
tsimonq2So, !x86 builders are out right now due to a fire in the datacenter.01:46
tsimonq2I'll work on some more Qt stuff on the Debian side tonight, but Ubuntu stuff will have to wait until they recover.01:47
mamarleyA fire‽  How bad was it?  Was anyone hurt?  Are the builders destroyed or just temporarily out-of-commission?01:52
valoriedatacenter usually means that it gets auto-locked down and filled with gas01:53
valoriethen they have to wait until the gas can be sucked out and everything cools01:53
tsimonq2mamarley: For the first three questions you'll have to ask wgrant in #launchpad. I've heard estimates of 12-48 hours on things being back up, but as far as I can tell, no permanent damage.01:54
valoriebefore going inside to check on the damage01:54
tsimonq2valorie: You're probably right.01:54
valorieI have a friend in linuxchix who used to run datacenters01:54
valoriemaybe still does01:54
tsimonq2Ah. sarnold in #ubuntu-flavors read the incident report, perhaps you could ask him whether you're right or not.01:55
tsimonq2I don't doubt it's plausible, but I'm curious as to what the full story is. :)01:55
mitya57lisandro: let’s talk about qtchooser closer to Qt 6 release :)10:41

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