
IrcsomeBot1<ace_player> Hello, I have a quick question.  I noticed backports are enabled by default on Kubuntu 18.04.  I understand Kubuntu is moving to Plasma 5.13 soon via backports. … If I disable the backport repo will I continue to get point updates to 5.12 LTS?  I have a machine I'd like to keep very stable on the LTS is appealing to me.  Thanks!00:03
punkgeekHello guys, sorru what can i do with this error:01:50
punkgeekorg.kde.kcoreaddons: Error loading plugin "kcm_lookandfeel" "The shared library was not found."01:50
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geekdeedyhello everyone04:40
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fred_munchgday every1. :)06:34
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user|50774Hi there!10:30
user|50774How can I add a new language for keyboard with english to be 2 languages10:31
user|50774Guys, coutd you help me?10:32
user|50774could you help me?10:32
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BluesKajhowdy folks12:38
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RoeyBluesKaj: heya!12:59
BluesKajhi Roey13:06
RoeySo I had opened up systemsettings5, and saw that there was nothing to Apply13:06
Roeyi.e. out of the three choices (commercial driver, latest driver in kubuntu, nouveau) it was already on "latest driver"13:07
RoeyBluesKaj: when I try to do apt-get --reinstall nvidia-384 (over nvidia-390), it still didnt' build the kernel module13:07
Roeyor install it13:07
RoeyI was thinking apt-get --purge nvidia-384 and --purge nvidia-390, then to install 384.13:07
Roeybut this is shooting from the hip13:07
Roeywhat I need to know is why it's not placing that kernel module there.13:08
BluesKajRoey:  just try removing the 390 driver, don't purge is necessary13:09
BluesKajdon't think13:09
RoeyI've already removed it.13:10
Roeythen I do "locate nvidia.ko" and get this:13:10
Roeyand those are the only two locations.13:11
Roeyand my kernel is:13:11
RoeyLinux gear 4.15.0-23-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 23 18:02:16 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:11
Roeyso it is 4.15.0-23-generic, not 4.15.0-20-generic.13:11
BluesKajare you running 18.04 ?13:14
Roeyyes I am.13:17
BluesKajRoey:  I'm on 18.10 Cosmix so I'm not sure what the latestkernel is on Bionic13:18
RoeyI didn't realize 18.10 is out13:18
BluesKajerr Cosmic13:18
BluesKajI'm a Kubuntu tester so I'm usually running dev OSs13:19
Roeyohhhh okay then.13:19
RoeyBluesKaj: well mine is 4.15.0-23-generic, as I said13:19
BluesKajok, BRB , gonna check my kernel on bionic13:19
BluesKajyup, it's the 4.15.0-23-generic.13:24
BluesKajnothing unusual there, what's uname -a giving you13:25
BluesKajok, now just go into system-settings as a user not root , so use the kmenu and system-settings>driver manager . It scans your HW and shows which gpu driver is recommended. I know this sounds repetitious, but it works13:31
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|SzykCech|I have question (after failed with googling): Is Kubuntu 18.04 30bit colour depth?!? I am wonder if I get any benefit buing Radeon Pro instead some dirty cheap card...14:28
|SzykCech|I have question (after failed with googling): Is Kubuntu 18.04 30bit colour depth ready?!? I am wonder if I get any benefit buing Radeon Pro instead some dirty cheap card...14:28
Elw3I doubt the os matters here.14:30
RoeyBluesKaj: I've done that though14:42
Roeyas non root14:42
skorlupkaElw3: I think he doesn't need advanced video card because he won't be able to force it work anyway. You know, tearing and so on14:42
Roeythis is just the behavior I see, what I wrote above14:42
Elw3Ive never heard of 30bit srceens actually.14:47
Elw3Is a rar program not part of a mint install?15:10
oerheksrar is an archive, not used by mint or other not-really-ubuntu15:18
Elw3"fresh" not _mint_15:19
oerheksit is pop. software, paid, so not suitable for opensource15:19
Elw3I see. I thought the file is broken upon reading unable to open.15:20
oerheksyou need the unrar util to open it.15:21
Elw3Wasnt there an unrar-free package at some point?15:22
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Elw3Urhg the network usage icon does not work.16:03
Elw3And i cant find any theme/iconset that does not look like shit.16:04
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_jamwhen I click on the "add widgets" control, nothing happens. and i've managed to lose my task manager and system tray on 18.0417:43
_jamnot seeing any known bugs about this17:43
_jamit's kinda making things unusable for me17:45
diogenes__jam, fresh install?17:54
diogenes_so since when u got the issue?17:55
_jamand happened after getting hit by this i think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/177495017:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1774950 in linux (Ubuntu) "Suspend fails in Ubuntu and Kubuntu 18.04 but works fine in Ubuntu and Kubuntu 17.10 (and on Kubuntu 18.04 using kernel 4.14.47)" [Medium,Confirmed]17:55
_jamfile corruption possible?17:56
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> @_jam, I suggest renaming ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.17:57
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> That file sometimes is corrupted during upgrades and cause strange desktop behavior.17:57
diogenes_ohhh the suspend can do a lot of harm, it damaged a chip on my laptop so since then i never again use suspend17:57
diogenes_i won't suggest suspend anyway, shutdown only17:58
_jamDarinMiller, ok that seems like a reasonable approach17:59
_jamyea, suspend shouldn't damage hardware, that seems like bad advice17:59
_jamI suspect I need to log out, do this, then log back in. so let me do that. will be back in a minute18:00
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> 👍🏼18:01
_jamDarinMiller: that seems to have worked, THANK!18:02
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> good to hear. :)18:02
_jamI assumed it was some corrupt file, but hell if I knew which one18:03
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Yes, it took me awhile to find it also...18:03
_jamgoing to try restoring from a backup and see how that goes. then it's time to get back in to the office :/18:04
_jamand this is why backups were invented. everything restored to normal18:07
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goose_So I'm having22:30
goose_So I'm having an issue with fonts blurring on Ubuntu 18.04. I'm using KDE 5.12.5 with Nvidia 396 drivers. I've tried reinstalling the drivers, turning off composition pipeline, and adjusting font antialiasing in the font settings. Nothing has worked so far. Any help?22:30
goose_here is an example, though it will sometimes come into focus and then just blur again. It's usually worse than this pic22:30
lateneanyone know tricks for getting Kubuntu accept a multi gpu mining rig set up?23:30

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