[11:56] hello ubuntu-motu, I have a pending bionic SRU which is porting a simple patch from Debian unstable: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libjsyntaxpane-java/+bug/1770809 [11:56] Launchpad bug 1770809 in libjsyntaxpane-java (Ubuntu Bionic) "[bionic SRU] Port libjsyntaxpane-java 0.9.6~r156-7 java9 crash to bionic" [Undecided,New] [11:57] last time I was told on #ubuntu-devel that I shall add DEP3 info to the other (trivial) patch, too [11:57] [11:57] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libjsyntaxpane-java/+bug/1770809 [11:57] [11:57] Launchpad bug 1770809 in libjsyntaxpane-java (Ubuntu Bionic) "[bionic SRU] Port libjsyntaxpane-java 0.9.6~r156-7 java9 crash to bionic" [Undecided,New] [11:58] Now I did this and updated the ticked (#1770809) [11:58] would someone please consider sponsoring this, or shall I ask on #ubuntu-devel? [16:19] fnatter`: I can sometime today (US Central) [16:46] tsimonq2: many thanks. Please tell me if you need something :-) [19:22] tsimonq2: Please sync oidentd. [22:40] I'm also interested in getting somewhat involved with backports, I have things I upload to Debian and might be handy to have them in Ubuntu backports rather than just backporting to my own PPA. Along those lines, I'd also +1 LP 1778262, as I have it backported to my PPA myself... [22:40] Launchpad bug 1778262 in Bionic Backports "Please backport Telegram Desktop 1.3.7 (universe) from cosmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1778262