
linux_noob4anyone use steam flatpak? seems troublesome when trying to browse local folders00:04
landofcakeah ... I think I've found the problem ... something utterly absurd had made it's way into my sources.list00:05
landofcakebut that is real hard to find based on the updater failure00:05
R13oseThanks all00:06
qwebirc49809hello jonta?00:11
qwebirc49809hello anyone?00:13
qwebirc49809i want someone which has some experience with dual-booting00:14
compdocqwebirc49809, welcome to the land of ubuntu00:14
linux_noob4 Is it me you're looking for?00:15
qwebirc49809aye noob00:15
compdocnope. ty tho00:15
qwebirc49809u remember me, i guess udek me00:16
Mibixqwebirc49809 i guess i dual boot00:16
qwebirc49809aye mibix00:16
Mibixhavent booted back in to windows for more than 5 min though00:16
qwebirc49809look i need some serious help00:16
qwebirc49809now look00:16
* Mibix looks00:17
* Dragoneye looks too00:17
qwebirc49809i want to install ubuntu, on a Windows 7 machine, 2 ntfs partitions, one for windows, and one for my personal files, i already freed some space for ubuntu, but what partitions i should create, and how, and how many?00:17
qwebirc49809windows is C: and my files are on D:00:18
qwebirc49809i will really, really apperciate it if you help me00:18
Mibixso you want a second partition on the same drive you boot windows to?00:18
qwebirc49809dual-boot on the same HDD00:19
qwebirc49809(well i can't afford an ext hdd)00:20
Mibixso you need to shrink your windows partition and leave unallocated space then run the ubuntu install00:20
qwebirc49809i've got space, i have 60gigs, will be they enough for basic stuff?00:20
qwebirc49809or i guess i will make it 7000:20
Mibix60 should be way more than enough for a base install00:21
qwebirc49809oh alright00:21
qwebirc49809so no shrinking00:21
qwebirc49809i opened gparted00:22
qwebirc49809what now?00:22
Mibixmake sure its unallocated00:22
Mibixthen just use the ubuntu install and select the partition and it should do everything else automatically00:22
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: If you dont mind reading a bit:  www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/00:22
Mibixit doesnt sound like you need anything wildly complicated00:22
qwebirc49809yeah its unallocated00:23
qwebirc49809yes, non complicated stuff00:23
Mibixit will make a new grub config and you can select ubuntu or windows at boot00:23
Mibixit should defaunt to ubuntu00:23
qwebirc49809Dragoneye: i think that getting support from people directly is more guranteed to work, i guess00:23
Mibixafter like 10 seconds?00:23
Mibixqwebirc49809 no00:23
Mibixdocumentation is always more accurate00:24
qwebirc49809how do i create partitions?00:24
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: mostly i get the RTFM and google first ;-)00:24
qwebirc49809soo, i should follow that guide00:24
Mibixthe installer media should do everything for you as long as you select the right install location00:24
qwebirc49809also, cant i get scrolling via the middle wheel click to work, the wheel isnt working propely00:25
Mibixthat comes later00:25
qwebirc49809im going to buy a new mouse anyways00:25
qwebirc49809not now00:25
Mibixif it works in windows its usually just a matter of settings in linux00:26
Mibixmy back and forward keys didnt used to work but now they do after some reading00:26
Mibix(on my mouse)00:26
jeffreeanyone here experiencing the weird bug where clicking something causes the whole screen to be highlighted or for something far away to be clicked or for some link to he held by the pointer as if being dragged? I'm using gnome in ubuntu 18.04, I only know for sure that it happens in firefox.00:27
Mibixqwebirc49809 you can get almost anything to work with ubuntu it just takes some reading and patience ive learned00:27
ToadisattvaI haven't really had any issues like that myself00:27
Dragoneyejeffree: Yes there is something not right.00:27
Toadisattvahave you tried a different mouse?00:28
Toadisattvamaybe sticky button or something?00:28
qwebirc49809no no, the middle wheel scrolling mechanism is broken physically00:28
DragoneyeGraphics, not mouse!00:28
qwebirc49809my mouse is the fault00:28
jeffreeI really don't think it's the mouse, but I can't prove that. Don't have another working mouse to test.00:29
jeffreeDragoneye: are you saying you experience this too?00:29
ToadisattvaI'm using 18.04 with gnome and firefox as my main browser as well so I don't think it's a software/buntu issue00:30
qwebirc49809i saw this on the guide "use a swap partition only if you have limited RAM resources or you use a fast SSD" i dont have a fast ssd, neither ssd, i have an hdd, but, i didnt understand "if you only have limited ram resource"00:30
Dragoneyejeffree: I see there is some flickering when overlapping windows with example a progress bar or something.00:30
jeffreeDragoneye: yes, that has been happening since 17.10, at least00:30
jeffreegnome-terminal does it for sure00:31
jeffreealso, I'm using Xorg00:31
Dragoneyejeffree: I have installed nVida drivers, does not help00:31
jeffreeDragoneye: but, have you experienced the problem I described?00:32
jeffreethe original problem00:32
Dragoneyejeffree: Do have dual display desktop and multiple cameras on one of them, mybe that is the course?00:32
jeffreeDragoneye: "Do have"?00:33
Dragoneyejeffree: have!00:33
Dragoneyejeffree: :-)00:34
qwebirc49809could someone answer my question, please?00:34
Dragoneyejeffree: Did not look for that "bug" before installing nVidia driver.   Dont know if Nuoveo drivers have the same issue.00:35
oerheksqwebirc49809, ubuntu 18.04 uses a swap file, so to your first question, let ubuntu do the partitioning of the free space00:38
qwebirc49809oerheks: in case i have 60 gigs of free space, can ubuntu use all of home,swap,and boot partition size?00:39
oerhekssure :-)00:40
qwebirc49809for example: if ubuntu used 10 gigs of space, would i be able to use all of the left space, so if i wanted to fill the partitions, can i fill all of the 50 gigs left?00:40
Toadisattvayes you can00:41
qwebirc49809of like, documents, games (using wine ofc), programs etc?00:41
qwebirc49809ah alright00:42
qwebirc49809but why when i followed the instructions on "https://www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/" the author of the guide didnt create a swap partition00:42
qwebirc49809isn't swap important?00:43
qwebirc49809also, one more last question, when selecting to install ubuntu alongside windows 7, will be C: drive (which is windows 7 drive) affected?00:43
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: only if you exeed the limmit of your RAM,   but newer Linux versions would create a swap file on the same partition if I am not mistacen?00:44
Toadisattvaif windows already has the whole disk ubuntu will ask you to shrink the windows partition so you'll have less space accessible from windows, but it won't mess with any of your existing files/setup00:45
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: If you have a 60GB empty partition and install Linux to, then Win 7 or any other will not get affected.00:45
qwebirc49809it only has 100 gigs of the whole 300 gigs, and D: drive uses about 140 gigs00:46
R13oseThe keyboard is making noise that the mic picks up00:47
qwebirc49809Time to install ubuntu :))00:47
R13oseHow do I fix my issue?00:47
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: Boot a live Ubuntu and resize first.  Or you can install Ubuntu alongside on the same partition.00:47
qwebirc49809i think u should lower the sensivity00:47
qwebirc49809im already on live ubuntu dragoneye00:47
oerheksR13ose, keyboard-noise-killer :-D00:48
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: :-)00:48
qwebirc49809wish me luck00:48
R13oseoerheks: is that a thing? :D00:48
qwebirc49809i will be nordo when i join next time00:48
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: So you have a 60BG unpartitioned space ?00:48
qwebirc49809yes, free, unallocated and unpartitioned space00:49
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: Crossing our fingers for you :-)  Good summer.00:49
qwebirc49809thx :)))00:49
DragoneyeThen you want to check the south check advanced when it comes to partiotioning under install.  there you choose that empty  space.00:49
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: what version are you installing?00:50
qwebirc49809latest, lts00:50
oerheksR13ose, no, it is the placement of the mic that matters00:50
R13oseoerheks: the mic is on the laptop00:51
qwebirc49809which boot loader will be used after i install, windows or ubuntu one (grub)?00:51
qwebirc49809damn bad luck r13ose00:51
oerheksoh, then typing gives resonance00:51
qwebirc49809try to lower the sensivity00:51
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: choose advansed so you can choose that partiotion you just cleared :-)00:51
qwebirc49809it should be a setting00:51
qwebirc49809on the app u are using00:52
R13oseqwebirc49809: happens on all apps00:52
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: something else is the option.00:53
qwebirc49809ah, look, sorry, i aint an expert, not to be mean, look for someone which does know in these things00:53
qwebirc49809aye dragoneye, which boot loader will be used on the machine, grub or windows boot loader?00:54
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: https://www.linuxtechi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Installation-type-Ubuntu18-04.jpg00:54
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: grub00:54
oerheksyes, this is trivia night, Dragoneye :-D00:54
oerheksone point00:54
qwebirc49809cant i change it to the windows one?00:54
oerheks.. this one is 2 points00:55
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: yes00:55
qwebirc49809well then i will change it when i install ubuntu00:55
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: but not booting linux I guess.00:55
qwebirc49809oh damn00:55
qwebirc49809then i think ill be fine with that, as long my dad doesnt use the laptop00:56
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: Grub will boot the windows loader and boot windows.00:56
qwebirc49809any last things to be said before i leave, in case u forgot to tell me something?00:56
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: Will be great if you choose the right options  :-)00:57
qwebirc49809what do u mean?00:57
Toadisattvayou can set it to autoboot into windows for others to use if they are more comfrotable with athat00:58
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: As you have learned here :-)00:58
Toadisattvaand just hold shift to load up grub and boot buntu when you want to00:58
Toadisattvaif you don't want ppl fiddling with your grub menu00:58
qwebirc49809woah really, does that work?00:58
Dragoneyetimeout is 10s No need for shift00:59
qwebirc49809that will be awesome00:59
Toadisattvaah yeah you can set the timeout too00:59
* Dragoneye in my case.00:59
qwebirc49809alright, thanks00:59
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: www.linuxtechi.com/ubuntu-18-04-lts-desktop-installation-guide-screenshots/00:59
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: last review?01:00
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: Here you choose the option "something else"  and chose your 60BG empty spot  :-)01:01
DragoneyeThen your off to fly on your own, good speed my friend.01:01
qwebirc49809haha, thanks dude01:01
qwebirc49809um just click on the free space then click "install now" right?01:02
imbainsikAnyone here kind enough to share there personal iptables and ufw script? newbie here :(01:02
qwebirc49809Thank you all so much01:02
qwebirc49809dragoneye, thank you :))01:02
qwebirc49809wait wait and01:02
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: np! hope to see you again!01:03
qwebirc49809device for boot loader installation, which one?01:03
Dragoneyesda usaly01:03
qwebirc49809which one? the free space?01:03
Dragoneyeboot loader on sda01:03
qwebirc49809ah my hdd then01:04
qwebirc49809not a specific partition then01:04
qwebirc49809"/dev/sda" thats it01:04
Dragoneyenope, just wich harddrive01:04
Dragoneyethe harddrive that the compouter is booting from01:04
qwebirc49809oh and i will be nordo when i get here next time01:04
Dragoneyenordo?   As in nordover?01:05
qwebirc49809no idea about that xD, just thought in my mind "oh what my name will be, im wondering..." and then this came to my mind xD01:06
DragoneyeDont know the lingo, but in Norwegian it means norht01:06
DragoneyeNot a bad name ;-)01:06
qwebirc49809BAII BAAAAAAi01:06
DragoneyeDont know the lingo, but in Norwegian it means northways01:06
qwebirc49809no root file system is selected01:07
qwebirc49809is defined*01:07
DragoneyeThat was a new one...01:08
qwebirc49809hey dragon01:09
qwebirc49809um its telling me that there is no root file system is defined01:09
qwebirc49809oh wait i didnt see the link01:10
qwebirc49809why i just dont click "install alongside windows 7"01:11
DragoneyeYou on live linux?01:12
Toadisattvathat's wut you want to click01:12
qwebirc49809lol what01:12
Dragoneyeok. 1s01:12
qwebirc49809u just sent me a link of an image that i should click on something else01:12
Toadisattvamaybe I'm missing something this should be pretty straightforward install alongsied windows, allocate the patition size, let it install01:13
Toadisattvabam you dual boot01:13
DragoneyeAnd on that sub page there was your empty partition that you should choose.01:13
oerhekshe knows all this, he is busy for days with the same problem01:13
oerhekswhich is no problem at all01:14
qwebirc49809If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks. Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually.  The partition tables of the following devices are changed:  SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda)  The following partitions are going to be formatted:  partition #5 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext401:14
qwebirc49809yeah sorry, im just a bit worried01:14
qwebirc49809so a new partition will be created (partition #5) huh?01:14
Dragoneyeon your empty space yes01:15
qwebirc49809thanks everybody01:15
qwebirc49809hope i dont mess anything01:15
DragoneyeGotta have a break, this is exciting.01:16
qwebirc49809woah even ubuntu knew that i am using hp g6201:18
qwebirc49809thats alot better than windows01:18
Toadisattvalinux is great at detecting hardware01:20
Toadisattvaway way better than windoze01:20
ToadisattvaI guess with fancy new graphics cards you may want third party drivers, but even those tend to play well wtih the efault out of the box settings01:21
Dragoneyeqwebirc49809: you good?01:21
Toadisattvaerr I should say proprietary drivers01:21
Toadisattvaas the out of the box usually are the third party lol01:21
DragoneyeUsing nVidia drivers always.01:22
R13oseAny ideas on my question?01:34
DragoneyeR13ose: Yes the earth is flat!01:36
RoDiMuS-XThe sky is blue01:37
DragoneyeAnd the mouse is pink01:37
Toadisattvaflat earth is just a nasa conspiracy to distract you from the hollow earth and the cannabilistic humanoid underground dweller that live within it01:37
DragoneyeIf the earth is round, then why is the underside of the mouse flat?01:38
R13oseDragoneye: we knew that01:38
Toadisattvabut wihat of the trackball?01:40
DragoneyeThat proves the round thingy01:40
DragoneyeStill wanders how I can change some of the Nautilus's static upper left column items my own :-)01:42
Toadisattvalike the side menu?01:43
ToadisattvaI think you can click and drag things over there to add them?01:44
Toadisattvalet me see here01:44
Dragoneyeyes, as a bookmark.  and that fappends on the downside01:44
DragoneyeI need one under "documents"01:44
Toadisattvaoh I see01:44
DragoneyeThat I wanna call "Private"01:44
Toadisattvaah the pr0n folder01:45
DragoneyeMy own Preking folder :-D01:45
Toadisattvaeveryone knows you add that to the desktop under :work stuff"01:45
DragoneyeThen we need a Work folder just under the Document one.01:46
NordoI ruined everything01:47
Nordojk ;)01:48
NordoIM GOOD01:48
Toadisattvahappy to be of service01:48
* Toadisattva makes another notch in the belt01:48
Nordothanks again guys01:48
Nordonow if i wanted to expand ubuntu partition more, can i?, so for example: if i want to make the partition to be 70 gigs, instead of 6001:49
DragoneyeNordo: qwebirc49809 thats you? :-D01:50
Nordoyes -_-\01:50
Nordodidnt i tell u that i will be nordo01:50
Dragoneyeyes you did01:50
Nordolemme try ubento01:50
DragoneyeI relapsed  a bit here , good your up :-)01:51
Nordothx bud01:51
Nordolemme install some soft01:51
punkgeekHello guys, sorry what can i do with this error:01:51
punkgeekorg.kde.kcoreaddons: Error loading plugin "kcm_lookandfeel" "The shared library was not found."01:51
Dragoneyeright on01:51
ToadisattvaI'm sure you can resize the partition but I haven't tried that, I'm of the kill your windoae and give it all to linux persuasion01:51
DragoneyeNordo: cannot resize the partition in use01:52
Dragoneyeget back to live01:53
Nordodamn lol, most of the 'games' in ubuntu software are emulators01:53
Nordonah im fine with windows01:53
Toadisattvaplayonlinux is very good for gaming in linux01:53
Nordoanyone has got discord?01:53
Nordotoad, is it like wine?01:53
Toadisattvareally good support forums and a lot of games already included with the right settings01:53
Toadisattvas a frontend for wine01:53
swift110hey all01:54
Toadisattvaso it does the config for you for the most part01:54
Toadisattvagreat little proggy01:54
Nordolemme install it and play RBR on it hell yeaa01:54
Nordoyeah ik that i cant install programs just like windows01:54
Nordosudo get....01:54
Toadisattvasudo apt-get install01:54
Toadisattvasudo apt-get install playonlinux in this case01:54
Toadisattvaor use the software center01:55
Nordoyeah im using that01:55
Nordojust wondering, is linux most used for coding?01:55
ToadisattvaI don't know that coding is it's main use01:57
DragoneyeNordo: sudo  apt search steam01:57
DragoneyeNordo: sudo  apt install steam01:57
Nordoi dont have a steam account01:57
Nordoi dont use steam at all01:58
Toadisattvayep steam has a linux version too01:58
Toadisattvaand you can actually run the windows steam in wine/playonlinux01:58
Dragoneyeok. There is some good games on Linux01:58
Nordojust pirated xD (oh damn i will get arrested for saying that"01:58
Toadisattvayarg mayte01:58
punkgeekanybody have idea about this error?01:58
punkgeek org.kde.kcoreaddons: Error loading plugin "kcm_lookandfeel" "The shared library was not found."01:59
Toadisattvawhat command were you running when you got the error?01:59
Nordoi know, the shared library was not found01:59
Nordoanyways, could someone tell me how to enable mouse wheel click scrolling IN THIS CRAPPY OS!!1!!!!!11!!02:00
ToadisattvaI assume you've done a standard apt update?02:00
punkgeekToadisattva: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3W3s8csm6m/02:01
punkgeekhere is the output02:01
DragoneyeNordo: everything is on the windows key on the left hold it down and the mouse guestures does what you want02:01
ToadisattvaI think that one beyond my paygrade lol02:03
ljcuh so i'm trying to change the hostname on ubuntu server02:03
ljci followed the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic, did a reboot and still it's the old hostname02:04
DragoneyeNordo: ?02:04
DragoneyeNordo: did you sovle it?02:05
Nordonot really02:05
Nordowhen you press on the mouse wheel02:05
Nordoit does enable some sort of scrolling method02:05
Nordobut in ubuntu, it doesnt seem to be able to do that02:06
Dragoneyeahaa.. your talking about some driver for windows that does not work in linux?02:06
Dragoneyewhat kind of mouse do you have?02:07
ljcaight hostnamectl did it..02:09
DragoneyeNordo: Windows does not work in Linux!  live with it. But there is allways a way02:09
ljcnot sure what the point of having hostname binary on the system still is02:09
Toadisattvado you just want it int he browser?02:09
Toadisattvathis might help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/95267/mouse-wheel-click-scrolling-in-firefox02:09
ljcwait i spoke too soon -_-02:10
DragoneyeToadisattva: :-D02:10
Nordooh well that help thx toad02:11
DragoneyeNordo: Toadisattva has a few interresting things.02:11
DragoneyeI have to ro out to my boat and get that sucker not sucked under.  pump pump...02:12
Toadisattvamerrily merrily merrily02:12
Nordohow to mount images02:14
Nordolike isos02:14
xjkxHow do I remove opera ppa ? I have a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera-stable.list t and then the file has: "deb https://deb.opera.com/opera-stable/ stable non-free #Opera Browser (final releases)"02:14
Nordowhat is the best program02:14
ljcalright i had to change the cloud.cfg02:15
ljcwhat is cloud -_-02:15
Toadisattvadisk image mounter should be default02:15
Toadisattvaif you right click do you have a mount option?02:15
Nordolemme see02:16
Nordoim impressed with ubuntu02:16
Nordoit has everything02:16
swift110nice Nordo02:18
* Dragoneye is sloweeely gooing02:20
Dragoneye4x4 witha or 4x4 with02:21
Dragoneyek, hilux it is.02:22
Dragoneyegoing 4 it02:22
Nordogo inside it (lenny face)02:23
DragoneyeTo bad we cannot share images.02:23
Nordou got discord?02:23
DragoneyeThink so.02:23
Nordolemme install it02:23
Dragoneyelemme is dead right?02:24
Nordouh, everyone's mac pro is going to sleep, wtf?02:25
DragoneyeNordo: your a vocal person?02:25
Nordowut m702:26
Nordoim arabic, so lemme translate that word02:26
Nordonope i dont have a mic02:26
Dragoneyediscord installed02:26
Nordonot yet02:26
Nordodo you know discord?02:27
Nordowth, im getting 6.4kb/sec02:28
NordoMy internet is slow and "Very_slow" has joined02:28
DragoneyeHate Discord!   How many cars....  WRONG ANWER!!   How many buissinesses   WRONG ANSWER!02:31
DragoneyeDont care anymore.  take care!02:31
Nordowait u forgot ur discord password?02:32
DragoneyeDid we?02:32
Nordou drunk?02:35
Dragoneyejust trying to rememger the password02:35
ubuntu_newbhello world! Just messed up my computer and I need help!02:36
DragoneyeNordo: And a little drunk.02:36
DragoneyeNordo: little!  :-D02:36
Nordou drink vodka, just like russian, BOOOI02:36
DragoneyeNordo: nope. Beer02:38
Nordoim a muslim, i cant drink that shit02:38
Nordoand i will never02:38
guivercfolks, this is a support room so please stay on topic.02:38
Nordooh alright, sorry02:39
guivercubuntu_newb, outline your issue & you may get help. please use a single line (if possible)02:39
DragoneyeNordo: your calling yourself a Nordo and your a muslim?02:39
Nordoaye, idk what does that mean, that name just went on my mind and i named myself that in this channel02:39
guivercDragoneye, if you want to talk about other things, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, unless its Ubuntu related where #ubuntu-discuss can be used..02:40
ubuntu_newbafter errors loading my machine (entered single user mode) and did not wnat to telinit; Trying to revert to an older kernel I seem to have removed the vmlinux and initrd; I cant even get it to single user mode anymore :(02:40
DragoneyeNordo: just installed the discord and some other people is janking my  chains.   And your a ... anyhow. tnx4talk02:42
ubuntu_newbAfter trying to downgrade my kernel I updated grub and don't have a copy of the original menuentry that I need to get it running02:42
Nordogimme ur goddamn nickname02:42
Nordoand lets move outta this channel before we get banned02:42
DragoneyeNordo: lol02:43
guiverccould it be ubuntu_newb that you're not mounting /boot, thus it appears as if there is nothing there, or did you do something (you think?) that removed older kernels (by default current & 3 older ones should remain from memory)02:43
guiverchow did you try & downgrade your kernel? ubuntu_newb02:45
ubuntu_newbguiverc: well, after various tryies, I was able to rewrite my grub entry and it seems to load /boot but it seems to have an error loading vmlinux...02:47
DragoneyeNOW IM f* tired of this s* discordapp!    Have been clicking this s* with steetlight , roads, houses and whatesver...  Dont care anymore. have a nice day! byby02:47
ubuntu_newbI added and change /vmlinuz02:47
ubuntu_newb I added and change /vmlinuz and /initrd.img links02:48
tomreynthose are maintained automatically, you wouldn't normally need / want to do this.02:49
tomreynubuntu_newb: vmlinuz, zhe thing that's not loading now, is your linux kernel. so linux is not starting at all now.02:49
ubuntu_newbyes, an error in judgement02:50
ubuntu_newbThe other problem is that I have an encypted drive so menuentry can't use this02:50
tomreynubuntu_newb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure explains (in parts) how to recover from a situation similar to this. you could use this approach to reinstall the kernel.02:50
tomreynbut you might be better off reinstalling if you're new.02:51
ubuntu_newboh god no!02:51
tomreynit's not so bad usually.  you just reinstall, which is somewhat quick, and restore your backups.02:52
guivercubuntu_newb, re-installing the OS shouldn't mean you lose any of your data (ie. data in /home/ directories)02:52
tomreynwell they will if its on the same partition02:53
tomreynbut that's why we all have backups, right02:53
ubuntu_newbit is on the same partition; and it (/home/user) is encrypted as well02:53
ubuntu_newbtomreyn: thanks for the link, but I can't find how to add a kernel and initrd from a recovery disk (by the way I am running a recovery disk on the machine right now))02:56
ubuntu_newbI have a backup but its at least a month old02:57
tomreynubuntu_newb: after steps 8 and 9, you purge all kernel images and linux-image-generic* and install linux-image-generic again.02:57
ubuntu_newbohh sorry, i skimmed over chroot part; i thought it was updating the recovery usb03:00
ubuntu_newbtomreyn: when I follow those instructions and upgrade I am not asked to upgrade the kernel (I assume because I manually removed the files); should I try to install directly03:06
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tomreynubuntu_newb: indeed, the system probably thinks that the kernels are still present, and are current.03:08
tomreynubuntu_newb: so you should either reinstall the latest kernel package or purge all kernel packages and reinstall the genric one03:09
tomreynubuntu_newb: manually installing a kernel is not a great way forward.03:09
davido_Is it possible to omit /dev/loop* (/snap/*) devices from 'df' output?03:17
davido_(aside by piping through grep -v '^/snap/') ?03:17
tomreynyou can | grep -v '^/dev/loop'03:18
davido_well yeah.... Though I undersatnd why snaps are included in df output, it still feels an undesireable outcome of using snaps, and was hoping perhaps there were an alternative that didn't rise to the level of alias df='df |grep -v "...'  :)03:20
tomreynmaybe there is, i would not know. there is apt purge snapd03:21
davido_That would remove all snaps though right?03:21
tomreynyes, as well as snapd03:22
guivercif there is, i'm not aware of it.  maybe the snappy room have a answer (or it may start someone thinking about it...)03:22
davido_Hm, wasn't aware of that room.  I'll look for it.03:22
hggdhthere is none. df looks at all filesystems, and reports on them03:22
hggdh/dev/loop happens to be a filesystem, so...03:23
ubuntu_newbtomreyn: Thanks, I've made progress and understand this a little more03:24
hggdhof course, one could use df -t <ftype1> -t <ftype2> ...03:25
tomreynubuntu_newb: glad to hear this, i was wondering what happened to you03:25
ubuntu_newbsorry just going through everything.03:26
tomreynubuntu_newb: nah thats fine, good luck there.03:26
davido_Thanks, that's what I suspected.  -t is good though, as I could set up a decent alias.03:27
hggdhor try df -x squahfs (but this will take out ALL squashfs03:28
muzgoi use ubuntu 16.04.4 on a vaio laptop connected to an external monitor via hdmi. two days ago the cable was disconnected from the vaio and connected to another laptop. when it was connected back, ubuntu couldn't recognize this or any other external display connected display via hdmi. yesterday the hdmi output was shown as disconnected on xrandr, even if the cable was connected, but i could use xrandr to force mirroring the laptop screen to the external monito03:35
tomreyn^ this was cut off  "but i could use xrandr to force mirroring the laptop screen to the external monito" << here due to irc's maximum line length.03:37
muzgooh sorry about that03:38
muzgoyesterday the hdmi output was shown as disconnected on  xrandr, even if the cable was connected, but i could use xrandr to force mirroring the laptop screen to the external  monitor. today, after many tries yesterday, xrandr doesn't even show the hdmi output anymore. i booted live ubuntu  18.04 and fedora 28 and still no hdmi output on xrandr. i pasted some relevant information to03:39
muzgo http://paste.ubunetu.com/p/hV98mXY4hT. any ideas on how to proceed or what the root cause of the problems may be?03:39
tomreynhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hV98mXY4hT/ would be your pastebin url03:42
tomreyndid you try switching off the laptop, removing the battery, too (if that's an option with this model), then switching it back on?03:43
tomreynalso, did you try removing power off the external mointor for some minutes?03:44
tomreyn!es | juan_03:44
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:44
tomreynde nada03:45
bray90820How would I set ubunu to use samba 203:45
bray90820ubuntu 18.0403:45
cw_the_developerhey what's up people03:48
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GeorgeCan anyone help me get ubuntu working on my TI omap zoom2?04:12
guivercGeorge, what is your problem; by stating the problem people in the channel will have more idea of what knowledge is needed & if they can help.  (try and keep to a single line if possible)04:15
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muzgotomreyn: i did not. gonna try it now04:29
muzgobray90820: do you mean SMB2? and in what situation?04:30
Ouyan:el" eff. ,dnl04:32
lotuspsychjeOuyan: can we help you?04:33
uboahello. is there a more apple-notes like app for ubuntu that isn't `snap install notes` (which both is broken [cant resize the window] and doesn't fit well with native theme)?04:34
uboatomboy notes doesn't work for me i don't like that it forces you to use a title04:34
uboai just wanna make a new note and start typing04:35
lotuspsychjeuboa: there are a ton of notes packages mate, like tomboy04:35
lotuspsychjeuboa: apt-cache search notes04:35
lotuspsychjeobobo: or search in your software centre?04:35
uboayeah but are any of them *good*04:35
uboado you have any favorites04:35
lotuspsychjeuboa: i personally like tomboy04:37
lotuspsychjeuboa: not sure what would suit a more macOs notes..never worked with one on apple04:37
uboatry snap install notes04:38
uboahard to look back04:38
mahdi_jahi all04:40
mahdi_jai an connect to android wife hotspot for using internet in pc.04:40
mahdi_jabut i cant not access some site for example ubuntu update server and other04:41
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lotuspsychjeuboa: https://www.ubuntupit.com/13-best-evernote-alternative-note-taking-apps-linux/04:41
mahdi_jabut i test it in windows and with same connection i can open sites04:41
mahdi_jawhy these site not open in ubuntu but open in windows please help me04:42
lotuspsychjemahdi_ja: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html04:44
mahdi_jalotuspsychje, i want use android hotspot not create hotspot in my pc04:49
lotuspsychjemahdi_ja: then you need the android support channel04:50
muzgotomreyn: after taking the battery off, booted one without the hdmi cable, once with it. this last time, the hdmi output shows up on xrandr04:50
muzgostill shows as disconnected, tho. and no second monitor is detected04:51
luxioanyone know of programs that let you make a timelapse?05:10
qwerthi all.. may i ask how to enable non free archive in xenial?05:28
SuperLagI'm confused. Why is the quality of the font/graphics like a roll of the dice for me? A couple days ago, I was asking if it was possible to have a clear/crisp UX on a 32" 4K screen, because things were fuzzy. Today, I reboot into Linux again... and the difference is night and day.05:36
SuperLagI haven't changed any of the configuration, at all.05:36
lotuspsychje!rootirc | root05:54
ubotturoot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.05:54
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guivercSuperLag, a lot of people aren't using 4k screens (refer to % of them in recent 18.04 feedback details); but most importantly many devs don't have them so can't test or develop for them.  some DEs cope better than others, so picking a DE that has concentrated on it may help. fonts, esp. if pre-4k era may not have considered being blown to that magnification.  you may need to be choosy with picking DE, picking apps, fonts etc...05:56
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SuperLagguiverc: just the stock Gnome stuff. Nothing fancy or custom here. Installed a few third-party apps, but that's it.05:57
charlinhow setup the internet of virtualbox under wifi05:57
SuperLagcharlin: should just work if you use a NAT interface on your VM05:59
pea_braindear all, i am trying to setup a backup mechanism using rsync where the backup server should have minimal access to the servers being backed up. i mean no root access, no shell access, rsync tunnelled into ssh. what should be the ideal way to achieve this ? all servers ubuntu 18.04.  i need to backup root owned files in servers also05:59
SuperLagcharlin: however... this isn't the VirtualBox channel. :)05:59
guivercgnome was much slower at dealing with 4K when compared to Unity.  It was only 2017 when gnome started blogging about it; the canonical moving from Unity caused the first fedora/canonical/gnome sprint that i'm aware of...05:59
SuperLagpea_brain: I'd do key-based access, disable interactive authentication.06:00
SuperLagpea_brain: where will the backups be initiated? the client(s) or the server?06:00
pea_brain@SuperLag what about no root access ? backups initiated in backup server06:01
SuperLagpea_brain: ah, sorry. I missed the last part "I need to backup root owned files in servers also"06:02
SuperLagpea_brain: I wouldn't initiate the backups from the server. I'd initiate them from the clients.06:02
pea_brainSuperLag: any advantage of doing that ?06:03
SuperLagpea_brain: I'm not sure about advantage. Just how I'd handle it.06:03
pea_brainSuperLag: i usually do it on server so that i can decide on order, i get one single log file.06:04
SuperLagpea_brain: Okay. Then I'd generate an SSH keypair on the server, and copy the public key from that pair to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of all the accounts you want to back up from the client machines. And I'd also, for good security measures, probably disable interactive authentication and use key-only from SERVER -> CLIENT(S)06:06
pea_brainSuperLag:  i need to backup root owned files in servers also. but i dont want to allow root login from backup server06:08
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SuperLagpea_brain: passwordless sudo for your backup user, then, I'd say06:25
pea_brainSuperLag: can you pls explain how06:35
pea_brainSuperLag: how my rsync will be able to fetch root owned files ?06:37
SuperLagthat's where passwordless sudo comes in, I think...06:38
pea_brainSuperLag: i know that. i am asking, how do we do direct rsync from backup server to use sudo enabled user06:40
s0ckm0nk3ynm it works lol06:53
sahajhello everyone , i'm new to IRC can anyone help me here please07:02
guiverc_dsahaj, please just ask your question (if Ubuntu supported related), ideally in a single line (if possible), and please be patient giving people in room time to notice it & respond/help if they are able07:03
sahajthank you. how to activate hot corners in ubuntu 18.0407:05
clicki cannot load this youtube on ubuntu07:16
clickcan some one help me how to ?07:16
guivercclick, what browser are you using?07:21
guivercsorry I don't know that browser; it works for me in chromium  (I don't see palemoon in the repos)07:24
clicki have that too i tried it on that all youtube vids play as usual but this one giving error http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abkzhRYHVqc07:25
guiverci opened it & only saw a music vid click, I didn't let much play (not my sort of music) before closing it - did you get an error in chromium; it could be region blocking only (not a ubuntu issue, just your geo-location)07:28
clickmy friend sent me that this is funny rede tv link not a music vid link07:29
guiverc(i reopened it - a 45min tv show (not music vid!); plays for me07:30
clickguiverc can you share it with me using vnc ?07:30
guivercclick I wouldn't know how, and not sure its a good idea anyway. i could open it too in tor-browser so I'd suggest you try that07:33
clickguiverc do ubuntu users sky dive in australia ?07:38
guivercclick, sky dive?  - i suspect aussies do the same things they do everywhere  (just after they've eaten their vegemite) - but that's offtopic in this room mate07:39
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clickguiverc it worked i downloaded with www.convert2mp3.net/07:44
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takemewhat version is new?08:38
guiverc_dtakeme, its june 2018, so 18.04 (2018.april) is the latest release (not in testing)08:38
takemeusing 17 is bad?08:39
guiverc_d17.04 (2017-april) is EOL, 17.10 (2017-october) has a month left in its 9 month life...08:40
guiverc_dubuntu is very easy to work out - LTS = long term support; 5 years, normal = 9 months08:40
takemeusing apt-get and git-hub is same when i install program?08:42
takemeguiverc_d: ?08:44
parapanhi fellows; I have a problem installing ubuntu into an old PC - which doesn't have UEFI support; so it seems the only option will be to install ubuntu from DOS; so I have a bootable USB with freeDOS+ a folder with all the Ubuntu files; question is how do I start the install from DOS command line ?08:57
takemeguiverc_d: 18 is great thanks :)08:59
blackflowparapan: does the computer have USB ports? why is UEFI a problem? Ubuntu doesn't require it08:59
parapanblackflow: the motherboard is the problem; doesn't support the legacy or UEFI boot mode; even for windows (when wanting to boot from USB0 the manufacturer recommend using the DOS boot with some WinXP files . . .09:02
guiverc_dtakeme, apt-get gets from repositories (repos), and has been tested with Ubuntu & packaged by Canonical (main), or community (universe) etc... git was put there by developer who may use another distro (not Ubuntu) & thus wasn't tested on the version of Ubuntu you may be using..09:03
parapanblackflow: so I figure it out to create an USB stick to boot into DOS and then using the command line to launch the ubuntu install . . .or maybe there is another way to do this directly with linux files ?09:04
takemeguiverc_d: thanks09:04
guiverc_dtakeme, repos are also maintained per version, so you'll only get bionic versions for your 18.04, git may have software that uses libs/other for different (older, newer) releases...09:05
blackflowparapan: well, create the USB stick with Ubuntu ISOs directly?09:05
takemeok guiverc_d :)09:06
parapanblackflow: the install (for windows at least) is working if I can burn a DVD image from an .iso file; but the USB doesn't work, no matter I speak about windows or linux; the error at boot is "no operating system found" . . .09:06
blackflowparapan: some older computers can't boot from USB. If that's the case with yours, you'll have to burn a DVD from Ubuntu ISO too.09:06
blackflowparapan: But... we're talking very old, possibly 32-bit only? What computer is that?09:07
parapanblackflow: motherboard is supermicro C2SMB; processor is quad core 9600, 64 bits; the Windows 64 bits installed from DVD is working fine; so it's old , but not dark age . . .09:09
parapanI wonder if there is a linux boot which is equivalent with freeDOS ?09:11
blackflowparapan: why.... can that computer boot from USB?09:11
blackflowparapan: I hope you do understand that whatever Linux you boot from ...... to install ubuntu off ..... you can just boot straight into the Ubuntu installer ISO. :)09:12
parapanblackflow: there are alot of options on the boot sequence ...from all USB key to USB HDD, USB DVD, etc .....but simply putting a bootable stick ends up with the error " no operating system found" ..09:13
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blackflowparapan: how did you prepare the Ubuntu ISO USB?09:13
parapanblackflow: I know that; and it's working if I boot from DVD; ....originally I've used rufus and the /iso image of Ubuntu 1809:14
blackflowokay, so you can boot Ubuntu installer from the DVD?09:15
parapanblackflow: yes, windows, ubuntu, no matter if I burn the same images to dvd . . .09:15
parapanbut no way to make-it work via USB stick . ..09:16
takemehow can i install gqrx?09:16
blackflowparapan: then either that computer has a problem with booting off of USB, or you prepared the USB wrongly. But why do you insist on USB? If you can boot the installer from DVD, install it that way?09:17
parapanblackflow: You've got a point; but I hate It does not work; and I do not use the DVD; I have it disconnected normally so I can gain another bay for a HDD;09:19
parapanblackflow: C2SBC-Q may not support the FreeDOS OS; but that doesn't mean it is not supporting another way to boot from USB....09:21
parapanblackflow: I will try something and come back ...maybe we can chat again ...09:22
parapanblackflow: but if freeDOS is not supported what else can be used ??? what other OS ???09:23
blackflowparapan: forget about freedos. you can't install ubuntu from another operating system. you have to make bootable media from the Ubuntu ISO and use that.09:26
parapanblackflow: I think so; but i'll make a freedos bootable usb ...with just that os and see if it boots; if I receive the same error, most likely the freedos is not supported correct ?09:31
blackflowparapan: no, can't make that conclusion09:32
marikfHi. What is your name?09:39
marikfHey there09:39
marikfMy name is alina.09:40
EriC^^marikf: if you want to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic09:40
marikfNo, thanks.09:40
EriC^^k, this is the support channel feel free to ask ubuntu support related questions etc09:41
takemehow can i install arduino?09:46
Jontatakeme: What've you tried so far?09:48
guiverc_dtakeme, its a universe package, `sudo apt install arduino` assuming universe is enabled (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=arduino)09:49
takemeinstaling arduino09:49
takemesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install arduino arduino-core   WARNING!!! THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL INSTALL AN EXTREMELY OUTDATED  guiverc_d09:49
guiverc_dwhat [version] ubuntu are you running?09:50
guiverc_dthe version in the ubuntu repos is the latest tested & available from Ubuntu; you can download a tarball from the site https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software & build yourself if you need the latest.09:54
balbooaaaanyone here09:59
Jonta!ask | balbooaaa09:59
ubottubalbooaaa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:59
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atif5any real human here ?10:34
atif5who are those 1600 people10:37
TimeDoctorshould we all introduce ourselves?10:37
JontaI will now tell you10:37
JontaEvery one of them has a story10:37
JontaAnd they're all special in their own ways10:38
JontaI'm afraid I've met less than 80% of them in person though10:38
atif5yes please10:38
Jontaatif5: People are sleeping. Do you have a question? :)10:38
atif5i am new to IRC so i dont know10:39
webmindI'm guessing those 1600 people are ubuntu users :)\10:39
JontaIt's common for people to "idle" in multiple channels10:39
JontaSometimes only coming over when called for by name10:40
JontaDoing so if you don't know them, is quite rude10:40
balbooaaadoes anyone uses i3wm here ?10:40
balbooaaado you know how can i make a certain app start on floating mode on i3wm ?10:44
JontaHow about https://faq.i3wm.org/question/4550/launch-in-floating-mode/index.html10:44
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balbooaaagod damn, that was soo easy, thanks a loot Jonta10:45
raidghostJonta sounds like "Jenta" (The girl) in norwegian :p10:49
JontaJeg uttaler det «Jånnta»10:49
JontaAlso: Is being a girl bad?10:50
raidghostI have not said that its a bad thing10:50
JontaDodging the question, are we? :p10:50
JontaI'll take that as a yes10:51
JontaTrondheim here10:51
raidghostAsker Here10:51
JontaQuick, Americans are asleep, how's the weather down south?10:51
raidghostIts .. let me check out the window10:52
raidghostIts Sunny10:52
raidghostAnd in trondheim?10:52
blackflowIt's also ....                                                                             offtopic!  :)10:52
JontaCloudy. Probably showers10:52
raidghostblackflow: Morning :P10:52
raidghostOh. Its Time diff10:52
balbooaaawhere ya'll guys from ?10:54
raidghostblackflow: Trying to get libvirt (bridge) so it catch ip-adresses from my DHCP-server ( and not making itself a net i cant reach from 10.0.0.X10:54
raidghostbalbooaaa: Norway (but it was off topic as blackflow said :P10:54
balbooaaagoodluck today with Germans :p10:54
Jonta/j #ubuntu-offtopic10:55
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blackflowraidghost: not sure what the question is...10:57
raidghostblackflow: Bridged networking (aka "shared physical device") + libvirt10:58
blackflowraidghost: right but.... still no question there :)10:59
raidghostHow can i set libvirt to use 10.0.0.X range instead of its own ? Tried to read on the libvirt.org guide. but it just messing up with my network settings.11:01
oldtommy_Q to 18.04 - LTS nautilus: results of file-search cannot be sorted by name, path, size of file: WHY ??? before 18.04 it was possible11:02
blackflowraidghost: I don't have much experience with libvirt, but as far as bridging goes, and DHCP is involved, you don't. you bridge eth0 with your virtual nics and they each present themselves as individual interfaces to your LAN and thus to the upstream dhcp.11:04
raidghostis what i thought. But it does not. So must be some wrong with my settings i guess. I tried to set bridge and select dhcp. But then suddenly there was bridge: and eth0
oldtommy_18.04 - desktop: moving an application to the left/right border of the screen does not set its size to half - screen, quite useful - DOES NOT WORK anymore! in previous versions of ubuntu that worked!11:05
raidghostSo it looses connection, since there is two ip-adresses with the same ip.11:05
blackflowraidghost: sounds like you've set up the bridge wrong. when you put, say, eth0 (physical device) in the bridge, you don't set up eth0, but the bridge, for static or dhcp networking.11:06
oldtommy_18.04 - nautilus: right-click (context-menu) does not offer the creation of a txt-document, was very useful in previous version: WHY is it NOT AVAILABLE anym more ??11:07
blackflowoldtommy_: is that gnome? Works here...11:07
S_GautamHow do I get a start menu style in Ubuntu 18.04 (I don't like the "side bar" and the activities bar in GNOME)11:07
S_GautamI just want one taskbar since the two bars take decent amount of screen space11:07
oldtommy_@blackflow: just the standard installation of Ubuntu 18.04. How do I know if it is gnome?11:08
blackflowoldtommy_: it's gnome if it's standard installation of ubuntu, and not, say, xubuntu or kubuntu.11:08
blackflow(as of 17.10, before which the standard was Unity)11:09
S_GautamHow can I remove the Unity dock?11:10
oldtommy_@blackflow: yes, just ubuntu, not <any>ubuntu11:10
zdf   /exit11:10
S_Gautamis there any other way other than abandoning GNOME altogether and installing XFCE or KDE (which I don't want to?)11:10
raidghostblackflow: so i set the bridge interface in interfaces instead of eth0 ?11:11
cactus00000S_Gautam: there are other flavors of ubuntu aside from gnome such as xfce or the other desktop environments available in linux11:11
S_GautamNah, I just want to remove the dock and get a proper task bar11:11
blackflowoldtommy_: right so that's gnome. in 18.04 it's a bit of a frankengnome with it being 3.28 and some parts like nautilus from 3.26, because the gnome devs are cutting out features with each new release...11:11
cactus00000S_Gautam: there is an option to hide it in settings11:12
S_Gautamthere's just auto-hide11:12
blackflowS_Gautam: not sure that's possible without extensions. gnome (which is gnome3) has a specific default interface which does not include a traditional taskbar.11:12
blackflowraidghost: not sure what your'e asking, but you set the ip address (or dhcp "mode") on the bridge, yes, not eth0 (physical device)11:13
guivercS_Gautam, it sounds like you want classic-gnome  (standard gnome doesn't have unity-dock; whereich I think you mean dash-to-dock11:13
cactus00000S_Gautam: not sure where in settings, but it is an option. i do not know as i no longer use gnome. that is all i know! good luck! :)11:13
S_Gautamguiverc: Yup11:14
raidghostblackflow: What i asking is: Instead of eth0 as i have set with static ip adress subnet netmask default-gw and stuff. I maybe set the br1 (bridge) instead,. So there would not be a active eth0 but a active br1 (bridge interface)11:14
blackflowraidghost: yes, that's correct then.11:14
oldtommy_blackflow: ok, that is a cause. but still not reasonable that it works so awkward now, compared to earlier versions. Where can I post some suggestions concerning usability issues for the ubuntu desktop ? Thanks11:14
guiverc(i hit enter during edit & hadn't finished), you select classic-gnome at login (instead of ubuntu or really gnome-shell)11:14
ToaderasIn version 18 with hexchat, why when I get a new message the icon on the left bar isn't highlighted ?11:15
blackflowoldtommy_: the launchpad I suppose. but eh... don't hold your breath :)11:15
SimonNLToaderas: check your preferences in the settings11:16
hans_how can i debug "the system is booting with / as read-only"  ?11:16
ToaderasIt used to be highlighted before Gnome and that was useful, any way to tweak gnome to enable that ?11:16
ToaderasSimonNL: Which settings ?11:17
hans_in this particular case, i think i know why, but just, what is the first thing to check if you have no idea why?11:17
SimonNLnotifications probably11:17
S_Gautamhm, what was the reason for switching to Unity back to GNOME?11:17
oldtommy_Ubuntu 18.04: another strange behaviour is: if you are entering some date in a child-window, then if you move it, the parent-window moves with it: so you cannot look at parent window which might contain some information you need to fill out child window entry fields.11:17
ToaderasThere is no relevant option11:17
guivercS_Gautam, have a look at this, not sure if this is what i added (gnome-session-flashback), but i forget -- https://www.debugpoint.com/2018/05/how-to-install-classic-gnome-flashback-in-ubuntu-18-04-lts/    (https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/gnome-session-flashback)11:18
SimonNLhighlighted message setting ?11:18
S_Gautamguiverc: hm, thanks. ill look into it11:18
ToaderasSimonNL: Pardon ?11:19
SimonNLhttps://imgur.com/a/RIrE8US   Toaderas11:20
SeTunTunhello. My ubuntu 14.04 can't boot. I gets stuck in the ubuntu splash screen.11:20
SimonNLwaarschuwingen = notifications11:20
SeTunTunI suspect it is due to yesterday's automatic update. I did nothing more.11:20
JontaSeTunTun: Has it booted before?11:21
ToaderasI have those on already but you are on mind11:21
Toaderasmint *11:21
hans_hmm, and mount / -o remount,rw    gives me: mount: / not mounted or bad option11:21
ToaderasI am on Ubuntu 18 with Gnome11:21
SeTunTunJonta, I worked perfectly before11:21
hans_nvm, fixed it by doing mount /dev/sda5 / -o remount,rw     instead11:21
SeTunTunI can access to tty but nothing more.11:22
blackflowSeTunTun: do you know how to edit the grub menu and disable splash? That way you can see the underlying errors if they're displayed11:22
SimonNLToaderas: ok11:22
SeTunTunmore or less, one moment11:23
blackflowSeTunTun: essentially you hit 'e' at the grub menu to edit the (default, first) selection, then move with cursor keys until you reach the line starting with vmlinuz, then from that line remove 'splash' word, and hit F10 to continue booting that selection11:24
blackflowSeTunTun: also remove 'quiet' to see any output11:25
Toaderascan someone send me a random PM please ? I changed something and want to test if I get notifications now11:26
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SeTunTunblackflow, sorry "e" doesn't seem to work11:40
blackflowSeTunTun: 'e' does not edit the grub menu selection?11:42
blackflowor do you mean, 'e' does not bring up the grub menu itself because yea, it won't. you need to hold the shift key or what was it, for the grub menu to appear. once in it, 'e' should edit the current selection. it also says so on the screen itself.11:42
SeTunTunyes, taht's it. I am in the grub menu11:43
blackflowSeTunTun: this one?  https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/grub2-in-ubuntu.jpg11:43
SeTunTunOk. I pressed f10 and it stops loading after a lot of letters in a black screen :S11:46
blackflowSeTunTun: can you provide a screenshot?11:47
SeTunTunI don't know how can i do it11:48
blackflowSeTunTun: do you have a smartphone? you can upload it to imgur or an image pastebin11:49
SeTunTunone minute, I'm doing it11:53
skinuxWhere are backups created using "Backups" stored?12:00
ioriaskinux, what you mean ? deja-dup12:03
ioriaSeTunTun, the url is empty12:04
ioriaSeTunTun, sy,it's ok12:04
blackflowyeah hit F5. imgur sometimes glitches like that12:05
ioriaSeTunTun, and what's the problem ?12:05
blackflowSeTunTun: so it looks like a normal systemd startup, at least the part of it shown on screen. My guess is there's a problem with switching to the graphical mode. Maybe KMS... SeTunTun was there a kernel upgrade? See if you can boot into the previous kernel from that grub menu12:06
SeTunTunI booted from two previous kernels yesterday but no success12:08
ioriaSeTunTun, what's the current in use ? uname -r12:08
SeTunTunif it helps I have a log posted here:12:11
ioriaSeTunTun, can't you open a console ?12:12
SeTunTunyes, I'm rebooting12:12
ioriaSeTunTun, btw, current for trusty is ...ù12:12
ioriaSeTunTun, so, it's ok12:13
sdfgsdis ther a way to display all chrome tabs as one process in 'top'12:13
skinuxI mean a pre-installed app that is called "Backups" for configurating automatic backups.12:13
ioriaSeTunTun,  are you using nvidia ?ù12:13
blackflowyes, and I wanted to suggest to try blacklist nvidia from the kernel command line and see if that boots fine12:14
SeTunTunyes. Noveau didn't work very well with 3d acceleration in blender12:14
tomreynsdfgsd: probably not, since they're separate processes. maybe pstree is what you want?12:14
ioriaSeTunTun, sudo service lightdm restart   and tell us what happens12:15
SeTunTunI hear the ubuntu welcome sound and I see a black screen12:17
ioriaSeTunTun,  install pastebinit  and  run  sudo  lshw -C Video | pastebinit12:18
SeTunTunhere you are12:23
skinuxI used "Backups" to automatically create backups. I've logs stored on DropBox, but cannot find  the actual backup.12:23
Jontaskinux: Have you looked through the logs?12:23
ioriaskinux, deja-dup-preferences   it will telyou12:23
hans_the ubuntu 18.04 server ISO grub bootmenu has a default timeout of 3 seconds, defaulting to "install ubuntu" ... that menu should not have a timeout at all12:24
hans_(the 1 called "ubuntu-18.04-live-server-amd64.iso" )12:24
ioriaSeTunTun,  this did happen after an upgrade ?12:25
SeTunTunioria, yes after yesterday's upgrade12:25
ioriaSeTunTun,  with the gui tool or from terminal ?12:26
ioriaSeTunTun,  try this :  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:27
SeTunTunmmm will it upgrade to 16.04 or something similar?12:27
ioriaSeTunTun,  nope12:28
ioriaSeTunTun, check if it does something or reports nothing to do12:28
tomreynhans_: maybe that's a topic for #ubuntu-discuss12:30
SeTunTun0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 will be uninstalled, 0 not upgraded12:31
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SeTunTunWell I translated it to english more or less12:31
grass988I accidentally removed my Network Icon and everything else from my upper right Ubuntu Mate panel.12:31
grass988Can you help me get back those icons?12:31
grass988Bluetooth icon, network icon etc. etc.12:31
EriC^^grass988: did you try logging out and back in?12:31
grass988I restarted12:32
JontaRight clicking on the panel?12:32
grass988yes, i am right clicking there but when i hit "add to panel" i can't find the icons that i used to have12:32
grass988can i restore my system to how it was a few boots ago?12:33
ioriaSeTunTun,  ok, you can try to purge nvidia  and see if the issue is there ( sudo apt-get purge nvidia* and reboot)12:33
grass988or restore defaults?12:33
ioriaSeTunTun,  note the (*)12:33
Jontagrass988: Is there a control panel there somewhere?12:34
grass988i have the control center open12:34
tomreyngrass988: what you could do is to login as a guest (or a newly added) user and inspect the icons which are presented there, thus (maybe) learning how to restore them on your primary user.12:35
grass988tomreyn, but i am looking at "add to panel" and the icons i need aren't listed there12:36
grass988is there no way to restore the defaults?12:36
SeTunTunioria, you are the fu****g boss12:36
ioriaSeTunTun,  does it work ?12:36
SeTunTunIt's alive!!12:37
grass988i did it!12:37
ioriaSeTunTun,  please,   paste   ubuntu-drivers list | pastebinit12:37
grass988i went to "interface" and changed to a new interface and now the icons are back.12:37
BluesKajhowdy folks12:38
mojtabaHello, I am trying to print using HP LaserJet P1102 in Ubuntu 16.04LTS. The problem is that it does not detect the printer. (It has been connected through usb.) I have ran: sudo apt-get install hplip hplip-gui12:40
mojtabaand then hp-setup -i -a12:40
grass988by the way, i have an item in my trash, fruohod, that i can't permanently delete and i can't restore.12:40
grass988do you know why this might be?12:40
mojtabaBut it says:12:40
mojtabaNo device selected/specified or that supports this functionality.12:40
mojtabaAny idea?12:40
Jontagrass988: Have you checked its properties?12:40
grass988says i am not the owner so i can't change permissions12:41
grass988so how do i access the trash as the root user?12:41
ioriaSeTunTun, please highlight the nick of the the person you're talking to; how did you install nvidia ?12:42
Jontagrass988: Are you familiar with the commandline?12:42
SeTunTunioria, Jonta, blackflow and all the channel, I love you all. I hope I 'll be able to help people like you helped me today12:42
grass988yes. what shall i type?12:42
JontaSeTunTun: ^^12:42
Jontagrass988: Have a look in /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash12:43
ioriaSeTunTun, no problem...  how did you install nvidia ?12:43
ioriaSeTunTun, from terminal, from Additional Driver ?12:43
grass988well, i'm not very skilled with the command line.12:43
grass988what do you mean by look there? it says that's a directory when i type that.12:43
JontaThat's okay12:44
SeTunTunlong time ago... I think it was from synaptic12:44
Jonta`cd` is the command to change directory12:44
JontaSo if you type in `cd /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash`, it should take you there12:44
ioriaSeTunTun, type in Dash   ' Additional Driver'12:44
grass988ok, i'm there now12:44
Jontagrass988: You can check what directory you're in with `pwd` - print working directory12:44
Jonta`ls` to list what's there12:45
grass988that shows "expunged" "files" "info" in blue text all these12:45
Jonta`ls -lA`12:45
JontaTo list them in long form, giving more information. And also hidden ones12:46
grass988when i type ls files i see the file in question that is in my trash called fruhod12:46
JontaDid you try the command above?12:47
grass988yes, it listed expunged, files, and info12:47
JontaIs there a string near the beginning, of rwx- and the like?12:48
grass988that's for all those 312:48
Jontad means directory12:48
JontaThe rest is read, write, and execute12:48
Jonta3 times, for 3 different groups of users12:48
JontaWhat's the full string for the file you want to delete?12:49
JontaThe letters before it12:50
JontaThat means it's only accessible by root12:51
hans_what's the difference between the "alternative installer" and the normal installer?12:51
JontaWhich is the first group12:51
Jontagrass988: Try `sudo rm -rf fruhod`12:52
JontaIt'll prompt you for a password12:52
JontaType it in, hit enter12:52
grass988I did that12:52
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grass988but my trash still has that folder in it12:52
Jontalittledot: Hi12:52
Jontagrass988: Then I'd read up on chmod and chown12:53
littledotis it possible to use the old installer on ubuntu server 18.04 ?12:53
grass988well i guess i'll just leave it in my trash as it is for now. it's not harming anything.12:54
grass988i even tried doing sudo nautilus and trying to delete it that way12:54
grass988and it didn't work12:54
tomreynlittledot: you can use the alternative installer, which is available from a page linked from the page you downloaded the server live installer from.12:55
Jontagrass988: :) - I do recommend learning a few basics in the command line. It's much less scary that way12:55
Jontagrass988: To run GUI-apps with sudo: gksudo nautilus12:55
tomreynmojtaba: is the printer currently detected as a cdrom?12:55
JontaGuest85763: Hello12:55
tomreynmojtaba: https://askubuntu.com/questions/157096/how-to-install-a-driver-for-hp-laserjet-p1102-printer?rq=112:55
littledottnks tomreyn12:55
grass988jonta, i tried that too, and still it wouldn't delete it.12:55
grass988do you know why?12:55
JontaFile permissions12:55
JontaYou can change them with chmod or chown12:55
JontaI don't remember which12:55
mojtabatomreyn: I don't know, but it says you need to disable smart install feature.12:55
grass988but i thought gksudo should give me ultimate power12:55
Guest85763is it possible nowadays to install a distro to a usb pen with ntfs so you can make the casper file as big as you want without the limitation of 4g of fat32?12:55
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mojtabaI ran hp-doctor. It is now updating the missed packages.12:56
grass988xrandr --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"12:57
tomreynmojtaba: can you run this and tell us the url it returns? lsusb | nc termbin.com 999912:57
grass988i use this line to make my monitor look bettter. it boosts the colors vs "Automatic"12:57
grass988however can you tell me if this is causing my computer to use more resources?12:57
mojtabatomreyn: just a sec, hp-doctor is running. I will execute that afterwards.12:58
tomreynhans_: the alternative *server* installer  is like the old server installer, it's very versatile but not the greatest UX. the server live installer is trying to provide a better UX, but it still lacks a lot of features.12:59
hans_tomreyn, ok, gotcha13:00
hans_the 18.04 server installer doesn't recognize any of my partitions, and think the harddrive is completely empty.. (it has like 5 partitions, including a FAT32, NTFS, ext4, and swap partition), any idea why?13:01
mojtabatomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gYZkK54M6H/13:02
hans_(the disk is an SSD and its GPT-partitioned, if that's significant)13:03
hans_(running "ubuntu-18.04-live-server-amd64.iso" )13:04
tomreynhans_: if you're referring to the default server 'live' installer, this one won't use pre-made partitions, it needs to install to a full disk, partitioning itself.13:04
hans_.... what the fuck13:04
sdfgsdmy keyboard types < instead of backquote, both buttons give me the same keycode, how do I fix this ?13:05
hans_tomreyn, that makes sense for a pre-release version13:05
ubottuPlease avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:05
sdfgsdplease stop the offensive language, this is horrible. My eyes....13:06
hans_sorry, what i meant was, "that's surprising, in a bad kind of way"13:06
hans_does the "alternative server installer" have the same limitation?13:07
sdfgsdmy keyboard types < instead of backquote, both buttons give me the same keycode, how do I fix this ?13:07
tomreynmojtaba: can you unplug the printer, plug it in again, then run: dmesg -T | tail -n100 | nc termbin.com 999913:08
hans_sdfgsd, try `dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration`,13:08
tomreynmojtaba: to usb, that is, not power13:08
mojtabatomreyn: Ok.13:09
hans_sdfgsd, and when you're done, run `service keyboard-setup restart; udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change13:09
hans_` - or if that doesn't work, restart (i've been in a sitation where the new keyboard config wouldn't take effect until a hard reboot... x.x )13:09
tomreynhans_: no, the alternative server installer doesn't have this limitation13:09
hans_any idea if they plan on removing that limitation from the "live server installer" or not?13:11
tomreynhans_: i dont know, but you can follow its development on github. it's called subiquity.13:12
mojtabatomreyn: I am getting this error now: HP LaserJet Professional P1102 CD_ROM_Enabled       Needs to disable Smart Install13:13
mojtabatomreyn: Do you know how can I disable it?13:13
JimBuntu!cookie | tomreyn13:20
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:20
* tomreyn munch munch13:23
skinuxI can't find a burn button in CD/DVD Creator13:23
tomreynmojtaba: an old bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bug/813482 sattes this is fixed in hplip. do you have the hplip package installed?13:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 813482 in usb-modeswitch (Ubuntu) "HP Printers with "Smart Installer" are recognized as CD-ROM drive" [Medium,Confirmed]13:23
Jontaskinux: What about "export" or "write"?13:23
mojtabatomreyn: yes13:23
JontaHm. Do you have a CD/DVD in the machine right now?13:24
tomreynmojtaba: oh that's just upstream hplip apparently. hmm. well i guess you can try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bug/813482/comments/2313:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 813482 in usb-modeswitch (Ubuntu) "HP Printers with "Smart Installer" are recognized as CD-ROM drive" [Medium,Confirmed]13:24
mojtabatomreyn: I ran hp-setup -g, but it says the cert is corrupted and it cannot validate it.13:27
mojtabatomreyn: I didn't quite get the second link.13:28
mojtabatomreyn: I don't have usbmodeswitch installed.13:28
sonicwindskinux - read this link - https://askubuntu.com/questions/186065/how-to-burn-cd-with-the-cd-dvd-creator13:29
sonicwindincredible that such a problem is common for a cd/dvd creator program... unreal13:29
sonicwindyou aren't the only one13:29
tomreynmojtaba: to install usb-modeswitch: sudo apt install usb-modeswitch13:30
tomreynmojtaba: can you show the "hp-setup -g" output?13:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:31
mojtabatomreyn: It opens a gui. after asking to disable the smart install, this pops up:   p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Digital signature verification failed for the file /tmp/tmp3mbafeie. File may have been corrupted or altered13:31
tomreynhmm yes this sounds buggy. you can run the whole thing froma temrinal window. this would probably provide more output13:32
mojtabatomreyn: should I run hp-setup -g | pastebinit ?13:32
tomreynmojtaba: hp-setup -g 2>&1 | pastebinit13:33
tomreynthis will make sure we get both standard output but also warnings and errors13:33
mojtabatomreyn: Failed to contact the server: [Errno socket error] The write operation timed out13:35
mojtabajust a sec, I run it again.13:35
tomreynmojtabasingle lines of output without further context are not too helpful13:36
mojtabatomreyn: any other services beside pastebinit. It seems it gives me the same error.13:37
tomreynmojtaba: hp-setup -g 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999913:38
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mojtabatomreyn: It doesn't work!13:43
mojtabatomreyn: It just hang.13:43
tomreynmojtaba: okay. maybe try purging the hplip package and (only then) try the one from hp https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/install13:46
mojtabatomreyn: what should I do?13:46
mojtabashould I run apt-get --purge hplip ?13:47
tomreynsudo apt purge hplip13:47
DualBootLinux_I'm thinking of Dual Booting between Windows 10 on my SSD and Ubuntu 18.04 on another HDD. The Ubuntu HDD though, I'm already using for Windows 10 programs (1 TB Storage Drive S:). Would it be possible for me to create a parition on S: to install Ubuntu to, maybe 100 GB?13:48
EriC^^DualBootLinux_: sure, you can shrink the windows partition and use the space to install ubunti13:49
ToaderasAny workarounds ?13:51
DualBootLinux_How do I shrink the Windows Partition?13:52
tomreynDualBootLinux_: in my experience, people who spend (sometimes much) time on creating / maintaining a dual boot setup quickly end up using only one of the two OS installations. have you considered to just use ubuntu as the main installation and run the other OS in a VM?13:52
EriC^^DualBootLinux_: boot into windows go to disk management, click on volume and shrink it, you might need to defrag it first if it says cant be shrinked13:53
Toaderastomreyn: that may be true but having a Windows partition just in case doesn't really hurt13:53
tomreynToaderas: doesn't hurt, but can get messy, such as when windows upgrades and decides that there can only be one queen in this kingdom.13:54
Toaderastomreyn: those cases seem nasty indeed13:54
Toaderastomreyn: do you happen to know why there are no badge notifications in 18.04 ?13:55
tomreynToaderas: not really, no. :-/13:56
Toaderasthis is really annoying and I don't get it13:59
cenysorHi. I installed Xubuntu 16.04 LTS. After I updated the graphical software manager I can not open it again. What can cause this problem?14:09
Nebi_Hi, I have two weird issues since about a week and cannot explain them (might be linked?). I did absolutely nothing changing the system (not even update). One issue is that sound in Ubuntu maybe 50% of the time (I mean starting computer) doesnt work. And the other issue is that ubuntu does in about half of the cases not shutdown properly anymore. Anyone has an idea?14:15
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EriC^^cenysor: try starting it from the terminal in case it shows any errors14:26
cenysorEriC^^, the command does not finish, no error text is displayed14:30
EriC^^what do you mean by does not finish?14:31
EriC^^it just hangs no output, no prompt?14:31
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qwebirc74165what are bionic-updates and bionic-backports? how they differ from bionic-security?14:45
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xjkxWhen I right click my desktop, I should get openbox menu, but I'm getting gnome's, because I ran some gnome application that called this interface, but I cant get rid of it, what should I kill, gnome-what?15:04
EriC^^qwebirc74165: https://askubuntu.com/questions/401941/what-is-the-difference-between-security-updates-proposed-and-backports-in-etc15:05
xjkxI found this "/usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session" I guess I should kill it?15:06
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qwebirc74165how can I view what updates are recently installed?15:14
RojolaI just ran the following command:15:16
Rojolasudo aptitude purge openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jre-headless openjdk-11-jre-headless openjdk-11-jre openjdk-11-jdk15:16
oerheksqwebirc74165, check the /var/log/dpkg.log15:16
RojolaMy question:  How can I remove the jdk's ?15:17
RojolaIn /usr/lib/jvm I still have:  java-11-openjdk-amd64  java-8-openjdk-amd64  java-8-oracle15:17
oerhekstry purge java*15:17
Rojolaoerheks, Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "java*"15:19
Rojolanot even *java* works15:20
ThedarkbFor some reason, this and ##linux are the only channels I can join.15:21
Thedarkband as soon as I join, I time out.15:22
JontaThedarkb: What happens when you join e.g. #ubuntu-offtopic ?15:22
Rojolais it possible, that the directories in /usr/lib/jvm are only remains of the install?15:25
oerheksRojola, maybe you need to logout/login to get a clear view, that  ~/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ seems just a folder..15:26
RojolaI ran "aptitude search openjdk" and found all the versions I had previously installed marked with a "p" rather than "i"15:26
Rojolaoerheks, what would logging in / logging out do to the content of /usr/lib/jvm ?15:26
RojolaI uninstalled "icedtea"15:26
Rojolanow the openjdk 8 folder is gone15:26
Rojolaopenjdk 11 is still there15:27
oerheksmaybe still in use by your browser, dunno, logout/login and see?15:27
Nordohi everyone15:27
Rojolaoerheks, ok I try it15:27
JontaNordo: Hi15:28
Nordojonta, if you still think that im still trying to install ubuntu, then nevermind, i installed it15:28
JontaYeah? How's it working for you? :)15:28
Nordoits nice15:28
Nordoim still trying it15:29
Nordooh btw, is there some lighter desktop enviroments, which are similiar to Windows style?15:29
Nordobtw, do enviroments change the compatibilty between different software?15:30
user_224I'm running lubuntu, which is pretty nice, except the headphone jack output isn't there in pulseaudio15:30
oerheksif it looks like windows, we get a lawsuit within 24 hrs15:30
Nordolol haha15:30
Nordonot really like it15:30
Nordobut similiar in some things, like the start button and so15:30
Nordohow do i get LXDE?15:30
Nordovia terminal huh?15:31
JontaSure thing15:31
oerheksvia softwarecenter15:31
hans_every time before the system attempts a reboot, i need it to open a tcp connection, and send a constant pre-designed package to a certain ip address15:31
Nordocould someone give me the repo?15:31
EriC^^Nordo: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop15:31
hans_(constant ip address, even)15:31
hans_where's the best place to insert a script to do that?15:32
Nordoso its lubuntu's enviroment15:32
coldnine`Hello, I have an ubuntu-server 14.04 machine. I connected a WesternDigital external USB drive to it, and though I can see it in dmesg and lsusb, I cannot see it under lsblk and therefore cannot use it, anyone have any idea why?15:32
RojolaI am back15:33
EriC^^coldnine`: can you pastebin anything related to it in dmesg?15:33
Nordoum for some reason, i cant insert any number/charcters to the sudo type password15:33
Rojolaso, even rebooting did not delete my java directory.  However, there is not much of a content in there:15:33
striveNordo: Why not?15:33
JontaNordo: You can, they're just not visible15:33
Nordowait really?15:33
Nordoso much security15:33
Nordothats really nice15:34
JontaOtherwise, people seeing your screen can see that your password's only 3 characters, which is embarrassing15:34
striveNordo: You'll get the prompt, but you won't see it.15:34
Rojolaoerheks, that's a bug!!   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89741115:34
ubottuDebian bug 897411 in openjdk-10-jre-headless "openjdk-10-jre-headless: classes.jsa is not removed on package uninstall" [Normal,Fixed]15:34
NordoE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:34
oerheksbut you removed 11... not 1015:34
Nordoi get that error15:34
JontaClose software center15:34
striveNordo: dpkg is being run in the background (probably gathering updates automatically).15:35
Nordoit isnt opened15:35
striveRun 'top' in terminal.15:35
Nordostrive: so what would i do?15:35
JontaAre you installing from somewhere else?15:35
coldnine`EriC^^: here is the output of lsusb and dmesg related: https://pastebin.com/raw/f1DHBvgh15:35
striveYou may see something that says, 'http' or something.15:35
Nordorun what?15:35
Nordoim new to ubuntu, so dont expect me to know everything you say15:36
coldnine`EriC^^: it does not appear under /dev/* and lsblk15:36
JontaNew terminal(tab)15:36
JontaType in `top`15:36
JontaHit enter15:36
oerheksJonta, Nordo, likely there are unattended updates pending, hit the update button15:36
strivecoldnine`: Does 'fdisk -l' display the drive?15:36
Nordooerheks: sorry, um how do i update again?15:36
coldnine`strive: nope, only the main hard drive which contains the rootfs15:37
oerheksNordo,  go find it in your menu15:37
Nordooh wait i saw that there is an update for ubuntu, it told me to update but i clicked remind me later15:37
JontaOh Windows-users :p15:37
Nordowindows users, haha15:37
Nordoits really nice that linux doesnt start updating without your permission, unlike Spyware 1015:38
Nordospydows 10 :)15:38
Nordohi lui8915:39
JontaMhm. It was one of the reasons I stayed with Linux. Coming back to Windows is… annoying15:39
Nordothe worst thing about linux is, well, compatibility with games15:40
coldnine`strive, EriC^^: I connected it to my ArchLinux main PC and it worked just fine15:40
JontaDepends on the user15:40
coldnine`strive: EriC^^: I modeprobe'd usb-storage and usb_storage with no help. Connecting a Sandisk flash drive works on the Ubuntu machine, but connecting the WD external drive does not15:41
oerhekscoldnine`, is this an usb3 port? you can tell if it has a blue connection15:43
coldnine`oerheks: i think there are only usb 2.0 ports on this server15:44
Nordomaybe he has a USB 2 port and his HDD is 315:44
coldnine`Nordo: it does say USB3.0 on the instructions manual, what can I do in such a situtation?15:45
Nordofirefox crashed15:50
JontaYou put on its seatbelt, right?15:50
NordoHA, unfunny joke15:51
Nordonah its funny15:51
Nordolemme restart for update15:51
Nordo_what was the repo for XLDE again?15:55
oerhekswe never told you about a repo15:55
Nordo_i meant the command for installing, isnt that the same as repo?15:56
oerheksno, it is just a meta-package.15:56
Jontasudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop15:56
Nordo_just that?15:57
Nordo_downloading :)15:58
ioriaNordo_, it's a meta-package ; it calls other packages to install15:58
oerheksand join #lubuntu15:58
Nordo_im not on lubuntu15:58
Nordo_i just want the enviroment15:58
ioriaNordo_,  you can switch to that from the login screen15:59
Nordo_sure :)15:59
Nordo_just a question, how to add time delay when booting in order to boot directly into windows instead of GRUB being shown?16:00
Nordo_so i press a key to boot into ubuntu16:00
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:00
oerhekssee the manual16:01
Nordo_no i havent lost grub16:01
ioriaNordo_, dual booting ?16:01
oerheksit might say something about grub customizer https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer16:02
EriC^^Nordo_: type "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"16:05
Nordo_has any of the IRC managers considered gettings something better than IRC? the text is so small, i like discord the most16:06
coldnine`Nordo_: don't use web irc, you can manipulate the whole ui to your will with most clients16:07
Nordo_im getting this16:08
Nordo_what are the best clients?16:08
coldnine`I use Emacs' ERC, you can use irssi and weechat, they're the most popular ones16:08
tomreyna comoonly used one is hexchat, but there are many others.16:08
oerheksso you ask about irc text, an error, and about "the best client"16:08
Nordo_lol, yes16:09
lui89there is polari for gnome.16:09
Nordo_what is polari16:10
lui89an irc client.16:10
Jontairssi is the best16:10
oerheksreally, take time to investigate yourself16:10
Nordo_well i will try both and see16:10
JontaThere we go, I'm the only one who claims a client to be the best16:10
Nordo_now terminal is telling me to choose default display manager16:10
Nordo_which one?16:10
lui89not gdm i guess.16:11
Nordo_so lightdm?16:11
Nordo_installing xlde has taken years16:23
JontaNordo_: Slow machine?16:24
compdocI bet I can install it in less than an hour16:24
Nordo_i3. 3gbs, is that too slow?16:24
JontaYou can time how long something takes with… `time` - Try `time ls`16:24
JontaNot too slow16:25
Nordo_can i type that while installing16:25
JontaBut I understand wanting a different DE16:25
JontaJust use a different tab or window16:25
Nordo_woah it actually finished16:25
coldnine`Hey I connected my WD external usb storage (2tb) to my ubuntu server machine, and it is not recognized to the lsblk command. there's the last line of output on dmesg i got for it: "sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Spinning up disk......not responding...", anyone know why?16:26
coldnine`It says usb 3.0 and i'm connecting it to usb 2.0, but it works on a windows pc for usb 2.0, and it should have hackwards compatability with usb 2.016:27
Nordoso how to switch to lxde?16:27
JontaLog out16:27
JontaShould be a place there to select it16:28
tomreynthere should be a little cogwheel showing up after selecting / typing the user name16:28
tomreyncoldnine`: try connecting it to a different usb connector, and try removing any non-required usb devices.16:30
nordo__there is an option with two options: Ubuntu, and ubuntu on wayland16:30
coldnine`tomreyn: same result16:30
tomreyncoldnine`: which WD product is this exactly?16:31
coldnine`tomreyn: WD Elements 2TB16:32
tomreyncoldnine`: what kind of connector is there on the enclosure?16:32
nordo__i cant find lxde anywhere16:32
nordo__maybe its 3.0 and he has got a 2.0 port16:33
nordo__thats why its not working16:33
tomreyncoldnine`: i'm wondering whether it's this issue (see the photos on the linked post there) http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/296214-32-minidrive-spinning-disk-responding16:33
coldnine`tomreyn: the drive works on other linux machines (archlinux) and on my windows pc, i don't think the drive is failing16:34
tomreyncoldnine`: i didnt suggest the drive was failing16:35
Jontanordo__: Did you try the one you hadn't tried before?16:35
nordo__um no16:36
coldnine`tomreyn: oh hmm the first line in the first post suggests a drive failure16:36
nordo__oh i wish its not that what happend to ur hdd16:36
nordo__that would be huge pain tho16:37
coldnine`tomreyn: and there's only one connector from usb to the weird port the drive has16:37
tomreyncoldnine`: so yours has a weird port, too?16:38
nordo__cant u just capture the goddamn port and connector?16:39
ubottuPlease avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:40
tomreyncoldnine`: yours -> your drive. i'm wondering whether these drives have proprioetary ports and speaking a protocol which conforms to neither IDE nor SATA.16:40
tomreyn(and is thus only supported on windows with proprietary drivers)16:40
tomreyn!cn | kierrin16:43
ubottukierrin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw16:43
nordo__jonta, i cant find lxde anywhere16:43
Jonta`man lxde`16:43
coldnine`tomreyn: I don't think its a prop port as I have seen it before, but it connects to my ubuntu machine through a USB port, the instructions manual suggests either usb2.0/3.0 is fine, so i think the problem is no with the connector. (also the drives connects successfuly to my archlinux machine and not only to my windows machine)16:44
nordo__i chose lightdm16:45
nordo__when selecting default manager16:45
lui89uhh lightdm is the login screen16:45
tomreyncoldnine`: is your arch linux machine a different computer, though?16:45
nordo__ima try restarting16:45
tomreyn!enter | nordo__16:46
ubottunordo__: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.16:46
coldnine`tomreyn: yes16:47
coldnine`tomreyn: this ubuntu machine is a one-board pc running ubuntu server 14.0416:47
tomreyncoldnine`: oh, well, that's getting old. are you on a hwe kernel there?16:48
coldnine`hwe kernel? what's that? and i guess it is old, i have upgraded it in years16:49
coldnine`its an armhf machine16:49
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:49
nordoLXDE IS RUNNinggg16:50
nordoi only had to restart16:50
coldnine`tomreyn: so i should just update some packages and that would update my kernel?16:50
Jontanordo: Nice. How's the performance compared to the default?16:52
tomreyncoldnine`: if you're currently running the 14.04 GA kernel then I would suggest giving the latest HWE kernel a try, since this will be a lot newer and may provide better support for usb 3.0 devices on usb 2.0 ports.16:52
nordoits better16:52
JontaTry awesome wm if you want something even more minimal16:52
tomreyncoldnine`: this is just a theory, it may not work at all. but worth a try.16:52
nordono no its good16:53
nordobut, it seems that backgrounds arent working16:53
kierrinwhat's the time?16:54
tomreyncoldnine`: and to asnwer your specific question (as it's also discussed in the document ubottu pointed you to): yes and yes.16:54
tomreynkierrin: do you have an ubuntu support question?16:54
tomreynkierrin: then please chat elsewhere, thanks.16:55
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest73854
nordowhy i cant change that black background16:55
kierrinOK ,0.016:56
iorianordo, black background ?16:57
iorianordo, on lubuntu ?16:57
nordo im on ubuntu with lxde evnviroment16:58
iorianordo, yes,i mean that ... do yo usee the system tray at bottom ?16:58
iorianordo, Desktop Preferences16:59
kierrinSorry!In fact,I am a noob,and even I  don't know what the Hexchat is (Now ,I know).Though I have a lot of questions ,I am not able to express myself .I'm not an English speaker.17:05
Jontakierrin: That's okay. Did you get help in the Chinese channel?17:06
kierrinThere is just 73 online17:07
kierrinAnd nobody chat17:07
kierrinOh no ,I think I should study English well at first17:08
Bashing-omkierrin: So long as you are trying, we will try to help . If your command of the English language is up to it .17:09
tomreynkierrin: so far, you english is fine. i would say, just give it a try.17:09
Jontakierrin: Biggest question?17:11
kierrinThank you!I have found a translation software17:11
kierrinThe biggest gain was that I found a good place to communicate.If I have question I will come back .Thank you! I have found The solution to the problem ,in CSDN17:14
tomreynkierrin: Also try to ask an actual support question in #ubuntu-cn. According to https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu-cn.html you asked only whether someone is around. Often, people will not answer to such questions.17:15
kierrinok ,the next time ,I won't say anything useless next time17:16
tomreynkierrin: ;-) I mean: Just ask an Ubuntu supoport question htere, and maybe then someone will respond. You are also welcome here, though.17:17
kierrinI am glad to meet all of you !17:18
tomreynthanka. 祝你今天愉快!17:20
TabMasherHi all.  I need some software to burn Blu-ray disks.  Can anyone recommend any good software for burning Bluray disks for linux?  Ubuntu in particular.17:26
lnxslckTabMasher: K3B ?17:26
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TabMasherlnxslck: I was thinking of trying that, it's already installed, but have you burned any blu-ray disks successfully?  Or just taking a guess at it?  :)17:31
lnxslcktaking a guess17:32
lnxslckk3b is one of the most complete burning tools17:32
TabMasherlnxslck: Fair enough.  I'll give it a try.17:32
TabMasherthank you for the suggestion.17:32
RandomGuestPersohello. I just installed 18.04 and remove Network Manager as in prior installations (unpredictable/gets in the way). Unfortunately my network interface (wired) is disable on startup. Any idea how to fix it?17:32
lnxslckRandomGuestPerso: enable it through the config file17:33
fructoseAfter an upgrade, my system no longer starts. It just hangs before it would normally display the login screen. How do I fix that?17:33
Jontafructose: What upgrade?17:34
RandomGuestPersolnxslck: is this still /etc/network/interfaces, or do I have to touch netplan now?17:34
fructoseJonta: A Xenial upgrade? I didn't examine it in detail. Can I find detail somehow?17:35
usr123Hello, trying overthewire : http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/bandit13.html. I already tried xxd -r -p which gives unreadable data. Just hints no solutions please17:36
Jontafructose: From what version to what version17:37
fructoseJonta: Yes, how do I find that?17:37
blackflowRandomGuestPerso: it's netplan by default, and, by default, on desktop it configures NM. If you don't want NM, you can configure netplan to use networkd, or just use networkd directly (by removing any config from /etc/netplan/). ifupdown is still available, but deprecated and no longer recommended.17:38
Jontafructose: Hrm, you don't remember which version you ran?17:38
fructoseJonta: As I said, I did not look in detail.17:38
JontaHrmm. How did you upgrade? sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?17:39
lui89usr123, man ssh.17:39
usr123lui89: huh?17:39
fructoseJonta: sudo apt update && sudo apt -f install && sudo apt full-upgrade17:40
lui89usr123, i looked at the solution on the web, you should read the ssh manual.17:40
Jontafructose: What hardware are you running?17:40
fructoseJonta: It's a computer with lots of hardware, can you be more specific?17:41
usr123lui89: Why the ssh manual, I already logged into the server17:41
RandomGuestPersoblackflow: ok, thanks for the info. I gotta run now but will look into netplan later and try to use that. bye!17:41
Jontafructose: Be more general first. Laptop, desktop, server, other?17:42
fructoseJonta: Perhaps if you explained why that was relevant, we could get to the important details more quickly?17:43
lui89usr123, i can't give more info, or I'll spoil it.17:43
usr123lui89: Thanks anyways17:43
Jontafructose: Trying to gather the information possible, since the most relevant seeming seems to be missing17:44
lui89usr123, lmao i read the wrong level. sorry17:44
usr123lui89: Yeah, its level13. No issues :D17:45
fructoseJonta: There is a lot of relevant information. I don't think whether or not the system is a laptop or desktop is at all relevant.17:45
blackflowfructose: can you ctrl+alt+F2 (for example F2) to another tty?17:46
fructoseblackflow: Yes17:46
blackflowfructose: and when you login can you check the xorg log and journal, for clues?17:47
fructoseblackflow: I can look if you want to point me to the right places. I was given messages to check systemctl status gpu-manager.service and systemctl status lightdm.service...17:49
fructoseblackflow: In the gpu-manager.service case, it gives an error message like so: Failed to start Detect the available GPUs17:50
ioriafructose, you can find upgrade details in  /var/log/apt/history.log17:50
fructoseblackflow: The rest is cut off and not visible, but searches suggest the full message is: Failed to start Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes17:50
HelpANoobPleaseHello. I am thinking about installing ubuntu since it's free. However, in case I don't like it, how easy is it possible to restore my computer to blank state with no bootloader or uefi issues?17:52
fructoseioria: There is definitely information about installed packages in there17:52
blackflowfructose: any hints in /var/log/gpu-manager.log?17:52
ioriafructose, check the tail17:53
JontaHelpANoobPlease: You can try a Live-USB first, which doesn't need to change your system at all17:53
lui89usr123, I have read a solution, here is your hint: it's a hexdump and you should revert it to a file. have fun!17:54
fructoseblackflow: Error: can't access /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.0/driver; The device is not bound to any driver. Skipping...; Error : Failed to open /dev/dri; (last error repeats 3 more times)17:54
HelpANoobPleaseJonta: That's what I am using right now. But I need a permanent solution17:54
blackflowfructose: right, so gpu driver issues. which gpu is it?17:54
fructoseblackflow: Software... VirtualBox VM17:55
JontaHelpANoobPlease: Considered dualbooting?17:55
AvanthasHelpANoobPlease: I'd recommend dual-boot17:55
HelpANoobPleaseJonta: No. Can't afford windows and I am afraid of the pirated versions17:55
blackflowfructose: ah, I suppose you just have to rebuild the vbox guest additions. You installed those before, right?17:56
JontaHelpANoobPlease: What are you using now then?17:57
Bashing-omfructose: blackflow : Pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ' we see what the hardware is and IF a driver is loaded .17:57
HelpANoobPleaseJonta: A bootable Ubuntu USB on a blank computer17:57
JontaHelpANoobPlease: Then why don't you just install? :)17:57
fructoseblackflow: Sounds right, though I don't remember "building" anything. How do I rebuild them?17:58
JontaHelpANoobPlease: Ah, bootloader etc17:58
JontaHelpANoobPlease: Shouldn't be a problem17:58
HelpANoobPleaseJonta: Is there any article I can read on bootloading that'll help me understand my issue better?17:59
blackflowfructose: well frankly, I don't know. I see there are many related packages now, I don't know whether you should use those, or mount the additions iso and build from source. I haven't touched VBox in many orbits...17:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:59
blackflowfructose: do you have any installed?   dpkg -l | grep virtualbox18:00
xjkxI have ubuntu, running virtualbox (also ubuntu, guest/host), I really cant use shared folder, I did everything, like add my user to vboxsf group, added from virtualbox to automount, but nothing happens in /media. I ran the guests cd install, but nothing18:00
HelpANoobPleaseJonta: If I uninstall Ubuntu, would GRUB remain there or be replaced with Windows boot?18:00
xjkxOps, I meant I installed vboxaddictions18:01
JontaHelpANoobPlease: There's no way for Windows boot to get on there, without you installing it18:01
fructoseblackflow: Yes, three... doing purge/install now18:01
blackflowfructose: which ones, any -dkms?18:02
fructoseblackflow: Yes, -dkms, -utils, and -x1118:02
blackflowfructose: that's probably your problem then. (re)installing the -dkms one might fix this18:02
fructoseblackflow: Doesn't seem like it...18:03
fructoseblackflow: Yeah, just a black screen until I boot into recovery mode, then I get the same errors.18:04
fructoseblackflow: Also, at one point I was able to do startx as root and that worked fine... just screwed up config files18:05
blackflowfructose: can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?18:05
ioriafructose,  if you used startx with sudo i'd check  the ~/.Xauthority  permissions18:06
blackflowioria: wouldn't ~ be /root/ in that case?18:06
fructoseioria: That's the config file screwup I mentioned... I reset that file18:07
ioriablackflow, did he log in as 'root' ?18:07
ioriafructose,  that's good,it's ok now ?18:08
fructoseioria: No, this problem preceded that.18:08
blackflowioria: good point, sudo won't change $HOME without -i18:08
blackflowfructose: can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?18:08
fructoseblackflow: No easily, but looking into it18:08
blackflowfructose: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999     and paste the URL you get, here18:09
Iarfenis there something similar to OneDrive inside Linux?18:10
JontaIarfen: There are a few options. What are your requirements?18:10
fructoseblackflow: Neat. http://termbin.com/eiby18:10
IarfenJonta: well, what I need is to have a folder (with subfolders, of course) inside the cloud18:10
blackflow!info onedrive18:11
ubottuonedrive (source: onedrive): folder synchronization with OneDrive. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.20170919-2ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 716 kB, installed size 2965 kB18:11
ioriafructose,  that's from recovery,not sure very useful18:11
ioriabut it could18:11
blackflowfructose: "Warning, couldn't open module vboxvideo"18:12
blackflowfructose: now you'll have to figure out which one of those packages deals with the vboxvideo driver18:12
fructoseblackflow: Yeah, I've Googled that error a bit, but nothing to confirm it's the issue. And I reinstalled those packages, if I'm not mistaken.18:15
blackflowfructose: how though? can you try   apt install --reinstall virtualbox-guest-dkms ?18:16
blackflowfructose: you had that one, right?   or virtualbox-guest-dkms-hwe  ?18:16
fructoseblackflow: Yep. I did purge/install, but I'll try --reinstall18:17
fructoseblackflow: Same thing18:19
blackflowfructose: i'm out of ideas then. maybe remove all those virtualbox-guest-* packages, the VM should work without the virtualbox video driver, and having them installed could be causing problems with fallback18:20
blackflowfructose: if I were you, actually, I'd try guest additions the old way. mount the ISO and run the build.18:21
fructoseblackflow: Yeah, that's what I'm trying now. Otherwise I'll probably just do a fresh install.18:22
ubuntu_newbHi everyone! Does anyone know if the initrd.img file is suppose to have cryptsetup if you have an encrypted disk?18:25
blackflowubuntu_newb: yeah, for LUKS18:27
ubuntu_newbshould in not populate automatically on `update-initramfs`? It doesn't seem to be working for me.18:29
fructoseblackflow: No luck. Oh well, thanks for the new pastebin trick18:30
blackflowubuntu_newb: yes but I think it depends on /etc/crypttab existing and being configured.18:30
blackflowfructose: no luck which part, building additions from the ISO?18:30
fructoseblackflow: Installed, restarted, same issue18:30
blackflowfructose: which kernel is that, btw18:31
acuHey I'm running ubuntu 18.04 server with a Gnome desktop and it doesn't let me turn on screen sharing because it lists "No networks selected for sharing" even though I have an internet connection. What should I do?18:31
fructoseblackflow: 4.4.2? I'm giving up for now.18:31
acuI'm using netplan to configure my network18:32
fructoseblackflow: Anyhow, thanks again!18:32
ubuntu_newbblackflow: In my case it is configured but when I run `update-initramfs` i get is "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab for luks-ff8019d4-2dec-43d3-9f1f-ddf329a188e4 -" the line it refers to is "sda3_crypt UUID=ff8019d4-2dec-43d3-9f1f-ddf329a188e4 none luks,discard". seems to be right (and worked for mebefore).)18:33
blackflowubuntu_newb: seems correct, syntax-wise. does UUID=ff80...     partition exist?18:35
blackflowubuntu_newb: is that the only content of crypttab? nothing else? no extraneous hidden control chars or something?18:36
qwerthow do i analyze the var sys log? my drive suddenly got no space,16.04 is just a week old18:36
ubuntu_newbblkid output (trimed): /dev/sda3: UUID="ff8019d4-2dec-43d3-9f1f-ddf329a188e4" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTUUID="04631180-34b0-4aaf-92c5-0306f059f67a" ;; It seems tobe fine the other entry is "cryptswap1 UUID=4c107de3-0c86-4158-9706-56812aa6829b /dev/urandom swap,offset=1024,cipher=aes-xts-plain64"18:37
ubuntu_newbfwi, I am running from a recovery disk and chrooted into the encrypted drive18:39
blackflowubuntu_newb: could you still pastebin the whole crypttab file?18:39
=== mkv is now known as m4v
blackflowacu: is gnome aware of the network? maybe it requires NetworkManager running. Is it running? or, being server, is netplan configuring networkd instead?18:43
ubuntu_newbblackflow: https://pastebin.com/fwTzKxKS18:43
net_tecj networking18:44
blackflowubuntu_newb: no idea what could be wrong, sorry.18:47
ubuntu_newbno problem, thanks18:47
=== amirpro_ is now known as amirpro
acublackflow netplan should be configuring networkd18:51
qwerthow can i recover a 60gb folder back to its location? its orig location didnt create a free space of 60gb.18:52
blackflowqwert: and how did you..... dislocate..... it?18:54
qwertblackflow was trying to free up space..may be it was highlighted accidently using ctrl..18:55
JontaWhat's there in its stead?18:56
blackflowqwert: trying how. what did you do exactly?18:56
qwertblackflow: coz on this drive there are files that are unreadable and since its a new installed system (less than a wk) i decided to delete those unknown file types that have dates before the installation date18:59
EriC^^qwert: how did you delete them?18:59
qwerthighlight.then delete key18:59
blackflowqwert: they're in trash bin. also the reason why deleting them didn't free any space19:00
EriC^^qwert: good, go to /home/e/.local/share/Trash/files19:00
EriC^^sorry /home/<your username>/.local/....19:01
qwerti tried to go to the trash bin and restore it.howcome it says not enough space19:01
samurailink3My wife's desktop is booting to a black screen, it appears to be this issue, so far I have not been able to resolve it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/177311319:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1773113 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) " nvidia-390 does not show GUI" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:01
EriC^^qwert: try to move them manually19:02
qwertEric : manual as in cut paste?19:03
EriC^^qwert: no from a terminal19:03
EriC^^qwert: type "cd ~/.local/share/Trash/files"19:03
EriC^^then "mv <dirname> ~/filesrestored"19:04
EriC^^or better yet use "xdg-open ~/.local/share/Trash/files" then cut and paste them where you want them19:05
qwertayt.the 1st says.cd command not found19:05
qwertxdg-open ~/.local/share/Trash/files19:05
qwertgvfs-open: /home/a/.local/share/Trash/files: error opening location: No application is registered as handling this file19:06
ioriasamurailink3, i'd go with purging nvidia* and use ppa:graphics-drivers (if you really need nvidia proprietary)19:06
samurailink3ioria: Yea, I did that and install nvidia-drive-396, still booting to a black screen19:07
ioriasamurailink3,  any errors in the installation output ?19:08
samurailink3Nope, apt was happy19:08
ioriasamurailink3,  secure boot enabled ?19:08
samurailink3ioria: No, legacy set in bios. This was working before. I think she might have run updates.19:08
ioriasamurailink3,  what video card ?19:09
samurailink3ioria: GTX 760, if I remember correctly.19:09
ioriasamurailink3,  lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D'19:10
shurtagulIm trying to install the sugar desktop on lubuntu 18.40 but i cant find the sucrose package when trying to install.19:10
samurailink3ioria: ... I just forced a reboot and it came up? Now I'm very confused, let me reboot this again (I rebooted about 10 times already today). I need to establish a root cause.19:12
qwertEric^^ tried sudo /home/<username>/.local/share/trash   -- the deleted folder doesnt show19:12
samurailink3ioria: Other than the inevitable root cause of "nvidia idk lol"19:12
ioriasamurailink3,  ok19:12
Jontaqwert: Did new files come in after you deleted this, thereby filling up your drive? What does `df -h` output?19:14
ioriaacu, you eant NM working19:15
samurailink3ioria: Now stuck at a white screen. This is different.19:16
samurailink3and can't ssh to the host19:16
samurailink3forcing another reboot19:16
qwertioria: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/j36NfRGfYm/19:16
qwertdeleted folder orig loc was on sdb119:17
Jontaqwert: The "Avail" column shows how much space is still, yep: Available19:19
JontaCould you temporarily move it to sdc1?19:19
JontaMove off some files from there19:19
JontaPicked that one because it's the largest19:20
qwertJonta: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/j36NfRGfYm/    Did new files come in after you deleted this-- sda2 is filling up fast.19:20
EriC^qwert: look in where sdb1 is mounted under /mountpoint/1000-Trash or something19:21
qwertEric^: Jonta: it all started when var sys log suddenly expanded very fast on its own19:22
Jontaqwert: Can you see what's filling it up?19:23
oerhekslook at the biggest log, maybe it gives a clue19:23
oerheksoh sorry, i am spoiling the support19:23
EriC^what started?19:23
EriC^oh nevermind19:23
JontaNo, no. It's corroborating evidence19:23
ioriaqwert, du -sh /var/log/syslog19:24
qwertEric^ Jonta: i made tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog but i dont understand the output19:24
EriC^qwert: it might be something wrong that repetitive in the logs making it huge19:25
samurailink3ioria: lspci output: nvidia drive in use19:25
EriC^upload it to termbin tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999919:25
ioriasamurailink3, and it's a blank show ?19:25
samurailink3ioria: The past 3 reboots have resulted in black screens, ssh connects, but quickly times out.19:25
qwertlogs got big.so i decided to clean the other drive.then i deleted the wrong folder.. so i have 2 issues now. :(19:25
samurailink3ioria: Yea19:25
ioriasamurailink3, purge it19:26
Jontaqwert: Cleaned?19:27
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
qwerttermbin tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999  ---> termbin : command not found19:28
samurailink3ioria: nvidia-driver-396 purged19:28
Jontaqwert: I'll hazard a guess that this is stressful. But. You've got a handful of people here with some pretty good ideas. Just breathe. And. Follow our instructions. :)19:28
ioriasamurailink3, nope,  sudo apt puthe nvidia*19:28
ioriasamurailink3, nope,  sudo apt purge nvidia*19:28
Jontaqwert: `tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999`19:28
samurailink3ioria: Good god, nvidia left a bunch of stuff around. Purged nvidia*.19:29
qwertJonta:  tnx.been thru this same scene before (log files getting big)19:29
ioriasamurailink3, and occasionally sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:29
EriC^qwert: where you able to restore the deleted dir?19:29
Jontaqwert: We'll get there. Does this latest command work?19:30
EriC^it's for sure in the drive as some <uid>-Trasj dir19:30
EriC^qwert: tail -n 100 .....19:30
qwerthttp://termbin.com/pc0c  is this the expected output?19:30
samurailink3ioria: I luckily don't have an xorg.conf19:30
ioriasamurailink3, reboot19:31
qwertprio to http://termbin.com/pc0c there was http://termbin.com/nonl19:31
JontaI think they're identical19:32
samurailink3ioria: This is strange, my 'reboot' and 'init 6' commands in a root shell are (seemingly) being ignored.19:32
samurailink3ctrl-alt-del doesn't respond either.19:32
Jontaqwert: Now, at 3:15:28, there was a bunch of network activity. Recognise it?19:32
ioriasamurailink3, just 'reboot' ?19:33
samurailink3ioria: Yep, 'reboot' was ignored as well19:33
qwertEric^ no output for tail -n 100  ,i tried this before there was an output19:33
samurailink3ioria: 'shutdown -r' results in 'Failed to connect to bus: no such file or directory'19:34
ioriasamurailink3, ignored , how ? errors ?19:34
qwertJonta: lemee check19:34
oerheks WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! .. and really, firefox-esr ??19:34
samurailink3ioria: No errors, just nothing happening.19:34
ioriasamurailink3,  sudo reboot ?19:34
samurailink3ioria: Still nothing.19:34
samurailink3I can just force it down.19:34
samurailink3Forced reboot19:35
qwertJonta: they look usual19:36
JontaHmm. You do have a bunch of different devices connected. I was a bit surprised that the log didn't show more frequent occurences19:37
JontaAre you sure this is the file that's growing and growing?19:37
qwertoerheks: clamav installation was a challenge.. ur not a fan of esr? i need to use legacy add ons19:38
samurailink3ioria: Still black screen19:38
ioriasamurailink3, cat /proc/cmdline19:38
samurailink3ioria: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.15.0-23-generic root=/dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root ro nomodeset19:38
EriC^qwert: try a sample thats bigger19:39
qwertJonta: var folder is in 50gb already19:39
ioriasamurailink3, why nomodeset ?19:39
samurailink3ioria: That was one of my troubleshooting steps, someone online recommended it.19:39
samurailink3I can remove that.19:40
qwertJonta: sorry i was mixed up with the specifics on which folder or file19:40
samurailink3ioria: How about 'quiet splash'19:40
Jontaqwert: Okay19:40
ioriasamurailink3, cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 999919:40
Jontaqwert: What's the biggest file in that folder?19:40
qwertvar > log : 50.1gb19:40
JontaAnd what's the last one to be updated?19:41
samurailink3ioria: http://termbin.com/9u9f19:41
Jontals -t19:41
qwertim just using disk usage analyzer19:41
JontaSorts by time19:41
samurailink3ioria: Just changed the line back to default19:41
qwertJonta:  And what's the last one to be updated?  -- > is this for me?19:42
ioriasamurailink3, did you run sudo update-grub after the change ?19:42
Jontaqwert: Yes19:42
Jontaqwert: `ls -t`19:42
Jontaqwert: `ls -Sh`19:43
Jontaqwert: That first one sorts by time, the 2nd by size19:43
qwertls -t    : Documents  Desktop  Downloads  Music  Pictures  Public  Templates  Videos  examples.desktop19:44
samurailink3ioria: Will run that one19:44
ioriasamurailink3, ok, then paste again the file19:44
Jontaqwert: You have to be in the directory that's growing. The var folder19:44
qwertls- Sh   -- examples.desktop  Desktop  Documents  Downloads  Music  Pictures  Public  Templates  Videos19:44
qwerti see19:44
samurailink3ioria: V19:44
samurailink3ioria: oops, http://termbin.com/6u3119:44
ioriasamurailink3, it's the same;  remove the comment from  #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""19:45
samurailink3ioria: To add nomodeset back in?19:46
samurailink3ioria: There are two "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" lines19:46
ioriasamurailink3, yep,but the 2° it's commented; sudo update-grub19:47
qwertJonta: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/9sb3nDJKpd/19:47
qwertJonta: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Pd6k2xpvHf/19:48
samurailink3ioria: Commented 1st line, uncommented 2nd, ran 'sudo update-grub'19:48
ioriasamurailink3, nope,the contrary19:48
samurailink3Ah, ok, will reverse19:48
samurailink3ioria: done19:49
ioriasamurailink3, paste it19:49
ioriasamurailink3, do you see this line  #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""  ? remove the '#'19:50
samurailink3ioria: http://termbin.com/qj2m19:50
Jontaqwert: Right, so kern.log.1 is the biggest, and syslog was changed last. I'd like to know how big though: `ls -lt` and `ls -Shl`19:51
ioriasamurailink3, ok,reboot19:51
ioriasamurailink3, are we sure secure boot is disabled in bios ?19:51
samurailink3ioria: I'll check on this next reboot19:52
qwertJonta:  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/6xCfYzGvkQ/19:52
JontaHmm, I *think* we can get rid of… syslog.119:54
qwertJonta: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/xZNhTZ23HT/19:54
JontaHang on19:54
qwertJonta: as long as its not being use by other apps -- i guess19:54
samurailink3ioria: boot mode is Legacy+UEFI19:55
Jontaqwert: Just googling to make sure…19:55
qwertJonta:  saw this before hand https://askubuntu.com/questions/171678/can-i-delete-var-log-files-due-to-low-root-space#17168719:55
ioriasamurailink3, or legacy or efi ... not both :þ19:55
samurailink3ioria: My bios has two options: UEFI or Legacy+UEFI19:56
Jontaqwert: Mhm, but they're smaller than I thought. I was hoping for some 50G files19:56
ioriasamurailink3, what is selected ?19:56
EriC^samurailink3: mokutil --sb-state shows secureboot state19:56
ioriasamurailink3, [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS  will tell19:56
Jontaqwert: What does this give you? `head -1 kern.log.1`19:57
qwertJonta:  orig size of the 16.04 installation was just 20gb+ but now its on 50+ in less than a week19:57
Jontaqwert: Well, that'll be the log files. Nothing to log before it's installed =)19:57
qwertJonta:   [   13.486387]19:58
Jontaqwert: I'm thinking there must be a way to cut down on how mych is kept before splitting it off into a new file19:58
Jontaqwert: kernel has already started a new file, so… what if you deleted kern.log.1? Would that give you enough space on the drive for your 60G? Check with `df -h`19:59
samurailink3ioria: BIOS19:59
samurailink3EriC^: EFI variables are not supported on this system19:59
ioriasamurailink3, ok, still blank ?19:59
samurailink3ioria: XFCE is now running :) But I imagine I'm on the open source driver.19:59
ioriasamurailink3, lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 999920:00
qwertJonta:  hmm.. sorry whats the size of kern.log.1 again? is it safe to delete that?20:00
samurailink3ioria: http://termbin.com/ivn720:01
ioriasamurailink3, is this a joke ? kernel driver in use: nvidia20:01
Jontaqwert: 36G. Pretty sure it's safe, yes. I was just hesitant because of the recent write-to-date20:02
samurailink3ioria: It was just a guess. But it does look like I'm using nvidia. Now the only problem I'm currently experiencing is that the gui is extremely laggy.20:02
ioriasamurailink3, you did purge it .... dude20:02
qwertJonta:  ayt,is that a go.should it land on rubbish bin again?20:02
samurailink3ioria: Yea, I did purge nvidia*20:03
samurailink3ioria: http://termbin.com/78r620:03
ioriasamurailink3, dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999920:03
ioriasamurailink3, dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999920:03
Jontaqwert: `rm kern.log.1`20:03
Jontaqwert: Then `df -h`20:04
samurailink3ioria: Found it, lots of libnvidia and xserver- stuff left20:04
qwertJonta:  on my end its 38.1gb.i thinks its growing20:04
samurailink3ioria: http://termbin.com/zwp220:04
Jontaqwert: Hrmmm. Hang on20:04
qwertJonta:  ayt. not deleted yet20:05
samurailink3ioria: running this "sudo apt-get purge libnvidia* xserver-xorg-video-nvidia*"20:05
samurailink3ioria: rebooting20:05
qwert38.1gb -- kern.log.1 file20:05
Jontaqwert: Do you have KDirStat installed?20:05
qwertJonta:  not that i know of20:06
ioriasamurailink3, have to go, sy... other can be of assistance, gl20:06
qwertKDirStat: command not found20:06
Jonta`sudo apt-get install kdirstat`20:07
qwertJonta:  Unable to locate package kdirstat20:07
Jontaqwert: How about qdirstat?20:08
qwertsame output.20:08
qwertJonta:  Unable to locate package qdirstat20:08
memphistoJonta: filelight ?20:08
Jontamemphisto: Yeah!20:09
Jontaqwert: filelight20:09
Jontamemphisto: Been a while since I've used actual Linux20:09
qwertJonta:  proceed with filelight installation?20:11
Jontaqwert: Yes20:12
ToaderasHi everyone20:14
JontaToaderas: Hi20:14
qwertJonta:  done :)20:14
doubtfuleasy way to convert html to pdf in ubuntu?20:14
Jontaqwert: Run it20:14
ToaderasI got a decent system after 10 years and literally Gnome in latest version of Ubuntu is a true pleasure20:14
qwertpiegraphs.lots of it20:14
JontaToaderas: :D20:14
Jontadoubtful: Does the HTML come from somewhere else, like Latex?20:15
Jontaqwert: Any surprisingly large files?20:15
ToaderasIf there is any community manager hear listening though, we need the old notification way of unity dock to work with hexchat and other irc clients in Gnome :/20:15
Toaderashere *20:15
ToaderasIt is the only annoying part20:16
JontaToaderas: "Old notification way"?20:16
memphistoswitch irc client20:16
JontaToaderas: And, what about just installing Unity?20:16
Toaderasmemphisto: I tried all of them, do you know anyone that works ?20:17
memphistoi'm on kubutnu and use thunderbird as irc client and when someone writes me i get notification plasma20:17
memphistodon't know ubutnu, on kubuntu it works, i'm kde user20:17
JontaTIL: Thunderbird supports IRC20:17
ToaderasJonta: Well, the way to move forward is Gnome, I can't go backwards just to polish my experience20:17
qwertfrom 38 to 35.1gb -- kern.log.1 file.. shrinking?20:18
Jontaqwert: Hm. Maybe older parts being deleted by time, or sectioned off into kern.log.2. Did you find any surprisingly large files?20:19
qwerthmm.the usual log file20:20
memphistoqwert: what is it that you are looking for?20:20
qwertBTW i havenot deleted it yet20:20
Jontamemphisto: Deleted a file, now there's no room to restore it20:20
qwertmemphisto: freedom from errors :D20:22
memphistomaybe look the access time stamp20:22
memphistowhats changing the last and sort by size20:22
ToaderasAnybody on Ubuntu 18 and gnome ? How can you cope without IRC client icon highlight with new messages ? :/20:22
Jontamemphisto: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/6xCfYzGvkQ/ - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/xZNhTZ23HT/20:23
Jonta!repeat | Toaderas20:23
ubottuToaderas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:23
ToaderasI am not repeating my question, this is a new question20:23
ToaderasAnd I don't feel ignored :)20:23
qwertBTW i havenot deleted it yet -- the 38gb file is still not removed20:23
doubtfulJonta, it is just this page https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/20:23
Jontadoubtful: Hm? I remember your name, but not the issue20:24
memphistoqwert: so file was in /var/log ?20:24
qwertmemphisto: yes20:24
JontaToaderas: Have you considered an audible beep?20:24
memphistoare you using linux mint ?20:24
memphistowhat was the file name?20:25
ToaderasJonta: No the issue is not when the message arrives, the issue is when I go afk or focus on something else and then I don't know if I got a new message without opening hexchat20:25
qwertmemphisto:  16.04.4 xenial ..20:25
qwertkern.log.1 file20:25
doubtfulJonta, I wanted to convert this to pdf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ Solutions I tried in ubuntu so far didn't work to the extent of a good rendered color copy.20:26
Basharwhat would be the best way to shrink ubuntu parition and increase windows partition? possible to be done using GParted?20:26
Jontadoubtful: Ah, rigt20:26
ToaderasIt is a true downgrade from Unity and it's sad because it seems like an easy thing to be sorted out20:26
JontaBashar: Yes. Should be20:26
memphistoqwert: why do you need it ?20:26
Jontadoubtful: If it's just a one-off: Did you try something like http://html2pdf.com/ ?20:27
qwertmemphisto: jonta and i were trying to delete it. to give way to file restoration from rubbish bin20:27
qwertmemphisto: aside that its growing fast20:28
Jontaqwert: What does `df -h` tell you now? How much room would we create if we deleted that kern.log.1?20:28
qwert35-38gb free spacce20:28
JontaPlus how much available space?20:28
memphistodo tailf /var/log/kern.log.1 just to see whats writing to it. rm -rf /var/log/kern.log.1 isn't working ?20:29
BasharJonta: Thanks20:29
tomreynmemphisto: doesn't need -r20:29
tomreynprobably not -f20:29
JontaHaven't tried removing it yet20:30
memphistoits just habbit20:30
Bashardo i need to defrag first to avoid data loss?20:30
tomreynmemphisto: bad habit ;)20:30
Basharrunning SSD (old guy of HDD days we used to defrag)20:30
memphistotrue again20:30
JontaBashar: Nah20:30
qwertJonta:  freespace on ubuntu partition is 7.6gb while the other drive involve is 19gb20:30
Jontaqwert: And that… sdc2 drive? The biggest one we found? Is that available for a temporary transfer?20:31
BasharJonta: do i need to boot using livesd to resize the laptop partition? or i can resize the partition while working from it?20:31
JontaBashar: Hrm, I only think of GParted in the first sense. Using a Live-CD/USB20:32
tomreynif you really want to keep kern.log.*1* (why?), gzip it, possibly move it to a different FS, too.20:32
Jontadoubtful: Googling "PEP 8 PDF" gives a bunch of hits too20:33
qwertJonta: its reserved for something else.but i can use it temporarily till the file size exploding get fix20:33
Jontaqwert: Sounds good. Go ahead20:34
qwerttomreyn: im not interested in keeping it.got no use for it or dont know how to use it anyways20:34
qwertJonta: proceed with deletion ?20:34
JontaSure thing. And the temporary storage on sdc2 or whatever it was20:35
qwertJonta: sounds like the file will be restored to different partitions ?20:35
qwertfrom rubbish to 2 partitions? VS from rubbish to orig location ?20:36
Jontaqwert: Make enough room in 1 place to restore it there20:36
Jonta*move it there20:36
skinuxWhat's the difference between apt-get and apt? I thought apt-get was just a front-end for aptitude...20:37
memphistoqwert:why is kern.log.1 growing ? lsof /var/log/kern.log.1....do you get any output20:37
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)20:37
Jontaskinux: APT is the program, apt-get is… a more specific command. It's a bit confusing. apt-cache search packagename is under the same umbrella20:38
* Jonta doesn't know20:38
memphistoskinux: https://itsfoss.com/apt-vs-apt-get-difference/20:38
Basharusing the instructions at https://askubuntu.com/questions/39105/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-from-an-iso-image to upgrade ubuntu using mountable iso image, is it possibl eto jump from 16.04 to 18.04? or i need to move one by one?20:40
JontaBashar: They're both LTS, so that should be possible20:41
memphistoBashar: why in a hurry to go 18.04?20:41
Basharmemphisto: opened this laptop and found its 16.04 (my kid's laptop) and thought of upgrading it to latest since i'm here20:42
Basharnot good idea?20:42
memphistono, but 16.04 is LTS20:43
memphistono need20:43
doubtfulJonta, thanks :)20:43
memphistoplus i like to wait until 18.04.1 comes out20:43
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.20:43
memphistolike service packs on windws, you know they don't get it from first time20:43
qwertmemphisto: oops i deleted it already20:44
memphistoqwert: np, at least you'll have some space now20:45
qwertmemphisto: i think i uploaded it to one of the pastebin while fixing it with jonta20:45
qwertdeletion is a quick fix.. it will grow back again in size in few days time :(20:46
JontaThat's okay, we're just trying to get that 60G file you deleted first now20:47
qwertJonta: tnx for the assistance :)20:48
JontaGlad I could help :)20:48
qwertJonta:  where u able to peek whats causing the abnormal growth of syslogs?20:49
Jontaqwert: No. I suggest going through more of them. It's all in "plain English", and the terms you don't understand, are very googlable20:50
tebuGod day, a;;!20:52
tebuGood day, all!20:52
Jontatekk: Good day20:55
memphistoqwert: please check you syslog , cause its huge...you might facing some issues that are logged there20:57
lucas-arghello all im trying to connect my hp 1102 printer to my netwrok in previous ubuntus version i could set my wireless adapter to ad hoc and connect to the network printer easly and now with 18.04 i cant change that.... so cant setup my printer in my network... dont know how to do this20:58
qwertmemphisto:  looking20:59
qwertmemphisto: can u suggest a filter ?21:00
memphistofail, warn, err21:01
memphistolook for something out of ordinary21:01
memphistoqwert: try fail, warn, err21:03
memphistolucas-arg: can't you use network manger to create again ad hoc wifi  ? i don't get how your home network looks like21:04
memphistois the printer hp 1102 wireless printer ?21:04
qwertmemphisto: it has gazilion of lines. :(21:05
lucas-argmemphisto, yes21:05
memphistoqwert: do tailf /var/log/kern.log and watch for out of ordinary21:06
lucas-argmemphisto, the printer has a network name and i can see it, just cant connect to it21:06
memphistoqwert: i'm not native enlish speaker , what does ayt mean?21:07
Jonta"aight" - "alright"21:07
qwertmemphisto: sorry its short for alright21:07
Jontaqwert: You *could* sort it. To see what the most common occurrences are. But you'll probably have to chop off the timestamp first21:07
Jontaqwert: Does tailf show any growth?21:07
TimzGood Evening21:08
qwerti see21:08
JontaTimz: 'lo21:08
memphistolucas-arg: run hp-setup21:08
memphistoi think youll need to be root21:09
qwertJonta: from the terminal it stopped after the 9th line.if thats what u meant21:09
Jontatailf will print out the last 10 lines of a file and then wait for the file to grow." - https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix_commands/tailf.htm21:10
TimzSorry i'm in Alaska, and the weather here makes it disorienting, i just flew in a few hours ago. Anyway i'm having problems with xorg in ubuntu 17.10 and can't get into my desktop21:10
Jontaqwert: Just making sure, before embarking on most common occurrences and stuff: Is the 60G file safe?21:11
TimzI'm stuck in terminal... Has anyone got any tips?21:11
galileopyHello everyone, I have just recently swapped drives from my old laptop, (display is dead, replacement not arriving soon enough), luckily my Ubuntu installation (old drive old ubuntu installation, in new laptop) seems fine, but it needs to "forget" the old wireless/network drivers. Booting from the liveCD on the same laptop works great, how can I fix my Ubuntu wireless drive installation, from the live cd?21:11
qwertJonta:  tnx for the link.. its still in the rubbish bin.. still freeing up space for it.21:12
memphistogalileopy, blacklist the old drivers21:14
Jontagalileopy: Looked at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections ?21:14
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JontaOh, drivers. Nevermind21:14
galileopy@Jonta will do,21:14
Timz@galileopy if you have the specific linux drivers for your wireless card on usb, you can boot normally into your ubuntu os. Install the drivers and your wireless functionality should work just fine21:15
Jontagalileopy: No, no. I thought you meant WiFi-networks21:15
qwertis ubuntu ok with two usb wifi adapters plug at the same time?21:15
galileopywell, i don't have any drivers, the one tha come with the liveCD work just fine, I'll try what @memphisto says, blacklisting the old drivers sound like a good choice21:16
qwertTimz:  tnx21:16
Timzyou're welcome qwert21:16
galileopyapparently I'm missing a lot of 's'es21:16
memphistoTimz: you have looked through /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:17
Timzwill do21:17
memphistoTimz: recently upgraded ?21:17
TimzI used to be able to boot normally21:17
memphistogalileopy: blacklist old ones, and install new driver (check whats loaded in liveCD)21:18
galileopyHow do I check what the old drivers are?21:18
memphistogalileopy: first check what you have now21:18
memphistoin liveCD environment21:19
memphistolspci |grep -i net to see what adapters you have21:19
galileopysudo lshw -C network ->> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RRbw9spPP8/21:19
galileopy01:00.1 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 12), 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Device 24fb (rev 10)21:20
galileopythat does look like the same output from the installation, however lspci does list different results.21:20
memphistocould you do lspci -s 02:00.0 -k21:21
galileopyI'm missint this module on the installation ->> iwlwifi21:23
john_ramboIs Bionic Backports enabled by default ? on 18.04 ?21:24
galileopyI remeber it saying nothing about wifi, wireless, wlan, or any of the sorts.21:24
memphistowhats the ubuntu version you are using21:24
galileopyI'm waiting until docker support works before migrating to 18.04, :(21:25
memphistogalileopy: so ....what's the kernel version you are using21:26
memphistocan you install 4.13 ?21:26
galileopyI guess I could, it looks like I have 4.421:27
memphistoplease do so, as drivers that you are looking for are only available in 4.10 and later21:28
memphistoon ubuntu21:28
Timz@memphisto i looked through the Xorg.0.log and everything seems fine.21:28
memphistoTimz: no EE's or WW21:29
galileopyOk, will do21:29
memphistoso X is working21:29
memphistodo you have gdm ?21:30
memphistoor what ever login screen21:30
Timzi do21:30
TimzWhen i type21:30
Timzstartx in root shell21:31
TimzI get mouse cursor in center of screen21:31
ToaderasI love you, all of you. I love our FOSS communities. They give me a reason to wake up in excitement.21:31
memphistocan you log in with user/pass21:31
Timzno the screen goes blank and i get kicked back into shell21:32
memphistosystemctl set-default graphical.target21:32
memphistothat will put graphical as default so you don't have to startx manually21:32
memphistoreboot and try again21:32
TimzI have lxde installed as well21:32
memphistoif fails look the .xsession-errors of the user you are trying to login21:33
memphistoreboot ins't necessary but its easier that way :)21:33
memphistoToaderas: donate21:34
TimzI did that as root. Should i have been normal user?21:34
memphistofrist to the cmd previosly written, reboot and log in as regular user21:35
JontaToaderas: ^^21:35
Timzok cool21:35
TimzI entered reboot now command, and now i've got "A stop job is running for Advanced key-value store (1min 20s / no limit)21:38
Roeyhi, anyone here using Ubuntu?   running "modprobe nvidia" gives me: modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-23-generic.  Before this, I ran the command apt-get install nvidia-390.  What gives?  I'm trying to figure out why the nvidia-390 package did not lay down an nvidia.ko under /lib/modules for this current kernel like it did for other kernels21:38
Timzshould i forcibly restart?21:38
Toaderasmemphisto: I donate way more than you can imagine, both in terms of code contribution and project donations but mostly the former21:39
memphistoTimz: you'll have to wait21:39
memphistodon't know that service; maybe you can disable it21:40
skinuxWell, I reinstalled Ubuntu using 18.04. I have to use the 2nd previous kernel to boot and I still cannot use Ubuntu Studio or Xfce DEs. Even though they were not present immediately after reinstallation.21:40
memphistoToaderas: glad to hear that21:40
Timz@memphisto I have several Failed to start Show Plymouth reboot screen error messages. Should i be alarmed???21:41
memphistoTimz: plymouth is the fancy screen while you boot21:42
TimzWhy is Ubuntu 17.10 LTS such a pain in the ass21:42
memphistocause 17.10 isn't LTS21:43
TimzIf only I'd known21:44
memphistonothing to worry. go with this https://itsfoss.com/upgrade-ubuntu-version/21:45
TimzIs there any way of backing up my installed programs in ubuntu, and migrating to a fresh ubuntu 18?21:45
memphistoyou could upgrade - thats the link i sent you21:45
cw_the_developerQuick question y'all I've been gone awhile what is the best IM program for budgie now?21:46
ethan_Timz https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81939621:47
memphistobudgie uses hexchat21:47
cw_the_developerI'm on hexchat now but I was referring to my IMs21:47
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Timzmy network manager isn't working, is there anyway of changing it in terminal?21:48
TimzI've got no wifi access21:48
memphistoTimz: So you were able to log in in graphical env?21:48
galileopy@memphisto, just installed 4.13.0-45-generic, is there anything else I should do? or should I just reboot and see what happens?21:49
memphistogalileopy: restart and lets see21:49
memphistocw_the_developer: sorry im sleepy; IM ....well pidgin21:49
galileopythanks a lot, will come back soon21:49
cw_the_developerI guess I'll try that.  Thanks memphisto, I appreciate that21:50
memphistocw_the_developer: well i use it cause it has sipe plugin; but it does support lots of other protocols21:51
memphistonot the prettiest thing you saw21:52
memphisto*you've seen21:52
mikialAre there any logs that I can check for a failed ubuntu install? I see some kind of hardware errors when trying to install/demo 16 or 18 but it scrolls by too fast to read21:53
memphistomikial: installer is running in livecd so try regular log files in /var/log21:56
memphistosyslog. there should be /var/log/installer log too21:56
galileopyit didn't work,21:56
galileopyI guess I'll go with a fresh install, probably docker will fix its issues with 18.04 soon enough21:58
aroonibest way to resolve: /dev/sda1            28G   26G  433M  99% / ;; ubuntu 18.0421:58
galileopy@arooni, find out what's using so much space?22:00
aroonihow should i do that22:00
mikialthanks memphisto22:01
galileopy@arooni sudo du -sh /*22:03
arooniguitar pro is huge at 2g or something; can i just sudo rm /opt/GuitarPro22:05
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tomreynarooni: whether you can? yes. whether it's a good idea? depends. how was it installed?22:06
arooniif i remember correctly it was a deb file22:06
tomreyn2 GB doesn't really count as big nowadays.22:06
tomreynwell if it was installed as a deb, then remove or purge the deb instead.22:07
arooniso it wasnt from a repository22:07
arooniso do i need the original deb file to unisntall22:07
tomreyndpkg -l '*guitar*hero*'   # should tell you the package name22:08
raidghostIve been told that libvirt does not work on the same 10.0.0.X/24 subnet i use. So it has to make itself a subnet on its own. Is this true? or can i tell libvirt to pico ip-adresses for my VM from my routers dhcp pool ?22:08
tomreynarooni: once you know the PACKAGENAME, you: sudo dpkg --purge PACKAGENAME    # or just --remove if youwant to keep its configurations.22:09
arooniunfortuantely i dont see it listed :(22:10
tomreynraidghost: the network configuration you are discussing is bridging. https://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Networking#Debian.2FUbuntu_Bridging22:10
tomreynarooni: you can also run this: dpkg -S /opt/GuitarPro22:11
tomreynshould also tell you the package name in the first column, if one is known22:11
aroonidpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /opt/GuitarPro622:12
arooniso is it safe to just blow thru the directory22:12
tomreynso it's not from a deb22:12
tomreynno idea, i didnt install it, don't know how it was installed. removing it won't harm dpkg / apt, though, that's good to know.22:13
arooniok so i can blow away the /opt/GuitarPro22:14
aroonii just wonder if there's any missing libs or something22:14
Tim777zi think my ubuntu is a bit doomed22:16
Tim777znetwork manager isn't detecting my wireless usb adapter22:16
oerheksarooni, may guides show hoto install those missing :i386 libs .. but it is commercial stuff, guitarpro6.. nothing wrong with tuxguitar :-P22:16
aroonioerheks: i dont think it works for ubuntu 18.04 though22:17
aroonioerheks: i did have it working for 16.0422:17
aroonioerheks: and i just started using tuxguitar and musescore22:17
oerheksah oke, i play around with lmms and ardour and keyboard22:18
aroonimy /var/log is 3G22:19
arooniseemes exessive22:19
Tim777zI guess i'll have to backup what i can and start completely a fresh with 18.04 but is it stable?22:19
core7are there any steps to take when creating guest users on an ubuntu box -pertaining to security?22:19
Tim777zWhy is picking a stable ubuntu version so difficult? :(22:20
oerheks18.04 is LTS , so it aims to be stable22:21
oerhekselse go back to 16.04 lts22:21
Tim777zOh my God... 16.04?22:22
tomreynTim777z: what is the problem you're trying to solve there?22:22
tomreynTim777z: is it only about the wireless adapter or is there any other issue?22:23
Tim777zI was force upgraded to 17.10 from 16.0422:23
tomreynthere's no such thing as a forced upgrade.22:23
tomreynunless you're not the admin of this system and the admin forced it upon you, the / a user22:24
tomreynstill, this does not explain which issue you're trying to solve.22:25
Tim777zoh sorry by forced i mean i had to upgrade everything when i installed a package for a program... everything worked fine for a while but now im stuck in terminal22:25
Tim777zAnyway i give up. Nothing is working properly. I'm going to just have to start from scratch22:27
tomreynso you installed some out of release package (you should never do this) which introduced dependencies on other package versions which were only available in the release this package was made for.22:27
tomreyninstalling a package not made for your ubuntu verison is a bad thing to do. remember this for next time, and, yes, reinstall.22:28
tomreyntake backups first.22:28
tomreynTim777z: <tomreyn> so you installed some out of release package (you should never do this) which introduced dependencies on other package versions which were only available in the release this package was made for. installing a package not made for your ubuntu verison is a bad thing to do. remember this for next time, and, yes, reinstall. but create a backup first.22:30
Tim777z@tomreyn thanks. i realize my mistake now. I installed kali-linux pentest tools and this triggered a release upgrade and confused my poor system because now it says Kali-rolling/GNU linux instead of ubuntu 17.10 in the terminal login screen22:34
arooniis 28G big enough for a / partition?22:35
c0t0d0s0arooni: yes22:38
c0t0d0s0there are many different ubuntu releases but even with lots, lots of packages, / never exceeded ~24GB22:39
oerheksTim777z, lolz .. now you run kali as root, right?22:39
c0t0d0s0(as long as you put your $HOME somewhere else on another partition)22:39
tomreynTim777z: I'm glad you see it as a learning experience and don't blame it on Ubuntu. If unsure what is safe to mix and what not, just come by here and ask, folks around here are happy to help.22:42
RoadRunnerif installing an app requires updating some packages, how do I know that will not break some other apps?22:43
c0t0d0s0RoadRunner: Trick is to look at packages that will be removed IF you're installing the new app, usually it says "0 to remove" which tells you it won't break another app22:45
c0t0d0s0Also now there is a concept of snap which isolate an app so it shouldn't break anything else22:47
RoadRunnervery few of my current apps are snaps; in the traditional scenario, can two versions of the same package co-exist on the system simultaneously (for needs of diff apps) and if so are they somehow insulated from each other?22:50
c0t0d0s0usually no, the package-manager will "force you" to use one or the other. That said, it's possible to unpack the deb but you should really know what you're doing, you could break things, especially if you copy files around23:00
c0t0d0s0maybe if you explain a bit more what you're trying to accomplish23:01
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RoadRunnerI would like to compile pidgin 2.13.0; advice on pidgin's site is to use "sudo apt build-dep pidgin" to grab all the dependencies but, as I understand it, apt can only grab what's in repos and the latest pidgin ver in ubuntu's repository (for 16.04) is 2.10.12 and in a ppa - 2.12.0. So the dependencies that I need for 2.13.0 are likely abscent from both of these sources.23:14
c0t0d0s0I see, but sometimes the deps are the same so try what they recommend, then do a ldd./pidgin |grep -i not23:17
c0t0d0s0ldd ./pidgin |grep -i not23:18
c0t0d0s0it will show you if deps are missing and which ones23:18
oerhekshttps://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Dependencies or here a ppa.. and dependency you need list .. https://www.askmetutorials.com/2018/03/install-pidgin-2130-in-ubuntu-1604.html23:20
oerheksppa gives 2.12 for trusty https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/backports?field.series_filter=xenial23:21
c0t0d0s0...so you should be fine with these -> sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libglade2-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev libfarstream-0.1-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libidn11-dev libmeanwhile-dev tk8.4-dev23:22
oerheksand if you have fun, publish it on your own ppa back for other trusty users you can videochat with23:24
oerheksor xenial, bloep23:24
RoadRunneroerheks: c0t0d0s0: thank you :) actually I've already been on these sources and already installed 2.12 from that exact ppa23:25
RoadRunnerunfortunately it is 2.12 not 2.1323:25
oerheksoke, when you wan to start building, remove/purge that ppa. clean.23:25
RoadRunnerI mean why not build and install over older version?23:27
oerheksi would not risc any issue, especially when it is a ppa. *if* build right, then there should no conflict pop up23:28
oerheksclean environment is the best start, imho23:29
circ-user-XcK35anyone got ubuntu on hp omen 15 working??23:30
BasharHello, I managed ro make ubuntu partition smaller from GParted (booted from livecd/usb stick) but i'm unable to add this free space to the windows ntfs partition, i can only create newer one, its not possible to enlarge an existing partition?23:31
oerhekscirc-user-XcK35, you were here yesterday too, what was your issue, wireless ?23:32
BasharJonta: can't expand ntfs partition?23:34
RoadRunnerc0t0d0s0: I understand your advice but if I should get unlucky and there is a dependency diff for the latest pidgin version, how would "ldd ./pidgin |grep -i not" know if deps are missing if the version in repo -that it will use for refference- is not the latest?23:35
RoadRunneroerheks: clean environment sounds like a good advice, but would purge not delete my profile (buddies, accounts, etc)?23:36
oerheksaren't they stored on the server?23:37
RoadRunnerI am sure servers have info for users' accounts but pidgin profile sits in .purple directory in /home/user23:40
RoadRunnerI don't know if purge would touch it or not23:41
Tim777zI installed katoolin and used katoolin.py to kali linux source repositories to ubuntu23:42
krytarikRoadRunner: No, it won't.23:42
RoadRunnerkrytarik: thank you :)23:44
oerheksTim777z,  then you have a fine pentesting system, have fun .. or do a fresh install23:44
oerheks--purge does not touch home indeed23:45
RoadRunnerguys, I am always impressed with great help newbies like me can get here. I wonder if everyone answering here are volunteers or are some paid by canonical to help newcomers?23:46
circ-user-XcK35again... ubuntu not working on hp omen 15.,, any advices??23:46
Tim777zIt used to be a great pentest machine but no its Conked... keep getting "FAIL error unable to load plymouth login screen"23:47
Tim777zGoing to have to start afresh23:47
oerheksnobody here is going to help fix that, kali issus23:48
krytarikRoadRunner: Yeah, none of the supporters are paid to do it.23:48
RoadRunnerkrytarik: that's awesome!23:49
oerhekswe get paid in cookies23:50
oerheks!cookie | krytarik23:50
ubottukrytarik: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:50
krytarik!cookie | oerheks: And one for you too!23:50
ubottuoerheks: And one for you too!: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:50
mouswait are cooking being handed out?23:50
krytarikNot willy nilly, noope.23:51
mousI was not informed and wish to file a greivence OR get a cookie23:51
c0t0d0s0sudo apt install -y cookies > /dev/mouth23:51
blackflowthat doesn't make sense.23:51
blackflowapt doesn't install to stdout. if you wanna nerd this, nerd it properly :)23:52
c0t0d0s0meh doesn't matter, still funny23:52
Biessiecan someone help me out with this error on sudo apt update & sudo apt install error? -- usr/bin/mandb: /usr/lib/man-db/manconv -f UTF-8:ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8//IGNORE -q: Segmentation fault (core dumped)23:52
oerhekssudo apt install error .. i am going to try that23:53
circ-user-TL7ieubuntu always freezing when i want to restart / shutdown on hp omen.. any advices?23:53
c0t0d0s0anyone else noticed steam on linux getting better and better?23:54
oerheksc0t0d0s0, there is still no unbug report feature :-(23:54
BiessieCan anyone help me with this? --> https://pastebin.com/raw/QiRrM04123:55
Biessiecould it be because im mounted to a windows 10 partition?23:56
oerheksBiessie, you started that you were trying to install <something> , care to share what you are doing ?23:58
Biessieoerheks : all i did was run sudo apt update23:59
Biessieand sudo apt install23:59
BiessieJust a basic update23:59

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