: but in ubuntu, it ws20:25
ahasenackright, in ubuntu, that's the upload that fixes it20:25
naccthe effet is this upload to ubuntu does close that bug *in ubuntu*20:25
naccahasenack: it's also less work for you in theory :)20:26
naccahasenack: alternatively, you could link the MP manually too20:27
ahasenackthat I did20:27
naccah ok20:27
ahasenackbut it won't close the bug on its own20:27
ahasenacknacc: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/samba/+git/samba/+merge/34842420:28
naccahasenack: ah thanks; i just saw the mail20:28
naccddstreet: thanks for showing me up :-P21:01
ddstreetnacc lol nah just reinforcing what you said :)21:02
naccddstreet: yeah, i probably should have done more cursory grepping :)21:02

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