
RoadRunnerwhere can I get "simple" instructions on how to build Pidgin 2.13.0 from source for xubuntu 16.04 and xubuntu 18.04?02:50
pragomerhi. does xubuntu 18.04 support secure-boot?05:51
pmjdebruijnpragomer: IIRC it should06:30
pmjdebruijnprobably all ubuntu derivatives06:30
pmjdebruijnsince a few years06:31
pmjdebruijnpragomer: trivial to test of course :)06:31
pragomerok thank you very muc06:46
Nikola_88hi guys i've installed xubuntu on a macbook pro 3.1. I have a problem with the keyboard: i can't use symbols like the "at" key. I tried to search on web but nothing helps me.07:56
Nikola_88someone can help me?08:05
pmjdebruijnpresumably you didn't select the correct keymap during the install?08:10
* pmjdebruijn is just guessing08:10
Nikola_88yes this is the problem: what is the correct keymap to use? i tried generic 104 keys PC, Apple, Macbook/macbookpor (intel)08:16
Nikola_88but nothings seems to work properly08:16
pmjdebruijnno clue sorry I never had any Macs08:17
jiminiHello everyone. I installed Xubuntu 18.04 yesterday and I am running kernel Since this morning, the screen stays black wheen I boot up the system - before, I enter the passphrase to decrypt my disk and afterwards, the screen stays black. The system is reachable via SSH. Xorg.0.log shows the following errors: (EE) modeset(G0): eglGetDisplay() failed; (EE) modeset(G0): glamor initialization failed; (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed09:09
jiminito initiate mode change.; (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to complete mode change. What is the problem here? With the system boots up fine09:09
pmjdebruijnno clue09:10
pmjdebruijnNVIDIA blobs drivers are prone to random failures09:10
pmjdebruijnyou could try reinstalling the nvidia driver package09:10
pmjdebruijnbut stick around, maybe someone else has a better idea09:11
bluesabreFurretUber: Parole doesn't do anything specific for video proportions. If you're seeing an issue, it's likely a GStreamer bug. Can you also test with totem (GNOME Videos)?09:34
FurretUberbluesabre: I have installed Totem and it is able to find the correct proportion of the videos. As what I've seen so far, this problem is exclusive to Parole. I have tested with VLC, MPV, FFplay, Totem and Parole. I reported a bug (against Cosmic) about this before: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parole/+bug/177815312:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1778153 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole can't find the correct proportion for many videos" [Undecided,New]12:54
tribal_zenGood afternoon everyone.19:36
tribal_zenHave a quick question, i'm noticing a lot of lag, sometimes stuttering and screen tears when running normal tasks. Web surfing, mostly. I keep checking for updates and proprietary drivers, everything is up to date.19:40
diogenes_what gpu?19:42
tribal_zenAMD Radeon R619:43
tribal_zenRunning a HP 17-g121wm laptop19:43
tribal_zen8GB RAM, Quad-Core 3.2GHz CPU19:44
diogenes_could try Option "TearFree" "on"19:45
tribal_zenNo idea where to find that. Kinda new to the Xubuntu DE. Also wouldn't help the other issues i seem to be having.19:46
diogenes_open the terminal19:47
drleviathantribal_zen, the load on your laptop is low?  did you try running 'top' or some top-util alternative to see if there is a process consuming CPU/memory?20:24
drleviathantribal_zen, try turning off xfce eye candy.  That is, disable: Settings --> Window Manager Tweaks --> Compositor --> Enable display compositing20:26
kumoolhow to restart the xfwm?23:53

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